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Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Oct 1941, p. 6

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po v - / \ \ '. . . "Perbaps it isn't exactly fear," 14-month Investigation which show- Y ( Quick Biscuits . he explained, "Maybe I'm catering ed that the outside skin, through ; TABLE TALKS - : : a (rifle to the tongues of men--- heat treatment, underwent an in- 8 ) X Best biscuits are made (rom ualit Guaranteed to say nothing of women. Silly | crease in the number of cells that By SADIE B. _B. CHAMBERS dough that is soft, light and rot, | know. And evel if ome formed a barrier preventing en- springy, but not sticky. It is im- doesn't go in for sterotyped mourn. trance of softaot bacteria, At the A Han portant to use just the right ing, it does curtail socal activi same time, the drying process it- ap amount of liquid. It may be slightly « more or less than 3% oup milk, de- pending on the flour used. By prac tising a few times with one lye iby of flour, it is possible to Iéarn the 'as MM we hadn't been friends for exact amount needed, Here 1s a ages., if st fair--when | miss by: a group of Florida growers who ALN 3 grand recipe foi fluffy biscuits A Ellen ¥o anyway--" employed a typo of dryer which, Doin an Hoa pire, 3 . » ; 4 p vas | ified, after the basically was a conveyor belt run- 5 . i which can be used too, to make Mark was horrifie gleally was a ¢ ye e homelike, Tiapkogivirg celbras grand . little sausage rolls or, as they ar sometimes called, "pigs "SALADA TEA and how even midsummer becamo ties a bit," "You're just talking off the top of your mind," said Elise, sadly. "Keephig me on the outside. Just fashion of men, to see her loose one hand from the still struggling sell killed a certain numbef of bactéria but did not actually ster- ilize the potato. The process itself was develop- ed from a primary pattern used ning through a hot-air: blast, The ammouncement said they noted that Thanksgivieg to All Yes, we have many things for which to be thankful: for our homes, our churches, our grand - tion you may enjoy using this i nu: in blankets." @ hat and wipe 'her eyes on a gay | the rol had almost totally dis- | Me 2 cuph sifted flour I I ! bit of chiffon. . " appeared. THANKSGIVING DINNER 2 teaspoons double-acting baking: telling how charming she looked, "F--Im frightfully sorry, Im The Foundation's , expérimental Tomato Juice Cocktail ris he Ee and Wats powder % teaspoon salt '4 tablespoons butter or other MARRYING MARK... .. her, She lald her hand on his arm, and looked up at his reproach- probably a clumsy brute--" He lald his hand over hers on the big hat, and held it closely, dryer is 20 feet' long, Two 10- parallel' wooden chambers through which air current circuldte are con- 'nected at one end for the ex- Roast Chicken, Southern Dressing Riced Potatades Cardied Sweet Potatoes Giblet Gravy NOW AVAILABLE pr diy | phi) hid Data mags other For each picture desired," send a shortening Th : | Elise looked up at him from un- A * ' . ¥% cup milk (about) oy Dowy £9 nyention), is dampened lashes, She ~ven smil&d change of alr blasts, the other end Glazed Onions prin Yona Hrang dave, ne ' . ( L] > - ), Bit flour * once, - measure, _ add Violette Kimball Dunn eon ly get used to de * plaintively, serving as an éxhaust through a Sweet Pepper Salad name of the picture you want W#rit- baking powder again, Cut in 'shortening, and Bait, and sift Add milk as the current output in saluta- "No, darling," she sighed, "It'a just that you dadn't always think. window. Foundation scientists said the process could be adopted ¢heap- Pumpkin Pie Beverage of Choice ten on the back. Address Dept. J.13, THe Canada . SYNOPSIS . tions, "I'm quite sure what your y ' ally gE 1 , y , know y. can't go | 1 effectively for wide use. Southern Dressing Stareh Company AY GRE After Mark Alexander's beau- / | opinion Is of women who pursue yee a Pe ae Y ™ Ney x 2 cups moistened bread crumbs Ltd, 49 Welling- on slightly floured board.and oe tiful wife Ellen died, her men to thelr offices. But how else ing yourself like that. But surely nd 1% cup | melted butter ton St. ¥, Torotito 30° uni