Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Jun 1943, p. 2

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3 3 Tu 3 4 ete, AL vA ¢ Ea + - {ab BA A A ii a tt die ert eer tin i arbi a BIE LAE WY v . To f{lustrate how Allled forces --are-carrylug tne Tignt to the en- emy, James F. Byrnes, U. 8. Mo- bilization Chief, cited In a recent address the sinking of four sub- marines that attacked a convoy and the destruction of a Japancse battleship at eight-mile range on a stormy night--by means of Ra- dar, i ' The wholesale destruction of submarines présumably was tho victory announced In London May 12. The Admiralty said four and perhaps 10 U-boats were sunk aft- or they attacked a convoy. The shnking of the battleship had been announced last November by the United States Navy, but it did not disclose at that tlme how Radar mastered the eight-mile range. A British Invention Byrnes gave no détails of the eonvoy results saying only: "The submarine is still a dead- Jy menace, but our attack against the submarine Is even more dead: ly. Recently ono of our convoys was set upon by a pack of Nazi submarines. They got one of our merchant ships, but we got four of their snbmarines." ' As for Radar, the British 1n- yention ~which--uses--hoomerangng radio bpams to detect distant en- emy planes and ships, even in fog or at night, Byrnes said: "On the right of Nov. 14 oft Guaduleanal, there lay a Japanese battleship. It was a stormy night. Eight miles away was a ship" of our fleet. With the use of the Ra- dar our ship with and salve "ght kK THe Jap battleship in the blackness of night, eight miles away. : "Is there any wonder that the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto who boasted ho would dictate the peaeo to tho United States in the White " Mouse, has quietly passed away?" : Private Income His Majesty Lends Wartime Savings to the Government When Pariiament votes L£418,- 000 a year as King George VI's Civil List, £110,000 is carmarked for his own use (the Privy Purse). Out of it the King pays such expenses as the cost of the Royal train for official journeys, but how the money is spent is not known exactly-to anyone except - His Majesty and tall, quictly com- petent Sir Ulick Alexander, Keep- er of the Privy Purse. = Last week, however, one secret of the P.P. accounts leaked out. Because there are no glittering "Courts or Levees, no lavish State banquets, no costly entertain- ments for visiting foreign poten- tates in wartime, many thousands have been saved by the Privy Purse in the "pas. three years, - money which is the King's to spend -&rs he pleases; But instead of using it for private purposes, the King has returned the cash to the national coffers by lending it interest free to the Government as a contribution to the costs of the war. Because he dislikes publicity © for what he classes as his private affairs, His Majesty allowed no mention of this patriotic act to be made in Parliament. " "I am rot one of those who need to be prodded. In fact, if anything, I am a prod." -- Winston Churchill. soblanca | morocco ® #@ibraltar, at the Mediterranean teway, ,continues to play a key war role as the harbor through which pass, allied con- voys. From nearby La Linea, Spain; axis spyglass outpost; have come reports of warships transports gathering _ at and The fast-firing crew of a U. S. Army field piece popping aw ammunition bearers busy passing up pile of empty shell cases in the foreground te "refills." At left the bearers RS ay at Japs on Attu Island keeps the are unpacking shells, while the lls its own etory of headaches for the Nips. Have You Heard? Modern Etiquette WHAT SCIENCE Two Scotemen were discussing the domestic unhappiness of a mutual friend. "Aye, aye," said one, "Jamie Thompsor. has a sair time wi' that wife o' his." "What clse can ye expect?" said the other scornfully. "The puir creature marit after coortin' ~=for-wimiy=zeden years, Man, he had nao chance to ken the woman in gic a short time. When TI was coortin' I coorted for 20 years" An amused listener to this con- versation ventured to ask if this long courtship had ensured con- nubial bliss, whercupon the old Scotsman replied: "I tell ye I coorted for 20 year and in that time I kent what woman wag, and so 1 _didna marry." Farmer: "I've never seen such a season. My corn isn't an inch high." Neighbor: "An inch? Why the sparrows have to kncel down to eat mine." A Jittle boy in school refused to sow, thinking it bencath the dig- nity of a 10-year-old man. .. "George Washington sewed," said the principal, "taking it