Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Feb 1943, p. 4

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1] Il 2% HOT BX ad 50) eR 3 FRBNY Ry g PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25th. 1948 Mr. and Mrs, Toronto, spent Sunday with Douglas' father, Mr. Wesley Cawker. Douglas Cawker, of " Pte. William Stephens, of the Para- troops, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephens, over 'the week-end. We are glad to hear he has recovered from his recent accident. The Girls' Auxiliary of the Church of the Ascension held a very pleasant meeting on Monday = evening at the home of Miss Pearson, Mrs, John Leahy, of Oshawa, was the guest of friends in town during the past week. We are pleased to learn that Mrs Armstrong MacFarlane has recovered Mier health, and has been able to leave the hospital. © She will, however, ve- main in Hamilton for the time being, with her brother, Mr. Homer Fer- guson. Mrs. W. W." Crosier had the mis- fortune to fall and hurt her shoulder. Reports regarding Mr. Switzer are favorable. He recovering nicely from his accident. i is Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Vernon (nee Elma Reesor) on the birth of a son in the Port Perry Hospital on Thursday, February 18th, 1043. Pte. George Emmerson, C.D.C., of Mountain View, and Pte. Gordon Car- negie, of Newmarket, spent the week- end with their parents. Aunt Tillie is on the rampage again. Keep March 18th and 19th open so you can enjoy her company when "Aunt Tillie Goes to Sea!" Pte. Grant Robertson, R.C.0.C. of Esquimalt, B.C., is spending a fur- -lough-with- his-parents, Mr. and-Mrs. |- Sinclair Robertson, A telegram was received by Mrs. Emerson G. Fralick, Blackwater, stating that hex son, [..A.C. Den- is Fralick, had arrived safely overseas. i eo A LONG SELLING RECORD To-day, February 25th, Ted Jackson is auctioneer at the Victoria Shorthorn Association sale at Lindsay. This is the twenty-third consecutive annual sale sponsored by the Association at which Ted has been the auctioneer. -------- eo -- -- ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER St. John's Presbyterian-- Church ladies intend holding their annual St. Patrick's Supper on Wednesday, March 17th. Watch for further notice. ts hae etl Al APB = I. 0. D. E. The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter 1.O.D.E., will be held in the _ Library on Monday evening, March 1st] at 8 o'clock. ANGLICAN ANNIVERSARY Sunday, February 28th, marks the 75th anniversary of the erection of the Church/of the Ascension, Port Perry. An appropriate service will be held on Sunday evening next to commemorate this event of historical significance to all Anglicans in Port Perry. It has been the custom for the past two years to observe the anniversary of the Church "during Ascensiontide in keep- 'ing with the observance of the Ascen- sion of Christ our Lord, which Feast, the' Church of His name commemo- rates. "War Work Actiitios "The Boy Scouts will call on Satur- day for your monthly contribution to the I. 0. D. E. cain bags. 2 Friday afternoon. will be packing day at the work rooms, so please bring in your finished articles for the February bale. EY a a. IN MEMORIAM SMITH--In loving memory of Mar- garet Smith, who passed away Feb. 27th, 1942, Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. The Family and the Grandchildren |. Ee Lr hd DIED In the Township of Reach, on Sat- urday, February 20th, '1943, Nelson Whitfield, husband of the late Isabella Harrison, in his 76th year, - = * oy Prone 1011 REE Pos OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE /reidoy Saturday, "FEB, 26-27 _ Jack BENNY, Ann SHERIDAN, in TR "George Washington "Slept Here" with . Charles Coburn, Percy Kilbride, Hattie McDaniel, ----- Scream of the crop -- Monday- Tuesday, March 1-2 "Seven Sweethearts" starring Kathryn Grayson, Una Heflin, Marsha Hunt. on the same program A Flaming sto of Romance and high adventure-- Lloyd Nolan, Carole Landis, in 'Manilla Calling' FOUR DAYS--FEB. 3-6 Hedy Lamarr, Walter Pidgeon, "White Cargo" "with i rank Morgan, Richard Carlson. Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- 1. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST Taylor's The Eating House of: Quality and Service Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Tobaccos Cigarettes BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor Each group of boys is called a six and has at its bead a sixer and a second, These positions have now been won by good work and high marks on the 1st star tests. Black Wolves: Norman DeShane Perry forty-eight years ago. Shane. on Monday, February 15th, 1943. hour or two. Fred, of Seattle, Washington; Frank, of Syracuse, N.Y, United States. and_Archer. prep of business- was on the delivery rig. When the war broke out the restric- tions on gasoline and tires made doub- ling up in delivery. necessary. was Norman's undoing. "much for him. the households Where he was an al- most daily visitér, when word went out that he had died. .« Norman married CatCsarea, twenty-eight / years ago. Four children were born to them -- Doris (Mrs. Sutton) of Oshawa; Harry and Audrey at home, and Bert Overseas. All of whom, together with their mother, survive the deceased. Norman will always be remembered as a good hockey player, particularly in goal. Not only did he enjoy tha game and play it well himself; but he did his best to help the younger boys to get on to the fine points. He was good natured and kindly, and did his bit in keeping up Port Perry' s reputa- tion as a good hockey town. Thé funeral service was. conducted at the McDermott Parlors, and the very large attendance by Port Perry citizens was evidence of the high es- teem _in which the deceased was held. The numerons floral . tributes were very beautiful, The service was conducted by Rev. Wm. Stocks, assisted by Rev. W. C. Smith. Interment was wade at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. The _hockey game between the Whitby and Port Perry Scouts resulted | in a"win for. Port Perry. The score was 4-3, ' The competition 'marks are: 1. Squirrdl Patrol .... 2. Reindeer Patrol 3. Owl Patrol ..... 4, Buffalo Patrol ... The 1st Port Perry Pack of Wolf Cubs has been" in existence for five months. During this time the boys have all been équal in rank. Norman DeShane was born in Port He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George De- Death came to him suddenly He wis stricken with paralysis while on his delivery route, and died within an Norman was one of a family of five, and has two brothers surviving him-- and The DeShane family lived in Port Perry during the whole of Norman's life, except-a short residence in the 'He grew up in Port Perry, and was essentially a Port Perry boy. For five years he was chauffeur for Drs. Archer He also had a short ap-| iceship with the Port Perry Star. ate years however, his constant That He thought he had to do the work;-but it was too He was thorough and most obliging. There was sorrow in Ada', Harran, of 130] ST Douglas Hayes . Second Ross J Grey Wolves: . BIBT sive aiinisnipoine Billy Brock Second ... ..Jack Griffen White Wolves Sixer ... ....Billy Harrison Second = Philip-Coulter-. Pack Scribe . Jack Goode These boys HH passed their first star tests: Jack Goode, Douglas Hayes, Arthur Cawker, Ross Jemison, Billy Harrison, Billy Brock, and Philip 'Coulter. : The meeting on February 26th will take the form of a father and. son banquet. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Norman De- Shane are 'very grateful to their friends and neighbors for the great time of their sudden and_sad bereave- ment. Also for the many beautiful floral tributes. OPA ene High School Notes _ Ad Optima © : By Irene Mulligan The pupils of Grade IX have organ- ized a club called "The Twenty-Nine Club". The purpose of this Club is to simprove our English, There is an election of officers th¢ third Monday in each month and a meeting every other week on Monday afternoon. _ Each meeting 'is_in the form of a program which is put on by different pupils in the class. On January 16th there was a meet- ing in the Grade IX room for the election of officers. The results of the election were as follows: President--Bruce Hull Vice-President--Bert Corner. Seerctary--Helen Hayes Treasurer--Robert Archer There was a meeting on January 256 at which there was presented a Scot- tish program in honour of the birthday of the great poet, Robert Burns. There was also a meeting on Feb. 8th which took the form of a quiz on Great Britain, conducted by the Presi- tent. On February 15th theré was a busi- ness meeting and election of officers. The elections were as follows: President=--Hugh Prentice. Vice-President--Donald Pargeter. Secretary--Myrtle Duff, Treasurer--Roddy Foster. -sOn Monday, Feb, 22nd, the Girls took part in a speech making contest. The speakers i subjects of which were: Doris Clark-~The Battle of