Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Oct 1941, p. 4

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i soh, a few days last week. Q has secured employment. 1 tunate for the town that such a move ; { home. . |" illness of Mr. William Tipp. and Mrs. George Schell, of Loi have moved to their property i sn Cochrane street, Mr. Schell having secured employment with F. E. Reesor Ye Son. They are accompanied by Mrs, Pettit, Mrs. Schell's mother. ® Mrs. T. W. McLean, of Victorls B.C., was the guest of Mrs. N. Wilkin- Mr, Gordon Howard, of Toronto, is spending a week with his mother Mrs. A E. Howard. Mr, and Mis. Marry Nasmith ave visiting their son Mr. Dugald Nasmith § Mrs. Nasmith, in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Brampton, are the guests of Mrs. FE. A. Walker MOVED TO OSHAWA Mr. and Mrs, Thos. J. Blight have . moved to Oshawa, where Mr. Blight Mr. and | Mrs, Blight have been good citizens here for many years and it is unfor- © WAS necessary. We wish for them prosperity and happiness in thelr new We are sorry to report the serious o> -- Farewell Party A farewell party in honour of Miss Evelyn Alexander was held at the home of Mr. John Harris in Oshawa, on the evening of September 30th. Members 'of the staff of the firm of Harris, Haris & Wallace, and a number of associate friends were present. SY rad OSHAWA Air Conditioned Prous - nn FREE Vaibing Friday and Saturday, WALLACE BEERY, 3 in the role of that "of " ¥ by] Barnacle Bull". Marjorie Main and Donald Meek '@® REVIVAL Anna Neagle "IRENE" Alan Marshall Ray Milland i MONDAY for four days-- LIFE BEGINS FOR Andy Hardy Mickey Rooney Lewis Stone Judy Garland ; --yes--you're Ann Rutherford vight--the - - Patricia. Dane BEST 'Hardy' film yet-- NEXT Friday and Saturday EDWARD G. ROBINSON MARLENE DIETRICH GEORGE. RAFT in Man Power Mr. John Harris was Sak for the company in expressing the goodwill and appreciation of the firm "and assembled guests for the many years of faithful service by Miss Alexander. And there were hearty good wishes for the future happiness "of the guest of honour as she enters a new life work. As na token of good will Miss Alex- ander was presented with a pair of fine woollen blankets by the firm and - staff, RETIRED .ON PENSION: Mr. H.' M. Black; for many years local manager of the Bell Telephone Company, has been retired on pension. He is succeeded by Mr. J. A. Cross, who has been Unit Manager in_Lon- . don, and who has been transferred to Oshawa. Mr. Black has been an efficient and _ highly esteemed officer of the' Com- pany; and the Bell System in this district has prospered and grown un- der his management, We wish him a happy retirement. High School Notes Ad» Optima By D. H. Nasmith executive of the High School Literary Soclety was held. The president, Doris MacGregor, Avho was in charge of ¥the meeting, brought before the "executive several important items which concern the activities of the Society during October. One of these is the Literary program which is to be presented by the pupils of Grade XIII on October 17th, The" entertainment will be a one act comedy, entitled "Uncle Bob's Bride." The public is cordially invited to come to the High School at three o'clock to see what promises to be an excellent perform- -ance. The other important item in the October business is the Hallowe'en Party which is to be held on October 24th and to which all pupils and ex- 1 pupils are invited. Now to turn to the athletic field, as I stated in my High School Notes two weeks ago, the girls were. hoping to s organize their Athletic Society. Sev- -eral days ago their new secretary in- _ formed me that on October 6th, the ~ High School girls had held a meeting "and the officers for the current year were elected. This year the girls have been divided into two groups, seniors and juniors. The new officers of the Girls' Athletic Society are: Joyce Beare, senior captain; Irene Mulligan, vice captain; Francis Steele, junior captain, Edna Gauld, vice captain; Bs Marion Franklin, secretary and Lola Gerrow, treasurer, _ Also in respect to sports, it has been decided that the High School will "h 1d a series of athletic competitions Blace of the sports' day