Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 Mar 1943, p. 5

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. - ) WERE aR: HEY ae mod a PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1943 BROCK THEATRE , Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned _ Thursday Friday and Saturday, MARCH 25.26-2% Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. "Saturday Matinee 'at 1,30 "WAKE ISLAND" with BRIAN DONLEVY, MACDONALD CAREY; ROBERT PRESTON Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MARCH 29-30-31 Last complete show at 8.20 "In Old California" with JOHN WAYNE and ~ BINNIE BARNES Also an ADDED Attraction Sing Another Chorus with Jane Frazee, Johnny Downs, " Mischa Auer Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 1-2-3 The Forest Rangers In Technicolor with Fred MacMurray and Paulette Goddard JE ESL 5 Ss eel ll So | SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 60 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street. W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, 'Maple Street. Phone 64 r 18 «Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service ] FOR SALE Small DeLaval Cream Separator, in good condition. "Apply to Mrs. T. Caesar, Port Perry. apl NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the estate of William Malcolm Cutts, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Deceased, who died on the 20th day of January, 1943, are required to file particulars of their claims with the undersigned on or before the 16th day of April, 1943, after which date the assets of the . estate will be distributed having: re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at Port Perry this 12th day of March, 1943. ELLA LOUISE BRECKON, Exe- cutrix, by her solicitors, BROWN & JACKSON, 24 King St. West, To- ronto, Ontario. apl AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, MARCH 30th -- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of S. C. Reynolds, Lot 22, Con. 14, Tp. of Reach, near Seagrave. THURSDAY, APRIL 8th =-- Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Raymond Davey, Lots 34-35, Clarke, Boundary Line, Clarke and Darlington Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m. Cattle, Horses, and 'pigs, the pro- perty of Wm. Hopkins & Sons, Lots 31-82, Con. 9, Whitby Tp., 3 miles west of No. 12 Highway at Myrtle, on Saturday, April 8rd. The offering in- cludes 8 horses, 30 pigs, 20 Feeder Steers, 80- Stocker Cattle, Springers and Bulls. Sale at 1.30. Terms Cash TED JACKSON, Auctioneer FOR SALE cutting box, almost new. to Mrs, T. Caesar, Port Perry. WANTED A quantity of Cedar Rails. Apply to Earl Tummonds, Port Perry, Phone 199 r 12, _ Apply ad : GIRL WANTED "For General House Work. Apply to Mrs, 8, Cawker, Port Perry. DENTISTS DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON -office equipped for X-RAY WORK ve Bell Tel e "Office, Queen St., Port Perry Phones: Office 68w; Residence 68J W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 pm. Ofice Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST" Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. Phone 237, Res. 2156 Port Perry LEGAL ARTHUR W. 'S. GREER in attendance at my Part Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncos of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Ls . wok (The firm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS -24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in-attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eaet week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 FOR SALE Potato Planter Apply to Harry Stevens, Perry, Ont. - FOR SALE Two dog houses, and five bee boxes --all new. Apply to John Moase, Bigelow St,, Port Perry. FOR SALE Small chicken ranch, houses and: equipment. In Port Perry. . Apply' Star Office. MYRTLE STATION (continued from page 4) home on Wednesday afternoon of last week when the Woman's Association met in the regular_monthly meeting. In the absence of the president, Mrs. 0. H. Downey, 1st Vice-President, had charge of the meeting, opening with a brief worship service. After the reading of the minutes of February meeting and the roll call, the usual business period followed. Closing with a benediction, a program of Irish jokes, readings and contests was- conducted. Sandwiches, cake and a cup of tea were served, making a very pleasant ending to the social after- noon. Rev. D. G. Gault was a visitor in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pilkey of Green- bank, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. Dickson on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mr. J. Kirkham has been in Maber- ley with his parents for several days owing to the illness of his father. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Beadle of Ash- burn, called on Myrtle relatives on' Sunday evening Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hamilton, Jim and Catharine, spent Sunday with To- ronto relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacey visited on Sunday afternoon with friends on Kingston Road, West. Following a stroke seven weeks ago, death came to Sarah Ann Hubbard, widow of the late Obed Augustus Wil- son, on Thursday, March 18th, at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. A. Wilson, of Burketon. Mrs. Wilson was eighty-one years old, and was the daughter of pioneer parents of Dar- lington Township, After her mar- riage, she and Mr. Wilson moved.on a farm south of the townline and a mile cast of Myrtle, where they resided un- til Mr. Wilson's death about ten years ago. Two sons were born to them, Arthur and Roy. Roy died some 20 years ago and Arthur's death occurred two years ago. The late Mrs. Wilson was a well known and highly respected resident of this and Prospect district. [She was a member of the former Methodist Church and later the United Church, The funeral service in the Myrtle Church was'in charge .of Rev. P. L. Jull, of Brooklin, the Myrtle pastor, Rev. D. G. Gault, having charge of a funeral at Manchester on' the same afternoon. The floral tri- ~ butes showed the love and esteem in which the deceased was held 'by her relatives and friends. Three grand- sons, Robert and Edgar Wilson, of Oshawa, and Harold of the R.C.A.F., survive, The funeral cortege includ- ing- relatives, friends and former neighbors proceeded to Prince Albert where interment was fads, in good condition. R.R.2 Port THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School | and Bible Class | S40. A Evening Service. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister Sunday, March 28th-- Evening-- Peter and the Cross, | Wednesday, March 31st, at 8 p.m.-- | Lenten Hour of Prayer. | CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Sunday, March 28th-- 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 pm--Evensong and Sermon. The Rector. Wednesday, March 31st, at 8 p.m.-- Lantern Lecture. "The Story of the Prayer Book". Part IIL Sunday, April 4th-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor -- P. Taylor 10 a.m.--Bible Class. 11 a.m.--Divine Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, at 7.00 p.m. -- Chil- dren's Hour. Special Music Lantern Pictures, Flannel- graphs and Object Talks. Everybody Welcome PORT WATKINS' PRODUCTS Order your Watkins Products from SID KERR Distributor, Uxbridge Write or Phone 119 Bailiff's Sale by Auction at the farm of William Symes, lot 16, con. 8, REACH Twp, on Saturday, | March 27th, at the hour of 1.30 p.m. The goods and chattels seized and to be sold are as follows: Fordson Tractor, Tractor Plow, 2 | Bay Gelding Horses, B. & W. Heifer Calf, B. & W. Cow, calf at foot, B. & W. Steer Calf, single plow, wagon, wagon and hay rack, corn binder, single scuffler, harness, collars, weigh scales, horse rake, garden hand sceder, turnip pulper, grain, circular sawing machine, set harrows, forks, stable broom, ete. 'See 1 bills Tor complete particulars. Terms Cash. George Til, Bailiff Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Morning--In Confidence and Trust. whiffletrees," Phone 72w, NUTRI Eat Right: Feel Right. For Good, Nutritious Meats, Call W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER ITION PORT PERRY | SERVICE Our customers understand some- | thing of the difficulties being faced in the coal and lumber business and have come to realize that SERVICE has been maintained, profit or no profit. This service will continue. Phone 240w LAKE SCUGOC LUMBER & COAL CO. LIMITED "EPSOM The W.A. and Red Cross are holding a joint meeting on Thursday afternoon of this week in the basement of the church for the purpose of quilting. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey were Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinley, Mr. John Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashenhurst, Mr. Gordon Martin and lady friend lof Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs, A. Christie for the week-end. Miss Corbett spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. J. Neeson at Hie home here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark and Marion, were at their home here on Sunday. Cpl. Laura Rogers spent the week- end with her parents, Mp. Walter Rogers. My, and Mrs, H. Hockley at Mr. Mrs. A. Christie's on Friday. Mr cand Mrs. Howard Ashton and family and Mr. H. Searle at Mrs. J. Ashton's on Sundiy. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blight and family, Miss Laura Prentice, spent Tuesday in Toronto, Mus, Ewart Blight is spending a few days ~with-relatives at Shirley. Miss Ruby Wilson spent the week- and and Mrs: end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrott and son at Mr. and Mrs. P. Parrott's recently. too -- ~ ASHBURN Rev. Wm. Rice and Mrs. Rice, of Myrtle, isited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. West during the week. ' Young People's meeting this Fri- day evening. --- Mr. andMrs. Fred Beadle, Harvey and Shirley isited with Mrs. I. Beadle | and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beadle, of Se agrave on Sunday.. Mr. Jamies Doble, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble. Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Reynolds, of Ajax and Miss Georgie Reynolds, of Oshawa, were recent visitors with Me, and Mrs, Edgar Heron, Our community enjoyed a fine con- cert on Wednesday evening, St, Pa- trick's night, when the Women's Guild of Burns' Church gave an enter- tainment. Mr. Walter Kerr acted as chairman. The rpogram consisted of solos, ducts, readings, two plays enac- ted by the pupils of the school and a quiz program - ge Pr - CANADA NEEDS 40 MILLION rounos oF FRAT ge I AAD LE Ry LEAN The next it would Benito. You can destroy Bones pi Every. ounce of more of establish the sera them t NATIONAL SALVAGE DIVISION make gl cerine, and high explosives to sink meat dealer w AND HELP SMASH THE AXIS! time you are 1 or roasting something, just imagine the satisfaction give you fo pour that hot fat right down the back of Adolph, Tojo or even do better than that. Fats Jcerize makes their submarines, their acroplanes and tanks. roduce fat, also glue for war industry. procafel, of dripping, every { scrap fat, and every bone, cooked, uncooked or dry, must be saved. Strain all drippings through an ordinary strainer into a clean wide-mouthed can. When you have collected a pound or fat de ings take it to your Ee will pay yo jis a Oy for the dri; pore fat. Ox you can ough any Municipal iS Salva e Committee hr. of munity. You can be a munition maker right In your own Jelishon, So-- every day, this easy way, k for Victory by saving every dripping, Svary plece of scrap every bone. Fog amp is for the duration. © W\ Les ill DEPARTMENT "OF NATIONAL WAR EFFECT in your come ki. y drop of I fot at, SERUICES i Groceries Gold Medal Tea, V5; Ib. pk. 40c gor Hand Picked White Beans, Ib. 5¢ -_ Readicut Macaroni, 3 lbs. for 21c¢ > R. & W. Salt, plain or iodized, 2 pks 19¢ -- Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, pk 15¢ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables large pkg. 21c I Quaker Oatsy . Newport Fluffs, large package 25c T_ -- Cream of Barley, Special 23c >i Shelled Walnuts, 4 1b. for 20c | Master Dog Biscuits, 2 pkgs. 25¢ -_T Camay Soap No Rub Polish Floor Wax Ivory Flakes, large package, "HOUSEHOLD -NEEDS 3 cakes 19¢ ] 25c¢ - per tin 39c 1 lb. tin 29c 'PHONE 43 h F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY eC SORCR IB SO: Teel ece bee, oa Adios ass Phone 32. Totetetetst as IXARARRAAASSASS FRESH BAKING DAILY Serve Goode's Ice Cream for Dessert Saturday Special: "Banana Layer Cakes" Gerrow Bros., Port Perry al WW eT PUSS, aie Sac ie ie CS} ARAN ASAAANARRRARRRARRNSS AAAAGA LAT ARR ARRAN No writing. No money orders, No bother, Just call or phone, 100% live delivery guaranteed. MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, Port Perry, Ont. BEAUTY PARLOR "PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. We specialize in-- - Bonat Permanent Wa aves Shampoo and Wave ble Marcel > - 76¢ Manicure - - 36¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Viry moderate prices | Poultry Ship Your Live and Dressed Poultry to Bamford Meal Company St. Lawrence Market, Toronto Dressed Milk-fed A Chickens 6 lbs. and over .. 5 to 6 lbs. ... Under 5 lbs. .. Grade A Fowl 5 lbs. and up .. f to 5 lbs. .... Under 4 lbs. .. Live Fowl in Good Condition 4 Ibs. and up cnn 23¢ Pullets 4 Ibs. and up coin. 24c¢ Grade B Chickens and Fowl, 2¢ less Grade C Chickens and Fowl, 4c less Live Ducks 4 lbs. and up Dressed Brown Jack Rabbits . ' Cottontails abe per pair These prices f. 0. b. Toronto. Prompt, remittances. Réferences-- Imperial Bank of Canada, Market and King Sts, AN Toronto.

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