Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Feb 1943, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11th , 1943 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully "Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, FEBRUARY 11, 12, 13 0 shows at 7 and 9 p.m. turday Matinee at 1,80 > .ERROL FLYNN and RONALD : REAGAN in Desperate Journey . with Nancy COLEMAN and u Raymond MASSEY Fi Plus the latest 'Canada Carries On" Inside Fighting Canada| Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, FEBRUARY 15, 16, 17 Last Complete show at 8.20 _ "South of Tahiti" with Brian DONLEVY, Brod CRAW- FORD, Andy DEVINE, and Maria MONTEZ Also an ADDED Attraction "Lady for a Night" with Joan Blondell and John Wayne z I Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, FEBRUARY 18, 19, 20 "They Flew Alone"' with Anna Neagle sind Robert Newton CET ERE CAN Ee oultry! Ship your live and dressed poultry to the Bamford Meat Company, St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. DRESSED over, 33c; 6 to 6 lbs, 32¢; under 5 1bs., 30c. Grade A Fowl, 5 lbs. and up, 28c; "4 to 5 lbs, 26c; under 4 lbs. 24c. Live fowl in good condition, 4 lbs. and up, 23c. llets, 4 lbs. and up, 24c. Lo B Chicken and Fowl, 2¢ less. Grade C Chicken and Fowl; 4c less. Live Ducks, 4 lbs. and up, 28¢c. Dressed, 30c. Cottontail Rabbits, 36¢ pair. Brown Jacks, 40c each. * These prices F. 0. B. Toronto. Prompt remittances. For references, Imperial Bank of Canada, Market and King Biredte, Toons, Expert RADIO Service | PHONE 234 on ; Tuesdays, Thursdays : and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED] An 60 Cents ; SUITS CLEANED ~ Dry Cleaned $1.00 ~~ C. P.ROLPH' Tipp Residence on North Street. FOR SALE 26 acres of land, mostly bush, % mile from a lake located near Ahmic Harbour on the Parry Sound-Sun- dridge highway. Suitable for a deer hunting lodge. Price Four Hundred Dollars. . Apply to T. Murdock, St. Davids, Ontario. Feb, 18 SKATES LOST Lost, a pair of men's skates, size 9. Please return to G. Waridel. Reward. AUCTION. SALE KAY--Farm Stock and' Implements Bi the property of Austin Kay, Lot 14, Con. 14, at Saintfield, on Thursday, February 18th, Terms Cash, Sale at 1. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 'Sale Postponed Fred Taylor's Sale, - dated for bruary 9th, has been'postpoived » Saturday, Feb. 13th. a A TANK THROUGH 4 ITS PACES . g 4 Vincent Brome, in "Britain" The tank roared .round the trail, ~ shot up a hill and plunged into a ditch. Up it Elambereéd on the other side and gathered speed on & Atretch of ground deeply cut with pot-holes. Suddenly] t it careened around a bend and charged into huge baulks of timber which looked as though they could stop a battleship. But nothing stops a tank- 0 THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. JA. McMillaf™s.. 2.30 pap.~Sunday School . .* and Bible Class 7.p.m.~Evening Service. DENTISTS DR, J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68J W. "A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Oftice Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG Phones: PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister February 14-- Morning--*"Life"" according to St. John, Evening--Canadian Girls in Train- ing--Vesper Candlelight ser- vice. ' CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN DENTIST its y Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Rectopesitdy, Wiliam Stocks Shop. Sunday, February 14th-- 2.30 p.m---Sunday School. Pho 237, R. 216 Pp P ne i Hess ort Perry 7.00 p.n-- Evensong and Sermon, LEGAL The Rector, ARTHUR W. 's. GREER PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor -- P. Taylor 10 a.m.-- Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Divine Service. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service _ | Wednesday, at™7.00 p.m. --- Chil- (The firm of Greer & Humpbreys 1s dinsolvedr | dren's Hour. Special Music Lantern Pictures, Flannel- RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone B14 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eackt wetk or by appointment graphs and Object Talks. Everybody Welcome BEAUTY PARLOR Phone 72w, NUTRITION Eat Right: Feel Right. For Good, Nutritious Meats, Call W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY Our customers thing of the diffic SERVICE in the coal and lumber business and have come to realize that SERVICE has been maintained, profit or no profit. This service will continue. understand some- ulties being faced Phont 240w LAKE _SCUCOG LUMBER & COAL CO. LIMITED Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 2 CHIROPRACTOR PRENTICE'S ~ BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator, Very moderate prices We specialize in-- Bont Permanent Waves W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years." | Shampoo and Wave Hh0e »Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maroc! . 