Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jan 1943, p. 8

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1948 BETTER ORDER YOUR BRAY CHICKS NOW! : NYONE watching hid 1941 poultry business develop can see that there is going to be a real scramble for chicks, the same as last year, and for the same reasens: Patriotism and Profit, combined, Good chicks, well raised, made money for their owners in 1048, FUEL SAVER and a life-saver too, because GYPROC WOOL INSULA- TION brings year rovnd comfort to "your 'honde, Warm in Winter--with The same conditions that made them profitable then are carrying ove into 1944. And the patriotic urge, the patriotic need, are caning over inte. _{__ less fuel; Cool and : 1944, too, , == Pleasant in Summer f Last year we had to disappoint many would-be purchasers .-., hand Let us measure your house back their money, 'und say, "Sorry---no chicks--sold out". That's why and. give .you an intimate we urge you to write or cull about your 1944 requirements, not just soon, but right away. "|#| INSULATION is Inexpensive and easy to install in. YOUR home. FIRE PROOF - PERMANENT HERE'S WHAT BRAY BUYERS SAY: Mrs. Harrison Cross, Vankleek Hill, Ont.--*I had excellent results last year, and in fact for the past™ 8 years. My last year's pullets are laying over 7570 now (March) and have laid an average of 607, all winter." i : Edward Lowe, Park Road, Ont, -- "I have raised chicks both for show and utility, and I can truth- fully say that the pullets 1 THAT'S HOW---AND HERE' ceived from you were the best 1 have ever handled." Mrs. Walter Clyde, Plaster Rock, N.B.--"l want you to know that I am well satisfied with the chicks 1 got from gou last spring. They are the largdst pullets T ever 1aised, as well as the best looking ones, The cockerels weighed more than any J I ever raised, at the same age." S WHY: { v LAER METa REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER Phone 8w F. G. Reesor CATHOLICS CELEBRATE BATTLE OF BRITAIN SUNDAY" Picture shows Father Dempsey, Catholic Chaplain to the Forces, inspecting Catholic members of 'the London Area No. 1 Division 8t. John Ambulance Brigade after they had attended a special Battle of Britain Sunday service at the wilitary church of St. Peter and St. Edward, Westmin- ster. With him is Assistant Commissioner J. P. Flavin and District Officer Miss Grindley. - F. E. Reesor re- i e $6 ~~ That's 'how "the Bray chick does suspicion of reaction, out she goes! ' wis, Lb ve ! a Ad rr o the Trick", and here's why: Bray Breeders ave specially fed, so that his parents and lived with his cousin } 2 re "The World's News Seen Throu h' breeders aren't selected hy the the jk chick 'will get what it Mrs. Sharp. ? 8 : flock--they're selected by the bird. Every last one is handled, sized up by experts for-vigor, constitution, met conformation, and indications of high egg production. Those that needs for full development inside the shell, Eggs ave specially geleet- ed and skilfully incubated in up-to- the-minute machines. Many Bray flocks have 16 generations of this THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper 3} is Truthful--Constructive--Unbiased--Frée from Sensational. y ism -- Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Mr. Charles Harper another of Scugog's sons who lived here for many years before moving to Toronto, pass- ed away last week. Chas. was a great xt ; . A Shiite hi Featutes, Together with the Weekly Maga . a is fad fospreliny nig bid 8 pind of careful management behind wopkier Sor the Sous of Yelipeialies is + gor Taeal Newspaper oe oo he Section, h Make 3. one time. He was laid to rest at Pine ESC AEN RE. @ op lS Leo 0 ogee § | 00 8 TTT The Christian