Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Mar 1943, p. 2

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"New Battledress For Englishmen? Britain Considering Two: Piece Outfit for Civilians Now they're talking about a standardized "battledress" for civilian men in' Britain -- a two- piece outfit which would do away with not only the vest but collar and tie, Hugh Dalton, president of the board of trade, the government department which controls the distribution of ration coupons for clothes, is approaching the idea cautiously, = "l cannot commit myself," he said, "but there's a great deal to bo said for a sensible costume which will save material for col- lars and ties." 2 London, whose Savile Row tailors dictated styles for men much as Paris once did for wom- en, shudders slightly at the pos. sibility, But already 100,000 agricul- tural workers have - been fitted with reconditioned outfits, dyed green, and they say they like them. Dalton-----who hasn't used a single clothing ration ¢oupon him- self as yet--says he is going to wait a month or so before mak- ing any decision regarding cut- ting of rations. The Daily Mail, in comment on the proposed two-piece outfit, said: "The battledress has. the ad. vantages of being standardized and it gets rid of the waistcoat (vest), but the board of trade has so far boggled at this violent sartorial regimentation of all men and boys." But then, the Mail adds, "after all, Joseph Stalin, leader of the victorious Russian nation, wears a two-pieco suit with no collar or tie." _. Mountain In Middle Of Atlantic Ocean There's a 12,000-foot mountain that not one in a thousand peo- ple hae ever heard of and nobody has ever sceén. It's called Mount Laura Ethel, and it is in the mid. dle of the Atlantic Ocean. Some years ago when a survey ship was engaged in taking ex- perimental soundnigs between Live erpool and New York in conneo- tion with a projected transatlan- tic cable, the officers found to ¢their amazement that their lead touched bottom in mid-ocean at 200 feet. Investigation revealed the submarine mountain. Soundings in other parts of the _ world _have.revealed other moun: tains "and ranges of mountains corresponding in height and con- tour to the Alps and the Andes, but these are some undersea freaks, In the Pacific, of Chile, is a gigantic needle-like monument rising 5,000 feet from the sea- bed. At its base it is only 80 yards round, and the top is a flat, circu- lar surface no bigger than a cart- wheel. No such monument could "possibly stand alone on dry land freed from its supporting "en- velope' of water. Soviet Air Strength _ In the Marck issue of Skyways, Maj. Nathaniel F. Silsbee, chief of the Research Section, Bureau of Public Relations, says the Ger- mans knew the Russian air strength as far back as 1935, and at that time maintained the only aviation 'in the world capable of conducting warfare for an indef- inite period was that of Russia. In "1937, production, estimated at 600 planes a month, expanded three times that figure, or 20,000 a year. "Today," Major Silsheo writes, "there are only two coun- tries in the world which are eco- nomically independent and in a position _to produce airplanes on a mass scale indefinitely -- Rus- sia and the United States." Mineral Oil Used In Storing Eggs It 'has just been announced by the United States Department of Agriculture that tests recently conducted shoiv that eggs dipped in mineral oil will maintain their freshness to an unusual degree during, storage, says The Huron Expositor. : . It was found that oiledw eggs retained 'more. than - half their 'original quality after eight months of storage, while -unojled eggs in the same period dropped to less than a third of their orig- inal quality, It was further found that oiled oggs which were first exposed to partial vacuum and then to car- ; dioxide gas retained séven- eighths of their original grade at the enid of the storage test. ey England's forestry commission ind 800,000,000 small trees ready 5 planting when the war ends, ALL-BRAN TAUGHT ME SOMETHING ABOUT CONSTIPATION) Have you, too, learned what Ave- BRAN can do to relieve the cause of constipation due to the lack of the right amount of "bulk" in the diet? I's @ "better way" than forcing yourself to take harsh purgatives that offer only temporary relief, Just try eating delicious KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every morning. That's the / Simple fneans that thousands use to keep regular, . . NATURALLY! Enjoy it as a cereal or in tasty muffins. . . drink plenty of water . , . and sco' what it does for you! Buy ALL-BRAN at your grocer's, sold