Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jun 1943, p. 4

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xn TK SMR aldo hating shad Ten to one your friends use Page- Griffiths, BE TAMIN (B-Complex) tablets once a day for added pep. Sold at. Lavwwrencels, Drug Store. sat Sgt. and Mrs. Wm. Woollard of Belleville, visited over the week-end with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. "and Mrs. Orval Druean. Pte. Percy Lavington, of the Vete- rans' Guard of Canada, visited friends in town last Thursday. Mrs. Hugh Campbell has returned home from Descronto, where she spent the past two weeks. Mrs. A. Armour and son have re- turned to Port Perry after spending a few months with relatives in Cali- fornia. Miss Dorothy Ealfour pleasant week-end in Deseronto and other Eastern points. enjoyed a Pte. market, parents, Mr, George Emmerson, of New- spent the week-end with bis and Mrs. H. Emmerson, Mrs. Douglas Lade, of Toronto, was a week-end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. . PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1942 Margaret Colbear, Joyce FEdgerton,: I ea EI TT Te Te <-- i SE FREER Parking OSHAWA [ig A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE O 1, PE RL Al SC -- per a vunaicioned Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JUNE 24.25-26 SPENCER TRACY, KATHARINE HEPBURN in 7 1] 'Keeper of the Flame with Richard. Whorf, Frank Craven, Horace McNally. A THRILLING MYSTERY DRAMA Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, JUNE 28-30 'The Moon Is Down' starring Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Henry 'Travers, Doris Bowden, Margaret Wycherly. Throbbing with the Fury . . of emotions beyond words. xk " Glasses complete, or lenses only, Taylor's The Eating House Eyes Examined supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- LR. BENTLEY'S. OPTOMETRIST / of Quality and Service Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Tobaccos Cigarettes BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor Billie Brock, Zula Jackson, Jean Cor- ner, Marilyn Griffin, Ted Griffin, Bruce Gerrow, Jean Cook, Norma Yeo, Claudia Coulter, Kathleen Day, Was: ley Jackson. ' After the program, Mrs. Jackson, assisted Dy Mrs. M, McKay, Mis. A Brock, Mrs, Clayton Love and x5 Chas. Rowland, served. refreshments. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Jack- son's class of sixteen beginners had their recital and entertained their mothers. Those taking part were: Foster Rowland, Anne Chapman, Bar- bara Love, Burness Wray, Isabel Gib- son; Shirley Diamond, Audrey Hard- ing, Joyce Dowson, Donna Dowson, Audrey Cummings, Wilma Owen, Bob- bie Rowland, Alan Reesor, Billie Gib- son, Murray Gibson, Gary Lawrence. After the program the children played games and had a picnic on the lawn while Mrs, Jacksdn, assisted by Mrs. M. McKay and Mrs. C. Rowland, served afternoon tea to the ladies. > -or-- -- -- A number from here attended the Decoration Service at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Sunday. Don't forget the play "A Pair of Country Kids" to be presented by the SOVEREIGN _ FILMS © PRESENTS © BUD ABBOTT and LQU COSTELLO in "Hold That Ghost" Also Third Chapter of "THE GREEN HORNEY STRIKES AGAIN" TOWN HALL, Port Perry at 9.00 p.m., on WED., JUNE 30th with Added Attractions Adults 25c; Children 15c. PLUS TAX MONARCH'S EMBLEM Ve Lawrence's Drug Store News You can Save with Sgtely at the REXALL STORE TANGEL--for Sunburns, 50c. SKEETER-SKATTER To chase Mosquitos, Per bottle 35¢, I'ONGLEX NAIL POLISH ' Six popular shades. 19¢. NOXZEMA Now in three sizes only to com- "ply with W.P.T.B. rules. 