How Can 11? By Anne Ashley Q. What remedy? A. Throbbing headache is often relieved by drinking the juice of half a lemon in fresh water, Fol- low with the other half in about thirty minutes, Also rub sliced lemon over the temples and brow, Q. How can [I give a maple fin- {sh to mahogany furniture? A. The only way to do this without removing the mahogany finish is to give thé furniture a good undercoat and then apply maple varnish stain. Q. How can I remove scars on furniture made by lighted cigar- ettes? § A. The only thing to do is to remove the scar by use of sand- is a good headache paper and then refinish the arti- cle of furniture. ¢ , Q. How can [ remedy tough meat? A. There are several wa It ean be made tender by sufficient pounding, by slow cooking, and also by laying it for a few min- utes in vinegar water. Q. How can I remove kerosene gtains from carpets? A. By sprinkling buckwheat flour over them; let stand awhile, then sweep up carefully; repeat, if necessary. ny on pr Ct We Won't Know Post-War Nylon By Sidney B. Self, in the Wall Street Journal = * When nylon comes back from war, along with the paratroopers who depend on it for their "chutes, civilians will not recognize it. Continuing laboratory explora- tion of nylon is revealing it is the most versatile of modern synthe- tic raw materials. It "ean be silky, rubber-like, woolly, hairy, almost metallic, or ivorylike, at the chemists' will. When nylon is no lonzer monope- lized by war needs, it will find multitudinous new uses. Post-war nylon will reappear in its familiar guises as wonien's hos: iery and brush bristles, ns strings for tennis rackets and tourh line for fishermen. But it will also take such diverse forms as grease- less, non-metallic bearings for high-speed machinery and as "pa- tent leather" type shoes that won't crack. Nylon Blankets It will serve as woven, hole- proof screening on porches and as garden furniture that ignores rain and needs no paint. Nylon rope of tremendous tensile strength "will hold the straining nylon sails of ing yachts, In "winter, nylon" s-and blan- kets will help keep America warm, because nylon appears to make : the best wool-like synthetic so far { - produced. Industry will use nylon paint brushes and a hundred variations of industrial brushes, hard and soft. Tough nylon films can .be used for vacuum packing of dried foods. Wiring for motors and magnets can be automatically given an insulating nylon coating at the rate of nearly a mile a minute, In its rubbery forms it also probably can be used for women's corsets and foundation garments. Varied Chemical Composition The reason why nylon has so many differént forms and uses is _that it is really not one chemical, but a whole family of related chemical compounds. As a che- mical it has a family relationship to silk and hair and wooly to the proteins® in meat and in soya h beans. Sie Besides varying the chemical composition, the chemist can do * startling mechanical tricks with nylon. By controlling stretching, temperatures and moisture, for example, it can be given a per- manent crimp or twist, which is 14 the quality that makes wool woolly and provides warmth by retairing air. It is even possible to make a nylon spring, as fine as a hair or as thick as an elec- tric light wire. : How long it will be before thece various new forms of nylon * will appear on the market {s hard to tay. Many applications will re. quire exhaustive industrial testing. Much greater plant capacity both for making the basic material and i for making various semi-finished forms will have to be huilt. Ton Lr 2S) £X in Po 713,000,000 Right In Fuehrer's Face Tre Londoners have thrown $713,000,000 right in Der Fuehrer's face, but it will be delivered to him In bombs from aircraft pur. chased by the citizens for' the i RAF. y ; An announcement put the total EL 'contributions in the London Wings 717, for Victory Week at £162/016.869. ei The objective was £150,000,000, gs Many of the war savings stamps / the public bought to swell the amount will never be redeenied. They were cancelled when' thelr purchasers pasted them on bombs to be dropped on Germany, NO GUNS ON THIS ONE Fis Officer George "Buzz" Beurling, Canada's Number One flying ace and hero of many air battles over Malta, who has. just completed a coast to coast tour of Canada visiting 'R.C.AF. stations, made a large part of the long trip by Trans-Canada