Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Mar 1943, p. 5

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| a RAFT and Pat O'BRIEN, in , with Janet Blair and Brod Crawford. . SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED ade ella "Road to Morocco _ her brother, Jas. Henry, and other re- Tv PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 4th, 1943 tr BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned. Thursday, Friday and Saturday MARCH 4.5-6 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m "BROADWAY" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MARCH 8.9-10 Last Complete Show at 8.20 "Friendly Enemies" with CHARLIE RUGGLES, . CHARLES WINNINGER, JAMES CRAIG, NANCY KELLY. Also An ADDED Attraction, "Dudes Are Pretty People" with Jimmy Rogers and Marjorie Woodworth, - Next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 11-12-13, BING CROSBY and BOB HOPE, in En CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KINC Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maple Street. Phone 54 r 138 . WATKINS' PRODUCTS Order your Watkins Products from SID KERR Distributor, Uxbridge Write or. Phone 119 BEAUTY PARLOR. PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Oper {gen Yer moderate prices e specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave 50e Marcel = - - 75¢ Manicure: - - 36¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. - 50'Cents SUITS 'CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 'C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street. _ FOR SALE Chippewa Potatoes for seed or eat- ing purposes. Apply to V. H. Willes, 8 miles north of Manchester, on No. 12 Highway. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Palmer (formerly V. Henry) of Winnipeg, has returned to her home after a five week's visit with latives and- friends. A number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Stifison, on the 30th anniver- sary of their marriage. ' Their elder n in'a humorous speech, presented m with a purse ang{the evening was spent, pleasantly in dancing, cards and refreshments. Thé United Chureh W.M.8, met for its February meeting at the home of Mrs. John Larmer. The roll call was answered by telling of some book on missionary work read since the last meéting. ©" Mrs. Roy Taylor read a letter from Miss Laura Hambly, who has com- pleted her missionary term in China, and is on her way home, » Expert RADIO Service 'chased and the roll call for the March .| were processed, and used in bombed DENTISTS THE CHURCHES DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY. WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen 8t., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68J W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Phones: 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening Service. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister and Bible Class PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH + Rev, W, C. Smith, Pastor Sunday, March 7th-- Morning--*"The blind is restored his ARTHUR W. -8. GREER in attendance at my Part Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncos Ofice Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. sight." Office Upstairs, over C. Sleeps Evening -- Proverbs and Modern - Insurance Office. Living. ' CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG ANGLICAN DENTIST Rector--Rev. Willlam Stocks Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: | March Tth-- Shop. Sunday next before Lent, Phone 237, Res. 216° Port Perry| 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. March 10th--Ash Wednesday LEGAL 8 p.m.--Litany and address March 17th--St. Patrick's Day. 8 p.m.