Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Apr 1943, p. 4

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Ca PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,. APRIL 8th, 1943 hd vt Miss Olive Wallace, House, Toronto, was a visitor recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wallace. Mr. David Nasmith, of spent a couple of wecks with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Nasmith, Sherbourne Toronto, Mrs. Wm. MacGregor has returned from a visit with her brother in Lindsay. Pte. Orr Graham, R.C.AM.C. of To- ronto, spent a few days last week at his home here. Miss Doris MacGregor, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. EE. MacGregor, Mrs. Leighton MacGregor and sons Neil, Donald and Dale, were visitors with Mrs. W. MacGregor, on Sunday. The boys are remaining for a visit of several weeks. Miss Marie Hood, of Toronto, was at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hood, over the week-end. A.C. Harold Hayes, R.C.AF., To. ronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hayes. Mrs. F. A. Chapman, of Wyevale, Ontario, was at her home here for a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs, I. R. Bottrell spent Sunday in Bowmanville with Mr. Thos. Bottrell (father of Ernie) who had just celebrated his 86th birthday. He is one of the oldest residents of Bow- manville, and is keenly interested in his vegetable garden, He was a form- er employee of the Dominion Organ and Piano Company. He is enjoying good health, The annual meeting of the Port Perry Rink Company' will be held on Thursday evening, April 15th, at Gerrow's Stoye." This is an important meeting, and anyone interested is in- vited to attend. A.C. Bill Leahy, R.C.AF., of Angus, Ont., enjoyed a week-end leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. LL. Leahy. Put down this date in your date book--Wednesday, April 28th. Why? 'Because the Young People's Union are holding their Annual Banquet on that evening and it pramises to be a gala affair, Mrs. John Dowson and Miss S, Hor- top, and Mrs. R. M. Holtby, attended the trousseau tea held in Oshawa re- cently by Mrs. Frank Hortop, in hon- our of her daughter, Helen, who was married last week. Sgt. Jack Vanos visited relatives in town recently. Pte. Gordon Carnegie week-end with his parents, We regret to learn that Mr. Geo. A. McMillan is quite ill at this time. We trust he will soon be well again. tear CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the kind friends and neighbors of Nestleton for their kindness towards us in giving us a very nice sociable evening, and also many thanks for their lovely gifts of remembrance. spent the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morden. PRESENTATION MADE TO LOCAL COUPLE W. J. and Mrs. Anderson, Honoured. A large number of the members of St. John's Presbyterian Church "met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Anderson on Wednesday ovening of last week in honour of Mr. and Mis. Anderson, who for a number of years have been connected with and held re- sponsible positions in the church. Mrs... Anderson has been treasurer of the Ladies' Aid to the Church for a great many years, a position which she still holds, and Mr, Anderson was treasurer of the Church ever since Church Union until he relinquished the position this year. The party came as a complete sur- prise to the recipients and the evening took the form of a social nature. Shortly after the guests had as- sembled the Rev. Mr, McMillan ex- = plained the object of the meeting to those assembled and read the presen- tation address to Mr. and Mrs. Ander- son while Mr. Wm. Short presented the "couple with a beautiful coffee table in honour of their faithful ser- - vice to the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson responded fittingly, __ Mrs. Grant Christie and Mr. Wm, Short also spoke briefly on the work the recipients had done, : At the close of the evening