Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Oct 1941, p. 4

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SE TE pes DC ou + Batlle © Mrs. H, Howard of this town, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION On October 30th, the ladies will hold a chicken supper and bazaar in the Parish Hall. Reserve the date -- 6 io Thursday, October 30th. Mrs. William Higgs, of Winaate, .is thé gust of Mr. ahd, Mrs. R. M. Holtby, this week. Mrs, Cronk and her daughters *Misses, Marion and Eleanot, of Bloom- field, were week-end guests of the Misses Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Crit, of Creek, Mich, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Schell. Murs. Haigh, of Port Perry, brought in some fine ripe. raspberries last Tuesday. They continue to grow in this district. - We are very sorry to report Mrs, C. Bowerman is on the sick list again. Rev. Chas. Cliff, Mrs. Cliff, and - two daughters, Miss Helen Cliff, and Mrs. Harold Parker; of Port Huron, "Mich., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cliff, We are pleased to learn thay Mrs. S. Jeffrey is recovering nicely after the operation on her eye This is good news. "Rev. Norman Woon and Mrs. Woon, of Michigan, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woon, MORE OCTOBER RASPBERRIES Mr. Albert Hall, Port Perry, brought in another well loaded spray of ripe October raspberries, PLAY AND DANCE AT MANCHESTER Manchester Red Cross Branch is putting on a play and dance at the Township Hall, -on the eveding of Wednesday, October 29th. ----e es THANK OFFERING QF W.MS. OF ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN : 'CHURCH. ] A very successful Thank Offering meeting was held in the Church on Oct, 16th. Mrs. (Rev.) Lewis Wil- liams of Uxbridge was the guest speaker. She told us something of their work among the Indians in British Columbia -while they were in that Presbytery. They 'hold the idea that their land was taken from them and the Government can keep them. | They are not going to work. She gave us a very inspirational address. ~-She based her thoughts on love. The new commandment "Love one another as I have loved you." Until we have this love in the world, she said, we would have war. It was very grat- ifying to have such a good response in our offering. EAE) WELL DONE! Proceeds of $356.20 were realized by the sale of tickets on the wool afghan made by the girls of Grade 6, Port Perry Public School. © Of this sum, $20 has been.handed to the local War Workers for the purchase of clothing material for the British War Victims, The remainder of the money is to be _ used for Junior Red Cross purposes. The children are now Knitting their third afghan for this year. The winner of the lucky ticket was Ruth Williams won the waffle-woven hot dish set (also made by the girls) as a prize for selling the most tickets on this afghan. BORN PLAYTER-- At Port Perry, Ont, on October 14th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Playter, Toronto, a daughter (Dawn Evelyn). . CHAPMAN-- Mr. and Mrs. Wish. Chapman announce the birth of a son, on October 18th" 194%--at Port Perry ioapital, hs IN MEMORIAM SHUNK--In loving memory of my dear father, Geo. Shunk, who passed _away October. 