» LS 5 Gl SI LAY NT os Ve ai) Ny a ale oe PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1942 . --ENe Mrs. I. R. Bentley, Nrs. A. Brock and Mrs. J. E. Jackson attended the first fall meeting of the College Chap- ter Alumnae at Ontario Ladies Qol- lege, Whitby, on Monday evening The guest speaker was Mrs. Hubert Langley, of St. Catherines, who for sixteen years was a resident of Kobe, Japan. Her subject was "The home life of Japan." - SLENDOR TABLETS -- Harmless and effective. Two week's supply, "$1.00 at Lawrence's Drug Store. Miss Florence = McMillan left on Thursday to start her training the R.C.A.F. (Women's Divisio Rockeliffe, Ont. Miss Mildred Pitfield and Ye 0 vin Masales, of Toronto, were tent guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Henry, Arthur, visited in Port Perry for a couple of days last week. Pte. Orr Graham, R.C.A.M.C., of To- ronto, spent a few days at his home last week. . Miss Margaret Hayes, of Toronto, _ spent the week-cad with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes. Mr. Billy Allan returned to Toronto on Sunday evening after spending the summer with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson. A number from Port Perry attend- ed the Harvest Home Festival service at St. Thomas' Church, Brooklin, on Sunday evening. Rev. Blake M. Wood, of Christ Church, Toronto, was the guest speaker. The wany friends of Miss Bessie Crozier will be pleased to hear that she has received her probationary commission with the "Wrens". She is remaining at Kingsmill House, Ot- tawa, as quarters officer. Mr. and Mrs. moved to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cooney are mov- ing to Whitby. We wish them happi- ness in their new home, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins and Jean are moving to the apartment vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Jack Coonoy. Miss Mitchell, of Chilliwack, B.C, a member of the R.C.A.F. (Women's Division) was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. L. G. Hall, and Mrs. Reg Boundy, for the weekeend. Mrs. Wm. Brydon, of Toronto, was a visitor in town on Wednesday. Mr. Fred Tarvis, of Hamilton, *vall- ed on friends in town, this week. David Day have YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION The opening meeting of the Young People's Union was held on Tuesday evening with about thirty young peo- ple present. Margaret Day, president of the Union, presided. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn followed by prayer by the president. Clare Glass read a poem; the offering was taken; and a hymn sung. The minutes of the summer meetings were read. / Then followed the installation of officers for the season 1942-1943, with Rev. W. C. Smith, as chairman. Sev- eral items of business were discussed; 'a hymn was sung and the Mizpah benediction repeated by all. A few games were played and a lungh of fresh fruit--apples, peaches and grapes--was served. The mect- ing closed with the singing of he National Anthem. Following is a list of the officers for the coming season: President, Mar- gared Day; * Vice-President, Ralph Hansen; Secretary, Ruth Carnegie; Treasurer, George Chanuell; Pianist, Helen Peel; Convener of Christian Fellowship, Dorothy Balfour; Assist- ant, Walter Sonley; Missionary Con- vener, Dorothy Tristram; Assistant, Rose Armstrong; Con. of Christian Citizenship, Emmerson McMillan; Assistant, Gordon MacMaster; Lit- erary and Culture Convener, Thelma Crosier; Assistant, Jack Whitmore; 'Social. Convener, Ircne McDonald; Press Secretary, Dorothy Balfour; Leadership Training, Clare Glass, 1. 0.D. E. "The first meeting of she I. 0. D .E. . 'Bcugog Chapter, after the summer recess, will be held on Mondav, Oct. th, in the Public Library, at 8.00 p.m. Every member is urged to make a special effort to be present. The obligations of our Order are Phone OSHAWA 1011 US PLAYBRS THEATRE FREE Parkin AFA - STARTING FRIDAY for an Indefinite Period * Direct from Eight Smashing Weeks in Toronto We are Proud to Present "MRS. MINIVER Portrayed by GREER GARSON . with} Walter PIDGEON Teresa Henry WRIGHT TRAVERS DAME MAY WHITTY "HENRY WILCOXON_ "Mrs. Miniver will place a gentle hand on your elbow and bid you stop to observe some- thing quite insignificant, and lo! it is not insigmificant at all. The touch is one of the indefin- able things that Englishmen and English women are -fight- ing and dying for at the mo- ment." - . ) --CLIFTON FADIMAN REGULAR PRICES LAIN SL UU es rs i GEE Mr. Segsworlh, of the Farm Place- ment Board, made a special visit to Port Perry High School, now consid- ered one of the most famous of Rural High Schools in the Province. Mr. Segsworth is intensely interested in Rural Education. He and the Editor of the Star, were formerly associated in educational work in Ontario. ~~ NOTICE--DANCE Warriker Lodge No. 75, L.O.O.F., are holding a dance in the High School Auditorium, Port