Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jan 1943, p. 8

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: 4 3 - ee . J ISONERS, GERMAN the same said unto me, Take up -- Our Parachutists U. 5. AND BRITISH PRISONERS, SAY S gp es Wg | R ADIO REPO RTER x most '#| him, Who is the man that said Are Volunteers unto Thee, Take up thy bed, and nie. tov bove aid on 4 sunny. window alll, even crn walk? But he that was healed Here's something for pF a ay Can 1% To.xopt Alr-borne Troops Are Fit knew not who h vey! for Jesus ig Vio jaz alisiving 4F 4 er- bin Ie it tomible to raise. way, a 'ow SPE i Physieaty,_ Menially and ! BY ng dy place. 'Af- in fact here are two "somethings." an orange tree . from orange has terward Jesus findeth him in the The first is the new Toronto Con- sesdsd. . + Many 9 Jou, Eardonsiy This war has seen many new temple, and said unto him, Be- servatory of Music piogramms bia radio series, "The Garden methods employed in warfare hold, thou art made whole: sin no heard every Sunday afternoon a It 4 8 tiiday hoe AAT oe d rel 6 t t more, lest a worse thing befall dyer CFRB, Toronto from 2.30 Gate, heard aturday mornings f JATOREH hen thy ni gro thee. The man went away, and to 2.45. The objective of the 9.30 over CFRB fForbntn: will have } ¥ Siting troops. g J a £9 aie told the Jews that it.was Jesus programme 'is to help music been interested in the iscussions Fr frely Doty sine Briain tas b f who had made him whole, And | students in their examinations by' | which have been presente over ips Svndsbic oping Tl by for this causg the Jews perse. demonstrating and describing the a period of 9 years by a ragio Dusting, JV ned ang tines cuted Jesus, because he did these manner in which musical examin | personality who calls gn DE * equipped. The rember and a things on the sabbath, But Jesus | ation numbers Should be inter. | Old Dirt Dobber." It is now an- ment of these men gro naturally answered them, My Father work- | preted. The programme is under |- nounced that in about a month's Becket, bot Bouts of het: eth even until now, and I work." the personal direction of Norman: | time he will offer ... "The ou ing and selection can now be dis- Eriial Senradies Wilks, Principal of the Toronto Dirt Dobber's Garden Fook A eitish varachutists are vol- The man's bearing of his bed Conservatory = of Music, and based on the Garden Gate. ra i : All British parachutis Swe, 2 was mot a work by itself; it was should be of great assistance to series in which publication he w unteers, and ha oarele y merely the concluding act of his | music studerits the Province-wide, | deal .with 'a thousand and an selected with particular reference healing, that by which. he should The second is a special series of questions which puzzle the min to their toughness, Hteiinence; make proof himself, and give tes- ten musical programmes for young of the amateur home ganjensh; idealism and gente 5 pains, timony to others of its reality, It folk commencing on Wednesday. No doubt he'll tell you on the a Officers are chosen ya boar Ct a i ih January 20th, and continuing when the book is published an of senior parachute officers, and iy io owe 0 mn ory tonserdtive Wednesday how you can obtain your copy. acho ranks by company com- | as ns HANSALES ; Ir thereafter until March 24th, 8 . . manders. le : : \ nm. ov . ork, which . Medical examination pays par- wa ie yoived , pid heey, Tuned ET Sg ka Sooner or later it seems that ] fabs attention ty evesthy and SE tor : hy Br op a in i yg St. Catharines, CFCO™ Chatham, the armed forces get them , , . hearing, and confirms the can- According to the Nazi caption on the photo above, it shows a group of of American and British pris. terested, first of a 4 A pans CKAW Windsor nad CBY Toron- Recently such prominent radio ; didate's ability to distinguish col- oners, captured during fighting in