Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Mar 1943, p. 7

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FOR FIRST TIME GRAPES IN LEAD OVER APPLE CROP Department of Agriculture Report Shows Grapes Most Valuable Fruit Crop in Ontario in 1942 === : EE AMERICAN GUARDS LINE UP GERMAN SUB CREW PRISON Arabs and Jews VOICE ee In Allied Cause p R E S S " Jewish:Arab Troops Won - Spurs Fighting in France EY ge THE SAME BREED ; Thirty per cent of Canadians, One of the greatest disappoint | 4000 ding to a Gallup Poll sur- ments to Dr. Goebbels must have vey, haven't heard of John Brack- been the way in which, when war en. It must be that this thirty broke "out, the Arabs and Jews in : p Palestine forgot, thelr differences »| F&F cent is made up of the peo- - with one another and fought side ple whe are called on to answer . : ; . questions on . radio "quiz" pro- by side in the cause--of the Allies. grams. Few 0 them seem to have The first Palestinfan units formed Neard ot 50de. thi ' were ploneera, that is to say, they card "ol anyopody or anything a all, --Ottawa Citizen, carried out non-combiatant duties such as digging and buildipg. | os They were among the last units oF : to be evacuated from France, and as a result of their conduct under fire, they were turned into fighting' . ---- , Grapes in 1942 for the first time took the lead over apples as the most valuable fruit crop of Ontario according to the monthly crop report just issued of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. "The cash return to the grape growers of Ontario in 1942 was $1,701,600, an increase of $612,300 over 1941. The grape crop was of exceptional size 36,000 tons against 22,500 tons the previous year, In spite of the unusually large production the satisfactory aver- ago price of $47.27 per ton was obtained by the growers, As evidénce of the firm demand was the fact that the average price obtained was $2.27 over the price of $45.00 per ton paid by the wineries. * Each year the price paid by Ontario wineries is agéeed upon between. the grape growers and the wine producers and then approved as equitable by the. Ontario Liquor Control Board. In 7 out of the last 10 years this agreed upon price has been higher than the open market price, The appeal for books for the men of the services is still im- | -.. portant, But remember that the men want the sort-of books that units, and attached to a famous oy British infantry regiment, the most of us at home want--books The grape growers also have the additional market protection of Buffs. They wore the badge and that you hesitate to"part with-- the provision of the Liquor Control Act that there must be at least and not the old, dry-as-dust vol umes in which you have no furth- --er interest.--Ottawa Citizen, PARENTAL PROBLEMS flashes of that regiment. the juice of one ton of grapes in each 250 gallons of finished Ontario Now they have been formed wine, into a separate regiment as a per- manent addition to the strength of the British Army overseas, and ' v Of the large 1912 grape crop 70% (26,000 tons) was purchased by the wineries, a striking example of economic importance of the Ontario Wine Industry to the grape growers of the Niagara Peninsula and of the benefits of sound co-operative marketing between grower take their place with the other Life holds little but worries SH wot SEY : colonial regiments which have set for parents nowadays, What with SEES EE PRI afi al an nn a dil a be edn "ahd Nek and processor, such a fine example. trying to convince the bus driver The entire crew of a German U-boat, captured after beaching their sub, is lined up under the Apples were second in value with a production of 616,950 barrels The Malta Artillery is probably that little Willie is under 6, and watchful eves of their American guards before,they are sent off to an internment camp. The sub- valued at $1,610,600. This was 2050 barrels and $145,300 greater the best known of these, because of fits 'part in defending that "un- sinkable aircraft carrier." the Ration Board that he is over 12, it hardly seems worth while trying to raise a family.