Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Mar 1943, p. 5

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- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, - MARCH 18th, 1943 be - » J LY) . , =: ied . J - Ld oe , # pr Pe 80 bo | =< " Pn 1 4 Lett] as fA LR ET ' » 3 > ey EE lon sw Aa ihs elo A SS AR a nl hoy a duow ann . as ---- a -- / BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MARCH 18-19-20 P of ro shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday /Matinee at 1.80 ' GEORGE FORMBY, in "KEEP FIT" PLUS--Latest Canada Carries On ..PINCER ON AXIS EUROPE"... Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, MARCH 22-23-24 Last Complete Show at 8.20 Sing Your Worries Away with BERT LAHR, JUNE HAVOC, BUDDY EBSEN, PATSY KELLY --ALSO An Added Attraction-- "FLY BY NIGHT" with NANCY KELLY and- RICHARD CARLSON Next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, MARCH 25-26-27 "WAKE ISLAND" with BRIAN DONLEVY and ROBERT PRESTON SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED| 60 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street. J . -W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, Maple Street. Phone 54 r 18 Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays' and Saturdays only. Mclean Radio Service LOST Between Manchester and Green- 'bank--oil tank for Jamesway brooder. Finder please notify Elwood. Miller, Sunderland. Phone-8-r-31. " FOR SALE Small DeLaval Cream Separator, in good condition. Apply to Mrs, T. Caesar, Port Perry. apl NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims agaifst the estate of William Malcolm Cutts, late 'of the Village of Port Perry, in the County ' 'of Ontario, Deceased, who died on 'the 29th day of January, 1943, are required to file particulars of their claims" with the undersigned 'on or before the 16th day of April, 1943, after which date the assets: of the estate will be distributed having ve- gard only tothe claims of¢ which notiee~shall then have been received. DATED at Port Perry. this 12th day of March, 1943, ELLA LOUISE BRECKON, Exe- " cutrix, by her solicitors, BROWN & JACKSON, 24 King St. West, To- ronto, Ontario. apl "AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, MARCH 30th -- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of S. C. Reynolds, Lot 22, Con. 14, Tp. of Reach, near Seagrave, THURSDAY, APRIL 8th -- Farm Stook and Implements, the property of Raymond Davey, Lots 34-36, Clarke, Boundary Line, Clarke and Darlington Terms Cash, Sale at 1 pm. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer FOR SALE 6 h.p. GAS ENGINE In ~ goed condition. Also Shafting and Hangers. | Apply to ~ Maohine Repair Shop d PORT PERRY -| artist ever failed him, DENTISTS DR. J, B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell Telephone Office, Queer St., Port Perry Office 68w; Residence 68J 'W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON | Phones: Oftice Hours: 9 a.m. to § p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, | pi -- | OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop Phone 287, Res. 216 Port Perry LEGAL ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon | of each week, or by appointment. | Blong Bloek, Port Perry, Phone 25 (The firm of Gresr & Humphreys is dissolved) | RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simeoe Street North; Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perey, Phone 9 | 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 pom.--Eve THE CHURCHES ST, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister A Bible Class ing Service. an PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Wi C. Smith, Sunday, March 21-- Morning--The Eldership. Installation of an Elder. Evening--Lenten Talks, The Background of fering Servant. Minister the Suf- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Thursday, March 18, at 8 p.m.-- Lantern Lecture "The Story of the Prayer "Book" Part I, Sunday, March 21st-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m. --Evensong and Sermon. The Rector. Wednesday, March 24th, at 8 Lantern Lecture--"The Story of the Prayer Book" Part II, PORT PERRY -BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor -- P. Taylor I. 10 a.m.--Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Divine Service. 7 pm.