Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Nov 1941, p. 4

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Port Perry' 'Schools will open 9.30 a.m., begin- ning Monday, Nov 9 _ Mr.cand Mrs, Nelson have returned to their home in Brampton, after . spending some weeks with Mrs; FE. Ay Walker and Miss Walker, mil iat ry ! AVANTED, Magazines and books for. soldiers. Please notify Miss Grace Davis, if vou haye any. . , Teer rg ~~~ -- / An interesting item regarding 'Mr. Webb, Prince Ajbert, will appear in our next issue. : to -o COMMUNITY REMEMBRANCE SERVICE be held in Port Perry Church, on Sunday, Nevember 9th, Speaker--Rev. Private W. R. Tris- tram. Army awd Navy Veterans, Unit 216 and others, The LO.D.E., C.G.LT,, Boy Scouts and Young People's Union will attend in a body. --. - will United --PP "1:0. DE, On Sunday, November 9th, a Re- membrance Day service is being held in the United Church, Port Perry, and the members of Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E. are asked to attend in a body. Members are to meet in the basement of the church at 10.45 am. There are fifty-seven on, the roll. Tet us all try to be present to pay tribute to the memory of our war heroes. * * * At the meeting of the Chapter on November 3rd, -Mrs. Woods, Edueu- tional Secretary, told us of the new school, one hundred miles north of Kenora, which Scugog Chapter has adopted. "This outlying school has 18 pupils, it can be reached only by air- A list of books for the library been sent to Miss Morek, the teacher, for her approval, and these will be sent when a reply is received. plane. has FREE Parking Rhone 1011 "OSHAWA Air Conditioned s Last Two Riotous Days-- Friday and Pl Clyrk Lana =~ GABLE TURNER "HONKY TONK"- Albert Dekker Frank Morgan Claire Trevor -. REVIVAL, Friday, at 11 p.m. ARE, © I v. "The Fighting 69th" [J ames Cagney @ [ I'at O'Brien [ J / ® (George Brent © Monday and Tuesday MELYYN DOUGLAS MERLE OBERON THAT UNCERTAIN FEELING Burgess" Meredith -- and on the same program -- Cesar Carole ROMERG LANDIS «6 "» DANCE HALL COMING for Fy CRA WEDNESDAY "pi¥S TYRONE POWER in the year's biggest air thrill, A YANK +: R. A. F. BETTY GRABLE Actual air battles filmed over Germany and France W.-M. 8S. The + Woman's Missionary of Port Perry United Church, will meet in the Sunday School room at 3 p.m. Tuesday, November 10th, i MARRIE nD ANNOUNCING -- SERVICE DAY AT OUR STORE ON - NOVEMBER 10th -- HAVE YOU ANY COLEMAN APPLIANCE THAT NEEDS' ADJUSTMENT OR SERVICE? : , Bring it to our - store~bring them all in! A trained "expert from the Coleman factory will service them 'tor you. He will not make any charge for labor or tor gasoline used in testing or for mantles used In testing lamps or l:nterns. If any parls are required you will be charged only the regular prices for them. . ONE DAY ONLY This offer is good only on the above date. If you cannot come in then leave your Coleman appliances in before that and pick them up after, Service Labor Is Free The only cost to you will be for any new parts that ony be needed. W. L. PARRISH \ : Society LA 25 Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied 'where Uecessary, at , reasonable prices,-- 1. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST ; ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10 a.m. "Sunday School. « 7 p.m.--Publi¢ Worship, Student in i charg®, 3 cue [1] OF THE ASC ENSION ANGLICAN 3 Remembrance Sunday, Nov, 4 pm.---Sunday School 7 p.m.----=Evensong and sermon, The Rector. ,/. 