Tunisia, waiting under guard to be taken to the rear. Picture, inner life, then his Physical wel- t This special radio design of personalities as Geoffrey Wad- ored lights correctly. Men are passed by censor, reached U.S. Trough neutral sources in Portugal,. fare. Healing hint 51 is bodily isle RS ot Folk has been dington, Vie George, Rai Purdy, chosen under 6 feet 2 inches in } ibs Jongh Us wan I on il Ut a Mn PR Jimmie Shields, Frank Schuster : height, and weighmg not more S U N D A Y worst case of all those who were walked. , Now it was the sabbath |. &U TA) i as Nig 16 thet: of emergency call, War time restrie- and Johnny Wayne have joined - Yin 100 prapds, Prperience has there, and, if Jue iors eoiivibead On Diab day' Thess 18 00 som Lp f the bod hich tions of transportation have pre- the services. We also hear that shown that outsizes are more He could deliver this man from mandment in the Word of God the soundness of the ny whic bina da ho 300 CFRB's announcer, Jack Dawson, linble to injure themsclves in the S C H 0 (0) L his infirmity, they would know 4. for the obedience of which Christ' hi) vow been given io m, h regular winter series of Toronto | is slated for the Air Force at an course-of training. ) S [0] N ; the Lord could save any man trond | ill not give strength in the hour i vi Dosis a ns Symphony Orchestra School Con- | early date. Also among the re- Men must be in the pink of L E S ; whatever disease or affliction pos- |- of need. And there is no case Porat a cetts in Massey Hall, Toronto, cent recruits is Fletcher Markle, physical condition, but selectors sessed him, of such long standing, so appar- an oe years oi-weary but Sir Ernest McMillan and his young Vancouver writer, whose set even more score on mental. . January 24 The Lord never performed ently helpless, 'but that Christ is able life. i associates Interostod In. ontinus recent series "Baker's Dozen" e and spiritual toughness. The JESUS THE GREAT PHYSICIAN healing miracles in the Gospels | able to deliver from whatever -- Tm ing these programmes, asked that attracted nationwide attention, is rough, aggressive types are rarely John § automatically. He could have laid | bondage, whatever habit, what- Old-Time Winter radio should undertake the happy | now an .aircraftsman in the R.C. X the best men for parachutist work, PRINTED TEXT His hand on this man without a ever doubt, whatever evil may task of bringing these periods of A.F. Markle turned aside a writ- iN and the qualities sought are those John §:2.17 word, lifted him up and sent him | have taken possession of any in- A Tou h Problem fine music not to Torontd young- | ing offer from the movies to join 4 of intense loyalty and strength of GOLDEN TEXT. -- Wouldest home. He did not choose to do dividual. Why did our Lord 28 g sters alone, but to school children up, and soon will be DoviAing F purpose. of so. He first asked him a ques- this man to take up his bed an - " 2? vince. Six wil some of the Air Force scripts for k Tough Training Ths hy Mads Nias? ln tion. Then He commanded him walk, rather than to leave the bed But Polk AW et a agh Teo A hes "Comrades in Arms," currently i Physical training is very rigor- helper. Hebrews 13:6. to-do something, and then, later, there? Probably, as some one has ing soloists and instrumental being heard on the CBC network id "ous, aiming at great suppleness as THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING | He gave a warning. He does not | said, that he might. remove from The soell of belowzero: weather groups demonstrating various | Fridays at 10.15 p.m. Wishart AY well as strength. Excreises me | Time. -- The Passover, April want this man ° automatically the place of his long and fruitless Nous SD a ys ie forms of music and describing the Campbell, remembered as the hl! clude log-lifting, running up in- A.D. 28. ' healed of a physical deformity. | waiting the very vestiges of a life was id ie coa wo gh pa types of instruments played. Golden Voice of the Air, is now a & clined planks to jump over ob- Place.