be SR 3 % : ro fase 7 L005 6 FASE IIA, RI IAL De BRLAINA AT Pi A SAL e a A TT i ARI tn rma Rp. % Te end. Dickie, and Miss Kay Hinton, of To- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, at Portview Beach, Mr. and Mrs. R. Campkin and fam- ily, of Torento, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mann. Mr. Jimmy Taylor, of Toronto, was a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. S. Taylor, ever the hatin were callers in on on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cawker, of Peterboro, spent the week-end with the former's father, Mr. W. Cawker. Miss Ruth Brent, of Toronto, visited with relatives in town over the week: end. Rev. W. C. Smith and Mrs. Snath have ryeturned from a very pleasant holiday. Rev. Mr. Smith resumed his duties at the United Church last Sun- day. L. Mrs. Douglas Lade, Toronto, spent the, holiday week-end with her parents My, and Mrs, land, visited over the the latter's parents, Mr. B. Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burley, of To- Ken Pearce, of Mid- week-end with and Mri' A. Emmerson enjoyed a Hip to Minden, on Sunday. Miss Annabelle Baird was a week- isitor_at her home here. Mr. and Mis. Harry Nasmith and family have returned to their home in Port Perry, after a pleasant holiday at their cottage near Peterborough, Miss Irene Mulligan who has been In Magic Technicolor , REVIVAL on Friday at 11 p.m. Melvyn Douglas in "He Stayed For Breakfast MONDAY & TUESDAY Funday & Good Newsday Mischa Auer PLUS --= story of the fall of gay Paree -- the inside Griffith Jones, in "THIS "WAS PARIS" Next Wednesday-- Bing Crosby, in "HOLIDAY INN" Murs. Mr. and Longbranch, Roy St. parts of northern Ontario, "Mis. Harry McKinley left last week for Blenheim, after spending a month with friends in this. district. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Jeffrey and Bob Miss Josephine Greaves, of Toronto, was visiting Mr. and-Mrs. Kd: Brookes Port Perry IPublie School opened on of 180] is the largest number of The teachers in charge of the students at the be- Roy ; Cornish, Principal; Miss May Walker, Tuesday pupils. Th pupils for some years, Van emolme nt ginning of the term are: Mr, John, of are visiting with rela- tives at "Seugog and Port Perry this Ice Cream' . Soft Drinks Cigars Tobaccos Cigarettes BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor visited last week with Mrs, D. Duche- min and also spent some happy hours with former school companions. Mrs. A. Johnson, Lorne, Donald and IXlmer, visited on Sunday with Toronto relatives. Miss Dorothy Braund spent the week-end with her parents at their home in Columbus, Miss Bernice Nottingham enter- tained a number of friends on Tues- Toronto, were. week-end visitors with W. J. and Mrs. Cook, Mr. Frank Downey, of Toronto, was home over the iveek-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Rally Sunday services will be held Hope to see quite a large number out. oe rrer-- doo -- > : MARRIED «LC OLBEAR- LAWRENCE Onkville,' Sept. 4. -- A wedding of Watch this advertisement for other lines. Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO,, LIMITED a: SOLDIER CARRYING SOUVENIR BULLET % INCH FROM BRAIN souyenir--a his head. A three inch scar on his forehead is evidence of a daring but unsuccessful operation, performed by Major (Dr.) 38-calibre bullet lodged in No. 1 Canadian General Hospital overseas, Kight hopes that a second operation, to be performed in Toronto shortly, will be successful. The youth and two of his compan- jons were in their barracks in the gouth of England when the accident occurred. One of his friends was cleaning his revolver when it unex- peetedly fired.. The bullet pierced the jaw of the second soldier, and con- in an oxygen tent, his right side para- lyzed, and the shot only a quarter of an inch from his brain, "] owe my life to Major Elliott", ke said, for although he was unable to remove the bullet, he relieved the pres- sure on my brain. I was in the hos- pital five months, and now I feel fine." "Toronto Telegram | £ Thanksgiving will be held on Sunday, September 20th, 11 am. and 7 pm, at the Church of the Ascension, Port 'Perry. The special preacher at the morning service will be the Venerable Miss Pamlis Anis, of Tous, Be A MYRTLE STATION Elliott, of Montreal, in an effort to re-| Wm. Simpson, B. A. Archdeacon of was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, n nn i X a Pete i , TI Deli LYON DVORAK Jitile Miss Merle Horton, Goria 720ve Doe bullst, 14 tnok place oi, tae | Poriorsigh, whe Say ghiew wo) years of faithful service in the Church of the Canadian West. We are also fortunate to have as the' visiting preacher for the evening service, the Rev. Canon W. G. Nicholson, M. A, Rector of St. Clement's Church, North Toronto, who is one of the must out standing preachers of the city. © "The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done His marvelous works: that they ought to be had in remems- brance." CHRISTIE --- Passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Thompson, Victoria Corners, Susanna Madill, beloved wife of the late Edwin A. Christie, in her 76th year. Interment was made-at Utica. 6c, per cake PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1942 4 Port Parry. Eyes Examined LB a ' : Glasoes, complet, or lenata wal, Lawrence's Drug Store News Mr. George McKay visited with|} PRER OSH roped supplied where necessary, at ~ friends in Toronto over the week-end. rkioe OSHAWA oi reasonable prices,-- : "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" Rev. W. J. H. Smyth and sister, ) Miss Jenny Smyth, called on friendstd 0 00 L R. BENTLEY S DISCONTINUING CERTAIN LINES FLY TOX WILSON'S FLY REXALL FLYKIL in town on Friday, on their way to "Pa . "OPTOMETRIST 24c., 43c., 73c. PADS, 10c. pkg. 29¢, and 49c¢. Henhelin, after & vacation fa HT" »..|| Handy Home Enamel-- 8 ples. Be. Ptes George Emmerson and Gordon g J . $ JERGEN'S ' LUX 2 Carnegie, C.D.C. of Toronto, spent the Beyond the 9 Quart, reg. 1. 10 Sale 90c. CARBOLIC SOAP Paitin Ia TOILET SOA ( edo aan. f BI H . ' a y. or S Pint, reg. 60c¢c. Sa (] 45c. ' 3 cakes lec. po cakes' 2Ue. 2 cakes ise, 0 ~~ Rev. Jas, A. Miller and family o 4 < Toronto, were in town one day last ue orizon [a Bl \ * in : Ya Pt., reg. 40c, Sale 30c. ODEX col GATES BIG 'LIFEBUOY week, . Jy pied I'he Eating House COLOURS--Gloss White, Flat White, Ivory, China Red, Antiseptic SOAP BATH SOAP HEALTH SOAP §. Mr. and Mis. R. Baker and son «A "NNING of Quality and Service Pear] Grey, Pale Blue, Cream, Pale Green. 2 cakes 13c. Te. per cake ¥ A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 mm. Rexall swe ATER OEE IO 0 LO OO MEATS PORT PERRY week-end. the laff hit of the stage-- One of the most Tomar als of the k \ lties to return fo- Canada in thel --------------<eo@®@eo»-- Misses Pat and Kay Coylé and " "" £asug ! : Phone: 29w Port Perr for Qui Cc friend of Toronto, spent the week-end "TWIN BEDS" } a a Da ANGLICAN HARVEST FESTIVAL S ) d Good Ys lit 2 ith Mis. J.