for granted that a soldier must; and do you consider yourself better than George Washnigton?" said the boy seriously. . Foreman: "Now, Murphy, what about carrying some bricks." Murphy: "1 ain't feelin' well, guvnor. I'm tremblin' all over." Foreman; "Well, then, get - busy with the sieve." A Chinese recruit being ex- amined by an English officer was asked his name. MSneeze," he replied. But the officer was unconvine- ed and asked- for an explanation. "Me very intelligent," the Chinese said, "Mo translate into .your language my name -- Ati Shoo!" "Soanso is one of those fellows who has more money than brains, is he not?" ssked Brown of- his friend, Black. "Yes; and he is not rich either," replied Black. Maistrate: "Yop're a danger to pedestrians, You're not allow- ed to drive for two years." Defendant: "But, sir, my living depends on it." - Magistrate: "So does theirs." 1 Mike: '1 haven't seen my Uncle Pat for 10 years. Tell me what he's been doing all that time." lke: "Ten years." . Soldiers Like Radio News Minus Frills There is a radio here, writes Quentin Reynolds in Col- Jier's from U. S. Air Base in Africa. Although the boys get no newspapers they are strangely apathetic toward our American news commentators and shouts of "Take him off" usually. greet the pontifical tores of some men to whom millions of you at home listen intently. The boys seem to prefer the BIC, roadcasts the communiques with- out comment, MALE HELP WANTED Linotype Operators and Com. positors apply to your nearest Employment and Selective Ser- vice Office. REFER TO FILE No. RO676. ' "the Rock." "1 don't know; time will tell," too, - which merely By Roberta Lee 1. If an invitation is received over the phone or verbally, may _ one say that he will let the other "low the centre; person know later whether he can accept? 2. Is it correct to have a wife's card appear on the letter box of an apartment? 3. What is the correct way to hold a glass in the hand? 4. If one wishes to attract the - attention of an acquaintance who is standing near, should he do so by touching him? ) 6. Which is the larger of the two, tho dinner plate or the sery- ice plate? : 6. What is the customary way to mark the bride's wedding ring? ANSWERS 1. No; in this instance do some quick thinking, and give an an- 'swer one vay or the other. 2. It is customary for ths husbaud's card to be placed in the space provided for this purpose. 3. The glass should be held slightly be- with- the thumb 'and first two fingers. 4. No; many persons resent this. Merely call his name, 6. The service plate is usually one or two inches larger in diameter than the din- ner plate. 6G. With the initials of both the bride and bridegroom and the month, day and year of the wedding. Substitutes Found For Manila Fiber 0 Rope May Be Made From Jute, Cotton, Hemp, Nylon Along with silk, camphor, rub- ber, and other items, manila fiber, best of rope-making materials, must be included~ in the list" of - Japan-caused shortages. ) Rope, moreover, is quite an im- portant article. Without rope, tugboats couldn't ply their trade; merchant ships aud war vessels couldn't "sail; rangers would have to do without scaling nets, etc. Perhaps next best on the list of | rope fibers is the sisal, ar agave, which may be obtained from Africa. Another agave, henequen (principally used in binder twine), ia obtainable from Mexico and Cuba. This sisal rope is only.about 76 per cent. as strong, size for size, as rope made from manila fiber.. Henequen rope has only about 60 per cent. of the strength of manila, 2 185,000 Acres In Hemp Rope also may be made from such fibers as jute, cotton, and hemp. Hemp is a familiar rope fiber. The old sailing vessels, be- fore the introduction of manila to this country in 1820, were hemp- rope equipped. And hemp will goon be a real additlon to the domestic rope fiber supply. This spring 185,000 acres of Corn Belt land are to be planted in hemp for fiber, and 650,000 acres more _ for seed. And in 1940 the- entire hemp acreage in the United States was less than 2,000 acres. Varjous other natural fibers are being experimented with for cord- age. Among these may be men- tioned the yucca, scrub palmetto, and such plants as caroa of Brazil, fique of Colombia, and malva blanca of Cuba. 3 Nylon Too Costly Not all rope fibers are obtained from plants. Rope spun from man.. made nylon fibers is proving ins valuable for glider tow-ropes and has beea an important factor in making practicable the flying plck- up of motorless craft. At present the matter of cost stands in: the way of the general use of nylon. fibers for rope, but it is thought that the cost may drop. considers ably under quantity nroduetion.