Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Oct 1942, p. 4

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fy stiI OnKiown. Ev 5 oak U. S. Moves To Check Inflation Price Control Along Same Lines As In Canada A recent series of quick moves designed to halt rises in two major cost-of-living ftems--=food and rent --nplaced the United States on the game plane of economic control that has existed in Canada for sev- - eral montks, President Roosevelt, given the "go-ahead" signal by Congress to stabilize the cost of living and forestall runaway inflation of the United States, issued an order which clamped ceilings on wages, salaries, profits, farm prices and rents, : Food and Rent The food-price freeze, a 60-day emergency order to be followed s00N by permanent ceilings for the duration, is now effective. It en- joins all retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and processors to charge no more than the highest prico they charged between Sep- tember 28 and October 2. Only important foodstuffs ex- cepted were fresh fish, most fresh fruits and vegetables, and pea- nuts, probably to be treated later on a seasonal basis. All landlords who have raised rents In the last seven months will be asked to reduce them to the March 1 levels. Effect On Canada The United States, by putting antl-inflation legislation into oper- ation, has ensured the continuation of its effective enforcement in this Dominion, because, had there heen no move to check inflation in the United States, the inevitable re- action upon Canada would have been disastrous, "We may now look forward to of- fective co-operation and- co-ordin- ation of anti-inflation measures as affecting the entire North Amerl- can continent, oath Excels Spitfire Fighter New British Plans Is Retort To Focke-Wulf 190 The designer of the famous Hur- ricane fighting plane, one of Bri- tain's leading air weapons, has fathered another fighter, the Ty- phoon, which was pictured today as superior evento the celebrated Spitfire. The Typhoon was reported to be a decisive retort to Germany's bid for air superiority in the Focke- Wulf 190, the only Axis plane "which has presented a serlous challenge to the Spitfire. The Typhoon, a single-engined plane unofficially credited with a speed of more than 400 miles an hour like the Spitfire, is still on the secret list. Its oxistence was 'mentioned publicly for the first timo last April, but the extent of its production and use by the RAF. Ti Tho last few : weeks, however, there has been increasing talk about fit. 2,400-Horsepower Engines Designer Sydney Qamm is un. derstood to have conceived the Typhoon in 1937 soon after com- pleting the first Hurricane and to have used reports on tho Hurrl cane's performance in the Battle of Britain as a guide in complet- ing the Typhoon improvements, Mr. Camm is perhaps the top British designer since the passing of R. J. Mitchell, "father" of the Spitfire. It is sald that it required 6,000 drawings to perfect the Ty- phoon. Construction startad even before the 2,400-horsepower Sabre engines, with which it is powered, had their final test. ; The Typlioon is armed with machine-guns and cannon and Is to have an amazing climbing abil. ity. It is believed the plane which Alrcraft Production Minister Llew- ellin referred to in Parliament last July when he said: "There are two new German planca but we know a great deal about them. Our newest plane now coming into production is better at nearly every height and as good at any." Some Are Brave But' Not Always In a coriatn, Canadian military camp a number of soldiers recently - volunteored for training ns para- chute troops--perbaps the most dangerous form of service that the army has to offer. It is not dls. paraging the other soldiers to say that the paratroops have an extra dash of the heroic in their com. position, But one sergeant in this group of volunteers is still not quite up to the specifications of the com. plete hero: As the group entrain. éd for the school in the United - Btates where they receive instruc- " tlon, he sald to another sergeant who had come to see them off: "By the way, old man, I've never been able to get my nerve up to tell my - wife that. I've volunteered, You might let sr know I've gone, will you?" ¢ The second sorgeant delivered the message-~by telephone. - pes "Hniments, ie and Clouds pr a picturesque-backdrop--for the highway to-Alaska- being -- built from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to Fairbanks by the U. S, Army. Here Army engineers hava thrown a wooden bridge across a muddy stream, using more than 3000 logs. This permanent struc ture will be widened by the Public Road Administration sometime in the future, Alcan highway is scheduled to open Dec. 1. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING TURPENTINE Southern pine trees and the skill of American chemists are supply. ing the United States with a ver- gatilo product in which Japan once held a tight monopoly, writes Dr, C. M. A. Stine, vice-president ad- visory on research and develop- ment of the duPont de Nemours and Company for Science Service. This Is gamphor, an important Ingredient of thousands of peace- time and wartime products from -~unguents,- stimulants and other pharmaceuticals to scuffless plastic heel covering on women's shoes, movie films (which use hundreds of thousands of pounds), military. drafting instru- ments and motorcycle windshields, State camphor trees of the Or- fent have for thousands of years beén giving off thelr fresh and heady odor--an odor that carries for miles. Many centuries ago the natives learned to distill the cam- phor wood, using crude bamboo tubes to condense the snow-white crystals, These they pressed into small amulets to insure health and to serve as symbols of pagan be- let. It Is eald that the Arabian physicians of the eleventh century appreciated the medicinal valuo of camphor. German, Swiss and Italian plants wero turning synthetic camphor out early In the twentieth century and a start was made on this con- tinent in 1900, Several other ef- forts were also made during the <}--flest---third--of--the<-century; "but large-scale operations did not be- gin until the™ duPont company opened its camphor plant in 1932, Turning out close to 600,000 pounds of camphor a month, this plant now produces most of the cam- phor manufactured in the U. 8S. Pinene, the starting material tor camphor production, is a clear, watery fluid which looks and smells much like turpentine. In fact, tur- pentine is 95 percent pinene, which is distilled off. The world's largest diamond, the Cullinan, --- which weighed - 3,106 carats when found in South Africa, was cut into nine principal stones. A FAMOUS BRAND ¥ gden's FINE CUT In tho early 90's, when J. H. Wallace drove a herd of cattle up into Alberta from Idaho and started the now famous Wal- lace Ranch, the '"Hat'"' Brand was his identification. The brand is still in use by Ross Ranches, at Adon, Alberta. "HAT" Brand of the WALLACE RANCH Have You Heard? : An American go-getter, visiting Scotland for the first tlme, found himself puzzling over the dialect of the hotel porter. Taking the man for a foreigner, he inquired his nationality. "I belong to Scotland, honnle Scotland," replied the porter proud- ly. "And far d' ye cam frae " "From the greatest country the world has ever known," boasted the American. "Mon," exclaimed the Scot, "what an awfa peety -ye've Yost your accent!" iy ih Brown! "You know, no mat.. ter where | hide my money, my wife always finds it." White: "My wife never finds mine. | keep it in the basket with my undarned' socks." . --0-- The young man at the social gathering boasting of hla. Arctle explorations. He gazed at the beautiful girl he was trying to fm- press, "Just- imagine," he said drama tically, "an enormous ice-floe!" "Yes. I'd like an ice," said the girl absently, "but my name isn't - Flo!" 3 --0-- Visitor (looking over battle- ~"ship):--*And - what do you sailors do when the ship springs a leak?" Gob--"Aw, we just put a pan under It, ma'am." --0-- The newly-married couple were just leaving the registrar's office when the wife remembered she -~had- registered "lor "Age 8K year older than she actually was. "Och, never mind," replied her husband, "ye'll get the auld age pension a year sooner." ---- Teacher--""Junior, can you tell me the difference between perseverance and obstinacy?" Junior--""One Is a strong will and the other a strong won't." yy During a recrudescence of white feather distribution a spinster seeking victims came across a young man milking a cow. "Why aren't you at the front?" she blurted out. "Cos there's no milk at that end," he answered with a grin, ge "Hallo, old man, | haven't seen you for some time." "I've been In bed for seven weeks." "That's too bad. Flu, | sup- pose?" "Yes, and crashed." rT . Mother: "Alfie tells me they told him in school today as how Co- luntbus traveled 3,000 miles on a galllon." Father: *"Go on, the boy didn't ought to belleve all these motor salesmen's yarns." --Q-- Wife: 'It says hers that the average