the ladies of the Church served a tasty lunch which had been prepared pre- (LZ FREE Phone Parking OSHAWA 10H A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, APRIL 8-9-10 Cary GRANT, Ginger ROGERS a" : "ONCE UPON A ~~ HONEYMOON" with Walter Slezak and Albert Dekker. Mirth, Romance, Melodramatic, Power. ' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, APRIL 12-13-14 Women are strange little beasts, GEORGE SANDERS and HERBERT MARSHALL, in "THE MOON and SIXPENCE" with Doris Dudley and Elena Verdugo. The picture as great... . as the famous novel Starting Thursday for 3 days. Robert YOUNG, Laraine DAY, "JOURNEY FOR MARGARET" .. Orphan of the Blitz ye Salvage COLLECTION Next Wednesday Alter- noon. Phone 211 if you wish Collectors Young People's Union The Y.P.U. meeting held on Tues- day evening was in charge of Emmer- son McMillan, convener of Christian Citizenship and Gordon MacMaster, assistant convener. The mecting opened with the sing- ing of a hymn followed by prayer by Emmerson McMillan. The Scripture passage was read by Bill Hayes, and the meditation on the Scripture was given by "Emmerson McMillan, after which a hymn was sung. Then a short impromptu debate was held. The boys taking the affirmative side, "Resolved that girls are more useful than boys" while the girls took the negative side, "Resolved that boys are more useful than girls". = Mr. Hugh Miller and Rev. W. C. Smith acted as judges and Mr. Miller very diplomatically called it a draw. Dorothy Balfour sang a couple of selections, "Light a Candle in the Chapel" and "There Are Such Things" accompanied at the piano by Reta Willard. Then Bruce-Hull, playing a guitar and Bob Dowson and Hugh MacMillan, playing harmonicas, fav- oured with several peppy selections. Mr. Hugh Miller, President of the Oshawa Presbyterial Executive -Y.P. U. was called upon as the guest speaker of the evening. He spoke on "The Purpose of Young People's Work" -- dealing with it under four headings, (1) Recreation, (2) Mis- sions, (3) Citizenship, (4) Worship. It was a very inspiring address and a sincere vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Miller for coming to speak. A few items of business were dis- pensed with; the minutes of the last meeting read and adopted; offering taken; a hymn sung and the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. ---------- eee 'DIED TAYLOR--At Port Perry Hospital, on Sunday, April 4th, 1943, Frederick William Taylor, (formerly of Cart- wright Township), in his 71st yeaf. rime Athi - IN MEMORIAM GRAHAM--In memory of Russell Graham who passed away April 10th, 1040. : : a When evening shadows are falling, And we sit in quiet alone, "To our hearts there comes a longing, viously so that the evening would come as a complete surprise tothe "¢ouple. , . Cee qo Junior War 'Workers ~ EUCHRE | Port Perry Junior War Work- 'ers-will hold a Euchre in the Oddfellows' Hall on the evening of Friday. April 9th. If he only could come home, Friends: niny think we have forgotten, When at times they see us smile, But they little know the heartache Our smile hides all the while, --Ever remembered by Wife Stella, Reta and Angus, MARTIN-~In loving memory of,"a dear husband and father, Richard Martin who passed away on April 8th, 1934, Not just today, but every day, In silence we remembey Lovingly remembered by Wife and Family, ols the, important aetupations in a Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST Taylor's The Eating House of Quality and Service Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Tobaccos Cigarettes BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor IN MEMORIAM ' WHITE--In loving memory of our dear son, Howard White, who passed away April 7th, 1942, - - Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember him, who once was ere, And who, though absent, is just as dear. i -- Lovingly remembered by Mother and Dad. WHITE--In loving memory of our dear brother, Howard, who passed