Air Lines. Here he is at Moncton air port previous to departure on the last leg of his journey, from Moncton to Montreal, seated at the controls of a big T.C.A. passenger liner talking to Captain J. R, Bowker, who piloted the plane, At Winnipeg Beurling was greeted by Wing Commander D. R, facLaren, T.C.A.'s superintendent of sassenger service, and one of Canada's air aces of the last war. almost' WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING AMMONIA GOES TO~WAR Ammonia, common to the house- hold for cleaning woodwork, tiles and windows; to the first-aid kit as a stimulant, and to the ice factory as a refrigerant, is an in- dispensable war material, says "Scientific American." There are at least 2,000 indus- trial uses for this chemical. Anmi- monia, for instance, is an ingre- dient basic to the manufacture of explosives for bombs, torpedoes, shells and cartridges. It hardens metals for vital parts of airplanes, tanks and guns, It helps vuleanize important rub- ber articles. It is used in making nylon. It enters into the manu- facture of fertilizers. ployed in one process for the manufacture of "Lucite" methyl methacrylate plastic for the noses, gun turrets, navigation "blisters," and other transparent sections of fighting airplanes. Synthesized by Du Pont and others from the elements of air and water with the aid of coal, ammonia simply is one part nitro- _ gen chemically combined with three parts of hydrogen. Ammonia plus oxygen produces nitric acid. Furthermore, nitric acid enters into the manufacture of cellulose nitrate plastics, which have many military applications, Gaseous ammonia flowing. across heated steel under proper conditions imparts a hard, wear resistant surface over the soft core without changing the dimen- sions of the metal. This process, called "nitriding," is necessary to many metal parts for airplanes, tanks, guns and ships. Ammonia helps in refining pet- roleum products. Crude petroleum contains acid harmful to- stills, and these acids are neutralized by It is-em-_| the addition of small amounts of ammonia, In fertilizers, ammonia is used for the ammoniation of superphos- phate and for the manufacture of urca and of sodium nitrate---syn- thetic Chile saltpetre. Synthetic urea, made from am- monia and carbon dioxide, is basio to the manufacture of ammonium sulfamate, the new industrial chemical used for flame proofing workmen's clothes, uniforms, and other textiles. Urea formaldehyde plastics have numerous military applications. 2,7. Ammonia is used in the manu- facture of vat dyes, apd in wool - scouring to remove fats, waxes and dirt. Long and varied is the list of achievements of this rela- tively inconspicuous chemical. "It Can't Be Done' = But Bee Does It Sign in works: According to the theory of aero- dynamics, and as may be readily demonstrated through wind tun- nel experiments, the bumblebee is unable to fly. This {s because the size, weight, and shape ot his body in relation to the total wingspread make flying impossible, But the bumblebee, being ignor-, ant of these scientific truths, goes ahead and files anyway--and makes _ a little honey every day. 2 " SAFES Protect your HOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES, We have » alze and type of Safe, or Cahinet, for nav purpose. Visit us, or write tor prices. ete to Dept. W J.6cJ). TAYLOR umiTen TorONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. E,, Toronte Fatablished 1835 BRITISH PROBE FOR DESERT DEATH Bayonets make good trowels for British engineers searching for buried and mines in the Thala-Kasserine Pass sector of Tunisia. Axis held area briefly, left ground sown with deadly seeds. PT ar a . for her. a motor engineering ° Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What should a girl do when arriving at a dance, and her escort is not around when she comes out of the dressing room? 2. Should the cutting edge of the knife be placed toward the plate or away from it? 8. Is the year usually given when dating a social letter? + 4, Is it mecessary for a person to apologize for the crunching nosie that results when. eating hard toast, or something of that 'nature? 65. When should a man wear & "cutaway coat? 6. In what way does a formal invitation differ from an informal one? " Answers 1. Stand away from the dan- cers until her escort appears. A girl should try to time her ap- pearance from the dressing room go that her escort will be waiting 2. The sharp edge of each knife should always be turn- ed toward the plate. 