23rd, 1939, Two years have passed, dear father, Since you weré.called away; Do not ask me if IT miss him, There is such a vacant place, Can I ever forget his footstep, And his dear familiar face, Sadly missed by daughter Hattie. : DIED - COLLACUTT--At. Port Perry, on Sunday, October 19th, 1941, Herbert - L. Collacutt, beloved husband of Tena] Houck, in his 78rd year. FREE Parking Phone 111 OSHAWA Air Conditioned * Last Two Days-- ' : FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Lou ABBOTT COSTELLO "Hold That Ghost" The Andrews Sisters, Ted Lewis REVIVAL, Friday-- ERROL FLYNN in "SEA HAWK" with Brenda Marshall. Monday and Tuonday, RONALD COLEMAN, in "My Life with Caroline" Anna Lee = PLUS = LLOYD NOLAN, as MIKE SHAYNE--Super Sleuth, in "SLEEPERS- WEST" Mary Beth Hughes WEDNESDAY for Four Days. JOAN CRAWFORD, ROBERT TAYLOR, _ GREER GARSON, in HBERGERT MARSHALL, SPRING BYINGTON --This is the kind of comedy treat that-we just have to tell with and 'Wher '.adies Meet'. INPRO GCRESS Oct. 21 to Nov. 2 Come and hear the 01d-Time Gospel Special Music and Bright Singing. at the Orange Hall, PORT PERRY Above the Observer Office Bis Night 7.30 8. T.; except Mondays and Saturdays EVANGELISTS Ruby Delgatty & Ruth J ohnson YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Elizabeth Rennie. All persons having claims against , the Estate of the above. mentioned who died at the Township. of Brock on the Seventh day of June, 1941, are hereby. notified to send to the under- signed Solicitors on or before Novem- "ber 13th, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after November 13th, 1941, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors you about--so we'll do it. ITS TOPS--IN MOTION PICTURE ENTERTAINMENT Meet the District Governor at the Se- bert House at 6.301] § this_evening Oct. 23 Initiation of new members. MARRIED BURLEY-CARNEGIE Two more of our popular young: people were married at 4 o'clock in the' afternoon last Saturday, October 18th, 1941--Ralph D. Burley, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Burlby, of Belleville, to Kathleen Carnegie, daughter of! Mr. and Mrs. David Carnegie, of Port! Perry. The ceremony 3 was performed at 'the home .of the bride's parents by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, was gowned in cedar green crepe with brown acces- sories and - carried a corsage of Johanna roses. Her sister, Miss Ruth Carnegie, was bridesmaid, and. wore a dress of tobasco brown, and brown accessories, and corsage of Johanna roses. Mr. George Nunn, of Toronto, was groomsman. The wedding. march was- played-by Miss Helen Willard; and Miss Reta Willard sang "Until." At the reception after the wedding the bride's mother was attired in a gown of Air Force blue crepe with corsage of red roses. The groom's mother wore a gown of powder blue net, with corsage of red roses. The young folk left for a wedding trip in Northern Ontario, followed by heartiest good wishes for their future happiness. Upon their return they will reside in Toronto. EE aus MARRIED A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday, October 18th, at the Church of St, Peter, Hamilton, by Rev. W. G. Sunter, cousin of the bride, when Miss Evelyn Emma Proctor Alexander, only daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, George Ryerson Alexander, of Port Perry, and Mr. Joseph Allen, of Bul- yea, Saskatchewan, only son of Mr. Joseph Allen and the late Mrs. Allen of Bury, Lancashire, England, were united in marriage. The bride was unattended and wore a grey suit with wine hat and acces- sories and shoulder bouquet of rub- rum lilies, 'white cyclamen and bou- vardia, Mr. and Mrs. Allen will live in Port Perry. shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 21st day of October, 1941. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors forsthe above Estate. - | Blong Block, Port Perry, Mink for Sale Fine, dark Labrador Mink. Price reasonable. Apply to Fralick Bros, -Scugog Island Nov. 13. HOUSE FOR SALE Five Rooms. Apply to Ray Hen- shaw, Phone 6, Port Perry. W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. . ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in atténdance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Phone 2b Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST The . CHRISTIE FARM TO RENT, 100 acres, lot: 6, con. b, Reach, in Utica village, Possession 1st March, 1942, can plow. at once. Apply to A. Christle, R.R.4¢ Uxbridge. - STANDING CEDAR Half acre of Standing Cedar for sale. Will sell -in block or divide. Perry, Lot 9, Con. 8, Réach Tp. . FOR SALE Ten young Yorkshire Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to Wilber Vance, Lot 2, Con. 2, Cartwright. Phone 109 r 3-1. WANTED "I buy timber standing log on road. Large or small ' quantity. Write Stan. Disney, Room 40, Alger Building, Oshawa, Phone 81. mnov13 FOR SALE "Deer hunting rifle, good as new, Apply to Charles Heayn, Port Perry. oct 30 FOR SALE Electric Washer in good running order. Can be bought cheap for cash. Apply Box 60, Port Perry Star. . GARAGE FOR RENT AND GOODS FOR SALE 5 horsepower gas engine, a number of wood pulleys, belts, shafting and many other things. Apply to A. D. Peters, Port Perry. FOR SALE Beatty Electric Washer for balance of payments. Terms $1.00 weekly. Apply at Carnegie Hardware, WANTED - : ~A good girl to work on Poultry Farm. Apply to Mrs, R. A. Peel, Port Dominion's 22nd Anniversary PROGRE SS SALE RICHMELLO COF FEE Ib. 39c RED GLACE--BULK CAPS CHERRIES ~ - lb. 49c CITRON PEEL, - Ib. 45¢ GLACE " CAPS ; Mixed Fruit, 4 ozs. 10c ORANGE PEEL, Ib. 29¢ CRYSTALIZED CAPS GINGER - 3 ozs. 15¢ LEMON PEEL, Ib. 29¢. Quaker Oats Tie 2c Peas LYNN 9 for 19¢ CUT MIXED o cuT PEEL - - Ib. 29¢ LEMON PEEL 4 oz 10c CUT = GLACE : CITRON PEEL 3 ozs 10c Pineapple Rings, oi Te cut 7 GREEN GLACE ORANGE PEEL 40z10c CHERRIES, 3 ozs. 12¢ Peanut Butter Tar 25¢ Pork ig for25e --AUNT Bits OZ TIN SHREDDED MOLASSES . 11c COCOANUT, Ib. 23¢ BROKEN BULK : "WALNUTS - Ib.59c Mincemeat, 2 lbs. 25¢ SHELLED HALLOWE'EN ALMONDS, - Ib. 89¢ = KISSES - 2 lbs 29¢ Domino Baking Powder Ib. 19¢ FIRM RIPE BANANAS LARGE LEMONS - LARGE HEAD Head Lettuce - - 21bs hoe 6 for 19¢ Ea. 10c LARGE WHITE "CAULIFLOWER . 15¢ LARGE HEADS « GREEN CABBAGE 10c FRESH CUT $ . MUSHROOMS, Ib. 33¢ (APPLES MLE! 39¢ DOMINO TEA © Pino china and sliver call for the tempting fragrance and. full- bagivd flavour of Domino Tea. Re- quality blend of the world's cholcer teas-- costs you lees than half a cent a eup. freshing and vitalizing! A 40 STORES EINES fs LIMITED Perry, Phone 86J. WANTED Grls for General Housework. Apply to Box 13, Brooklin, Ont. NOTICE For your fall cleaning see Carnegie Hardware for special prices . on Vacuum Cleaners. : FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Boy's leather winter coat, Al con- dition. Will sell cheap. ~ Apply at Star Office, Port Perry. FOR SALE : rind young Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old; and two, sows, 11 months old. Apply to H. Ths, Prince Albert. - vw FORSALE = 256 Barred Rock Pullets for sale. 4 Port Perry. "FOR SALE TA number of Small Pigs, three colts and two. Durham Cows. Apply to Roy Henders, Phone 102 r 5, or R.R.3 Port Perry. "oct23 APPLES FOR SALE A quantity of winter apple for sale, Arthur Orchard, R.R. 2 Port Perry, Phone 119 r 22, > " ~8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Service withdrawn _ on account of the Anniversary Services at Ashburn, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m. -- Sunday School. 11 am,--Rev. F. G. Joblin will preach. Mrs. Chas. Hambly af Toronto, will sing, 7 p.m.