Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jun 1942, p. 5

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~~ Myrtle.Station Elevator PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1942 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY *Healthfully Air Conditioned. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, - - JUNE 4-5-6 ; Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 . "IT STARTED | «WITH EVE" with DEANNA DURBIN, = * CHARLES LAUGHTON ROBERT CUMMINGS RA a RL Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JUNE 8-9-10 Last Complete Show at 8.20 "WILD GEESE CALLING" with HENRY FONDA and JOAN BENNETT ADDED Attraction "NEW WINE" with Ilona MASSEY, Alan CURTIS. COMING Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 11-12-13, "JOAN OF PARIS" with Michele Morgan, Paul Henreid. i ND OO | "HARDWARE Carnegie Hard ware CoM PANY ' Radios, Builders' Supplies HARDWARE Furnaces, Plumbing A. J. Carnegie, Phone 61; D. Carnegie Port Perry GROCERIES Superior 'Store Seasonable Specials NA-BOB TEA, 15 Ib. pkg. 43c. ADAM'S ORANGE JUICE h 20 oz. HN circ 18¢. CLUB HOUSE COFFER 1 Ih. vacuum tin... 25c¢. OXYDOL or CHIPSO Large package, each ............... 25¢. Phone 152, Port Perry CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTE--1f a paid-up Subscriber finds his or her name in small type among these ads,, that person will receive two War Savings|$ Stamps by applyng at the Office of The Port Perry Star, & THE CHURCHES CHICK HATCHERY ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister, : 10 a.m.~--Sunday School, 11 'a.m.--Public. Worship, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Public Worship. Subject--"The Symbolism of the - British Empire." 3 p.m.--The 1,0.0.F, will' attend the Service in a body. Everyone welcome, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Sunday, June 7th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. "PORT PERRY Chick Hatchery HERBERT BROOKS ete. EGG GRADING MAPLE LEAF FEEDS CREAMERY PORT PERRY CREAMERY - MANUFACTURERS OF Finest Pasteurized CREAMERY BUTTER DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) W. 'A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry LEGAL ARTHUR VW. 8. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b AUTO WRECKERS PORT PERRY Auto Wreckers IRWIN TRIPP, Cars bought for wrecking -, purposes. Used parts for all makes of cars. "Phone 21w, Port Perry Proprietor / SEEDS and FEEDS HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED GRAIN & FEEDS Field and Garden Seeds All Kinds of Poultry Feeds Special Farm 8upplies Phone 1, Port Perry A. H. Hammond H. H. GOODE - Grains, Clover Seeds, 7 and Fuel General Farm Supplies -. ¢ for your Spring requirements of he Seeds, Seed hi ana Fertilizers ] ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent Phories= Port Perry 120 r 6 and 12 Brooklin 388 r 17 and 22 CLOTHES CLEANING SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED > 80 Cents . 'SUITS CLEANED © 'Bry Cleaned $1.00 * C. P, ROLPH Upstairs, over Jomison's Bakery | sideboard; also pull-out couch, trunks {The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 In attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices e specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave 50c Marcel - 6c Manicure = = 86¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our workdis up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Men, Women Over 40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old ? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality 1. EI Co 1 ngzed ot, aY Tey Ostrex ns FE S00 IT $038 ri stores - ROOMS FOR RENT Two miles north of Port Perry, two nice rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. M. Bolton, Port Perry. may21tf ,' FOR SALE 'Old-fashioned bed, 'dresser, desk, and iron bed. Apply to E. Cook, Port Perry, Phone 89, + 11 aa, -- Holy i ' 2a and CHEESE ermon, Preacher -- e Rev. F. B. Allnut, B.D., Dis- ICE CREAM trict Secretary, Upper Ca- Phone 164, Port Perry nada Bible Society. 