Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 May 1942, p. 2

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-- Bomber Carries 5Y; "Tons of Explosives Britain's Halifax bomber, play- ing a leading vol 'in tht R.AF's Spring offensive, camies a. bamb load of five and a half tons and SA WARRIORS Coty pd = = / / Did you ever 'stop to think of bow much eye appeal has to do with our foods? Add a garnish to a plain dish of pudding or custard and the fini an _---------------------------- t= Train Tasters To Art and Science of Egg Tasting Developed In U. 8, A t¢am of 12 men is being train- (a has a range of 3,000 miles, more fig value of that ' dessert. multiples od in the art and science of €zE 5 than sufficient to , tak, it. gyer ? . instantaneously, A little whipped tasting at the U, B. Bureau of a 3, Germany 3 remotest, targels, ., cregm in fancy form; some sliced Home Economics laborajories in oh * These figures Have just béen berries; a few . scattered nut Maryland, relates The, Toronto Jeleased by the Air' Ministry, aparently convinced that by now © the enemy .is in possession of this ¢ information though planes shot' down, | ' But the specifications of, Bri. tain's bombers more recént than tlre "Halifax--the Lancaster "the " « '® SERIAL STORY EA MURDER JN CONVOY meats; some jelly -- no matter how simple or how complex the garnish, -it- turns a plain dessert into a fancy one, "no desserts." Here ave a couple of recipes for rennet-custards-- desserts that call for no sugar, Sugarless days need not mean Telegram, Their job -will be fo apply the taste test to the whole dried egg powder being shipped to Britain under lend-lease agree- ment, The 160,000,000 pounds -ot whole dried 'ogg powder repre. sents quite ani astronomical. num- ber. of eggs, siuce it takes three nop i i aR H ; > hid no baking oF Xo Joibag. i oil hy make one pound Bis av hy gh i ake these, add your fav 8 ' . De ei Yo BY A- Vi, OERIN . garnishes, place the finished pro- Vety "lkite while dcted eet he boii load of the giant Stirl- LAST WEEK: For a long time, wing away. Me shot once--high-- £0 a ; : ; 4 duct efore yo3k guests ed i ut American. consumption, ing was given by the Air Min- the men stand at their lifeboat then a sccond time low, but the The threé branches of the service being trained in Canada for Tur essert problem is solved for chiefly by bakers and confection: istry when it said that in "one posts 'before the order td return wanderer bad opened a deck door the Polish forces are represented in this photo. From left to right the day. is 'of dried egg whites or night raid on Rostock each of the Stirlings participating carried eight tons of explosives, x New types, the names of which even have not been announced, are belieyed ready to join in the. attacks soon. Some of these are said to be of revolutionary design. Already the weight of bombs dropped by British raiders in a night's work exceeds that to quarters .is Issued. Rollins re- views in his mind events and clues - relating to the murder of Captain Tees, and always Joan Davaar seems to enter the picture. He determines' to see Miley again, starts out from his cabin at night to find. the lieutenant, On the way - he sees a figure behind a pas. sageway curtain and dives for it. After a brief-tussle, he jerks to his + down and .it stopped the bullet, Just in- side was an emergency gwitch=- like an emergency lever on a train, He yanked it and ran. The sentry came through the door just in tine yee a figure disappearing serirs. He raced after tho figure to 'B' and saw yon alone in the corridor. That was that." . * 4 is an.airman, a soldier and a sailor, defiant eagle of the Polish Republic, r only initial training at Owen Sound, the soldiers remain for a longer period before being sent ovérseas, Over their heads hangs the Sailors and airmen are given three times for being on deck af- ter 'Lights Out." "Nothing serious about that--]I suppose she just wanted some air." » Miley shrugged. "Yes, that's pos- sible, But she has also been seen How To Prolong Life Of Stovepipe Extra care in putting away stove pipes this Spring is a good English Rennet-Custard 1 package maple renpet powder 1 pint milk, not canned 1% cup chopped dates 1% cup raisins 34 cup currants teaspoon cloves 1% teaspoon cinnamon 1% teaspoon nutmeg % cup cornflakes - Mix fruits, spices and corn. ES ers, dried egg yolks, not whole dried eggs. ! 