Science Publishing Society Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. One, Norway in Boston, Massachusetts WRITE TO On Saturday Jast Clara Schell, be- Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. - FRED W. BRAY, LIMITED ame. b 3 born here some fifty-seven years ago, N i > daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. Address __ 2 3 120 John St., North ' Hamilton, Ont. Schell. Besides her husband, she is SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST A. R. GRAY, R. R. 2, PORT PERRY survived by two sisters, Mrs.. John K6o608066504666 ; ) i =~ * " (Minnie) of Saskatchewan; and two 338503138 PURI a z brothers, George and Fred of Port FRESH BAKING DAILY i J. Perry. 5 THE ANNUAL MEENNG. OF THE | & Mr. Alex. Mackic, who lived her atl. VICTORY SALVO IN MOSCOW MARKS FALL OF ahi : Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural will be held in the Agriculture Room of the Port Perry High School, on - g Monday, Jan. 17th, BUSINESS-- Presentation of the Annual Report, and Election of Officers. You are invited to be present if you are interested in the work of the Agricultural Society.' Every Director and Associate Director is requested to be present. FRED CHRISTIE, Pres. Society 1944, at 8.00 p.m. R. D. WOON, Sec'y MANCHESTER The Manchester W.A. met at the home of Mrs. J. Dobson, January with twenty members and five vi ors in attendance. and Creston Biggar, spent the week- énd with their daughter, Mrs, Hill, at Whitby. Sorry to report Mrs. Wright Crosier is very ill with the flu. The Manchester Red Cross will hold | ~ their first meeting and quilting of the year 1944 at the home of Mrs. Arthur Fielding. "A.C. 'Keith Wilson, R.C.A.F., hae returned to his duties at Belleville. Cpl." Byron Holtby hus returned to a rea - Rivard Mr, and Mvys, John Bray motored to : eh t| Sea Snark. to TK El 2 spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. | Toronto to visit friends. Mr. AN Mrs. James Edgar: of it Between Téars and Laughter-- | Snow Goose .. Gallico| Jorge's Journey £3 : 8. Rodman. Mr. Geo Sweetman 1+ My, and Mrs; Leonard Martin of | Tonto were, week-end visitors wit { 'Shecan | Spanish Lady «opis Welsh Na Taylor Flies 8 th ; jr te turned home with them to attend the| Alberta, and Mr. Ernest Martin of Mr. and Mrs, D; Luery, Fiction-- 36 And THURAETHORA. svevisiarsssinisss L.O'Hara ney Taylor es Sou SRE I ' SCUGOG funcral of hid cousin, Mr. D. Syeet-| Saskatchéwan, have returned to their|. Next Sunday. the Church service | The Apostle iio My Friend Flicka ..., O'Hara Keediy and the Foe Home N News - ok % ) \ man, homes after spending a pleasant holi- will be at 4 pm. and Sunday School | Windswept... Target for Murder: i... Giles ay P tvy Family The message given at the Sacra-{ Scugog friends extend sympathy to] day with:their mother, Mrs, F. Martin.| at 3 p.m, s Interpreter Rat Began' to Gniw the iis N Ry ete 't J ent service was listened to with aj 81% old Scugog families. Mr. John| = Mys, J: Dobson, of Manchester, was| Mr. Perry. Hooker, sof Creelman, Hungry Hill a du Maurier * {Grafton 9) Bear Bl oy great deal of attention by a good at-( Glass died on Christmas: day in they visitor with her mother, Mrs, Peter | Sask:, left here on Monday evening|A Tree Grows in Brooklyn PIED Look Your. Last Loin {Strange The G Hs e ye Un rela téndance. Mr, Foley used as his text| Lindsay Tospital. John was the! Diamond, on 'Monday, : for his home inf the West, after a very ~ Betty Smith| Trade Mark of a Traitor... Knight ne Sto gh 0086 a : the 20th verse of 1dth chapter of St. seeond son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Miss Ruth 'Diamond home on Sun- | pleasant visit during the holiday sea- Mr. Mirakel .... .Oppenhejm Wall of Eyes .. en pee iw Millar did o re Keeper .