in two conve- nient sizes; in individual serving packages at restaurants, Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. "Have You Heard? nr A whimsical professor, trying to emphasize a point in logle, asked his class: "If the United States is bounded on the east 'by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the nérth by Canada and on the south by Mexico, how old am 1?" The brighter students sat dumfound- ed, but the dopiest of them all spoke up: "You'd be 44." Dum- founded in turn, the professor said, "That's right, young man, But how in the world did you know?" The student answered: "That's easy. I have a brother who is half nuts and he's 22." "How kind of you," said the girl, "to bring me those lovely flowers. They are so beautiful and fresh, | believe there is some dew on. them yet." "Yes," stammered .the young man, quite taken aback, "but I am going to pay it off tomorrow." At tho close of his talk before a Sunday school the bishop invit- ed questions, A tiny boy with white, cager®face at once rafsed his hand. "Please sir," said he, "why was - Adam never a baby?" : The bishop coughed, In doubt as to what answer to give, but a little girl, the eldest of several brothers and sisters, came prompt- ly to his aid. "Please, sir," she answered,« smartly, "there was nobody to nurse him," "I hope you enjoyed your game with the major," said the hostess to one of her guests. "He's very clever at cards, isn't he?" "He certainly fs," replied the guest. "He started by telling my fortune, and now he's counting it." "Tell me, Doctor, how do you really know whether a person _is insane?" "Oh, we merely ask a few ques- tions which ordinary people can answer correctly," was the reply. "What type of question?" -- "Well," explained tho alienist, "this is the sort of thing: Captain Cook made three voyages around the world and died during one of them. Which trip was it?" "Oh, 1 say," protested the of- ficial, "I think that is a bit steep.- I'm not very good at history." C.N.R. 'Biggest In N. America With 28,600 miles of road, al most as long as the equator, the ~ Canadian N-tional Railways 18 the largest railway system in North America, and every mile of track, every piece of equipment and every employee is dedicated to Need More Wood ~ To Free Metals For War Goods Owen Sound Firm's Wooden Pails Release Metal For Munitions Under the impact of war-born metal shortages, wood is filling an increasingly important role in Canada's war-time economy, The Dominion is immensely wealthy in this natural resource and is thus able to offset many of the disad- vantages which would normally follow a decrease in the quanti. . ties of metal available for goods other than the actual machines and munitions of war, Many of these peace-time goods are cqually essential in times of war." A case in point is the common pail. Formerly many of these were made of metal. Today, how- ever, wood is proving a wholly acceptable substitute, The Keenan Woodenware Manufacturing Co. Ltd, of Owen Sound is playing an important role in this release of metal for war purposes by the production of wooden pails. This company has increased its produe- tion of wooden pails by approxi- mately 75 per. cent. It is now manufacturing about 20,000 wooden pails every week. It is easy to visualize the amount of metal which this production reé- leases for other purposes, whera wood vould not prove an accept- able substitute, Need More Wood These wooden pails are manu. factured from poplar and bass. wood, which are plentiful in the + Owen Sound district. Neverthe- less, there is a dangerous bottle- neck developing in wooden palit production. Increased production by the Keenan Woodenware Mfg. Co., has, of course, resulted in a greatly increased use of wood. A shortage of this raw material has now developed. Wood is available in the bush, but unless farmers and others in the district co-operate in getting this wood to the factory the production of wooden pails will decrease. This, in turn, will mean diverting preci- ous metal from the production of planes, tanks and guns. Farmers and bush owners in the district have been doing a fine job in the supply of wood, .but more is needed. Prices paid for timber are higher today than at any time in recent years, provid. ing an attractive return for this work. Higher prices coupled with the fact that every wooden pail produced is a distinct aid. to the war effort of the Dominion, should provide incentive for increasing the production of wood. More than half the world's uranium ore, from which radium is derfved," comes from the Bel- gias Congo, Fig trees which produce latex from which' rubber is made have - winning the war, been found in Australia. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should a bride at her second wedding wear a veil? 2. Should one replace a dish that le breaks while visiting, when it was purely an accident? 3. When in company and a pers son is seized with a fit of cough- ing, should he apologize? 1. If a zirl does not care for a certain man's attentions, and this man sends her an expensive gift, what shoald she do? be eaten? / 6. Is it necessary for the hostess /to go to the door with cach de- parting guest at an afternoon af. fair? ; ' Answers 1. No; neither a veil nor a white gown should be worn. 2, Yes; he should make every effort to replace it as soon as possible} 3, No. When the coughing has ceased one may say, "I am sorry," 4. Write a note thanking him, but telling him she cannot accept. Then return the gift at once, 6. With a pointed spoon. 6. It is not necessary; she may go to the door with the last guest. ' HOW CANI?? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I keep woolens soft? - A. If the woolens are rinsed in water of the same temperature as that in which they were washed. they will dry nicely and be as soft as originally, Q. How can I remove the flat taste in boiled water, A, If one is compelled to boil water for drinking purposes, pour it from one pitcher to another three or four times before using. This will remove the flat taste from the water. . Q. How can I prevent cracking when drying wet shoes? A. Do not place wet shoes on the register to dry, They should be dried very slowly to prevent cracking. It is a good idea to stuff them with old paper to insure their retaining their shape as they dry. isi oh Q. How can I make & = potato poultice? - - A. Potatoes are often as ettee- tive as linsced for a poultice. Boil the. potatoes in a bag, and when soft, mash in the bag and apply as hot as can be borne, . © Q. How can I keep the glove clasp from pulling apart? A, Tap the little ball of the clasp lightly with a tack hammer and there will be no troubles in keeping the glove fastened. A Censor As Cupid One of the town's glamorous young creatures, engaged to a sol- dier now in .parts unknown, re- ceived a letter from him written in a tone of gloomy renunciation, says the New Yorker. With his absence dragging on into its sec- ond year, the lad wrote, he would not blame her if she broke her engagement to him and married somebody 'else at home. This had apparently been too much for the censor, who had put his comment in the margin, in large block let- ters: "NONSENSE!" ' 5. How should halved oranges WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING SURGICAL MIRACLE One night on the El Alamein line I was "asked to help at a operation, W. 1. Riegelman wri in Harper's, The patient had/got an anti-tank shell right through his throai/--and another through his shoulder-and part of his. chest. "There, at-1 a.m,, in a little tent not more than seven to ten miles behind the actual fighting 'front, a surgeon began. to operate. He finished two hvurs and forty min- utes later During that time he - completely reconstructed the man's entire larynx '-- neyer hur- ried, never hesitating, never los- ing his patience or presence of mind despite the obvious fact that the man might easily die at any moment; he worked steadily and with 1ufinite care, Three times he gave blood transfusions (1 incidentally hold- ing the needle in the vein because he didn't dare fasten it for fear it might have to be moved at any moment in the event of a clot), Then he performed a_ tracheo- tomy in which he inserted an ar. tificial windpipe (perhaps one of your doctor friends will describe it to you so that you can under. stand what I'm trying to picture), . and then he had to do an intricate: operation on the man's shoulder and chest. ' . INAPIPE! Picobac IT DOES TASTE GOOD GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARID Should Allies Police: _Germany After War? ~ James W. Gerard, ambassador of the United States to Germany during the Great War, is out- spoken, on a subject that is being widély discussed today, the treat- ment of Germany after the war, says The Galt Reporter. Speaking at New York, he said: "International. bankers make me sick, I heard onc suy that we need, after the war, a happy, prosperous Germany. After the last war we kissed the good, kind Germans, gave them food and good United States money, and they repaid us by a gangster war to control the world and started a persecution of a peaceful people which has no parallel even in the TRUCKING INTO TUNISIA middle ages." Mr, Gerard thinks that it will be