person speaks 10,000 words a day." Husband: "Yes, dear -- but you're far above the average, you know." | Film Shows Work Of Forestry Corps A film, "Wood for War," made in co-operationiwith the Canadian Army Film Unit, is on its way from London. It shows men of the Canadian Forestry Corps at work in Scotland's forests helping to provide timber essential to Bri- tain's war effort. there, from East to West, The great trees fall; they float down the Scottish rivers to her saw-mills; they become' planks, The finished timber appears as bridges, pontoons, army hutments, ~All Canada 1s - HOW CAN I? Q. How can I make a substitute knob if the original comes off the 1d of a kettle or pan? A. Sllp a screw through the hole, with the head on the inside of the 11d, then screw a cork on the pro- truding end. This knob will not become hot, and It can be renewed easily when it has become spoiled. Q. How can I make a dry sham. poo? A. Mix two ounces of cornmeal with one ounce of powdered orrls root. Sprinkle this powder in the hair and then brush thoroughly. -Q.. How can I chop nuts quickly? A. Instead of - chopping nuts for cakes or cookies, try placing them in a cloth and running the roll. ing pin over them. Q. How can I keep the shower curtain-in good condition? : A, After taking a shower, always be sure to draw the sliower cur- tain out along the rod to dry. The air must get to it and let It dry out, In order to prevent damage to the fabric and possible mildew. Q. How can I make a dessert with left-over rlce? A. Left-over cooked rice can be made Into a delicious dessert by adding to ft some chopped apples, diced pineapples; marshmallows, and whipped cream. Put into Modern Etiquette 1. When a man and & womaa are engaged to be married, lsn't it permissible for them to kiss in public, and otherwise show thelr devotion? 2. What should one do when dummy durlng a bridge game? Watch the game or leave the table and walk about the room? 3. In which hand should the fork be held when conveying food to the mouth, and the knife is mot re quired? i 4. When a man is accompany- ing a woman who does not smoke and be knows that she does not object to his smoking, is it neces- sary for him to ask permission each time he wishes to smoke? 5. When a person has finished eating, isn't It helpful it he will stack the empty dishes? ANSWERS 1. No. Such demonstrations should be reserved for their priv- acy. them to display thelr love in pub- lic, and provokes unkind comments _and criticism among thelr asso- - clates., 2. It is poor manners to leave the table during the progress of the game, and is much nicer to show an Interest in the manner in which your partner is playing the hand. 3. The right hand, 4. Not at all; If he has already ask- ed permission once or twice, it would be somewhat monot ft shows very poor taste for '|' ~ rE London Taxi Army In First Tryout Home guardsmen in scores of taxicabs sped out of London to Epping Forest before dawn Oct, 4 and successfully fought off an "at- tack" on a convoy of trucks It was the first tryout of 'the taxicab army organized by Lon- don's Home Guards, and the dili- gent, part- -time soldiers acted with Nou GIRLS WHO SUFFER, DYSHENORRREA If you suffer monthly Oram) Dac ashe, distress of rvoushess--due to a ny monthly disturbances--try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added iron). Made especially for women, They also help \ build up red blood. Made in Canada. J the greatest energy. Miitary umpires ruled that the car-borne troops succeeded in res pelling a parachute attack on the motor convoy, The idea was an adaptation of the French trans. port of troops from Paris to the Marne River in. 1014, A few hours later the taxis and their drivers were back at thelr accustomed stands, rs BETTER RECORDS arg REQUIRED to meet foday's Merchandiziog prot problems. © Payroll Records gre gre NECESSARY Worry and expense preparing Government Returra can eliminated by using a RAMSAY SYSTEM Designed to fit your needs, and your purse=-From $6.76 to $70.00. Write for Detalls RAMSAY BUSINESS SYSTEMS 200 Bay St. - Toronto - Dept. 814 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ACCORDIONS WANTED ACCORDIONS . WANTED Best prices pald for plano accordions, twelve to hun- dred and twenty bass. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Muklcal Instrument Department Toronto AGENTS WANTED to keep repeating the request. §. He may consider it helpful, but it is certainly not good form to do so. The dishes should remain as they are untll the waiter removes them. "Flying Scotsman" Maintains Schedule Sighty years ago, in June, 1862, the first "Flying Scotsman" pulled from No. 10 platform King's Cross, London, at 10 o'clock A.M. and, with but one or two exceptions, this aristocrat am- ong trains has left the same plat form at the same time every day since then, says the Canadian National Magazine, . The story of the "Flying Scots- man" is railway history--indeed it _ water colour WANTED NOW! LOCAL AQENTS in country and town --- spare time. We operate a six hundr acre nursery -- stock the best in fruit an ornamental trees, shrubs, roses. Write Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. - : DRAWING BOOK AND OUTFIT ARTISTS AND ART STUDENTS Here is the Ysok that you have been Looking fo § SIMPLIFIED DRAWING by Charles Carlson. A complete drawing course in illustration with syer 1,000 drawings, only $2.00 post- paid. oR SIMPLIFIED DRAWING and outfit including, drawing board, drawing pad, pencils, ruler, eraser, paints. and charcoal for $4.00 postpaid. Artists' Company, 16 Gould St., Supply Toronto. ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGY! AMAZING TRIAL reading, Send birthdate and dime. *Delmarr", Box "29, Cres- cent, 5 AUTOMOBILES--USED is more, it is the railway history of five reigns, Since its first run every thing worth while in rail. way practice has been bestowed upon it. The original train of about six small coaches has grown through the years to the magnifi- cent pre-war fourteen or sixteen coach luxury hotel on wheels that transformed the journey to Scot-, land into a most pleasant adven- LED CARS WITH GUUD TIRES, See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. BABY CHICKS POULTRYKEEPERS -- PLAN FOR big things for 1943. Order your Bray Chicks for November-Dec- ember delivery, now and make sure of getting what you want when you want them. Hatch Just off. Bray Hatchery, 180-John molds N., Hamilton, Ont. © 2 FOR~ $1. 00 2 ture. (OCTOBER ONLY) C. HUDSON BOOKS BY MAIL Jipear, Demet. N.B. Jars appetite - 54 - ncreased, slept better, oun: SEND FOR OUR CAREFULLY them a good tonic for run down compiled list of books, of the condition." Send for 2 boxes to- best fictlon and non-fiction by day, Orford B. Morissey, 537 Mala world famous authors, at low St., Saint John, N.B. rices. The De Luxe Librarles, -- } n - r : po --1 i Queen St. W. Toronto. _ NEN 17 F T T= i. A "A N ¥ 2 | | Eann EXTRA CASI IN SPARE | FIFTEEN MEN FOR TANNERY ME labour, one Third Class fireman and two Fourth Class firemen. Powder. DOUBLE-ACTION and fl b velvet, for so litle, each cup of flour, L122 BAKING SUCCESS WITH CALUMET Tess days, no woman can afford to risk cake failures. To make sure their cakes are always gloriously light and tender -- with 'what cake experts call "velvety. ~ erumb"--s0 many women are using Calumet Double-Acting Baking SAFEGUARDS SUCCESS With Calumet, two separate leaven. ing actions start to finis place when you add liquid to the dry ingredients, Thousands of tiny bubbles go surging Seong: the batter making it light A second leavenin action takes place in the oven, Released by Heat, thousands more'tiny bubbles slowly lift your cake high--and hold it there. They make rising even and steady and assure a cake that's soft as finest TRIPLE ECONOMY TOO Cahirnet is a thrifty baking powder because it gives so much : 1 It cons very little to buy, Most recipes eall for only 1 Yotspaon of Calumet to " Its doubleaction is timed and balanced to assure the utmost in baking protection and perfection. FOR SURER RESULTS IN BAKING BUY CALUMET FROM YOUR GROCER TODAY TE 8oun(e acid AKING POWDER our cake from rst action takes rotect . The bh J I DOUBLE- ACTING BAKING POWDER SUPERFLUOUS HAIR After others falled, we have sues ceeded In removing safely, and pers muanently, the most stubborn cases" of superflous hair, ever seen Im Toronto, NOT ELECTROLYSIS but a safe, new, aclentific method fully guaranteed permanent (ls writing.) Write or enll DERMAT CLINIC (7th Year in 'Tordonto) 2290 Yonge St. (Opp. Northway's) Free Consultation HORSES FOI SALE FOR SALE--PERCHERON STAL. lions. Captivator Jr., Brant Cape tivator, Brilliant_B. and Napoleon to close estate. C. Bawtinhelmer, Route 6, St. Thomas, Ont. HEALTH REMEDY HEALTH, VIGOR AND VITALITY is worth more than dollars. Wo- man 178 crippled several years with Arthritis now enjoys health and happiness, thanks God for Lang's Mineral Remedy. Write for this woman's own. statement. Thousands found same genuine relief from Rheumatism, Stomach troubles, Kidneys, Nerves, Colle