Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Jan 1942, p. 4

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"regular monthly call on the citizens © I. R. Boyd and Clive, spent Christmas Le { snide 7 2 something of a record in- handling "Christmas . mail, with an 'average of . the guest this week of her cousin Joan ~enjoyed WAR WORK NOTICE } The Boy Scouts will make their of Port Perry on Saturday, Jan. 3rd. It's a cold trek all over town in Jan- hary, will you be looking for them? . The next meeting of War Workers in the community rooms will be on January 9th. Happy New Year to Everyone. Miss Roe, of Toronto, was a recent guest of Mrs. Hoppett and Rev. W. I. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer, and Mrs. at Denton House, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Boyd, and other re- latives. Mrs. I. R. Boyd and Clive are mov- ing to Peterboro, where Mr. Boyd is employed on war work with General Electric Co. We wish them happiness in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. K. Pearce, of Midland, have been visiting relatives and other friends in Port Perry. . Mr. Lou Palmer, of Brockville, was a recent guest of M. and Mrs, Thomas Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Hutcheson spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Hyland, in Toronto. I. 0. D. E. MEETING The regular monthly meeting of "Secugog Chapter, LO.D.E., will be held in the Community Room of the Public Library, at 3 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 5th, 1942. All members are requested to be present. JOINS THE CIVIL SERVICE Mr. Norman McCrea, of Prince Albert, who recently returned from au cruise on a Greek ship (as wireless operator), has taken a position with the Civil Service in Ottawa." Miss Leila Robinson of Toronto is Marie Bentley. Miss Virginian Nasmith of Toronto, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1. R. Bentley. BE] Miss *Enid Wallace has returned to her work as Librarian in Windsor, after visiting for Christmas and the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Cawker spent Christmas Day in Port Perry as guests of Mr, and Mrs. S. A. Wallace, and. also of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cawker. BORN CARNEGIE--Born to Mr. "and Mrs. Wm. J. Carnegie, at Port Perry Hospital, on Tuesday, "December 30, 1941, a daughter MARRIED Cairns-Anderson bd On Fliday, December 26th, 1941, in All Hallows Anglican Church, by Rev. H. T. Colier, Helen Irene Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Anderson, Port Perry, to James Reg- inald Cairns, son of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Cairns, Toronto. DIED McGILL-- Suddenly, near Cadmus] on Monday, December 29, 1941, Albert | Edward McGill, beloved husband of Theresa Morgan, in his 72nd year. Last Friday evening the Scouts a skating party. 'with "supper afterwards at the -Angli- ean Church. -All Scouts are re uested to be present at next Friday's meeting to prepare for the vislte of the Provincial Field Secretary. 5 , HEAVY CHRISTMAS MAIL Port Perry Post Office established thirty thousand pieces a day. during "the Christmas rush. Rhone 1011 FREE Parking OSHAWA Air Conditioned The Management and Staff of the REGENT THEATRE" wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR Health, Wealth, Victory. Gala! Doors open at 11:30 p.m. mm REGULAR PRICES New Years Eve Show ELEANOR ROBERT POWELL YOUNG Ann Sothern 'Lady Be Good' Red Virginia Skelton Barrymore O'Brien Lionel Starting NEW YEARS DAY FOR THREE DAYS WALT DISNEY'S LATEST Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, "supplied where necegsary, at reasonable prices,-- © I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST Have Moved to Toronto Dr. C. P. and Mrs. Peterson and family have moved to Toronto. We are sorry to see them go; but they leave Port Perry with the good wishes of our citizens for their success and happiness in their new home. Last Sunday morning, at the morn- ing service in the United Church the Woman's Missionary Society present- ed Mrs. Peterson with a Life Mem- bership. The presentation was made by Mrs. Colbear, On behalf of the congregation the following address was read and pre- sented to Dr. and Mrs. Peterson. ADDRESS "DUMBO" THE ELEPHANT THAT FLIES in Multiplane Technicolor. A REAL TREAT FOR ALL The Chidren--up to 90 --ADDED TREAT-- SPANISH FIESTA Color Short 'AN APPLE IN HIS EYE with Pear Bongdy MARCH OF IME Norway in Revolt , the British Ministry. 