£3 } x : : : \ hal SOY \ i ST AXEL WX 1 A (ong 45 . ER NC a ---- 43 "4 GN § + 4 * \ A fe a ret NS * PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1942 - - ge ;e Se oe ---- - _-- ---- re -- SEACRAVE BLACKSTOCK units for feeding fire fighters in-bomb- : ed areas, and' campaign and publicity Congratulations to the Seagrave] The following is a list of articles funds, ete. --- tr Victory Rhythm Band for-winning 1st gent by Cartwright Township branch| Since the outbreaks of war the Can- prize at the annual Spring Festival | of the Red Cross to headquarters in, adian Red Cross has spent more than at Lindsay. ' | Torgnto, during the manth of April: |$16,000.000 on its work. This Band is under the direction of | Refugee Clothing---15 quilts (7 from| The total number of paid workers Mrs. Sleep. . Purple Hill, 2 from Ladies' Aid of throughout the country is: only 447. On behalf of the School Board par-' Nestleton Presbyterian Chureh,. 1, Numbers of Women. voluntary work- ents and pupils, we wish to thank cpintz quilt from Mrs. Herman Sam | ers 715,000, * The Red Cross heeds Mrs. Sleep for her untiring efforts in ols and Mrs. J. Hobey, Nestleton!more volunteer workers and funds to this capacity. Great credit is 8150 gies' Aid; 2 tops from: Mrs. R. C. carry on. GOOD MEATS] Properly dressed and well kept | Always available at reasonable price, by ordering from . W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY PROSPECT Mrs. C. Mitchell, of Newmarket, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holtby. Miss Willa Egerton of Toronto,|8 good attendance. spent the week<end with her parents Devotional _ exercises, there was a Mr. and Mrs, H, Egerton. short business period, One item un. Miss Jean McClintock in Toronto der discussion was a new table cover. The program consisted of readings by NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD COST OF LIVING BONUS ~The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the cost of living index number - * for April 1, 1942, of 115.9 [adjusted index' | '115] has not risen by one whole point or more over the index number for October "1, 1941, of 115.5 [adjusted index 114.6). Accordingly, the National War Labour Board, pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 12 of Order in Council P. C. 8253, determines and announces, for the period May 15, 1942, to August 15, 1942, subject to the right of employers or employees to A contribution of a dollar ri due to the pupils for their work. The pron, 'Cadmus; | top from Women's "makes one a member of the Red Cross. pupils have only 'been working on p. iitute, Nestleton; & top from Mrs. | The canvassers will call on us all in] v Rhythm band music since January 1. wilhert Archer; 1 wool square from due course, and at the same time they There are twenty pupils from the yo Devitt; 2 afghans from the will advertise and canvass for the Public School in the band, all dressed A y p A Anglican Church; 2 girl's coming auction sale and street fair. in blue caps, red hats and white pullover sweaters, 4 boys' shirts, 0 dresses and slacks. The costumes pairs boys' knee-length stockings, 3 were made by Mrs. Sleep and Mrs. dresses and 1 girls' jumper Ewen for which we thank them very 4..cc (dresses made by Mrs. Robert much. We wish the band and con- py ductor the greatest success in this fine work, and hope they may come home next year with flyimgz colours. . 3 Ea 4 PRINCE ALBERT The April meeting of the W.A, was held at the home of 'Miss Madden with After the usual pind Myrtle Station Mothers' Day service was observed on Sunday evening when the pastor, Rev. G. S. Gervan, was in charge. The Army and Air Force -- 39 pairs socks, 3 scarves, 3 steel helmet caps, 2 turtle neck sweaters. program was strictly adhered to and the congregation joined heartily in the singing and responses, The offeriyg was for the work of the Ontario Re- ligious Education Council. Service next Sunday at 7.30 p.m. { will be conducted by the pastor. Seamen's Comforts -- 1 pair long stockings, 1 pair navy socks, 4 pairs { mitts, 4 turtle neck sweaters, 2 aero caps. Women's Auxilinry--V-neck sleeve- less sweater, 1 pullover, pr. gloves. Cartwright Lynch 41 the Red Coss Mr. Frank Downey of the Dominion Society is organized and ready for the} Y . : 3 | Bank, staff, Uxbridge, is, enjoying a Canada-wide drive which commenced carncd: holiday at Wis home. - APE May "a, wd wi ow Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinton and eh . on ho ay, ny ty ast i. family of Toronto, spent Sunday with wright's quota is $1,000. Last ye Mr Mes. T. Carey. in Toronto 450 volunteer women i TA yori for the Boson ee 3%, peg Counly roads arrived here during the 2a (amd mre still ¥ i! ! nm past week and was unloaded and dis- soners-of-war parcels per week. In". . . : ! tributed from here to the different 12 months the cost has been more than centres. £5,000 . The 'ross has J 37.0 op. Tie Red Coos has hoon Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmes and asked to increase the number of par- sons of Dagmar visited on Sunday ce your order here. cels to 80.000 per 'week, and food must with Mr. and Murs. Jas; Dickson. he sent to Canadian prisoners of war A. R. GRAY, R.R.2 Port Perry | iy the Far East; to say nothing of the fd Piank mn Shard Bag, a 3 ' N . 