75¢ Magle Beret, Manicure -- 3b Phone Sr 13 + ppp MANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223. Port Perry ° ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. WATKINS' PRODUCTS Order your Watkins Products from SID KERR Distributor, Uxbridge Write or Phone 119 ist's worst nightmare. There are two types of tank-testers the men who put new---machines through their paces, and the men who pass on repaired tanks, Their routine 'I'is somewhat similar, except that ve- paired tanks are given specific tests for repaired parts. We performed control-testing antics while hurtling around the track, and our tank responded almost too well for my liking. There are two main levers, left and right, among the tank con- trols. When one is drawn back, the clutch of the engine is out, and you are in the equivalent of neutral with a car. When the control is drawn farther back, it applies the brake to the track on the same side as that control. You turn the tank by putting. the brake on one_track and allowing the opposite track to continue running. This slews it around on whichever side is braked. When a car is running downhill and you take out the clutch, your speed increases. So, when you take out the clutch of a tank going down hill, un- less the brake application follows rapidly, the particular track concern- ed will race. Instead of a braked track turning vou the way -you want to go, a racing track slews you in the op- posite direction. We spent nearly fifteen minutes making certain that the braking 6f this particular tank followed swiftly enough on the neutral position to give perfect manoeuveér- ability. Rolling around the course a second time, we assumed that a bullet had hit [2 --PARTHNERS for your family's welfare Your doctor and your Rexall Druggist have a mutual interest and responsibilityinyour family's welfare. It pays you to heed their advice. . You can take your doctor's prescription to your Rexall Drug Store with the knowledge that it will be accutately filled with the finest-quality, fresh, pure ingre- * dients. Make this dependable partnership a regular part of your health programme. When a Cold Threatens Gargle and spray with MI-31 Antiseptic. It kis harmful germs ina flash. We guarantee its purity. Compare MI-31 with any other antiseptic for economy and effec- tiveness. It kills germs when diluted one half with water... is safe at full strength. Itis another example of Rexall's safety and economy with full satisfaction. 16or. Sor Aor the visor and cracked the glass. Sud: ¢ ¢ denly the tester moved a control. For 2 a7 25¢ -{ a flashing second the outside world CEI 43.3 was cut off and we were shut away in Scout 1 the tank driving blind at high speed. A metal shicld had fallen in front of 'the visor to protect the driver from flying bullets. He, meanwhile, with ene deft movement had substituted a second visor for the cracked one. It was a queer feeling until the control was moved again. The metal shield slid away, and once more the country- side raced past. This visor apparatus} must be tested very carefully, for it may play on important part in a tank battle. The periscope, too, must be tried out at all angles of vision. Next we drove to the top of the steepest artificial hill aid tore down it to test the holding power.of the tank tracks. As I stood in the turret the TMi 3 a ANTISEPTIC A. M. LAWRENCE, "The Rexall Store"' Phone 49 PortiPerry tester. I know, because I was inside that tank while it was undergoing its trial. . "This breath-taking business of test- ing a tank starts tamely. The first trip is a quiet jog across a private] world reeled crazily. The earth was. estate to see that everything responds! where the sky should have been, trees under normal conditions, Then the' toppled fanfastically. Then the nose tank is taken off to the "rough: riding | of the tank reached the bottom of the circus," Away it goes over a stretch | hill and we were bucKeting across the of comnion-land fitted with a devilish level. Now up again, clinging with array of obstacles, This is the kind the caterpillars to the,sheer "wall", of track which looms up in the motor. throwing out showers of earth behind Continue to Buy V Fresh SMILES 'N CH St. Valentine's D Saturday Special: 1 WE DELIVER : PHONE 32 ARS BARASASNSAAS ARAN Gerrow Bros., Port Perry et er ttaed 3 ar Savings Stamps Le | HELP THE FEBRUARY FOOD STAMP SALE i UCKLES Chocolates for 3 ay, February 14th Rs 8 "Cherry Tarts" % AN AARASARARRARAAS RRR RAR RRR ARRRANINY us. In the turret I felt as though I were projecting at right angles from the "wall," and any minute now the nose of the tank would twist over and back and throw us somersaulting down again, - We slowed almost to a standstill. This "wall" had been built to test the last degree of the: tank's holding and climbing power. The caterpillars raced, teaving at it. For just a second we hung there, midway up; and 1 thought we must go crashing back. Then the multiple toes of the tank dug in again and dragged us forward. It was all I could do to keep my place in the turret. . the machine. They are remarkable men, these testers. They work ten hours a day in mechanical bronchos, tanks depends on them. coiled springs which take the brunt of the shocks. The tank may be flung full out across a humped-back hill. Sometimes it partly leaps the opposite |- side of the hump and crashes down| again. they will stand anything. Tanks should be able to plough their way through certain depths of water without choking up the engine. Our tank behaved well in the water test. Then we examined the Morse signal lamp, the air filters, cirburetors and gasoline filters. The gasoline filters are shaped-like a concertina and pack- of the other, carrying gasoline with it. oline comes through freely without. grit or impurities, Finally the hush-hush fitments were | tested. All this was recorded on long | forms. The following day, tank num- ber