4 producers of a stablized price for { we wish to give some expression con- "LETTER FROM DAVID KIGHT The Editor, Port Perry Star: I am writing this letter to ask you for a favour. It is to thank the Wap Work Committee of Port Perry, Sea- grave, Honeydale nnd Prince Albert, for the parcel received from them on November 22nd. 1 am thankful for their thoughtfulnéss and appreciate their effort very much, I might say 1 am fine, as arc the rest of the boys from the locality, Signed B74467 Tpr, D. E. Kight, Hq. Sq., 11th Army Tank Bn, Ontario Regiment, Ist Canadian Tank Bde, Canadian Army Overseas. A VISIT FROM THE ATTORNEY- GENERAL We were pleased to receive a recent visit from Attorney-General Hon. G. D. Conant. He had taken a day off to visit local friends, and looked very fit, as if he were enjoying the inform- al day's holiday among the people he knows. In the brief conversation we had with Mr, Conant we were impressed with the importance of maintaining the local Civil Guard or some similar organization as a defense measure. Attack is quite possible ,and we should be prepared to meet emer- gencies, particularly in case of fire, and in providing first aid." We are at war, no matter how peaceful it may seem here, EGG BONUS Continued from Back Page at the time the agreement was made. In the meantime labour and product- tion costs "have risen, consequently making it difficult to secure the maxi- mum quantities of eggs requested by The bonus will be limited to Grade A since the British Ministry is asking that no less than 87 per cent of the eggs under the spring contract be of that quality as contrasted with a division of 60 per cent-A and 40 per cent B taken under the 1941 spring contract. . The effect of the bowie assures egg 1942 for top quality eggs. The bonus will not be paid 0 on Grade B and Grade C ,cBes. 7 FOR Expert Radio Service PHONE, 234 on Tuesdays,/ Thursdays and Satu days only. Dr. and Mrs. C. I. Peterson, Doreen and Gwen.: Dear Friends, -- It is with sincere regret that we have learned of your lintended departure from our Church and Community, Ere yoy leave us, , cerning our fec)ings toward you all, Dr. Peterson, we wish to thank you ! for the dignity and manliness with which you have pursued your high calling. As a physician, you have brought health and good cheer to 'many a home. As a member of the Stewards of this Church, you have "been faithfyl and helpful, and attend- ance nt meetings must often have in- volved sacrifice on your part. On the Board of Education, and as a citizen, you will be remembered for good ser- vice well rendered. © To you Mrs. Peterson, we wish to express our high esteem, As a doctor's wife, confidence 'has heen safe in your keeping. As a mother, you have com- bined discipline with love and fine understanding. As a Chr istian leader in thig Chpreh and community, you have left a lasting impression, Out of a Christian background of home and Church and leadership training, vou have brought culture, a high sense of purpose, and yndeviating re- soluteness to your task, ip the Sun- day Bchool, the Canadian Girls in Training, and the Woman's Missjon- ary Society, Chor and other Church activities. Your foundation work with girls Is bearing fruit to-day in the Young People's Union, which is second' to none we have ever enjoyed. Your Church membership has been of a high order; and- the successful grad-|a uation of our girls into the Young People's Union and Senior ~ Work, bears witness to that fact. Doreen, you have unfolded through thie years into a teen-age girl of promise, and Jaye taken your place as pianist in our Young Penple's Union, with the quiet Hhoroughriess of your mother. We all have a warm place in our hearts for Gwen, whom we have seen grow from babyhood into one of the best known girls in our village. Gwen will find it hard to leave the home of her early years, yet we feel that she will transplant herself more easily than the older members of the family. Our best wishes go with you all to Toronto, and through life, We know you will give a good account of your- selves, and we hope that the happy associations of the years of Christian Fellowship will cause us often to meet in mutual good will and pleasure. Newspapers Merge The 'Oshawa Daily Times and the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle are to be amalgamated under the pame of "The Times Gazette", the firat jssye of the combined papers to appear on Saturday, Janpary 3rd, 1942, This amalgamation is being effected as a war-time economy measure, The mechanjeal, éditorial, and reporting facilities of the new paper should glve effective and desirable sepvice to its subscribers. - The management has experience of Jong and successful standing. in the Oshawa-Whitby dis- trict, and as is pointed 'out in the an- nouncement, the interests of hoth Whitby and Oshawa are growing closer all the time, The combined papers will set a good pace in the Ontario press, serve McLean Radio Service ! ing both