LAN a Sb Ins Ky oh Ray NN 4 \ LEN BLOW 4a Beh ERIN aed So Ark a he Ch A BA DENA wR Kh a Ls ab ds Mb 3m hs gh nt mS Sp ed : § NEI t REESE | 5 4 3 \ i i ; SRE] rae It Is Not "Cute" For Child to Steal A four-year-old child who takes pepnies - from her father's pockets or cookies from the kitchen cup- groevery store without paying for them, Miss KE. P. Kennedy, mental hygiene expert of the-Child Wel: fure Association, says. * Child welfare workers were con cerned about why a child steals, ratlier than the fact that he steals. For instance, taking the cookies from the cupboard was no differ- 'ent in the child's mind, than tak- ing them from the grocery store, for years is old enough to learn to respect other people's property. If your chill sees you respecting other people's possssions, and if, coon learn to imitate you and be able to distinguish between what is his and what is not, ] TAKING HEAVY TOLL _-- ---- IN FORCED WITHDRAW invaders on the beaches and in the jungles of Malaya, At one time many Canadians were with the Manchesters.. A two-way Japanese offensive is pushing south towards Singapore and north into Burma. irony. Recently six famous Paris Arctic Frontiers Ideal Battlefields The United States did exactly right in moving into Greenland and Iceland before the Nazls had a in Alaska, if the views expressed ° recently in Philadelphia by. Vilh- jalmur Stefansson, noted Arctic explorer, are correct, Science Ser- vice maintains. Dr, Stefansson de- clared that the Arctic regions, far from being an area impossible for winter fighting, are almost ideal battlegrounds for properly trained and equipped troops. The time when manoeuvring in pecially for mechanized forces. But in winter, when thé land is frozen and the lakes covered with deep ice, fighting vehicles on wheels and The Far North, despite wide- spread impressions to the contrary, does not have a worse winter cli- - --_-- ed RADIO REPORTER DIALING WITH DAVE: many years on the networks in his 'original quiz show "True 'or False." ue ror False comes lo to enjoy this new network serles. LIE * The women in the home =-- fin the factory -- In thé world of bus. iness, have 'become vital figures during thes past few weeks. Their efforts range from knitting socks at home for the farces, to per forming difficult tasks originally done by men, To unité the women The new season brings new pro- grams to your local station -- watch for them. And, if you're in when the Liberty Theatre of the Air will be heard for the first time. Broadcast from 8.00 to 8.30 D.S.T,, Welfare Association Says Advantages In Arctic Came : ; Habits and Attitudes Learn- paigning Would Be With De- Ho's the guy who knows ALL | each Tuesday 'night production, / ed by Instruction fenders {ho answers! Who has been ask. | Youll find them gripping, heart ing questions successfully for '| warning, and tender. Tuesday --=- 8.00 pm, D.S.T, -- "In His Steps With 'the war actually brought carried by practically" all stations in Canada, 11 pm. DST, dally, is the day's ~finest most authentle resume. "It" does not attempt to: analyze or speculate, but brings all the day's news with any sig- 'nificance attached to it. In the com. mentary "fiéld, there are qualified spokesmen without number, Mo- 'Master' University's Dr. E. T. Sal mon reviews the news daily at but a great difference was soen the Arctic would be really difficult of the country in their war effort, by both the grocer and the par- is in summer, Then, the vast level CKOC presents the 'Monday night 7.16 D.S.T. from CKOC, 8aturday ents. - . stretches of marshy ground, threa- 830 D.S.T. feature "A Woman excepted -- Sundays at 6.00 p.m. "Habits and attitude are learn- ded by wide, shellow rivers and Speaks on War," with Mrs, Edith p ed very largely through instruc- dotted with innumerable lakes, Ten : : ~n KR tion and. imitation, and Mary at would be veritable troop-traps, es- yer, 1160 Listening Tips: 2 ¥ . H Catch" the