1Te. 39¢c. 59¢, "MUM overseen 39. and 65c. abo. RO-NO Regular ........ccoceie 39¢. and 65¢, Instant ... Cream PHONE 49 Goodwood--young--people--in i Dn Sd ae RRR NY, Angus cattle in Ontario, Messrs. S. Farmer and Geo. TL Davey attended the celebration held in Oshawa last Saturday -of pletion and presentation of the 500,- 000th military vehicle, ' Mrs. Charles Mills attended the 84th birthday party for Miss Coon at her home in Manilla, on Friday afternoon, when several old friends gathered to present their old Sunday School teach- er with a lovely floor lamp and two books. Mr. Gordon MacMaster has gone to __Toionto where he has obtained a posi- tion with the C. G. EF. pany. Mrs. William MacGregor has re- turhed from visiting her brother, My. Robert Wellg, in Lindsay. Mr. Owen Cliff has secured a posi- tion with the Allis Chalmers Co. -in Toronto. We are sorry to lose Owen for the time being, but look forward to his return. ' Printing Com- Very Early Peas Mr. Dorman Corbman brought some well filled pods of American Wonder Peas, picked from vines in his garden on June the 23rd. So far as we know, this is a record. The Editor has been copgratulating himself that his peasy _are_in bloom." Here comes Dorman with a real harvest all ready for the table. -- ---- -------- I. O.D. E. Saturday next will be the occasion of the final collection: by the Boy Scouts for LO.D.E. until next Fall. This collection is to be devoted to the Greek Relief Fund, and a generous response by the public will be much appreciated. Should any person wish to make a special donation it may be left with any of the officers of the LO.D. E. ------ to > NO SALVAGE COLLECTION UNTIL FIRST WEDNESDAY IN JULY Owing to the Boy Scouts attending camp this month, there will be no - "collection of salvage in Port Perry until the First Wednesday in July. Have your paper, rags, rubber, metal ete, ready for that day. Papers must be tied in bundles. Fat must be_in tin cans. No bottles or empty tin 'cans acceptable. 1 ----- Changes of Ownership Mr. Jas. Ewen has purchased the H. Willard property on Perry street. Mr. James Cawker, who. has been living in the Willard house has pur- 'chased the McKay Dropesty - on John street. er do oh Pcrrienms MOVING TO DUNSFORD " Mr, and Mrs. Fred Tiftérton and family left last week for their new honte at Windsweep Farm, Dunsford. Mr. Titterton has been employed as herdsman by Mr, Robert Fennel of To- ronto. On his farm Mr, Fennel has one of the finest herds of Aberdeen For several years Mr. Titterton had been in the ploy of Mr. Edgar Leask, of Green- nk. We wish for him every suc- | day, June 22, 1943, Robert Jas. Henry, COMING! JUL¥ 1-3 "Tarzan Triumphs" starring Johnny Weissmuller, Frances Gifford, Johnny Sheffield, CHETA, the chimpanzee. NEW THRILLS -- « J by the thousand. a a] Decoration Services services were held in the Pine Grove Cemetery, on Sun- day, June 20th, under ideal weather conditions, While there were per- haps fewer flowers than last year, vet nearly every plot had flowers on it, and everything 'looked fine." The Board of Directors and Caretakers are to be congratulated on the ap- pearance of the grounds, especially Decoration considering 'th¢ wet weather this spring. The President, Mr. Grant Christie, conducted the ceremonies, Mr. V. P. Stouffer led the singing with Mrs. J. E. Jackson at the organ. Special music was provided by the High School Choir assisted by pupils from Whitby School, under the leadership of Mrs. Kathleen Rowe, their school music teacher. Their two numbers were very much appreciated. i The Seriptures were read by Rev. J. A. MacMillan, and Rev. William Stocks, -led in the prayer. The ad- dress was given by Rev. W. C. Smith basing his remarks on Hebrews 12: 1-2, "Wherefore seeing you are com- passed about with so. great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so casily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto* Jesus, the author and_finisher of our faith." The text of Mr. Smith's address was our unfulfilled obligation to these pioneers of faith in community and church life, and to these veterans who have laid down their lives for their friends can-be recognized in part, by our being living 'examples of service, even as they were. We can value our magnificent inheritance by handing on the bread which bringeth strength to others and through our unashamed faith in Christ, in the Church, and in God. May we treasure their mem- ories and keep them sacred! DIED . HENRY--At Blackstock, on Tues- belovel husband of Luctta Henry, in his 76th year. MacGREGOR -- At Port Perry, on Saturday, June 10th, 1943, Adeline Lang, beloved wife of the late John MagGregor, in her 79th year, Better Movie "Sound System Considerable improyement has. been noted in the sound system brought by Willing Workers' Mission Band The Willing Workers' Mission Band of St. John's Presbyterian