RASARRINGIOR, 8 . order to answer this question sat- Modern Etiquette Barrel Baby latactorily, a .very careful survey By: Roberta Lee 3 57 of each Individual plece of aban- CO j doned property must be made and the reasons why it was abandoned _ studied, says the Stratford Bea- cor-Herald. ; : : ,.2 ' i ~ Many farms were abandoned because the land was originally sub-marginal for agricultural pur . poses and no farmer could be ex- . 9 pected to make a satisfactory a a living on such land after the MACDONALDS i 4 forest resources were . exhausted, } observes the -Brockyille Recorder and Times, On other farms the [ } : land, although originally of fair quality, has. _.been gradually ex- * hausted by unsound farm prae- tices. Some farms had to be ' vacated because the acreage of / suitable land was too small to V/A provide a livelihood for the farmer. 1. When one is helping himself 1. from a .dish that is passed at din= ner, which contains both a fork and a spoon, which does he take in his right hand? . 2,. How should a divorcee sign her name if she retains her ex- husband's surname? "3. Is it permissible for one to tilt or rock a straight chair at the dinner table?" 4, When asked to autograph a photograph, what kind of iy ment should be added to the nature? . > 65. What is the correct way to . eat a banana at the table? 6. If one feels that a question that is asked is too personal, is it necessary to answer it? Answers ¥ mh 1, The fork should be taken in The farms which have been Le . Be Ga £4 A FH # ohn the right hand, the spoon in the abandoned for the reasons given This guard of a Canadian infantry brigade, lined up for inspection in one of the Mediterranean left. 2. She should use the sur- are almost invariably poor pros- war theatres where -Canadian troops are serving, is no small affair as anyone can sce. All its mem. name of her former husband, 'pects for future settlers. Such | Yam bers stand six feet tall or over. On extreme right of the party is the Brigade Sergeant Major, W. R. prefixing her maiden name. 9. land, In most cases, is of greater Armstrong of Toronto, No; this is in extremely bad value to the state and the in- Climbing Cutworms i BB n taste. 4. Do not do so unless ask- oe .| dividual if It Is left to revert to : hotel ed, C ol Sanders y H ed, by some very intimate friend. Ye Sard L ane forest. In some cases it may even Damagé to Nex BY 8 eiinbing Have You Heard? | oo fons ter the som, and. SUARE-HOLE DRILL | It might be that some sentiment | Little Johnny Lambert of Phila- be advisable to assist nature by | cutworm is reported in BESIERCIES were flung over the room, and Y as "With all my love" would aft- delphia shows what's going to' planting young tree seedlings wan. The cutworm is 1% inches ] . His meek-looking companion go> poe i erward be regretted. 6. The ba- happen to tots all over the. | SOE long, a dull green in color with In New York, an Italain was turned suddenly white. ~~ a y "nana should be peeled 'into & country If the diaper shortage, It should be observed that many | four white lines on its body. It : __ being examined in court after ap- |° Great Scot," he cried, "That of plate, then eaten with a fork. 6. : gets any worse. © farms located on good soils have | climbs up the flax stem and at \ plying for citizenship. reminds me. "I forgot to post a No; there is always some way in : 2 | been abandoned for various per- tacks the bolls during the night. He answered correctly ques- | letter my wife gave me two days which one can avoid answering. R----. sonal, social and economic reasons. It will not attack any other grain tions as to the name of the Pres- ago." . . ; ; y The right type of settler could except flax, ident and the capital of the Unit- . Sant ah . " 