necessary for the Allied na. tions to police Germany after the war, "otherwise Germans will be torn to pieces by the revenge of the outraged peoples of Europe." Many people are thinking that the conflagration envisaged! by Mr, Gerard, in his last quotation, would not be a bad solution to the German problem. Why not leave the gangsters to the mercy of those whom they have despoil- ed in the worst outbreak of bru. tality and inhumanity that has 'ever been recorded in history? "Pop-out" Raft An automatic "pop-out" raft for shot-down planes is the latest life-saver for military pilots, Carried in a special compartment in the fuselage, the raft springs out as soon as the plane hits the - water, -inflating itself by iin 0 4 of an attached bottle of carbon - sdioxide, Relieve ltch Fast sSeratching 47 For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athe pis Iste's foot, scales, es, rashes and other externally caused ekin troubles, use world-famous, coding, antic septic, li uid DoD, D. A Greaseless, wit he sittin aod quickly on itching. 35¢ Lrial bot es it, or money 5 Tr H "today tx D. D.D. Phecemation, , Prescription. 2 4 inlerse your COUGHING COMES AT WRONG TIMES Thousands use Lymolds to Stop Embarrassment I'm a switchboard operator," writes a Toronto girl, "and LYMOIDS hss helped me over many an embarrassing throat tickle, Now I always carry them." hoarsen r In t rasscason. by LY Fer iot hig relieves throat Irritation. S c boxes. If unobtainable, 10¢ in stamps or coin, to LYMOIDS, 119 Pearl Street, Toronto, | dee Most stores sell LYMOIDS fn handy size 10c and WEIRD SKIES O Ack ack in the night sky over tern of fire and light as Lancaster port on a raid, One of the bombers is ture taken from another plane at VER HAMBURG Hamburg painted this weird pat- bombers soared over the German seen in silhouette in this pie- a higher level. . your HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY. AND EASILY It you are troubled with itching iles or rectal soreness,-do not de- ay treatment and run the risk ot letting this condition become chron. le. Any itching or soreness or paln- ful passago--- of stool Is nature's Jrarning and roper treatment shoilg 1 ecured at once. for 3§ purpose get-a----package of Hem-Ttold from any Srunelot and use as directed, This formula which Is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and ald in healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Rold {s pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and {t seems the elght of folly for any one to h a fine fomedy d and are not rug wii lenny Feil uggist' w a retur your money, 8 ¥: saturn 'MIDDLE-AGE, WOMEN (25) HEED THIS ADVICE!! It you're eros restless, NERVOUS by this period In. a woman's life-- try Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Made espeofally jor women. Hundreds of ousanda re Tiarkaly helped, Follow label direc tions, Made in Canada, yy, . Headed for the Mareth Line and Rommel's redr guard are these . British Highland Division troops crossing the border from the Tri- olitania section of Libya into Tunisia, British attack on Mareth Line . 3 £ orced Gérmans to halt advance against U.S. troops. : - SETS DAND INSTRUMENTS WANTED ° FUEL WOOD WANTED SHOTGUN WANTED BAND & ORCHESTRA _INSTRU- 'MAPLE, BIRCH AND MIXED WANTED, DOUBLE BARREL ments not In use may be turned cordwood. Firs or second Hammer Shotgun; pay good price, - into cash. Send full particulars growth Also Millwood. State Wm. Little, Box 852, Ottawa, to Whaley Royce & Company, full particulars and lowest prices. Ont. 310 Yonge Street, Torédnto, Ont. dices Schicss, 19 Melinda 8t., - 3 AE Chroae tutu PHOTOGRAPHY < -1: DYEING & CLEANING " HYBRIDS WOR EXTRA QIOUR 1 ave TOU ARTTHIRG GWE s DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH im, list, all ages. Fairview Farms, dyelng a panings Wrice % Cod The Heat, Koln, or Hall wl hia or {nformution. We 0 8t. Marys, Ontario. answer ' your gueations. ' act. HAVE YOUR SNAPS B 3 = men , arker"s ye orkas 4 er ICA IL DL Limited, ' 79" Yonge Street, To. Any 8 or 8 exposure film perfectly Prdinte Ge luis 2 d ronto. developed and printed (or.only' 36e, 9: breed desired. Don't for Supreme quality and (ast service et cockerels and capons for the HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL Sourarised. : fean meat markets. Dray Hatch. .