Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Oct 1941, p. 4

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a rk ir a = eT 3) 2 1 was a great success, TO-NIGHT--THURSDAY * CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION On October 30th, the ladies will hold a chicken supper and bazaar in the Parish Hall. Reserve the date -- 6 p.m. Thursday, October 30th. 1.0. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of Scugog Chaptér, 1.0.D.E., will be held in the Community Room, on the after- noon. of Monday, November 3rd, at 3, o'clock. / Mrs. W. C. Ttylor and Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth K. Taylor, of Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor, dur- ing the week-end. UNITED CHURCH NEWS On Sunday last Rev. F. G. Joblin preached twice in Port Perry to ap- preciative audiences and in the after- noon at Prince Albert, Next Sunday Nov. 2nd, at 11 am, _ Rev. L. S. Albright of Japan will preach in Part Perry Church. Mr. Albright is one of the outstanding younger men of the United Church. Recently returned from Japan he has a vital message for to-day. Do not fail to hear him. Mr, Albright will preach at the 75th Anniversary of Prince Albert Church at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. (S.T.) Bethesda Quartet will sing. Enid hd Zoi UNITED CHURCH W. A. The Women's -Association will meet at the home of Mrs, Wm. Real, on Tuesday afternoon, November 3rd, at three o'clock." Mrs. Davey's Flower Group will provide refreshments, Rev. Mr. Smyth will give a talk on the Bible. : --------e FIDELITY MEMBERS VISIT SISTER LODGES On Monday night a number of the members of Fiddelity Lodge, AF. & A.M. accompanied their Junior War- den, Geo. Palmer, to Whitby, where "a Junior Wardens' Night was staged. All the Junior Wardens from the dis- trict lodges were present and occupied the different offices for the degree work. D.D.G.M. Robt. Meek, acted as Master for the occasion, i On Tuesday night a number accom- panied Senior Warden L. Colbear to Cedar Lodge, Oshawa, for a Senior Wardens' Night, when the Senior Warden's took the degree work. High School Notes : Ad Optima By D. H. Nasmith - On October 24, a Hallowe'en party was held in the auditorium of the "High School under the auspices of the Literary Society. The entertainment was in the form of a dance, the music for which was provided by an ampli- fier victrola. During the course ofthe evening, refreshments, supplied by the pupils, "were served. There. was an estimated attendnace of 160 persons including pupils and ex-pupils as well as. members of the school staff' and school board. The general opinion of those who attended was that the party This was large- ly due to the efficient convenership of the various committees, These were Gloria Harding, convener of invitation committee; Joyce Hull, convener of the decoration committee; Lola Ger- row, convener of the refreshment com- mittee; Reginald Moase, convener of the programme committee. An item of interest which slipped our attetnion in last week's notes was the expedition that the Second Year Vo- cational Class was privileged to make on October 14th to International Plow- ing Match at Peterborough, This trip was supervised by their teacher, Mr. McClellan, and we are sure that -the entire class benefited by this ex- perience. i As we mentioned in our last week's notes, the girls were unable to com- plete their athletic competitions be- fore the publication of the other re- sults." During the later part of last week the remainder of the competi- tions were run off and the champions were decided, These are: Joyce Beare, Senior Champion; Rena Harrison, Junior Champion. >_> CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mr. H. L. Collacutt wish to thank the friends and neighbours for their great kind- ness during the illness of Mr, Colla- cutt, and at the time of his death, ee er eee res = MR. RABY BURIED AT FENELON The funeral of the late Mr, Raby, father of Mrs. Ira Anderson, was held in the United Church, Fenelon Falls, on Monday, October 276h. Rev. F. W. Newell, his pastor, assisted by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, conducted the ser- vice. Interment took place in Fene- lon Falls. : ) In his 'younger days Mr. Raby was an influential man in the Gooderham Methodist Church and in later years lived in Fenelon Falls, The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Anderson in the passing of her. father. >_> FH . LOST. Soldier's Respirator and valuable 2 cumients, Left in car travelling t from Manchester, Finder please NIN (hr RESTA THEATRE OSHAWA [3 _ Air Conditioned / - FREE Parking Friday and Saturday, --Last Two Days-- JOAN CRAWFORD, ROBERT TAYLOR, GREER GARSON, in When Ladies Meet "with Herbert Marshall, "REVIVAL, Friday Nite at 11 WILLIAM Golden Boy BARBARA HOLDEN STITANWICK "MONDAY and TUESDAY Lew Lionel AYRES BARRYMORE Laraine Day DR. KILDARE'S - WEDDING DAY Added Hit-- "Kisses for Breakfast' Dennis Morgan, Shirley Ross, Jane Wyatt. for Four DAYS COMING WEDNESDAY Dynamic--Rip-Roaring-- Full. of Socko-- rHars-- psn "HONKY TONK" CLARK GABLE LANA TURNER FRANK MORGAN Claire Trevor, Albert