tis, Piles, Kezema, Female afle ments, Rundown, ete, from using this nature product. Acts on blood stream, used over (fifty, - years." Free information, Lang's Mineral Remedies, 946 Robsom Street, Vancouver. MARE FOR SALE POR SALE--MARE, FIVE_YEARS old, reliable, single, weight 1300. Earl I'isher, Woodville, Ontarlo, "MEDICAL DoNT WAIT -- EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neurs itis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. REGULAR 75¢ BOX NOW. C7 ANYONE CAN SELL GOODWILL Christmas Cards in beautiful gift boxes at 35 cents to $1.00 per - box, You make up to half of selling price. Send for price 1lat and free Personal Album of ex- quisite designs, some with mlil- tary crests at 18 for a dollar and. up, or send $2.00 for salx sample boxes containing 90 fold- ers. Goodwill, Suite 717, 60 Front West, Toronto. : FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE--ONE HUNDRED AND ninety acres, twelve miles from Guelph on Hamilton highway, close to Church and school. Beau- tiful stone house, large barn, Apply Employment & Selective Service Office, 131 Sixth Sarest, New Toronto, Ont. DYEING & CIRANING BAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. pat ment H, Parker's Dye Limited, 191 Yonge Street, Te ronlo. aie i, 7 OLD RUGN REWOVEN NBW Ruus, NEW RUGS MADE FROM 0 1, Dominton Rug, Weaving Com. wa 964 Queen St. W. Toponte, WVelte. far..booklie -modern- pig pen, hen housé an =] sheep pen, all hydro quipped. PATENTS Trout stream and small lake; would make ideal country estate. FETHEUSTONHAUGH & CUMPAN I. Jochimeck, Barber Avenues, Boli¢ltors. Establizh Guelph. ng eat, Toronto, = Boottet of Hirordalioh | on re- FARM FOR SALE --= 250 ACRES, JweLy SITUATED, PATENTS & TRADE MARKS one of the best farms in Guelp! township, in pink of condition, EGERTON R. CASE, REGISTERED Plenty water, excellent gravel United States, Canad an British his farm has never been rented. Patent Attorney. Bookl Sih Would make ideal dairy (ari, J. McAninch, Guelph, Ont. R.R. 4. -Established over iy Fears Balsam Avenue, Torénto FARM EQUIPMENT PERSONAL SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST-- Melotte Cream Separators, new and rebuilt; Melotte, Magnet and Premier Separator Parts; rebuilt Full and Semi-Diesel Engines-- 18-22 H.P. Blackstone, 20-26 H.P, Deutz, 20 H.P, Marshall, 20-25 I.P. Fairbanks; Pumps and Wat- er Systems; 'Coal and ood Stoves; rebuilt Letz Mills, . ers, Farm Hammer Mills, Gasoline Engines; one only new Super 102 Massey-Harrls Tractor; one only New Idea Manure Spreader; one only bractically new 5' Mowing Machine; Cement Mixer; Turnip Pulper; Huy Rake and Binders; Lister Diesel En- gine and Marshall 'Engine Parts} QUICK RELIEF FROM ECZEMA and Sihgr skin diseases with "No. 5". It works wonders. Stops itch' ALR heals skin quick- ly. Eli's Medicine Co. Box 234, _D heat: 16, Saskatoon. SAsk., PERSONAL - P spa sd OPERATIONS AND ILLNESS avolded. by not enjoy liter Ine quire. Rife" aw Sa 3 appreciates Bix Brandon, Man. POULTRY WANTED POULTRY WANTED -- HIGH [parkst prices, Write a price ew Washing Machines; Pain Mallon, 38 Jarvi Special--Gr va and = browns at Noto. arvis gt, .25 per gallon. 8, Lister, Stewart Street, Toronto, PHOTHGRAPIY FARMS WANTED DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH -WAITING CLIENTS FOR FARM The Heat, Ruin, or all and small acreage In all parts of Ontarlo; guaranteed sale in a few days If price right, Renton Realty, 624 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Toronto. FOR SALE BCARBOROUGH TOWNSHIP -- 1 from Ri etl BL 10 ust sell to close estate. abit Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. FOOT BALM § BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys oftensive odor Instant] ite bottle. Uttawa agent. enian, Drug Store, Ottawa. | i - HAVE YOUR $NA PS nel Slvered by Mil Any 6 or X PO; sur timp SY Ibe, §ovelopea nd iorin Supreme unit y 3 4 oO A uarantee MPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Tdronto EUMATIC HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- HVe ery ssufferer of Rheumatic' Pains or Neuritis- should try- Dixon' Remedy. Munro's Dr $4 33 Elgin, Ottawa, Bosthatd $1.00. . SHORTHAND . . HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE ROB. ertson méthod. Information on request regarding classes, Roberts son's Hairdressing Academy, 1 7 Avenue Road, Toronto, GREGG SHORTHAND -- SYSTEM Champlons, Taught in leading gchools, Gregg Publish ing Com= __pbany, Toronto, Ontario ISSUE 43----'42 y \ 5 iy

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