3. No. 4. Not when it is unavoidable. A little practice, however, will en- able one to avoid much of this crunching noise. 5. The "cuta- way" is worn at any formal day- time occasions such as receptions, afternoon weddings, teas, or fun- erals., 6. The only difference lies jn the phrasing. Have You Heard? Gracié Fields told the story of 'Erbert 'Awkins, only 4 feet 11, who quarreled so violently with his wife that he didn't hear an air-raid alarm: As he stamped out, slamming the door, a bomb landed nearby, bringing his house down around his ears. When a rescue squad dug him out an hour later, one man ob- served: _ - "Blime, but you're a little fel- low." Replied "Erbert, gazing proudly af the wreckage. "I may be little, but can I slam a door!" __Browne was 'phoning his wife from the office. "Hullo, dear," he said. © "I'm very sorry, but I won't be home till very late to- night. I'm fire-watching." "Oh, you are, are you," snapped his wife. "And who is the flame?" "What are you studying now?" asked the new-rich mother of her youngest son. "We have just begun the study of molecules," he answered. For a moment she looked blank; "then a gleam of interest showed in her eyes. wiitbmiamee oh mpm "] hope: you will be attentive and practice constantly," she ex- claimed eagerly. "I tried to get your father to wear one, but he couldn't keep it in his eye." Man: Watcha cryin' for? Boy: I lost my nickel, Man: Where? Boy: In Virginia. Man: How come?" Boyt She swallowed it. Tom had just put one over on BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS If~four back aches or if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyesand rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help--and there is a time-tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Ci 1 These Capsul in care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original _ . Dutch Drops--packed in Canada. a 40¢ package from your druggist. [ Jim, The latter, out to evem things, leant across the table te ask, with a grin: ° "Do you know that of the 60, 006 people in this town, three- fourths are clergymen?" "Rot!' snapped Jim, "It's true, ~ The Rev, and his two parson sons!' Fourth An American who has just retired made his. fortune by repairing silk stockings. He started at the bottom of the ladder. nt "lI can't understand how you manage to keep so calm, what- ever happens," said Robinson. "Oh, it's just a matter of train- ing," explained Thompson. "You see I've a wife, five children, two dogs and a cigarette lighter!" "Teacher: "Give me a sen- tence with the word bien. nial." ) Pupil: "Mom will biennial 7 thing if she thinks it's a bar- gain." This Is A Land, Sea And Air War General MacArthur's brilliant victory in the Bismarck Sea, In which a Jap fleet of 22 ships was wiped out by land-based planes, should not be misinterpreted to mean that land-based planes alone can win the war. The planes that sank the ships took off from bases conquered, after long. and hard fighting, by land troops. These 1'nd troops were brought to the battlefleld by ships under naval convoy. The bombs the planes carried, and the . gasoline that fuel.d them, were transported to the alr bases by ship. In reality, therefore, the operation that sank the Jap fleet was a combin®d naval, land and air peratlon, X When the time comes to make another advance against Japan, a new combined operation willl be 'required, In which land, sea and air forces must all take thelr ap pointed part. < The New Wing: Built In 1377! Lord Crangoren, the ex-Minister of Colonies and Britain's Lord Privy Seal, recently was visited at his home Im Cranborne by a young American who recited his geneology--tracing his American ancestry 'back to the Meyllower _days. "Come with me, I want to show you this house," Lord Cranboren interrupted. "Now take this. part--this is the new wing," "The NEW wing?" asked the Am- erican. "It looks so old." "It was built in 1377," the host informed, "but 'nevertheless -- it's the new wing." -- Leonard Lyons in The New York Post, Ugandas-Are Not As Lesser Tribes Capt. Harold Mitchell who re- cently returned from a mission to the Middle East on - which he travelled 25,000 miles, spoke highly of the loyalty of Uganda tribesmen. In one district, ¢hiefs wanted to help the war effort so called a