away Apnl 7th, 1942, What would I give to clasp his hand, His happy face to see, To hear his voice and see his smile That meant so much to me. We do not forget you, nor do we in- end, We think of you often, and will till the end. Gone and forgotten by some you may be, . But dear to our memory, you ever will e. -----Ever remembered by Florence : and George. --_---- ees DIED FENNELL=--At her late residence, 52 Deloraine Ave., Toronto, on Satur- day, March 27th, 1943, Margaret Ann Manning, widow of William Joseph Fennell and beloved mother of Ade- laide Fennell of Welland and grand- mother of Nancy and Angus Maclaren of Ayama, B.C. Miss Fennell and her mother have been summer residents in Port Perry, living in their home purchased from the Gibbs estate at Borelia. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH An impressive Communion and Re- ception Service was held last Sunday morning in the Port Perry United Church. Upon that occasion thirteen persons were received by profession of faith, and seven by. transfer of mem- bership. At the Prince Albert Church, seven persons were received by profession of faith, and two by transfer of mem- bership. 3 This pleasing addition to the Church roll has largely been the result of the decisions made through the work of the Church membership class, con- ducted by Rev. W. OC. Smith. --_-- o> ---- J hour later articles are completed and ready for transportation to Brooklin branch. For the navy--1-pair seaman's long stockings, 1 pair alternative stockings. For civilians--4 pairs shorts, 4 shirts, b shirt blouses, 1 woman's nightgown, 2 calots, 1 toque. Rev, Mr. and Mrs, Rice, who have spent the winter months with Mrs, H, Hudgin, moved to Ashburn on Thurs- day and will occupy a part of Mr. G. West's house, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Perrin visited last week with their sons and their families at their homes in Leaside and Mount Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters were ay. ' : Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Port Perry, were visitors on Monday even- ing with Ray's. parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Cook. : During the past thrge months school has been opening and closing a half ut 'on April 1st returned to the regular hours. . Mr, George Luery of Stirling was a caller on Thursday of last week at the home of his brother David. Mrs. W. Gardiner of Ashburn who has been living with Miss O'Boyle for the winter months, returned to her home on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook were visit- ors in Brooklin on Tuesday. afternoon. Mrs. William Eyers of Hawkestone, is visiting this week with her son and his wife, Albert and Mrs. Eyers. . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pritchard of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. Pritchard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Perrin. 2 A meeting of-the Official Board of Myrtle Charge-is arranged for Mon- day, April 12 at 8.30 p.m. Jull of Brooklin, will be in charge. mY ---- SCUGOG . Sunday School and Church services at the usual hours next Sunday. All are cordially invited to these services. Rev. H. W. Foley of Bowmanville, has condented to carry on here for this year so Rev. F. G. Joblin will have a good rest. They will move to the parsonage in the near future, A good attendance was out on Sun- day to welcome the Rev. Mr; Foley. All were delighted with his address, and we hope his sojourn here will he a pleasant one. There will be no W.A, April. All were glad to see March go out so mildly. But April--not so good as vet. However the strong winds will help break up the ice in Lake Scugog. The water is now over the bridges in several places. Pte. Percy Collins who is in trainin at Camp Borden, spent the week-en with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Collins. Miss Joyce Reader spent the week- end with Miss Shirley Crozier. : Mr. Roy Henders is spending