two most recent ad. ditions to Sunday on CKOO: 1.00 p.m, -- N.:B. C's famed: sing- ing trio, The Ranch Boys! 1.16 p.m, in particular, he ees that his - #1 o % tractors and ski-equipped airplanes he habi t i in things are not disturbed without . - al ls WEA ed can get about with greatest facll- Ye ws boy puning 1 do OROG --a Waltz and A Song rr melodies his knowledzo or consent, he will Hardened troops like these, of the crack Manchester Regiment, are taking a heavy toll of Jap ity. - treat on Tuesday night, Jan, 6th by Harry Horlick's great walts 7 y . orchestra, and songs by guest-art: ists. 4.16 Sunday on CKOO, offers board may seem "cute" but all " chanee to attempt it, and in mak- CKOC Monday night January the Fo the cuteness wears oft when, the ing secure our hold on Alaska by 5th, at 9.30 E,D.S.T. If you haven't to this-continent, news and n A same child takes cookies from the means of nef army and navy bases - heard Harry lately, you're going commentaries become inoreasi = significant, The Natiopal News, "=e oo rejloriy . In Washington, Ambassador Gas: Uatil your chili does learn this he Creed of Nazism ton ne complained re- restaurants, Maxim's, Fouquet's, mate than many parts of the the Alr-Theatre dramatizes the the unusual music of Primo Scala Tamiot be said 10 stent! Vv Ch . ti it cently that the French prisoners Tour-d'-Argent, Laperouse, Drou- Northwestern United States and lite and experiences of the famed and his accordeon band in mel A thing 16: Ye Be tig by V8. ristianity recelved no - extra - rations from | ant, and Carton, were freed of food adjacent provinces of Canada. In | pr [enry Maxwell -- the great | odies past and present. parents, Miss Kennedy believed, a home via the Internatfonal Red | restrictions. A meal there, without fact, many Arctic lands havo rels- preacher, healer and Christian, Ad- Record of the week--CotCorto was that children are titturadly Nazis Reject Centuries of Cross--as the 60,000 British pris- | wine, costs the equivalent of about tively mild winter climates. Ice | gnieq from the bestseller "In His | for Two, by Freddle Martin, the self-centred and easily cular. Human Aspirations, Relates oners do, and have scarcely enough $7.60 or higher--a price that only land, which lles below the Arctic Stops," the Liberty Theatre pre- vcoal adaptation of his famed ed. It was therefore advisable to the New York Times to eat. In Vichy, a spokesman | Nazis can afford. Circle, and Spitzbergen, which 18 | coniations are complete excerpts in | Piano Concerto recording. Jou h whem oy ip a seme blamed "the detention of the pris- yo Shove A 519 yond, "oe has . » seek to facilitate the litle boy "Phe ways of German propaganda oners for. a 40 per cent decrease oned" by branches of the G f 3 or girl's association with other in this war are harder to fathom in the birth re and predicted . " Stream. i OUR RADIO LOG a: children, as it was @ natural and than those of thé last war. There that "at this rate the French will Boats For Britain Advantages in Arctic campaign LORONTO STATIONS | CIKL Kirkand TL. 500K SHORT WAVE nocessury thing tor them to ry 0) must he a purpose in the Nazi at- | disappear in twenty years." CG t War. Ord ing would lie with tho defenders. CERI 860k, CPL 740k | CKCR Waterloo 1490k | gsi England 9.51m wake fricids of their own age. tacks on Christianity and in Ber: A : ; rea ar. raer By adopting the "Indian fighter" CKCL BS0k, CBY 1010k | CKAC Montreal 730k| GSC England 9.58m R-- , ) 2 . At the same time Vichy issued -- ho Fi Rn the U.S. NETWORKS CKCO Ottawa 1310k | GSD England 11.76m mm lin's willingness to have those 8t- | 4 series of alarming statistics that A writd bn the Toronto 8 tactles used by tho Finns when they WEAF N.D.O. Red 600k [ CKGB Timmins 1470k | G31: Englund 11.56m . .s re tacks broadcast fn this .country. reinforced the envoy's plea. Some A Weyer bi the [oronte nan- were resisting Russian invasion in J Blue