Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Feb 1943, p. 5

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\. : Ty ; & <A "PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1948 ) - : em BROCK THEATRE DENTISTS THE cuuncnes ST: 2a AA Phone 618s, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned, Thursday, Fridsy s and Saturday, # FEBRUARY 25.26.21 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m, Saturday Matinee at 1.30 3 JACK BENNY, in Charley's Aunt with Kay FRANCIS, James ELLISON Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday MARCH 1.2-3 Last complete show at 8.20 THE FIGHTING ANZACS, in "F orty Thousand Horsemen"' with Grant TAYLOR, Betty BRYANT. Also an ADDED Attraction' "FIESTA" in' Technicolor with ARMIDA and GEORGE GIVOT. NEXT Thursday, Friday and Saturday March 4.5.6 "BROADWAY" with George Raft and Pat O'Brien. EIR CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maple Street. 3 Phone 64 r 13 WATKINS' PRODUCTS Order your Watkins Products from SID KERR Distributor, Uxbridge Write or Phone 119 BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- - Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices e specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave 50c Marcel = -. - T5e| ¢ .Manicure = - - 35c PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED §0 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 ~C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North "Street. ab, Once Yow | riny concs Jere! No writing. "No money orders, No yother "Just call 100% live delivery Fratantiet, MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, .. ~~. Port Perry, Ont, FOR SALE Aladdin Lamp; Bath Tub; Household Scales; Horse Clippers, power; Chair Apply to Fred Brown, gd Settee. py simir Sti, Port Perry. FOR BALE 'Chippewa Potatoes for seed or eat: ing purposes, Apply to V. H. Willes, | 8 miles north of Manchester, on No. 12 2 Highway. FOR SALE Chevrolet car, 1028, in 250d repair, H, Forder, .. good tires. Apply to J. Blackstock, Phone 197 r 6. Toronto, YE DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen St., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68) W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON ~~ Oftice Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleeps Insurance Office.' DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber * Shop. Phone 237, Res. 215 Phones: Port Perry gi LEGAL ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in sitendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncos of each week, or by appointment. * Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) 'RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eact week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service SLENDOR TABLETS -- Harmless and-effective. Two weeks supply, $1. at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. Shorthorn Sale Durham County Shorthorn Associa- tion will hold its 22nd annual auction sale of purebred Shorthorns on Thurs- day, March 4th, at the Lovekin Farm, occupied by Mr. Alex. Prout, located a quarter mile south of Kurv Inn, on No. 2 Highway. There will be offered 18 bulls; 16 heifers and 3 cows, one with a bull calf at foot. This is a very choice offering of young cattle, and with but two exceptions are all from Accredited Herds. All .are negative to the blood test. They have also been inoculated to prevent Shipping Fever. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Lunch may be pro- cured at Mr. Prout's. Proceeds for war work. For catalogue, apply to S. FOR SALE Pure bred Clydesdale filly, rising 3 years, broken; matched teams; York- shire sows and boars. Phone to J. H. Forder, Blackstock, 197r5, Port Perry. PROSPECT Miss Marion Smith, of Toronto, spent the her home here, Mr. and Mrs. E. Conlin in Oshawa on Saturday atisnding the wedding of their nephew, Mrs. Geo. Smith in Toronto on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holtby and Mrs. G.-Webster-in Oshawa on Monday. recent visitor at the home of Mr. L. Diamond. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chumblay, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin and daugh- ter, of Oshawa, were-visitors of Mrs. Frank Martin on Sunday. A quilting was held at the home of Mrs. B. Hill on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Roberts and Mr, Malcolif Roberts, of Toronto, were recent" visitors: of Hele father, Mr, Jf Roberts, Mr. R. Sonley and Mr, R. Vernon, non; of Oshawa, were visitors at the '| home of 'Mr, and Mrs. Frank Vernon. Mr. and Mrs, Dennison, of Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mitchell: on Sunday. - '* Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Edgerton, of of Toronto, were Vibitors of their pa- rents on Sunday. Misses Mary and Helen Conlin, of their parents. a tad aun a BLACKSTOCK Continued from Back Page Crawford, Mrs, Crawford was ap-! pointed convener of committee of her' own | choosing to look after the move- T ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7 pm.