Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Oct 1941, p. 5

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Se: be, F > \ = Sa a I PORT PERRY, ONT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2srd, 1941 BROCK THEATRE Pfione 618, WHITEY Healthfully Air Conditfoned. All Shows Daylight Saving Time. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 23-24-25 Two shows. at 7.30" and 9.30 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1, 80 Don AMECHE, Mary MARTIN, in Kiss the Boys Good-Bye with Oscar Levant, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OCTOBER 27-28-29 Last Complete Show at 8,60 [J " Topper Returns with Joan BLONDELL, Roland YOUNG, Billie BURKE, and ROCHESTER. Also an ADDED Attraction. "Power Dive' _ with Richard Arlen, Jean Parker, Helen Mack, Roger Pryor. COMING next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 30-31, Nov 1, James Cagney, Bette Davis, in "THE BRIDE CAME C.0.D." UNITED CHURCH NOTES On Sunday, October 26th, the soloist at the morning service will- be Mrs, Chas. Hamblyn, of Toronto. Mis. Hamblyn was formerly Miss J. D. Graham, and a member of athe Har- mony Choir, Toronto, . Mrs. Hambly has .sang in Port Perry to the delight of her hearers. On Sunday next she will sing "There Were. Ninety and Nine" "and £7The Holy City", The Young People's Society is in a flourishing condition, Fifty were pre- sent on Monday last and a fine service was provided. Mr, Farmer spoke well on the "Marks of Good Citizenship" _ Miss Margaret Day and Miss Byam Guy presided. The Fellowship' Group of young [ folk is getting under way. The group|- met after church last Sunday night and will meét at the parsonage -next Sunday night at 8.30 p.m. Prince Albert United Church will hold its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Services on Sunday, November 2nd at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 pm. (S.T\) Rev L. S. Albright, M.A, B.D, S.T.M., will preach at both services, and the Bethesda Male Quartette will provide the music for the day. Old friends of Prince Albert are especially invited. PR ENTICE'S --- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator, Ve Yory moderate prices e specialize in-- ---Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave Marcel - - T6¢ Manicure. = - 8b¢ PERMANENT WAVES. $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry" 60c ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Connie Boswell: PROSPECT J The Prospect Thank Offering ser- vice will be held on Sunday, Oct. 26 at 2.30 and 7.830 p.m., Rev. Mr. Wylie of Columbus will be the speaker. The young people's choir of Myrtle will sing in the afternoon and Raglan "| choir in the evening. Come and en- joy these services. = Mr. - McMaster of Paronts was a recent Visitor of Fer sister Mrs, P. Diamond. Mrs. Shuttleworth of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, R. Martin and daughter of Oshawa, Mrs. G. Drinkle of Columbus, M\. Will Martin, Brooklin, were visit- ors of Mrs. Frank Martin on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs, F. Vernon were visit- ing with friends. in Toronto on Sun- y. ." Miss Dorothy Seigel of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents. Her sister Rose accompanied her to Toronto for a visit. 8A large humber from this commun- ityity attend the International: Plow- ing Match at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Diamond HE family were in Uxbridge on Sunday, Mr. Alex. Diamond and Mr. S. Bray have returned home after spend- ing some months in Manitoba. An error was made in last week's item which should have red: Mr, John McClintock was visiting with friends in Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane, Hamilton, visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Holli- day. Mr. and Mrs. A: Gilroy visiting with friends in Little Britain on Sunday. A euchre and dance will be held at x Prospect School" on the evening of 'Oct. 29th. Proceeds in aid of local Red Cross. A draw will .be made for a quilt. Admission 26¢ and 16c. o-oo» THE EVENING AUXILIARY, Ww. M. 8. The October meeting of the Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Miss G. Stovin on Oct. 14th. With the 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Griffen, presiding. Mrs. Love gave the first chapter of the Study Book "Serving with the sons Shuh". Mrs. Ted Jack- son gave a selection of choice music| which was enjoyed by all. Final ar- rangements were made for a bazaar| and afternoon tea on: Nov. 8th to be held in the school room of. the United Church. Lunch was servi and the usual|' social alf hour spent with Mrs, John Dowson's group in charge. > o> Srand There | (Always the latest Hits) Thurs., Friday, Saturday (this week) Cecelia PARKER, Mickey ROONEY, 'Judge Hardy & Son" See the popular gang in a riot of fun. The show that all will enjoy. COMEDY--"He