Perry, on Friday October 2nd. Russ Creighton and his' Variety Dance Band. Proceeds in aid of Odd Fellows' Grand Lodge War Fund. Refreshment Booth. Two lucky draws. Admission 35c. [.. Smith, « C. H. Reesor, Noble Grand. R R.S WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF ST. JOIN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The meeting was held in the church on Thursday, Sept. 24th at 3 p.m. The President presided. Mrs. Cooks- ley read the Scripture, Psalm 96. Miss Stewart gave some items of in- terest and information on the mission Church. © We had for our guest speak- er, Miss: M. Oliver, President of the Lindsay Presbyterial, also Mrs. John- son, corresponding secretary. The President brought us a good message. She stressed the need for us to keep up the missionary spirit at home, also the great work we have for Deacon- esses to carry on in the West. For the present much of our work on the Foreign fields has to be given up on account of thé war. She said when one door is closed another is opened. So we have great need to look after the West and our missionaries who had. to leave their fields. A duet was given by Mrs. MacMil- lan and Mrs. Bentley and was much appreciated. We were pleased to have Miss Helen Willard at the organ, Mrs. Grant Christie moved a vote of thanks to the speakers amd to all who had helped to make the meeting n success, A very generous Thank Offering, which is very much needed for the work, was given. A social half hour was spent a the dlose. : DIED COBURN--At Port Perry, on Sat- urday, September 26th," Mrs, Naomi Coburn, Interment was made on Monday, at Pine. Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. BADCOCK--At Raglan, on Thura- day, Sept. 24th, Jeffrey, beloved wife of the late Wil- liam Badcock, in her 82nd yeer. steadily increasing due to the stress of war, and our Chapter must con- tinue to do its share. So let us rally to the support of our officers and in- "terest others in our work. More mem- bers are needed. HARRAN---Ad Caesarea, on Mon- day, Sept. 28th, 1042, Alice Hill, be- loved wife of David N. Harman, in her 68th year, Interment was onl Wednesday at Nestleton Cemetery. work of the American - Presbyterian: 1942, Anna Maria | Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- L. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST Ta ylor's The Eating House of Quality and Service Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars a _Tobaccos "Cigarettes BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor THE BULK SALES ACT In the matter of the Bulk Sales Act; and in the matter of Percival John Densham, formerly cargying en busi- ness wnder the firm, style and name of Devon Restaurant, of the Yillage of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario. NOTMCE is hereby given that the above named has made a Bulk Sale of his assets under the terms and pré- visions of the Bulk Sales Act, and that I have been appointed Trustee of the proceeds of the said sale. Creditors are requested to file their claims with me with the proof and particulark thereof as requested by the said Act on or before the 17th day of October, A.D. 1942. Notice is further given that after the 17th day of Octobef, 1942, 1 will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtors among th parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice. has then been given, and will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any son or person of whose claims I shall not then have had notise. > Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 15th day of September, A.D. 1942. ; ARTHUR VW. S. GREER, Trustee, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. oct 8 SCUGOG There were no services on Sunday owing to the illness of Rev. F. G. Joblin. We understand he will have to take a rest for a few weeks. His sop, Rev. Fred Joblin, of Bowmanville, 'will have charge for the next two Sundays with a union service at the hall at 3 p.m. Sunday School at the Centre at 3 pm. The hour for the Ifead and Foot will be set later. The 18th of October is the date set for the union anniversary with Rev. |W. C. Smith of Port Perry as speaker. ! A three act comedy play, entitled Johnnie and Jimmie, will be given in Scugog" hall on October 9th, by the Ladies of Utica. Come and enjoy it-- full of fun and humor. Admission 26c. Children 16c. Mr. Chas, Gerrow has taken over the Scugog Mail Route, and all are looking for good service. We welcome Mrs. Stanley Pogue and son Douglas to the Island. They will be staying with her mother Mrs. John Collins. Miss Jean Wilson accompanied her friend Miss Stella Heayn from school one evening recently and spent a very pleasant night. T Mr, and Mrs. W. Crozier of Man- chester and son Vyrtle, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beacock, Bob, Pauline and Corrine, of Greenbank, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Samells. Messrs. Gordon