fl or ent wh to Shaot, whole familly became interest- am I to see you? And | truty must, nobody coul. criticize Yo for come Gir 1 ¢up canned corn Ro)l % inch thick ol cut on 23 Ih Valerie, Elles daughter SW YO0- dT of -Nome T= ll; ing to see me! As atter of Britain Wants 1 cup chapped célery A WA SOREL by a former marriage. and 'in Harmon, just take the car back, fact, It's criticism tht" made me 35 cup chopped ripe olives . ihe "0 aa the "trust fund left Valerie. I shan't be needing it again until 2 rsx Lavy ' 'M 1 oven (1601) 12 to 15 mites, | - Al Are anxious to adopt Val. | tonight." a a rd a Forestry Men ed ess oh : mimes. erie--all, save Shirley--but Mark almost put out a protest. ] a sc : 'her n 1 small onion, mince 43 Makes 15 biseuiis, Mark will have none of it. Ing hand, as 'the man tguched his Eves) Nas Bit when others Sxpert forestry 'men' from . Odn- 1 oa iL d TT «'Mark hires Lucy Tredway to cap and drove ofl, / Elise was d ada are doing so splendid a job in . 18 SAUSAGE Rory' tutor Valerie and keeps Lucy moving flowlngly toward his road- Evid atid EW Suroaphitiang Great Britain that the authot{ties Hh deuspoon pepper stuff fowl 3 fuss 8 . lvl in the house, much to Elise's ster, and there was nothing to do organ Tri to find only half an there would be very pleased to see Glazed' Onions a y ne he guy sch i wl dismay, As Mark comes out of but follow her. ma passed since Elise met a lot more of them over thete, Sir 2 dozen small white onions Elbrg cig. Ru! - ol his_office, he is surprised to "I .don't think you'll be very | pun 1 soomed to him that he | James Calder, adviser on wood sup- Z tablespoons' Utter: > A. Dann At i: hi see Elise pull up In her car. happy," he sald, opéning the door, had been shut up here with her plies to the British Ministry of 0. {ablespords Super in '8 greased baking dik aad Cut in 2-hich squares, Cut shor CHAPTER 17 "Picture hats and chiffons don't tor weeks. Shipping said recently, n 2 teaspoons water sprinkle with salt ~and pepper. ages in half; place one-half in cen- BSG. Suerte. £00): ih. pastes mix specially well with roadsters. "I'm afraid 1 don't understand," % Sie rin fg . > ih Peel the onions and cook in | Add a few pieces of 'thinly sliced ter of each Fold % ed... o50 paste ' Mark Has a Caller he told her, "I suppost it's stupid amo after visits 10 "Washington salted, boiling water until tender, orange, Repeat layers of pota- square, dough over sausage,..pinch edges togeth- -er,. and shape Into roll, leaving ends open. Place on ungreased bak- . Ing sheet; bake in. hot oven This was his. freq di ' 4 ' ; 8 Wi 8. frequent reaction to -| so I shan!t be too terribly wind- on skilled help had been exhausted. " TR) 12 , ake \ . - a ? T and surface is brown and glazed. sur) ih 15 minutes. Makes | piso these days. _ blown. Don't stand there staring | 'h°Y SWINE Ho told of there being 1,500 wo- 4 Tang peppers Pimpin BA g oe Ho wished ridiculously that he at me, silly. "Aren't you 'getting men being used for felling trees 1% 1b. cheese 1% cups strained mashed 'Canned Tomatoes For Blitz Rations British ha on Tomatoes' As Food and Drink" In Case of: Invasion How the British tried to bay 15,000,000 cases of tomatoes to stock refugee food depots for an Invasion emergency and how Am erican growers were caught short was related recently by a cannery . official. The tomatoes were wanted, for . more than their food value. 'I'he British figured that in an invasion attempt the Germans would strike - ohiffons, under a huge hat. Her dark, rather heavy eyes were vell- ed as they rested on him. They made him vaguely uncomfortable, could take a running Jump Into his car and be off waving his hat as he went. Instead he found himself POUBLE-407/Nd | 8he tucked her flowing skirts around hor and leaned back with a wistful sigh, "Hut 1 adore road- sters. And you have the top up, In?" Mark brought his thoughts back with an effort. "I just remembered --A t'ephone -call, Excuse me a second. I'll be with you--" He was half way up-the whlk before she could answer, He felt childishly defrauded as he calldd his house from the superintend- .ent'~ office. He had hardly realiz- ed how he counted on the hour in the pool