--Lantern Lecture First in series, "The Story of our Prayer Book." ' of each week, or by int Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 23 (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 In attendance at my Port Perry office oa Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each ) week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Mclean Radio Service The St. John's W. A. met at the home of Mrs. A. L. Bailey on Feb. 18. Roll call was answered with a quilt block. Several members volunteered to buy the linings. Mrs. R. Parr, Dor- cas secretary, reported that most of the Indian girl's outfit has been pur- meeting will be answered with more articles for her. " The W.A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs; H, VanCamp, on Feb. 28rd. Roll call was answered 'with quilt blocks and paying of fees. Roll call for the next meeting will be a quilt block. Mrs, Hooey reported that the local Red Cross are sending toilet articles to women in uniform and women not in uniform who are serving in Britain. Mrs. V. Archer made an appeal for blood donors and read an interesting article from the Readers' Digest, on "Your Blood Can Go to War". Arrangements were made to have a concert on March 17th to raise funds for W.A. work. Cartwright Branch of the Canadian Red Cross will make a canvass in afd of the Society. We hope they will be well received. Do you know that $215,000 has been contributed to the British Red Cross besides large quan- Tities of materials and supplies; over $2,000,000 in goods and supplies to Russia; $260,000 to China and supplies 'and comforts to Poland, Greece, Bel- gium, Norway, Holland, Fighting French and Czechoslovakia. ,20,000,000 articles of supplies for the armed forces and suffering civil- ians, 2,000,000 parcels of food to pri- son camps, ete. In 1842, 200,000 blood donations areas and other places. 1,000,000 Ibs, of jam and honey were shipped to the British. A 600 bed hospital"was built in England, 36 mobile kitchen units were presented to the British fire fighters, - Surely this will appeal to you, so that your donation will be generous, "Secretary's Annual Report, 1942-43 The annual meeting was held on February 14th. It was decided to have the third Tuesday of each month as PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor -- P. Taylor 10 a.m.--Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Divine "Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, at 7.00 p.m. -- Chil- dren's Hour. Special Music Lantern Pictures, Flannel- graphs and Object Talks. Everybody Welcome Jan, 1, 1942, bal. on hand Receipts from euchres, etc. .... EN $227.74 120.65 Mrs. Sadler's recital, bingo at fair, 49.41 booth, W. Institute, etc......... Tickets on quilts . Tickets on doll Salvage sold Campaign Street Fair and dance TT RA $2226.20 Total receipts Disbursements-- Head Office, 701d campaign ...$520.15 Yarn and work supplies ... .. 469.63 Supplies from local stores 56.53 Prisoners' of War fund ... 200.00 6 Epidemic supply units .......... 27.30 Rent of Rink, tables, etc. ........ 9.00 War Stamps for prizes . Honey for Overseas Stamps and_stationery Exp. of boxes sent Ororscas Total $1406.40 Balance on hand .$819.80 Mrs. F. Stinson, Miss Eva Parr, Auditors. Under direction of Mrs. E. Dorrell, the following donations from organi- zations of Cartwright were made and honey purchased and sent Overseas: Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S, ............$9.60 10201] NUTRITION Eat Right: Feel Right. For Good, Nutritious Meats, Call W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER { - Phone 72w, PORT PERRY ¢ Our customers understand some- thing of the difficulties being faced in the coal and lumber business and have come to realize that SERVICE has been maintained, profit or no profit. This service will continue. Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO. LIMITED WAN 365,000,000 dozen eggs write the peace. possible, above last year. Canada needs those -- this year .. 1943. Part of the increase has" to come from present laying flocks. But another part will have to come from pullets hatched this season, If birds hatched this sca- son are going to deliver any substantial number of eggs this year, they'll have to be good chicks started early and grown right. CEES BRAY" . one million dozen a day! That's 'what we Canadian poultry raisers have been asked to turn out this year to help win the war and W. A. Brown, head of the Dominion Poultry Ser- vice, says that we might "get by™ dozen--but asks for 365,000,000 if it is humanly Even the lower figure is 65,000,000 dozen ~ Demand is exceptionally heavy for certain breeds. give us a second and third choice on breeds, grade and date wanted. Some started chicks available-- first served. : "Order BRAY CHICK TO.DAY-- "HATCHERY Order MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO TED "with 315,000,000 We that this is the profitable as well honestly believe as the patriotic thing to do this vear--start good chicks early, as many as you can handle properly, and as early as you can. Don't go by the date you started them in formér years . ... go by the date you can get your brooder house ready and your feed and fuel on hand! If possible first come, --Agent Blackstock United Y. P, U. . 