city and country, All municipalities throughtout On- tario are experiencing. this year the same lack of interést at financial and nomination meetings, particularly at meetings to receive the annual finan- cial statement, where there are no nominations, as Councils had been elected for a two year term. At the Port Perry meeting, only twelve were present including Reeve and some of the Councillors. Under the circumstances it was thought wise to adjourn the meeting. However, there are some high lights in the Financial Statement (a copy of which way be secured from the Treas- urer if you are interested) which de- serve notice. In the first place 91% of this years taxes was collected. Arrears of taxes continue to be reduced. A fine picce of road construction was done on. Cochrane and Caleb streets, This annual permanent im- provement of cross streets has been a fine policy. Next year we are hoping to sce the work done on Ella and Rosa streets during the summer holidays. That is a bad on going toward the ANNUAL MUNICIPAL MEETINGS PORT PERRY Feit the village' has pro- gressed favorably. The final payment oh the consolidated .debt debenture, not due until 1942, was paid($1463.60) out of current revenue in 1941, at a considerable saving in interest. In the further matter of debentures, our outstanding is as follows: Hydro $7119.02, due in 1946; Old School, 617.99, due in 1943; New High School, $27,008.98, due in 1956; Public School, $16,880.60, due in 1956; Sup- plementary Schsvl, $4000, due 1957; Watermain Bichon $1389.63, due in 1944; Public Library $671.31, due in 1945. Port Perry has now a population of 1235. Its tax rate is 47 mills-- County 9.21; Schools 21.90; General Debenture 2.30; Relief .47; Tax Re- serve 2.30; General 10.82. Total tax roll, 1941, $31,057.15. - The Waterworks shows the very favorable balance of $5016.26, Hydro has no outstanding accounts, The whole veport speaks well for good work of the Council, and the efticiency of the Treasurer, Mr. G. F. school, As was the case with other muni- cipal meetings, the attendance at Manchester was comparatively small, A few names were put forward for Councillors in addition to the 1941 men, but none qualified. There was no opposition to the Reeve and De- puty Reeve, so that the whole Council was re-clected by acclamation. A few figures are here quoted from the list of expenditures. Total sal- aries including tax collector, assessor, TOWNSHIP Scugog called its statutory meeting for Monday afternoon to receive the Financial Report, The Reeve, three members of the Council, Assessor, Tax Collector and Clerk-Treasurer were on hand with a carefylly prepared printed statement to distribute and yveady to answer question, meet critisism and give an account of thelr stewardship, Not a ratepayer turned up at the meeting. This may be interprbted as a compliment to the elected servants of the township but it is not a sign of live interest in public affairs. We are sure the reeve and council would have puch preferred a large attend- ance of the ratepayers so that ques- otions of interest might be: discussed to mutual advantage. This is the year in which statute labor was abol- ished and also the General School levy was doybled this year, this also being statutory. "Jt would reqyire a round- 8.00 Saturdays, 8. Free Skating for with the Rink Skating Parties, Refreshment Booth-- , Good Ice Phone 211, Manning. REACH TOWNSHIP Council Re-Elected by Acclamation clerk, auditors, councillors, ete. $2237.09; Schools $15,204.44; sheep killed or injured by dogs, $1397.23; charity $¢11.76; County rate $25,414.- 17; Patriotic Fund $2032.26; Roads $12,164.46, : A total of $55,518.00 was collected in taxes, including back taxes as far as 1936. Special Government grants amounted to $6,345.12, Printed reports may he secured from the Treasurer. OF SCU COG table discussion to aides fairly the value of the work done by the road commission, also value of the labour saved by the farmer at a busy time from being absolved from work on the roads in relation to the small addi- tional tax he has to pay and it would further require a statement from the several] school sections as to the bal- ance they have on hand at the close of the year which will be reflected in a smaller requisition in 1923, The statement showed a surplus of over $2500 provided tax arrears were paid up and it scemed to be -the opinion of the councillors that this situation should be righted while money was fairly easy to obtain and it looked as though word would be passed out to turn on the heat. A quantity of statements were left at the Hall and a sypply taken to the Sweetman store where it is hoped they will be distributed. ' "BULLETIN" Port Perry Rink Co, Limited SKATING--Mondays and Wednesdays en to 10.00 p,m. 0 p.m. to 10.30 p.m,| Admission: Children under 14, 15c. Adults 20c. Children 16 years & under: Saturdays 2.00 to 3.30 p.m. SEASON TICKETS--In books of 20's, at $2.00 a Book Special AtTangemenis may be made Management for D. Corbman, Proprietor Good Fellowship Good Exercise G, F. MANNING, Sey Trhat, Naas x I a at ; Py SCA Hee) SY dh uf SASSER RO / ' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1942 SS 2 "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" ] : ; ; 'LAWRENCE'S IMPROVED KING S BRONCHIAL MIXTURE, C di . ,.8 ounce bottle .,........0 50¢, : NATIONAL COD LIVER-Blem on ition and Haut. on pe 1 pound jar 497 . pound jar ....... ... 