4 . A > Eastern Canada 8 Bigs good hous and build up a ed States. Then came this: aid the mangle to_the.iron . Ok PN sound, economic enterprise on "Could _you become president Whose Kbpes had = almost WHAT SCIENCE: Abandoned Farms such ul it 'he had the oppor- CA S H of the United States?" gone ' tunity, and so It would be very ; . "r. "No," was the reply. "Your life will be much IS DOING : : Between 12,000 and 13000 | Much easier to become established J For Youl Ger £2 Lgl Truck w "Why .not?" persisted the of- _ smoother . o = Farms Are 'Now fdle oF Some of nose farms. ites io TRAIN °MOTOR CO. | ficial. i If you'll keep pressing on. oo "a 8 ¢lear new forest land and bring |¢ : . "You pleasa excuse," begged . FLIERS' KITS - ~In East ; - | 1t under cultivation. 877 Yonge St. . Toronto Se the Italian! "I very -busy right A railroad agent in Africa had Canadian. fliers are to wear a Eastern Canada there aro be- . iy A y---_--. ae mow Selly de peanuts." been "bawled out" for doing broad, thick belts under. their tween 12,000 and 13,000 farms, - x " - : EAR things without orders from head- flying clothes to carry gum of - foreting about om nd one-half - © - ETRY ' 3 tor iq ~ N . m , a E Auit: "What "a beautiful quarters. One day his. "boss re- | --high caloric value, eight bars of | 1 IO8 Aros ie a al been New York, New Haven & Hartford : complexion" you have, my ceived the following' startling chocolate and two packages of ave been ld'e for . R il 3 . } . . dear--it's a gift of Heaven." telegram: special biscuits (enough food for | B80me time. This condition exists al road - i ' ' Niece: "Don't you belicve "Tiger on platform eating con- three days). Also included -are | despite the fact that many thous " z ; : ' ' it, auntie--it's nothing but a *ductor.. Wire instructions." matches, fishing tackle, signal- Sais ou ory of hi Joa land ; 3Y, and 4% Debentures steady oxpense!" NU ---- 's-| "ing mirror, medical kit, smoke ave been cleared and settled in a go oo pity Sir rey | LEN LE ig co If you do not believe In generators, plastic whistle, large | Some parts of Eastern Canada dur- EM Bn re i "i : SA travolariing providence, watch the aver- "| knife, pocket compass and 'heat ing the last ten years. So states | "attractive iati DS Ties dehoniines Yinie A - traveler just home from Jal, A _ yb pass € ' . es 5 attractive appreciation possibilities at current prices. abroad was déscribing an earth: age lady driver and try to. tablets," which will light a fire | &n official of 'the Central Experl- y . bj i ' quake ' figure out what else saves even in damp wood or snow. An- mental Farm. , . . Write for our "value'" analysis of this company's obligations. "Most amazing thing I ever |" her. other and larger kit carried in Should this abandoned land, % SY © saw he said deamatically. "The the plane holds a hand axe, fold-. [Which 'to a large extent has al- Standard Securities Company Then there's the rookie who | ing stove, cooking pots and an in- | ready been cleared of its forest, ; ©. 306 C.P.R. Build = took the sergeant's advice and sect repellent, A small emer- | Pe used for land settlement pur- 4 : «eit. Building : . z put on a clean pair of socks every ~|- gency radio is provided to trans- poses instead. of clearing new land 69 Yonge Street | i : DEADLY NECKLACE day. A week passed by. "Where mit either an automatic SOS or | Of its original forest cover?" In Si ADsleide S441 : Tosents mg ---- are your shoes?" = snarled the 'Morse code messages. ; a : eat ey % sergeant. "I can't get them on The left-handed monkey wrench CASTINGS - -- -- =] over sever pairs of » - | isn't in it compared to General |' : 2. : A : SASSI hed Svar Jaks of socks," re Electric's new grinch drill A _microphone-amplifier- com- CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED } - at 3 PE at Syracuse, N. Y.. At 'top 'you bination now tests the soundness ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS . ADVERTISEMENTS ~- Wife--*"Isn't thi duck see it fn action, the blades "vl. of castings 'and forgings. When -- | TLE ie = frock?" a » 8 cusky brating" around corners, and the pieca is struck with a ham- PE LIVESTOCK : FOR SALE "Husband--"I'd call it a . | lower, a sample of its work. mer, it rings; a microphone am- os 10 YOUNG MILK COWS AND SREV- | A BEAUTIFUL FARM OF 150 pelican, judging by the bill." plifies this sound and filters out | USHD CARS WITH GOOD TIRES. | gia) Young horse ang, ely | GEA! diiiitca on Prov. High: , . " 2 ; Arn. 1 . Ji A te haruon Sreanencies 2 that ie tora Limitea, Usea Loasant 2 prior, Ont. dy Va, four miles from town tot ---l - : when using \paraffin? ase frequency may be compare 2040 Yonge Htreet: Heau Office, : rw: 3 I a oiNond Nnuses, pit . " . t I % . WANTED RELIABLE FARMERS modern conveniences, bank b How Can I 7? A. Paraffin that is too hot will | With a standard tone. A defective fonto. Telephone HE 2181" who have ample pasture, feed and 101 x 40, a large slio, Up-to-date . art will not vibrate as a good stable accommodation to rough machinery, several from Quebec . have a tendency to separate p & = winter feed and pasture number © buying here. Possesslon Octob By: Anne Ashley from the jelly glass. Heat slowly part does, just as cracked bells © DADY CHICKS of young Bo PRE ARAL 4 ht 1, "plowing done. W, G. Frotts, Q. How can I remove arests and carefully and do not let it | do not ring as whole ones do. MARKETS CALL FOR ALL AVAIL. DE I hy opener, BR: Ho 2 Ont: . H able 00 supplies--an: - : from stoves? reach the sucking stage. HIGH-SPEED CAMERA ys one AR aa, Tr Wits 'Post -Olries Box (578 To "WORK [IS UNEXCELLED" - 2 Dip a doth in vingger and | gen, 310% 8 1 emicve peach | Gorman emginefes: clsim fu | phat oF eygiighic pecs jy spn : SAYS BRITISH AIRMAN : a ET : stains from linen! - have built a camera capable of PIOOUCL Jo MEDICAL - rub over the surface of the kitch- A. By first soaking in glycerin ' 00 s P glove rour Siders for October- ICAL "Your work 1s unexcelled by any, : en range and it will remove the igs gly taking 3,000,000 pictures in ons (or later) chicks | Gorn" [TCHING - TORTURES OF | I have yet tried, and before th . A Be and then washing in hot soap. second. An electric spark is the | - Shown be, plated Dew: Fail hul- eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- war I toured quite a lot In Great 1 & . suds. 3 . source of light. The new inven- formative. Bray Hatchery, 130 lete's foot and other skin irrita- Britaln and on the Continent. Your = ~~ +7. Q¢ How can I théTBughly clean High Vr John N,, Hamilton, Ont, tions with Ellk's Ointment No. §, value, "too Is -unheatable." This os spinach? I tion is of special importance for z prescription of noted skin spec: complimentary lett r lo Star Smap. : . J H i 2 oF ' e Ai Place the spinacl in the wire The Government of India has Digaing fying Illes i BARRELS FOR SALE Tet ee quiche eo honey 7a. *| 'Altman training in Canada. a dish. drainer and hold under the | leased and will operate a lead | FRCL 0% M ed Tbe | APPLE BARRELS, USED, IN GOOD eH Se Ti RL RC Lo BLL = cold water faucet. Then soak im | Mine that has been idle 100 years. ONE . gee De can t condition, 30c each F.O.B, 8. Daf- Elites Medleine Co. Dept. 26, Box pA PRINTED ris salted cold water. This treatment : 7 a A BF ens IL iighor 8 West ev ge Dingle Sue 731," Saskatoon; enjoy letters So much more whem | i ravel. : - : 3 / will clean it thoroughly. EHREN = J DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFERER | Ships' are enclosed. = i Q. How