4 The British housewife will re- ceive her whole dried egg powder through the Ministry of Food in a fiveounce cardboard package with a waxed paper inner lining, containing the equivalent of one dozen eggs, and will cost about 40 cents, Directions for use and instructions to keep in a cool loosed on Bpitain by the German fact, finds be has een wrestling Mid ished a Cigarene on everal occasions with binocu- Precaution ByRinst, faite. stave, flakes and divide among 5 or place away from strong odors 0 Ate I 0 with Miley. But that still doesn't explain tudyi the M 4 : ity. more dessert glasses. Make ren- se op Ted) airforce dlring the height of the R + " one: thing," Rollins said. . Jars 'studying the Morse messages Pipes should be wrapped care- | [ot custard according to direc w abel, gh) 1940-41 raids. "What 7" sent by light flahes from the bat- fully and stored in a dry place. At the receiving end 4 'ng. In one night alone recently, ; 3S \ "Just why you were apparently tle cruiser commanding the con- Before this is done the inner rot Ei totes nd Eanliahae land, Dr. C. S. Nines, of hy oy R.A.F: bombers dropped more CHAPTER VII resigned to stand for hours, per- | YOY ) surface of the pipe, as well as | yoo 0 ete UT To out 10 Temperature . Dossare in " 20 than 1,000 tons of bombs. In "What's the dea, Harry, playing | haps all night, behind the curtain. He paused but Rollins said -ne- the outside should be cleaned | [ir ioc "Then chill in, refrigera- Rory, Sondgh, my Mini the four-recent raids on Hostock |: hide-and-seek?" puffed Rollins, If 1 had been pulling something thing. i: with a stiff brush to remove all tor Be 4 . . taste tests as a thor che Lin some eight hundred tons were Lieutenant - Harry Miley rose funny it's hardly likely that I And, finally, another nurse told carbon deposits. If the surface Chocolate Pits: RennetiContord the palatability of .the produc dropped, GREG'S PLAN glowly, ruefully shaking an arm. "Well, there's no doubt about what would he slipping around corridors when I knew the whole ship was me this Davaar girl has been .act- ing queerly, A stranger to all of coating is scratched, * the area around it should be cleaned with tions on package, pouring at once ..1..package chocolate rennet .... before release for use. Dr. Hanes has himself just been through Me : h : : 1 package chocolate rennet th tasting training fu Mary- : you're playing --and you lay th catch for thing." them, she has'kept to herself for : + 6 egg Germans Subdue "rough!" i yritey bio fy splaying | tho most part, but what bits of, AE of erwin k id 1 pi govt t canned be. 3 n i A sudden silence fell upon them. 'bh. that's all. You'll notice conversation they -get out of her h Tot cf o & pnt milk, not canne ~ Conquered People I N. § » Dumen, thars an, Yeuh notice | LM CRS ould tndiente thet | Paint After-this. baa been al- | 'op Ghee RAT The science of nutrition is being uséd as an offensive and defensive weapon in the war, ac- cording to Dr. L. B, Pett, director of nutrition" services for the Do- minion Government. "Why were you the curtain?' snapped Rollins, Miley hesitated a second. "I might ask why you aro prowling around this side of -the ship at this hour?" i "That's casy, 1 was coming over a stairway from 'A' deck comes out 'a slight - distance from where I was hiding." "Well?" "You'll boil it T tell you! Rollins, felt that icy chill on "his spine again, "1 won't hoil--let's she 'knows very little about nurs- ing. You seem to be her sole friend on-board and , . ."" Rollins looked down at his bleed- ing knuckles. "And what?" he ask- ed in dull tones, "And I had hoped that you lowed to dry thoroughly all sur- faces of the pipe should be cov- ered with heavy oil, grease or hot paraffin. > Finally; the pipe should be wrapped securely in paper--pre- ferably:. waxed paper---and stored Chop dates in small pieces and divide among 6 dessert glasses. Make rennet-custard according to directions on package. Pour at once over chopped dates. Do not move until firm -- about 10 min- Seersucker Saves Precious Hours With Red Cross sewing, de- fence classes, and other new re- : cn og > : --A utes. . Then chill in refrigerator, Washi i TT --%The Nazis remove all food to Lavea-coni with you", - i bave it! might be able to help me out. 1 in a dry place. A similar proce- ge nfo sponsibilities, added to the daily from an occupied v.illage," he Miley nighed pa pa Miley leaned forward. "I was have kept my suspicions from the dure should be followed to pro- P h H 1 Wi h schedule of the average house- .eaid. "They say to the villagers: Gregory, that settles it, con- wondering, Rollins; .If that nurse 0.C. because they are admittedly long the life and save the metal atc oles it wife, it's a happy day when she 'You must co-operate or you will not 'receive any food.' But the Nazis arc very careful to see that the food is barely enough, so that the. people become weakened and eannot rebel. ""The