with Valerie and Lucy, He was glad when he heard Chil tern's voice! Sometimes if Valerio happened to be passing when the telephone rang she answered, just in caso might be Mark. "Please tell Miss 'I'redway and 'Miss Valerie I've been detained, and to have their swim without me" he said, "And Chiltern--I say of me. Do you mean somebody we know 1s talking about somebody? They gencrally are, arent they? Who is it this time, and what are 'Scientists Find Potato Rot Cure Drying Process to Prevent Soft Rot In Potatoes Will Save Millions of Dollars An- nually The .Armour Research Founda: tion at the Illinois Institute of Technology announced its scien- tists had perfected a drying pro- -cess to prevent bacterial soft rot - in potatoes which it said would savo millions of dollars annually for the polato growing industry. The announcement followed a and Ottawa, pointed out that 'the production of lumber in Great Bri: "tain was 50 times greater than in _ peace times and that all. available and "snedding." ~ With- reference to reforestation work, Sir James-told of one hugé tract- of land which had been planted with young trees and the efforts of the Germans to set it on "fire. So far they had failed, He pointed out that there are great stands of timber as yet un: touched in Britain and yet ships were forced to carry, timber to Bri. tain. If the amount of timber jm- ported into Britain could be cur- tailed, tho sfface available could: be' used for the shipment of food. One way of increasing the produc: tion, of lumber In Britain would be. by getting sawyers and lumber- Jacks from this country. Drain, Melt the butter, add sugar and water. Add onions, simmer to brown and glaze, Sweet Pepper Salad 6 slices ripe tomatoes Put onions, cheese and peppers. through the meat chopper, Sea- son and mix with dressing. Serve on slices of tomato placed on- shredded lettuge, Candied Sweet Potatoes 8 medium sized potatoes 1 cup brown sugar 3 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons butter Salt and pepper Thin orange slices Scrub potatoes and parboil for s 10 minutes. 'Drain, pare and cut in lengthwise halves or slices. Stir sugar, water and butter over low heat until sugar dissolves. Arrange a layer of the potatoes toes, seasonings and orange until potatges are all used. Pour in sugar syrup. Bake in a moderate oven until potatces. are tender pumpkin % cup brown sugar 2 eggs well beaten "% teaspoon salt teaspoon ginger * 1 3 teaspoon cinnamon . % teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon cloves 2 "cups milk Mix ingredients in order given. Turn into pie plate lined with rich pastry and bake in hot oven for 1 hour. Reduce the heat after first fifteen minutes, Approximately 33,000 freight and passenger trains are. operated daily by the railroads of the United States. first at water systems of the Bri in then I'm terribly sorry, 227 {ish Isles. 2 will "you?" 3 : By stocking food depots with "Yes sir," 'said Chiltern. "Will 5 quantities of canned tomatoes the you be coming honie for dinner?" i British planned to .provide the "Yes," said Mark, loudly. He felt AEA people with a safe and nourishing his volce would banis the faint Y fear that seized him. at the ques- - - Rs PNG ts drinking fluid that would substi Aute for water in_case normal wat- er supplies were destroyed or-pol- luted, explained Preston McKin: ney, Vice-President of the Can- ners League of California. Mr. McKinney said' the British bad planned to establish food de pots all over the islands as a safe- guard for caring fof refugees mov- © Calumet's double-action gives you double leavening--both dur ing mixing and in the oven. -- tlon. "I see, sir," you." Mark almost suspected he real ly did see, He would" not have put. it past the man! He &aid "Thank you," and went back to Elise. He got in beside her and started his car, The wind saitl Chiltern, "Thank ing out of actual combat areas In . . | Hfted the light brim of Else's ease of Invasion. This exelusive feature permits yrioe ony hat, and she caught it : r closer, The depots were to be located at strategic intervals along certain roads and highways which refugees would use, Supplies capable of sustaining-large masses of