Cherrie and Elmer Ploughman are looking for a fine day on the 6th--sale day. Sympathy is extended to the family of Dr. Hartley Lewis, of Oshawa, in his sudden passing, Hartley was born on the Island 41 years ago, son of Rev. H. T. Lowis and Mrs. Lewis. Dr, Lewis leavey to mourn his passing his wife and two children, Mary Ellen aged four and Hartley Vanstone aged two, and one sister Mary, Mrs, Claude | Farrow, of Kitchener. His parents predeceased him several years ago. * Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice, Mrs. R. Graham and Mrs. W. Gerrow, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. R. Reader, in the hospital in Toronto. We are glad to report she will leave the hospital :{ en Sunday for the home of her cousin, Mrs. D. Hope enjoyed a visit with her aunt Mrs, Win, Savage and her cousin Mrs. A. Martyn, a couple of days last week, Hira. Savage loves to tell of the happening of the past." Her health is much improved. Paint DISCONTINUING «Quart, reg. 'Handy Home Enamel Pint, reg. 60c. Sale 45c. 1/, Pt., reg. 40c, Sale 30c. COLOURS--Gloss White, Flat White, Ivory, China Red, Pearl Grey, Pale Blué, Cream, Pale Green. Watch this advertisement for other lines. Sale CERTAIN LINES $1.10, Sale 90c. wv. Phone 240w - LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED NOTICE The following letter was received by Mr. Fred Christie, Reach Township Clerk. Whitby, Aug. 24th, 1942 Dear Sir: We are anxious to secure a complete list of all soldiems who have enlisted from your Municipality to date for a newspaper and County of Ontario re- cord. We have undertaken to pre- pare for the Oounty Counc an honor roll of a temporary nature which will be replaced by a permanent one after the war. In order to do this we need your co-operation. If you are unable to furnish us with a list" will you be good enough té turn this letter over to the Red Cross or any other organ- ization in your Municipality doing patriotic work. Please note that we would like the number, name, rank and unit of all soldiers, sailors and airmen, . We know that we can count on your co-operation, | Yours sincerely, THE TIMES-GAZETTE, Note--Parents or guardians are re- quested to send complete information to Fred Christie, Township Clerk, &{ Manchester, Ont. (Form 4--Section 11) CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1942, Municipality of Port Perry, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 8 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Port Perry, on the 15th day of September, 1942, the list of all rsons entitled to vote in the said funicipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 0th day of October, 1942, Dated this- 16th -day of September, 1942, at the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario. H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk, Village of Port Perry. R.S.0. 1927-C.7, Sec. 8, and tlie 1937 Amendments thereto. --oo LLOYD'S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anesthetic. Puts corns to sleep immediately. 'Get a jar today at A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. de Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" FROSST NEO CHEMICAL FOOD. To supply the system with an adequate amount of essential vitamins and minerals. Liquid, $1.15 and $2.45 Capsules, $1.25 and $2.25 WAMPOLE"S COD LIVER EXTR SCOTT'S EMULSION .... AYERST'S ALPHAMETTES KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL NATIONAL COD LIVER OIL "and MALT PURETEST COD LIVER OIL_ 75¢. and $1.25 HALIVER OIL CAPSULES 90¢. and $1.55, a $1.00 .59¢. and 98c. ACT NY IE EEE EEE | 7 $1.00, $1.85 and $3.50 and MALT oe 75¢. and $1.25 TIER 49¢c. and 89. A. M. LAWRENCE 78e Rexall sire CEE ES PHONE 49 o/ 01 Bi BY BF BY RR BY ON BY I PORT PERRY Service, and Good Quality in MEATS OO EEE SERS Sa IN DAYS OF r gi Phone 41 : SN | ea RL LT SL TA RELIABLE Insurance is essential - WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult HAROLD W. EMMERSON * CAWKER BROS , Family Butchers 0 Port Perry Mr. and Mrs. E. Sweetman and $1 Helen visited in Oshawa on Tuesday. "Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and little Ronald spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope, it being their first wedding anniversary. :) Mrs. Clark Ross of Toronto, is visit- ling her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick for a few weeks, Miss Olive Bwown of Oshawa, visit- ed her parents Mr, and Mrs. R. Brown over the week end. We understand many are enjoying wild duck dinners these days. - Mrs. Fines picked and enjoyed eat- ing red raspberries-last week. Corporal J. L. Sweetnmn, of Man- ning Depot, is enjoying a couple of weeks at his home here. . Grr. Merlin Dowson, of Petewawa, and Mrs. Dowson, spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week with his father, Mr. Frank Dowson and family. Flight Lieut. Joel Aldred, who is home on leave