--Wind- marine. was badly damaged by British depth charges off the North African Coast. THE WAR . WEEK -- Commentary on Current Evenls come the Japanese on the front on which they are most vulner- than in 1941, The comparative figures (1041-1012) on the balance of the fruit crops ave as follows: But the Transjordan Frontier sor Star. . Force, including the Arab Leglon, . ene ron T d G . able. But before we can develop Fruit -Unit Production Value Production Value bore a heavy share of the Syrla TAXED FOR THE PRIVILEGE : an adequate supply route we must : 911 942 fighting in 1940, and the King's In tis country peopls are priv 0- ay ermans No Longer Fight first reconquer Burma; to re- amalouysy si 132.200 02600 gd 3 133.000 ° ¥ " ' : . errie Hus. 3 50,400. 245,6 4 African Rifles covered themselves | yoyog to make money for thom. For Conquest But For Survival conde Ninny ¥e Must have sul Peaches bus. 700,000 1,203/000 795,000 1,309,200 with glory 1h the East Atrlean cae {| ves. some more than. others ficient spa power in the Day of Pears bus 167,200 210,900 307,900 114,500 'ear. J oY 9 hdolid : ! "hay - dita paign in the same year, All privileges must be paid for, i . Longs) bravest the, Tales of Plums bus. 143,500 208,600 125,000 206,900 and taxes merely repay the coun- However this war may end In | and amateurish. Never before had DRNOm 4 Ireoinams at dha Raspberries ats. 4,067,700 668,600 4,375,000 901,400 . goon; and to make sea power © Strawberries qts. 6,118,000 550,000 5,117,300 671,200 "SON'S" A GIRL carga om rye, try for the privilege of earning money and possessing it. --Chatham News, BETTER THAN FICTION Amazing man, Churchill, dad some novelist put a character in a book. who would do the things detail, and however difficult and possibly circuitous our road to vic tory may still be, this much has already been decided: Another and perhaps the most formidable at- tempt in history by any one man or nation to conquer -the rest of the world has again ended In failure. From the Persians and it quite covered so much territory. And, one shudders to realize in retrospect, never UYefore had one come quite so close lo success. Free World United And yet it failed. 1t failed be- cause this, like all previous similar attempts, was based on contemp! for the unconquerable human available for this purpose we must first. win the present Battlo of the Mediterranean. We come back to the conception of a global war, in which all fighting fronts are mevely segments of one gnighty struggle. Ri Chiang and Stalin ~ It will be noted. that cantaloupes, plums, raspberries, straw- berries, sweet and sour cherries brought higher prices than-in 1941, Peaches while larger in gross returns because of the increased quan- tity produced slightly less in unit value, tish Isles, where they will be dis- tributed through the National "Al. fotments Association, gardens, There ave stl sufficient seads at home to promote a do- mestic Victory Garden plan call. dk i Thi nt wl "he, Mechs $0 us Germans, from pin thas 29 Matar ogo £19 Dae iwillien jzuies Saiod ing for garden Plots on the na. in tia hy avius to er, one conqueror crush, alle because in their themselves o 1s service las tion's 6,000,000 farms and in 12,- HO would have said" Pooh! Just fic- after another bestrode the earth extremity the British and the Pus . Not At Conference year, and the aim is to double the 000,000 backyards iu cities, a A ti tion. > ew he kuew, left behind him a trail sians found hidden wells of | vais C total this Spring. The kits cost and villages. ; Bh a =RKinggon Whig-Standard. | 4; y1o6d and destruction, and dis- strength that enabled them to It's not true that Chiang Kai. the donor $1 and include 17 1 vet epm---- b. Ward 3 -- appeared, Hitler is the latest of turn the tables on the conquerors. shek was invited to the Roosevelt. packets with 11 kinds of vege. S 11 Pl C 1S COLLABORATION them, and Hitler is also on the It failed because in the conquered Churchill. mecting, says News. tubles such as turnips, onions, eagu ane Lan : There was something eminent. delivered by Goering, and punc- tuated by the R.A.I."