0.000 . .89¢c, P owders SCOTT'S PMULSION ....59c., 98c. oT rs tor your PUREL, ST COD LIVER OIL, Hs HORSES. WA rol ES COD LIVER I" phim 25 EXTRACT ..oeeovvvennnn. $1.00 5 pounds for $1.00 OVALTINE ...... 38c., 58¢., and 98c. PHONE 49 aii Ya: . M. LAWRENCE 72e Rexall sure PORT PERRY CRE IRR RE Cartwright Council Was Elected Last Year for a Two Year Term ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m---Public Worship, Student in charge. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev, William Stocks, Rector Wednesday, 11.15 .p.m.-- Watchnight Service. Sunday, 11 a.m.--Holy. Communion and Sermon--The Rector. 3 pdn--Sunday School, SORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev, W. J. H. Smyth, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m--New Year's ~ Service. 7 p.m--Public Worship. HOUSE FOR RENT Apply to Gerrow Bros., Phone 32, Port Perry. SEAGRAVE SEAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH Members and friends of Seagrave United Pastoral Charge are reminded of the new hours of worship, begin- ning January 4th, 1942, Seagrave--Service at 11 am. Sunday School at 12,00 noon, Pleasant Point Service at 1,30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m, Zion Sunday School at 2 p.m, Service at 3 p.m, Communion - > UTICA - Wishing the Port Perry Star Editor, staff and the readers, A Happy and Prosperous New Year, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey, on December 24th, a son, Glad to report Mrs. Herb Leighton home after a lengthy illness in a To- ronto hospital. We hope she will soon be well again. Mr. Jack Walker, our teacher, is spending the holidays at his home in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Reid and son of To- ronto, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Kendall. } Mrs. J. Ackney spending the winter in Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. B. Ross and Teddy of Hamilton, calling on friends here on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell of North Bay, are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swan. Sorry to report Mf. "Jas. Mitchell taken to Toronto hospital one day Jast TOWN HALL Port Perry | SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 3rd The Eckardt Bros. 'WILL PRESENT THE GOVERNMENTWAR PICTURE 'Fight for Liberty' with added Shorts, © medies _ and ews Reels' Thic will be the first showing in this district of the picturing the 1st two aki of the war on all fronts, The Pentecostal "Assembly Orange Hall EVANGELISTS Ethel Thompson and - Ruth Johnson : thou my Lordj'* 7.30 p.m,-- the Fragments. A Cordial Welcome to All. ROOMS FOR RENT taken. on the Oshawa Highway- Above Observer Printing Office Sunday--10 a.m., Sunday School 11 a.m., Communion Service Subject-- *'How much owcest Subject, *'Gather up Two or three rooms suitable for light housskeeping. Boarders Apply to Mrs. George Luke, half mile south of Raglan, DENTAL SURGEON Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) DENTIST Shop. Phone 237, Res. 215 Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Port Perry (The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON : Office Hours: 9 a.m.,to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Inesraves Office. ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry offies op Wednesday morning, and Friday afternogp of each week, or by appointment. i Blong Block, Port* Pores: Phone 2b Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 1) week. We hope for a speedy recovery. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 60 Cents SUITS" CLEANED | Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery lap + IN TROUBLE? From cough or bronchitis: that you 'can't sleep nights, or tonsils and .throat so sore you can barely swallow your "food, or voice 80 rough that you can't 'sing. y * + GET OUT OF IT SPAHR'S - brings od results or m | money refunded. You risk _nathing. wa M. HAWRENCES Drug Store T use SPAHR'S Remedy. 'DR. J. B. LUNDY Jaffe

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