--Rev, F. G. Joblin, November 2nd-- Church Anniversary, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION - ANGLICAN ; Rev. William Stocks, Rector Sunday, October 26th-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7p.m--Evensong and sérmon, Preacher: Rev. F.W. Pooley, B.A, of Sunderland. \ Sunday, November 2nd-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion, Thursday, October -30th---- Chicken supber and Bazaar, JOIN OUR CELEBRATION! November 3-4-6 marks Mr. H, Shul- man's 21st theatre - anniversary -in Uxbridge, and during that time, Mr, Shulman has shown clean and moral Pisures, so on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov, 3.45, h has se- cured "Snow White" with a seats at 18¢, (tax included). stay home at these low prices, See "Snow White" in technicolor. Bring all the kiddies and celebrate at our bargain prices--The Strand, Uxbridge --and tell your friends, rT mA et > PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY; OCTOBER 23td, 1941 Apply to A. S. Claughton, R. R. 1 Port : April hatched. Mrs, R, Goode, R.R. ; -} 2 4 2,30 and 7.30 p.m. -- Prince Albert No one need LAWRENCE'S x 3 \ L This Week--Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday SHOP EARLY TO MAKE SURE OF YOUR - SHARE OF THE BARGAINS MEDICINES || TOILETRIES | $1.00 Beef, Iron "& Wine 45¢. Lavender Shaving - . 2 for $1.01 Cream .......2 for 46c. . $1.00 Cod Liver and 40c. Rexall Shaving Cream Creosote ....2 for $1.01 - 2 for 4lc. $1.00 Agarex Compound 40¢, Mi31 Tooth Powder 2 for $1.01 2 for 41c. - 50c: Milk of Magnesia 30c. Klenzo Dental Cream. 2 for 5lc. 2 for 3lc. 75¢. Milk of Magnesia . 60c. Gardenia Face Powder 2 for 76e. 2 for 6lc. i $1;00 Halibut Liver 40c¢. Gardenia Talcum : Capsules . 7. .2 for $1.01 : 2 for 4lc. $1.25 Cod Liver Tablets 40c. Langlois Cream of . 2 for $1.26 Almonds. .....2 for 4lc. Zs. Rexall Orderlies 60c. French Balm 2 for 26c¢. . '2 for 6lc. 49¢. A.S.A. Tablets, 100's 60c. Old English Lavender - 2 for 50c. 2 for 6lec., 50c. Kidney Pills 25c. Tar Shampoo Soap . 2 for 5lc. 2 for 26c. 2 $1.25 Hot Water Bottles 15¢c. Writing Pads 2 for $1.26 + 2 for 16¢. Sewn $1.50 Hot Water Bottles 25¢, Writing Pads i - 2 for $1.51 for 26¢. ~-10¢. Stork Baby Bottles ~10c.-Blue- Lined Envelopes ----~-2 for lle, - 2 for 1lc. 15c. Adhesive Tape 15c. Correspondence 2 for 16¢. Envelopes ....2 for 16c. 25¢. Adhesive Tape 40c. Bex Stationery 2 for 26c¢. 2 for 4lc. _20c. Arson Cotton || _50c Box Stationery : 2 for 2lc. 2.for ble. | 60c. Four Square Floor " 15¢. OM Colony Ink Wax ........2 for 6lec. . for 16e. | . 15¢. Wash Cloths 15¢. Old Colony Mucilage - - 2 for: 16c. | 2 for 16c. 10e. Jiffy Bobby Combs ° 5c. Monogram Pencils : 2 for 1lc. 2 for 6c. 25¢. Dressing Combs 30c. Box' Christmas Cards 2 for 26c. . 2 for 3lec. EE PLAN NOW TO APTEND THIS GREAT MONEY SAVING EVENT. ' TELEPHONE OR MAIL YOUR ORDERS IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND. | -- PHONE 49 A. M. LAWRENCE me Renglt soe PORT TERRY SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Conts SUITS CLEANED Bry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH __ Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery z FOR Expert Radio Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service|q > PORT PERRY REMAINS ON DAYLIGHT SAVING "x DR. J. B. LUNDY . DENTAL SURGEON "ol Office above Bell Teleplione Exchange, North side' Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones:' Office 68w, dence 68) DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST . -- Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Phone 237, Res, 216 Port Perry (The frm of Great & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. : 5 Fhone 314 atten i den tm. Fort Pry on on week or by appointment, 4 Queen: Btrest, Port Perry, Phone 94 > A

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