which was eld during one afternoon in past .On October 2nd a meeting of the|~ i | Death Calls Mr. R. Prentice | The Late Mr. Robert Prentice lived for many years in Port Perry and passed away on 27th 'September, 1941; The aged gentleman was sick for about six weeks, but had not known illness all through his long life of, nearly 88 years. The deceased was | born in the Township of Reach and about sixty 'years ago he married Miss Janet Cherry who has been his de- voted companion, He farmed for many years in Reach Township and also on Scugog Island, and: wherever he made his home he won the highest respect of all. He leaves a sorrowing widow and four sons to mourn his Joss. 'Mr. Prentice was a member of the' United Church of Canada. The remains were laid to rest in service was conducted by his minister, Rev. Jos. Denny, on Sept. 20th. The. sympathy of the whole com- munity goes out at this time to the family of this respected citizen. to o> BOY SCOUT NEWS The Scouts are holding an Apple Day on Saturday, October 11th, to raise funds for the Troop. All Scouts' who do national war work will receive National War Ser- vice badges to be worn on the uni- form, At last week's meeting, the Scouts moved into new quarters, at the armouries, in the rear of the Post Office, There will be. a meeting as usual, Friday eyening at 7.30. -- ar > D> -- THANK OFFERING OF THE" WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY of St. John's Presbyterian - Church. held at the church on Thursday, Oct. 16th, at 3 pm, Mrs, (Rev.) Lewis Williams, of Uxbridge, is to be' the guest speaker. All the ladies of" the congregation are invited to be present. edo MAKING SPLENDID RECOVERY His many friends will be pleased to see Mr. Walter Cook out again after his illness. Walter hopes to be back to business again Saturday to serve his customers and friends, The busi- ness has: been closed for two weeks from his Shiortiiate fall IE Pine Grove Cemetery and the funeral Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, assisted by the! The Thank Offering meeting will be g ag RX / GERMAN PRISONERS IN WESTERN DESERT. Many German and Italian prisoners were captured in the recent - battle which Desert. took place in the Sollum area in" the Western These three German prisoners look-very dejected after their capture. BORN Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Smallman (nee Rachel Jeffrey) are happy to announce the gift of 'a daughter, on October 6th, at Oakwood Private Hospital, Toronto. ot Blaze at MeDonald Garage Fire broke out in the garage of Mec- Donald Motors "at three' o'clock' on Sunday morning last. While not-much of the building was was damaged, water and fire made a bad mess in' the accessories room where the fire started. The whole of this department was rendered useless. It will be a real jab to clean it all up. There was some insurance. It is thought that the fire started through defective wiring. The' "CHRISTIE FARM TO RENT, ~ 100 acres, lot 6, con, b, Reach, Utica village. Possession 1st March, © 1942, can plow at once. Apply to "A. Christie, R.R.4 Uxbridge. 1 ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNS The Assessment "Roll of the Cor- poration of the Village of Port Perry for 1941 upon which the taxes for 1942 willbe levied, has been returned to me} and any appeals against the as- sessment thereon must be made to me in writing on or before Oct. 14, 1941, G. F. MANNING, Clerk, Village of Port Perry Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1941. -- GIRL WANTED Girl or woman wanted for house- work on farm. Every other week-end free, and every Sunday. Apply at Star Office. ---- Grapefruit and CONCENTRATED SUPER 'SUDS pkg 23c ODEX - Toilet Soap - 2 for 13¢c PALMOLIVE--REGULAR BAR | TOILET SOAP - PRINCESS--LARGE PACKAGE SOAP FLAKES - DOMINO ~TEA - 1 1b. 40c ALYMER GOLDEN NBANTAM--16 OZ. CORN : 2 for 23c LYNN VALLEY--16 OZ. TIN PEAS - - 10¢ ALYMER. CHOICE--26. OZ. TIN TOMATOES = 2 for 25¢ bc 25¢ i Marmalade Orange--32 oz Jar. SHERRIFF'S ~ Jelly Powders - +2 for13¢c SHERRIFF'S 'Fancy Free - © 3 ror 25¢ SHERRIFF'S LUSHUS Jelly Powders 3 for SHERRIFF'S Lemon Pie Filling, pk. 15¢ LYNN VALLEY--16 OZ. TIN WAX BEANS - 10c AYLMER CHOICE--2% TIN