4 9th-- - n PORT PERRY, ONT; THURSDAY, "NOVEMBER 6th, 1941 Pp -------------- Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE. With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" aL PHAMETTES , $1.85, $3.50 AYERST'S Hibs A CAPSULES FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD -....ionr. $1.15, $2.45 FROSST'S NEO Cite AL CAPSULES .... $1.25, $2.23 PURETEST COD LIVER ¥ TOLL ziti 75¢. and $1. 25 KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL and MALT ...75¢. and $1.25 AY ERS 8 mb PHONE 49 11 a.m. -- Joint service in" * United Church after Veterans' Parade to Memd8rial Library. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 &.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m. --Community Remembrance Service. AUCTION SALE and Implements, at lot 6, Reach, 14th. Terms Cash. ~ Speaker--Rev. Pte. W. R. Tristram HERBERT LEIGHTON---Farm Stock con, BH, in Utica, on Friday, Nov, Sale at 1 S.T. _TED JACKSON, Auctioneer a | A. M. LAWRENCE : 720 Rexall swe Voammsa CRT CRU HOBO / p . Now is te time' A build resistence with reliable vitamin products. NATIONAL COD LIVER OIL 2 and MALT ...49¢c. and 89¢. SCOTT'S EMULSION 59¢., 98c. PARKE DAVIS HALIVER OIL ....cccoperer.50c. and $1.75 HALIVER OIL CAPSULES 90c., and $1.55 SQUIBH'S cop LIVER OIL +50c,; $1.00 and $1.69 UPJONN'S Shei 3h D COD ¢ LIVER OIL: 40¢,, 90c., $1.40 WAMPOLE COD LIVER i . EXTRACT cocina $1.00 PORT PERRY NB BEB BEBE BO gO SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 50 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 7 pm.--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth will | conduct worship. Subject---*"The | * C. P. ROLPH ¢ Peril of Resentment and Anger." Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery 3 . FOR Expert Radio Service - PHONE 234 on' PRINTIN ® 4 Of all kinds' done at the Port Perry Star Office-- Posters, Sale Bills, Commercial Stationery, Booklets, Folders, Catalogs, Wedding Invitations, or any other Printing you require. Prompt work, low price Book Review By Gloria Harding + "The Shepherd of the Hills" By Harold Bell Wright. The Shepherd of the Hills is! con Wright's best books. The scene o in the Ozark Mountains, many mile from what. we call civilization. rude" mountaineers of Mutton Hollow sidered by many as one of Harold Bell this story, as its title indicates, lies s The Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Bip Service f| Utica village. Possession 1st Marl 1942, can plow at once. Apply to - A. Christie, R.R.4 Uxbridge. The CHRISTIE FARM TO RENT, 100 acres, lot. 6, 'con. 5, Reach, in WANTED 'DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST. Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Phone 237, - Res. 215 :- - Port Perry ('The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 | in attendance at my Port Perry qfice on Tuesday and Thursday" afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone #4 NOTICE To CREDITORS "In the Estate of Mary Elizabeth "Rennie. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned "I buy timber standing or in log on On the who died at the Township of Brock Seventh day of June, 1941, are » Christmas boxes for eighteen active On Saturday, October 18th, 1041, at and their lives centre around Mr. thereby notified to send to the under- servige me cerseas fr Port Perry road. Large or small uantity. i int ere packed and ot Dating, Survey, Raglan. Die. Janice "Dad" Howitt, a refined. gentleman| yw ito Stan. Disney, Room - Alger | signed Solicitors on or before Novem- sift from the Chapter on Act 21st Tanner, eldest son of Mr and Mrs, H. who mysteriously came to Mutton Building, 'Oshawa, Phone 81. novi3 ber 13th, full particulars