y | ER QE \ | 2 bh i A AMR Bt BE rt -- Use Of Poison LoAants kind." Cas In Warfare (From an Editorial in The New York Times) In the Peloponnesian War, more than 2,600 Years ago, We. combat | tried burning sulphur, when' Aligayind ht, in an effort to disorganize the cnemy. In 1885 Thomas Cochrane, Karl of Dundon- ald, proposcil a similar experiment to reduco the Malakoff work #t the siege of Sevastopol. But it was not until April 22, 1915, that gas warfare as the worlu has come to know it was introduced. . On that day, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, British and Canadian artillery observers outside Yyres, Belgium, saw a bank of greenish vapor" rolling toward them from rmaj lines. It was chlorine, ed from mordé than 6,000 metaleylindors placed in trenches sand carried on a gentle breeze, It caught the Allied troops by sur- prise and unprotected. Hundreds of men died or were disabled and the whole position was abandoned, . Ld * From then on the development of gas warfare was rapid. Mask lung-irritant gas devised and the British used the "eylinder" tech- nique against the Germans In Sep- tember, 1915. The French perfects ed the gas projectile and surprised the Germans with it early in 1916. In 1917 the Gormans brought out mustard gas, which affacks tho eyes and lungs and burns the skin. It was called the most effective gas devised and both sides vsod it until the end of the war. Estim- ates place the number of chemical troops employed by all belligerents at only 23.7656 during World War 1. They took a toll of 91,198 Kkill- ed, 1,205,655 injured. More than a fourth of all American casual- ties were due to gas. L] -. * defenses against es were quickly The Axis has been warned, hy both' Primo Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt, against the use of gas warfare. Any perpre- tators of such a crimo were prom- ised "full and swift rotaliation in Twice Chungking has' sald - the Japanese used gas and on several occasions the Russians have sald they 'had ovidence that Germany was planning to resort to this wea- pon. - . . & It Germany takes the .slep she will have. no such advantage of - surprise as sho had in World War 1. Although all belligerents have vowed they would not use it first, all have kept thoroughly up to date on both defensive and offen- sive gas warfare. Most experts be- lieve there are no new "socret" gases, Instead, the number has probably been reduced from the 1918 total of more than thirty types to eight or ten highly im- proyed formulae. Among them is Lowisite ---- chlorvinyldichlorarsine ~--doveloped in 1918 but ne . enough to finance a peace. Prob- ed. Highly toxic, quick-ac ritant to the skin but not contam- inating an area for long, it is us- able as an airplane spray or in projectiles. The Arviny calls it M-1, and regards it as an important item in the Allies' chemical ars- enal, Task Of Financing : A War And A Peace - His Grace the Anglican Arch- bishop of Toronto, Primate of Canada, is reported as saying to the Synod that if there is enough money to finance a war there is ably, says the "Printed Word," the most frequent question coming - from people who contrast war activity with a well-remembered industrial slump, is why we cant not find work for people in time of peace when we can find it in time of war, : Strange as it may seem, we, too' have thought about this. We think we have known the answer all along; our thinking has been an effort to find an illustration which makes the difference plain even to an archbishop. Isn't tho difference that a good citizen will spend all his wealth and risk his life to save his home from de- truction? , Many a man who cannot raise $76.99 to have his home painted by the lowest bidder will count it cheap if he spends a great deal more to keep it from being bombed. fr Sea Forts Guard European Coast? The German radio said recently the west coast of Europe was guarded against invasion by sea forts built offshore of *"thous- ands of tons of steel apd con- crete" ahd manned night and day. The forts were said to be armed. with batteries of heavy' and anti-aircraft guns. . "The forts are approached by hundreds «f narrow steps lead: ing up to the plaftorm from" the water level," the broadeast, ree corded 'by The Associated Press, paid, "Exits are carefully secure .ed with heavy barbed wire en. tanglements and extensive mine -}---would not \ Under Wartime Regulations Pa ---- FARMERS wa Tires on farm tractors, combines, and trucks are eligible for replacement