Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1943, p. 4

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a wT x 5 BAAD to Ee ar = a nk AT . KR eed ee 4 3 A a A Ee a ER Ce, 7 i * Christie: PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1943 Port. Parry We are sorry to learn that Pilot Officer G. A. Wallace has been killed in action overseas. Some. of the mer- chants will remember Al Wallace, as the representative in this district of Brown. & Co., for several years prior 'to his enlistment in the R.C.A.F. in 1942, "Mr. John Milner has purchased the home of the late Miss May Madden in Prince Albert. Mrs. Webster has sold her house to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keeler and family. Mr. Bill Taylor of Prince Albert has bought the home formely owned by the late Mr, Ed. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. MacFarlane, of Lon- don, Ont., formerly of Edmonton, Alta. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. -- Harper during the past week. Third Officer Maicolm Nasmith, of the Merchant Marine, was at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Nasmith for a few days last week. Mr. S. Farmer attended a meeting of the Educational Committee Qh Liberal Association held in the Reng Edward Hotel last Thursday. _ Mrs. David Jackson has returned to her home in Toronto after a brief visit with her parents, Dr. J. B. and Mrs. Lundy. Mrs, Douglas _-Lade, of Toronto, spent the weck-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. Mrs. P. Figary and daughter Ethel, of Toronto, and Pte. Reg. Figary, of Camp Borden, were week-end visitors in Port Perry. . ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor have re- ceived 'a cable stating that their son © Pte. Jimmy Taylor, of the R.C.A.M.C. has arrived safely overseas. Mrs. James Davidson, Jr. has re- turned after a pleasant--holiday with her parents in Sudbury. - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tripp, of To- ronto paid a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. MacGregor has retuned home from visiting in Lindsay with her brother, Mr. R. Wells. Mr, Wells spent Sunday in Port Perry. Mr. Philip Orde, of Orillia, visited over-the week-end with his mother, Mrs. M. Orde. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Naples and daughter, Caroline, spent a few days in Toronto, last week. Mr. George Channell is back again after a pleasant week's holidays. - Mrs.: Hugh Campbell spent a couple of days this week visiting relatives in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Clark, Miss Joyee Tetlow, and Mr.- Alvin Heayn, enjoyed a trip to Peterborough and Bobcaygeon, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke, Jr., of To- ronto, were in Port Perry, on Saturday attending the, Snooks-Oke wedding." Friends of Flight Officer Gordon Reneau, will be glad to learn that he is reported "safe". Fit. Lt. Joel Aldred od Mrs. Aldred visited his home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Sornberger visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. J. Powers visited Mr. Norman Aldred over the week- end, 'IF BACKACHES are_slowing you up, take RUMACAPS, Pains and aches 'are relieved after the first dose. Sold at A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. "WANTED EMPTY 1 POUND COFFEE TINS The War Work Committee need G0 'tins for Christmas cakes, for the sol- " diers' overseas Christmas boxes: Kindly bring or send any you have to the War Work rooms at once. oe eel EP PP BORN McLAUGHLIN--Clare McLaughlin, R.C.N.V.R, and Mrs.. McLaughlin ~ (nee Ruth Blewett) are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their son at the Oshawa General Hospital on October 1st," 1943. Beil ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mis. Dyle Thomson (nee Marion Holtby) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, 'Marilyn Elaine, on Saturday, October 2nd, at Valleyfield, Quebec. gL Ep ITH--At Uxbridge, on Wednes- , September 20th, 1943, Fanny Wil: in er 76th year, Interment in Pine rove etery, Prince Albert, $238 : rise] (Fe FREB Phone _ Parking OSHAWA on A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 7-8-9, "MY FRIEND . FLICKA" starring Roddy McDOWALL, Preston FOSTER, Rita JOHNSON. A heart-stirring story of a boy's fierce dreams; a man's mighty courage; and a womgn's brave fight for both. Filmed in Glorious Technicolor. Special Holiday Attraction-- Sunday after midnite--12.05-- The million-thrill Musical "Hit, "DuBARRY WAS" A LADY" - starring RED SKELTON, Lucille BALL, Gene KELLY, Tommy DORSEY and Orchestra Photographed in Technicolor. Join the Jamboree of Joy-- It's the Year's Giant Entertain- ment. Loge seats reserved. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 11-14. "DIXIE" with Bing - Crosby, Dorothy Lamour, =. Marjorie Reynolds, "Billy De Wolfe. "With Bing as the wandering 2 minstrel who wrote "*Dixie" be- tween women's kisses, And does DOTTY help. . . M- M-M-- in Technicolor. MARRIED SNOOKS--OKE The wedding was solemnized on Saturday, October 2nd, at the United Church parsonage, by 'Rev. W. C. Smith, of Aileen Annie, daughter of Mrs. Annie and the late William Oke, .to Ray John, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Snooks. The bride wore dusky rose silk jer- sey with navy accessories and corsage of roses and mums. The bridesmaid, Marie Hayden, wore blue sheer with lace trim and black accessories with corsage of roses.and mums. The best man was Harold Snooks, brother of the groom. A reception was held at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ©'Neill, where. the imme- diate membersy of the family were received. Latcr the happy cauple left on a trip to western points, Aileen Oke Honoured Last Wednesday evening Miss Ai- leen Oke, whose marriage took place last Saturday, was honeured with a miscellaneous shower held at the home of Mrs. Roy O'Neill. around twenty-five girls present. Sev- eral contests and games were played and then 'the bride-to-be was pre- sented with a huge basketful of gifts. Aileen thanked .them all for the pre- sents and good wishes showered upon her. -A dainty lunch was then served by the hostess and a social tilne spent Sto o-------------- LATE MRS. W. L. BLUEMAN Early Sunday morning last there passed away at her home 16~Sword St., Toronto, a former Uxbridge girl, loved wife of Langley Blueman, after being in poor health for some years front heart trouble. The funeral took place to Uxbridge cemetery, on Wed- nesday, September 20th; 1943. The late Selena Duggan was born in Uxbridge, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Duggan, and car- ried on a dressmaking business in town, She married: Langley Blueman and abbut thirty-five years ago they went to Toronto to live. ~~ and loving wife and mother are her sorrowing husband and two sons, Vaughan at home and Leo in the Army, ed at Camp Borden, and one sister, Mrs, Gauld, of Chicago, to whom the sympathy of the eomnninity is extended. --- BLACKSTOCK (continued from back page) Army and Air Force--2 turtle-neck sweaters; 2 toques; 26 pairs socks, Seamen's comforts--4 pairs socks; 3 pairs mitts; turtle-neck sweater; 4 sleeveless sweaters. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. G. Bowers on the arrival of a baby, Archdeacon © Simpson and rs. Simpson spent several days in Hali- n where he was paying his an- nual visit to the several parishes in There: were] | '| furnish the' singing. inthe -person- of -Selena-Duggan;-be=}3 Left" to mourn the loss of a kind| Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- L R. BENTLEY'S Taylor's The Eating House "of Quality and Service Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars "Tobaccos Cigarettes BILL TAYLOR. Proprietor his archdeanery. The morning ser- vice at St. John's was taken by Mr. Fred Hamilton. Misses Gweneth Marlow, Kathleen Wright and Jean Malcolm, who are at- tending Toronto Normal School, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. George Crawford is building a new garage on his property- to replace the one which was destroyed by fire. On September 22nd, a pleasant ¢vening was spent in the community hall,-in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stinson (nee Lydia: Ginn), Laverne Devitt was chairman. © This program was given: readings by Mrs. Burney Hooey and Miss Margaret Thompson; piano = instrumentals by Miss Jean Coulter and Roy Phayre. After the formal presentation of gifts the bride and