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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Mar 1943, p. 1

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VIBRATE AF SL EE dbo hails bed dss AA i AY. A 2 » A Eu ng 4 . ANT ENS) i: > | / Walch your label; it tells when your SAMUEL FARMER, 3 ~Bubscription expires. Editor and Publisher aN ) eh --$1 in advance. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 18th, 1943 / oo SLL iar in advance EDITORIAL 'Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam, his first, best country ever is at home.--Goldsmith, "HOW DO YOU TURN THE DIAL? - There are some excellent ways of increasing one's knowledge, and gaining a world-wide view blems, And the characters become very real. "Treasure Trail and quiz programs are very valuable in discovering how little one knows, "and how much there is to learn. terested and informed. It is a distinct loss that How Many of these Useful' Activities Can You Do? These Questionaires were recently submitted to the students of Port Perry was a gangng of from 12 'from 22 to 96 for the girls, High School. The result to 90 for the boys, and What is your standing? om " To the Home Folks Away from Home. Letter to Those on Active Service ---- ae -- = oily Ee ---- pular place among the young fellows. ° Skating has had many devotees. of things if. you listen to the right radio broad- RX ew ide i Doth: © ; casts, Te oe also oh items that will help Of course, Charlie McCarthy, the Brewster Boys-- Girls Spring made another bow last week, Le es hs een a / you put in the time, and let it go at that, The Boy, Henry Aldrich, Fibber McGee and Mollie, To answer "yes" you must have a | Can you? and took away a lot more snow. The Principal McClellan has "oh ed tho : latter class reminds one of the definition given and our old friends Amos and Andy, all have working knowledge of the activity. creek running beside the bowling questionnaires --one for oy aid he by a piano pupil when asked the meaning of a place as fun makers. "A little nonsense now Cib you? 1. Use a hoe green is growing bigger. The ruts for givis There ao dhe hundred "pp". The answer was "please pound". and then is relished by the wisest men", but an you 2. Pick fruit on the hill grow deeper. There are dudsticns for each by "wre WE Te Is Guriieing Now. Bh. Homanoik la. doiie there is no need to make a complete diet of 1. Drive hotass 3. Plant and care for a garden more farmers looking for machinery estes " hn) Wings Ake prank by boys and girls while the radio is going full radio pickles. 2, Harness a team hy Peal ikem h and harness repairs, There i . ; blast. The youngsters must have great powers In the. domestic circle there have been Mrs 3. Drive a 4-horse team . iy rl aying hens Port Perry is to have a Seed Fair. ere 15 Sothing lire a question. i! of concentration, Of course, sometimes they Aitken (now doing food conservation' work for Dive.s hore of hoy Tork oy oy Chic rid tor Aunt Tillie is_in the offing. This habe i fing 4 Sha! yon know--or i - slip a bit, and don't get the right answer. - There the Government), Monica Mugan and others. : y fh ge i ¢ - or the oven ime she is going to sea, if she can if ig The editor teied. out ¥ is no need to give details of the "please pound" These ladies have kept the housewives both In- - Drive team on walking plow hy Det e and candle eggs finally gather up her luggage--and | the Povs' list and didn't get a pass. é ; . Drive team on mower . Drive horses her votinie, ) You see, this is a modern list, mostly J type of radio program, Just turn the dial, and you can listen in to it almost any time--or keep the machine going, and you'll be sure to strike it sooner or later. The other type of radio program requires a bit more care in selection. First, consider the news. If you are a news fan, you can spend an hour or two each day listening to news about bombs dropping, plane crashing, towns destroyed, divisions wiped out. And to-morrow you can hear the same thing over Mrs. Aitken is no longer on the air as formerly. For sports lovers, Foster Hewitt gives the summary and the point by point report of inter- national hockey on Saturday nights: i At the present time there are Lenten medi- tations, and on Sunday good church services ure broadcast. Special travel sketches, farm, and other fo- rums, give wide scope to the knowledge the radio transmits. F . Drill grain - . Use a scuffler 10. Operate a riding cultivator 11. Operate the disc harrow 12, Operate a corn planter 13. Operate a cyclone seeder 14. Operate a side delivery rake 16. Load hay 4 [3 6. 7. Drive team on harrows 8 9. 