provided they cannot be repaired or retreaded. Furthermore, any farmer not owning a truck may replace the tires on his For further information sce the nearest Firestone Dealer. . HOW TO BUY TIRES passenger car and trailer f------ IRST go to your nearest Firestone Dealer who has the official information and can advise you if you are cligible and in which class you are included. He has the application forms and will help you {ill them in, will furnish the Inspec- tion Report and do every- |, thing he can to help you obtain a Tire Ration Per. mit necessary to buy a new tire . . » See him today, Si DEALER WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING FLYING MINESWEEPER Barly in World War IT the Nazis almost literally filled the waters of the English channel with a new type of mine, writes W. PI. Keas- bey in the Christian Science Moni- tor. This mine, designed for use in shallow walters, was made' of non-magnetic materials and om- ployed a detonating device so con- trived that the mine was exploded when (Iie Steel hull of a ship pass. ed over the mine, deflecting a delicato magnetic -needle. Various suggestions were made for combating this magnetic type of mine. The British considered towing, large sheets of. metal through the mined waters means of non-magnetic wooden- hulled = ships. The wooden ships affect the the metal plate would activate the magnetic detonating mechanism exploding the mine. Another suggestion involved tow- ing a cable equipped' with mag- netic devices and sound makors (the latter to explode any mines which happened to be of the acous- tical type). Tho electromagnets on the cable would set up an clec- trical barrage that would detonate the magnetic mines. Still a third means of detonat- ing magnetic mines harmlessly was by means of aerial mine- sweepers. The British used Well ington bombers for this purpose. The bombers were equipped with huge rings which had a diameter almost equal to the length of the bomber. Installed beneath the by minos but plane, the ring could he charged with electricity, transforming it in- to a powerful magnet. N + * * X The electricity required to ener- gize the magnetic ring was gen- erated by means of auxiliary mo- tors, it being impractical to divert sufficient power from the plane's regular motors to run the genera- tors. "od Thus equipped and 'with two sets of gasoline engines going full blast, the pilot would take his fly- ing minesweeper on what often proved a most exciting mission, Flying close to the water's sur- face, the magnetic field of the ring would deflect- the needle in "ho magnetic mine, causing it to ex: plode. And sinco the mines would let go practically beneath the bomber, the ride was likely to be bumpy, to say the least, Later, ships were equipped with degaussing girdles which neutral ized their magnetic fields, thus protecting them fromr-- magnetic mines, " By Rouervia Lee 1. When unfolding a napkin at the dinner table should It bs done above or below the edgo of the table? ' 2. Is it all right to flatter a per- son when in conversation with her? 5 3. If*one Is not familiar with a i dish when eating in a restaurant, fs it "all right to ask the waiter to describe it? 4. Why isn't It proper to use ab- breviations when writing a soclal lotter or note? 6. What is the correct way*to in- troduce one's father to a woman? Rept fu ian H ave You Heard? A man consulted a real eslate agent for a write-up of the prop. erty he wanted to sell: When the agent submitted his description of tho property, the owner exclalmed: "Read that again." After the seo- ond reading, the owner sald: "I don't think I'll sell. I've been looking for that kind of place all my life, _but until you read that description I didn't know I had it." ee Six-Year-Old: "I wonder why so many bables get borned at night?" ' 8even-Year-Old:* "Why, don't you know that? It is because they want to be sure of finding: thelr mothers at home." . --Cs * ; The pastor was examining one of the younger classes, and asked the question: "What aro tho sins of omission? After a little silence one young lady offered: "Please sir, theyre sins woe' ought to have committed and haven't." ee O-- Patlent--*Doctor, can. you cure me of snoring? | snore so loud that | awaken myself" Doctor--"Well, In that case 1 would certainly advise you to sleep In another room." 0 "Before the days of ration stamps we used to make imitation chicken sandwiches out of roast veal." "Yes, -and now we must make |. the imitation veal asndwiches out of roast chicken." --0-- "Do you mean to say your: husband beat you when you arrived home afler midnight?" "Yes--but only by 20 min. utes!" - ps Visitor: "To whom are you writ ing that letter?" : Lunatic: "To mysoli."" {= Visitor: "What are yon telling "yourself?" Lunatic: "How do I know? I won't get the lelter utnil tomor-. row." ' : . --0-- Women, remarks a wise. cracking contemporary, are not what they were 20 years ago. Some of them are from five - to ten years) older. 