Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Mar 1943, p. 7

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~4afPhad as many as fifteen alerts in Pp | How _ afraid of = Spitfires?" -- they'd continue their recitations "food problem almost did. " learned that. aewill allow one new hat for wom- * 18,000,000 women still are buy- <Q It Feels To Be Bombed Air-Rald in Malta Described in. The New Yorker Philip Pullicino, former head air-raid warden of the island of Maltd;" was in charge during thir. ty-tvio hundred alerts, two thou- sand of which were actually fol- lowed by bombings, Malta often a day, a good fraction of which were for reconnaissance planes or were false alarms, Fr Wheneier en unidentified plane approached the island, a general alert would be sounded by siren; then, after the spotters had de- cided which towns were about to be attacked, red flags would be run up over the main buildings of those towns and the inhabitants - would take: shelter. "Whatever else we'd get, we could always count on all-out bombings at - eizht in the morning and five in the afternoon," Pullicino told us. "They were nearly. always on time. If they were late, you'd find yourself looking nervously at your watch," Children's Reaction Looking back, Pullicino is sur- prised at -the way tlie children took to this sort of life. "It 'was rather like cops-and-robbers to them, only it was real, and I'm afraid most of the time they really seemed to enjoy it," he sail. Lots of the ack-ack crews used boys as young. as twelve for spotters, and all the kids devel- oped uncannily keen cars for the sounds of different plane motois. Not infrequently, Pullicino told us, the alert would sound, the adult population would dive for tho shelters, and a little girl would say 'scornfully, "Who's In such cases it always turned out to be Spitfires. The children got so used to trailing in and out of shelters during school hours that en route; in one case Pullicino heard of, the teachers got niixed up during a day of especially in- tense enemy activity and for sev- eral hours the children werg sent to shelter on the all-clear and called back on-the alert; no casu- alties resulted from this, though. Some Missed Nobody on Malta ever bothered to talk about near misses, they were so common. Pullicino showed us a picture of a dud that landed in his own back yard one day; it was buried 'in thé ground, with geven or eight feet of it sticking out, and Pullicino was posing he- side it, for all the world as if he had hauled it in off Montauk Point. He remembered that the bomb came floating down attach- ed to a parachute and that after it landed his Alsatian pup rushed out of the house and started worrying it. They had to coax the pup away with somebody's ra- tion of corned-beef hash. " Pullicino said that bombing never threatened to break the spirit of the Maltese, but that the Until recently the nearest supply points were Gibraltar, a thousand miles In gne direction, and Alexandria, a thousand miles in the other. In the middle of 1942 things looked almost honeless, : vu % Food Problems "The Maltese are great breéad- eaters, as perhaps you do not know," Pullicino said. "We nor- mally eat two or three pounds a day, in addition to everything else. Well, for nearly six months we had ten ounces of bread a day, and that was all. Oh, per- haps once in a while a can of corned beef, but not often, I have frequently had to sit down for a long time:in the afternoon to keep from fainting from hun- ger." When the war started Malta had lots of. fine milch goats, but these were soon killed for their meat and soon there was neither meat nor milk. "You had to be inerddibly ruthless," Pullicino said. "Children two or three years old would be given their rations and told to make them last. Some of them would eat it all up first thing _in the morning and you'd see them wandering through the streets erying. . No one would feed them, though, and they soon You have no idea how the veople felt about it, how they had to feel. Your dearest friend wouldn't give you a pigce of bread. It just wouldn't occur to him to." Three Year Hats F or British Women \ Great Britain's new hat quota en every three years and for men one every five years, -- "Tho Boar: of Trade has fixed the allocation for six months after March 1 at 16 per cent of 141's ° output compared with 19 per cent in the previous period. ? The hat industry reports that ing hats every year, even allow- ing for those in the forces. Trade sources say the new allocation permits only 6,000,000 hats each year, ~~» mac IZ A o (0 D 0 J Zr -- / March 28 APPEARANCES AFTER THE RESURRECTION John 20:18--21:25 PRINTED TEXT John 20:19-31 GOLDEN TEXT--I am alive for , evermore. ~Revelation 1:18, Memory Verse: Thou Jehovah, hast made me glad. Psalm 92:4, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time--The first appearance to the assembled disciples was on Easter night, April 9, A.D, 30. The second appearance was the follow. ing first dgy of the week, April 16. The appearance to the disciples at the Sea of Galilee was sometime later in the month of April. Place--The two appearances to the