7 GENERAL MERCHANT DENTISTS BUY YOUR DR. J. B. LUNDY Master Shick Starter WES. CROSIER General Merchant Phone-- Port Perry 86 r 11 SEAGRAVE, ONT. Groceries, Drygoods, Boots CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. .Now in Uxbridge, Ontaria. Maple Street Phone 54 r 13 PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning » VY. P. STOUFFER - Repairs Moth Proofing Phone: Office 30; Res. 239 RADIO PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, only. McLean Radio Service Orville Tripp MANCHESTER, ONT. Auto Wrecker OLD CARS BOUGHT FOR WRECKING HIGHEST PRICES PAID Phone--90 r 12 VETERINARY D. C. Mac Master, B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 44 - Port Perry WANTED MEN FOR ATTENDANT DUTY Good working Conditions, Will con- sider applicants with military dis- charge or those over military service age. A Apply to The Superintendent, "ONTARIO HOSPITAL WHITBY, Whitby, Ontario. WANTED FEMALES FOR MAID SERVICE. Good Salary. Good living conditions, Steady employment, . Will consider applicants over, military service age. Apply to The Superintendent, «+ ONTARIO HOSPITAL WHITBY, Whitby, Ontario. BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE A Seed Buckwheat for sale. Apply to W. D. Munro, Manchester, Ont, Baby Chicks; Poultry, Eggs, |} and Shoes, Hardware, etc. Expert RADIO Service Phone 73w Citizens of Port Perry The Fuel Administrator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board urges all citizens to purchase next winter's fuel NOW 'Here are one or two reasons for this appeal-- ad) Dealers will have to take whatever anthracite is avail- able at the mine at the time of delivery, railway car that can be obtained. 2 All coal merchants and the railways will have to con- tend with many unpredictable burdens during the coming year, and it is impossible to say what effect this will have on Canada's fuel supply. You can prevent a coal shortage by-- Placing Your Order - Taking Deliveries - REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONTARIO AA AANA . tat AAAS ote ANAS o CAA A SA SOAR AR RAR ARN SARS in whatever type of NOW NOW eee a: oc Te. err Por | IAS AARAARRAR | GOO BREAD | ART. JEMISON JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF BE BUNS FRESH DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY DELIVERY--PHONE 98w PASTRY PROPRIETOR +BIILIEREEIRRIIILIILLILOLIRLLILLIIILILLILLLLLLLLILLL: (22212222 23 Anything Useful MANCHESTER EE Tt Et Et Et tt Ay payment on the following Good Used Cars at INNES MOTOR SALES CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH DEALERS Phone Port Perry 121.r-21 accepted as part 2121213302838 R EERE ERERNGE } "ue RED & WHITE stone. YOUR TASTE - Offers Everything To Please -- YOUR PURSE AMBER HONEY . Grapefruit Juice, LILY CHICKEN HADD "CROWN'SYRUP 3 CHOCOLATE DROPS, Candy Special, V4, Ib, Unsweetened, 2 5 1b. tin bbe - - 4 1b. tin bbe 12¢ 48 oz, tin 29¢ IE per tin 22¢c Lombard PLU MS 2 tins 19c¢ Saniwrap WAX PAPER, KLEENEX, Small - 10c, GOLD MEDAL TEA Master Assorted DOG BISCUITS GOLD MEDAL COFFEE - Special, 100 ft. roll 23¢ Medium, 2 for /2b¢ 2 lbs, 26¢ - Va Ib. pkg. 45c 2 lb. tin 29¢ PLUM JAM 32 oz. jar 23c a ; 4 2 of 3 : ; We : 1942 Plymouth Sedan (New) 1941 Dodge 2 Door Deluxe 1940 Ford A. S. Coupe 1940 Chevrolet Coupe 1939 Plymouth Coupe 1937 Dodge Coach 1936 Chevrolet Coach bargain, no trade 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1936 De Soto Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Roadster we'd TRUCKS and 1 - Wallis 20 1 - Auto 1-1936 Chev. 21, ton truck 1 - "Cletrac' ¢ 4 | A few New John Deere Tractors | BE EE EES EO NN TT TRACTORS - 30 Tractor ' (Crawler) Tractor SCUGOG An invitation is extended to all to attend - one or all of the Sunday Schools and Services next Sunday . Tickets are ready for sale on the "Hope Chest" the Girls' Institute have prepared, to raise funds for the War Victims' Fund--and they fe go- . ing fast Friday evening this week: the Scu- gog Dramatic Club will put on their musical comedy "The Singing School Party" and the one act play, in the j Township Hall, The funds raised are for the new church which is going forward soon, ° . The Woman's Association will be entertained on Tuesday, June 9th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Grahany, with Mrs, George Burnett and Miss Joy Hood as program com- mittee. Everyone is especially invited, We hope the weather will be fine, The deepest sympathy from Scugog friends is extended to Mr, Isaiah Ir- win, in the sudden passing of his wife Clara, the only .daughter of the late John and