--Stratford Beacon-Herald. line trom the Nile to Tobruk and from there by road, More than 3,000,000 gallons of gasoline and more than 8,000 tons of ammurition had to be delivered to the advancing .roops.- In a single hour during the bar. 'raga. preparatory to the attack on El Alamein, the field guns alone fired 1,000,000 pounds of shells, mes Thamesford to Highway T via Kintore ; Eglinton Avénue, Dawes Road to To. " SCHEDULE "B" roads lying north of the Beyern AL. ror 4 [+ of Highway 7 from detland Corners to Perth and north and west of Highways 15 and rom Perth to Arnprior, with the exception that this will not apely to Highway 17 from Arnprior to Pembroke, Toronto, Ontario, Feb, 27, 1943. 1 way out, His dreams of world con- quest lie buried beneath the snows fight for conquest but for survival, and tho hope of even that Is be- ing drowned out by the thunder of the approaching guns and the countries resistance could not be crushed conlpletely, and therefore _ cause of the fallacy of thel idea that any one nation has a mon- opoly on energy, or knowledge, or courage, and the Nazis' under- week, Stalin was asked to attend and, sinco Chiang is fighting only couldnt be expected to come to any conference attended by the Generalissimo, The Red leader's failure to accept the invitation is beets, beans, carrots and parsnips --those readily stored against the seeds are being dispatched to the U. S. S. R. by the Russian War Relief Society. Farm crews will plant these seeds on soil once Land On the Sea 3%. Baosing in the . radio oun: Of Russia, and the shadows are not only required dispersal of tho the nation with which Russia is winter, The = Curtiss-Wright Corpora- 3 er's temth annjversary radio 4 closing in on him and his deluded conqueror's forces but also sapped striving desperately to remain. on Plenty For Home Gardens tion has announced that a new speech was written by Goebbels, nation. Today the Nazis no longer thelr moral stamina. Tt failed be- peaceful terms, obviously Stalin More than 1,000,000 pounds of type of plane, the Curtiss Sea Rk : ) { plane, ss Sea. gull, is being delivered to the British leet, The Royal Navy calls the ship the Scamew, the European name -- t i f ; bursting bombs already falling in estimation of America's own pro- thoroughly understood in both trod by German invaders and in for seagulls. The plane is desi celia, \ their midst, says the New York duction and fighting spirit was the Washington and London. He is plots around newly established Soa > bg ne a3 Sn. Times. : Jes Tulohi Awithp Shair-many 1 pevsonally direcling the comnters § Siotories" tagond Ae TERED § rod rime be a ia shiny Plan For Conquest miscalculations. It failed, above | offensive against Germany, and it | 60" idowestorn seed dealer doe | fo a 1 Fe of tly- ET + Soi Meh La SR Ce i, WE I Like every would-be conqueror | all, because the world has learned would have been impossible for pated 5,000 pounds of tomato ing ry ais anes n retarn it A in the past, Hitler also thought this mich atleast, that a common him to send a representative, seeds, ) bof ah ils Ae SER to be picked ONTARIO that ho alone had found the key | menace can be met only by a com- since no one can speak for him Chinese families. too. will be up bY x Sarship or cb, - otor hi . 5 i RY Wii' R ee 3 f a carrier. The Seamew car i NOTICE TO TRUCKERS to victory, which in his case bears mon effort, and the assembly of on military matters. The hopeful assisted by money sent from men A the name of total war--war In the United Nations {s the demon- talk of a "Big Four" strategy United China Riliol Headiuarters men. HALF-LOADING REGULATIONS : every field and with. superior stration that in the future, as in board is extremely premature. As oy Pe oo seeds 9 tint - Y " SE 5 Mt ase 4 Copy of an Order-in-Councll np- weapons and technique, not only tho past, the free world will in long as Russia and Japan manage By irrigation, intelligent crop 0 2 } proved : by (he Honourable, the on the battlefield but also in the the end always unite to battle to remain at peace, China and the The United States Denartovent rotation and terracing, the people . It's a boy," they told