- | SE d ark,--And when they had sung an Thoitad™ Glass who nioved here. from day from Saintfield, for a visit, "| son with his sister Mrs. A. Johnson| Boughs "Bend Over .. ar sw French Bo 4 Gi i bon jive br rs . Cai hymn they went out into the Mount| England many years ago, John ' My, and" Mrs, W, 'Holtby motored} and other relatves at Kinsale. 'So Little Time . Marquand K ve an PIE Vario OAL The, Alr per o sniton EAT of 0 Olives. moved to Lindsay after the. death of to~ Toronto on 'Tuesday 0 meet Mr, : Sorry to report Mis, A E. Ramsey Capricoring .iimitin ..Herbert onthe Ball + i at Vo The F Be Fi 3 i #: £ © All services as usual next Sunday. Two more donations have been re- ceived toward the new church, one of $20 and the other of $15. Thankyou. Thé union Sunday Schadl was rea Missionary Dept. Proceeds for the past year amounted. to $184.39, Little Yvonne Milner spent a happy week-end with her aunt Mrs, Cecil Fralick. Miss Joy Hood is much improved after a tonsil operation on Wednesday at Port Perry Hospital. Pte. Owen Reade of Barriefield, and his wife of Port erry, spent a pleasant week-end with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Reader, Mr, and Mrs. C. Moffatt, of Toronto, loved wife of Charles Bowerman, died at her home in Port Perry. Clara was McLaren (Emma), Port Perry, and LIN} ' one time with his parents, died at his home Bonnie Brae Point near Osha wil. Death was due to excitement and over exertion while helping to re- move live stock and farm implements at a barn fire. He was in his 60th year, Mr. Daniel Sweetman was buried on Tuesday in Toronto. He was brother to Mr. Neil Sweetmafi of Port Perry, and lived here for many years.' On-December 21st, Sarah Jane Cole- 'man, beloved wife of William Lansing of Roland, Manitoba, passed away in by the older residents here. Mrs. A. Dowson of Port Perry; and Mrs, S. Hope, of Pringe Albert, visited their mother Mrs. Robt. Jackson on Sunday. Mrs. Chamberlain of To- ronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Jackson. We are glad improved in health, Mr. and Mrs. G. Sweetman visited Mrs. A. Sweetman in Port Pefry on Wednesday. Mr. Chas. Mills, and _Mr., Cecil Mills, Barbara and Joyee of Port Perry, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Roy Hope, on Saturday. BOX". tint atl Pte. Alex. Diamond and Pte. Gordon Carter, of Woodstock, were visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs, E. Diamond on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Croxall of Ux- bridge, were visitors. with Mr, and Mrs, A. Gilroy on Sunday. her 64th year. She will be remembered to report that Mrs. Jackson is much and Mrs.: AND BYELGOROD Picture shows--The' City heroes of Orel and Byelgorod. battery of Moscow 2%: the By the capture of these two key towns the Red Army turned Germany's summer offensive to a retreat. 4 FIRST PICTURES-OF THE R.A.F.'S MITCHELL BOMBERS One of the first pictures to be taken of the R.A.F/s new Mit- chell B.25 day bombers in operation. These 'planes have heén in Myrtle Station (Continued from front page) was written' in» rhyme, and Jim Cook made the presentation. Mr. and Ms. Briggs each niade replies of thanks and invited call on them, but not too many at a time, ; "Mr. and Mrs. Orland Hall of Ham- ilton, - were with relatives here last Thursday. te @ on NEW' BOOKS IN LIBRARY Non Ficton-- He } The Atlantic Meeting ............Morton The Nile wom Paris Undefground ......... This is My Best .. Edited by. "Burnet Journey Among Warriors, Eve Curie Mother Russia....... .M.