assembled disciples were in an upper room in Jerusalem, pos- sibly the room in which the Lord's Supper was instituted The ap- pearance to the disciples engaged in fishing was, of course, on the Sea of Galilee In Northern Pales- tine, " THE Christ Appears "When therefore it was evening, on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood In the midst, and saith unto them, "Peace he unto you." When our Lord appeared With His "Peace be unto you," He restored peace, because He restored, the sense of pardon for past sin and of reconciliation with God. With- out this there can be no true peace for the soul of man, Peace Be Unto You "And when he had .said this, he showed unto them his hands and his side. The disciples there- fore. were glad, when they. saw the Lord." Christ showed them His hands and side to convince them He was the very same Per- son who had been crucified, hav- ing thé same body; as the words Just uttered would assure them, His hear} was still the same to them, ' "Jesus therefore sald to them again, Peace be unto you: as the Father hath. sent me, even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Spirit: whose soever sins ye for- give, they are forgiven unto them; whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." Breathing is the most manifést token 'of life; so that in breathing on the disciples ""our Lord was giving them to share His own life--the life of God. He was so possessed with the Spirit that the very hreath of His body was----spirltual -- communicating divine life. 2 " Thomas Vgjces His Doubts "But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. Tho other dis- ciples therefore saith -unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall geo in his hands the print of the nails,» and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not be- lieve." Why Thomas was not with the disciples: we do not know but he was of a morose disposition and probably wanted to be alone with his grief. It should be care- fully noted that the disciples did not part from Thomas--they were gracious and tender to him, tell- ing him what they had seen and heard. Thomas wanted to believe but he needed overwhelming proof of the reality of Christ's resurrec- tion. / '3 Thomas Believes "And. after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas was with them, Jesus cometh, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and sald, Peace be unto you. 27. Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and see my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and put it Into my side." The narrative implies that our Lord supernaturally knew not only of the doubt in Thomas' heart, but the words which he, had previously spoken to the dis- "ciples In demanding physical proof of Christ's resurrection. "And be not faithless, but believing. Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my 'God. Thomas recognized but he knew algo-that his Lord was more than man, The discipline of self-ques- tioning, followed by the revelation of tender compassion and "divine knowledge, enabled 'Phomas to rise to: the loftiest view of the Lord given in- the Gospels, Falth In the Unseen "Jesus saith unto them, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast be- Meved: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet ha¥é believed." Thomas himself ought to have be- lleved in the testimony. of the rest, confirmed by all he had kriown' and experienced of Christ fn past days, No man is without intelli- gent grounds. for his belief. Faith Js the opposite of sight because it asserts what Is not scen; the opposite "of reason in this sense, that it compels bellef In an object which reason alone cannot appre- hend., But faith in the unseen has ita own proofs which satisfy the believing mind and heart that there is an unseen and eternal, » THIS WAS THEIR HOME nwo grieving women look over the ruins of a Berber house in Casablanca after a raid by German bombers on December 81. attack took a heavy toll of lives construetion, The because native houses are of light Purpose of John's Gospel "Many other signs therefore did Jesus In the presence of the dis- ciples, which are not written in this book: but theso are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God: and that believing ye may have life In hls name." It was 'not John's purpose to write a complete "Life of Christ"; it was not his purpose to write a "Life" at all. Rather he would narrate just" those facts respect- ing Jesus which would produce a saving faith In Him as the Mes- siah and the Son of God, One-fifth of the people of lol land carn their living on the land, mostly on small farms- of less than b0 acres, 2,000,000 Plans In Plane Plant Over a quarter of a million of square: feet of drawings were set up and printed in one month alone in the draughting office of the De Havilland Aircraft, Toronto, on the "Mosquito" bomber-fight- er. They have to be constantly adjusted to conform to parts and = instrument. Altogether There are a couple of million blueprints on file, in a department" numbering 60 men and 26 women, including many famous cultural figures at the drawing boards, artists, archi- tects and civil engincers, also champion glider pilots, one of Canada's best A oy musicians, famous yachtsmen and skiers, GIRL ATHLETE : Answer lo Previous Puzzle 15 She is no HORIZONTAL 1,6 Expert U. S. [RIAIPHIAIEL tennis player. LILIEVIHA] 11 Cetacean, TIOWINAIS 12 Good-by.