--Evening Service. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Pastor i Sunday, February 28th-- 313 11 a.m.--Eden's Adam . 7 pm.--Paul's Armour : Phone 72w, NUTRITION - Eat Right: Feel Right. For Good, Nutritious Meats, Call W. E. MacGREGOR, surcher. |! 'PORT:-PERRY Mrs, H. Walker, of Utica, was a|- CHURCH OF THE ASC ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Sunday, February 28th-- 75th Anniversary of the erection of the Church. ! 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon, The Rector 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, INSION PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor -- P. Taylor 10 a.m.-- Bible Class. 11 a:m.--Divine Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, at 7.00 p.m. -- Chil- dren's Hour. Special Music Lantern Pictures, - Flannel- graphs and Object Talks. x 'Everybody Welcome ment "Something we can do for the women in uniform, and not in uniform Overseas." Delegates appointed to at- tend annual Red Cross meeting on April 2nd at Royal ¥ork Hotel were Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Mrs. V. Archer, Mrs. H. Hooey. The meeting closed with the Nation- al Anthem and prayer. A full report of the year's work as given at the meeting will appear at a later date; also the address on the "Origin and Work of the Red Cross" by Arch- deacon Simpson. - re Our customers thing of the diffic in the coal and lu SERVICE have come to realize that SER VICE has been maintained, profit or no profit. This service will continue, understand some- ulties being faced mber business and pone? Phone 240w . The marriage took place on Satur- day at Davenport United Church, To- ronto, of Lucille Geraldine, daughter of Flying Officer and Mrs. Millard Fallis, Blackstock and Sgt. IS. Eaton, son of Mr. and Mus. Leslie Eaton, of Detroit, Mich. Rev. E. H. Baker, officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in madonna blue wool crepe with a corsage of gardenias. She was at- tended by Miss Elizabeth Eaton, of Detroit, sister of the groom, who wore a gown of winter white wool crepe and also wore gardenias. The groom was attended by Pilot Officer Keith Fallis, Trenton, brother of the bride. The bride's mother was gowned in forest green crepe and the groony's mother in a black crepe en- semble, each wearing corsages of roses and sweet peas. A reception was held at the Hearth. stone Inn. The bride and groom left for a trip to points south, after which they will proceed to New Brunswick where Sgt. Enlon is posted farts, ce > FOR SALE Two Cows Milking Two Sows |Apply W. L. BLUEMAN, _. Phone 101 r 21, Port Perry SCUGOG There will be service on Sunday in the Hall at 2 p.m. and Head Church at 3 p.m. with Mr. B. Smith, Toronto, conducting. We hope the weather and roads will-be good. There should be a large attendance. Mr. John Joblin was called to. his spent the week- a with! home beyond on Monday, February 16, after a few days of illness. Mr. Joblin was born on the Isle of Wight and, came to Canada in 1882 and settled in of Port Perry, and Mr. Ronald Ver-| Bowmanville where he 'was employed for years in the Dominion Piano fac- tory. He was an active church work- er in Bowmanville and was lay reader jand superintendent of the Sunday "School in what is now known -as Trinity United Church. He was also Sunderland, and Miss Willa Edgerton, . the leader of the choir for many years. 'Mr, Joblin later moved to Oshawa where he was employed for a time by the Williams Piano Company, He later followed "his. trade in- Toronto where his wife was called to her home above in 1008. In 1911 he married Miss Minnie E. Joness, Bowmanville, «Mr. and Mrs. Joblin then moved to Red Deer, Alberta, as assistant superin- tendents of the Indian Institute where they served for seven years. In 1918 they came here to take charge of this circuit 'and stayed.