Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jan 1943, p. 8

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1 $ od 3 SAE FESER WAT AR te hah va da by { " ---- -------- en TT I TI A A NE 0 |. SROCER BETHESDA Mr. and Mrs, Walter Palmer were visiting Mrs. Palmer's sister who is in the hospital. , Mr. and Mys, Fred Dobson and Mr, v Parish were in Oshawa recently. Mrs. Clarence Croxall was in To- ronto on Thursday last. ; We are all looking for the snow plow--I wonder why? J Our mailman is how using his skis as a form of transportation, Mr, Fred Dobson is kept busy de- fivering bread and gathering cream-- taking it to the truck. 4 " Mr. L. G. Brown and Mr, Dobson, are helping Mr, Stanley Ward load Miss A, Seaton, Lindsay turnips and taking them to the trucks.] Mrs. J. A. McMillan, Port Pervy| py deer were seen in L. G. Brown's i Mrs. N. Mark, Lindsay. ! barnyard lately. Mrs. Williams, Uxbridge rector BLACKSTOCK cil giving helpful suggestions in mak- ing our programs interesting and re- lated experiences of her own and of other deaconesses on our Western Fields. Mrs, Williams of Uxbridge, offered prayer. The Presbyterial have been invited to Uxbridge for the semi-annual meeting. Mrs. G. A. Lucas, a former President of the Pres- byterial, conducted the election and Mis Matthews installed the following officers for 1943. ; Salted Sodas, 2 lb. box 30c Sultana Raisins, - per 1b 13c Matches, ~- 3 boxes for 27c Oxydol, Rinso, Chipso, per box 25¢ Choice Tomatoes, 2 tins for 25¢ Oxo Cubes, large tin 26¢ Marvel Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 73¢ Rolled Oats, . 41, lbs. 25¢ OH wustrecisten ON OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER, YOUR IG TH BIRTHDAY! | President --Miss Margaret Oliver, Ux- bridge. Vice Presidents-- Mrs, W. Finney, Balsover Treas.--Mrs. J. Brabazon, Blackwater. Secretaries-- . m 3 0 n . bos Ready-Cut Macaroni, 2 lbs. 13c Corresponding --Mrs. J. W. John-| The United Church W.A. met at the ils it ston, Uxbridge. home of Mrs. Mervin Graham on Dee. FO LS Recording--Mrs. John Réss 28th. Devotional was taken by Mrs. Pure Lard, = per Ib. 18c Sum Moy "| Cecil Hill and Rev. D. M. Stinson. ? N Girls' Work--Mrs, C. Veale, Roll call was answered with a quilt ! Oranges, - per doz. 3 1c Argyle. block or membership fee. Reports nge On a card Mission Band--Mrs. R. Stewart, of Som ees ity given £) missy rt the oa post Office: bo bg! Sonya. ctters of appreciation were read from able at an (] New Bulk Cheese, per Ib. 33c Home be ETO C. Oliver, [those who received Good Cheer boxes. ND you availab fe { Mi : Uxbridge Miss Jean Wright, Secretary, gave an s after ows | persons Be i ' DELIVERIES THIS WEEK WILL BE ON Préss--Mrs, J. S. MacFarlane, |cncouraging report on the year's ac- ixteenth All registe A pave t i} as \ ih. } Bilas . } ' : J ates 9 y FRIDAY. Phone your order in early. Blackwater. Folds Mo Sura war e required BY quired DY. 5 cruificates © ! IY] Library--Mrs. G. A. Lucas, Worse embership ® bi wn an any Post registre iat possessi© ] i [] » 9 ; Lindsay. Wore Sadana oo eg ad obtain their imme! ybe 03 i 4 Literature and Glad Tidings-- [officers were elected: President--Mus, 8% ler your all times: YOU Bo) if Ww d S I'e Miss Moran, Lorneville C. Marlow; Ist Vice--Mrs. N. Moung- P stmaste fie roduce ¥ vr 4 a 41 Welcome and Welfare--Mrs, H, [Joy; Sec'y--Miss Jean Wright; Asst. on ¢€ to ¥acate, } | i Mark, Bobcaygeon. See.--Mrs, C. Hill; Treas,--Mrs. H. cert fi i ¢ Phone N12 1 13. SCUGOG ISLAND Supply--Mrs. Leask, Uxbridge. | VanCamp; Pianists--Mrs. G. Strong orities) ) i i c : : P +S 3 + Frui ; } e__ ; .. IE, | | Life Membership--Mrs. Fairbairn | and Mrs. R. Saddler; Fruit and Flower ved you - ) LA a TH TN Lindsay. ps Com.