------ [PIAIDIMAISH 13 Jargons. AR RIK 14 Ceremonial a ] NS D treatise, R 16 Hour (abbr), (HORM TIO0 17 Measure of NEHARE type. GUIEIS[TIIL 18 Chum. VIAIS E 20 Sense of touch. ON 3 To handle roughly. 47 Female sheep, 25 Lying in heaps 49 Coral island, 20 Spruce, 51 Indian, longer listed among- the - or non- professionals. 18 Cougars. 19 High mountain 20 Anglo-Saxon army. = > aia) 21 Finale. ARUP] 22 Shortest, A BIA] 24 Aroma. | 25 Fowl. AINIS T PIO» a? => 26 To exacerbate. A[TIE] 27 In bed. 28 Wainscoted. 30 Bitter herb, 35 To employ. 36 Call for help, =O VERTICAL -- 2 Fibber. 3 Small hotel. "Cracker Barrel" Farmers Warned Grandpa's Methods Not Good Enough For Present Time Professor G. I. Christle of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, was very outspoken the other evening to the members of the Rural Municipalities conven- tlon in Toronto, . when he told farmers to "get off the cracker barrels at the village store," and sald that grandfather's methds ef farming are not good enough for 1943 production. He particularly addressed his remarks to hog rais- erg, dairymen and potato growers, and told them to avold these "lengthy, worthless chats they were used to in peacetime. Al though Professor Christie men- tioned three classes of farmers, his remarks no doubt are capable of general application. He par- ticularly cited loss of young pigs, which are so much needed today, through inefliciency, says The St. Thomas Times-Journal. . . . A great many farmers have heen educated at the Ontario Agricul- tural College, and these are anfong the best producers in the country. Knowing the value of a scientific training, they send their sons there, and steadily the province is de- veloping -a race of highly skilled and intelligent farmers. @here are many farmers, how- ever, chiefly these who through no fault of their own, probably lacking the means or the time, are prone' to regard the scientific farmer with a certain degree of contempt, In fact, they look down upon these "white collar" farm- -ers, as they call them, and regard them as "arm chair' men who don't like getting their hands dirty. They think there is no school like experience; but the drouble is they simply follow the methods grandpa did when ho cleared the ground, except to add somo machinery to lighten the load. - LJ * . Farming is a highly scientific industry. That fact does not seem to enter the minds 'of some farm- ers. Soil and the raising of crops, a thorough understanding of live- stock ofall kinds, of dairy work, of handlng machinery, of storing and feednig, of knowing what to do at the right time and how, and many other things are all subjects In which the producers ought to kuow as much as they can, in the light of modern experiment and research. ? To become a skilled craftsman, a boy has to. spend several years with experienced, trained men be- fore he can be called competent and get good wages. But any man can get a piece of land, shove secds in the ground and buy some horses, cattle and pigs and call himself a farmer. And when his stuff does not bring the prices he thinks it should, he blames the government, THE BOOK SHELF ""BLACK-OUT IN GRETLEY By J. B. Priestly Large-boned, dark, long-faced, "Canadians | RADIO REPORTER & rose If you enjoy a novelty pro- gram, something a little different from the ordinary run of radio presentations, tune in Ross Mill. ard's new "Hobby Show," heard every Thursday evening, 10 o'clock over C.F.R.B., Toronto, It has a distinctly original flavor. Recently it has featured an as- sortment of the old-fashioned musical boxes which were the vogue in grandmother's day. In- cluded in recent programs have been antiquated musical powder boxes, musical steins, as well as the larger more orthodox yet qr- nate instruments, The musie bexes have been loaned by many owners for the purposes of as- sisting in this unique musical program Due acknowledgenient is made of the courtesies so ex- tended. Any 'readers of "this col- umn who might happen to have unusual music boxes, particulaf® ly hose with a history behind ther. are invited to loan them to Ross Millard for inclusion in this new Hobby program. Write him in care of CEFRB, Toronto, giv- ing full particulars, It would be fun, don't you think, to hear your musical box played over the air? From time to time you hear many people arguing that the most popular radio programs heard over Canadian stations originate from one or other of the big networks of the United States. There's plenty of evidenee, however, to show that many Canadian pro- grams have what it takes to make country-wide "Canadian appeal, "Treasure Trail" is an example, Believe it or nat, 13 million let- ters have been written to "Treas- ure Trail" in the four years and nine months it has been on the air. If you still question whether Bsten to programs originating from within the Do- minion and ave still