10. Harness a horse 11. Curry and brush a horse 12, Drive a binder 13. Drive team on other implements 14. Cultivate with one horse 16. Hitch horse to buggy 16. Drive horse on hay fork 17. Drive a tractor 18. Plough with a tractor 19. Drive a car 20. Change oil in a'car The "flu" has apparently done enough damage for this time. Most of our people have suffered an attack, and have recovered. Cyrus Switzer is nicely after weeks ago. again soon. The doctors have had a very busy time. We are fortunate to have two getting along his' accident of some He will likely be about to do with farming. Now my farm- ing' was done fifty years ago before there were any tractors, or autos, or cyclone seeders or blowers. Most of the machinery was of the "Arm. strong" type. Even at that, 1 got 34 out of a hundred. In the general run, the boy's result in answers ran from 12 to 90; and the girl's from 22 to 96. - . The idea of relating academic edu- \ sgeln, phi HH) TN tn es Ey y The moral of all this is to use the radio spay- | 16. Mow hay in the barn "i hiv ® car or tractor good ones. bik . cation " real Pomp bi ving tn 2 to know as to the general war situation. ingly; and use it with set purpose, carefully 17. Operate a hay fork 4) a h 204s i Two inspectors visited our High course, you've heard the story of 3 The commentators such as Willson Woodside, avoiding cluttering up the mind - with so much 18- Operate slings a 260 2 08 School last week, and gave it a verylgumho und the professor. Sambo a pe stuff that it becomes a hopeless confusion. It 24, Paint furniture . high rating as to agriculture, shop-| (ook he professor out i i Grattan O'Leary, Pepviond Syne, and oars T2868 Toth, FakarPRISTUL SWEeNBN Sor £o4 the 19. Operate a buck rake 25. Paint walls or trim of house. work, and household science. bn pd a 3 Sos § Bias eis sibs bore i best out of radio than it does to read good 20. Dive a tractor 2% vy bin papering By the way, when you come back, Sambo's E00 Eton, ! It wos ll y , the progress of the war.- In war's swing of the books. It is a continuous performance. It is 21. Drive an automobile ry roan floors you will likely find the Collacutt deficient, and as one defect after ih pendulum, we need just such enlightenment and so easy to miss the key word or the main idea. 22, Drive a tractor and plow my Work oy utensils arn gone, and in its place a lovely another came to light, the professor ¢ warning. Without it the public might become After that there's no turning back to take 23. Change oil in tractor or car oy Clean pio arden. The old barn was quite al, exclaim, "Man alive, you've 3 easily alarmed or unduly optimistic and careless. another Jk, or to refresh your vaemory. 24. Change tire on car 81. Clean lamps or lanterns I " I afte Her I VET missed half your life". The wind Py Then there are those great speeches by Win- No instrument _on earth has greater: possibili- 25. Simonize a car 32, Operate & vacuum cleaner Sed war un or erb, wen, came up in a sudden squall and the i ston Churehill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mil. fas in: boadussing Sprain ghd, helpruls 26. Adjust taffets on car or tractor |33. Operate an electric washer have " whi Raging ti hag Pow ws Wpuk, Seas shastdes ol lions listen to these, and are better informed by knowledge, nor is there any instrument that : 4. Operate an electric stove $ cetion With f «professor, kin yer swim?" "No!" 1) 'what they hear, and are inspired by a high ideal. Music is of two types--jazz and' otherwise. Here, again, the former need not be discussed; but it is important that the latter shall find a proper place in education by radio. The field of music is very varied. Simple folk songs such as those written by. Stephen Foster; spirituals like those given in "Wings over Jordan" or by the "Deep River Boys"; _ can be so easily misused, The appeals for Red Cross, Victory Bond sales, ete. could never be put across so succesg- fully were it not for the radio. For a quick way of keeping the public informed, it has no equal. . re A GARDEN AT EVERY HOME CL. Philharmonic and other orchestras, with-helpful comment by such men as Deems Taylor; the operas, and rich sacred music, make a helpful Spring is due. shortly. Now is the time to plan your garden for this year. It is not only a ~~ 27. Grease a buggy 28. Grease a wagon _ 29. Operate a stationary gas engine 30, Milk cows (dry hand) 31. Feed cows 32. Clean stables 33. Teach a calf to drink 34. Operate a litter carrier 86. Curry and brush cows and horses 36. Feed pigs dnd 37. Estimate amount of feed to give 36. Do a washing by hand; use bluing; make and use starch ' 36. Iron linens 37. Iron rayons and silks 38.