PUMPKIN - 2 for 29¢ CLARK'S--20 OZ TIN Pork and Beans 3 for 25¢ CLARK'S 47 OZ TIN . TOMATO JUICE 19c Rolled Oats Fine or Coarse 6 lbs. 29¢ GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES GRAPES Red Tokay 2 lbs. 25c¢ GREEN PASCAL LARGE SIZE - Cabbage CELERY = 2for19% LEMONS 3 for 10c FRESH CUT : GOOD SIZE EL MUSHROOMS Ib.35c ORANGES . "doz. 39 "LARGE WHITE FIRM RIPE : Cauliflower 10c and 15¢ BANANAS 2 lbs. 19¢ IMPORTED--LARGE EAT-MOR = Head Lettuce 2 for 25¢ + Cranberries - - by 25¢ CHINESE | ha WAXED LETTUCE - 2for19c TURNIPS - "3 lbs. 10c bree each 10c Hea 8 o For fufly-light cakes and biscuits . . . you can rely on the precision quality of Domino Baking Powder, Contains no alum. Ité complete dependability makes 1 Bain Pe a delight! Dominion Ke Kite! Approved. 19° 5 DOMINION Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- IL. R. BENTLEY'S " * OPTOMETRIST .. "| ly Private Secretary to Mr. Churchill, Mr. Brendad Bracken, Bfitain's 'New Minister of Information. Britain's new Minister of Informa- tion is Mr. Brenden Bracken, former- He takes to the Ministry of Informa- tion the experience of a-Fleet Street editor, as well as invaluable close "contacts with the Prime Minister. > © UNITED CHURCH NOTES The Young People's Union met on Monday evening with 33 present, Miss Margaret Day, President, presided. Miss Lola Gerrow was in charge of the program. -Mr. Smyth gave the World". Geoige Channell's gift for friendship was seen in the social period which followed the meeting. Owing to Thanksgiving Day, the Topic "The Greatest Books in the} PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1941 © Ea Lawrence's Drug Store News ~ "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" YELVETTA Cleansing Tissues 200 sheets 10¢7, 500 . sheets 26e¢. i eee LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC |. © 29¢., 49¢c., 89, BISMA REX KLEENEX TISSUES } ~ 200 Sheets 13c. 500 sheets 29¢. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH "| Evening Service at 7 p.m. Rev. Jas. Macllroy, Toronto, will be the Thanksgiving preacher. 3 J CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. William Stocks, Rector. Thursday, 7.30 to 8 p.m., intercessions Sunday, October 12-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 am. --Matins and sermon, The Rector. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister Thanksgiving Sunday-- J 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Thanksgiving in 1941 Meeting next week will be held on Tuesday at 8. On Thursday night young warded couples and older young people meet in the S. S. room to consider a monthly association, : This is your invitation, rlease acedpt. . 1. O. D. kL. . The October meeting of the Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E. held on Monday the 6th was opened by the 2nd Vice Re- gent, Mrs. Peterson. Tribute was paid to two deceased members, Hon- orary Regent Mrs. E. H. Purdy and Honorary Vice Regent, Mrs. W. L. Parrish, by a one-minute silence. Mrs: Harris, 1st Vice Regent, then proceed- ed to conduct the business in the ab- sence of the Regent, Mrs. Bentley. A money donation was voted to the Library Board for the levelling and seeding of the lawn at the rear of the Library. Talent money was handed in by several members, Salvage for war purposes was dis- cussed. The difficulty seems to be the dispisal of same after collection. A letter from Navy Headquarters was vead, thanking those who assisted in the "Pag Day for the Navy League which realized $68.12. New hostels at Halifax and Sydney are being equip- Seaman's Club for the Merchant Navy and donations are very acceptable. The Chapter decided to adopt a Northern School, the first gift for which is a Library valued at $10.00. The Auction Sale on Fair Day was a success and the members are grate: prise. Mrs. Powers was appointed Hon, Regent and Mrs. A, J. Davis Hon. Vice Regent, each being charter members of Scugog Chapter. The semi-annual meeting of "the Provincial Chapter is being held at the 'Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, on. October 16 and 17, and Scugog Chapter' hopes to be represented. = A letter was read from the Victoria League which has opened new quart~ ers