Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Feb 1943, p. 5

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» a [es - ii "The First EY y --- sez eHealthfully--Air- Conditioned os 4 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1943 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY gpa - Thursday, Friday and Saturday, - FEBRUARY 4.5.6 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m, I. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 "A thrilling adventure that made a true story almost unbelievable. Commando" with CLIFFORD EVANS and CONSTANCE CUMMINGS. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, FEBRUARY 8.9-10 Last Complete show at 8.20 "Joan of Ozark" with JUDY CANOVA and JOE E. BROWN Also an ADDED Attraction 'Blue, White & Perfect' with LLOYD NOLAN and MARY BETH HUGHES Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 11-12-13 Desperate Journey with Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan. |. Want Ads. are cheap, conveni-| ent, and. profitable to the advertiser. ~ TRY THEM Phone 50 Port Perry, Ont. Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service SUITS 'SPONGED AND PRESSED 60 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH - Tipp Residence on North Street. - FOR SALE 26 acres of land, mostly bush, % mile from a lake located near Ahmic Harbour on the Parry Sound-Sun- dridge highway. Suitable for a deer hunting lodge. Price Four Hundred Dollars. ~ Apply to T. Murdock, St. Davids, Ontario. Feb. 18 FOR SALE Semi-detached house on John St. Port Perry. Also 2 mandrels, pair turning lathe heads. Some 'chains. Apply to A. D. Peters, Port Perry. FOR SALE 2 Chests of Drawers and a large size flat top office desk. Phone 205. < : BORN FIELDING--To Mr. and Mrs, Cla- rence Fielding, Port Perry, on Mon- day, February 1st," 1943, a baby girl. THE RED HOUSE MYSTERY by A. A. Milne. » s (Synopsis by Marion Franklin) ou have not made the acquain- tante of the Red House Mystery, you have missed an excellent detective story, In ptaise of the Red House Mystery, Alexander Woolcott has sald that "It is one of the best mys- tery stories of all time". : In this kernel of mystery, Milne employs many tricks of the detective 'trade to unravel his plot. He plunges immediately into the mystery with a fascinating murder. Then he creates DENTISTS DR. J. B, LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON . office equipped for oo M0 X-RAY-WORK- Over. Bell Teloplior wa QUeen St. Port Phones: Office 68w; - Residence 68J W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Oftice Hours: 9 a.m. to § pom. Oflice Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, Las DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry LEGAL ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office om 'Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack * week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 2, cs oe 1 THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, J. A. McMillan, Minister 30 Sthool eeu -Biblg Glass pm=Exoning-Serviee, ~~ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev, Ww. C. Smith, Minister Sunday, February 7th-- Morning--The Gospel according to - 5 St John. Evening--Divine Love in Hosea. CHURCH-OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN - Rector--Rev. William Stocks Sunday, February 7th-- LI a.m.---Holy Communion and ' Sermon. The Rector. 2,30 p.m.--=Sunday School, Sunday, February 14th-- 7 pm.-- Evening Prayer. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH waa Pastor -- P. Tayloriciow 10 a.m.-- Bible Class, -- 11 am.--Divine Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, at 7.00 p.m. --- Chil- dren's Hour. Special Music Lantern Pictures, Flaunel- graphs and Object Talks. Everybody Welcome BEAUTY PARLOR CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. : . Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maple Street. Phone 54 r 13 WATKINS' PRODUCTS- Order your Watkins Products from SID KERR Distributor, Uxbridge Write or Phone 119 sceret cave, the disappearance of Mark "detective stories, but I think that it the criminal escaped after the murder of Robert Ablett from the Red House. He presents a steady flow of clués until 'we are suspicious that any one of the characters might be the crimi- nal. He ushers in two amateur de- tectives Bill Beverly and Antony Gil- lingham, who expose the guilty man. . Phrticularly -- interesting are the nightly revels of Beverly and Gilling- ham after their discovery of the Ablett, the brother of the victim, and Mathew Cayley's apology. Nor could one forget his extreme surprise when the least expected of all the charac- ters is exposed as. the criminal, The clever tricks of Beverly and Gillingham -as they pursued their roles as Holmes and Watson reminded me of A. Conan Doyle's "Hound of tho Baskervilles". The streaks of humour add to, wjthout lessening, the current'of thrills. I think that Milne must have enjoyed writing this story as much as I enjoyed reading it. 'I know that I have a weakness for is a masterpiece of its kind, It was with a sigh of regret, when the story was. finished, that I closed the covers of "this attractive book. -_>o-- Young People's Union + The regular meeting of the Young People's Union was held on-Tuesday evening and was in charge of Em- merson McMillan, convener of Chris- tian Citizenship and.Gordon MacMas- ter, assistant convener, " The meeting opened with the In- vocation by the président, followed by a hymn and Margaret, Day led in prayer. . The Scripture passage' was read by Rose Armstrong and the Meditation on the Scripture was given by Emmerson McMillan. Dorothy Tristram read a very interesting ar- ticle entitled "You!" Mrs, IR. a great deal of speculation as to how Bentley, guest speaker of the evening, was called upon and she based her remarks on "Character". A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs, Bentley for her excellent address, i The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted; the roll called; the offering was taken and the Fi- nahcial Statement for the year 1942 was read. The meeting closed: with the singing of a hymn and the Miz: pah benediction, Next Tuesday evening, there will be a Box Social. The girls are to bring the boxes, whiche will be auec- tioned. Two girls may go together and make up one bax, putting in PRENTICL'S Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICIS, Prop. enough lunch for four people. Also. don't forget your Valentines for the Valentine post-office box, ---- eo OSHAWA PRESBYTERIAL W.M.S, MEETS ALLOCATION IN 1942 The executive of the Oshawa Pres- byterial together with the presidents of the auxiliaries within the Presby- terial held an annual meeting in King St. United Church, Oshawa on 'Tues- day, January 26th. Mrs. S. Little- wood, president of the Presbyterial, was in charge, "3 A short worship service was con- ducted by Mrs, Kenneth Werry. Reports were read by all the see-|- retaries. With much satisfaction, Mrs. G. Bray, tréasurer, reported that the accepted allocation of $10,400 had been met for 1942, Murs. N. White, Supply Secretary, reported that 17 Auxiliaries each pre- pared a bale which were sent to the following destinations: Merchant Ma- rine; Church of All Nations, Toronto; Wakaw, Sask.; Bundles to Britain; Elizabeth Crowe Memorial Hospital, Eriksdale, Manitoba; Saddle Lake, Al- berta. In 1943 bales will be allocated eS . Phone 72w, NUTRITION ~~ Eat Right: Feel Right. For Good, i : ~ Nutritious Meats, Call; W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY Our customers SERVICE thing of the difficulties being faced in the coal and lumber business and have come to realize that SERVICE "has been maintained, profit or no profit. This service will continue. understand some- Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL Co. LIMITED ~ RERUTS pane HELP THE FEBRUARY FOOD STAMP. SALE ; Skilled Operator, Very moderate prices MARCH TO BERLIN by buying your WAR i | Bonat Permanent Waves SAVINGS STAMPS at our Store. Free Booklets. i Shampoo and Wave ole ~ . # Marcel. - fool Saturday Special: "FRUIT LOAVES" | Manicure - oo bell IE. 3 " PERMANENT WAVLS WE DELIVE DR " " puonese Gerrow Bros., Port Perry $1.95 and up |i i 2 A A RR RR RRR RRR RRR Nt tit engagements to avoid offending. FOR YOUR EVERY DRUGSTORE NEED SHOP WITH SAFETY AND SAVE AT THE REXALL STORE . A. M. LAWRENCE, ' PHONE 49, Ly N ® Bad breath shows no favourites. It can ruin beauty and charm. Why take chances when your Rexall Drug Store can supply this proven eco- nomical Antiseptic -- MI-31 -- that banishes bad breath quickly? MI-31 Antiseptic removes stale deposits which foster germ growth, It leaves your mouth withafresh, clean feeling. Gargle morning and night to avoid colds . . . before business