6. 1s it permissible to lian one elbow on the table while cating? - Answers 1. Bolow the table. 2. Most peo- ple, hoth men and women, are sus- ceptible to and enjoy flattery, but the well-bred person is tactful en- ough not -to overdo it. 3. Yes. 4. Because it implies haste, giving the {impression that (he writer wishes to hurry through the work. 6. The propor form would he "Mrs. Brown, this is my fathor" . No; though it is all right to lesn he- i tween courses. ; 3 R & ora Sity *or Money Back For quick relief from itching of eczema, pisnp lea, ath- le1e's foot, ecales, scabies, rashes end other externally caused skin troubles, use fast-acting, cooling, antic septic, liquid D. D. D. Preseription. (uesecless, stainless. hesirritation and quickly stop intense itching. 35¢ trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D.D.I1 PRESCRIPTION. STOPPED MRS. LeROY'S FEMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed * Periods, Extra Strength, PHONE 2 3600 For City Delivery SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Ave.) TO NTO * - CPR. AIRMINDED OFFICIALS ON TOUR sss * Visiting Canadian Pacific Air Lines western headquarters at Edmonton diring his recent Western tour, feilds surround the forte." western lines. D. C. Coleman, chairman and ~ resident, Canadian Pacific Railway Company, with some of the company's directors, inspected facilities with Grant McConachie,: western general manager of the air lines, © In the above group beside one of the company's aircraft are, left to right: Grant McConachie L. J! Belnap, director; Mr. Coleman, S. G. Blaylock, director, 'and W. A, Mather, vice-president of nd " = "re Elizabeth of England, left, greets Queen DMavie of Yugoslavia at Red Cross garden fete in London. 1? Q. How can [ renovate hat bands? - A. Brush with a sponge or small brush, with a solution made by dissolving 1-14 oz. of white castile soap in 4 oz. of alcohol, to which fs added 1 oz. each of sulphuric ether and water of ajgmonia. Rinse in_clear rain water' ] Q. How can I remedy skin? y © A. Wash daily with hot castile soap suds. Follow this by rinsing fn hot then fn cold wafbr. "How Can | By Anne Ashley an oily RE . Q. How can I remove froit stains? A. Sprinkle some dry salt fmmediately on a fruit stain and it will seldom become permanent. Q. How can I remove warts from the skin? A. Wash fn water, in which has been dissolved a quantity of wash- ing soda. Let the hands dry with. out wiping. Repeat this bathing frequefitly, or until the warts dis- appear, Q. How can I fertilize potted plants? A. Take tea leaves that have been used and put them around potted plants. It is an excellent fertilizer and stimulates the growth, Most of the camphor now used in North America comes from Southern pine tress. "BRITISH CONSOLS™', "LEGION", ""MACDONALD'S MENTHOL", "SCOTCH BLENDS" or "EXPORT" Cigarettes or 1 1b, Tobocco -- BRIER SMOKING of 'ony CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGDOM FORCES, * Mall Order and Remittance 10;-- Ths Ofer subject to aay change n Goversment Regulalions South American countries are' salvaging sunken vessels along the coasts to provide scrap steel and iron for domestic needs. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEN AGENTS WANTED TIRES FOR SALE SCRRAI® WANTED 1" YOUR HUSBAND 1S CONTRIB- uting 10% of hig salary for bonds and you want to help with the family budget dnd can devote a few spare hours daily to a posi- tion with good pay, write Avon Products of Canada, Limited, 1015 St. Alexander St. Montreal, Que. . TIRES TIRES TIRES WE HAVE A -LARGE:SELLCTION of good used passtngtr car apd truck tires. Available' to eligible buyers. Most sizes. Mount Pleas- ant 'Motors, 632 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Toronto. . WE BUY ALL GRADES OF SCRAP -! metals, rags, magazines and waste paper. Consolidated Iron & Metal Company, © 58-64 Niagara Street. Toronto, AD. 3931, SUMMER RESORT HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL, INN -- NIAGARA-ON-THH NIZW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL "Hereford Priced reasonable. Canada today is the production of food, both for the armed forces und civilians, for export and do- mestic consumption, Chickens and exis rank high in the scale. Tweddle chicks are healthy chicks -- from- Government Ap- proved -bloodtested ancestors that were sturdy, fast-developing, heavy-producing birds. They're the kind of chicks on which it is safe to found a big business. Get your share of the profit in the current and coming big .mark- et. Prompt shipment on many purchreeds and hybrid crosses. I'rce catalogue and price list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit ed, Fergus, Ontario. GO THE LIMIT OF YOUR, ,CAPAC- ity to handle them sccems good advice to summer chick buyers. Markets "demand unlimited sup- plies. Hatching till late July to take care of your needs, so if you want summer chicks, pullets, cockercls or started chicks," or- der now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. a DOGS & FERRETS GREYHOUNDS, TRAINED, RACING or Hunting. Beagles. Ierrets. Write Al Schacht, 4736 Riverside 5 FILR. 1 "maces of curs ana trucks Coe | hot EE aly pi service. General Auto Supply, 1 pean Black Bros, Caledon, Jrederick St, Kitchener, Ontario. ---- " DALY CINCKS i LIV TOCK REMEDIES RED BLOOD QUICKLY TABLETS HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR stop White- diarrhoea In chicks, also popular pprebreds. Complete Turkey poults, also calf scours list, all ages.' Fairview Farms, and pig scours, costs ¥% chick, St. blarys, Ontario. « 1c poult, 10c pig, G0c calf. Trial sample $1.00; guaranteed resulta CHICKENS ARIS "blg business" or money back. R. A. Finn %& Co. now. Outside of making muni- Limited. London, Ontario. tions the biggest! business In - MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for =Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. YARNS RAGS MACHINE AND HAND KNITTING Yarns §1.35 1b, postpaid. We ac- cept woollen rags. Flesherton Woollen Mills, I'leshérion, Ont. - AND WOOLLEN NURSES WANTED GRADUATE NURSES FOR TU- bereulosis sanatorium of 700 beds. Good salary with' full mainten- ance. Excellent living quarters. State previous experience, age, cte. Address Application to Miss BE. Ewart, "Superintendent of Nurses, Mountain Sanatorium, Hamilton, Ontario. TAEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS . often are the cause of ill-health in humans all ges. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if this Is your. trouble? Interesting par- ticulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, for information. __ Diive, Riverside, Ontario. nt. - DYEING & CLEANING PATENTS HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS | FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY : 7 Write atent Hollcitors tstubllehea dyeing or Siganinn? bh bs 1890; 14 King West, Toren BooXkiel- of Herd fully ac- * : OBAN E AUSOROMLES PED LEAWN HAIRDRESSING TIE rn Mon i Mg Ty 11 TWIT fl o Robertson method. [Information cellent food, on, 3 ian JAYS SIT GUnD. Nib on request regarding classes. golf, ride or just loaf. Telephone tors Limited. Used Car Lot at Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- 285. ~ 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. 32 *leass ad, To- 'ERSON Tonto ele none TY avr T° HNEREFORDS ( YERSONAL n -- |-13 ONTHS OLD REGISTERED 164 er, 1" AUTO PANTS 2 bull. Doming breeding. "Do You Know THAT Missing Persons, Certificates, Family Records are found by the ald of Bacon-Vaughan, M.N.G.S. Standard Genealogist of long ex- perience. Thousands of records on file at Studio, 1189 Marion Av, Windsor, Ont. Francalse, English, Ameritan, Satisfied clients instl- tutes my reference. . PHOTOGRAPHY "I AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE. ." . . writes a customer at Rough Water, N.S, who adds: "I have told many friends about your service and I know that from now on you will get films from them for de- veloping and printing." Letters like this from all parts of Canada tell how well pleased customers are with Star Snapshot Service, Any Sixe Roll--6 or 8 'Exposures. DEVELOPED AND I'RINTED 235e Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much-more when "snaps" are enclosed. You, too, will get better results from your camera it you mail your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. You'll get finer quality, sharper prints at lowest cost. And you will get the promptest «service obtainable by, mail in keeping] with quality work. Mail us a roll for trial. > 