3 is recently ow Mr. S. MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, | vast work of_the organization in other Dovid Wig d WIE DIT: "abt i 3 ) > H . a Mr. and Mrs. J#Carnwith of Osha- 414 4 " TT 3 pc + 3 Blackstock. ' ties and refugees; blood donor service, - ig Mr. T. Gale, on Sun or BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, |disaster and emergency relief, ambu- y i lance service vans and mebile kitel Mr. Edgar Cooper and children of John Street North, Hamilton, Ont. ) ans and mobile KILCWEN po onto visited with Myrtle relatives over the week-end. "The Red Cross Fund Deserves Your Support 12 pure breeds and several crosses. "Xtra-Profit" and Standard rades. See me (or full particulars. fields; hospital supplies, comforts for troops, clothing for civilian casual- Mrs. J. Rancier of Brooklin, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacey. . " Mr, and Mrs. David Luery visited over the wv -end with relatives in Bonarlaw ahd Stirling. The following interesting fronr one of the boys overseas: "We are so situated that we can hear the big coastal guns booming at one another across the channel. There were several "dogfights" over us to- day but we could only hear them zooming around and the rattle of the machine guns, for they were too high to be seen. Tonight there are planes in the sky but they are not hostile ones, only good old R.AF. out on &a little business. . .. I was on guard duty the other night with a machine gun on a roof overlooking the sea. It was a nasly night and a high sea running. fence, covered .with barbed wire and "other such disagrecable-to-encounter "things. It is completely out of the water at low tide and can just be seen at high. Behind it and along the beach a similar fence can be seen. [It provides a difficult' problem to the German commandos arm, I am told, it completely surrounds this great little country . . . . The matter of food is not improving. Eggs are things of the past and we "are on coupons for soap. We are 'fortunate if we can buy the odd choe- olate bar. We have been for the past month on {& work job and our lunch is brought out to us. It consists of two "bully" sandwiches and tea. We see lots of signs--"Horse flesh for sale." The | battle of strait could be heard recent- ly, when the German battleship was trying to gét away. 'There has been a-lot of criticism lately about the, af- fair, but it was a daring and well letter a in Se eR] Sen a he a A 22 = Coa ry Maybe you think your small change cannot help. .s that "total war' means "somebody else." Ea Maybe you're one of the thousands of housewives (a) There shall be no change in the amount or percentage of cost of living bonuses presently being paid; (b) An employer who has not been paying cost of living bonuses may not begin to pay such bonuses. apply to a War Labour Board for authori- - zation of payment of such an amount of cost of living bonus as a Board may determine to be "fair and reasonable," under the provisions of the Order, that: for a few days, Miss' Edith Cochrane home from Toronto. We are happy to say Miss Cochrane is very much improved in health. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. E. Dearborn in the passing of his mother, Mrs, Dearborn, who died very '| suddenly in Oshawa, at the home of her daughter, recently. Miss Marion Smith, Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Milton Holliday and Mrs. John Holliday of Toronto, were visitors at many of the ladies, The Red Cross Tea last week was held at the home of Mrs. Ben Smith with a fine attendance'of ladies, We were grateful to Mrs. W, Harris and Mrs. J. Murray, of Port Perry, who were present and explained to us all . details in regard to the Red Cross Work and the 1.O.D.E, Mr, gnd Mrs. B. Wannamaker and sons Ronald and Neil, Toronto, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Mar- tyn on Mother's Day. ; Mr. Thos. Ross, Mrs. D. G. Ross and "There is a large metal : By Order of the National War Labour Board, HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour and Chairman Ottawa, Canada, -_ May 12, 1942 Mr. .and Mrs, J. Ellis, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Butson on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Stanton, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Stanton and Loreen, of Brooklin, at Mrs, G. Luke's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bond attended the funeral of the former's uncle, Mr. W. T. Reid, Toronto last week. the home of Mrs, J. Holliday, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson of Man- chester, were visitors at the home of Mr. L: Diamond, on Sunday, Mr. V. Martin of Camp Borden, Mr, and Mrs. A. Chamblay, Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin and daughter of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. G. Drinkle of Columbus, were visit- Mrs. F. Jeffrey, Port Perry, at- prof tole mother Misc F. Martin; OM terided the Red Cross Tea at Mrs. B. Donations to the Red Cross Furid may be made at the Canadian Bank of 'Commerce, Sunday. 5 Miss Marjorie Martyn, of Toronto, was a visitor at the home of her par- ents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Chambers, Toronto, were visitors of Mrs. R. Vernon on Sunday. Smith's last week. ; 2 This week the Red Cross Tea and a quilting are at the home of Mrs. W. Martyn. Mrs. L. Bond attended the funeral = in-Hamilton on- Saturday. We are sorry to hear that Mr. D. M. Jackson isn't any better, "Miss Mabel Niddery, R.N., Oshawa, spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Bly Port Perry UTICA The sympathy -of this community goes out to Mr. H. Gibner and family in their sad bereavement. | . Sorry to report Mrs. E. Kendall on the sick list; we hope for a speedy re- covery. 