- Researchers: are aleo experi- menting with other substances from which rope can be made; and viscose and acetate rayon fibers show promise, IS DOING | 50 oii avora an WOOD OF GROWING TREES ' CAN BE DYED The staining and dyeing of finished lumber is a process in which, in most cases, thc color does not extend very deeply into the body of the wood, writes W. P. Kcasbey in The Christian Science Monitor. An experimenter, however, claims to have developed a means of coloring the wood of living irces in such fashion that when the treated trees later are felled and. sawed into lumber, the wood thus obtained will be uniformly and beautifully colored from heart to bark. The color thus introduced into the wood is said to be practically indelible, being resistant to the_. bleaching action _ either of neid. or of water. hI ) The inventor of the process maintains also that the use of dye does not injure the tree. The trees dyed experimentally include small: beech, birch, and - maple trees. The treatment in- volves first, the boring of several holes at the base of the trunk. Next, the holes arc fitted with ~ containers hung from the tree * branches snd serving as reservoirs for the dye. i ) The liquid flows through the tubes by gravity into the holes in the trunk, where it mingles with the circulating sap of the tree. The movement of the sap carries --the-coloring matter -(the-composi--- tion of which is kept secret by the inventor) to every part of the tree. The timé required to com- plete the dyeing process is given as two days for small trees and. four days or more for-larger ones. By means of this dyeing system, natural wood - has been colored lavender, blue, yeMow, and or- ange. , Tests indicate that dye- treated trces have harder wood than untreated trees of the same variety, which, for some wood-- working purposes, may -be an ad- vantage. - This new dyed wood has been made into colored umbrella han-" ~ dles, candlesticks, buttons, ete. These products need no staining or painting--only polishing. Go ~-RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubl:d with Itching piles or reclal soreness, dv not delay treatment and run tho risk of lettini this" condition become chronic. Any Itching or soreness or painful pass. ago of stool Is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at_once. . R EEN For this purpose get a 'package of Hem-IRold from any druggist and" use as directed. ~ formula" which Is used internally is a smal easy to take tablet, wil quickly. rolieve the liching and soreness and afd In healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Rold to use, Is highly recommended and it seems tho helght of folly for any one to risk a painful and 'chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy a be had at such a small cost. 1f you try Hem-Rold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. w » I . "n MIDDLE-AGE: 38-52 WOMEN (si) HEED THIS ADVICE!! It you're cross, restless, NERVOUS~ suffer hot flashes, dizziness--ca by this Beion in a WOMAN'S 1 Odmpound; Made espeolatip wom v. Hundreds of thousa bie for CS Bly helped. Follow BE ap How Can 177? By Anne Ashley HOW CAN I? Q. How can | preserve a thermos bottle when storing it? A. Do not put the thermos bot- tla away with the cork inserted, ---as-the--bottle will become. musty. Keep .the cork~elsewhere, but do not- forget the location when the bottle is again required. Q. How can I keep the bathroom disinfected? add a few drops of disinfectant to the water. Itwill give the room a clean smell and will kill 'any 'gorms that may be in the bowls. Q. How can I easily stem straw- berries? A. It is much easier to. stem strawberries, raspberries, or any other kind, it the berries are poured out on a table, or other flat surface. 0. How should blankets be laundered? A. Do not handle blankets roughly when washing them. Allow the water to soak through them, then pat or squeeze until saturated with water, and use the same -method for drying. This will keep the tibers soft. Q. How can I keep fish from Josing, its shape when boiling it? A. Place a wire rack in the kettle in which the fish is to be boiled, place the fish carefully on the A. When cleaning the bathroom . INAPIPE! GROWN IN SUNNY, Nazi 'Blonde' Shot Down In Bomber A story of girl gunners in Nazi Lombers is being told by Ameri- can soldiers wounded in Tunisia. "One of the-girl gunners shot down near us," said Sergeant Vie- 'tor R. Woodward, of