-Iron a man's shirt ~ 39. Press a man's suit; pleated skith 40. Darn socks 41. Patch a hole 42. Sew on buttons '43. Make a button hole 44. Wash fine linens 45. Wash finé,woollens 4 every home in town and country. The idea is gaining favor. The gradual disappearance of canned goods on lo- cal shelves points to the fact that we shall have to depend more and more upon ourselves. Nothing. se- rious as yet; but straws show which way the wind is blowing. It ought to be profitable, and a healthy way to put in the leisure time that will be more plentiful with fewer cars running. As one man put it, "It is hardly sputtered the professor. "Then, 1 guess yer whole life is gone." You 'are getting a splendid chance these days to make up for the time when you thought that High School was a bit of a nuisance--if you did. The Government is spending $10,000,- 000 to teach High School subjects to soldiers, 2 "You may be sure that you will need every skill and knowledge that you can command, both now and when you program to suit a wide variety of tastes. patriotic duty; but your own garden can supply 38. Put rings in a pig's nose 6. Wash rayons and silks worthwhile to pay for license and in-| &¢t back. ; "Newbridge" is a quaint and humanly interest- you with fresh vegetables that will not be so 39, Shear sheep 47. Wash and clothe a baby surance when you can only get 120 Be prepared. Don't depend too 7 ing story of the doings of the small town in readily available on the open market. It will be 10. Dok latby i" 48. Render first aid for cuts gallons of gas in a year--and per-| much upon the gratitude of the A time of war. In most. interesting fashion, just as well to buy your seeds early. Most of 41. Dip sheep 49. Can fruits a haps no tires. It will be a new ex-| people whom you now defend. Re- methods are told of dealing with local war pro- them can be bought in Port Perry. 42. Drench sheep for parasites 60. Can vegetables perience for some; but there are realluember, lw a new set of com- - 43. Tell age of sheep by teeth iy Make pickles pleasures in gardening, even if there| petitors. irls are making good . Make jams = : " : 1 44. Tell age of horse by teeth 53. Make jellies - ary Sous Yeohs. had in many lines, so be prepared. ] -9 g 45. Feed chicks : ; e rin as had a pretty good To-Day's Challenge to the Church B | OOD 46. Operate an incubator by Maks Pies season, Hockey of a local nature-- Yours truly, } i Speoial Committee of Oshawa Presbytery (United ; 47. Operate a brooder on am es from Midgets up -- has found a po- THE EDITOR. - : 48 : Z . Caponize chicks 57. Make doughnuts 2 Church) Studies Ways and Means. D : "| 49. Sex Barred Rock chicks 5 Said 4 - S y . 8. Make bread : ( ) ( ) 1 60. Care for flock of hens . 'Keeping Canada Christian, like trimming the Germans, isa| A X 1 r S 61. Kill chickens and dry pick | 02 Make pancakes A 1 J G Oo 0 A ! tough job, but, on the long Yisw, not a bit less ihatien; tie Nias . 52. Dress a chicken for the oven -.-- chinks ph aie stew fruits; NT TILLIE ES T SE * the war." Such was and is the conviction of the Specia : 63. Treat hens for parasites Cr ' ; c ning the war." § Need ed rol hans pl 2, woke frult | At the Town Hall, March 23 and 24 566. Stook grain it is as_one of the characters of this play that you'll meet Aunt Tillie whose comedy antics will banish all your cares. Get it? You'll be so WANT TO BANISH CARE? 'THEN MEET AUNT TILLIE What's all this about, anyhow? Of Committee that met recently to study the problems of Church Attendance and Christian Living, i 63. Make gravy; cream sauce ; The 'Go to Church' campaign, sponsored by the Service 2% Load sheaves on wagen 64. Plan a week's menus ; . Tell when alfalfa should be cut Clubs of Oshawa, and by various organizations in Whitby, coupled 3 65. Make butter with skilful advertising, showed gratifying results. The campaign Special Appeal tO [68 Tell when Red Clover should be |g" graye pins ; 0 i cut Y course everybody wants to banish care i Fo X the Sominities in Brogkiin and Cotamban, 2 Peoioreetersto) Men and Women Jo. pushy orm saer |55 Je fre ree bt hoe i possible td ti am 1, COAL ER the communities in Brooklin and Columbus. ; ¢ P P 60. Drive a corn binder a 2 oak who is Aunt Tillie? Well, we'll tell oy" Conic sthustions i (his Bos + While it was admitted that there are many discouraging facts| - 0! Fort Ferry 61. Husk corn oo: Joke an argo) caks Sol Cab yor Usitore ouh Gedy Ut Jodliianvee forges thie exciting that must be faced, there was no spirit of defeatism at this special an d Distri ct 62. Feed a cutting box for silo [7 id 2507 proper y > ithe down those Satoat Marih 20d ep } tro We os insion o | meeting, but rather that the challenge of the times must be met, 43, Hoe turnips or mangels if id ad ith 18 Toon Chene parting Diag in vrnduced kp pervitssio and both ministers and laymen will need to make the extra effort to 64. Dig potatoes : fo a ens evenings that the YOUNG PEOPLE'S of Samu French (Canada) Limited, A letter has been received | 6s. from Mr. J. H. Beaton, Sec-|6¢. gain converts to the Christian faith, which war's emergencies have p ba Cut potatoes for plantin shown so clearly to be essential to true happiness for the present bang 7 Treat potatoes for insects 75 UNION will offer for your approval . Roast pork or beef Wilbur Braun's latest and most sue- Don't forget the dates--March 23rd . Maka puddings ; sh tickets are 35e and future citizens of Canuda, ht a pudding lots and 24th. Rush tickets arc 35c. and There are several agencies at work to accomplish this. pur. [retary of the Blood Donor i Trent Pim! shi 76. Make porridge Resi hae emiitlon: | | if you wish you may purchase reserve t the [Service of the Red Cross So- 69. 