4.80 Blackstock United W. A. . 4.80 Blackstock United W.M.S, ............ 6.00 Blackstock Anglican A.Y.P.A. .... 4.80 Blackstock Anglican W.A. .... . 4.80 Mrs. Hamilton's S, 8. Class . 2.50 Victoria Women's Institute 14.40 L. 0. L. No. 133 .. . 6.00 1 OB A coumiision . 7.20 $63.90 The balance of 15 cases was paid by Cartwright Red Cross 8.10 Tétal $72.00 Mrs. E. Dorrell, Convener. "PRINCE ALBERT The February meeting of the W.A. was held on the 24th at the home of Mrs. MacGregor. After the regular devotional exercises a business periad followed." "Several "Thank You" lat- ters were read from shut-ins- who had received boxes of fruit at Christmas time. Mrs. W. Martyn and Mrs. B. Snelgrove repoited sewing and knit- ting done for war work by the local ladles. Quiltings were also discussed. 'One quilt top was on display donated the regular meeting day. Eleven meetings were held as well as three executive meetings. During the year we had a skating party and dance,' three euchre parties, also a street fair and dance. We received a silk quilt from Mrs. Woods on which tick-' ets were sold; a donation from L.O.B. A, from Mra. Sadler's recital, pro- ceeds from Doll of Money. A shipment of honey was made for; overseas, a salvage collection wag made, a large quantity of clothing, quilts and seamen's comforts, army and-air force needs were shipped. We have purchased the six emergency units as recommended by headquarters and are conducting a Home Nursing Course. Several blood donations have been 'made at Oshawa and Toronto. There are 1187 people in Cartwright Township, 267 are members of the Canadian Red Cross, Treasurer's Report (Mrs. A. Bailey) Recelpta-- ' lowed, including a Bible Alphabet con- by Mrs. Dobson and pieced by Mrs. B. Smith. Thee were also pieced blocks done by Mrs. A. Plum, At the con-] clusion of the meeting a program fol- test led-by Mrs, Ettey. Mrs. Albert Harper read a lovely article written by a twenty-five year incurable patient of the Weston Sanitarium. It was en- titled "Looking Up." Lunch was served by Mrs, W. Martyn and Mrs. G. ' Luke, and a social time spent. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Grant Hunter on their marriage in Peterborg on Saturday. "Mrs. A. Brown is' 'spending a few days in the village. Even tho' at times it still snows and blows, 'What a treat again it is to hear the crows! | . All have enjoyed the pretty blue- ly Pte. Wellington" Midgley, of Prince Rupert, also Miss Gladys Midgley and Migs. Isobel Hanna, of London, Ont., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Midgley. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. W. Ettey, were Mrs. Brethour of Sun- derland and Mrs. W. Wilson, of Port Perry. Mrs. Grace Teale, and Miss Aileen Reader, spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Clark" -------- > ------ ------ Myrtle Station Rev. D. G. Gault chose a most inter- esting aubjéct for his sermon on Sun- day evening. It was based on I Kings 22:48, Jehosaphat made ships of Tarshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they went not; for they were broken at Ezion-geber." How often we build castles in the air and they fail to materialize? Mr. -Gault's ve- marks dealt with our failures and how we might treat them when they come upon us. Sunday School at 1.45 p.m. and Church service at 7.30 p.m. next Sun- day. : Each week we hear of new victims of the flu; so it will be but a short time now until this district is free of it. sy Little Gordon Grant is carrying an arm in a sling. While sleigh-riding on Thursday of last week, his sleigh ran into a tree causing him to crack his collarbone. ' jays, And robin redbreast will appear one of these days. A Mrs. Robert Gray of Pontypool, and | Mr. W. Malley, of Newcastle, were re- cent visitors with Elwood and Mrs. Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stredwick 1 were in Brooklin on Saturday attending the funeral of their cousin, Wm. Draper. Gnr.. John Maw, R.C.A., Sherbrooke, Que., was home from Friday until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hudgin and Patsy of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, H. H. Hudgin. Frank Downey of Deloro, was home over the week-end. Mr. Wm. Eyers spent the week-end with his family at their home' n' Hawkestone. George Cooper of the R.CA:F. Training School at Galt, was home on Sunday. He's a mean, skulking, miserable wretch! He's all the nasty names you can think of to call him and then some «this fellow called "flu". You go about your business and without warn- ing he sneaks up behind you and touching you with his cold fingers, he says, "You're it!" Immediately you begin to shiver and sniffle. You run for the baking soda, ginger, aspirin, hot lemonade or what have you, But already its too late. Twist and squirm you may, the fiend has you in his grip and how he chuckles to himself as he thinks of the suffering ahead of you! a me RED & WHITE srore SPECIAL "War Savings Stamps _o eva i | 25c. ! INVEST IN YOUR FREEDOM ; MADE.-TO-MEASURE SUIT or OVERCOAT $29.50 NEW SPRING MODELS fi p- ap - WALLPAPERS Spring Papers are all in. ASK FOR SAMPLE BOOK TTI a wa T_ Lard, Shortening, Navel Oranges, -_lTe Ta Pastry Flour, 24's - Grapefruit, 5c. each, and 4 for 25¢ Lettuce 15¢, Green Celery, 2 for 25¢. 73c 20 lbs. $3.80 doz. 33c. and 45¢ > ALWAYS | ll YORK FROSTED Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish N STOCK T-_ PHONE 43 SESE re J F. W. BROCK & SON oo alin PORT PERRY a ee ON - aie ely SRT FLAN OARANNAN + Salurday Special: Phone 32. SABASSAARAARAAARSAANSAAS AY MOON ARNAANARRAR, *3 33% MIAAATLA MARAT tate 3 i Birthday Cakes a Specialty : Patty Shells Made for Orders. "Jellied Doughnuis" "Gerrow bres, Port Perry or) Stelle So os toss Forte sone so 0 0, 0 around. There the cough commences You cough until your throat is sore and there is a danger of coughing up your tonsils, if you happen to have any. It may he, if you have tonsils that tonsilitis may develop, just to make one more drop in your already full cup of misery. Its cough, sneeze, blow your nose. "Thed your doze swells ub idside ad you cad't breathe through id." You feel like cra®ling away somewhere and staying there. | Yes, the best thing to do when the. flu grabs vou to go to bed if possible te ---o-- "GREENBANK Mr. Wm. Boe and Mr. ( Oshawa, visited friends last week. Mr. T. Sharp, Mr. Blake Cragg, Mr. H. Phoenix, were in Hamilton last week. Several. are sick with colds. Glad to report Mrs. W. O'Neill and Mis. Ashton, who have been ill for some time, are improving in health, Glad to report Mrs. Alan Jackson is home from the hospital. Mr. George Till had three and tires stolen from his car one night last week; also a ration book was of c Love. You sneeze. Your eyes begin to burn and ache. Every bone in your body aches---bones you never before real- ized you had----and you feel as though 'Your head aches and seems to have en- you had been used for a football. where they attended. a Guernsey sale. larged to such a degree that you won-| Several attended the sale at Mr. W, der if you can continue to carry it St. John's last Thursday, taken from Phoenix Bros." car which was broken into. Mr. Roy Leask and Phoenix at Auiora last Mr. William Wednesday wheels Poultry Ship Your Live and Dressed Poultry to Bamford Meat Company St. Lara Market, Toronto Dressed . Milk-fed A Chickens 6 Ibs. and over . H to 6 lbs, .. Under 5 lbs.'.. Grade A Fowl 5 Ihs. and up 1 to 5 lbs. .. Under 4 lbs. Live Fowl in*Good Condition $: Ws and UP sunning 23 Cullets 1 Ibs. and up (rade B Chickens and Fowl, 2¢ less Grade C Chickens and Jer), 4c less Live Ducks 4 lbs. and up .... 28¢ per Ib. Dressed .... ...30¢ per 1b, Brown Jack .Rabbits ............ 40c each i Cottontails coor. 3be per pair These prices f. 0. b. Toronto. Prompt remittances. References-- . Imperial Bank of Canada, Market and King Sts., Toronto.

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