Phocbe Wannamaker. Clara was born oii the Island 59 years ago, and lived all her girlhood days here, moving to Seagrave, where she lived until her death on Thursday evening. She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband, one daughter Sina (Mrs. Grant Bright, Columbus), and one brother, Hiram Wannamaker, of Port Perry. Many old friends from Scugog paid their last respects by fol- lowing her to Pine Grove Cemetery, her last resting place. - Rev. F. G. Joblin is attending the Bay of Quinte Conference at Lindsay, this week. - Mr. and Mrs. V. Netherton and sons Jack and Kenneth, of North Zion were visitors, of their friend Miss C. Hardy on Sunday, 2 The King picnic has been dropped for the duration of the war. A couple more quilts and a cot quilt were quilted on Wednesday afternoon in the hall when ten workers were out. Congratulations to Mr. Clare Pogue and Miss Irene Rich, on their recent marriage. They will be stationed at Alaska. Clare is a brother of Mr. R. Pogue and lived here when a boy. Mr, and 'Mrs, R. Reader spent the week-end with relatives and friends at Bowmanville and Oshawa, Mr. George Bratley and daughter Margaret visited Mr. and Mrs, Wn. Parry, north of Port Perry on Sunday. o Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopo spent Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope. Many of our workers are using the bus from Port Perry, to get to their work in Oshawa. Corp. J. L. Sweetman, of Toronto, and Pte. George Burnett of Camp Borden, were home for the week-end. I --_---------- BR AN SR ARR RASA SAA AART RRR RR RR RR RR A oc CRISCO - - 2 b1b. tin 28¢ 2in 1 WHITE CLEANER - per bottle 15¢ CROWN TEA, The popular family blend, V4 1b. 43c Shiriff's PURE VANILLA - 1% oz. bottle 25¢ MEDIUM OLD CHEESE - - 1b. 18c Fancy I'ruit Blossom BISCUITS - per lb. 23c Keen's Mustard 4 1b. tin 25¢ INTERLAKLE TOILET TISSUE - 3 rolls 25¢ 2 in 1 Paste SHOE POLISH, All Colors 2 tins 19¢ Gold Medal EPSOM SALTS "~~ "4 oz. pkg. be ORANGLS, Sweet and Juicy, large size doz. 37c OXYDOL, Large pkg. 27c Small pkg. lle LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE - per tube. 25¢ Cowan's Cocoa 1 Ib. tin 23c PHONE 43 F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY Utica Decoration Day SUNDAY, JUNE 14th, 1942 their Annual Decorati for the Utica Dec A pood speaker and inspi Friends and relatives are Joseph Denny, Sec'y. Ww. The Utica Cemetery Committee purpose holding on Day at 2.30 p.m. The Second Sunday in June is the regular date oration Service. ring music will be the order of the day. kindly invited to decor- ate the graves in the forenoon previous to the above date, and attend the service in fellowship . at the Church with us. I. Thompson, Ch. of Board Port Perry Columbus Oshawa 'COACH LINE Effective June Ist, 1942 South Bound--Read Down Suan. © Daily Except Sunday North Bound--Read Up Daily Except Sunday Sun. A SAR AS Only S---- ~ Only PM. PM. PMD PML AMD AM. AM. AM. PM. PM AM. PM. 1000 10.00 500 200 $00 6.00 Lv. PORT PERRY Ar. 7.40 940 4.40 650 1.40 11.40 10. i5 10.15 6156 2.16 K15 6.16 RAGLAN 7.25 0.25 425 6.40 1.26 11.25 10.30 10.20 520-2 20 8,20 6.20 COLUMBUS 7.200 9.20 1.20 5.35 1.20 11.20 10.30. 10.30 5.30 230 X30 6.30 N. OSHAWA 7.10 9.10 410 6.25 1.10 11.10 10.10 10.40 5.40 2.40 #40 6.40 Ar. OSHAWA Lv. 7.00 900 400 615 1.00 Coach leaves Scehert House, Port Perry; Gray Coach Connections "at Oshawa with Gray © Line Terminal, Oshawa oach Line to and from Pickering Plant Special Weekly Rates for Workmen and Students, Parcel Carrying a Specialty. Operated by IY. DeNURE, Port Perry, Phone 251 George thinks this will be "his last leave. Mr, and Mis. Gordon Hope and sons visited their daughter Mrs, Frank Real, at Blackwater, on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of the late David Jack- son; who passed away at his home in Prince Albert. Mr. Jackson was born on the Istand 'and lived here most of his life. Besides -hi$ widow, he Reaves three sons and one daughter, and one brother, Robert, living here, to mourn his passing, Mrs, Elmer Sweetman is visiting re- latives and friends in Toronto. Old Phonograph Records wanted for shellac salvage If you have any, let The Boy Scouts know, or phone 211 11.00 ¢ 1M \ h 5 | BL) As ba N oo oe ES 0) +

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