77. Cook rabbit "AUNT TILLIE GOES TO SEA" | seats for 40c. The plan for reserved i pose. But it cannot be too strongly stated that the objective of the | Church is to persuade those outside the Church to follow the Christian way of living. And the best way to accomplish this is for the Church members to give practical demonstration of the Christ- ian professions made. - ; . Clean grain with fanning mill 78 ciety at Oshawa. He 8ays: |70. Prune fruit trees 75. Quorsien wid sive P i . Operate a coal stove "We have several Port 71, Prune Srabe vine 80. Clean silver, brass, etc. 72. Spray fruit' trees 81. Clean windows Perry men as donors--most | 3 pick apples at the Town Hall, PORT PERRY, and seats is at Lawrence's Drug Store, 86. Sharpen plow share 86. Sharpen mower knife 87. Shingle a roof . J se. po All the activities of the Church will need to have this main |of them employedin Osliawa;| 74. Look after bees hy ary mnt objective in mind. Sunday School teachers must have it, if the|but there-should be a great | 76. Use a scythe - 84. Replace a fuse f Church is to be really successful. If they lack the special know- ; in| 76. Use a rifle or shot gun : . many men and women In 85. Read the electric metre I ledge required for this work, there are brief and simple guides Port Perry and surrounding] 77 Splice a rope 86. Oil A sewing machine TG er as avaliable. such as, "Christian Teaching for Boys and Girls,' "The cerry £78. Make rope halters 87. Operate a sewing machine 7" New Life," and others with which the minister will be familiar.|area who have never been| gg whip end of rope of so Frequent consultation between minister and teacher is desirable. [asked to be blood donors. 80. Clean and oil harness 89. Drive neil - f The minister has the outstanding opportunity to do this re-| PP 81. Sew broken strap 90. Use a hand saw cruiting work, and he will need-to remember in his preaching that The Se es is open to = 82. Use hand saw Th Doe wire hy his congregation is not made up entirely of adult Christians. De- normally healthy men and| gs sharpen a plane iron 92, Splice rope il y tisions are the test of the Church's success. Church membéyship| women between the ages of | 84. Sharpen a chisel 93, Operste an incubator _ is the outward sign of an inward decision: and that decision Is to Ele according to the teachings of Christ. : "The Church Membership Class is the Minister's special means 21 and 66; and in the case of young men of 19 or 20 who are well developed as the '| 94. Operate a brooder 95. Preserve eggs 96, Wax furniture b of instructing those who would join the Church, always impressin 38. Glaze a Window gash 97 Wax fio |< <| upon those who attend that joining the Church is sithply an initial usual hoy Tad the 2, hi 89. Align cutter bar of mower 98. Stook Sard step in the Christian life. When the Class member is ready to join {Would be glad to have him) go. Use an axe tor splitting 39: Joad shetses : i 91, Fix an ironing cord 100. Apply artificial respiration. enrol." : 92. Make up an extension cord 93. Replace a blown fuse 94, Operate a milking machine 95, Operate a cream separator 96, Operate a fente stretcher 97. Graft fruit trees 08, Test a soll for acidity 99, Measure lumber in board feet 100, Transplant a tree \ clear and binding, _ . : Er The Part the Churoh Will Play in the Wor ; - of Soolal Reconstruotion. 4 | no Church, the obligations that hé then assumes should be made This is an opportumty to render a life saving service to wounded soldiers. Application cards can be secured at the office of The Port Perry Btar, od NOTE These questions are suitable for a rural community. Similar lists can be P epared . for urban people. Relat hs education to practical life is essential in this workaday world, " DEPUTY MINISTER VISITS NEWFOUN . REGIMENT IN SCOTLAND Mr. Attlee, British Deputy Prime Minister, inspecting members of a Newfoundland Regiment in Scotland during a visit to troops stationed in the area, . BRITAIN'S : DLAND : A "New World" can only result when people aré willing to E i live in the spirit of Christ at is why the present is 80 import- ant as the time for Christian teaching that must make a direct ap- : Continued on Back Page ; PEALE ¥ 3

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