--Mrs. M. Graham; Group Con- [2 po an , by frisapatt org - . a . Leki a -- ».| veners--Mrs. P, VanCamp, Mrs. O. birth Pt ed : | A . must carry on their studies away in a | Histovian--Mrs., Ormiston, U ge. veners 4 enth istereth ith th Sl Lindsay Presbyte- high plateau which they call "Cod is ice Wright, Mrs, O. Graham, Mrs. H. Vv i ace. ho re od LT) in ; "---- | Shortridge, Mrs. Wilbur Archer, Mrs. ato tion ) 3 | WwW M S M t Our Refuge Camp". They are trying . ? ' oid 8 8 ria . . . ee 8S itl SR) rss - : L. Byers. Vv . 0 4 E E T i 7 J ot te ei Bens Le nit om i, pg wottiess Sins ih The Jwrmial sheting "0 amesay ul. OBIE id : Holstein News Lundy of Port Perry, came to Black- ou mu Wi Presbyterial W.M.S. of the Presby-|derful opportunity of enlightening stock and gave a very fine lecture with gisterin ! terian Church in Canada, was held in| ourselves, When the day of peace The locally-owned senior yearling slides, to the Red Cross Home Nurs- = St. Andrew's Church, Lindsay, on|comes we will be pripared for peace, | Holstein bull, Montvic Lochinvar 3rd, ing Cass which meets weekly in the Wednesday, January 6th. Miss Mar-| and when the door of other countries | has won more show honors, having re- High- School; the subject of which was . garet Oliver, President of the Preshy- Is opened we will be ready to send | ceived Honourable Mention in the All- Care of the Mouth and Teeth. The poms E44 UL 710K, 1940 ; terial, presided at morning and after-| missionaries. Mrs. T. C. Leask, Ux- American Contest. Owned by a syn- doctor treated the subject under the { BESTT Crick noon sessions, The morning devotions bridge. Supply Secretary, would like | gicate consisting of Harold VW. Honey, following headings--structure of the] . REO cr were taken by Miss A. Seaton and| each Auxiliary to write to her stating Seagrave, and Webster Bros. and, importance of good teeth, path- . AT rr Mrs. Lytle, of Lindsay, and in the 'the Amount of money. they would be| Sinith Bros., Port Perry, he was re- ology and treatment pyorrhea wis- |' K Me afternoon by Glenarm Auxiliary. willing to give and would appreciate | cently announced as the Reserve All- dom teeth pregnancy tleanin, the kA ny | The Secretaries' 'reports were par-| heaving from each society within a | canadian winner in a Dominion wide : tna, g a . hs " teeth and anaesthetics. Rev. William ar ie ticularly splendid and there weve month. The money to be sent in early! competition. The All-American Sr. Stocks, ~rector of the Church of the mis 1A Ty many points to be learned. Miss [in June, and the bales of clothing in Yearling is Dictator Ormsby Oak, Ascension, accompanied Dr. 'Lundy, » d ee IEE Oliver remarked, "It is our Master's | October. owned by T. H. Bruce, Northfield, |, , manipulated the lantern which is work we are undertaking and we must Mus. Mark, Bobcaygeon, offered the Minn.,, who was Junior and Reserve the property of the Church Sunday = : i be strong and of good courage." Mrs, dedicatory prayer. Grand Champion at the premier show School. The slides were front the De. / : i ] y } John Brabazon gave the treasurer's|= Woodville had the Banner Mission|of the continent in 1942, the Dairy partment of Health, Torento. "i ha } Cattle Congress, Waterloo, Iowa. It is interesting to note that Elm Colan- thus Rag Apple Righto, bred by Ray McLaughlin, Oshawa, and now owned by W. S. Hall, Oakville, who was nosed out by Lochinvar by a score of 22 votes to 21 in the All-Canadian Con- test reversed this standing in the All- American, Band. - The picture of Dr. Jessie MacBean was presented to them. Auxiliaries are asked to remember and