meeting. The first suggestion came from a chief who declared "We must help King George, but how can we?" "We cannot send men, for it's too far and we have no money," he said. "But what have we? Cattle. Let each one give a cat- tle beast." This was not good enough for the eldest chief. "We are,not as those of other lesser tribes," he go for Ogden's A Red River tart in the old days of the West was something to + hangonto...Old-timers will tell you that once you try Ogden's, you'll stay with it because it's a roll -your-owner's dream -- a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos. Try it today. Ogden's quality for pipe smok " on in Ogden's Cut Plug i (rt (FR) ALTA said. "Let us each give two cattle beasts to help King George kill Hitler." ' supplied. ,TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE : TEMPORARY. CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 29 years and over; Married; Physically fit; at least 6' 9" in stocking feet; 160 1bs.; of good character and fair education. To be available for appointment immediately, Uniform clothing Apply Nearest Employment and Selective. Service Office . Refer to File RO-591 - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED HELP WANTED PERSONAL LADIES! No doubt you wish to make money! Our Agency offers you the means of doing so, and for . just part of your time. If interested, write us and we will send along our terms. AVON PRODUTCS OF CANADA, LIMIT- IoD, 1015 St. Alexander Street, Montreal. BABY CHICKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGUUR also popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages. Falrview Farms, St. Marys, Ontario. GAYWOUDS QUALITY CHIX. Quality at reasonable _ prices. ~~ Fres catalogue. Immediate deliv ery. Produced from our own blood-tested stock. Gaywood Farm, Mount Hamilton. GET THE RIGHT CHICKS--GET them early. Get Tweddle Chicks. The right food and proper care is the formula this year that will * make real mopey for a man in the chicken business & , . pro- vided he gets the right chicks. Back of Tweddle's overnment Approved chicks from blood-test- ed stock are years of research chick-perfecting effort. 18 popular purebreeds and 10 hybrid crosses to choose from. Write, for catalogue and price list. Prompt delivery on Barred Rocks, White Leghorns and many other pure- breeds and hybrid crosses. Also turkeys and older pullels; Twed- dle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ORDER BRAY CHICKS NOW FOR June-July delivery. Immediate delivery day-old, or started, heavy or light breed cockerels, You're missing good markets If you don't. 8 or 10 weeks feeding -make_ fine _brdllers, Bray Hatch." ery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. HUILDINGS. Font SALVAGE WANTED TO BUY BUILDINGS or wrecking, 'Factory, Mine equipmenge Bridges, Dredging Equipment for Salvage, Taylor's Wrecking, 27 Stanley, Brantford. COWS FOR SALE JERSEY BREEDERS BEING OVERCROWDED WE have a few purebred registered fully accredited cows for sale, high testers and excellent pro- ducers. Look them over and take your own choice. Bokarfarm, R.R. 1, Whitby, Ont. FOOT BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys ffensive odor instantly, 45c - bottle, Ottawa agent, ehman Drug Store, Ottawa. FOR SALE CHOICE YORKSHIRE BOARS, and Sows, from two months up. Sire, and Dams bred from the best Advanced Registered breed- ing. 'One cholce Clysdale Stal lion; one Hackney Stallion. Col- leo heelers, two fe- eight months working, Herbert J. Miller, Keene, Ont. McCORMIUK-DEERING 10-20 TRAC- tor, Rebuilt, new uarantee, $8,000. J. H. McCaw, 3{ Bayfield Street, Barrie, Ontario. CASE HAY BALER, good workin cash price. H. A, T Station, Ont. = 17x2 wliss, Glanford Relieves distress from MONTHLYy FEMALE WEAKNESS resistance against distress of \cult days." Made in Canada, of FOR SALE OR RENT FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT-- -, Township of Oxford, County Gren- "ville, Ont.,, 200 acres, convenlent to Church, school and cheese fac. watered, prim. ox K, Burritt's Raplds, nt. / . DYEING & ULEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHINU NEEDS dyelog or sleaning? Write to ue for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart. ment' H, Parker's Dye orks Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. Zid . 