-J. Coyle . y ANG dal J £22 a Q SAE ALL ire: ig - (ieorge Joan home on Sunduy. He brought back a| The special services of Harvest ervice, an 00 uahty in Mr. and Mrs. N. Ewers of Oshawa, BRENT BENNETT CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers 1c) 4 ED OO EU IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ronto, spent the week nd with Med vo Feturned home from holidaying | David Duchemin. al and Mrs. David Carnegie. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slemmon : : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Emmerson, | and Dawn Marie, in Ottawa, = > Miss June Sonley and Pte. George . MANCHESTER THURS., FRI. AND SAT. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. wlll, day of lust week on the occasion of tinued on into Kiglit's head. - - ! ' rosier y Aurne J 0% irtee i 'or a > i e y --_-- we Tp dr WW Coin ete], core hunt ani | Be br GT SO ---- WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE home after an extended visit with her oo Lo Sn Ve _ ys af. ar. "8. Yu r » o E re, DIED son in Stouffville. pores font i children and Mrs. Charles Cooper, of [in the balance. For 14 days he was NEEDS MAY BE, Consult st week: Mrs. Greave "Tor T. 10-11-12 ) last week; Mrs. Greaves, of Toronto, at 1} am. at Manchéster. Mr. and SEP 0 Miss Grace Hood oid friend, of To-| was a visitor over the week-end; Mr. ; ' Mrs. Meyers of Oshawa will provide ronto, spent the week-end with Mr [Larry Brookes, of Weston, also spent the mmsic and address the Sunda yy ; and Mrs. Geo. Hood. the holiday week-end with his parents. | g ¥ Ant { \ working in Ottawa for the summer, Me Punize Harris, Miss Gertrude Toca] mborest was wolemmized in Waste has returned to her home here. Stovin, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, taking Mr. : i ! ue Some Sam Cawker's place for a few months. moreland United Church, Toronto, Miss Katherine Christie and Mr. ; : : sich Sept. 2nd, when Ruth Delilah Law- Peter Christie of Baltimore, U.S.A, JUNIOR WY AR WORKERS . "|'vence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs> An- are spending a few weeks with Mr. A yesiray meeting, of the Junior json Lawrence, Oakville, became the and Mrs. Grant Christie. Ww ar Workers will be held at the bride of Alan Bruce Colbear, Oakville, - CANADIAN "Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Cawker and Public Library on, Tuesday - evening, son-of Mr. and-Mrs. L. D. Colbear, of Al ROR Ti foraily, and Mr. Robert Cawker, of Seplember 15th, Port Perry. Rev. C. Balsdom was = Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. FARM RENTED | the officiating clergyman. Given in b "angl Mrs, John Cawker. Mr. Harry Fdgerton-has rented his | yarriage by her father, the bride wore 5 / a Miss Alice Cassaday, Toronto, was Hfarm_to Me. Lowell, _of Whitby. a--bridal-gown- of swhite--chiffon--fash=f-------- --CLARK'S- = er peop EE SO CE TR the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. BABY'S SKIN AILMENTS, EC-[joned on long graceful lines, Her 'TOMATO or Geo. Holmes. ZEMA, CUTS, ete, respond quickly | veil of bridal net arranged with a halo Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Heusler, and In RIEEREY == "A quick healing of bended orange blossoms fell the VEGETABLE Moone 113 Marjorie and Mr. and Mrs. Millward, Halve. N Alin, heals Psoriasis, 1m- full length of her gown. She carried JUICY CALIFORNIA . of Toronto spent the holiday week: petigo, Erythema, Boils, Chaps, Ete. a bouquet of red roses and gladiolus. LYNN VALLEY --iid in town. 150c., $1.00, $2.00. (Medium and| The bride was attended by Miss La} ORANGES = os | strong.) Recommended and sold by Dora Doyle, Oakville, wearing 'a full- ra Tins C Mrs. Archie Anderson visited inf yqyyence's Drug Store, Port Resp. length gown of turquoise chiffon, N ONTARIO NO. 1 CA eme ~~ 7s Pembroke over the i . " or lp Gimme BN styled with shirred waist line and Goop Dox. Ic Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Colbear, Mar- bishop sleeves; Her headdress was an hs , {Wit BEANS 5 25 garet and Arthur weve in Toronto last Honoured at the a arrangement of roses, glad- Ibs. C Wednesday attending the wedding. of Launching jolus petals -and ~cornflowers, -- Her _| ANNE PATON : Mr. Alan Colbear to Miss Ruth D.