a couple" of with friends in Janetville. Miss Clara Hardy visited with her cousin Mrs. H, Long on Wednesday. Myr. George. Bratley and daughter Margaret_ visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parry, near Port Perry, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood and daughter Jean, visited their aunt Mrs. Wesley Crozier, and uncle Mr. Wm. Milner, at Prince Albert, on Sunday. Mrs. S. Pogue visited her daughters in Toronto a few days recently. The Red Cross meeting was held on Wednesday with five present, but a large quilt was quilted and the follow- ing articles packed: 2 large quilts, 2 cot quilts, 3 men's v-neck sweaters, 10 pairs men's socks, 4 small boys' suits, 2 pairs boys stockings, 3 pairs chil- dren's stockings, 1 pair men's gloves, 2 scarves, 4 pairs ladies' stockings, 6 'men's handkerchiefs, 10. small girls' dresses, 2 boys' blue suits, 1 baby blanket, 7 baby dresses, 3 baby jack- ets, 3 baby slips, 1 baby kimona, Also packed 3 parcels for overseas which contained 6 small boys' sleeve- less sweaters, 2 boys' suits, 5 ladies' , gowns, 2 pairs pyjamas, 3 pairs men's socks, 9 pairs children's stockings, 6 pairs women's stockings, 7 pairs chil- dren's stockings, 6 men's handerchiefs, 1 girl's dress, 1 baby blanket, 3 night- gowns, 2 baby shirts, 2 pairs baby stockings, 2 baby jackets, 4 baby dresses, 3 diapers, safety pins, gum, chocolate bars, Lifesavers, and 1 can Z.B.T. Baby Powder. The ladies will meeting in weeks {meet again on April 28th, BOY SCOUTS began on November 6th, has come to an end. The final marks are: 1. Squirrel Patrol. ........... 440% pts. 2. Reindeer Patrol . 421% pts. 3. Owl. Patrol ... .3901% pts. 4. Buffalo Patrol ... ..376 pts. Congratulations are certainly due to Patrol Leaders and Scouts of the win- ning Patrols. The Scouts will meet on April 9th at 8 p.m. pet ti The Cubs have their competition well under'way. The marks are: . Grey Six ..851% pts, 2. Black Six . ..00% pts, 3. White Six .... .69 pts. The Wolf Cubs will meet on April Oth at 7 pm." > AUNT TILLIE GOES TO SEA! Yes, Aunt Tillie and her company | are taking another trip. This: time, they are going to UTICA, where the play will be presented in Memory Hall on Monday, April 19th, at 8.30 p.m. The play will be presented by the Port Mrs.. Wm. Ramsay, of Toronto, is | visiting her brothers Messrs. Joel and The Boy' Scouts' competition which Jonathan Aldred. Mrs. D. Hope visited her cousin { Mrs. N. Ayers and her mother Mrs, J, Latimor; and Mrs. W. Mark,-in Port Perry recently. by Miss Grace Demara of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, ' Mr. Milton Demara is home again after spending the past year and a half in Pickering. : + Birthday greetings to three pairs of twins for the 7th, Messrs. John. and George Raymes, 92;. Bruce and Brice I Mark, William and Lois Byers, all 3 years old; Mr. Alton Mark, Inez Mar- tyn; for the 8th; Mrs. E. Pettit for the 10th, Mrs. G. Sweetman for the 11th, Mr. R. Brown and Shirley Eden for the 12th, Alma Elford, Lillian Collins, Donna Jeffrey for the 13th, Mrs, L. Pearce for the 14th, 2 Mrs. Geo. Sweetman visited her aunt Mrs. Wm. Savage on Friday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Hobbs and little Gloria here to Mr. Stanley Ploughman's farm. The Scugog Woman's Association are holding a pot luck supper on Tues- day evening, April 13th, in the town- ship hall, Everyone is invited. - Perry Young People, tinder the au- _ SEAGRAVE spices of the Woman's Association of tica. Admission: Adults, 26¢,, Chil- dren 16¢. Come along and have a good laugh! ! Myrtle Station Work for the Red Cross is still one to-day. e following The monthly meeting of the Junior Red Cross was held on April 2nd in the Public School, The meeting open- ed with the Jr. Red Cross song, fol- lowed by all repeating the motto in unison. The secretary's report was read 'and approved. e treasurer's report was read showing a balance of $4.62. Collection 41e. - The following reports were read and guests of Newcastle relatives on Sun-| Revi P. L.