-at the parsonage for a couple of years, 'They then pur. [ied the store from Mr. C, Gordon, - » Pilot Geo.' son, he baged up into a mountain", it expedient to - .seck' refuge in soli- tude where he could have communion LAKE SCUGCOGC LUMBER: & COAL CO. r= LEME Cea me RED & WHITE svore War Savings Stamps i IN YOUR FREEDOM Te - , SPECIAL Ln x. -- -_ 25c. SEE Shah =e MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT or OVERCOAT $29.50 NEW SPRING MODELS - ' % yt --- i -< "= -< <>. © -- > Mr. Joblin still helped in the church | and was superintendent of the Sunday School. As his health was failing he retired from the store Rev. F. G. Joblin. His life of 93 years was full of hope and cheerfulness, and remembered for many years to come. business and moved to the parsonage with his son, Harold Hamilton spent Friday with Telative son Oshawa. Mr<, Chuence hus been for the past week parents, James and Mrs. Dickson. Arthur Ward, of Oshawa, week-end visitor with Oliver and Mrs. he did! Lane. many deeds of Kindness that will be) My "William | McCartney dren have moved into the and chil- west end Rev. J. V. McNeely, of King Street of the former Key house. United Church, Oshawa, conducted the | funeral service at McDermott's Funer-, Carey attended party in ! Mr. and Mrs, 1 Surprise birthday al Parlor at Port Perry, and spoke on Friday evening in honor of Mus, | very highly of his f#endship with the deceased. Rev. W. C. Perry = assisted. as did his grandson, Rev. F. H. Joblin, of Bowmanville. 'The body was then taken to Bowman- | for a short service ahd then on at Prospect ville to Toronto for Cemetery. burial Sympathy is extended to his widow, G. Joblin, and four his son, Rev: IF. grandsons, Rev. Elgie Joblin, Muncy; Rev. Kingsley Joblin, Weston; Rev, I, H. goblin, of Bowmanville; in the lL three granddaughters, Gladys, of Caughnawnga, -Quebee; Dorothy (Mrs. Westney, of Pickering), and Marjorie, of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reader, cele- brated their 38th wedding anniversary on. Sunday, February 21st. Many lappy returns of the day. Mrs. J.-Joblin is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. H. Britten, at the home of her daughter, Mus. Ritchie, in Toronto. Miss F. Lackin: was distributing the new ration books at the Centre School on Saturday. -Mr. David Dowson is proving to be a good mail man even though the roads and weather are discouraging. Mr. Ralph Milner and sister Mar- jorie and little--niece Yvonne visited Mrs. S. Chandler on Sunday, _ Miss Edna Prentice visited Mr. Mis: H, Long on Sunday. The ice harvest is in full swing. It is 24 inches thick, but the. top is not as good as it might be. Mrs. Britton Love is visiting her old ir iends Mrs. Geo. Sweetman and Mrs. . Wannamaker fora few days. "The nice mild weather the past few days have brought out some of the birds ----- crows and robins have been seen, Birthday greetings to Mrs. J. Mece- Laren and Mr. 'I. Redman for Feb. 23, Mrs. A. Prentice and Mrs, J. Davey for the 24th, Mr. J. McLaren and Mr. Walter Bratley for the 25th, Mrs. C. Hardy and Keith Hope for the 27th and Mr. Win, Dawsén for the 20th of February-when-it comes, Mr, and Mrs, Louis Pearce and Mary Lou accompanied their uncle Mr. Reid, of Enniskillen, to visit Mrs. Pearce's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Clark at sariposa on Sunday. Te following was received by the Red Cros from George Fines of the RCAF: Dear People, --I want to thank, all you people of the Red Cross on Scfigo Island, for the Christmas box recelyed. It certainly came in handy and was much appreciated. It is just such things as this that keeps the old world ticking. May you all be spared to keep up the good work you are doing, ~-. . Myrtle Staion Rev. G. D. Gault occupied his own pulpit on Sunday. evéning and brought a very fine message to his congrega- tion. Reading a part of Matthew 5 for tlie New Testament seripture les- his sermon on verse 1-- "And sceing the multitude, he went As Jesus found with His father, sp we when evils ane trials beset us, flee to God where we find peace and happiness, Mr, Gault made a special appeal for the Missionary anil Maintenance fund which this year, has not reached the allocation on this charge. books will remain open until next Sun- day, whén it is: hajied 4 § a generous of: The fering will meet the deficiency,, Pte. Stanley Linton, of Brampton, enjoyed a forty-cight hours furlough from Wednesday until Friday even- ing, with Mrs, Linton and friends.* Smith of Port| Mr Pte. Joblin | and Caren's son, Fred Hinton, and Mus and Mr Wi, were | Perey, fof Os and Mrs Harry and Mrs, St Witla Martin and Miss Mar Martin, of Brookling were Sunday vi sites with Clarence and Mors. | rson. he mild type wny victims, both "adult renin this neighborhood. he oH was the seene. of much tivity "on Friday, f-MondanT and Tuesday when distriba- ¢ {tion ui Ration Beek-Nu-2-was made, Rev, Go In Gault and Rev. Wm, Rice | as sisted Reeve' 0. H. Downey, who was chief distribution otliceyg for this Cdistriet, Mr. Georee Holliday, who fractured [his right thigh recently, arrived home thy ambalanee on T y from © (=hawa Hospital. ital -bed-has heen set up in hi home and Me, Hol- lidoy will be "at home", fiteral sense of the term, to his many | friends. Allen and Mus. visited on Sunday parents, Mr, Columbus, Downey and ehildre n with