send boxes to the boys of their church who are Overseas and a card to boys serving in the armed forces in Canada. Miss Frieda Matthews, who has been for over ten years a Deaconess in Alberta, and now Field Secretary, was special speaker. Miss Matthews brought recommendations from Coun- report. Our givings exceeded a little A hearty expression of thanks was over last year. voiced to these gentlemen for their kindness and trouble taken in order to afford the class an interesting and educational evening, Miss Watson and Miss Forder en- tertained them to a light lunch at Mrs. J. Forder's home afterwards. We hope that Rev. William Stocks " will shortly recover his health. Information on the subject of Blood Donation for Red Cross work has been received by the Cartwright Red Cross, from Dr. Beeton, of the blood clinic at Oshawa, and from Mr, Alex. Me- Gregor, Bowmanville, The branch hopes to do something toward this very necessary work. Details discussed at the annual meeting in the hall on January 19th. At this meeting Archdeacon.Simpson will be the guest speaker and: a full report of the year's work of the branch will be given. i . "At the December meeting of the Red Cross held at the parsonage, the secretary was requested to write a letter of condolence to Mr, and Mrs, Harry Hall, at Caesarea, who had re- Rev. Mr. McQueen extended greet- ings and best wishes on behalf of the Presbytery. Mr. McQueen compared the opportunities we have in Canada with the people of Norway and China. In China the people are sticking to their task despite the war, and the necessities that would be involved dur- ing war. Though colleges and scliools have been bombed in China. Students BETHESDA Miss Hilda Ward of Toronto, was a recent guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Ward. Mr. Corliss Ashenhurst is our new school trustee, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward and Mrs, J. Blair, Greenbank, Mr.,Bert Dobson of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobson and family, spent New Years with Mr, and Mrs. John Dobson, Mr. M, Pritchard of Oshawa, was a recent guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Crapper. Miss Forsyth, our teacher, is back on the job again after spending the BESUR YOU HAV 3 THE RIGHT NUMBER... CONSULT THE DIRECTORY S ~ Ha / holidays at Green River. 2 A Mrs. James Ashton was a visitor | S¢1¥ed word officially_that_their-son, with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McGregor. 350k; 's presumed dead, following the Safety to school now, Lawrence ip said, i Picture shows. two of the landing craft on the way to Dieppe. l Iivans is driving a new horse. . as agreed that we designate all X : 4 : k A number from here attended the salvage money collected through our > y : aE ri Eh | New Year's Dance at Uxbridge, branch for local war work. Mrs, Fred Manning, Woodford, Ont., Sidney Trewin, Enniskillen. annual business meeting and ourypre- } Miss Ruth Winterton was with her|,, It was learned that free Manuals on | when their only daughter, Elda Jean| The ceremony was performed by |sident, Mrs, MacGregor, was honored mother, Mrs. Wes. Russnel, Health, Home Nursing Emergensies, | Manning, Reg.N., was united in mar-| the Rev. D. M. Stinson, pastor of [by being returned to office om a éar- i 4 ) bo are provided by the Red Cross free|riage to Bruce Norman, elder son of | Blackstock United Church, in the pre-| ried motion, as were also the other £1 y/ J fi , Y// e for i. ) on to all high school students In forms | Mr, and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy, of|sence of the immediate relatives of | officers. For program, some of our i C ear Te. ep. one in Ly } 12 and 13. Blackstock. the bridal couple. young ladies sang Christmas "Carols : . Congratulations to Mr.