conquered . peoples held down in another more sub- tle way. Whether consciously or not, the Germans deprive con- quered peoples of "specific food constituents such as the "B" vit- amins, Lack of the "B" vita- mins makes people lose their ap- petite. easily fatigued dnd apathetic. In' . short, they are not likely to rebel against their conquerors." Dr. Pett said discase epidemics were to be expected throughout occupied Furope among the weak- ened people and, added there are are Britain's nutrition program, on the other hand; -is designed as a- defensive weapon providing nec- essary food values in spite of rationing to strengthen the re- sistance of the British people, he said. : British Kitchens Eliminate Waste Some Helpful Hints From -England on Saving Food They become weak and I L] fess that I was attempting to play sleuth and hide myself here in the hope of spotting anything unusual. Youll notice that the location, is ideal for the purpose. passage and the one down my corrodor--three oft he four exits from this deck." . Rollins asked another question. "But why choose this deck fn par- ticular?" 'His voice slowed to a deliberate © tempo. "You 'weren't watching for me by any chance, were you?" TAA _ Miley didn't answer. . Instead, he beckoned. towards the cross-pas- sage. "Let's go along to your cabin and have that chat you wanted," Ld »* » In the cabin, Rollins faced Miley squarely. "How about answering the question?" what were you doing just before the lifchoat alarm sounded?" Rollins felt ice water ruuning. down his spine, but he gambled: "I had been unable to sleep and was lying in my bunk reading. Sud- denly- I heard a rifle 'shot from somewhere above, followed by a second. I threw on-some clothes and was about to dash out when: th elifeboat alarm sounded. "Realizing the commotion that "would follow and the.usel¢ssness of Investigating the shots at the moment, bag and mask' and , - Miley nodded. slowly. a clean ticket on that--from me at least. You see, Greg, a sentry spotted somebody on "A" deck and promptly ordered the person to stop. Whoeyor it was began run- I can*Watch - this exit, the one across the cross - 'ly -off "halance; - 'a crdbuch and rushed him. A 47 I grabbed my shoulder - "You get. - "there's would be sneaking downstairs to sce you. After all , |." Rellins slashed a right cross that caught Miley squarely on the side 'of the face. He pitched sideways off the chair and landed on all fours. , "Get up, rat!" snarled Rollins. Miley came shakily to his feet, blood trickling from the side of his mouth. = * * * a The ship gave, a. bad lurch: io starboard, and Roljins went slight Miley slipped into Jeft uppercut catghit Rollins sqitates Jy on the chin. Miley sank a right in the midriff, and Rollins clinched. "Break clean, Big Shot!" Miley growled into the other's ear, "Rollins pushed him away, face white with pain, his wind. Above the groaning of the big ship's timbers came the thuds of pounding fists and the muffled .828ps of the fighting men. A savage right to the heart dropped Rollins to-one knee. Miley stepped Dack. Te "Let's call it.quits, Greg," -he panted. "I didn't. know: you .were 80 sweet on the gir), or I would have 'phrased myself a little more delicately. You took a: wrong im- plication--1 wat woudering if she was taking you into her confidence or not, and thought I might over. hear, something, . . . ) . * * Rollins rose slowly and sat on ren the end of his bed. "C'mon, Miley, no use to parry legal thrusts now--out with it!" © "Well, she has been reported i . shallow, but there is a question of . "duty. What I wanted to know 'from you, Rollins, is whether she has ever given you any hints as to her background. .. Why she has kept to herself, . . What she may have seen during those jaunts on deck . , » Where she camef from Rollins shook his head. "I can't help you there. She never cussed herself." : v Miley seemed: actually relieved. He smiled and stuck out his hand. "This dirty job of investigating was pushed on to me, Greg, and. I don't like it. Did we run into a couple of doors?" . Rollins stood up and shook hands," "That's it--a couple of doors. You're off the track about the girl though." "Il guess you're right. Just for- * * * x Rollins stood motionless, staring al the door, There was a hard glint in his eye. ,He had gone in search of Miley to find out one detail, and their strenuous session together bad given him the answer. Rollins was 'apparently the only person on "board .ship who had seen the miniature light flashes - from "A" deck last night, His suspicion about a light being in- volved in the Tees murder was ap- parently unshared by Miley or anybody. The sentry who