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, at 7.00-p.m. -- Chil- dren's Hour. Special Music Lantern Pictures, Flannel- graphs and Object Talks. Everybody Welcome WATKINS' PRODUCTS Order your Watkios Products trom SID KERR Distributor, Uxbridge Write or Phone 119 i 1 I VERSATILE 'Don Pringle's personality is- like his voice--friendly. His name became a by-word in the homes of Haligonians, announcing the farm broadcasts in 'the past two years. He had his start at CFNB, Fredericton, joined the CBC at Ottawa in 1937. Now he is back as 'senior announcer at CBO with a paternal eye on The Western Five, broadcasting Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6.00 p.m. EDT. If an Don could pinch-hit as pianist or vocalist. He studied at Toronto and Halifax con- servatories for seven years. Myrtle Station - "How shall we sing the Lord's songs in a strange land ?"--Psalm-137 verse 4--was the verse on which Rev. D. G. Gault based his sermon on Sunday evening. Is our religion only a fair weather religion? When we are up against the difficulties of life, then is the time for us to learn to sing, for that is the most powerful means of telling of our religion. There are still a few boys left in our community--of -pre-army age as was evidenced Sunday evening at Church. Mr. Gault will prepare a sermon for the young people of the church for next Sunday evening and he would like to see the same ones in his congregation and asks that each one bring a friend. Here's the chal- lenge boys! Will you meet it? Miss - Mildred Harrison - has - joined the C.W.A.C. and is now taking her basic training at the Kitchener camp. Mr. Roy Carter, our former school teacher, who is now in the R.CA.F., Toronto, called on former pupils and friends on Friday. Mr, and Mrs, Harry Stacey and Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters visited with Port Perry friends on Thursday even- ing of last week. ' Miss A. Thompson, of Manchester, who has been living with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle during the winter months, was taken ill on Sunday mor- ning and removed to.Oshawa General Hospital. We hope her condition may soon be improved so that she may be enabled to return, Mr. Arthur Ward, of Oshawa, was ya Week-end guest of Oliver and Mrs. Lane. Mr, Arthur Parrinder, of -Newton- ville, spent Sunday with his brother Archie and Mrs, Parrinder, A: bouncing baby boy weighing 8 pounds and 13 ounces arrived at Osh- awa General Hospital on Thursday, . Dalby . -- March 11th. He will make his future home with Mr. and Mix, Leonard (Joyce Bradley) who are de- lighted that he arrived safely. They (have decided that 'his name shall be Arlen Hugo. Congratulations Len and Joyce! : Mrs. Earl Beadle, of Ashburn, was in the village on Monday. Mrs. McLaren,.public school teacher spent the week-end with her family at their home in Orono. Sap's runnin'! Those in the village who have maple trees on their lawns have tapped them and say there is a good run. zs Mrs. Clarence Holman and Allen and Mrs. Merle. Ross and baby, of Dagmar; Mrs. L. L. Ross of Utica and Driver Lloyd Ross, Camp Borden were visitors on Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Murs. James Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Kent, of Pam- brun, Sask., who have spent the win- ter months with Ontario relatives and]. friends, left on Tuesday of last week for their western home. Frank Harrison, who is working in Renfrew, spent the week-end at hia home. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Perrin, of Lindsay, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pritchard and Audrey of Oshawa, 'were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook, of Port Perry, called on Sunday morning for their parents, W. J. and Mrs. Cook, and took them with them to Toronto where they spent a happy day with relatives. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Harrison and Mrs. R. Long were in Beaverton on Tuesday afternon attending the funeral of an old pioneer friend of 'the New Liskeard district, Mrs. Butcher, of Cannington. Letters from the boys overseas are full of interesting things for us who have never visited the old land. They think there is no place like Scotland, no. matter where their forebears were from, The Scottish people are very hospitable and do all in their power to make. the holidays as enjoyable as possible, "Travelling here in England is just plain suicide, ha! hal" said one lad, "for its crowds, crowds and crowds going all the time. [It is necessary to queue 'for cveryihing, whether it's a movie, a bus, a postage stamp. or a sandwich", N There was a good attendance at the Radio Farm Forum club which met on Monday evening at Will Cook's home, A Credit Union was organized and a speaker is being procured for a meeting in the near future, who will use as his subject, "Credit Union", The next meeting will be held at the De Young home, Monday March 22, Mr. and 'Mrs. Allen Downey and children were in Oshawa on Tuesday! Mr. and Mrs: Harry Stacey were in Oshawa on Monday attending the fu- neral of Mr. Stacey's sister, Mrs. Frank Braund. Sympathy is extend. ed to both Mr. and Mrs. Stacey in their recent bereavements, NUTRITION Eat Right: Feel Right. For Good, Nutritious Meats, Call DS I TI Te ae "me RED & WHITE STORE a ~~ Groceries Our customers understand some- thing of the difficulties being faced in the coal and lumber business and have come to realize that SERVICE has been maintained, profit or no profit. This service will continue. - Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO, LIMITED Mis. (Dr.) Rodger, of Orillia, spent the first part of this week with her brother, Mr. George Holliday and Mrs. | Holliday. B Mr. and Mrs... Hugh Wright and Mrs. E. Wright, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughson, of Oakville and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hughson and Danny, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the Norman Hughson home. Mr. "Rodgers, Miss Jean Hamilton and Mrs. Robinson, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. IL. Hamilton, Mrs. O. H, Lane returned Yome on Sunday after a pleasant visit with her sister at her home in Toronto. Mr. Harold Hamilton is acting on 'the jury this week. EC rea LLOYD'S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anes- thetic. Puts corns to sleep imme- diately. Get a jar to-day at LAW- RENCE'S DRUG STORE. -- oo GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs: BradenzMrs. Johnson, of Toronto, were the guests of Mrs. Stone on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Ianson, of To- ronto, visited his mother on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Love and son, Oshawa, at Mrs. A. Phoenix's on Sat- urday. Mr. H. Ward, Hamilton, Mr. F. Ward, Toronto, visited at Mr. C. Ward's on Sunday. Miss Olive Real has returned to To- ronto, after spending some time with her parents Mr, and Mrs. R. Real, "Miss Ila Stone, Toronto, visited her mother, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee at his home here for the week-end. co BOY SCOUTS At the last meeting the Scoutmaster instructed the troop in hand signals as the Cubmaster and two of the Troop Leaders were absent, He also showed them some simple parade,_movements which according to a few scouts who knew better were either incorrect or obsolete, The competition marks are: 1. Squirrel Patrol - 3734 pts. 2, Reindeer Patrol 18% pts. 3. Owl Patrol ... 3343 pts, 4. Buffalo Patrol 308 pts, By the way; did you know that the 1st Port Perry Troop of Boy Scouts has a Patrol Leader who plays with a yo-yo? (not mentioning any names). The Scouts will hold their weekly meeting on Friday, March 19 at 8 p.m. The Wolf Cubs nave Wirin an inter. six competition ahd the marks so far are: ; 1. Grey Six 2. Black Six . 3. White Six ... . The Wolf Cubs will meet on » Friday, ..30% pts. March 19 at 7 p.m. 'burst of temper, the owner HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DOG Edna Gauld, (Grade X) A wéll-trained dog is an ideal com- panion and a credit to himself and to his owner. The dog that is easiest to train is the one. that has been bred for in- telligence, vigor, and soundness in or- gans. Usually tht pure-bred dogs are brighter than mongrels. The dog to Tie trained should be a young one but no training should begin undcr ten months, other than daily forms of habit. Most trainers prefer females as they are brighter than males. The fundamental rule is to get your dog's vespeet and confidence. If the person has an uncontrollable temper, it is 'absolutely no use to undertake the training of a dog. If in an out- should |! strike his