Jos iso Muay 0 GSF England 15,14m Russian Kittiwake One can't readily grasp what the 52 per cent of Its kindergarten chil- cial Post gives a vividly encour. the winter of 1939-40 defenders of Sok OxLw | Windsor 550k ane Susivad 17.70m purpose is. Not long ago Berlin 3 oo a aging picture of Canada's "Boats almost any Arctic torrain could de- CANADIAN STATIONS | CKNX Wingham 1230k | GSV England 1781m I MN f dl d srmitted a despatel te tr dren were ill from privation, while for Britain" program, Briefly, feat greatly superior numbers of CFOS Owen 'Sd. 1400k U.S. STATIONS GAR Spain 9.48m | i ewioundaian pa ai das yo) sg 2 ont infant mortality had trippled dur- | gpeo oa Ivading troops. But it the Arctic CIKOO Hamiion 1130k WEBE "Buffalo {340k | iAQ Spain Dem a new Lerma west se Fn a1} " Dd . - id a on sler S-- oly ggg immme lingo ing the first. half of 1941. French Cargo ships: 153 ordered, 7 frontiers were not defended, the = CKTB St. Cath. 1230k | WLW Clocinnatl "700k nas Dunia Som Banded Gull Flies From bables now average only five . i " ) CFCF Montreal 600k | WGY Schenectudy B10k| pyps Russia 16.18m ] te Ci Germans have been called by fate A launched, estimated cost $276 great rivers like tho Mackenzie and CFCIL North Bay 1230k | KDKA Pittsburgh 1020k : Within Arctic Circle in Rus- | 5) 50 ri 0 break with Chris pounds at birth-and ten-year-olds | pions Corvettes: 135 ordered, th Yukon would form great high- RCE Nofatnany osok | wnnM Chieugo - 780k | WGEA Schenectady sia to North America 1 a Ji welgh fourteen pounds less than 77 launched, 40 delivered, esti- A t - inland marches CFPL London 1570k WHEN Buffalo. 930k | 15.33m RA anity." Is this the way to cultl- British children of the same age. / » el 2 ways for easy In ao CJCS Stratford 120k | WGR Buffalo 550k | WCAD Phila. 15.27m i. ) ARTY. vate a friendship for Nazism in mated cost $81 millions. Mine- ) CFRO Kingston 1400k | WKBW Buffalo 1520k | WRUL Moston 15.15: rhe flizht of a kittiwake gull 0 Fy og States, in Latin Amorl- Similar conditions--malnutrition | sweepers: 85 ordered, 59 launch- | wrod of Red C CaI6 Snult Ste. M1. 1400k | WIR Detroll 700k | WOBX N. York 11.83m few, view Pig Arcus igh " ca, or in Axis Italy? It even stirs and the lack of medicine, fuel and [ ed, 40 delivered, total cost $51 YOrK o © 5 ross reo up protests in Germimy itself, as warm clothing--prevailed amoung millions. Destroyers: 2 ordered. - Covers Wide Field " : : : Vi ot i yi a id 100 oe u 2 Ca a letter from the Catholic bishops, adults and sent the death rate for Wood boats: $9 million program ¢ : en Ome Ca | read m Gorman pulpits, testifies. | the first five months of 1941 up 43 | over 50 percent. complete. Mr. Justice P. H.. Gordon, - AMERICAN STATESMAN * Resources through the co-operation The Nazis go not merely reject pos Sout SUTIN NS re Soa Tie Capadals greatest war. |. Chairman of the National Execu- } - ~ L ' {the Department of National Re- Christianity or the Hebrew Testa- 22 per cent among those under 60. order and, in some respects, the | tive of the Canadian Red Cross, a. a -- EE ---- : \ oF Mie GP opii ia of Govern ment. They reject 25 centuries The Germans provided the final finest part of her war effort. - in an address recently, gave many HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle apparatus, ment, rn Eoin Tad. of human aspirations. If they are : - people a new conception of the Lb 7 <1. T BE J Longe * { The long-distanice bird-traveller right thers is no Lua I auy ene L = work his organization is doing Alexander flog RII AR 1IN] 19 a i "was captured at Bonavista Har- of the following quotations: Ti 3 By William c ts the Winds "Star, It EAR : EINID] "by Aaron Bure bour, Newfoundland, during = the Ideal of Civilized Men HIS URIOUS ORLD Ferguson is a subject on which there is Mk, 1 ITHP TMEIN RID Y 4 2 oe que ) Right aspiration . . is the aspir- gu t lack of information, and on (1757-1804). in a duel ; autumn of 1930, and subsequent in 14 asy 3 Dn a ™ grea a Lor) 2 £ 8 He wrote C S CIS 20 Member of the ratign of the band it wore re- ation toward renunciation, the as- oy which the public should be in- pre hiie wgto THF TOM D Federal eiled that the gull had been piration toward benevolence, the I | formed. a the R NOIOIN] 21 Sweet potato. banded during the summer of 1938 aspiration toward kindness.