3 Mr. and Mrs. James Cormack and family, Toronto, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward, of Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs. H, Kerry spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Prizeman and family, Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackney spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Ackney. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks" calling on Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Kendall Fri- day cvening. . 3 Mr. and Mrs, Carson Watson and Betty visited Sunday with Mr. I. Geers Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard in Lind- say one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashenhurst spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall calling on friends and relatives over the week end, - Mr. and Mrs. Philip Parrott also Mr. S. Ray returned to their home here af- ter having been away for the winter months. ; A number from here attended the LO.O.F. Lodge Dance in Port Perry High School on Friday evening. All reported a good time. Miss Muriel Kerry, Brooklin, visited at her home here recently. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Hodgson and fa- mily, of Oshawa, calling at Mr. Ches- ter Geer's Sunday evening. g "THE RED CROSS NEEDS 159,000,000 NOW! @ It is only through the Canadian Red Cross Society that anybody in Canada _ can send food parcels to any Canadian, British, Australian or New Zealand prisoner-of-war anywhere, : This is but one of the great tasks of the Canadian Red Cross; great tasks require great effort and much money. More than 40,000 prisoners-of-war food parcels are sent overseas by the Red * Cross every week. This number must be more than doubled to meet the actual need. More than a million such parcels have already heen sent to prisoners-of-war. It all costs money. The Canadian Red. Cross Society has not campaigned nationally for funds since October, 1940. It now asks urgently for $9,000,000 in the only national campaign for war service funds to be auhorised by the Govern- mentrthis year, i u0 0 nr TST pl a Ee a SE SS Every dollar contributed by you is wisely dealt with and economically adminis- * * tered. All Red Cross accounts are subject to scrutiny by the joy i of Canada. Ci 5 : The Canadian ed Cross Society malntail The Canadian Red Cross has given enormou. > "nquiry Bureaus through which families in assistance to the injured and homeless i of her brother, Mr. John MacGregor; EY . . "planned movement by the enemy bombed in Britain. At C Jan / : who haven't v RX " P y y mbed aréas in Britain. At Coventry and Canada obtain . information * regardi 5) ; yet statted to put even 50¢ a week into . whereas our fellows only hfd an hour Hull, in deyastated London, Plymouth, missing relatives, Through these a 28 17% SE. } War Savings Stamps--just a neutrdl.. . | or two of notice and the air lads cer- Bristol and Liverpool, the Canadian Red risoners-of-war or missing civilians are | - i i ; : . really EL Tad Tp ao Gros wad there, we llions of artiolds 0 'ocnted. ihe work-is carried on in co-opera- : AS t I , y . clothing; shoes; blankets:ynd other comforts... _ ion. with the International Red i i } Theig trent any neutrals in this war! You're a help I The 14th annual meeting of the have been distributed, 3 Geneva, Switzerland, ~~ © Doma iar i TR Wry or a hindrance to victory. You can't get out of it. If Oshawa Presbyterial of the Woman's "=~, "Thousands of children In Britain have beer fie Canadian Red Cross has supplied 86 A Ges Missionary. Society. of - the United jw + made orphans by the war, The Canadian nobile kitchen units for Britain's fire Bghters, you spend thoughtlessly you'll deny our, fighting forces 4 Er .the arms they- need and- imperil your own future. | If you--and 2,000,000 other housewives in Canada-- put only 50¢ a week into War Savings Stamps, it means $1,000,000 a week to help win the war, Which Church of Canada, will be held in Newcastle United Church; on Friday, May 15th, with morning session com- mencing with an organ recital at 9.156 and afternoon session beginning at ; ! . 1.60. The guest speaker will be Mrs. ¢ 3 . : ; . . | i 1 : side are you on? | iy or Lg address--"Persia | : and Jr. Branch in Port Perry Public School. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters visit: ed on Sunday with their daughter and our subscriptions to the Red Cross has fed and clothed many of ties -- These units are equi to go i homeless ones and found then shelter, ; ped So 80 Into hemied "ivan and feed 250 workers at a time, a 3 The Red Cross Societies in this Community are located. Manchester, Scugog, Myrtle Station, Greenbank Red Cross Fund will assist in securing necessities and Bay War Savings Stamps from banks, post offices, Jer i her husband at their home in Oshawa. : ie Bay War Sing Samp from bk: pot of comforts to prisoners of war; | Sr. : aid to the sick and wounded; The Institute girls will hold a dance [ANd means of tracing "miss- CANADIAN= =RED CROSS ioe) ie a " : : ry 3 National War Finance Commlttes, at the Scugog Hall, on Friday night|in " men, ©. i . G/VE # 12/ y/ sunt / el of this week..." ° y Give generously to RedCross | ° 8 neve amar ve "rg: oT & THE ONLY NATIONAL CAMPAIGN THIS YEAR FOR WAR SERVICE FUNDS I 8 \