[ TH Boles (I ilding Co, | flowers were pink roses and white CALIFORNIA vis CATSUP L RG IE, - 15e Lawrence, of Oakville. of aay hos at rosie gladiolus petals: The best man was 3 ARGE T™ C Pilot Officer J. Glenn MacMaster [1.0 10h the Whenth" Corvette for Arthur Colbear, brother of the groom. GRAPES FIVE ROSES Lo who has been stationed at Nqyfound- OVOTAeas HOTVITe: Following the ceremony the bridal ais. welghy land during the summer, is speiiding The Corvette is a very fine ship party motored fo Oakville, where a re- { Bag Cricea bay c a two week' furlough at his home| oo two hundred feet long, and built ception was held at the residence of e SHREDDED WHEAT OR here. he) at a cost of nearly half a million dol- the i 2 Deis, The couple will ° i SHREDDIES : 2 ; ' L.A.C. Bruce Beare has been trans-| jars each . reside . : ff Pkgs- ran, ferred from St. Eugene, Quebec, to] Mrs, Frank E. Courtice was hon-| ------ <vo@or---- 4 Uplands; near Ottawa, to continue his | oured by the President, Mr. Waldron, FIRM CRISP MacFEETERS 12-0x, Pkg. oe training. of the Collingwood Company, The ANNOUNCEMENT LETTUCE HONEY BUTTER: =] 0 Mrs, J. D. MacMaster has returned | Midland. Shipyards, The Kingston Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kerry, Utica, c ; home after spending the past few [Shipbuilding Co. and-the Port Arthur [announces the engagement of their ol 2 weeks with relatives at Dalkeith and [ Shipbuilding Co., by being chosen to | eldest daughter, Muriel Marie, to Mr. ; Sti other eastern points, christen the ship- H.M.S. "Baffin"| Alfred Gordon Fisher, only son of Mr. niko : Q g 4 Rolls 5c pratt Mr. David Bentley, who has been | which she did by. breaking a bottle of and Mrs, Gordon Fisher, of Ashburn, . . Wil TABLE a) fl working in Prince Edward County for champagne over the ship's bow. the marriage to take place Sept. 26th, J Joan at the summer, has returned homé to| At a dinner following these cere- in Utica United Church. GREEN OR WHITE SALT n AN Or Sf 8c continue his school studies. monies, Mrs. Courtice was presented Zi S a! ! ; ' i with a silver salver and a bouquet of IN MEMORIAM ' CELERY v MRS. LUKE'S : , ; HOME ON FOURTEEN DAYS [red roses by the company. FALE . PI KL : ; > 5G ; 'LEAVE The President, in his after dinner| BUTSON -- In loving memory of : S 25¢ ast bg Cc Trooper David Kight, who suffered | speech, made some very compliment! Jack Butson, who died September 8rd,' 2 for 0 10 g-01. Bottle TE y } serious injury from a bullet wound in| ary remarks regarding the very im-'1938, ' Mi C CER 4s 7Ré a . his head some months ago, is home on| portant. part Mr. Frank E. Courtice, His charming ways and smiling face ; 2 cgmw29¢| JE WEL SHO RTENING 1h. 19c fourteen days leave--we are glad othe Chief Engineer, had taken in the| Are a pleasure to recall. JEW LONG OR HOR cur i gee him back again, looking pretty fit. | building of these ten vessels, many of { He had a kindly word for each, Yh HE yo , ; He hopes to get back to. the army which are now_on the high seas, and | And died beloved by all. : Ht We -- . MACARONI wwe 10c alia activities soon, proving most satisfactory. Dad, Mother, and Family, RIQUIREMIN IH z See 4 ~~