of their De D. McMillan read an interest. | 1+ Tanner, of Bancroft, to Miss Hollow to live. The hand of bene-| : claims. Immediately after November ¥ ing apr, daa iy ind of facts | Patricia Wills, of Kingston-on-the volence is everywhere stretched out, FOR SALE 113th, 1941, the assets of the-deceased ii how the conqiicved people of | Thames, England. searching 'into abuses, righting] To ekers. some Cows, Wil be distributed among the parties Aig ville il ith British backing, are - -- wrongs, and bringing td the know-| tie of Pi ' ' entitled - thereto, having regard only i Furope, with British backing, are JUNIOR WAR WORKERS a CH y ; a number 'of Young Pigs, some Young FS 4 slowing. up production by doing im- : : : ledge and sympathies of the world,| gq, oc" Ww 1, Blueman Seugo Island «to claims of which the Solicitors Rd fer a, sabotage in transporta- " The pest Wiseting off hur Javier] Ti 2 J : LIBB 33 f 925 the lowly and the forgotten, . Phone 101 oe ' 8 {shall then have notice. = jy S A) . tiem Sisesstating repeat orders by vig! high in Wl he bet} 85 fhe hore omato uice 20 oz. a or C Mr. Wright has written the Shep- Dated at Port Perry, this 21st day ] as losing contracts and in many other of Ai Bolt, Woods 30.8.0, @ . : herd of the Hills in a solid, down-to- WANTED of October, 1941. | A 3 .s ave Jol lin 2 'war supplies for Tuesday, November 10th. "Anyone re- XXXX QUAKER 98's LYNN VALL EY--16 oz. earth manner, although such colourful 5 N ; Fi ip holding up war supplies quiring wool for war work, please BREAD FLOUR, $9.49 PEAS : 9 for 19¢ phrases as "streaks and patches of FE he Sen 2 re 2 HARRIS, HARRIS'& WALLACE, ie Nazis < T : ts low DL. RR i se . phone Mrs. Thomas Harris, New . R . - old and green" sketched for us| PPV to Mrs ardwe. Port Perry, Ontario; Solicitors for the <> members always welcome. PASTRY FL R AVIMER CUOICE--16. OF, ei 'the nbn of the story. Hing St. East, Oe, Phone 1066, ( above Estate. ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS h 1 ou 89c Bantam Com. 2for 21c |lmne two outstanding characters, [ F5Ra%2: ws The Church building committee of Hi h Sc 00 Notes MAPLE LEAF AYCMER CHOICE--16 QZ "Young Matt" and "Sammy LaneZ, = Scugog, wish to acknowledge with g PURE LARD - lb. 17¢ Mixed Vagetables, 2--27¢ are ddeaily aid Jamal posienyed:}, Two ohio for house- Ww. A. Sangster thanks, all who supported their recent Ad Optima LIBRY'S 28 OZ TIN AYLMER CHOICE--26 OZ. Suspouieniie | myiNoiiol Li phon, keeping, private entrance, 3 pie DENTAL SURGEON choral concert in the Town Hall, Port . t B the plot, holding the reader in grips PINE, pri entrange, J ~piece ; 1 : i, Som anf yh ee By D. H. Nasmith Deep Browned Beans, 19c TOMATOES ~~ 2 for 25¢ |l1o the end. The book is entertaining] bath in house. No_objection to small| Oflice Hours: 9 a.m, to'§ pm. Mrs. Wm. Real and Mr. S. Jeffrey.| There seems to be rather a dearth LIBBY'S--20 OZ. TIN Ey BANQUET CHOICE--28 OZ and at the. same time instructive, a child. Phone ns > Otes Ee Sree Also thé Port Perry United Church of High School news this week though Pork '& Beans, 2 for 19¢ 'PUMPKIN - 2 for 25¢ 15 HA 22 i . : . : R for the use of the basement for serv-|we are unable to give a spacific rea- E. D. SMITH'S PURE--32 0% : VIT. : 0M authors ex op; 11016 WO S , Fil > CHE n ID. 8) S 32 OZ: - AB ing refreshments. son for it. Next weck, however, per- DAMSON JAM 29 CEREAL Ib 10c- desire amusement and seek knowledge overeign 1 ms ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER : haps something of importance will | < 10. 