Dekker. "DON'T MISS .THIS ONE" OUTSTANDING MEETING OF THE ~~ LIONS CLUB With 100% attendance of the Port Perry Club, and the presence of Dis-! trict Governor G. M. Bosnell, the Lions Club meeting of last Thursday evening was an outstanding success both as to attendance, and the quality of the program. The District Governor brought a fine body guard of fellow Lions from To- ronto; and Bowmanville brought a representative contingent. Initiation of four new members {with two more to follow) was car- ried out by the District Governor assisted by Ligh President Bill Chap- ers from Toronto. man; and oth The address of the evening was given by District Governor_Lion G. M. Bosnell, who was introduced to. the company by Lion Bert Hutcheson. That address, based on the Lions Club Motto -- "Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations Safety" will long be re- | membered as one of the best delivered by a visiting officer, Since the or- ganization of the Port Perry Club. During the course of this address the speaker read this quotation from James Hilton, author of "Good-Bye Mr. Chips". - It is thoroughly in keep- ing with the tenor of all that was said by Lion George Bosnell. James Hilton in an address recent ly, said: "The Democratic ideal is the: noblest political vision yet given to man. Most of us believe that, and many of us are now prepared or pre- paring to die for that belief; but the trouble is that during the last twenty | years, when no one had to die for it, most of us were not even bothering to live for it, we were just content to agree that Democracy is alright,--if indeed, we: ever thought about it at all, We enjoyed our liberties as a man enjoys a nap after a heavy meal --that is to say, extra comfoft, extra idleness, and even if we boasted of the superior qualities "of our own democratic civilization, we often measured them by the number of cars and radio sets and refrigerators. We agreed with democracy -- we were even prepared for it, now and then-- surely all that was enough? We know now, that it "was not enough." ! One notable feature of the address was its quiet, simple directness, and its recognition ,of the value of re- citizenship, 7 ¢ : - 4 2. 2 at PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1041 v4 ANNOUNCING -- Coleman 'SERVICE DAY - AT OUR STORE ON 'NOVEMBER 10th | ADJUSTMENT OR SERVICE? ° for gasoline used Ip testing testing lamps or l:.nterns. The only cost to you will he wav be needed, LA Bring it to our store--bring them all in! A trained i expert from. the Coleman factory will service them for you.- He will not make any charge for labor or It any parts are required you will be chargsd only the regu"r prices for them. ONE DAY ONLY /" Thi offer Is goed only on the alcove date. If you cannot come in then leave your Coleman appliances RX " in befofe that and pick them up after, Th Service Labor Is Free - ~W. L. PARRISH or for mantles used In for any new parts that LSA CR EAL rT 2 VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY TAXES You are hereby reminded that: the Second Instalment of the 1941 Taxes is due on Wednes- day, November 5th, 1941." Treasurer's Office, October 28, 1941 G. F. MANNING, Tax Collector Letter from England The Vicarage, Sileby, Loughborough, Sept. 21 Dear Mrs. Hayes: I was so anxious to acknowledge the safe arrival of your kind and un- expected parcel that I had sent my etter before your's reached me, tell- ing us from whom the parcel really was sent. And so now I must thank you for your letter and also enclose a note- to pass on to those kind but un- known friends who have been'so good and thoughtful. Such kindness and the Christian virtues of helpfulness and sympathy which they display, do warm our hearts and help us along this bit of very rough road that we are travelling. . It does help and en- courage us mor¢ than we can say, to | know that to othet members of the great. Empire, although so far away, are with us in sympathy and prayers, and also in all the practical ways. We are do proud of all that the Do- minion of Canada has done and is do- ing. "We know .that the great ma- jority are doing their utmost by gifts and by work and by sacrifice, even by sparing their sons and husbands to help in ghis dreadful battle against all that is evil and cruel and Godless in the world. We do pray that.victory and peace may not long be delayed, and than soon we may have learned the hard lessons of this discipline. We need it. You ask me a few questions which 1 will answer and hope that I. shall not say anything that will not meet with the censor's approval who must have a heavy task, and one does not want to make their work heavier, but it is difficult to know sometimes just what one may say. I believe tea and cigarettes are dutiable and I suppoge any silk things. They were before the 3 war and no doubt are still. When you ask if we are short of special things, This again is a little difficult to answer as we do not want the authorities to think that we are so- liciting anything, for we are not and never have done so, but it is just the kindness of people such as yourself who sonietimes think of us. However I know our friends will as usual want to remember us at Christmas and they will want to know what is most use- ful. A tin of butter, honey, a little sugar, prunes or dried fruit as raisins, sultanas, prunes, dates, etc, are all very scarce. We feel that we are settling down here to our real work after the sum- mer, I believe I told you that we had my sister-in-law and her two daughters here for their long summer holidays, as they are evacuated from turned to the boarding school in the north of England and the house is quiet and lonely without them. 