Mrs, Ann ne piri AT i pa 9 ie realm of economy and ideas. Fac- against those who would enslave |- Soviet cannot be brought into f Agriculture 2 id ih i of Malta have over 421000 Irene Peile after she had given : + Pe : ing the "world in which Anpglo- | -it. Hitler knows this today, and military talks with the U.S. and I iy on : Tay y ber ual tof ns birth to a baby in a Los Angeles 1tpon fe recommendation of the American sea power was the de- tomorrow the Japanese will know Britain, ea . needn't fear that this heavy ouigo inde bahia, Hi of a tot t hospital on January 16. aed and Manicips Attain C po! dlighways cisive arm of lav, and order, he it as well. oo will jeopardize American victory area of bU, acres. days later the hospital change of Council advise that, pursuant to and his collaborators developed "The China Front . ' signals -and announced, "It's a SECs ienss aid AStesiion Seite new military tactics based on air The eloquent appeal for greater Seeds Of Victory LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher girl!" So Kirch Barry Peile be- | .R.5.0. 1937), the provisions of the cab rower, a new strategy based on aid to China-made last week by : came Velma Ann, ghown above ee Ysitared to Le applicable a "geopolitics," a new cconomy- | Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek came al- To Sprout Abroad 2 with her mother. "The mixup Schedules A and yey Sertbed on based on German sclence, and a most at the moment when dis- caused Mrs, Peile "shock, humil- SCHEDULE "A" new propaganda based on racial patches. from China announced 500,000,000 Garden Seeds To iation and doubt" to the amount Tr to Flesherion 3h Wj hatreds and the right of might. the -opening of a new Japanese Be Sent To Allied Nations of $110,000, she stated in fifig . ham to Highway 8 ng: Air power was (o conquer sea offensive. Atta have been 3% suit against the hospital, a doc- J ghway 21 to Tobermory power; land conquest of the Eur. launched at widely scattored "Springtime Victory Gard of tor and several hospital attaches. (I Parkin and yon) asian "heartland" was to deprive | points in North, Central and South will bo i int i nd 7A" Manchester to Highway 28 sea power of its bases and there- China. Despite their preoccupa- i hi Uni 8 Orangeville to Schomtiers - sian, Chinese and other United cs 12 Midland to Orllila-and Beaverton ia drive 2 from it seas; and | tion in the nou Taste te Jar Notions wort this Jour. feats babs WwW 0 Brechin e submarine was to nu sea anese seem to have plenty of ar- : : Life 8 ork Given i Fellows 30 Mermora, power -even in the supply ot its tillery and their aircraft is active Don.0o9 Teds hey lieing Wispates 3 1gin to s Falls ntries ec Sentence of Death -1BA Kingsville via Lakeshore Road fo home lands. But German science, over most of the front. It remains "United States Food Distripution .. Highway 18 producing synthetic products from to be seen if this is the beginning ES tote . ) Ss « 4 18B Ruthven to Highway 18 " + Administration and the British, ? 19 Milverton to Tralee available materials, was to de- of a coordinated major campaign. : doi Mr. Finlay McGillivray, 60-year- A For : igh i Russian, Chinese and other war Forest to Owen Sound prive sea power of {ts most fm. This Is the sixth year of the war ; A) old famous cattle breeder, of Aldle, 123 Mitchell to Elginfield portant weapon, the blockade, Ger- in China. It is a land of hope de- relief societies here. Kinrosshire, collapsed alter see- 24 Guelph to Orangéville and Shel- oh : ' | : Ny .With the United Nations count- burne to Collingwood man regimedtation was to renlace ferred and, certainly up to now, 3 : ; ing his work of a lifetime rulned. 