Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Jun 1943, p. 8

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rR. And Ava SNR AEE or PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 10th, 1948 194 ...IF Under the new system introduced this year, Income Tax is now on a pay-as- 1942 Tax made this possible. In most cases the larger part of the reduced tax will have been paid by the 1942 tax deductions or instalment pay- ments. One-third of any balance must be paid by 30th June and the remainder on or before 31st December, 1943. You must file an Income Tax return and pay any balance to establish your right, after the war, to the refund of the Savings Portion of your 'tax. be secured from Income Tax. TaRMIRS INCOME TAX QUIDE wa COLIN GIBSON, To help you fill out your I (**Farmers' Income Tax Guide, 1942") has been prepared to cover the special conditions which apply to farm operations. It can be obtained free on request from your District Inspector. If you don't know his address, just mail your letter to ** Inspector of Dominion Income Tax." Make yout returns NOW! ~ Avoid Penalties! -- Minister of National Revenve ~~~ 2 INCOME TAX RETURN NOT LATER THAN JUNE 30 SINGLE and your net income exceeded $66000 MARRIED and your net income exceeded $12000 For incomes not over $3000 get two (2) copies of simplified Form T. 1 Special, For incomes over $3000 get three (3) copies of Form I. 1 General. Income Tax dollars are not ordinary dollars . . . they are Victory dollars . .. necessary dollars to help win the war. Income Tax is fair to all. All are taxed in proportion to their ability to pay. If you are a salary or a wage earner, your employer can probably supply you --------------you-earn--basis---The--reduction--of the with Income Tax Forms--otherwise, One pound of «150 bullets wun, they are available at your Office or the office of your District Inspector of Income Tax. Over 2,000,000 «Canadians will be filing returns and paying t avoid the last minuté rus wait, illness or other u circumstances may prevent getting your return in Avoid penalties by sending in- your return NOW! 2 . FARMERS You must attach to your return on Form T. 1 Special or Form T. 1 General cither a statement of your gross' income and expenses, or completed Farmers T. 1 Supple- mental. The T. 1 Supplemental ftemizes all forms of farm receipts and expenses, and pi ) 1s a guide for determining your actual net income. Forms may K your local Post Office or District Inspector of DOMINION OF CANADA -- DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE INCOME TAX DIVISION C. FRASER ELLIOTT, ncothe Tax forms a booklet istrict Commissioner of Income Tax local Post ? axes . . . h. If you nforeseen . you from - on time. If we all cut our telephone talks by just one Minute Ne x Lt j War calls must come first . . . "which means that we should reduce our non- essential use of the telephone to the minimum. Present facilities cannot be increased; your ce- operation is needed if war calls are to go through promptly. Q Please remember that the wasteful use of telephone time can hold up war business -- and that every second you save counts. ~~ * ot % v7 1 ssh i . J. A. CROSS, Local Manager 97) PLEASE LOOK AT THE LABEL ON YOUR STAR £0 and see if your subsoription is paid to date. . FS A. E. POWLEY "A. E. Powley, a Toronto newspaper- man with wide experience, was trans- ferred from his job as senior editor in the Central Newsroom at Toronto to take charge of the London bureau. MATTHEW HALTON Among Powley's staff men will be the former €anadian newspaper war correspondent Matthew Halton," who is to join the CBC London bureau some time this summer. BLACKSTOCK Congratulations to Mrs. Peter Wright -who attained her- 82nd birth- day on May 31st. grease resulting "Bones" and hogs. enough glycerine to fire TO YOUR SALVAGE COMMITTEE. FAT IS AMMUNITION! Fat and bone conservation begins at home and ends in the firing line - DO YOU KNOW - a fat supplies from a Bren Bones produce fat and aircraft glue. If we saved fat at