'How- ever -I think we shall 'have two air- men here for the winter and we shall feel that we can perhaps offer a home to two lads who will appreciate a home away from their own home. One would like to feel that we were shar- ing our blessings with those who are deprived of them in these days of war, We have just celebrated our Har- vest Festival and it has been a very wonderful and : really touching ex- perience. Just because there is a scarcity, I think people have realized that they have many. blessings and they feel all the more for those who are in such great need and so they have given even more generously of what they have than they gave in the days of peace. Our magnificient- old church was a picture of beauty with flowers, corn, ete. and the potatoes, vegetables - of --all - kinds, flour and groceries, even apples (yhich are awfully. poor this year) were: just PRIN' 7 Of all kinds done at the Port Perry Star Ofice-- t Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets, ligion as a wise guidance for good it as p iach 'Folders, Catalogs, Weddjng Invitations, or any other PP TTR ST 4 CN ea A TR Printing you require, Prompt work, low priee, their own home. Now they have re-| "Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- IR. BENTLEY'S OPTOM ST ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.=~Public Worship, Student in charge. 5 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION . ANGLICAN : November 2nd-- . 11 a.m.--Holy- Communion and sermon. The Rector. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. October 30--Thursday Chicken Supper and Annual Bazaar PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. 10 _a.m.,--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Rev. Leland S. Albright, M.A. B.D, S.T.M., Japan, Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of RE Le) Prince Albert United Church. Rev. L. S. Albright will preach at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. (S.T.), Bethesda Male Quartet will sing at both'ser- vices, : 1 * Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" Wampole's Cod Liver . Extract The year round tonic for all ages. Extremely palatable and eas to take. FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD, $1.15 and $2.45 AYERST'S ALPHAMETTES ~$1200, $1.85 and $3.50 SCOTT'S EMULSION 59¢., and' 98¢. . * PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 76¢. and $1.25 . KEPLER'S COD 'LIVER OIL and 75¢. and $1.25 NATIONAL COD LIVER OIL $1.00 'Bottle "and MALT ...5urco. 9c. and 89. - y : ey A. M. LAWRENCE "PHONE 49 PORT PERRY me Rexall swe WV 0 LEE ae LEE a a SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over 'Jemison's Bakery v " given in great profusion. One chil- dren's service was especially touching when the children all brought their offerings, presenting-them to Mr. Har- court at the chancel steps. He hand- ed them to the choir boys who stood behind and they carried them up and, placed them in the chancel: It was wonderful what they brought, and now to-morrow we have the great task--but the happy task--of dis- tributing the good things which have been given. We shall have to carry them to their destinations, for petrol is so precious there is little available now, and there are not many cars on the roads, - That is, perhaps, as it should be, for they must need an en- ~ FOR Expert Radio Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean: Radio Service The CHRISTIE FARM TO RENT, 100 acres, lot 6, con. 6, Reach, in Utica village. Possession 1st March, 1942, can plow at once. Apply to A. Christie, R.R.4 Uxbridge. ormous amount of gas for carrying on the war effort, especially for the { aeroplanes. . . Will you be kind enough to pass the enclosed note on to your sister and members of the staff of University, London, and those who have been so kind. : With 'our love 'to you all, and our thanks for your many kindnesses to us. Love and thanks to the family, too. 2 . Very gratefully yours, Cecil and Edith Harcourt. Hallowe'en DANCE ;, With LAURA JOHNSON and her Girl Crohestra at GENEVA PARK, on Friday, Oot. 3ist 9.00 p.m, d.s.t. Old Time and Modern Dancing 760. per Couple. L ¥ ; % / VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that pur- suant to "The Assessment Act", the Court of Revision of the Village. of Port Perry will hold its first sitting in the Municipal Chamber, on /Friday, the 7th of November, 1941, at 7.30 pm. (Daylight Saving Time) to hear and determine the several complaints or efrors or omissions in the Assess- ment Roll of the said municipality for the year 1941, on which the taxes for the year 