Chureh held a special meeting on Monday evening, June 21st in the basement of the church, to which the parents of the children, W.M.S. members and friends were invited. The meeting_being well attended was of great encouragement to the leaders. A good program was prdvided by of welcome from Mrs. Dymond, hymns, recitations, duets, piano solos and a splendid address by Mrs, Mac- Millan, on Mission Band work. At the close of the program lemon- ade and cookies were served ang 'each child received a small basket of candy. BN 3 ' Piano Recital On Friday evening, June 18th, Mrs, J. E. Jackson held her annual piano recital at her home, when twenty-four of her pupils, with 'their mothers as their guests, gave a very pleasing de- monstration of their progress during the year, Those taking part were Jack Griffin, Anne Goode, Jack- Goode, Ethel Day, Georgia Brock, Ruby Gibson, Joam Bentley, Helen Diamond, Gladys Em- the Mission Band, consisting of words [* Memory Hall, on June 28th. } Congratulations to the newly weds, Cpl. Maunsell Gerrow, R.C.A.F. and Mrs. Gerrow (Jessie Walker). Pte. Earl Geer of Halifax, spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skerrett visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Skerrett, Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagg visited re- cently with My, and Mrs. Elmer Wagg in Prince Albert. Miss Connie Leighton returned to Ajax after 'spending a week at her home hére. Next Sunday the annual Decoration Services will be held in the Uxbridge Cemetery. + Sorry to report Mrs. H. Leighton and Mrs, R. Wilbur on the sick list. We hope for them a speedy recovery. "GREENBANK +The Red Cross had a meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Jackson, on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Two quilts were quilted, lunch was served. The quilts were donated by Mrs. Jackson for which the Red Cross is very grate- fal, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker attended the Gerrow-Walker wedding last Wed- nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rodd left on Tues- day of last week for a two months' trip to Western Canada. PERCHERON STALLION the property of Roy Ferran, Cavan, Ontario will stand at the stables of J, T. Evans & Sons, Raglan, during the season 1943. Enrolled, Form 1, No. 4354, Inspected 14th day of October, 1942, nesday evening was very much ap- preciated. Those who were present voiced it a treat. Everett Hook who has been in train- ing at St. Thomas, has been visiting at his home here. He has been trans- ferred to Trenton. Mr, Ronald Lee, Toronto, was at his home here ovey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Pilkey, Beatrice and Brock, and Mr, T. Sharp, in Hamilton i for the week-end. Mrs. Monnier, of Kingston, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. H. Phoenix, re- cently. . Anniversary services will be held in the pe Church next Sunday. Rev. W. C. Smith of Port Perry, will be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. J. Michie and daughters, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Robert Michie for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, R. Brandon, of Mark- ham, in the village on Monday. po Sorry to report Mr. Richard Real in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. We wish for him a speedy recovery. The Woman's Association will hold The play given by the choir of the erson, Ross Dowson, Miriam Peel, Sunderland United Church, last Wed- its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Ward, on June 29th, Mr. Bailey in his weekly presentation of Sovereign Films in the Town Hall. The weekly entertainment is "becoming quite popular, as the films that are being shown are of continuous inter- est, There is room for a good show here for the many people who can- not get out of town in these gasless, tireless days. Tse Good Sign.. if Youre Rint" Protection of property to-day is conservation for tomorrow. So when you paint, go to your Martin-Senour dealer. ame aA He is the man who can tell you best about "sinning" colour combinatfons, He is the man who really knows paint and the most economical and practical ways of applying it. His advice is sincere and helpful--the paints ho sells are made with the enduring