after the bombing of the old, at Nutford House, Marble Atch, London, ingland.. This League dispenses hos- pitality to Canadians, particularly our boys on active service, and I. 0. D. E. chapters are asked to make known the new address. ~ A donation was voted to this League. Mrs. G. M. Rennie real an essay "God's Good Tide" by Charlotte Whit- ton, The meeting then didsed with the singing of the National Anthem, ln reg Be ed a FOR SALE | every day. $16.00. Apply to C. . LD Wilson, BR. 8, Port Petry, . ped with bunks by the Allied Merchant] ful to all who helped in this enter-{. Aged working horse -- working |MeLean Radio Service| aus 7 p.m,--The Value of Gratitude. AUCTION SALES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16-- Cattle and wood, the property of John Dacik, Lot 7, Con. 2, Brock, 2 miles west of Blackwater. Sale at 1.30. Terms Cash. See bills. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 -- Farm Stock: and Implements, the property of E.R. Oke, Lot 19, Con. 9, Reach, near Greenbank. Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash. See bills for list. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th -- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of George Roman, lot 6, Con. 9, Scugog. Terms Cash, -Sale at 1. See bills for particulars. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st -- Farm Stock and Implements, the Papert) of R.'L. Cookman, Lot 19, Con, 38 "Brock Township, east of Blackwater Terms Cash, Sale at 1. See | bills. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 60 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery Now the Weather Is Cooler You'll Want Warmer 'Mitts and Sox, We have them at the following prices: One Finger Work Mitts, 45c., 73, 90¢. and $1.00: Work Socks at 30¢c., 35¢c., 40¢c., 50¢, pr. W. E. WEBSTER DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) | FOR Expert Radio ~~ Service : / 5 PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thuradays and Saturdays only. i nr ee TED JACKSON, Auctioneer BISODOL : FROSST'S NEO © MINTS Stomach Powder |, oyMICAL FOOD 25¢. and' 69¢." 75¢. and $1.75 $1.15. and $2. 5 kK Bailly irr -- | WAMPOLE'S COD pie PURETEST | "LIVER , EXTRACT BODO IL ne BE 5 $1.00 ste. and $1.19 8 PHONE 49 ni Bag wo PORT PERRY I, COTE I I ID PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. yeiy moderate prices We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and 'Wave 60c Marcel - - Tbe Manicure . -. 3be . PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- ". Not down to a price. - Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Auction Sale of Farm Stock & Implements 'The Property of GEORGE HOOD Lot 7, Con, 13, Sevgog Island, on Monday, Oct. 13 See Bills for Particulars Ted Jackson, Auctioneer ARTHUR Ww. ~8,~ GREER. in attendance at my Port Perry offices oa Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncoa - of each week, or by appointment. Blong - Block, Port Perry, -W. A. Sangster DENTAL 8URGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. (Always the Latest Hits) Thursday, Friday, Sat., (This Week) Dolores Del Rio and Wallace Beery, in "|The Man from Dakota" 4 lis Western-Action show, Also a EDY -- "Tattle-Telivision", and Latest NEWS, Saturday, 7.30 and 9.30 (S.T.) 2 shows LOOK-- THANKSGIVING SPECIAL Mon., Tues., Wednesday, Oct., 13-14-15 Fred Allen, Jack Benny, Rochester. All your radio slars in a holiday fun show 'Love Thy Neighber' Comedy, Pep and. Laughter. COMEDY-13 Stooges in "No Census, No Feelings" and Latest News. - Thursday; ¢ Friday, Saturday {Nox oe E. Brown, "Beware of Spooks" 1000, lates Sooooch Fun, And MEDIES. - OTE ha will be open, £7 night commencing October 6th the latest "hits. ; DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST , Shop, Phone. 237, Res, 216 Port Perry (Tha firm of Greer & Humphreys 1s dlaseived) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Bimeoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 - in attendance at my Port Perry office 08 , Tuesday and Thursday +fliratds imi of cash + week or by appointment, Watch this aber 4 Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Phone 2

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