people would be stocked at these points, . The canned tomatoes, providing both food and water, would meet the possible emergency with a min. imum of effort, warehouse space and expense. Even though this year's pack will not fill Britain's unprecedented order, it was estim-' ated that If the FSMA gets only you to use less and still get better results. Easy-opening, won "t-spill container, with handy measuring device under the lid. Anp THE PRICE IS SURPRISINGLY LOW, " that kept both her She could hardly imagine a man with a chauffeur and three closed cars driving himself to work in a two-year-old roadster, like any lah- orer, It was difficult to look out from under a shadowy brim with lustrous eyes, when that brim surg- ed and billowed in playful leaps hands at her head. Finally, as a stronger gust tilted it coyly over one ear, she took the thing off entirely, anchoring it firm- halt of the 15,000,000 cases there ly on her knees, and thanking will be elght cans for evry per- -| heaven for a hair net. She was -son inthe British Isles. struggling "with a rage "hat ini. ri 8 eeresinen cluded even Mark, although rea- hay son told ker he had nothing to do v i wy For Vegetables with it, The last straw was 'when ATER she looked "up and found him . \ (37207 Between spells of strafing laughing. Men seldom laughed p71: Nazi bases in Europe, Britain's with, and never at, Ellse,. | % : airmen are growing vegetables "Sorry--but you should have hy for their own messes. seen yourself," said Mark, "1 mean, One Fighter* Command station the way you looked when we start- _ near London, nest of Spitfire and ed, and' the' way you looked after Hurricane raiders, has ten acres a couple of bouts with the breeze." of "waste" land under cultiva- Elise managed & kind of smile. tion and another three or four "It must have been terribly fun- acres are being sown -with Win- ny," she agreed, ter vegetables. The men there "I suppose you're wondering why have planted 30,000 lettuces, 2,-. I've carried you off," she sald. x 500 tomato plants, 5,000 cab- She had almost- mastered fier _bages, 2,000 brussels sprouts; as temper, ® , well as acres of peas, beans apd Is Someone Talking? potatoes. This station is meeting Mark was not quité so successful Britain's onion shortage with half "at hiding his courlosity "over the wig ; acre of onions, whole proceeding, "Of course--it : A CREE SE EN 5 . : he gardening movement is , was Aweet of you--'"_he began. @ If you're troubled by constipation that gets at ths éause of trouble and ge hy part of a plan by which R.A.F. "I simply had to see you. And + + + the common type caused by lack corrects it. But remember, ALL- a. ~~ stations ' throughout - Britain will its practically impossible 'to -get of the proper kind of "bulk" in'your BRAN doesn't work like a purgative. : . "have fresh vegetables for their you to myself even for a minute, diet . . . try eating KELLOGG'S It takes time g messes from spare. corners of Ot course I simply ddore Valérie, ALL-BRAN, See if this delicious Ce » 2 their airfields. as yon know. And Miss Treadle 1d t help you feel be ALL-BRAN is made by Kellogg's Is--well' of course he's quite-- cereal doesn't help you fee ter... in Lond Canada d sold in 2 ; stimulating--if~ you know what .1 IRhien your days us and make you ~oncon, Lanaca, and sold: in Uvorgy Quints Will Learn mean." forget all about those harsh, un. conveniently sized packages at all RL TON To Speak English Mark nodded, He didn't in the pleasant cathartics that can Sie grocers' , . . in individual serving: ; : 3 least know. | only temporary relief. You'll like packages at restaurants, Eat it every : The Dionne' quintuplets will ie hursled hou Failing better way . . . tasty, crisp ALL day as a cereal or in muffins, and I P of Br aotoro Englien, 4 beg, lure, or oven abdact you to BRA, the natural preventative, drink plenty of water. : > act' ) . tment of 'Education A my apar{ment. I can't think what "Serve by Saving! Buy War Savings Certificates" . you're afraid of" he - » five. little girls, who ov 3%. neh, w commenc sy 2 . i: lessons this year as part 4 ISSUE 41--'41 -- egtlar schooli ng: :

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