dog, the pet's confidence is completely destroyed and further training would be of no avail. Rarely, if ever, should the trainer use a whip, and never the hand or the dog's leash. Of course, one, not two or three, per- sons should direct and help to form his character. * Otherwise the dog is lost in a confusion of contradictions and misunderstandings. Do not exhaust nor tive a dog, al- ways realizing that the training is something new in his life, and puts a strain on muscles which might ache from overexercise. Also remember to pet your dog and give him some re- ward for his intelligence and obed- ience during his lesson. . Some easy tricks to teach your dog are as follows: . 1. To come. Your first lesson will be to teach your dog to come when called. Attach a long leash to the pet's collar. When holding the leash get as far from him as possible and call, "Come heré!" urging him to come as you give the order. 2. To lie down. Pull forward his front paws until he is lying down, re- peating the command, "Lie down!" When he is settled in his position re- move your hands. If he tries to got up, force him down again, repeating the command. 3. To speak. Wait until the dog "| barks, and then pet and encourage him with the command, 4. To shake hands. Begin when the dog is sitting down, Raise his paw and command, "Shake hands!" Re- peat this a few times, alternating with the right and left paws. _ These are only a few tricks which your dog may learn to do. But with the patience and determination of the owner, a good intelligent dog can be taught to go through many actions. "speak". - too ALMOST FLATTERY ~ "What is an opportunist?" "One who meets the wolf at the door and appears the next day in a fur coat." Rt ' DIED SANDISON---At the home of his grandson, James Sandison, Lot b, Concession 2, Reach Township, on Tuesday, March. 16th, 1943, James Edward Sandison, beloved husband of the late Saiah Edgar, in his 80th year. Resting at the Chapel of A. I. Me- Dermott, Port Perry, Funeral service «| will be held at Utica United Church on Saturday, March 20th at 2.30 p.n. Interment at Kendall's Cemetery. Cy ; " W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER ||! | Phone 72w, PORT PERRY Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 11b. 25¢ ; ! IVORY SNOW, large pkg. 24c SERV ICE i Puffed Wheat, Quaker, 2 pks. 17c bY -- Corn Starch, Durham, 2 pks. 19¢ -- ' Keen's Mustard, V4 Ib. tin 27c | Shredded Wheat or Shreddies, 2 pks. for 25c Ce SSL Red & White Tea, 14 1b. pk. 40c a M. Puddings, assorted, 2 pks. 13c ! G.M. Custard Powder, 10 oz. t. 25¢ i k Libby's Prepared Mustard 10c ' 1 | Bulk Cocoa, - 2 lbs. for 25¢ ' Jufiket Powder, i per package 11c SC -> Navel Oranges, size 288s, doz. 39¢ No. 1 Onions, - -_ Tn 10 lb. bag 39c LIT - | Hawes' floor Wax, -- 1 Ib. tin 43c A 'N PHONE 43 i - F. W. BROCK & SON IL I TL Mr LT PORT PERRY THEI TN TN Te BONNAAAASARNANARARIAAANS as [3 " 4 Phone 32. NPDES EEO TB EOROROR . . OB SIB ORS BOS POSS te aagiotogioma Saturday Special: FRESH BAKING DAILY i PIES, CAKES, TARTS, BREAD, BUNS, and ROLLS. Raisin Bread each week end. AGOGO ARASRAANS AR NASB ANOANY | "Coffee Rolls" Gerrow Bros., Port Perry i PARR RIARRRAAARRAARARRANANAANNA RR WLR NETAE IIE, No money orders, Just call or phone, No writing No bother. 100% live delivery guaranteed. MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, Port Perry, Ont. BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices Ve specialize in Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave 50¢ Marcel - - He Manicure - - 3b6¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard---- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Pouliry Ship Your Live and Dressed Poultry to Bamford Meat Company St. Lawrence Market, Toronto Dressed Milk-fed A Chickens 6G lbs. and over ... 5 to 6 lbs. ... Under 5 Ibs. Grade A Fowl 6 lbs. and up .... 4 to 5 lbs. ... Under 4 lbs. Live Fowl in Good -Condition.~ 4 lbs. and up Pullets 4 Ibs. and up Grade B Chickens a Fowl, 2 Yess Grade C Chickens and Fowl, 4c less Live Ducks 4 lbs. and up .. Dressed ... Brown Jaek Rabbits Cottontails ..........ccoeveenrne be per pair These prices f. o. b. Toronto. Prompt remittances. References-- Imperial Bank of Canada, Market and King Sts, Toronto. A A A ATT i \ i § CT A

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