so-and-so was passed out fit for services yo. - The standard wireless set installed in of a further 3,000 parts. meme pe PRINCE ALBERT still .on the map, Tho' some may think we, like Bruin, | have been taking a nap. One thing in common as you all know, , ~ snow! its place, But oh! when the drifts are Yin] as high as your face. Cheer up tho', March will soon ba- nish the snow, And first thing you know-- < But the tester was busy watching cvery reaction of | knowing that the efliciency of Bijiishy If the springs take the shock | again, giving ed with gauze and other material. Air! is sucked in at one end and passes out; The tester must be sure that the gas-| A tank consists of 8,000 replaceable" parts, It costs from $60,000 to $80,000, tanks costs another $450 and consists ' We want to remind you, P, A. is] Is that these days we all shovel | Now. snow is a beautiful thing in| We'll be out with the lawnmower and hoe. : We were pleased to see as many as were out to Sunday School and Church service on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Smith felt recompensed after walking up through the blustering weather and expressed his appreeiation to those who made the effort. We think Rev. Mr. Smith expected to find only our faithful superintendent, Mr. Murphy, so all were agreeably surprised, which | shows that sometimes anyway, "where there's a will, there's a way." Mrs. Raymer has returned from spending a few weeks with relatives in Stouffville. © Mrs. Ettey spent last Thursday af- | ternoon with her daughter, Mrs. I". Lamb at Manchester; Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. KE. Wage on the birth of a son last week. Among those from this district who Hi There were 'special tests for the fat! attended the banquet of the Holstein 'Associalion at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week, were, Mr. and Mrs. E. Martyn, Miss Doris Murphy and Mr. Ross Murphy. Snow blocked roads on Monday the men who work in Oshawa another holiday. " Colds, boils and carbuncles have been making their rounds through the village, but we are glad most pa- { cents are better again and back to work. | | | . h 1.'Abbe Arthur Maheux | | Love of Canada, expressed in loyal service, is the creed of L'Abbe Arthur I Mahcux. ! his" current broadcast over CBC on ! Sunday, February 14th-at 12.15 p.m. J o> or Oh dear, another stormy week-end and all the roads filled in again. The storm started on Saturday instead of Monday, as in the past. First it rain- ed, then snowed and the wind did the "the rest 6n Sunday and Monday. - "What keeps us apart?" is! | ' =! ' ut RED & WHITE STORE 4 1 ' } ~g --"y New Styles ae T-_ SPRING SUIT or OVERCOAT! Made to Measure, Fit Guaranteed | Johnston Approved Clothes $29.50 New Samples pe _N__. 4 a -- a IT- - NEW WALLPAPERS for Spring. ARE ALL IN NOW Sunworthy, Semi-Trimmed, Sun-Tested Papers a ne CONGOLEUM RUGS 9 x 12 -- $10.50 ALL SIZES IN STOCK Bec odie eine SNe eee wl - -> PHONE 43 > Te I wonder if it will be the snow plow or horses for our next road. We miss our good sermons and Sun- day School, but here's hoping next Sunday will be more favourable. All will be glad to hear Mrs. Thos. Redman is able to leave the Port Per- ry Hospital and will spend a few days with friends in Oshawa. >, Be Mrs. Elmer Lee spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lee at Greenbank, and enjoyed an extra Fy or two on account of the storm. Miss Margaret Bratley her grandparents, Mr. is visiting and Mrs. A. F. W. BROCK & SON ! PORT PERRY Te Te > S.C De at) Black in Of and her cousin in Whitby. for a week. Miss Joy Hood, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with her parents here and, of course, got storm-stayed. Miss Frances Lackin spent the week-end with her mother in Scar- horo," * ) " . | -- Birthday greetings to Miss Grace Mrs. J. Demara, Cecil Fralick and Clarence Carter for the 20th. Mrs. Pere. Jeffrey and little Bonnie Jean are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey in Port Perry for a few days. ~ National War The Dominion Bureau of changed unless the since the last Board requiring an more The index number not to the provisions of DP. continue 1943, to May 15, 1943, Board for authorization determine to be "fair and provisions of the Order. Canada Ottawa, Now 1043 February 4, Department of Labour Labour Board GENERAL ORDER Statistics has found that the cost of living index number for January 2, 1043, is 117.1 (adjusted index 116.2) as compared with the cost of living index number for July 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index 117). The Wartime Wages Control. Order, P. C. provides in Section 48 (iv): "The amount of the bonus shall not be 5963, cost of living index number has changed one whole point or general order of the increase or decrease in the amount thereof." having changed by one whalesfhoint or more Bie, July 2, 1942, pursuant 5963 as stated, the National War Labour Bead orders that the terms N of its General Order dated -August 4, 1942, shall to apply for the period February 16, subject to the right of ply ers or employees to apply to a War Labour ~ of payment: of such an amount of cost of living bonus as a Board may ' reasonable," under the HUMPHREY MITC HEL L Chairman, National War Labour Board I a A " Demara and John Reader for the 17th; his i fi IN -- ey I Ee Ve ------ a --r a ,

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