25 Milton to Acton . gold with "labor" and thereby the neglected front of this war ing heavily on such gardens to - He Is seriously III. Dundas St. (Highway 5) to Barrie . y re alleviate food shortages all across 129 Arnprior to Smith's Falls nullity the ancient anxiom that China is more completely isolated ; 3 A_week ago a case of foot-and: 30 Brighton to Havelock oly i ; lay tt the map, housewives and children mouth disease was discovered 31 Ottawa to Morrisburg money -sonsutates. the -sinows.. of toaay Ahan 2) Bay Hime sings she ill by ing f vs and d among Mr. McGillivray's herd of 32 Gananoque to Highway 15 war. And the new propaganda was took 'up arms to defend herself, |=! x Trou : i g Mr. Jenin i 3 Stirling to Bloomfield and Pleton to soften up the democratic op- General Wavell's Burma offensive ping Ameriean-prowy . "Seedy 4 3 pedigree Short BN oa 9.4 is 7 1) Hopes ios anatet ponents through "Fifth Columns" is still only a minor harassment victory" in British parks and % erd had taken more than 20 years 35 Newcastle io Highway 7 and erect a hierarchical finter- of the enemy. We have indeed castle moats, in once-ravaged i vi joseiner 2 Aster Hoi i fAetinolite, national structure domimted by managed to get some planes into Russian farmlands and even in Pk n - or ye bre o Toe | 3 Windsor via elle River to migh | the German 'master race" to pro. | action fn China. But they are too | shell craters, when spring rolls 3 wih Thel pi iy maging 40 Cofunna to 9% miles south vide the new world conqueror fow and too Inadequately serviced around. X 4 hh Sook une gute was a 41 Plcton to Kaladar 3 with cannon fodder, slaves, food to check the Japanese. Now more Put Up In Kit ' { vr gh Mi on io og bi Wine rote Ai andsa and ammunition. : are promised. But the Chinese The Food Distribution Admin. ' 4 SF ike value of ibe herd 13 £100, 34 Carp. to Almonte a ~~ Plan Close To Success know that not even 500 -American teation 15 supine sof ; ; - Jobourg to Norwood Never before had a plan for planes can drive out the enemy ie &ecds, bul is asgisted by the : Me gy 1 he hi Re roo iia world conquest been worked out | While Ching, in General Stilwell's | relief societies. The. British War = Bl make the hardest decision of his. 49 Klelnberg to Highway 50 with such scientific precision, nor salty phrase, remains "the last telief Society, having fashioned a + 1if Finally he gave his sanction 50 Highway 7 to Highway 9 prec ' * A tor ; : 5 inally Ba e hy x th Bl Caledon: to 1fighsay 21 was one ever before carried out stop on the line." kit containing sufficient seeds for i Ine sentence. of death" on the, | Highway 2 to Peter's Corners and | with such savago ruthlessness. In Nothing less than opening up vegetables for a family of five Lig || NY ~~, 42 - ord. eT 5 i ARB AL » comparison, ever tho undertakings | an adequato supply route and | for an entire year, has prepared a rz 0a Lk 4 Cie 1. Bl Qlonile to Corus a ot 'Alexander, Napoleon and Wil- | equipping the Chinese. Army as uw | 125,000 of these and sent halt "To tell you the truth about school, Pop, 1 heliove I've started ih A Million Pounds B en ot iE 3 'Ham [L. look . almost improvised modern fighting: force will over- that number already to the Bri. something | can't finish." Bi Of Shells An Hour | & Hemi iii a -- iy 8 of - . BAAN y 9 therley to Washago 3 p 6" » . 1 - ; 3 Dorchecter Roa 15 Port Bruce Bluey and Curley of the Anzacs "A hurry-up call. By Gurney (Australia) Desert fighting 18 neaven for the 74 Belmont to New Sarum : : : 7 Watford to Highway 2 via Both- strategist but a nightmare for the well g , et, ' ' quartermaster. So said a captured | 80 Alvinston to Highway 2 nA IH CALLING FOR VOLUNTEERS To Of YEAH, 'TS UNDER THe WHY DIDNT 7 NN, German general, who could not get BL . Delaware to Grand Len . HT Yi i sa So IT MIGHT out of the way of the British Eighth | 53. bo hraje jo Highwey 7 REMOVE A TME-BOMB. IT MIGHT Wiehe. 15. WET CANTEEN / / Yo 'RIPES \ i Army : '84. St. Joseph to Hensal EXPLODE ANY MINUTE .....ANY SECOND." ANYWAY 7 ; : "-- ') Y@o ORF! a ¥ . 86 Amberley to Highway 7~ "5 Fr © Here are some of the problems | 87 Bluevale to Hauriston, ie ee + i Lieut, Gen. Sir' W. C. Lindsell, 88 Bondhead to Bradfor : [3 PID Tansre . «= ig : I Cr Ww . A quartermaster-general in the Near | 57. Primrose fo Cookstown, y : Vis ) Ng 7 . Bye East, had to solve: i 92 Eimyale to Wasaga Beach More bi 300 fie 254 iin 3 Hitkson to" ree 4 ; were needed by the Eig rmy 99 Dundas to Hig! Merlin daily. This -was brought by plpe- Tibury to Blenietm via J

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