-and Mrs,.F.| The ceremony was performed by| The bride was attended by her sister | for us, and Miss Madden read a vi ALL-0 ut Pp H 0b U CTI ON A. SMiey on celebrating their 48th|Rev. Moyse of Woodford. = |Jean, while the groom was supported | beautiful Christmas Bary Why the | So y ho > wedding anniversary on New Year's.|* The bride, who was given in mar-| by his brother Fred. Chimes Rang". = The meeting closed ' Sout eA ts hn terlocking 3 De Sympath is extended to Mr, James | riage by her father, was gowned in| A sumptuous wedding supper was | with the hymn "Silent Night" and the i * hold up messages on which production efficidncy may depend. -- Byers and family on the death of Mrs, | 4 street length dress of powder blue | served when around forty guests were | Mizpah benediction, Lunch was served 3 d is . ! ata , ii pris Ti : and wore 3 corsage of talisman roses. |in attendance after which the happy | by Mrs. McCrea and Mrs, W, Brows. J i ; . " 188 Gwen. Marlow, normal student| -Her--only"-attendant . was Aileen couple left for Toronto to spend a AP : i ARTIME TELEPHONE TACTICS in Toronto, taught the first week in Mountjoy, Reg.N., sister of the groom, | short honeymoon, ee Shenk ths pilidey Mra 8 OTHER W. A direidly Jats January under Miss Norma Hooey at|and Gordon Manning, brother of the| - On their return they will reside in Ben Smith : ee ; py 2 SPEAK distinctly) dir y Caesarea school, and Miss Doris Heas- bride, was best man, Enniskillen, ~*~ © - ' : : ha {i the mouthp! lip taught under Mrs, John Venning at| After a sumptuous wedding dinner Zi ppt : Nr, Dorman MaCren of. Ottawa, AAR ANSWER promptly when the Egypt. the happy couple entrained-for To- : 3 AAS) » Visited re od with: lis UG z : '2 bell rings. - | . Congratulations to Dr, and Mrs, J,| ronto, from where ..they boarded a Parents, ¥r.and Mrs, E. McCrea, : A J ; line for McArthur, on the birth of a son--John | trans-Canada- plane and flew to Ot- PRINCE ALBERT Mr, Elwood Martyn of Toronto No. = { BE BRIEF, Clear your Ardist. tawa for a short honeymoon, On| mal School, taught in our school sd nex for your Duritig thé Christmas Eve Dance in |-their return they will reside in To-| The December meeting of the W.A.| week for one of the necessary two' & USE OFF-PEAK hoses the hall,'a presentation of a pen and| ronto. was held on the 16th at the home of | Weeks teaching in rural schools, El. £ PL (4) Long Distance ids but pencil set was made to Roger Dorrell, he i Mrs. McCrea. Say wood stayed with his uncle and aunt, £1. a These hing! hoo day i bone R C.A.F. and to Arnold Johnston, R.C. TREWIN Mrs, MacGregor presided and chose| MT: and Mrs. 'W, Martyn, = y calls are very impor! AF. | The proceeds from the dance EW -TOMS Christmas hymns and Bible reading. Mr. Will Heayn has sold his land were fresented to the Red Cross, Blackstock, <-- An interesting wed. | Mrs. W. C. Smith offered prayer. to the Fine Grove Cemetery Sone : Sainidl OY. ding took place at the home of Mr.|, During the businéss period thore|Pany and has bought Mr. C.. Gordon's ; Fos MbuNTIOY MANNING and Mrs. Fred Toms, Purple Hill,| was some discussion re quiltings for|Property. ey 7 Gail Meredith who sings over the CBC| A quiet but pretty wedding was | When their eldest daughter, Ruby [war work. 'Tt was also decided to hold | Miss Ruth Luke is visiting rela. { network, solemnized at the home of Mr, and| Aileen was united in marriage to Earl| an open meeting soon. This was our | tives In. Welland, 4 21 by ° why J 2 i

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