--The pool of Bethesda He desires that there should be of impotence and despair, so that lg ik on "There will no doubt be much of pilot officer in the R.C.A.F. Truly fH stacles, turning in mid-air to land in Jerusalem. an act of faith, an exercise of | he would never be tempted to go Press. It tested the plumbing and interest also to adults, particu- | radio is doing its bit, } on a backward roll, unarmed "Now there is in Jerusalem by will, a transformation morally and back again to the place where he - hi ay It made housekeeping larly music teachers, in both of combat, gymnastic work, and long 1 "the sheep gate a pool, which is spiritually as well as physically. | had spent so many wasteful years. ll-day ¢) but it 1 t the series of programmes previ. . - TE i oy ih g So. he asks him a question This man, walking out with his | an ati-day chore bu served 9 ¢ At the end of the First Great distance marching. calléd in Hebrew Bethesda, hav. ue 3 3 g remind the old folk of the Win- ously mentioned. ' ar ; v utict must bes ; iv 'Wouldest thou be made whole? bed, proved to all others who were 0 i War there were 6,000,000 automo- Every parachutist must beable ing five porches. In these lay a A ' P 1 they k h th . .. ol x to march 30 miles wn be fi ; i : The man's answer showed that assembled there that he was com- ory . taoy Bnew wien: they Wore . biles in the United States. When to march 30 miles and then be fit | yyltitude of them that were sick ; Lg, an i ; . % Sperationnl escraisas $ ily gibi oo he was hopeless. It had become sletely and instantly healed. In young. ; Should tomato vines be pruned? the present war started the num- for arduous operational exercises. blind, h-lt, withered." When so L p 3 y In" those "good old days" our : 8 Tha enipit Tiel This trainine ' y the established order of thing: like manner, one newly saved b 2 8 ¥ « + » Will houseplants bloom better ber had increased to 32,000,000, The spirit in which" This training many sufferers are brought to- . t o ngs » y homes were cooler than they are b is eariied out is illustrated by the | yother they impress us much with him that some one antici. Christ is to reveal the reality of "| Low. We had not come to the stage following quotation from a para. more than when we meet them pated him, He speaks of it as his salvation by livingz'that kind of specialized insulation nor had chutist soldier's letter: =| singly; we then see more ade- regularly happening -- 'another of a life which before was im- we yet departed from the Quebec PIONEERS' BOAT : "The three weeks intensive quately all the wretchedness, the steps down before me." He has possible for hint -- a life abave heater and the wood box. We wore } training ended with a 131-mile misery, the broken lives that form |. "© friend --- not one who would the level of the world, a life mani- heavy underwear and now and u march at a rate of 32 miles per the result of sin among men. spate time to wait beside him and festing divine strength, a life™in then we slept in our socks and HORIZONTAL Answer {0 Previous Puzeis 16 Teanipossd day. Only one man fell out. He watch for the welling up of the which the power of God will be slipped a sweater on when we 4 h was dead." > Those In Need water. manifest, on out of bed to tend the stoves 1 Vessel which [ETTAWAITIHIAL [MOHAWK] (abbr). \\ Preliming ry training also ine "And a certain man was there, 3 Meeting Our Needs "So the Jews said unto him that | - «a. 4 brought Dil E RIEIREMO RIA 21 This boat _ : - el a "synthetic" course de- who had been thirty and cight "Jesus saith unto him, Arise, was cured, It is the sabbath, and Our houses fn' those faraway colonists to ICEDARMTIIINERTIRITILL landed