--From To many people, the Red Cross Co stitution. ICT ; MIX A 2) Seer : on the island of Kharloy by a | the Aryan Eightfold Path of the is simply an organization that 12 Greedy. EQ C gatherer. i iy 3 worker of the Central Bureau for Gautama Buddha. sends bandages and similar medi-~ 13. To' decorate, iE) TERET 25 Mulets. ! ; Bird Ringing, Moscow. The island Perfect virtue is not to do to cal supplies to the war zone. If 15 Past. AR T SIO 26 Abounding in' 3 of Kharlov lics in the Barents Sea, others as you would not vish done is, of course, much more than 16 Before. NololP EEMPIALILIS grain. 3 off the coast of Murmansk, about to yourself.--Confucius. that. It does work that is under- 17 Small, : GEIR] 28 Seaweed. } i two hundred miles within the Arec- The more. he helps others, the taken and can be accomplished by 18 Jaunty. a 30 Sooner than. tic Circle. = more he benefits himself, tho more no other organization. Its service 20 To cook in fat. 43 Company the ----. = 31 Frost bite. This species of kittiwake, known | he glves to others the more he gste in keeping prisoners of war -in 21 Affirmative. (abbr.). 57 Exclamation. "22-Billiard rod. - as the Atlantic kittiwake, Is a himself.--From the Tao-Te-King, touch -with their relatives, and in 22 Child's napkin 44 Legal rule. VERTICAL ! To permit. * colony nesting bird of the gull attributed to Lao Tze. furnishing them with food and 24 Coin. . ~47 Indian, "1 Laught 34 Frozen a family. It is the smallest of the Thou shalt love thy neighbor as other comforts, for instance, 25 Protracted. 49 Cabin. : ughter 35 Form of "be. herring gull type of coloration, thyself.--Leviticus. would be sufficient for any asso- 27 Afternoon - Cok sound. 37 Table-land. which species it resembles rather Therefore, all things whatsoever ciation, but it Is Li he of id ob pati A 50 alt ee inal : ; a - closely except for its smaller size. ye would that men should do to ' " activities of the Re ross. at % tor. ; Kid The Atlantic kittiwake is rare in you, do ye even so to them --From it is engaged in tracing eight mil- 32 Collegiate 52 Smoldering 4 Fish, | 43 Malediction. * North America except on the east | the Sermon on the Mount. ATTACK. AND KILL lion people in -occupied dountries 36 Ireland. , coal. 5 Candle. 45 Acidity. 2 . \ ) "his othical idea--for it 1s & RAT TLESNAKES.. | er solulives will COME a8 & 37 Kind of soup, 54 Fern seeds. 6 Poems. 46 Existed. coast, a $ or. Uleir re | 38 Land measure. 55 Eternities, 7 Negative. 48 Shea. The tracing gf this bird's flight single thing, not in the least con- THEY JUMP INTO THE surprise to many. 39 Repulsive 56 He was the 8 To qualify 49 Female turkey from the northern coast of Russia fused--runs through all great re- AIR AND DESCEND UPON These are just examples of the 41 Avarice " ? first U.S. A 9 Tree fluld heirs 51 Inlet. to the eastern seaboard of North liglons, and all philosophies that THE! SNAKE WITH THEIR unique services performed, and 42 Ocean. secretary of 10 Dyeing : 53 Lad America 18 an effective demonstra- have had an. enduring hold on © SHARP HOOFS, AND they demonstrate how greatly this +: . ¥ y Lf 4 tion of the vale of bird banding men's fnaginations. It is the ideal [CoPR 1938 BY KEA SERVICE INC THEN SPRING AWAY. organization deserves the support HE 5 1a Cd ra 3 7 in determining migration routes, | of all civilized men today, howover ~~ -- of all the people. x i BE breeding and wintering By) far it may be from realization in SCIENTISTS SAY: Zz v NS OH : VERE a J et \ fi concentration points, and economic the Individual or communal life. Ih THAT THERE. AC 2) Nazis Hoist By ' oa By : 3 status of wild birds. In North the non-Nazi part of the world -it 1S NO SUCH TINS) dod J : [3 > America this important work 18 | does not need defence. One would - TRING AS A "Their Own Petard carried on in full co-operation ber think that the consciously clever SPECIAL ; 4 tween the governments of Canada; "Nazis; however foul their actual er Can yOu nogie, this? 