had reported the light on that first . night had been left with the opin: ion somebody had been sneaking a smoke. _ Rollins 'lighted a cigarette and inhaled deeply He felt, as sure as he was alive, that some person aboard the ship was flashing a dis- content of a smoke pipe of a furnace or any other removable sheet metal parts which normally collect furnace soot. Where a stove pipe has been partially "destroyed, the service- .able portions of the pipe should be saved. When a stove pipe is not pro- sulphur in the pipe attracts moisture, forming sulphuric acid which eats away the iron. Pre- cautionary measures will prolong the life of a stove pipe many years. . Radios Out of Action It has been estimated. that one of every ten domestic radio sets in Britain cannot be used because of a shortage of valves, batteries COTTON FROCK tected during the summer, the | + family mending, Piece Welded To Whole by Means of Hot Iron A tear 1 nthe middle of the' tablecloth--and it doesn't" seem worth reweaving. A rip in a sheet ~--and- you add it to the pile of A worn spot on Dad's shirt just where the point of the collar rubs--and you know from previous experience that nearly any kind of patch will be unsightly and spoil. the looks of an otherwise good shirt. IN * Ld * : These are "just a few of the mending difliculties that Mrs. Thrifty Housewife faces as she sorts her weekly laundry, But they need be problems no longer. With ironing. Just take a piece of the mending material, cut to size, lay it under the torn place, press it for a few 'seconds with a hot iron, let 'it cool--and the job's done. --No_more-long-darning jobs; no unsightly patches, no expensive < reweaving "on your household linens. Just a quick pressing job, and your mending is done. And according to word received from experts, this patch is almost jn- visible, and what's more, it with. 'washing and ironing, kd Patching washable household cottons and linens is not its only use. Holes in pants, raincoats, and other colored," heavy-fabric mate- rials can also be repaired if a spare piece of patch material is available, Sometimes -it- can be taekn from some concealed part stands a lot of laundering--both can cut corners. And that's right where the use of seersucker in the family wardrobe steps in to save precious hours over the wash. tub and the ironing board. Scer- sucker is easily washed and takes so little ironing. It has a prac- tical value for summer pyjamas that can't be excelled, Blouses and school dresses of this time- saving material will help keep the family in plenty of clean clothes with a minimum of 'éffort expended. -- For the bést results, starch the material lightly when washing blouses 'and dresses. «It will give and the garments will last twice as long. I've -tried it and it works like magic. If jthe gar: ment seems to need it, jyou may | ig isi : "I will il"--Miley veay % i ress slightly while dry. 4 glecsoy oa OF Mishap anal als Fick no pu faba key ii 2, 2am) to mest get the whole business." Miley and skilled labor. the new resin-treated material p slightly e ary. | : . N rani tuberculosis, influenza and on the words--"If you tell me 3 Sp Fi a i" en i! or straigtencd his tunic and left the that's ou the market, mending can ; pneu noni. about last night. Just exactly 00 to toe, science gone to the | ou : : be done along with the family Care Will Make Rubber Last Longer Rubber is going to be increas- ingly hard to get in any" form. Rubber articles . in the should be given the greatest care to make them last longer, Re- member in storing hat rubber rots quicker in hot, damp places than in cool, dry places. Dust talcum powder -or corn- starch in the creases or folds of rubber or rubberized articles for protection against cracking. Stuff paper in rubber boots or overshoes when putting them away, To make rubber gloves wear longer, don't wear them to polish brassware or copper kitchen uten- sils, or when cleaning pans, with Arte ! J a ball of steel ss : ava; HOMEMADE BRAN BREAD light from "A" deck each night of the article to be mended. Here These metals --_ bras shad b ; . about the same time and that he, too the process is simple. In order | yubber, Be : Ah ay hd 3 : vig 3s + Rollins, was the only. one who had to be sure. that the new pieco |" i examples = } 1, Use measures and the clock. Accuracy in cooking prevents ~ waste and produces better results. nt stumbled across the fact. If he reported his poinfon to the 0. C, . they would likely hide watchers on deck, and word would get - around that something was up, The murdgrer, might be ward- ed, thus ruining any possibility of catching him. : 'Therd was only one thing to do. "The next night. would find him hidden in a lifeboat close to that will fit exactly into the worn place, cyt through both layers at the same time, preferably with sharp razor blade, Set .the cut-out batch into the hole into which [t fits. Then fasten it permanently into place by a piece of mending material cut somewhat larger than the 'patch and applied from the reverse side. Cemgnt it into place with your hot iron. " Food ¥glue, fs lokt. through 3 busy spot on "A" 'deck, 'Elther dariin over-cooking i, et " he'd get the murderer or the mur- h 3. qd atroys yaluable? properties. 