2, IN order. State lowest REGISTERED NURSE REQUIRED for general floor - duly; salary $67.50 per month and mainten- ance. I'lease apply, stating prev ious experience and giving refer- ences, to G. Crozler, Sec.-Treas., County of Bruce General Hos- pital, Walkerton, Ontario. FISHERY FOR SALE LAKE ERIE POUND NET FISH. ery for sale. Ideal location, prov- en fishing grounds. Will sell cquipment separately. Roy Miller, Lowbanks, Ontario. - HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THB --_-- Robertson method. Information. ELIJAH COMING -"BEFURR Christ. Wonderful book sent free. Meglddo Mission, Rochester. New ork. . PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heut, Ruin, or Hull HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall 3 Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 26c, Supreme. quality and (ast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE __Stalten J, To ato on request Jeparding Rovertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. . LEAF TOBACCO FIVE POUNDS DARK LEAF $2.50, Five Pounds Virginia and Burley Leaf for pipe $2.90; Five Pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $3.65. Postpaid. Natural Leat To- bacco Co. Leamington, Ontarlo. MACHINERY CASH PAID FOR ALL SURBLUS REPRINTS MADE FRUM NEG- atives 3c each. Enlargements size b x 7, 15¢; 8 x 10, 20c. Prompt mail service. Foto Finishers, i Jarvis St, Toronto, PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS EGERTUN R. CASE, REGISTERED United States, Cunudian, British Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty years 83 Balsam Avenue, Toroato. machinery. = Gilbert C. Storey 'Machinery Company, 25 St. Albafis \ RABLITS Street, Toronto, Ontario. FOR 60c | WILL SEND COMPLETR MANGEL SEED information: breeding, housing, - clipping, marketing; Angora rab MOORE'S GIANT WHITE SUGAR bits. A. E. Klassen, Box 4, Ros. MANGEL. Registered No. 1 Germ. enfeld, Man. inatisn 96% in 3 days. Sp } = --_--= grading process assures even a + sowing, uniform stand, heavy RHEUMATIC PAINS yield. pogolutely peak value, best mangel buy. ¢ Ib; 2 or over 70c 1b, "prepaid. Ralph Moore & Sons, Box 126_ Norwich, Ontario, IT'S IMPORTANT--Ever; suffer of Rheumatic Pains o Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Blgi MEDICAL Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. gly) GOOD ADVICE! SLICERS FOR SALE Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun-, ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. HERBAL-HEALTH TONIO DON'T READ THIS -- UNLESS {oy are looking I MEAT AND BREAD BLICE Eoin. cred, tr" SES ompany, Street, Toronte, Untari, ollexs --_-- SHETLAND PONIES - blood whic up and ime liver and bowel , Customers say that Nu-Tone herbs will do this and merits for yourself that you can- not afford to pass Fi 18 ackages of fui two months' good for one month only, Stocks IN ne low. Mall. your order UNITED "SUPPLY COMPANY 106 Queen West, Toronto NATURE'S REMEDIES! TREAT + Plle Torture with Palova Balsam. Money back guarantes $1.00, Arthrits and Rheumatism paln , quickly relleved with Breenatone and Lemon. One months treat. ment $1.00, Indian Remedies, Box | 118, Vancouver, : 'OFFER TO INVENTORS AN UFFER TO EVERY (NVENTOR List of Inventions and. full Infor. Eo SAAT vs I aten orne; 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, PATENTS FETHEHRSTUNHAUUH & CUMPANY Patent Bolleito Established 1890; 14 King est, Toronto, Hooiit of (nformation on re. ee MILK CANS RENEWED RUSTY MILK CANS RETINNED llke new. We also buy old cans, Montreal Tinning & Retinning 0, Ltd, Montrea } for a rbal health tonle, laxative and one h SHETLAND - PONIES FOR 'SA Parsons Pony Ranch, Nokomis --_-- STALLION FOR SALE " FOR SALE, CLYDESDALE STA Yen 2s) Scotland, Ae A N nformation writ ' Heldreth, Vinemount. Heth %, STOCK FOR SALW SINGLE COMB RHODE Reds, Exhibition 1 Yeas FOR rei Group 1: $3.00 for 15; $5.00 for 30 $7.00, for 80. Group 2: : of Group Une, n i TECHNICAL BOOKS FREE CATALOGUE OF TECINIe cul books for the practical ma or engineer, Dominlonswide order service. \rite or. call C, Cole and Co. di} ° Exchange, Department WwW; 3 cio Bloor" West, Toronto, TRACTION ENGINE FOR SALE--AN EAGLE GASO Traction engine, 30 ih SuLIn clutch pulley, price $350.00. Appl A 8 owner, John F. Reld, Bancrof TRACTOR PARTS TRACTOR "PARTS NEW AND bused, Jot, A makes of actors, era uto an ractor 1y, . 12 Ftederick St, Kitchener, One. a WANTED «-- MERUHANDISE Tr 'discontinued stocks bought cash, Taylor's Aerchandlse, of = 3 4 Ay 5 ia