the rate of one ounce per person per week this would mean 36,000,000 pounds per year, enough to produce 3,600,000 pounds of glycerine for explosives. OUR FIGHTERS DEPEND ON YOU "Every householder. who delivers to a retail butcher, collector, or Salvage Committee, 'any rendered or unrendered fats or bones shall be entitled ta receive from the person to ------whom---they_are delivered 4 cents pér pound net weight for ___- | " rendered fats, and 1 cent per pound for unrendered fats." The above paragroph is o direct quotation from Order A-642 of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. "Rendered fat" means fat melted down and strained to remove solid matter. It includes drippings and strained pan from the cooking of meat. "Unrendered fat' means raw or partially cooked fat free . from lean meat and bone, but not fully rendered. means raw or cooked bones of cattle, sheep EVERY OUNCE COUNTS! SAVE AND_STRAIN EVERY DROP TO SPEED . VICTORY. SELL IT TO YOUR BUTCHER OR Two-pounds of fat will fire a burst of 20 cannon shells from a: Spitfire or 10 anti- aircraft shells. GIVE IT ore PIER, FO NOTICE TO BUTCHERS, HOTELS, ETC. You have been mailed a copy of Order A-642. This Order affects operators of hotels, restaurants and other establishments where meals are served. It is of immediate. importance to butchers and slaugh- terers. If your copy has been lost, you can obtain another. from the nearest office of The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. HE'WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD © St. John's A.Y.P.A. held. its May meeting at the home of Mrs. Carter, Burketon. Laverne Devitt reported that he had received several letters from boys overseas expressing thanks to the A.Y.P.A. for parcels sent. The May meeting of the United Chureh W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. A. Johnston. The roll call was Sorry to report the illness of Miss Ethel Thompson, The United Church W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Hooper for the May meeting. - The treasurer reported $20 made from 'Yefreshments sold at Mr. M. Griffin's sale. It was decided to clean the basement of the church im- mediately. gil The Red Cross Society held its May meeting at the home of Mrs. A. L. Bailey. A salvage drive is being plan- ned by the committee, which consists of the business men of Cartwright with Mr, Harold Porteous, convener. Returns will be used for "Prisoners of War Boxes." Misses Leona Devitt and Irene Rahm attended the A.Y.P.A. conven- tion at Trinity College. Mrs, Green, of Kitchener, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Alex. Gilbert. Archdeacon and Mrs. Simpson at- tended the Synod in Toronto; and Rev. held at Gananoque. A social evening and shower was held in the community hall recently, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wil- son (Reta Swain) of Port Perry. Many useful and lovely gifts were presented and -the bride and groom each ex- pressed appreciation and gratitude. Mr. Laverne Devitt acted as cHairman and after a good program was enjoyed dancing followed, The music was sup. plied by Mrs. Redman and 'Mrs. Rod- man of Scugog, and Chas. and Oliver Smith, REEL ; A successful euchre and dance, un- der the auspices of Nestleton W. IL was held in Blackstock community hall. * Prizes were won by Mrs, V. M. Archer and Mr. Harry McLaughlin. The Institute quilt (material donated by Miss Ethel Thompson.and Henty Thompson) was won by Mrs, Wheeler of Nestleton, Proceeds from the quilt and party amounted to over $45.00 and answered with an article for British babies' layettes. : St. John's W.A. met at the home of Mrs. F. Crawford for the May meet- ing. Mrs. Simpson gave a report of ; the annual W. A. eonvention, which "she attended in Toronto. The meet. ings will be held in the evenings from ; now on, . Sorry that Mrs, John Jobb is con- ; fined to her bed with a broken hip, and that Mr. Harry Oliver is ill in Port Perry Hospital, The Jr. Red Cross Societies of Cart- wright schools are assisting the local