4. The outer leaves of cabbages, ete, if too tough to be served as a vegetable, make nourishing soups. z b.. Peeling -potatoes 1s a peace: - time luxury and destroys valuable roughage, 6. Save fat by frying the bacon rinds peparately, © Use the fried #inds for flavoring soups. ! SP ' ; ih el says | Newsweek: ' It 'got ther '| offers you Pattern 40651, with a 00, isentland A%000, hid : 7. Less, mugar ls required t 47 ws Ss . ng "without bei b iffy back: buttoning, ar de | and West Australia 80, : TRE aweoton slowed fruit if added just | + All-Bran, popula morning cores, goes into: the making: of this | 'Without being caught by enemy | jiffy back buttoning, and a bo 000 each, meaning 'that a man inOttawa i before cooking is completed, "A good way of using al] the d-t0 vegetables de ith butter an . superb tasting nut bread. , Spread w sandwiches, fv i th cream cheese it's fine for. reserves, it takes the place of dessert derer" would get him; -This time the game would he for keeps! (Continued - next week) Island The last, Dutch ship to légye the bombed, fired and dynamitéd- . Java' naval 'base of Surabaya has arrived at "an ' Australian --port, . patrols, by rigging up a disguise that. outdid any ruse ever used CL By Anne Adams Right now_yoii need # cotton frock that "doubles for active sports wear too! Anne Adams ice enhanced by the smart square yoke and optional cap sleeves. 60,000 Warbirds Australia's Quota Since .the war began. 250,000 men have applied for- enlistment in the Royal Australian Air Force, states Australian Press Union, New South Wales leads with 90,- 000. Then comes Victoria 60, has volunteered for the R.A.A.F. ever. five minutes since the war. eal and the ELGIN Test Egg Powder . them a crispness almost like new ~ home Toronto iS LORD @ it to W, ; by the Japanese, . The Dutch had . Pattern 40561 is available in Na rape that are unsuitable for hu: Directions for putting it ose bi A jen, belo Yas ke fastened frees and, other .bits of '| misses' and women's sizes 12, 14, | began iy . - f x Mian eonbuiiipiion 45 10 ANANEO A (1 ogg : SMe lp All-Brd 20 «tropical "scenery to 'theif 'ship, | 16, 18, 20, 80, 82, 34, 36, 38 and Not all the 260,000 men have $20 108350 LE il «+ Jocal community 'feeding scheme ,% cup.sugar sie oc... 2% cups flour y hajmile thus giving it the appearance of | 40. Size 16 takes 3% yards 36. | been accepted," but the 'call-ups [LI TIETTOR A 11: 1 I for poultry, pigh, rabbits and' pets. 1 sup milk ¢ Lo, 1. 'teaspoon salt :-. Cg lent a small island. | Eg inch fabric "25 have been sufficient to permit No higher! J. "iyi Wy IRE ups of neighbors can arrange 2 tablespoons meltéd: Ehortenini 3, | teaspoons. baking poder, PEE) FER TD ¢ Send twenty cents (20¢) in Australia to honor her usidertak- u S00 JIE pool their scraps. For example] "a family keeping "poultry might ~ ; eollect poultry scraps from a coins '(stamps cannot be accept- fer this Anfie Ada¥is pattern oom. 421,78 Adelaide St. ing to supply 60,000 trained 'air- |. [ERIIUNCTE FAT IRPRUHI men and. ground staff under .the - EE Empire air scheme, Since Japan : + % :éupichopped mut mea ol, Lat lB Fi y : Beat egg and Pies SAUL ifn | Ad Wilk, Shortening apd An: Tl nls Sen Guills Warn Bran, Sift 'flour High salt abd baking powder; edmbine' with jut meats; add Tirst m fre, stirring anly until flour dispppears, ol Kea gulls, which always. fly |" rR HE 2 "inland ahgad" of éd) 0. Ww ISSUE 20-43. ;03 of an . / - / : , : 8&4 ding pire TY 'entered the th __ melghbor in exchange for Ecraps in greased: lonfi pan with waxed parer in the bottany, in mpderate a ba raiding planes, | West, Toronto, .- Write plainly | entered the war the eagerness of ~. oo Relght lo. foi thelr. neighbor's ; lo Jhvaxed nutes, oT hyd Xb fate a "valuable wating to, de- size, name, address and style Australia's youth fo enlist has be- | Org Al Fre 44) dven (BDOSK() about 1 hour and 10 inter SAA oA fenders of' England's const!" 'number, - | come even more pronounced, < dog, rabbit or 3 4 b) ' ; i 2 Yield: 1 loaf (4% x'0% inch pan.) - fi.5 : : La

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