| fom eeoi------ | IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE ery, ohn, Hatmuton, On Robertson (method. Information Station J, Toronto - STEP > 5 on request regardin classes. : i RR LL oy TH Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- PATENTS & TRADE MARKS Don't worry about selling; it emy, 137 Avenue Road, . Toronto, looks as It we're in for the big- EGERTON R. CASE, REGISTERED fost eg Ale poultry snarket = FOR SALE Ynited Jlates, Canadien Bash story. g now {t's . atent roey. 1 rat that demands your attentlon;-- WIDE SELECTION, THRILLING Established ih forty Eh 8 the right start--the purchase of and exciting stories. Send only Balsam Avenue, Toronto. Government Approved stock from 25¢ for 4 back numbers; West- o bloodtested breeders -- sturdy, erns, love, Candid Confessions, thriving chicks of unexcelled 1lv- True Detective Cases, Fun Pare POULTRY WANTED . ability--Tweddle Chicks. Chooses ade, Famous Crime - Cases, ete., from all of the "proven best" by one of Canada's largest Pube HENS AND PULLETS WANTED, promt making breeds--also many lishers of Magazines. Send for good priges, Export Packers, sf ybrids. Order early. Firat step: Free catalogue of Book Bargains, Clinton Eireot: oronto--Brarich, send for Tweddle catalogue and Post Office Box 232, Department Brussels, Ontario, Price list, Als turkeys and older W.P,; Toronto, Ontario. ullets. Cockerels at low prices or March. Tweddle Chick ihient OFFER TO INVENTORS POULTRY 4 eries Limite 'ergus, ntario. - 3 'B® 3 : AN OFFER TO BVERY INVENTOR [ 9Q00, PRICES ASSURED, RAISR HOOKS & NOVELTIES 154,58 inventions and full infor Blood 'tested. heavy typo White a ree. ° amsay . 'ock y MEN! SEND 10c FOR WORLDS Co. Rekistered Patent Attorneys, UR, Sosheiols A iat funniest oke novelty and cat. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. Live arrival. Fraok edwards, alogue of sundries ooks an " ONE Walford, t . novelties, Western ! Distributors, PATENTS atl Ontario i fain, Bask, FETHERSTONIA UGH & COMPANY THAIN FOR NURSES- alten i } = BUSINESS FOR SALE ISG 10 Ris Wear tablished APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED [ . r 3 BLACKSMITH. SHOP EQUIPPED Goonier of Information 'on' re nurse Bepramaciirs, to an and stocked, also Grist Mill General Hospital, Cornwall, Ont, equipped with International en- MILK CANS RENEWED - : - Bine and Jolliette grinder, all 5 2 Jinder one reof tood house and RUSTY MILK CANS RETINNED TRUCK WANTED; 0 ne ed. plen arming like new. WW 1 buy MOON I district. Closing estate. .Clarencs Montreal. Tinning &° Rani ns, » Hall TON TRUCK 'ALSO MOTOR Mallory, Bloomfield, Ont. Co. Ltd, Montreal. 1 ILE Box 25, Kirkton, Ontario, . an : ME AL CHICKS ) TEDICAY TRACTOR WANTED BEND. FOR OUR RECORD CHART DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER< tree and catalogue; Six bfeeds er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- WANTED, TRACTOR; FORD, FER. chicks and all ages growling puls itis should try Dixon's* Remedy. Ison, cash... Charles Voyce, lets. Government approved. Havn Munro's Drug' Store, 335 Elgin, Ingsway P.O. Toronto, money, earl order . Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, ' - 1 Prompt deliveries. Satisfaction. " - rer he By guaranteed. nkton Poultry _SUPERFLUOUS HAIR bar, 5 Farm, Monktén, Ontario, PERSONAL <3 r - -- LADIES TROUBLED WITH SUPERS is 3 EGGS WANTED | ELIJAH: COMING ' BEFORE fluous Halr and, espacially "those " Shit Vondertul Book asnt free. Hho hive been disap olnted in . y > + sion, Rochester, New 0 sls; w welcoms: the) WANTED HATCHING EGGS FROM Yobe iy - ' news that 4 Wo possess ap - oxs . nd O.B.8, flocks, all uarante remium pald. Write for full teed Alculara, "Box 81, 78. Adelaide 'W., Toront 3 FARMER: WANTED FARMER, ORCHARD = EXPERI- ence, preferably billngual, mare Southern Quebec farm, qualifications . and voi 0x 734, Family Herald, Wee ly Star, "Montreal. i FOOT BALM BAUMELKA KOT BALM destroys offensive odor lustantly, ie bottle Uitnwn agent, Ben Drug sture, Utlawa, * SKIN TROUDLE 'THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN HELP- ed a Herbal yar. Why not FL Jou Write to the Thuna Harbats sts, for a free sample of our Thoro-Kleen 43 West, Toronto. 4 Queen RHEUMATIC PAINS PROVEN: REMEDY --EVERY , forer of Rhoumaiis ne oy Neurids should ey Plxons Rem. nro's ru t Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid Foo, 2" ISSUE No. 1043 clusive, safe; new 'method 'whic permanently, and somblate , TO moves any growth of superfluous. hair, slight or serious; withou any recurrence whatsoever, Please note partioularly that ours is the only method. carrying, a .written guarantee of permanency, Res ware. of "guarantees" not (a writing. res consultation, Free estimate. Dermat Clinte (8th year In toronto), 220 Yonge: St, To | TRACTOR PARTS TRACTOR PARTS NE used, for all makes of Yenc D General Auto and Tractor Supply, = 18 Frederick 8t., Kitchener, Ont.

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