visited his cousin Mr. Victor Aldred last week, Mr. Clark of Ballyduff spent the week-end with his son Murray before they move back to Prince Albert.' Mr. Owen Reader visited in Oshawa on Monday. g My. and Mrs. Alfred Prentice are moving to Port Perry in the near future. All hope they will be happy in their new home, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Ploughman are also moving to Port Perry in the near future. We wish them happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tetlow accom- panied their friend Mrs, Reynolds to her home in Toronto after she had spent a week with them here. Many happy returns to Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson on the anniver- sary of their wedding, and to Mrs. Jackson on her birthday, Sept. 20th. Also birthday greetings to Roy Brown, Mrs. Orr Jeffrey, on Oct. 3rd, and Ena Pearce and Mrs. R. Carter for Oct. 4. WOOP + FIRE FOUR SHOTS AT STOLEN TRUCK : (Toronto Daily Star) Four shots fired by Geo. McCam- mond, of the Oshawa police, while chasing a stolen truck at 76-miles-an- hour between Oshawa and Port Perry on Sept. 20, missed their mark by inehes. - The truck cab, later recover- ed, was found to have at least one and possibly several of the bullets imbed- ded in it. Patroling Simcoe St. N.,, McCam- mond chased the truck when he be- came suspicious of its load, a 600-1b, safe, later revealed as stolen from an Oshawa firm. Firing two shots, the constable raced over the winding 18- mile distance at top-speed Just below Port Perry, the truck eluded its chaser when the cruiser skidded into the ditch, The truck was later located in Port Perry, but its safe and contents were missing. BOY SCOUT NEWS The Troop is fortunate in securing the: United -Church- basement as their quarters. It has been decided to organize a Wolf Cub Pack for hoys eight to twelve years of age. This will be clpsely associated with the Troop and will share the same quarters. The Troop is still on the lookout for scrap iron, rubber, and paper, and anyone having donations, please no- tify Owen Cliff or Mr. Vernon. Last Saturday, Sept. 26th, War work collections amounting to $25.00 were brought in by the Owl Patrol. The Scout Apple Day will be held on October 17th, the proceeds to serve the following purposes: 1. To make a 'contribution to the Boy Scout "Chins Up" War Fund. 2. To finance the new Cub Pack. ""3. To provide funds to pay the an- nual Scout registration fees. A Cub meeting will be held on Fri- day evening, Oct. 2nd ,at 7 o'clock in the United Church. A Scout meeting will follow this at 8 o'clock. ARS L.-...SS GSE NOSE" _ CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Bernard F. Koch wish to express sincere gratitude to their friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during his illness and at the time of his death |§ Mrs. Bernard Koch, and Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Koch|¥ PROSPECT Miss Marian Smith, of Toronto, is : spending her vacation at her home|$¥ here. the week-end with her parents. Pte. Frank Chuniblay of Kingston, i and Pte. Mac Bare, of Kingston, form-| & erly;of Regina, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. F, Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holtby were inj H Mount Albert, on Sunday. A miscellaneous shower was held i in the school on Saturday evening in|§ honour of a recent bride, Mrs. R. Evans, formerly Miss Doris Conroy.|§ An énjoyable time was spent by all, Miss Mary Rosser, of Toronto, visit- ing with Mr, and Mrs. G. McClintock, A number of the Prospect people attended the Thank Offering services at Myrtle on. Sunday, both morning and evening, and enjoyed the mes- sages by the minister, also the music, A Miss Willa Egerton, of Toronto,|H spent the week-end with her parents. | Miss Helen Conlin of Toronto, spent | Have Done Your at the PORT PERRY . STAR OFFICE - Satisfactory Work Prompt Delivery Reasonable Prices - We shall be pleased to quote prices on any printing job you may wish to-have done. Village of Columbus, County A. E. Grass, Pres. The Assessment Roll of the Cor- poration of the Village of Port Perry for 1942, upon which the taxes for 1943 will be levied, has been, returned to me; and any appeals against the A AE BI RN SOUTH ONTARIO Plowing Match : will be held on the farm of ELMER POWELL Lot 18, Concession 6, East Whitby, South of the Road, on Wednesday, October 14, 1942 For Teams apply to Mr. E. Powell, Phone 13-r-13, Brooklin, not later than Monday, October 12th -- iF ; BANQUET AT NIGHT W. S. Croxall, Sec.-Treas., Brooklin 05 0 0 ~~ Oshawa: Port Perry 000080000000 800080208000808000e000 RN ASSESSMENT PROLL RETURNS | assessment thereon must be made- to me. in writing on or before October 14th, 1942, Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, Oc- tober 1st, 1042, _, : H. G. Hutcheson, Clerk up Village of Port Perry, $ . Phone 29w, Port Perry, for | TF ' : PRINTING | om