. Fl yy BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned All Shows Daylight Saving Time. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, DECEMBER 18-19-20 : Two shows at 7.30 and 9.80 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1,30 Aloma of the South Seas In: Technicolor / ' with Dorothy LAMOUR, Jon HALL, "Lynne OVERMAN, Dona DRAKE. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, DECEMBER 22-23-24 Last Complete Show at 8.50 [] » Japp TT 1] Broadway Limited Victor McLAGLEN, Dennis OKEEFE : Patsy KELLY, Zasu PITTS. Also an ADDED Attraction (3 4 s " Flying Blind with Riehard Arlen, Jean Parker. COMING next Thursday; Friday and Saturday, Dec, 25- -26- 27 That Uncertain Feeling "with Merle Oberon, Melvyn Douglas. yl PRENTICE'S Finder BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. Very moderate Prices We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave 50c Marcel =. 75¢ Manicure = - - 35¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price, Phone 223, Port Perry : ARTHUR PRENTICE; Prop. Myrtle Station The annual * Christmas Tree. and Entertainment, with all its beauty and "fun will be held to-morrow evening (Friday) in the community, hall. The singing will be under the capable leadership of the school music teacher Mrs. Parsons. The scholars have been practising for several weeks and it is expected that the program will be of the usual high grade. Of course, Old Santa Claus will be there if nothing prevents him! - The heavy snow storm on Saturday and Monday. will make good sleighing .for Santa's reindeer if the weather continues cold. It also made good 'skiing on the Dagmar hills. Several extra coaches on the Sunday forenoon passenger train brought hundreds of skiers out of the.city to enjoy the first snow of the winter. > Mrs. Cecil Walsh has been visiting with relatives in Chicago for the past week, She is expected _home-on Fri- day or Saturday. Mr. Clarence Harrison, Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Harrison and their . nother Mrs. R. long, spent Thyrsday with Toronto relatives. "Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parrindey were among the many friends and nejgh- bors whg gathered at the home of Mr. and Mys. James Compton, Ashbyrn, nd presented with a large pum- Per i practic u and Jovely gifts in honour of their recent marriage. Mrs. T. Carey and granddaughters Marjorie and Dorothy Vallieres, visit- ed on Saturday and Sunday with Oshawa friends. Mrs. Roy Scott of Seagrave was a Sunday visitor at the Clarence Harri- son home. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Perrin visited last week .in Toronto at the homes of their sons and families. Mr, and Mrs, Merle Ross nad Mrs. L. L. Ross of Ashburn were Sunday callers at the horhe df Mr. ahd Mrs. James Dickson, N Messrs, Ronald and Donald Johnson |, were Sunday visitors with relatives in Sonya. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters were at the Frank Lynd home on Saturday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Lynd cele- brated their twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Dalby - visited -on Sun- day with Uxbridge friends. : In a recent letter received from one of our hoys in the Canadian Army Overseas, he told of the wonderful weather England was enjoying for that time of year and the beauty of the country with the turning of the leaves and the ferns. They had been living under canvas until a few days before the letter was written about twenty-five miles to a beautiful estate which made their living conditions vastly different. "We are now the very fortunate tenants of a lovely old seventeen roomed house. It has been damaged to quite a degree by the air raids but it looks good to us. Seven other chaps and I occupy a large pink room--imagine me in'a pink room (the laddie has beautiful red hair)-- on the second floor. We have a fire- place, baths, hot and cold water and steam heating. Behind the house there are tennis courts and a golf course; so now you understand why I said we were fortunate. A large gaping hole in one side of our room was made by a hit scored by the enemy. We have tar-papered all the|' window openings, for the concussion plays havoe with the glass, and treated the hole in the wall in the same manner, for blackout." Sunday evening service was - con- . | ducted by the pastor Rev. G. S. Ger- van. His address was on the Pro- phesies of the coming of the Messiah and the work He would do." Jesus, the: Messiah fulfilled all - the "pro- phesies and more. ..Next Sunday evening Mr. Gervan will preach 3a Christmas sermon at the regular hour 7 p.m. All are welcome. : FOR SALE 4 year old Holstein Cow, due now. Apply to J. C. Love, Port Perry, Phone 13, UXBRIDGE, ONT." Always warm 'and comfortable! -- Thursday, December 18th only --- "DOOMED CARAVAN" (one day and night) Another Zane Grey, thriller Continuous show from 2 till midnite All seats 18c. including tax. $50 in prizes. Draws at £30 and 10 p.m. jojn the fun. Friday and Saturday, December 19-20 Jackie Cooper in "THE LIFE WITH HENRY" The popular Aldrich Family Also Crisison the Atlantic "Mypop-Mypop" Cartoon. Theatre closed Mo oday, Tuesday y- and Wednesday untj further notice, 4 Big Nites--DECEMBER 24-25-26-27 Christmas Bill--Bing "Crashy, in "RHYTHM QN THE RIVER" . Comedy--8. Laure] and O. Hardy, in 1% TWO" : 4 "Popey eo! New Your Fonons, of Fortune" "COAL We have always had in stdék GENUINE ALBERTA COAL. ' Our last car of two weeks ago is nearly gone. Place