'Fact, A i the United States, Newfoundland, | purposes, would pay lip service to yt AY --pevertiisless-- Seems Hitler -pre- - ga pm mo » of + Mexico, and to a certain extent it. But they do not. In that arro- o sented 'Mussolini with a squadron ; ° ' 5 with South American countries gant and stupid indifference to Ge. of Stuka dive bombers and the 7 : E fier Ay fonsest Fenians > - squadron promptly ran out of gas, 3 al ae es, perhaps, the seed : just as it was flying over British- 3 37 T British Draftees doom. held territory in the Middle East; 7 4 3 ey and, {yuite naturally, it being im- x " Are Amazingly Fit French Fear That . 'to scuttle an airplane 3 o y J --_-- : . . -ad without unpleasant consequences 2 T - iii A surprisingly high standard of Race Is Dying Out WHT 3-31 (ii le TSE | to the skipper and his crew, the h ope physical fitness has been discov. +A SPECIMEN of the giant turtle that once swan the Kansas seas Stukas fell right into the hamds ered in the military age group 37 Decline in Population Rel: may be seen at the Peabody Museum, at Yale University. It far of the British and they have been i 3 to 40, now being called up in a That of Other Coun: exceeds in -size -any-turtle living today. The creature. probably flying some. of them ever since, ~153 Britain, according to The London 8 ve 4 became extinct when larger and more voracious animals developed Italian insignia and all. Wonder " - Sunday Express, on War Orne tee . : in the anclent seas. - Yds the Lupwefie thinks wien - > authority. Six out of ten men in ™ N | -- t sces a German plane w e H i ' this £2 have been found fit. Tio 18 3 Bro S07 List iis NEXT: How many square fect of skin do you have on your Italian insignia flown by the 3 -- - ba During the last six months one- Jn .pence and in war, for genera: body? \ * R.AF.? . i n fifth of the met originally-placed 1 Gu "ii thelr race Is In danger y : - in Grade III, the lowest category | or qying out, says Nowsweek. iver POP--Army Life Certainly Toughens 'Em Up . > accepted by the services, have since Napoleonle times, the popu: | aie + BEE heon fasamined, Lagi my lation of France has declined rela: : EH a cally improved and poste 'tive to that of other Kuropcan $ ' ] hh, » fighting units. These men were countries, From 1870 to 1913 Qer- . vo WOULD YOU Cone J 1 eho! SEND FOR formerly serving as clerks, order mans multiplied at the rate of six FACHE 4 | lies, batmen and store keepers. times that .of Frenchmen, The IN CIVIL LIFE P X . © YOU: Instructions have been issued by losses of the World War were & the War Office that all Grade 111 staggering blow to France. men are to be re-examined after Actual French casualties In' the a few months of arnyy life. Wher- preseiit conflict were only a frac: s éver possible their places 'are to | jon of those suffered in 1914-18, ) be taken by the Auxiliary Terri- But the peculiar development of 1 torial Service. this war has brought the threat. MD. _ In Grade 1I comparatively few ot racial extermination. closer to fen have been regraded, This France than ever before. There are i grade is composed 'of men who are three reasons for this: (1) the : not quite up to the standard need- plight of the 1,350,000 French i "ed in figating units and whose prisoners still held by the Ger: wile a condition does not improve with mans, (2) the effect of the food . 1-6 training. "They are, how: | shortage on children, and (3) the 4 ¢ = ever, capable of 'strenuous duties. effect of rationing on adults.