Seymour, Ind, "was a very pretty blonde. Girls"are small enough to fit into the tail position of German bomb ers, and there is' no reason why they can't shoot as well as men," Paint brush bristles for essen- tial war purposes come from China, and are flown out of that country by returning Allied fliers, . pal LAR-ADD EASTWARD 'PELANGIO Bought, Sold and Quoted MOOSEWOOD SHELDON ot wrapping it in chee rolain its shape, Food For Tunis The first train carrying food for civilians of Tunis since the Axis defeat arrived in that capital of Tunisia recently amid cheers from crowds gathered at the sta- tion. The cars were draped with flags of the Allicd nations. The city was stripped of food by the Germane, Because serious sabotage re- sulted, Germany. has stopped the use of prisoners of war in load- ing railway cars and ships, 200 BAY ST, Unlisted Mining Dept. "C. C. FIELDS & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange "TORONTO WA, 4731 upplied. TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED | Ages 29 years and over; Married; Physically fit; at least 5' 9" in "stocking fectj 160 1bs.; of good character and fair education. T'o be available for appointment immediately. Apply Nearest Employment and "Selective Service Office a, Refer to File RO-591 > Uniform clothing AGENTS WANTED IF YOUR HUSBAND 18 CONTRIB- _uting 10%..of his salary for bonds and you want to help with the family budget and can devote a few spare hours dally to a posi. tion with good pay, write Avon Products of Canada, Limited, 1015 St. Alexander Sts; Montreal, Que, AUTOMOBILES--USED USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PHOTOGRAPHY LEARN "HAIRDRESSING THR Robertson method. Information -on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acnad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. LIVESTOCK REMEDIES RED BLOOD QUICKLY TABLETS stop White diarrhoea in chicks, Turkey poults, also calf scours and pig scours, costs 3% chick, 1c poult, 10c pig, 50c calf. Trial sample $1.00; guaranteed results or money back. R. A, Co. Limited, London, Finn © Ontario, AUTO PANTS NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL makes of cars and trucks. Com- plete .automobile machine shop service. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontarlo. MEDICAL ---- "1 have yet tried, "WORK IS UNEXCELLED" SAYS BRITISH AIRMAN "Your work {is unexcelled by any and before the war | toured quite a lot in Great Britain and on the Continent. Your value, too, Is unbeatable" This complimentary letter to Star Snap- = shot Service comes from a British Alrman training in Canada. Any Size Roll--6 or "8 -Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 230 Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" aro cnclosed. GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains .or Néur- jtis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BARY CHICKS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR ~~ also- popular purebreds.- Complete list, all ages. Fairview Farms, St. Marys, Ontarlo. CHICKS WELL-BOUGHT LESSEN . risks. A list of the things that can happen to chicks. between hatching and producing would fill a good-sized book. That's why it 16 the height of good judgment 'to start with chicks of known breeding; chicks that are guar- antced' to reach you full of Jife-- bright active and healthy--ready to thrive from =the first day on. The quality of Tweddle chicks Tias been known In Canada for a fifth of a century. They're from Government Approved, blood- tested ancestors. We are still able to supply day old chicks and older pullets--cockerels for meat production and breeding--all the most 'popular breeds and cross- breeds--all at prices that permit falr profits. We can glve immed- {ate delivery on White Leghorns, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks," White Rock X White Leghorns and many other pure breeds and hybrids. Send your order today. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries. Lim- fted, Fergus, Ontarlo, DON'T PUT OFF YOUR SUMMER "Bray order for chicks, cockerels, pullets. A few late June chicks: available. 2-Hour Poultry Short Course" js something you should have, It's free. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton. DYEING & CLEANING answer your questions. ment H, Parker's Dye Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto, FEATHERS, WANTED PAY THE FOLLOWING er Co. Limited, 736 Dundas. St. East, Toronto, Ont. -- | FARM: WANTED WANTED, SMALL FARM PN LAKE front, suitable for summer camp, about thousand dollars. Wm, Campbgll, 119° Logan Ave, To- © ronto. - , . FOOT DALM "BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM: destroys offensive odor 45¢ Instantix. bottle. Ottawa agent, enman Drug Store, Ottawa, : HAIR GOODS * 2% Only firm fn Canada' manufaéturing ladles' and' gentlemen's halr goods $Xeclustvaly. Write: us for particu WHITE'S HAIR GOODS | 288 Yonge Sty Toronte, Ontario a eB Tarun hl 5 ISSUE No. 26--43 _-- 3 ea - MONOGRAMMED STATIONERY STAMPED WITH YOUR NAMI OR monogram in gold. 24 sheets and < 24 envelopes. Choice of WHITE, BLUE or GREY paper. Trans- Canada Mall Order, Box 253, Sta- tion H, Montreal, Postpaid 75¢ box. - ' i NURSES WANTED GRADUATE NURSES FOR TU- berculosis sanatorium of 700 beds, Good salary. with full mainten- ancé, Excellent living quarters, State previous experience, age, ete. Address Application to Miss E. Ewart, Superintendent of Nurses, Mountain Sanatorium, Hamilton, Ontario. TAPEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? 'Interesting par- ticulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, Ont. : 3 " PATENTS FETHEHSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent 8ollcitors. Eslnblishea 1890; 14 King West, oronto Booklet of Information on re- quest ' PHOTOGRAIHY ? DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH ! Ihe Heat, Haln, or Hol HAVE. YOUR: SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 8 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 2bc. Japiems Jusiy .and fast service _ Buaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Stallion J, 'Foi oto it lowest cost please you better film rolls to --if you mail you Star Snapshot Service for develop- ing and printing. And you will get the promptest service obtainable in keeping with quality work, Send your next oll to Star Smapshot Service for a trial - " 3 MOUNTED ENFARGI MENTS 25e Slze 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts, You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional _ charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly, on all orders. - z : TEACHERS WANTED MARTER -- WANTED, PROTEST. ant teacher for 8.8. No. 1 Marter, near Englehart, 18 pupils, salary $1,000. Apply IL. Wright; Seccret- ary R.R. No. 1, Marter. WANTED -- EXPERIENCED BRO- .testant teacher with first class certificate, for 8.8. No. 2 Dal- housie, Lanark County, salary $1,000 per annum. Apply stating other qualifications to Raymond . Paul, Sec.-Treas, R.R. No. Lanark, Ont EMILY TOWNSHIP, 8.8. NO. 8; Protestant teacher wanted, du- ties commencing Sept. 1. State ealary, experience, qualifications. School situated on county road one mile off hizhway. Ira Fallis, Secretary, Omemee, RR. 1, Ont. PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 8.8. No. 7, Asphodel, Peterborough County; duties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply, stating' salary and qualifications, to Howard Gardner, Norwood, Ont/ PLUMMER -- WANTED, PROTES. tant teacher for 8.8. No. 1 Plum mer, Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply, stating experierce and salary expected to Mra. Bea Shuttleworth, Plummer, Ontarlo. TEACHER FOR GRADES 1, Cainsville School on Highway 2, State salary expected, Apply T. psi, 832 Colborne St. Brants FILMS DEVELOPED 25¢ COIN Two prints from each negative. Re. OILS AND GREASE' TRACTOR' OWNERS SEND FOR OUR NEW 1943 PRICE Ave OM Company. 3510" Dundas a L) 0 an, iO8t Ww, Toronto, 3 Andas NHBUMATIC PAINS rints 2¢ each. Montreal Photo, ~ PU, Box 160, Station IY, Montreal,' TRACTOR TRACTOR. PARTS PARTS NEW AND Stes fon. ant malls of tractors, a 0 ah ractor Suppl 12 Frederick SL. Kitchener ne TEACHER WANTED FULLY QUALIFIED HOME ECON- omics teacher for Fifth: Class, Write stating salary, certificates and gradé subjects prepared to tach in heriing periods, to: A. ebourne, Secretary-Treasur Riverside, Ontario. y hile Po] IT'S IMPORTANT -- EVERY SUF- ferer. of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug. Store, 335 Bl gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. re a dd adel Xi SAVING DRVICB ! GASOLINE "SAVING DEVICE, 25 cents, State year and make of the car and' carburetor. Mike Ignash, 344 Gladstone Ave, Tg- ronto, Unt 'WOODEN HARNESS PARTS, FARMERS -- WE MANUFACTURH fro Canadinn Jardwoos, stand. 0 eckyolkes, each 65c; Whitfle Trees, each 60c; Double Trees, each 70c; Tweenneéck= Yokes each. 26c, Chemically treated and painted' red but with- out hardware, Orders of not less Frent collect A Finer: Nov. land' Ont. sher, Nor- y You will get snapshots that will - © [3 2 AT A ------------

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