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 23e Size 4 x 6" in-Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additionat charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainl on ail orders. : pian TEACHERS WANTED _~ prices for Goose and Duck feath- ers: (toose feathers, 68c Ib.: Duck feathers, 48¢ Ib. Canada Comfort- cr Co. Limited, 736 Dundas St Past. Toronto. Ont FARMS FOR SAE TWO FARMS FOR SALE, GOOD lind, good buildings, well water- 1, some wood on both. Close to Mach 200 acres. W, 11. Mill- ing, Napanee, Ontario, R.R. 6. FARM WANTED WANTED, SMALL FARM ON LAKE front, suitable for summer camp, about - thousand dollars. Wm, Campbell, 119 Logan Ave, To- ronto, : FARM IMPLEMENTS DE LAVAL MAGNETIC MILKER 2 units $305, % H.P. Motor, $55. Toronto Radlo & Sports, 241 Yonge Street, Toronto. ---- 1 McCORMICK MOWER, No. "Big 6" ih cither 6 or 7 ft. cut; 1 8-ft. Dump Rake; 1 2-furrow Tractor "low, Brussels, Ont. answer your questions. Depart- quest Information 'on re- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- t Se. ronto. ruaorocrarny FEATHERS WANTED DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH WILL, PAY THE FOLLOWING The Ment. Hain, or ail HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Man Any 6 or ¥ exposure film perfect) developed aud printed for only Too. Bupreine quality and fast service Buutanteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. loi cole FILMS DEVELOPED 25¢ COIN Two prints from each negative. Ie. prints 2¢ cach. Montreal Photo, P.O. Box 160, Station F, Montreal, IERSONAL PENCILS NAME IN GOLD ON I'ULIL LENGTHa medium lead pencils, 12 all one name 75c, Gy all, one "name 60c, postpaid. Trans-Canada Mail Or- der, Box 253, Station H, Montreal, OILS AND GREASE TRACTOR OWNERS BEND FOR OUR NEW 1943 PRICE list on oils and grease, Co-Oper- FOR Ed. Ewarts Bolton, == FOOT BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive © odor instantly, 58 Doane Urtawa agent, Denma ¢ Store, Ottawa. _ HAIR GOODS > Only firm in O y n Canada manufacturing ladies and gentlemen's halr goods faraisively, 'Write us tor particu- WHITE'S HAIR GOODS ; 58 Yonge gt, Torofito, Ontarle at { ISSUE No. 27--43 , R.R. No. ative Oil Company, 3570 \Wv, J. Perrie, R 3, 8t." Vy. Toronto. 1 Dundas FARM EQUIPMENT nRANBITS SALE BIRDSELL CLOVER RABBITS, N E W ZEAL Huller No, 1, fn Al condition, run Whites, imported, LAND only a tew seasons, ball bearings. ook All "correspondence ans- nt. wered, Robinson's, 312- Ri Riverside, Ontario, Riverdai STAMPS HOBBYISTS, COLLECTORS; SWAP. pers, Agents, and all thos who wish to receive our Bi Mail Free. Mail one Posteard with pur name and address to: John's Mal] Service, Box 0-38, Arcade ding, Comeau Buhding 1 Bay, Quebec, RHEUMATIC PAINS PEOPLE ARE TALKING the rood results fram taking Dix- on's Remedy for Rheumatic Palins and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, ABOUT 335 Eigin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, i" PROTESTANT TEACHER PROTESTANT = 8 N MARTER i WANTED, PROTEST- ant teacher for 8.5. No. 1 Marter, near Englehart, 18 pupils, salary, $1,000. Apply L. Wright, Secret- ary R.R. No. 1, Marter. i TEACHER FOR GRADES 1, 2 A Cainsville School on Highway 32, State salary expected. Apply T. J Rispin, 832 Colborne St. Brant- ra. FULLY QUALIFIED HOME ECON- omics teacher for Fifth Class, Write stating salary, certificates and grade subjects prepared (o Jetoh in ering periods, to ebourne, Secrelary-Tregs Riverside, Ontario. ' rer, Wanted Duties to for 8.8. No. 13, McNab. commence September, Salar $1,000. Apply stating qualifica- Hons 22 Seqretary-Treasurer, Mra. stina J, Carswell il Station, Ontario, vy Glasgow \ THACHER FOR 8. 0. 2 'Goulburn. Duties come Meheis Yeplgmber 4 State sale ary. ler iarland, Ont. R.IR. No. 1. ; Richman, WANTED, QUALIFIED PROTES- tant teacher for Sandfield sch ol, duties to commence September first; 1043, salary $950. Apply. stating qualifications and ox- perience to W. J. Moody, secret- ary-treasurer, Sandfield township school aren, Big Lake, Ontario. (TRACTOR CARTS TRACTOR PARTS NEW AND used, ifor all makes of tractors, General Auto and Tractot Supply, 12 Frederick St, Kitchener, Ont, 3 WOODEN HARNESS PARTS FARMERS -- WE MANUFACTURHA from Canadian Hardwood, stand- ard size of Neckyokes, each 65c; Whiffle Trees, each 60c; Double Trees, each 0c; Tweenneck- yokes, each 25s Chenilc 4 treated and painted red but wit . out hardware. Orders of not less than -$5.00, shipped anywhere by Freight collect. y -" iv 0 leet. A Fisher, Nor