or social : 3 CLEANSING AND DEODORANT THE REXALL STORE, PORT PERRY to be sent to Cross Lake, Manitoba and W. M. S. Hospital at Burns Lake, B. C. : s 3 A letter from the Myrtle Auxiliary was read stating the sad news that due to lack of leadership, they would be unable. to carry on in 1943. Dis- cussion and a word of prayer followed in which the hope was expressed that Myrtle would be able to solve its problem ahd continue the fine work of the past. The Presbyterial .will be held in Whitby at a date to be announced later. ad ( Ss 8 © otherwise against us. be thrown into action BECAUSE, like us, our Chinese ally is in the forefront of the fight against world Fascism. Like us, hina will fight until victory is won. BECAUSE if the Chinese are beat- en, Japan will organize them on a lave-labor basis and uge the products of this labor in the Axis fight to en- lave labor everywhere, - BECAUSE when the Chinese are woe Labor in China (Continued from Page Four) 8 REASONS WHY. . .. [y nized Labor is helping. to needs: Winnipeg, Regina or Vancouver, SL Here are eight reasons why orga- meet China's BECAUSE it's a labor 'struggle, just as much as if it were in Toronto, La- bor has always taken care of its own. BECAUSE a fighting China means Canada's defense and a shorter war. China is keeping busy more than a million Japanese troops which would pictorious with our help they will de- velop a free nation committed to de- mocratic principles and a free labour movement, BECAUSE China has feught to help herself, organizing a great system of co-operative industrial enterprises and vestpocket workshops to keep up war production. : BECAUSE in addition to the superb Chinese army, the Chinese people or- ganized into bands of heroic guerrilla tor in stopping the Japanese, 'BECAUSE as a result of five years of continued resistance, the need of the Chinese people constitutes one of the greatest needs of all times, The degree of suffering is appalling. Ne fighters; have been an important fac-| AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th--Auc- tion Sale of Farm Stock, -- Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine, the property of Ford Flewell, Lot 2, Con. 5, Scott Township. Sale at I' pm. Terms Cash, : Ted Jackson, Auctioneer a What a Canadian Dollar will do in China " N * $20 will keep a Chinese refugee alive for oné year. $5 will keep a Chinese/ refugee alive for three months, $5 will disinfect 500 Chinese wounds. $1 will provide treatment for 1,000 burns, $1 will 'buy cther for 16 operations. $1 will provide immunization for 10 persons from typhoid or Bubonic plague, What China is doing for Us. China has killed or permanently in capacitated 1,200,000 Japanese sol- diers, who, otherwise, would have been threwi? into the battle against us. China is" engaging 1,000,000 Japan- cse soldiers on her own fronts. Their release for service elsewhere would 'Shop Here and Save Durham Corn Starch "jy: 2for 21c G.M. Tea Bags, pkg. of 15 for 18¢ Ss G.M. Coffee 1 1b. bag, 46¢ Gold Medal Vanilla, bottle 10c 7 lb. bag 25¢ Red & White Finest Pastry Flour, , 24 1b. bag 73c Fresh Fruits a We have a complete stock of nd Vegetables Te TH A Ta Sweet, Juicy Oranges, dozen 35¢ Grapefruit, real juicy, 4 for 25¢ TET Cooking Onions, -- 3 Ibs. for 14¢ T- Choice Selection of Cooked Meats i Ta 'Full line of Tobacco and Cigarettes J Aunt Jemim a Pancake Flour, 'k-16¢ 'Fancy €ooking Rice, 20bs. 25c | | Blue Label Lyon's Tea, 1 Ib. 40c PHONE 43 F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY AID TO RUSSIA ----g iw, Grppocl the CE NADIAN FUND time. doing a heavy and skilled Eastern Railway. Swinging t position with a practised hand. BRITAIN'S RAILWAY WOMEN TAKE OVER THE. - STEEL WAY Picture shows --21 year old Jean Dale, a laundress' in peace- job on the London and North he 70 1b. shack le coupling into vitally affect the position of the U nited Nations, and -conceivably, turn the tide of war, China offers the United Nations the most accessible bases for the offensive against Japan, She protects Russia's backdoor.. Her troops, under General Stilwell, have joined the' United Na- tions in the defense of India. ) China ids paramount factor in shor- tening the war. A long war will mean a ghastly loss of life, a staggering debt burden and a drastic dislocation of our free economy and way of life, i ;

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