Mrs, Downey's and Mrs. Fred Rbam, of | Mr. and Mrs. Havold:i-Weir and | rl: anid Mrs. Fred Piper and Mrs, Moore, all of Oshawa, were rold and Mus, Sunday guests of Ha- Hamilton, -- The large highway machine for | tearing up the lavers of ice on the pavement has made the road through the village, The pavement is now free of ice humps ard cach day-of sunshine makes the real rod noticeably smaller Fhe Radio Farm Forum Club met | eo ny a grood attendance and an interesting e= at Allen Downey's on Monday- Next Frank | and profitable thme was spent, week the club will meet at Booths. Franl as been appointed CPI section foreman at Renfrew Cand Teft on Monday of last week to up his new duties. and Mrs, Milton Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, son and Danny, visitor mn izhson, GALS, Russell Laimney of Camp | Borde mm ospent Sunday, with his family, Hodgson, of Toronto, were with Norman and Fance-Corporal Merle Ross of Camp Borden, called on his er parents, James and Mrs, Dickson," on *nday, - i tp AP OP FROM A 1HLLTOP By Gloria Harding realized how gfort mate we Canadians are to live in'sicli a. peaceful country as ours. There lay the quict little village, snug in its cosy abode, Swisps of smoke curled gracefully into the air from the chimes steads, The snow lay like a soft, white Blank et, niaking the long sweeps of "fields stretching to the horizon smooth and unending. Here anid there stately trees lifted their" hoary branches towaids the blue sky. Across {the avay | eould hear the merry. voices of little children enjoying the splendid winter sports, From the opposite direction, a team of horses ny skimmed lightly over the =oft snow, en ounte to the village store, Just then the "un cloud. Its. dazzling brightness blinded me Yor a moment. - Then; as 1 again looked down at the calm, little village, T smiled as I thought: x \ "God's in his heaven, All's right with the world." shone forth from Holman of Dagmar, with her | was a -_ ' WALLPAPERS ! Spring Papers are all in. ASK FOR SAMPLE 'BOOK Da a ¢ Pastry Flour, 24's B Co - 4 Lard, Shortening, "Corapetrait, 5c. each, and 4 for 25¢ Navel Oranges, Toronto John Murray, of Port lo Bien Ward, Sunday guests gi : 73¢ ¢ 20 Ibs $3.80 doz. 33c¢. and 45¢ Vv Ta Le stiuce 15c¢, Green Ce lery, ; 2 - for 25¢ . of influenza which is | prevalent -throughout the country a, Saturday, ' YORK FROS TED Fruits, ¢ Vegetables, and lish - ALWAYS i STOCKH F. W. BROCK & SON K PHONE IE PORT PERRY > > a a am a WO > A moa very | 90. 8.0 9 0 0 80000 tees DOA A A SAA A A APA A PEP A a- good job of . BUY WAR ~ - i > D savines sranserrow Bros, Port Perry stowhanks an cach side of the * Rm ARAARAAIAAA AN FRESH BAKING DAILY 3 Bread, Buns, Rolls, Pies, Cakes, i and Tarts. ~~ 4 oY 0 : " y X > "Saturday Special: "Orange Layer Cakes" ese ever cen es essere die ante sseeeeesesee ott EE OA 0 . ER ECR ATR PAA AAT AL AP ATAN Poultry of Ship Your Live and Dressed Potliry to 'pamiord Meal Lloyd Hugh- Sun-! Mus. MilK-fed S. and over 310 0 Ibs. eid I «stood at the top of the hill, H arade A Fowl . and up Under ve of sold, old homes 1 Chickens + Ducky ' sleigh Jack Cottontails a. dbe »oprices f, 0. b Prompt remittances. --_-- Loc al Holstetn-- Lf Aablishes Record | edule Tents w Segis Keyes, a of the purebred Holstein herd if Go HL Walker, Port Perry, has just completed a Reeord of Performance [test with the excelent production of Chiao? he milk containing 587 hs! of covear-old mm 365 days on Wie dn milking, Translated into | with which the fayman is fam- , thi means that she gave an T of - 16 quarts of milk daily or al h fre Ver 65,721 quarts of ntaining "enough butterfat to By ths. of butter. Certainly it nee fault of hers that there is a tage of dairy products as her pro- tom is three times, that of the aver- rembicy Company St. Lawrence Market, "Toronto pial on A Chickens 5 Ibs. FO LIE aia r liry cow. Fo :iid YE Sh "Fowl in, Goud Conditic 1 An "outst anding two-year-old record id ap ap that of Creator "Snow Butter - the property of Edward ad, , Port Perry, . She gave 14,457 wilk containing 543 Ibs, fat in . p fin ws on Lbwice-a-day milking. and yp Loo goers and Howl, 2: le ! Chickens and Fowl, fe I 9 : ther fiest elass record completed 28 per Mb, | "tell ds thal of Queena Supreme, 20 per 1h I by O. 15 Croxall, Port Perry. Rabbit < le" on 4 ring on fost as a junior two-year- v ' : Latfinished Her year with 480 Ibs, PEE PAL fer 12,050 The, milk." Her stable- Supreme, began her yearly vear and 310 days of age. Toronto to. 1d al ona wlerentes--- and gave 12,003 ibs milk" containing huperial Bank of Catan, "oo ibs fat. Both were: milked twice Market and King Sts, Toronto] daily. y I~ ---------------- C--O LN WW

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