Dunkirk. Jeanne Cuthbert--Chayles Dickens. Beth Fralick--Queen Victoria, { Helen -Hayes--George Beurling. Louise Howsam---Nelson Merle Hunter--Rickenbacker Audrey: Ploughman--Sir Francis Drake, . Lorraine Smith---Abraham Lincoln, : . Mercedes Waridel--Napoleon. "The boys voted on the best speeches, . Helen Hayés won the first prize and Dorig Clark the second prize. Jeanne Cuthbert, girl representative on the program committee, presented the two kindness and sympathy shown at the} ings and finds them interesting. The girls are actively devoting. their spare time after school to basketball. On Thursday afternoon another of their scheduled games was played, Those participating were senior teams E'and F. The players on team E were Irene Mulligan, Edna Gayld, Verna Moase, Marjorie McCoy, Kay Day and Flora Guy. On team F were Frances Steer, Marion Franklin, Gloria Hard- ing, Clare Glass, Marie Armstrong and Helen Peel, * The game was well play- ed and the resulting score of 22-21 was in favour of team E. -------- ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Fr rederick E. Jeffrey of Weston announce the engagement of their only daughter, Helen Mar- garet, to Cadet Alexander McDonald Pearson, 0.T.C., Brockville, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearson of Ingersoll, the marriage to take place on Saturday, March 13th, at 8.156 p.m, in Central United Church, Weston. Sucovsstul Bingo A _very successful Bingo and' Quilt Draw was held in the Oddfellow's Hall last Friday night, under the auspices of the Junior War Workers. During the evening the President, Mrs,. Dymond, called upon Mr. W. M. Letcher to make the Draw for the quilt. This quilt, one of the Dresden Plate pattern, was made by the mem- bers of the organization. = It was on display in the Hall during the evening. Mr. Letcher gave a brief, but interest- ing history of the Junior War Workers and commended them upon the work they have done since organizing. Little Barbara Love was asked to draw the lucky ticket, which was in the name of Mr. L. H. Corner of Port Perry. -- A grrr iie pan. Young People's Union The Young Pertids Yih held a meeting on Tuesday evening and open- ed" with the "Invocation by Kathleen Day, after which a hymn was sung and prayer was given by Margaret Day. Kay Day read an article about the hymns written by Charles Wesley and Dr. Naylor. A poem entitled "The Réason" was read by Thelma: Crosier, and _this was followed by the singing of a hymn. Miss Margaret Day then called on Miss L. M. Harris, who gave an ac- count of the trip to the Atlantic Coast which she and her sister fook a few years ago. She told many amusing incidents which took place as they travelled through part of Ontario and Quebec; New Brunswick; around the Gaspe Peninsula; on Prince Ed- ward Island; through Nova Scotia and | on their return through some of the Eastern States.- Margargt Day thank- ed Miss Harris on"behalf of the Y.P.U., for her most interesting description. * Kathleen Day conducted a quiz con- test, of which Clem Jeffrey was the winner." In the absence of the. secre- tary, Jack Whitmore read the minutes of the last meeting; the roll was called and. offering taken. ~ An advertising and ticket commit- tee, and a stage committee were elect- ed in conmection with the play "Auht Tillie Goes to Sea!" which will be put on by the Y.P.U. on March 18th and 19th. The meeting closed with the singing fof a hymn and the Mizpah benediction, amie HOCKEY Oshawa General Motors Pay Roll hockey team journeyed to Port Perry last Friday evening for a return game with the Port Pérry boys. All the boys played good hockey and the final score was 11-10 in favour of Port Perry. - Pte. Bill Stephens acted as referee for the first two periods and John Christie rang the bell for the third period. = During "a "scramble around the Port Perry goal in'the first period, Don Pargeter, Port goalie, re- later required a few stitches. OSHAWA -- Goal, Bob Carnegie; Pete Makarchuk, Arnold Roach, Lloyd Tonkin, Bernard Dickie, Clayton Love, Harvey Fancy, Mickey McMaster, PORT BERRY---Goal, Don Pargeter; Stan Slack, John Jeffrey, Gordon Mac- Master, Ronald Cooksley, Don Car- negie, Jack MacGregor, Lee Brothers, Bob Williams, Gordon Mark, --- mil I i met --y CiG.LT. BROADCAST C. G.I. T, Groups of: Ontario will listen to a broadcast over CBY at 8 p.m., Saturday, February 27th prizes. Everyon enjoys these meet This is Ontario's Radio Rally. | visited at Mr. Chas. ceived a nasty cut by one ear, which | EE ------_ BILTMORE Oshawa -- Phone 634 F Tiday and. Saturday * a---- forrest Radio's Funniest Bab Boy is on the screen again! JIMMY LYDON as Henry Aldrich, in 1] ; . 