at - sir I to prepare the soldiers in years an his infirmity. When take up thy bed, and walk, And "it is not lawful for thee to take days showed wide differences in : Sige, HAISITIEINES MOIR LIE Rock, advance for their actual descent Jesus saw him lying, and knew straightway the man was made up thy bed. But he answered temperature. Beside the stoves it De cons of | ISEHIEAIRITISIOIREMRAIG] 22 Causes to from aircraft. This course con. | that he had been now a long time | whole, and took up his bed and | them, He that made me whole, | was as high as 80 or 90. Close to a0 ton ot [EMBER TIAIUMENDREE| cohere. sists of the following exercises: in that case, he saith unto him, : the walls it was down to 40. In fons. FOUR TIOWINI 24 Errors. toes 2 Wouldest thou be made whole? A : 14 Needle- TIAIG DIOMBMAID 3 (1) Swinging on a trapeze The "sole mon anwered Tim. Sir hatsopms . ey have hess lower. shaped. AT HATE Clo ODE RIA] 26 Dion of from a 12-foot platform. The # A : ' ' . oing to bed was an adventure 5 Nati t i medicine. parachutist lets ol on a | 1 Yave ne man, when the water THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William | comparable with Hudson's explor- Allie © ] E UINCIL IEBAR] 27 Mercenary, St at. He l= trained to dn this is troubled, to put me into the dd erguson p ations -in- the Northwest Passage." "17 Horse food. INEIED SEHIARPY] 29 Cabin. both backwards and forwards. pool: but while I am coming, ans i ] The bed was the coldest thing at 18 Surfeits. JUAN IRIDEAL ; SEE 31 Female fowl, 2) Swingi -actice i other steppeth down before me. COFR. 1942 BY NEA SERVICE, ING, T. I. REG. U. 5. PAT. OFF, night and the only warm thing in 20 Quoits' pin. IMIURIACIUILIOVISITTHIEIRIQ] 33 Bone. (2) Swinging practice in para- Into this place, where only the . the house first thing In the morn- 21 By. 35 Therefore, chute harness, gin to WEN | helpless came, but never one HUMMING BIRDS ing. Winter came in about Decem 22 Bearing cirrl. 50 To cure. 3 Twelve 37 Diplomacy. in any veanized direction. strong and well to encourage ONCE WERE BELIEVED ber 15 and stayed until April 1. 23 To card wool. 52 Pertaining to months. 40 Sweeping (3) Learning the drill of team them, to investigate their cases, BY MANY PERSONS * Yes, the old-fashioned Winter. 25 Low Dutch sound. 4 Offspring: tool. jumping. This is done from the | 4 attempt to heal them of their TO BE PO/SONOUS '| was a tough proposition. But. so (abbr). 53 Murmurs as a 5 Behold. 42 Pertaining to : BY fuselage of a bomber aircraft. ailments, where none of the great AND TO Sor were the old-fashioned folk. They 26 To challenge. cat. 6 To change into air. "Vi (4) Practice in dropping of Jerusalem ever entered -- into STINGERS had to "take it" and they could 28 Liliaceous tree 54 Regretted. bone. . 43 Heavy club, A through apertures, and in follow- this group of forgotten men came, "take it." They came out In the "29 Homelike, 56 Opposite of in, 7 Fatigued. 45 God of sky. 2 ing meticulously detailed timing. this day, the Son of God. It was Spring pretty spry and began to 30 Exclamation, "57 To peal. 8 Genus of 46 Footway. wl (5) Jumping from a 10-foot | He who had announced at the store away wood and woollens for 32 Rodent. .58 1t yrought the ostriches, 47El. wall with eyes shut. . very threshold of His ministry the next Winter. They would not 34 Graduated set fathers to 9 Company 48 Eouonsy 3 (6) Practice in jumping from that He had come down to preach have thought anything about our ) of bowls, _ America" (abbr.), pla oh a moving lorry at night at pre. | the gospel to the poor; to heal cold spell. Maybe we have grown 36 Mien. 59 Some of these 10 Tree. 2 a iy i arranged intervals, then locating the brokenhearted; to preach de- soft. Maybe we are older, Anyway as Small ox on colonists had Ji Plesie: 53 FT £0] 'and attacking some given objec- liverance to the captives and