Asked For It" and "Latest News" Saturday, 2 shows, 7.30 and 9.30 S.T. Mon., Tues, Wed., Oct. 27-28-29 Dorothy Lamour, Robt. Preston, in MOON OVER BURMA Another great musical comedy Comedy--Six Musical Cowboys in "The Musical Bandit" also "Popeye!" Dimineirs to is Thurs, Fri., Sat., (next) Ann Sothern GOLD RUSH MAISIE Nov. 3-4-5--"8Snow White" all seats 18¢, including tax Nov, 10-11-12--"Victory"" -- UTICA LOSES WELL KNOWN RESIDENT For the past sixty-seven years Mr. Edward Frederick Ashton has resided at Utica and was most prominent in local affairs, = For many years he farmed on the sixth concession of the Township of Reach and as he was un- ORDER ~fill your coal bin off the a Coal I------ a Real Problem Transportation on coal is becoming more severe each month,. We have our orders placed for four months ahead. Kindly co-operate in this effort - and have your coal ordered ahead so as we can saving to you between now and October the 1st. EARLY car, - This means a 156% .. Phone 240w. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO, LIMITED married his sister Mrs, James H. Ack- ney was. his housekeeper. In' 1928 he was reluctantly com- pelled to relinquish his farm by rea- son of ill-health and for the past num- ber of years he lived in the "Welsh" property in the village of Utica. He was of a very kindly disposition being .very much attached to children, but his chief interest was mostly cen- tered in assisting emigrants from the Old Land who so often in their lack of knowledge and perplexity turned to the deceased gentleman, who was not only ever ready with his wise counsel, which' was. always timely, but material aid was always forth- coping in case of need. He indeed was sight to the. blind, limbs to the weary, to those ignorant to the ways of this Western Hemisphere he was responsive to-any, case of need and widows and orphans found in him a ready champion as his neighbors and friends in the communjty can testify. Mr. Ashton passed away on October 14th, 1941 "and his earthly remains laid to rest in the Kendall Cemetery. -- In: spite of a plowing match, a-very prominent annual event being held elsewhere, his funeral was very large- ly attended which demonstrated the réspect with' which the deceased was held. Three sisters are left to mourn his passing, Mrs. Jas. H. Ackney, Utica; Mrs, Chas. Shepherd, Dayton, Ohio; and Mrs, 'Jas. Shepherd, Ont. His Pastor, Rev. Arthur Jenner, as- sisted by a former minister, Rev. Jos. Denny, conducted the last rites. Much' sympathy is felt for the be- reaved family in their loss, The Happy Gang Club are holding a bazaar on Wednesday afternoon, October 20th, and a euchre and dance at night in the- Community Hall, in aid of the Red Cross. Bruce Gould is providing the music. - Misses Ruth Lee and Iva Baird were in Port Hope for several days last week-end at a Young People's Con- vention, Gohmraiiation § to My Brantford, |. Jas, Lee on | winning the Hon. George Drew silver trophy at the Provincial Plowing Match at Peterboro. nL - © Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Winterstein aifd son of Stouffville, visited Mr .and Mrs. John MeKitrick, on Sunday. Mrs. Winterstein remaining this week. Mrs. Bushby was in Toronto last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. {Covies; on the arrival of a daughter. Miss Hattie Cragg, after visiting relatives 'and friends for the past week left on Monday morning for her home in Victoria' B.C, Miss McTaggart, Lindsay, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson, , Several from here attended the plowing match at Peterboro-last week and report a big event. We express our sympathy to Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Spencer, Barbara and Helen, on the death of their baby daughter and sister, on Sunday. The funeral was held on Tuesday. Inter- ment at Utica Cemetery. el GP -- om CHORAL CONCERT _AT PORT PERRY TOWN HALL. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Ist. Fairlawn Male Chorus, of Toyonto, of thirty voices, will give a Aaried program of choral number, vocal.and violin solos, humorous reading. Pro- ceeds in aid of Scugog Church Re- building Fund. Admission 26c, Moving Pictures Sovereign Films presents-- Coming Round the Mountain,' with Bob Burns, in Port Ferry Town Hall, Thursday, October 30 at 8.30 p.m. Dual projection. - Coming every two weeks. Admission 80c. and 16c., included. Tax --- -e CORRECTING NOTICE 'RE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME The Village: -of Port Perry will re- main on DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME until further notice, in place of re- verting to Standard Time, as was previously advertised, G. F. MANNING, Clerk, - Municipality of Port Perry. CANADA "EVERY PERSON OR FIRM F. W. BROCK & SON » PHCNE 43 PORT PERRY BE READY - ORDER YOUR JOHNSTON- APPROVED "OVERCOAT NOW! ~ Tailored- To- Measure $27.50 You'll appreciate that properly fitted and well dressed that you get In a / - Johnston - Approved Overcoat, tailored-to-your-measure. | (JF: W. BROCK & SON, Port Perry \FL rl \. custom-tailored "feeling of being Your choice of many pat- terns - - light, medium and heavy weights in. a great variely. of weaves. Order now = - be prepared for cold weather in a warm, protect- ing Johnston overcoat. SOLD BY OVERCOATS in Silvertones in several models -- $20.00 -- MENS SUITS--$21.95 Pi ie School to Be Enlarged Whitby Public School on Kent St. is to be enlarged owing to in- flux of Population. MANUFACTURING, HANDLING, OR DEALING IN ~~ FOOD, FEEDS, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, © YARN, CLOTH, CLOTHING or FOOTWEAR MUST HAVE A LICENCE BY DECEMBER 1, 1941 -UNDER THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD LICENSING ORDER ALL PERSONS IN THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF BUSINESS ' Manufsciper Warehouse operator Public eating place operator "Drover, huckster, or other person Manvlecturer' 's Agent Cold storage operator vin delicatessen operator who buys the products of egrl- Packer (meats, fish) Shoe tepal shop operator Caterer © culture for resale Processor Custom tallor Broker Auctioneer Blender Qting contra acfor Commission merchant peratl ny Il Importer Wholesale merchant or Jobber Producer who buys A sells the Co-operative busin ng of alles Exporter Retall merchant products of othen organization ~ MUST HAVE A LICENCE IF THEY HANDLE OR SELL Groce |) Milk (eveporated, condensed or Meals - or lunches (catered of Fur goods (wearlng oppure)' Bead, ero other bakery powdered) delivers . Hoslery ucts Icecream tails of lunches sok lof eatpymp. Milllnery n the premises oh ) Agnted ind mineral waters Dellaiemen pod. Busts end niet . Ivestock of pou! . Sond jena te cereals Meats, (packed, cured, canned) ? v Boots and shoe findings Macaronl and kindred produchs Meats (rash) Mw : ur bows' ¢lothlng Yam of cloth of cotton (Including Coff tes, cocos, chocolate, ; en' Calor. : SUM Ihtiuts cand, comes) Men's of boys! Rats onfheps Yar or cloth of silk, artificial silk, Sugar of molanes ) Wom, s, misses' of children's rayon Butte Posty 2 products (eqn dressed clothing v roth of whoh teil) pou! Women's misses' or children's rest ol woo (ine ing Flow pri feeds accessories (lingers, corals 2 ik ie or ani Feads for livestock or poultry gloves, ete.) : ! " Yamorclothot linen = fish #or Lo d k of poultry pi ducer, of f 1s not subject to licence, unless he buys such goods for resale, \ Fon \ TN After December 1, 1941, when any of the above goods are hought for rosle, hoth the seller' s and buyer's licence numbers must be marked on the sales slip, invoice, or other document recording the sale Licence Application Forms will be distributed through the mail. Persons who do not receive A Window Certificate and a Licence Identification Card will be issued to each licensee, one should apply at their Post Office where' 'coples of the Licensing Order. may also be secured The Certificate + must be affixed to the main door or an adjoining window of the place of business. No licence fee required : / 1 After December 1, 1941, no unlicensed person may buy for resald, handle, or sell any of the above 'goods INQUIRIES FOR FURTHER ? INFORMATION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR OF LICENSING AT VANCOUVER, EDMONTON, REGINA, WINNIPEG, TORONTO, MONTREAL, HALIFAX, SAINT JOHN, OR CHARLOTTETOWN A Issued under the Ginny oF he 'Wartime Prices and Trade Board--OTTAWA, Canada : NEN » BADR BAER BR Say bo Ler = Bi SE 4 BLY yi RY BAY |Cawker 25 Ey re I 1 ® Of all kinds done at the Port Perry Star. Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets. Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, orany other _. Printing you require. Prompt work, i price. MEATS THAT SATISFY You will be sure of satisfaction when you buy our meats. Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meats you require, we : can always give you quality and service. Give us a call. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Bert. MacGregor, Phone 72-r- WE MAKE IT, YOU CAN BUY AND ENJOY IT. SCC NS IN MORAINE IN In these days of uncertainty you need reliable insurance. We place insurance that gives you peace of mind as well as protection. HAROLD W. EMMERSON --_-- Phone 4 ~~ Port Perry AI SA TONLE aa HL We Offer You the Choice of the Market "in Fresh and Cured Meats at- 'CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Prompt and Courteous Service Bros. Phone 2%w Port Perry PECAN ROLLS - - - - . 1b6c each CHELSEA BUNS - - - - 20c¢ doz. li PARKER HOUSE ROLLS - - 1b6¢ doz. K DATE & NUT COOKIES -_- 20c¢ doz. i Saturday Speciali-- Honey Cream Muffins HWE DELIVER i i PHONE 32 Gerrow Bros. Port Perry : 2 FPA AA A i stot po oT

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