1U¢C at the same time, I'heartily commend " PRESENTS in attendance at my Port Perry office on turn up. We might bring to your at- E. D. SMITH'S PURE--16 OZ. ~ NABISCO™ | this book. Please try it] I know you * Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon ~ Mrs. A E Howard tention the presentation of a Literary "Strawberry Jam - - 29c¢ Shredded Wheat, 2 pk 23¢ will enjoy it. Destry Rides Again Bl or. " y APpSius nt 2 . . 4 otal GE Siiarn we Oe ong Blo ort Perry, ne The d¥ath of Mrs. A.E. Howard in She > pm on hg p, E. D. SMITHS PURE--16 OZ. DOMINO ~ with Shirley Winger d 4 SU Mrs. Ach. v ¢ particulars regarding this pro- / g ; . \ on . ) . im 1 rian Donne ' Toronto, on Friday, October 31, 1941, | gram will be given in a later issue of Raspberry Jam 29¢ TEA 2 % lb. 40e¢ A Delightful © Mischa Auer y Mink for Sale came as a shock to her many friends.) High School Notes. PALMOLIVE PRINCESS--PKG. | - IN THE TOWN HALL A : 3 She was in her 74th year. A part from the subject of school SOAP . 3 for 19¢ SOAP FLAKES 17¢ Coneert Fine, dark Labrador Mink. Deceased whose maiden name was| aetivities was the air-alarm which ZL : ; : : PORT PERRY Price reasonable. Apply to Alice Edith Bond, was born at Prince|came to Port Perry on Friday, Oct. ODEX = CONCENTRATED--PKG. Mr{>Albert Punter, and male choir, ad Fralick Bros., Scugog Island Albert, the daughter of William Bond 31, in the form of an army plane SOAP - > 3 for.19¢ SUPER SUDS - 23¢ oS ig United husk, ear "y Th A the Ne "13 Nov. 18. and Mary Ann Somers. d swooping and zooming past the school ] delightful concert in the Town Hall ursaa 0 og' Sg an E SE btn J Bown ons Sg vp Mat h EDDY'S 3 £ 2 5 Port Perry, on-Saturday evening lust. © oC y, IN v. NOTICE TO CREDITORS A lady taught school in the Peterboroe|admitted, is a great distraction to the ; cnes -- Maple Leaf or C . It was "a gencrous gift to the 2 ults 30c. Children 16¢. | In' tho Estate of William Roy { district. In 1896 she married Melvin{ pupil and the ultimate result is, of | : : 4 Scugog United Church--pressed down, | -- FOR SALE Camplin," Farmer, Deceased. | Howard of Brantford. Two sons were course, slowing down of school ac-, GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES "running over, with good humor, sweet > All persons having claims against | born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard--|tivity. Do you not think that some: : : " melody, glorious harmony, and a| Muskrat coat, size 40; Heintzman | the Estate of the above deceased, who b William and Gordon, of Toronto, both | thing should be done about this un- +, , SEEDLESS . | rollicking sense of good fellowship. piané and bench, mahogany finish; | died at the Township of Brock on 10th' of Avhom survive their mother. De-|timely intruder on school? rape rut' Good -Size - 4 for 23¢c | The audiénce thoroughly enjoyed Hawaiian Guitar; chicken house, size | day of August, 1941, are hereby noti- ceased is also survived by two sisters, ap ; the whole entertainment, and have| 11' x 11', double floor, Phone 164 r 6, | fied to send to the undersigned on or Mes, Jus. Shurie, of Trenton, Ontarivi | A GARRET ON A RAINY. DAY WASHED SPANISH i partioilerly Fics mane 2 : haar The 20h 2a Pr vemen Sou and Mrs. C. A. Wadsworth, Montreal. he creaking steps that led from i arold Neal, violinist, an nal St 3 d Th t articulars of their claims, Immed- Mrs. Howard was a member of thel ype ground floor to the Dorie were CARROTS lb. 5c - ONIONS - 2 lbs. 15¢ Sheldrick, elocutionist. John Samson, ran ead re iately--after the 20th of Novemiet, Port Perry United Church. She was|old and broken. Forks of bright LARGE WHITE i SWEET tenor, and