willing to write letters ask' the Pustmaster General of Canada -- it is esti- mated that one Canadian radio program alone brought a revenue te the post office department of $360,000 during the last 6 years, Of interest to the ladies. Two women who know something about the practical side of steps ping up the food supplies of Can ada will take part in Beth Jock- erbie's program, "Women on the Job," Friday afternoon, March 19, at. 4,18 over the CBC network. They are a farmer's wife from Manitoba and a 19-year-old girl the farmer's sons when they went off to serve in Canada's armed forces, ' We hear a lot of complimentary remarks these days around the Ontario countryside regarding the 'story series currently oeing presented over the Coluribia syse tem, including CEFRB, Toronte, Menday through Fridays at 5 oan. u Madeleine Carroll, +h» Man- "chester, England-born stage, screen ahd radio actress, who has carncd fame on two continents, apparently is adding to her laurels by her delightfully rendered in- terpretations from current liter ature, simply styled "Madeleine Carroll Reads," CERB has just instituted a new gerivs of programs, "Ansering You," Friday nights at 9 o'clock. In it you meet a new personality, Mr. P. R. or in other words, the Personal Relations Director, whose job it is to answer inquiries and criticisms and to acknowledge "the compliments which come daily to a busy radio station. If you what goes on behind the miero- phone, how programs are design- ed and why, in facet, what "makes the wheels go round" in a radio station, make uw point of tuning in this new series, LISTEN TO "COUNTRY NEWS" EACH SUNDAY AT 2 P.M. CFRB--860 on your dial "OUR RADIO LOG TORONTO STATIONS | CKAC Montreal 730k SHORT wave CIB suk, CBRL 710k | CKCR Waterloo 100k PooEngland 951m CKCL 330k, CBY 101uk Ottawa 1310k supsahiy, dain U.S. NETWORKS Timmins 170k England 9.55m WEAF NLC. Ited 660k Sudbury T90k England 11.70m wiz, NCR 770k: lgansfong 1380) GSE England 101.86m WABC (C8) 8S0k | CpeNY Wingham 920k | 58G Englund 17.79m - won (M.B.S.) T10K | CHEX Peterboro. 1430k | GSU Englund 15.31m CANADIAN STATIONS U.S, STATIONS EAR Spain CFOS Owen Sd 1400k [ WEBI Buffato 1300k | ran tussia CKOC Hamilton 1150k [| WHAM Rochester 1180k "ie a CHMI, Hamilton 900k | WEA Cincinnati quuk | BNE Russia a Clcrns Sl Cath, 1530k wux Schenectady S1ok | PRES Brazil SIC Montrea 6H KDKA Pittsburgh 1020k GIA St ? SCHL North Buy 129k | WHI Chiara' pepe | WEEA Sehene CJCS Stratford" 124uk | WBEN Buffalo 930k |, . _- CKWS Kingston 960k [WGR Buffalo 550k | WCOAD Phila, CFCO Chatham 630k | WKBW. Buffalo 1520k [| WOBX N. Sark PL. London 1570k {WIR Detroit 160k | WRUL Boston THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson 1 , itizen, , " i 54 To sanction, 5 Sutiaen frame. a ig and inclined to "be sour; intelli- 33 Valley. 55 Civet type 6 Dull finish, 44 Starch. gent rather than subtle; the sort 34 Deity of war. beast, 7 Saying. 46 Singing voice, . who'd prefer a broad-axe to a 85 Relaxes. 56 Mud. 8 Weight, 47 Sour plum, rapier any day--Humphrey Ney- 37 French coin, 68 She is a 1940 9 Wager. _48 Damp. land, Canadian, was definitely not - 38 Kilns, ---- singles = 10 Enticement, "50 Onward, 'the kind of man you would expect 40 Fish, champion. 13 She first 52 Sesame, to find working for the British Dipak ARTOIS ARE hok, 41 Animal, 69 also the became 53 Before, counter-espionage. But although ARE YOUNGER. PARENTS. 43 To sleep, / U. S.---- ten- national ---- 54 Yellow bird. he was by no means infallible, he | + 3 45 To whip. nis champion. in-1936. 57 Electric tern. was, as his Chief told him, both | COR 1542 BY NEA SERVICE, ING, ail oli I Jz |3 |4 [5 7 [8 | |io impudent and lucky. Gs [7 | Certainly both impudence and : CEREZ IN i luck in large quantities were called for on the Gretley job, 13 : S Seiit down to discover who was A LARGE. -- collecting and distributing the PRAGONELY 16 17 valuable information that was HAS EYES As BIG streaming out of there, and to AS er ae 8 21 |z2 ™ stop the leak, he quickly tangled : | with as dangerous a collection of 23 |24 30 homegrown and imported Nazis as you'd care to meet in a black- 3 32 . 33 out. Calling on brains, brawn, luck 34 35 36 37 and impudence, he dodged and ; = rand twisted and bluffed, laid artful >8 40. I (42 traps for the unwary, laughed and * fought his way out of a number MITTENS BY THE NUMBER OF E) 45 [46 of tight corners; lost. perhaps BLACKOIRES BAUD NARS; more tricks than-he took but won THE CORRECT ANSWER. AT |48 49 50 : 61-652 [63 the last in a fine blaze of action T.M. REC. U. 8. PAY. OFF. at and quick-thinking, : 55 56 57 Black-out in Gretley . . + by J. ANSWER: Three little kittens v= four and 20 blackbirds . 4 B. Priestly . . . The MacMillan . answer, 72. = 58 | Company of Canada . . . Price * -- : 2 $2.25. NEXT: The shortest line belween (wo points, he. 1 | © STRIP CARTOONISTS POR--An Old Hand at the Job ANY HERE = AReteased Ly The Bell Syndicate, Ine) ~~ By J. MILLAR WATT 8 | QUT THIS TRIPE » uP i CONVENIENT | LENGTHS! INTO who learned to take the place of are interested in a glimpse of Rs: a = 3 I PE -

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