Red Cross branch in the selling of 1000 post cards. Proceeds for the Russian and Chinese relief funds. There are four different cards on which are pictures of girls who are in volunteer Red Cross work. The four different uniforms pictured sym- bolize: the transport section, nursing auxiliary, office administration, and Red Cross worker who wears the blue surgical dressings, hospital supplies, 'packs prisoner of war parcels and: serves in many other ways to help soldiers, sailors, airmen and suffering humanity the world over. A member of the Junior Red Cross of your school, will call on you soon," and we hope that every family in the township will be contacted this week. --_----------e wo Diocese of Toronto The following officers have been ap- pointed as the Executive Committee of the Synod of the Diocese of To- ronto for the year 1943-44, Ex' officio members: The Arch- bishop of Toronto, Most Rev. D. T. Owen, D.D.; The Suffragan Bishop of Toronto, Rt. Rev. A.R. Beverley, D.D,, Secretary, Canon F. J, Sawers, M.A, olson, Esq. will be used in patriotic work. FRANK KENDALL, Secretary. / / And attend 'the W. F. THOMPSON, - Chairman of Board. Principal Ramsay Armitage, Rev. Pro- vost F. H. Cosgrave, Rev. H. R, Hunt, Very Rev. C. E. Riley, Rev. G. N. Luxton, Canon R, A. Armstrong, Rev, D. M. Rose and Canon W. P. Robert- son, Lay--Messrs, R. H. Soward, J. 0. Elton, C, H. Hale, C. L. Foster, F. @G. Venables, F. A. Brewin, Major E. D. M. Stinson attended the Conference sock and who sews, knits, makes'A. Hetherington and Dr. G, S. Cam- "cron. Archbishop's Appointments: Cleri- cal--Ven, G. Warren, Archdeacon of York; Ven. Wm. Simpson, Archdeacon of Peterboro; Ven. A. i. Emmet, Arch- deacon of Simcoe; "Rev. P. M, Lamb, Canon -¢. A, Moulton, Rev. W. R. Sproule, Canon H. F. D. Woodcock and | Rt. Rev. R. J. Renison. Lay: Messrs, | G. H. Hand, A. D. Hardie, H. G. Keen, iE. G. Strathy, Frank -Welch, W. R. Worthington, Capt, S. C. Snively and Hon, Mr, Justice G. A. Urquhart. GREENBANK Sorry to, hear of the serious illness of Mr. Norman Flewell, who. is in the Oshawa General Hospital. " Mr. and Mrs, Birdsall and family of Toronto have moved to Mr. Thomas The Chancellor of the Diocese, D, T, Brown's farm which they have pur- Symons, Esq., K.C., The Hon, Clerical | chased. Mrs. Kerr of New Liskeard, is the The Hon. Lay. Secretary, James Nich-| guest of Mrs. Balf, Mr, and Mrs. St. John, Mr, and Mrs. Elected by Synod: Clerical -- Rev.Ianson and family, at Mr. A. Young's, West Brock, on Sunday. Mrs, Draper and daughter, and Mr. Donaldson, of Peterboro visited Mr. and Mrs. St. John; on Sunday. Miss Ila Stone, Miss June Jolly, Miss Olive Yake, Toronto, Mrs. H. Stone, visited thé latter's daughter, Mrs. Melvin Doble, Victoria Corners, on Sunday. 2 : RED Rev. Mr. Wallace attended the Con: ference held in Gananoque. ? Mr. and Mrs, Norman Phair, of Col- lingwood, vised relatives here re- cently," ; The Red Cross met on Wednesday afternoon with a small attendance, Two quilts were quilted. : We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Robt. Michie and family in the death. of Mr. Michie. = He will be greatly missed by his many friends and neigh- 4 bours, also in the Church and Sunday, School where he took such an activé part. The funeral was held from h late residence on Tuesday, June 1st. Interment was made at "The Pines" cemetery, -- Rev, J. A. Millér of Toronto, attend- ed the funeral of the late Robt. Michie last week. bs - A splendid concert was given by the schools on Friday evening by pupils of the school under the leadership of Mrs. John Dobson, AY | ; Utica Decoration Day SUNDAY, JUNE 13th, 1943 At 2.30 pom. ; The Utica Cemetery Board invite you to the Annual Decoration Service Speaker: Rev. P. L. Jull, Brooklin. MUSIC BY BROOKLIN QUARTETTE Chalrman--Mr. George West, Ashburn _ Friends and relatives are invited to decorate the graves in -- the forenoon previous-to the above date. ~~ jhe Church Service in fellowship with us. WR

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