9» Henry and Dizzy -- also -- There' s something new in . + New Orleans! MARLENE DIETRICH in "The Flame of " New Orleans with Roland Young and Mischa Auer MONDAY and TUESDAY There is such a thing as"loving . 7 too much! BARBARA STANWYCK and GERALDINE FITZGERALD, as "The Gay Sisters" -- also -- A first Oshawa Showing-- ~ "This England" with Constance Cummings and ~ "John Clements f+ TERRI CRY Additions and Cor- rections re 1 hose On Active Service iG ort Perry, Reach and Scugog) Overseas Gunner Wilfred Stephens, R.C.A,_ L A.C. Dennis Fralick, R.C.AF. In Canada Pilot Officer Geo, Mulligan, R.C.A.F. Pte. Jimmy Taylor, R.C.E. : A.C. Jack Cooney, R.C.AF. Licut. Dean Parrott, R.C.N. Pte. Merle MacGregor, R.C.OT: With the Women's Forces-- A.W. Mabel Wallace, R.C.A.F. -- In thie United States---- => Pte. William Stephens, Canadian Para- chute Battalion to o-- UTICA the home of Mrs. J. Ackney on Wed- nesday, February 24th. The Red Cross quilted a quilt at the home of Mrs, Frank Kendall on Tuesday afternoon. Pte, Merle. MacGregor, R.C.0.C. who is statiomed™ at Quebec, is home on two weeks' leave. Jack Claughton and friends of To- ronto home on Sunday. Messrs, Fred and Harlan Clark vi- sited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Clark on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. F. Thom, Mrs. Gor- don Smith and Jimmy visited at Mr, I. Géer's on Sunday. Miss Margaret Sutcliffe, of Pick- ering, Visiting at her home here re- cently, mily spent Monday with relatives in Taunton and Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs, C. Geer and Bruce Geer's, Pine Grove on Sunday. Superior, Store Start every Shopping List with - War Savings Stamps Aylmer Tomato or Vege- _. table Soup; 10 oz. tins, : 2 for 19¢ Aylmer' s Mushroom > Soup, 10 oz. t. 2 for 230 Neilson' s Cocoa, 1 1b. ue LE tin 29¢ Red River Cereal, pkg. ; 23c Grooer' s Special Bread, 2 loaves 15¢ Superior Baking Powe der, 11b. tin 21c Prompt Attention, Pilot, Officer Murray Holtby, R.C.A.I' " The W. A. will hold a meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur and fa-| Phone 152 Orders receive CO BB BNE HC ~« DragitoreNews | Lawrence's Drug Store News N "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" KY BISMA REX Loomis 75¢ and $1.75 : English Garden ] COD LIVER and CREOSOTE : 300 COMPOUND vcore riasiassnsinn 4.8100 = : Toiletries Puretest Cod Liver" Oil, 75¢ Sor) Puretest A. S. A. Tablets, 100's LAWRENCE'S BRONCHIAL Delightful fragrance of a blend of English floral perfumes . MIXTURE 50¢ ) - SCOTT'S EMULSION ...58 and. 98¢ Face Powder ooo @0¢ | WAMPOLES COD LIVER - Perfume ....... ca y XTRACT ..occvvveriins FE winaadly Bath Powder ...... $1.10 E $1.00 . LAWRENCE M. PHONE 49 70 Rexall smn PORT PERRY N H u . " » n : ¥ u » ' u | . » 4 EEE VEER EEE EE. ES AT LOOK AHEAD | | Do that inside repair job NOW, while materials are available. GYPROC, the gypstim wallboard, -- OR -- : DONNACONA, insulating wallboard, - Phone 73w REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER i F. will meot your requirements. E. Reesor F. G. Reesor IN DAYS: OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult a -- i | ---- HAROLD W. EMMERSON | =% "Phone 41 Port Perry. | TT T- IEE naan > or ETE A EAR 1 + He H H : + H tH H : H H H ¢ H H H H : H : : : H : : : 3 : 3 : 3 H H H H 1 H tH + H H H H 3 i TR Service. And the BEST MEATS the Market Affords, at Lowest Market Prices. CAWKER BROS; Family Butchers _JEMISON'S BAKERY - : THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING The Best F amily Baking Service: will be maintained Gargle and spray with Mi-31Aati; -|- septic--Rexall's double-stre ngth, quick<acting, antiseptic mouth wash. It kills harmful cold germs quickly--helps banish bad br Mi-311is effective at half stren safe at full strength. We g , it for strength and purity, : ©® Let Our Prescription Euseriient Work With Your: Physician. Have your nxt prescription filled with the' right ingredients at the right time, Our registered pharmacists fillrall-pre.; scriptions carefully with fresh, pure drugs, and we double check for accuracy, 5 No delay . « . no waiting. ¢ * Prices you can easily afford to pay. f 5 = v "The Rexall Store! PORT PERRY, ONTARIO v A.M. LAWRENCE, * ' wi =.

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