1942 will be levied. Dated and published, this 27th day of October, 1941. : Geo, F. Manning, Clerk. i FOR.RENT- - _____*7 Seven roont house. Bath, Electric Lights. On Queen St. Apply to Mrs. Gordon Bruce, Port Perry. .. | FOR SALE Ten young Yorkshire Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to Wilber Vance, Lot 2, Con. 2, Cartwright. Phone 109 r 3-1. ¢ WANTED road. Large or small * quantity. Write Stan. Disney, Room 40, Alger Building, Oshawa, Phone 81, nov13 ] FOR SALE oes Deer hunting rifle, good as new. Apply to Charles Heayn, Part Perry. Tea "oct 30 FOR SALE Electric Washer in good running order. Can be bought cheap for cash. Apply Box 60, Port Perry, Star. : FOR SALE y Beatty Electric Washer for balance of payments. = Terms $1.00 weekly. Apply at Carnegie Hardware. FOR SALE 20 Pigs about 76 pounds. Apply to Herb. Eagleson, R. R. 2, Seagrave. Lot 23, con. 12, Reach, \ : FOR SALE Two hound pups, 7 months old. Apply to S. Wakeford, Port Perry. DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL S8URGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry (The firm-of Greer & Humphreys is disselved) RUSSELL' D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 : in attendance at my Port Perry office ea Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. : Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 TO-NIGHT - Moving Pictures . Sovereign Films presents-- **Coming Round the Mountain," Town Hall, Thursday, October 30 at 8.80 p.m. ~ Dual projection. Coming every two weeks. Admission 80c. and 16c¢., Tax "|included. : . "I buy timber standing or in log on| TRY Test T i) 103.4% NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Elizabeth : Rennie, - All persons having claims against who died at the Township of Brock on the Seventh day of June, 1941, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed Solicitors on or before Novem- | ber 13th, full particulars of their ~{ claims. Immediately after November. 13th, 1941, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice. - Dated at Port Perry, this 21st day of October, 1941. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, above Estate. FOR-SALE AT A BARGAIN _Boy's leather winter coat, Al con- dition. Will sell cheap. Apply at Star Office, Port Perry. FOR SALE' Seven Young Pigs. Apply to Harry Thorne, R.R.4, Uxbridge, Phone 7-r-2 Claremont. / HOUSE FOR SALE Five Rooms. Apply to Ray Hen- shaw, Phone 6, Port Perry. ' "Strand Theatre - "UXBRIDGE, ONT. Thursday, Fri., Satarday (this week) Ann Sothern, Slim Summerville, in -- GOLD. RUSH MAISIE A new Maisie picture that will amaze you--{iuills, Somedy, 'action. Also. a } FOR SALE Chicken wire, 2 barrels, stove pipes, heater, milk can. Mrs. Geo. Dietrich, Port Perry. : FOR RENT ~~ °' Five roomed house with electric, cistern and garden. Very reasonahle, Apply to Mrs. Alex, McKinnon, Little Britain R.R.8, Sr POTATOES FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale a quantity of good potatoes. Apply to Dawson Kaufman, Port Perry. ; : FOR SALE Z . A number of Stockers, some Cows, Com "DIR dy--4A.! LER TRAGEDY" Latest News Sat, 7.30 and 9.50 S.T. IB Bar « SEDC SIE OUR 21st ANNIVERSARY TREAT. Mon., Tues., Wed.,, NOVEMBER 3.4.5 Walyt. Disney's SNOW WHITE and SEVEN DWARFS Celebrate folks]. =~ Bring the whole family to zee mia show A) achts Jac. -- Stan' Lay . Hardy in WORK? (Our Gang in Good, Bad Boys), Come along, bring your friends. All seats 18c. including tax, Matinee, Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 4 p.m. " 12¢ and 18¢, including tax. Thurs, Friday Sat, on week) 0] A n "THREE M FROM TRXAS" a number of Young Pigs Phone 101 r 2-1. 3 some Young Sows. W. L. Blueman, Scugog Island Armistice Show--NOV. 11-12-18 Hardwick, Frederick March and B. 7 "VICTORY" W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON / Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm, Office Upstairs, .over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry offices on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. '| Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Mink for Sale Fine, dark Labrador Mink, Price reasonable, Apply to Fralick Bros., Sengog Is and 23 ov. 13. | Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber with Bob Burns, in Port Ferry - the Estate of the above mentioned-~ Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the \ y i AS x NOTICE TO CREDITORS . Camplin, Farmer, Deceased. the Estate of the above dgceased; who died at the Township of Brick on 10th day of August, 1941, are hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or ately - after the 20th of November, 1841, the assets of the deceased will' be distributed among the parties en- Hid théreto, having regard only to claims of which the undepsi then have notice, ied shan Dated at Port: Perry of October, 1041, Solicitors, Ete, Port Perry, Ont, _In_tho Estate of William Roy ~~ \ a All persons having claims against @ > before the 20th day of November; ful) * particulars of their claims..- Immed- thig 27th day Robert J. Harrls, Administrator, in| herein, ¢/o Harris, Harris & Wallace, ak --

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