* Hindus Malta Epic i Hay Burma Surgeort' ...... Seagrave Malta Spitfire .4. Birling a 'and Roberts Saturday Issue, including agazine Section, $2.60 a Year. ¢ Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues [4 Conn, Te GERROW BROS. & . [171 "Ten Biscuits, Chelsea Buns, - Parker House Rolls : Saturday Special--*Coffee Rolls." I "Nourishing Meals at | Lowest Market Prices | CAWKER BROS, ELLE ts ELE tee ste setts tttesetteestettetttittisataasy eetesersetesssetete 23s ns oe 3 F amily Butchers | Sivesiesenie A birthday party | organized on Thursday evening at the f th big 'daylight raid GEES ey b An BCH f < | «action with great success in most of the recent big daylig raids was planned for January 26th, to bef home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, us, Geou Huriels ans son diphie over enemy territory. Picture shows-- Mitchell B.25 day bombers held in the Township Hall. & vead-] Rev. H. W. Ebley in charge. Mr. R. visited Mise: Gard Hardy on Wide: flying in formation. } -ing given by Mrs. L. McKee and Mis.| Milner acted as sceretary. Mr. Fred day. : : , ' a F. Johnson, and prayer closed the! Crozier was voted as Superintendent Muar A. Mollonzie dy spending | a few meeting. © Lunch was served by thel with Ralph Milner as assistant. The wégherth Usliidge, ; : ! Ax 2 hostess. other bfficers are: "Treasurer, Iidna Birthday frou to Mrs. CG. Lang Mrs. Jas. Moffett, of. Carroll, is on the sick list and under the care 4 GFN HEA Pte. Sam Madfers, Ple. George Prentice; Secretaries, Florence Carter| Fralick for Jan. 8th, John Pearce Jr. pan, who hava come from the West] of the doctor. : ; ; 4 ; - Munro, R.C.A.S.C., Camp Borden,| and Beth Fralick; Music Director, io the 12th, Shirley Dresses for thel ro 4 visit with relatives. ; Mr. Albert Eyers was in Toronto on W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER _spent_a_ five day leave with their! Mpg Geo, Samells; Bible Class Teach= 13th, Tonay Reman for: the L7th, Mr. --The-Prospect-Women's_ Association} Friday . attending _a_meeting of the "Phone 72w Bii PORT PERRY 4 parents. er, Mrs. Geo. Sweetman; Young Peo- P. Eyden, Luella Ploughman, Mrs. C.| ill meet at {he home of "Mrs. G.| Hatchery Approval Assoclation, which beni \ "Mrs. Ella Vernon was a guest of| ple's Class Teacher, Cecil Fralick; Ross, Mis. Wm. Jeffrey, for the 19th. | wopster, on Wednesday aftérnoon,] was held at the Royal York. - : H Mrs. Harold Archer, Port Perry, last| Junior Ioys' Teicher, Ralph Misery) The WA. is planning a Pot Luck January 19th at 2.30, All ladies of| Mr. Archie Parrinder had the. whe- Gla (bly 2 ; week. -- Girls' Class Teacher, Mrs. Murioy Me- Supper at the Hall for January 19th. the community, are cordially invited. fortune to lose one of his best cows: oR (Stitt sttatttetsitttttttttitittisttteeene Viren We are sorry to hear {he news that} Layen; Primary Teacher, Mrs. George Mss. Geo. Samells and Rev. IL. W.1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith were visitors| Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacey and Mr. $e Cpl. Leroy Scott was "wounded in| Samells; Mrs. D. Hope is in charge of Foley are fn charge of the entertain. with friends at Mount Zioiy on Sun- and Mrs. Elwood Masters attended the JEMISON'S BAKERY ) action while with the Canadian force} the birthday eards for the Cradle Roll, | Ment as i Iheclil strgtiod for thel 4,y, : J funcral of Mrs. Chas. Bowerman' at tae 2 ip ITA i : . ; ; JA. there i 0} i : ; Peri TAT £0 = in Italy. eH Mrs. A. MacMillan in charge of the] \o-As there is to be a "SURPRISE ~ Hoo anand [Port Perry on Monday. 3 THE HOME OF Mr. and Mrs. J. McMaster, son Jack, ' Miracle in the Rain GOOD BAKING | Gives QUALITY oh Lm FIRST Consideration | EB SAE FL Bis 1 ps (PROPRIETOR | gees uv able

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