your orders for this fine Canadian. Coal, which is becoming more popular as the wood situation becomes more severe. SEE OUR STOCK OF JAP-A-LAC PAINTS Phane 240w. LAKE s0UGaG LUMBER & aoAL co., IMITED eer ey Coming! At one time we thought he wouldn't get to Port Perry this year. But now it has all been arranged, and he is to be in front of the Post Office at 3.00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24th He will be too late for letters. You'd better send them to him by mail. BUT He will have GIFTS for the children of this district Note to Parents Port Perry people invite you to bring the children in to see Santa Claus. - Don't disappoint them, PLACE YOUR ORDER for-your- Washer, Ironer, Yacyum or Polisher to-day, Do not Delay, until next month as you may not be able to get one, SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 1 BEATTY COPPER TUB (save)$30. 1 BEATTY Copper Tub (save) $30.00 1. BEATTY Washer, (like new, save) $79.60 1 BEATTY IRONER ......" "$34.50 1 HOOVER CLEANER ...... $19.50 1 BEATTY POLISHER ...... $19.60 WE ARE STILL: ABLE to deliver Engine Drive Washers. Further in- formation enquire at Carnegie Hdwe. or Beatty Factory Branch, 66 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Phone 2082, . " Open every evening till 10 o'clock during Christmas season, INE SARUANES UNAS Az RNTTEZRRA SF ASRS CANA TU NASB ANZ aa F. W. BROCK & SON, Port Perry "THE CHRISTMAS STORE - Iv s only 6 mare Shopping Days before Christmas. F Sanne] Ski Shirts, Plaids. At $2.25. in Bright In Blue, White, and C Ladies' and Girls' Sports Jackels reen, at $3.75, &.2.98 Turquoise, Blue, and Chenille Housecoats, in Rose, Red. At $5.00 and Wine. At $3. Crepe Housecoats, in Blue 26. 3 and Blue. At $2.25, Print Housecoats, in Green Store Open Evenings until Christmas 0 We have a good assortment in Stock of Christmas Gifts, For the Men We Have--- Broadcloth Pyjamas, $2. 25 and $2. 75 Men's Fine Shirts--We are showing a good assortment of Patterns at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, up to $2. 80 Men' s,Pure Linen Initial Handkerchfs, : at Old Prices, 35c. each. Men's Mufflers made of Rayon and Cotton, reversible Patterns, . Priced at $1.00 Men's Bath Robes i in assorted colors, and sizes, at $4.35 each NAVEL ORANGES--§EERLEss ~ 19c., 29c., 39c. per Dozen Grapefruit 5c. ea. Cranberries 29c lb Peanuts 20c Ib. Mixed Candy 20c Ib CHRISTMAS GROCERIES PASTRY FLOUR, 24 Ibs. 73c. TEA, Black, 75c. Ib. COFFEE, Fresh Ground, 39c. Ib. _ Celery Hearts 10c. bunch. Bananas. Cabbage Green Onions, Cooked Meats, Turnips, fresh daipy CHOCOLATE S 25c. per Ib. CLARKE"S SOUPS, 12 for 85¢. CLARKE'S CATSUP, 2 for 250. LS t APS SRPESS UE BIGGEST DAYLIGHT R.A.F. A young Australian pilot who too Force offensive since the war bega a German Messerschmitt fighter ai France, Holland and Belgium. Th raid, shooting down over France twa "probables" NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES W. McGILL "All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died -at the Township of Cart- wright on the 14th day of November, 1941, ave hereby notified to send to the undersigned: Solicitors on or be- fore January 8th, 1942, full partiou- lars of their claims, Immediately after January 8th, 1942, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry this 16th day of December, 1941, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALL AC E, Port Perry, Ontarjo, Solicitors for the above Estate, tells his firend, who had himself accounted for three enemy aircraft, During the raid, military objectives were attacked in Ge many, which these airmen belong distinguished itself during this daylight ' TT RAID SINCE WAR BEGAN k part in the Wiggest Royal Air n, describes how he shot down a reraft. "It just blew to bits" he e Australian fighter squ: ulron to six German aireraft for certain, wd one damafzed, oy NOTICE TO CREDITORS In thé Estate of SAMUET> EDWIN EMBURY All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died at the Town of Uxbidge on the 12th day of December, 1941, are hereby notified to send to the under: signed Solicitors on or before January 8th, 1942, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after January 8th, will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Solicitors shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, this 16th day of December, 1941. "HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario; Solicitors for the above Estate, 1942, the assets of the deceased | 4 WE D) MVRR PHON % TTY [3 3 oo Sage - aie NEHA RATRITNAST ERSTE Lain RIB BIRR HELL 138380838080 88018 TS] MEATS THAT SATISFY. You will be sure of satisfaction when you buy our meats. Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meats you require, we Give us a call. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE - Phone 72-r-w can always give you quality and service. Bert. MacGregor, == Te SARA RRBERRRARRARRAR ARRAS EE -------- GIVE SMILES 'N CHUCKLES QUALITY CHOCOLATES, this Christmas. Attractively Wrapped. 26c¢ to $2.00 a Box. 'Saturday Special--Shortbread 'Gerrow Bros., Port Perry 3 APA I eT A AATF FP ne ht a os Fe SARA eY, ol LTTE TW TR TN a "In thess days of uncertainty you need reliable insurance. We place insurance that gives you peace of mind as well as protection. HAROLD WwW. EMMERSON ~ Phone 41 ; Port Perry LLL -_ We Offer You the Choice of the Market "in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Courteous Service Cawker Bros. Phone 2w Port Perry Prompt and - A ae Tn SP