}- --------_--. approved: health, service, humane, The. proceeds from the community and Jr. Red Cross. drive is $50.00, and | the society wish to thank those who! helped to realize this amount, The program convener then. took! charge. First, the song, "There's an Empire Back of the Union Jack". David Gammon then gave a health story entitled "David and Joan". Miss Frise then played some selections on the piano. Vera Thompson gave a poem, "For the Fallen", - The Jheeting closed with God. Save the King an the benediction. I I a a AEE WHEN WILL THE ICE GO OUT THIS YEAR? Following are some records in years 1942 ., LLawrence's Texaltl One Cent Sale™~ This Week--Wednesday, Thurs- and Saturday FOUR BIG DAYS $1.00 Cod Liver and Creosote Compound, 2 for $1.01 50¢. Rexillana Cough Syrup, 2 for ble 76¢. Vet Aid Farmer's Friend, ' 2 for T6¢ 35c. Antiseptic Powder, 2 for 36¢ $1.00 Beef, Iron, and Wine, . 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Blood Purifier, 2 for $1.01 $1.00 -Agarex Comp. 2 for $1.01 60c. Milk of Magnesia, 2 for blc 25¢. Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 for 26¢ $1.00 Halibut Capsules, 2 for $1.01 Be Sure to See Our One Cent Sale Values in Stationery, Toiletries, i' fi WRENCE PORT PERRY past: . 1872 ... April 26 day, Friday, 1873 ... o il 24 ; 1875 ... . 17 1877 ... April 19 1878 \ 1886 i : 36¢. Milk of Magnesia Tablets, I - 2 for 36¢ 1901 .. 50c. Rexall Kidney Pills, 1902 : ¢ 2 for ble 1903 26¢. Stomach & Liver Pills, 1904 .. 2 for 26¢ 1905 ... $1.60 Multiple Vitamins, 1906 2 for $1.51 1907 ... 35¢. Tincture of Iodine, 1908 ... 2 for 36¢c 1909 ... 650c, Lin-a-Septic, 2 for ble on - 50c. Analgesic Balm, 2 for ble 1912 $1,00 Rexall Cod Liver Emulsion, 1913 2 2 for $1.01 1914 $1.00 Syrap of Hypophosphites, 1915 .. - 2 for $1.01 T1916... 47c. Mi 31 Antiseptic, 2 for 48¢ 1017 ... 50c Nose and Throat Relief; 1918 ... . 2 for ble 1919 1920 ... 1921 ... 1922 .. 1923 ... 1924 ... . 1926 ... Sundries, etc. 1926 ... . 1927 ... . 1928 ... Lad L vik A. M. LA 1930 ... | 1. PHONE 49 720 Rexall sme 1933 & ; .1934 1935 TENDERS WANTED 1936 ... Tenders will be received by the un- 1937 dersigned for the purchase of the barn 1938 building on what is known as the "1939 Collacutt property, recently pur- |chased by the Board of Education. 1940 Tenders will be closed at six p.m. 1041 on Friday, April 17th, and must be sent to R. D. Woon, Secretary of the Board of Education. 1943 tender not necessarily accepted. against Axis supply. convoys BRITISH BOMBERS SINK AXIS SUPPLY SHIPS. British and Allied bombers kept up a continuous offensive forcements for Rommel's retreating army in Libya. artist's impression shows ap attack by R.A.F. "Blenheim" attempting to bring rein- This i Highest or any] ! KILLS HARMFUL GERMS Luickly 7 RWW Sl MI-31 ANTISEPTIC . & 3 kills * harmful germs Quickly. It is the economical, quick to guard against unpleasant breath, cold germs, and numerous infections of the nose and throat, Protect your- self with MI-31 Antiseptic, ANTISEPTIC "A. M. LAWRENCE, "The Rexall Store' Phone 49 Port Perry Have you looked at the date on the label on your paper? Is Your subscription due? BILTMORE THEATRE OSHAWA : ONTARIO Thursday Friday Saturday Monday and 'Tuesday » Wednesday and Thursday 'only The Greatest Comedy of All Time' - "Charley's Aunt" with JACK BENNY and LAIRD CREGAR dpe 1 Two yong 10 Stars on one program GENE AUTRY and = ; KEN MAYNARD "In Old Santa Fe" -- : Special Morning Show aturday, 11 o'clock The most exciting picture you've ever seen. GENE TIERNEY and VICTOR MATURE "SHANGHAI GESTURE" JOAN DAVIS and : ALBERT DEKKER "YOKEL "g BOY" x s v WE DARE YOU TO ! SEE IT SUPER L HORROR : ETAT PROGRAM BORIS KARLOFF and BASIL RATHBONE in' "The Tower of London" SECOND HORROR HIT PRESTON FOSTER Can You Tell Who is the The Lady in the Morgue

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