re- it was almighty cold and in our 39 Knife wound! ed 12 4 ides 55 Doctor "i tive. covering of sight to the blind, to estimation, distinctly old-fashion- 41 Pout Wk I Metl, 13 Year (abbr.) (abbr.). i Air-borne Exercises ) set at liberty them that are ed. a Fi dler. Jones, Io hogs' oi 3% Sane ord $19) Having performed those pre- bruised (Luke 4:18). Why our everence. ha a ai HG " liminary exercises, the parachutist Lord centered His attention upon Mari "FE dU ITH Zz [3 |4 5 |e |7 8 fo fit hz "fiz 3 makes his first aerial descent from one man in the group rather than arine £€ p . - = a! a balloon, to make sure that he upon all the men, or some other On Carrot Diet (4 15 16 ; dr | has mastered the art of correct man, we do not know, This is the * : ; . 5 : 0 exit. He then passes to actual way of God's dealings; some are A y Mahlon G. Kastick, aged 18, ate 7 ia : ! iE plane-jumping, which he "must chosen, some are not. One rea- TonasTon his way into the U. S. Marines, . : , perform several times, singly and 3m nodvd; why Nigh Lora 5 } OM STONE and is "fed up" on a vertain vege- 2 2]. =F: 28 24 JA in groups, before he becomes a: ocuse is attention this day on table. Turned down when he tried * i qualified parachutist. In actual this man was because he was the } Wy to enlist because of color blind. - S 26-- 2 =r 4 = descent, nearly all parachutists id, rr eit tn fl ) ness, Kastick' ate carrots for four J 3 if agree that the fall from an air-- = pi PRAISE Tare 20RD months until hé was able to pass 29 ih craft is much pleasanter than that THERE BE AO MORE." the visual test, . (iv) from a balloon. i 32 |33 ' i Training now passes to the con- i duct of actual airborne exercises, LISTEN TO 36 : oy chiefly at night, when plans are 1] Sl - oe z made, objectives chosen, and the oy Cou N TR Y 39. : ; whole parachutist's function is de- | ; [9] veloped in mimic warfare. Field N E Ww S " 4 142 rv ¥ : Be craft, map-reading, signdlling, the F is » VL _manipulation of special weapons * {tems of Interest From Ontario 50 52 3 ; and re all receive Sabas. | Sip ENS G2 Weekly iby . ate attention. As physical hardi- ) : : hed increases route arches are AWE; Salt Lake City. , . . Approximately 150,000, Each SUNDAY. AT.20M, ™ i necreased up to es, on : i The parachutists regard tiem- . NEXT: Do Buffaloes have humped backs? CFRB--860 on your dial R ~L 3 selves as shock troops, second to : ; ; none in the world. . - - - - \ 5 POP--He Couldn't Go That Far - 'By J. MILLAR WATT 3 Ley ey pod 4 : y rill MY GIRL AND TI DON'T; YOU SHOULD HAVE | 'ANOTHER A ~ 7 3 ' Ley is a grass made by sowing GET ALONG VERV MUTUAL INTERESTS! FELLOW jk I¢ ; : or seeds, 'A temporary pasture' is pro- WELL, POP! WHAT DOES r ; : we. ? . duced which is plowed up. after a sk, : SHE . LIKE ' \ i! 'number 'of years. Many English : farmers have adopted the ley sys- H. A. Lee, who has been ap- ? 5 - tem to increase grain crops.and at inted general passenger agent 3 the same time maintain sufficient or the Canadian Pacific Railway $ _ pasturage for dairy cattle and at Toronto, joined the company other stock, Since the war started in 1913 'at Boston, Mass.; sefving : i 2 with the United States navy from : 4 5,000,000 acres of periianent Eng. iE lish grass land has been plowed 1918 to 1919, After working in § Eg Y i the United States for 27 years, b i over. Some of this new arable land he. was made assistant general 7 8 has carrled two or three grain passenger agent at Montreal in i ") ii "orops. It Is clafmed that ley farm. | FEEETEC HEPAT Co Boe ris. 1 Ch ny q {ng holds the balance more nicely | giction over the Algoma district : feiskiia by The Bl Srbdieate. tae) l~1 3 between grass production and crop | of the company as well as the ' . ei Bab ayagicnis, tae J 'production than any other system. | Ontario district: : . a CA

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