can I easily remove all WE REPAIR ALL, MAK 8 OF 3 BULBS ily of Bhsiinati Pains or Sleunills 4 Fag Ii got snapshots that hoi 2 : gt small pieces of broken glass? ' LARGE BULBS FOR FALL PLANT. To Drug Store, 335 Bigin, Ot- | If you mail' your film rolls to' a 2 Wer we of fone | [MAGNETOS | NAVY'S HELLCAT | Mi fuss neti Mil | i Wait 200 | pr adil ill bess fr Ss 1 V S -S EH OZ. 5 e . Seed cotton and pat around the place BE Ay Sunes. Snark : iy 3 Gos "$110. Delivered Kuypers | TO SECURE QUICK, SPEEDY RE. the promiptest service obtainable: in Aig % ' where the glass. has scattered. MAGNRTOS A Buibs, Hatzle, B.C. Wo grow the lief from Asthma (and Bronchial Keoping with quality wotlk, Send J HE ol BE | fr an on es | | a Ga Be | BLE Th et ) = ) Cffectiv cotton, = 4 v ISTIC ALT Z ablets, proven beneficia UNTED ENLARGE / Hk ¥ a Not mines, nt ite sligelive Q. How can I cut hard-boiled : Distributor tor Ontario DOMESTIC 'HELD WANTED for many many years i Jocom Size 4 x 6" In HF Rag 20e : Shhh E 4 5 " s with ; , ALTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CUUK GENERAL TO WORK IN nn RT Ge Ru ; e t breakj h 1k? ] © s b AR string of floats being towed to BE! out breaking the vo : Co. Limited Oshawa--good wages and living doctors. AZO Tablets are sold bY | You can have enlarfoments colour. ay the mouth of a' British harbor, A; They can be cut without 1000-1027 Bay St. Torbnto, ©. conditions, Apply Box 62, 73 Ade- . faction or money back guarantee. bo hand for a small additional EE The net they support would stop breaking the yolks if the knife Is vier 58 Bi lalde, St. W., Toronto. > Send $1.00 to John Campbell Co. ai . va . any enemy craft that might at- dipped in water. s an Tui via Bo eg ened DYEING & CLEANING, Tn i, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE : 5 4 = 3. ty F - . Nox 120, Postal Terminal A, T { 2 A tempt a raid on the port. Q. How cangdl get good resulta : : LEARN SHOATIfAND PEL your name and-aqdress plain 3 - HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS RE LAT Sriin plalnly, A i - 'dyelug or cleaning? Write to us SHORTHAND WRITS ALWAYS By Galbraith I Re a f NG 5 q ons. Depart- \ i : y Galbral EE ON ment M, ne bye, Works LZ LEARN «GREGG ~ - ANGORA RABBITS, FROM TIM: I ET " fo " J © § == =r porte pe d - BALES 2 eS ~Pride-ol The US, Navy. ls- the ronto. ! y, PATENTS = in, stock "Patre 4 months Pe : Li BA Lia 3 wt Ln So === .00, adults .00. i Pn ry ; new carrier-based Grumman Hell |..° FARM FOIURALE FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY... 1... 2515. Turner. oid. Windsor, Ont, stein tes mr PX f : cat, a speedy, highly | maneuver s -- Patent 8nlinitors. Established = Rags tier in or.common +B » - highly ma FIFTY ACRE FARM, GOOB-TAND, 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. RHEUMATIC PAINS ordinary sore able fighter-bomber that: partiel: | geven' room brick house, bunk Bodklet of [Information on re ToT oT hee rr : arn, elec ¥ . ul > SME BUR Fe throat A pated in the Marcus Island rald. on od Pe iily ali) sells, - T >. ferer of Rheumatic pains or . : Orillia, Apply to Chas, Mawdsley, PHOTOGRAIHY Neuritis should try Dixon's - : p Bellaire, {chigan. RTE A i% 4 0 . 0 Re . The Beloved Queen DAIRY FARM, 100 acts, ALL.| DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH Ea y==r sams ~~ cultivated, good buildings, elec- . Phe Hent, Raln or Hall SACKS Of The Netherland ticity, "12 miles: from. Ottawa. : e iNetnerianas Mrs. B. Mulligan, City View, Ont. HAVE YOUR SNAPS ATTENTION "FARMERS: WE CAN punt X : ' A ¥ supply you with real good 'potato ; FRUIT A 6 re «Bhp fect! wh ra galn sacks * "y ny 6 or osure m perfec ete. e also pa 1 8 : The people of the Netherlands JUNIPER BERRIES, LARGE developed and Torinted for only 25¢, prices for any" teed fac 3 Fore i around the world celebrated quantities required tor export, | Supremo quality and fast service jllizer, sachs. mash isacks.t you (August 31) the 63rd birthda picke October to November, guaranteed. | bave for sale. Write immediately. anniversary of their- belo i] Drag neh Pfs Wily Saece IMPERIAL PHOTO "SERVICE mnt London, Ont / v 20g _Bupplies, Hepwoith, Ont. |. " --_-- , . Queen Wilhelmina, Her Majesty Station J. Toronto he STAMPS © 3 U.S. GOVERNMENT has regined now for 46 years, ale : FOUT BAIM, =~ » PERSONAL CASH FUR STAMPS AND Acouu. NATIONAL though she actually became titular BAUMEEKA FUUT BALM destroys ents tic and shed. Send samples, don't A . ve der th th 'oftensive = odor instantly, i46c | AMAZING PREDICTIONS, PROPH- remove stamps. from - envelopes. DEAFNESS queen under the regency of her bottle. Ultawa, agent, Denman ccies, Philosophies prevents. in- Fred Jarrett, 30 Bloor Wes " wo -mother, Queen Emma, when she Drug 'store, Uttawa. |. sanity, hate, 'crime, accidents, ronto =~: t, To. SURVEY ' was 10 yea 1d Wilhel broken marriages, worry. (Price. : a bi 4 years old. Queen el HAIR GOODS y less), Order now, send one dollar SOUTHDOWNS. A * u * mina has set an example of demo- o| to P.. Box 801, Ottawa, Canada. | goR SALE, SOUTHDOWN RA} ; wia TOUPES, T = 3 5 LC % Whether you are a mild, mes frais government which has all ations Switches," Cur A and ai ANYONE EA SIR bd i Coleman, 10: Mala, dium of severe case. «whether or her not only .the love of: a foes | of finest auailty 'Hair | 4T0NS Oh {Toronto Ontarle Se eating ald her people but the high esteem oods. Write for illustrated cat-. | | Known of fin Toronto, Ontario, TAUEWOIM you use a hearing ald or not ; alogue, Toronto Human _ Hair Apply to Box 3, Bprucedals, Ont. 3 : * oa * of the civilized world, : Supply Co., 62 STUMACH AND THREAD. WOHMS ++ « important discoveries make g ¥ ©. Bupply Co. 528 Bathurst Street, - p "often are the i Pp Mitford # ponible the greatist help eves * 8Bhe has fostered domestic pro Toronto. SERRA PHOTOGRAPHY : {p, humaps ail 'sige %o or ime . s MRR ee % un & offered to the hard of hearing. gress, aud Solland has ron New . HAIRDRESSING BUHOOL MODERNE SNAPSHOTS | 1' Your trdupiet fokereatiom are 0 - 1 ars--=Free! Write iMulveney's : . - LBARN HAIRDRESSING THR YOUR FILMS 'RECEIVE CAREFUL ; * ACOUSTICON INSTITUTE * a social legislation, Old age pen Idbertson method. Information attention. Our up-to-the-minute | sR emedles, Specigliata, Toronto, 4 : ons were introduced in 1917, On requeat regarding classes, équipment enables us to give you : 230 Bay Street - Toronto health insuran in 19024 d Robertson's Halrdr fos Acad: | the best possible print from each R + Lunas a copy of the FREE Boshon the U.S, 4 od adi n an an ey. 131 Avenue oad. Toronto, hegative. Fiftben years of making | WANTED QUANTITY OF. LARGE = + Srrawint Nesipaéi Dsafuen Soroey + DE ha, he LH aden = at tied customers has taught us Milow trees. ALANS Any, FEES Nima a ogram, dating bac HELP WANTED -- there is no substitute for good, {ng_8t.; | nto, Ont. : - 5 roll developed, WY NA SERVIC, 1, 08. 8. PATO et 2] BR TR Jears, an averaie of 40,000 new EXPERIENCED FARMER -- MAR- | or 8 reprints, 200. Large. sigs TRACTOR 19 Te , : . of « Cler * omes per annum has raised the ried -- familiar with Beet Cattle rints 30c, Three on argements WANTED PAIR = REA EEL rlainly T Jove you--but couldn't we hire a cooler : standard of living In the Nether- And Sheep. "Modern house, all In folders doe. Your {ilies are wheels "with ge. for Goskanatt F 1 F ¥ conv 5 wages, "Yel. ' 3 r ¢ > you've sort of found your way around the kitchen?" . : wii. | Jands to a remarkable degree. «| fow Briar', Mone Mills Ontario, | Hox 340, Hamilton, Ont an tgpetor A sob ERE