qualities that stand the "test of time", When you paint, go Li your Maxtin-Senous dealer, MARTIN-SENOUR / 100% PURE PAINT: VARNISHES - 'ENAMELS W. L. PARRISH, Dealer, "PORT PERRY |"FOREST "Let's Get Tough" Sale of Paintings "A sale of the paintings and;sketches of the late Gertrude Spurr Cutts, AR. C.A., 0.S.A,, and the ate William M. Cutts, A.R.C.A., 0.S.A., will be held every afternoon and evening during the month of July at their late resi- dence in Port Perry. julyl Make Fewer Long Distance Calls In. order to meet the situation created by the steadily mounting vol- ume of long distance telephone ealls, a system of priorities is to become ef- fective on July 1st next. This step is being taken to assure speedy comple- tion of calls for essential purposes. The use of priorities on war- urgent long distance telephone calls simply permits calls to the war effort to ob- tain preferred handling when lines are crowded. "Since priorities will be used only in be no undue interference with long distance service to the general public" commented Mr. J. A, Cross, Bell Tele- phone manager here. "Although the average speed of out- of-town telephone connections has have been some delays during busy hours to and from important war cen- 'tres" Mr. Cross said.- "Because of the necessity for conserving critical ma- terials, it is no longer possible to ex- tend long distance facilities to keep pace with the Horeasing _volume. of calls, whereby urgent war messages: may obtain preferred handling. The use charged- with responsibilities relating directly to the war program , suchas government officials, the armed forces, war organizations, and agencies es- sential to public health and safety. Not all calls placed by these persons will be entitled to priority treatment, Shows daily; 1 to 12 p.m.- 5 A. M. LAWRENCE 120 Resall we aw CT fas aie eal earl pe © Se CT TT TE -_-- Be IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential } i WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE | NEEDS MAY BE, Consult fh HAROLD W. EMMERSON 4 Phone 41 Port Perry Sains elie sel ise a cases of gravest emergency, there will| been pretty well maintained, there] Sunday, June 27th-- "Therefore, the Long Distance Pri-|. ' |ority Plan _ establishes _ procedures of priorities is confined to persons]. - PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH but only those which require imme- PORT PERRY $2 Rw a TTA diate completion for national defence or to safeguard life and property in time of emergency. "Ordinary Long Distance calls will continue to be made in the usual man- ner, but telephone users are still being asked not to make out-of-town calls unless absolutely necessary, and to make even those essential calls, if possible, at' other than the busy hours." ' ~ THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister -- Rev. J. A. McMillan 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11; a.m.--Morning Service. Services will be held at 11 a.m, dur- ing the summer. months. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 am. and 7 p.m.--Rev. Thos. Wal- lace, of Greenbank, will conduct Divine Worship. Mr. Wallace is former chairman of Lindsay Presbytery. -He is a fine Gospel preacher. Come and hear him. July 4th -- The Communion of the Lord's Supper will be observed. The Reception of members. " CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Recfor: Rev. William Stocks. 9.46 a.m.--Sunday School. 3.00 p.m.--1I. O. O. F. Church Parade 7.00 p.m.--<Evensong and Sermon. The Rector, 'Sunday, July 4th-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. . Pastor -- P, Taylor 10 a,m.--Bible Class, 11 a.m.--Worship Service, T p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wednesday at 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting Everybody welcome BILTMORE THEATRE OSHAWA --- - Phone 534 Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 24, 25, 26 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday June 28, 29, 30 RANGERS" starring FRED MacMURRAY and PAULETTE GODDARD: -- 2nd Feature -- with The EAST SIDE KIDS "Desperate Journey' featuring ERROL FLYNN and RONALD REAGAN -- 2nd Feature -- "Annie Rooney" with SHIRLEY TEMPLE T

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