Richard Smith, baritane, " UXBRIDGE, ONT 1941, the assets of the deceased will a quiet neighbourly lady who will bef jightning, flashing through the ugly CAULIFLOWER, each 15¢ POTATOES, : 2 |bs. 15¢ 1gave happy numbers, "Al To 1. be distributed among the parties en- _-- esely iia by many Erion ; cracks in thé walls and ceiling, fre- LARGE mtn TRIMMED - {Fairlawn Mae sbiaidls 15 a volun ns Ape e Latest Hi btled Theretes, Ds regard i Ae { e funeral service was conducted qtiently lighted the dark room. Be- & tary' organization and is doing a good | Thurs., Friday, Saturday (this week) | ¢!8ims of which the undersigned s| all i by Rev. hah iy Soin: tenet tween an antiquated bookease and a Sige Celery - each 10¢ TURNIPS 2 Ibs. 05¢ vice of work through the musical HOPPY, LUCKY, and CLYDE, in then hae ee 1 i was made in Pine Grove Cemetery,|jqull corner of the room hung silky CHINESE LARGE . medium, [3 : [] 8 at Port Perry this 27th day i ) ' Prince Albert. i A hammocks of lacy cobwebs laden with | LETTUCE - each 10¢ : Green Cabbage, each 10¢ 3 3 MEN from TEXAS of October, 1941, % » : A A 1941 Western action thriller, Robert J. Harris, Administrator, grey dugt, Across rain-streaked win- YACHT CLUB DANCE COMEDY -+ Leon Evol in A Polo PIED dows red -gurtabng Tel) -in loony ETL D . x a rgd 'A herein, c/o Harris, Harris & Wallace, - 3}... Domestic McIntosh Phoney". Also added -}: : v TITTERTON -- At Greenbank, on]and ghostlike folds. A decrepit voek- "Apples 6 qt Basket ris 49c Everybody is cordially nvited to MOONS Walt COLOR CAR- Solicitors, Ete, Port Perry, Ont. Ral Monday, Noyember 3rd, oy Frederic] ing chair and a rickety table, thick $ - the Presentation Dance of the Port] "FERDINAND THE BULL LY and . ng with dust, wére both reminiscent of * Perry .Yacht Club at the High School "DONALD'S, LUCKY DAY" - Hilton, beloved son' of Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Titterton, aged' 4 mos, 15 days. |by-gone days: Into each obscure DOMINO B RAKING. PCWDER Assembly Hall, on Friday, November | Mon, Tucs., Wed, NOV. 10-11-12, ki _." "Jeorner of the spacious room the } 21st. - - Bernard -Tierney's Orchestra, ARMISTICE SHOW Ee, PRESCOTT Hampton, Thurs-I mouldy smell of mildewed clothing refreshments, Price $1.26 couple.{ Frederic-Mareh, inn 4 ou day, October 30th, 1941, Charles Thos. | penetrated. i 8 for SI Te oh . you ean rely. Don't miss it. : "VICTORY b Prescott, in his 64th year. PE i rh HOT Baking Powder. Contains no alum. i SHALT NOT KILL! Drive Carefully! BAZAAR AND SALE OF HOME. Its complete dependability makes 1-{D, +. MADE COOKING Baking Day 'a delight! Dominion qn The Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.! Kitchen Approved. S. of the Port Perry United Church' x = = - will hold a Bazaar and Sale of Home- made cooking on Saturday, Nov. 8th, ORES » LIMITED RT BLEWETT -- At Port Perry, on 8lo Popese an) Conedy="Mutiny. in = Wednesday, October 29, 1941, Josiah Blewett, heloved. husband. of Minnie Roseborough, in his 80th year, 54 WILLIAMS -- At Manchester, on Thursday, October 30th, 1941, Albert Edward Williams, in his ard Ie 249°] WOMAN'S AUXILIARY On, November 8th, the ladies of the evening - Auxiliary of - the Port Perry on | I) United Church will hold a bazaar, U BOAT 29 sale of home-made cooking and gerve| * . crammed 'with agtion, afternoon tea in the school room of ' Coming soon--"Story of the Vatican" the Church. Reserve the date--Nov. 8 "Foreign Correspondent", Thurs., Friday, Saturday (Next) The Bazaar will be held in the base- ment of the Church, opr

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