groom replied very fittingly. Speeches were also given by relatives and friends. Lunch was served and dancing followed-with music by Geo. Fowler, Herman Wilson, Oliver Smith and Roy Phayre. Donald' Emery of Franklin, and Tom McLachlan called for the square dances. The Mission Band met at Mrs. Cecil Hill's with an attendance of 16. The Scripture reading was taken by Nora Venning. Scripture story by Beryl Larmer, who then led in prayer. Mis- sionary prayer was taken by Rev. B. Harrison. Roll Call was a verse with "Love" in it. They decided to fill a ditty bag, also to sell Christmas cards. Program: Stories were told by Ruth - | Hamilton, Mrs. C: Hill, Barbara Jack- son and Yvonne Jackson; Doris Ham- ilton conducted a Bible quiz. A game of ""Sniffs" was played and candy was passed. SCUGOG i Ae The 'congregation of the "Scugog United Church", the name of our New Church will hold their Thank Offering services in the hall on Sunday, October 10th, at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. with Mr, Stephen Saywell,-of Oshawa, as the guest speaker, The union choir will Everyone in: vited. Rev. Mr. Foley will take charge of the Myrtle work for Mr, Saywell. The W. A. meeting will be held in the township hall 'on Tuesday after- noon, "October 12th. A good program is being "prepared by Miss Marjorie Milner 'and Miss Frances Lackin, and the last group, No. 10. Everyone he on hand. ' The communion service which was held in the Head Church on Sunday morning was well attended by the whole island, and a splendid sermon was heard from Rev. Mr. Foley. The choir sang "Leading to Calvary" with Mrs. George Samells at the piano. The flowers were beautiful and made the church look very inviting, The Red Cross members quilted an- other quilt on Wednesday in the hall, The quilt had been donated. It was decided to pack boxes for the boys Overseas in the near future. Mrs. George Sweetman spent a pleasant: week with her daughter Mrs, "| David Miller, and son Alan Sweetman, in Toronto, arid returned home on Sun- day with Mr, George Sweetman and Mr. and Mrs, L. Sweetman. All are sorry to hear of Mr. Wood- ruff's loss of four cattle caused' by weed poisoning. AC Alan Aldred, R.C.AF., has re- turned to his training Newfound land, after his two months' leave, AC Ralph Lansing, R.C.A.F,, has been stationed at St. Thomas from Toronto, Mrs, J. Joblin of Port Perry visited Mrs. George Sweetman _ and' other former neighbors, on Monday. ~ Mi, (Dr) Angus MasHilan and little daughter, Marilyn Elizabeth, of Edmonton, arrived here on Tuesday to spend several months with her parents Rev. HW. and, Mrs. Foley, at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fralick Niced their son Maurice on 'Sunday after- noon. J Mr, Frank Gerrow received word on Saturddy, 'that Herbert, the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, had passed away after a serious operation performed in July, at his home ii Radisson, Sask. Mr. Irwin spent the early part of his 62 years on the farm where Mr. T. Eden now lives, and at- tended the Centre School where his brother Thomas George taught for four years, and will be remembered by 'many. Besides his wife, he leaves two sisters, Ettie, who taught at the Foot school, and Annie; five brothers, Ed- ward, Wesley, William, Thomas, Geo.,' and Rev. A. Mansell Irwin, of Whitby. Scugog friends extend their sympathy, Mr. and Mrs. M. Collins, Merlyn and little Gary, visited their daughter Mrs, Keith Rusnell in Uxbridge over the week-end. Mrs. Ralph Laing of Oshawa, spent the week-end with her parents Mr.! and Mrs. R. Hood. Showers and more showers for Scugog folk. The one on Wednesday night was for Miss Aleta Collins, after her recent marriage to Mr. Keith C. Rusnell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rusnell, of Uxbridge. Minnie Aleta, is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Middleton Collins, Scugog. At her marriage: Aleta wore a bles tailored suit with accessories to match and wore red roses. She was attend- ed by Blanche, a sister of the groom.) The groom was attended by his' brother Merlyn. The ceremony was | performed by Rev. Dr. Neil, in the, parsonage, Toronto. The honeymoon ; was. to Niagara Falls, side in Uxbridge, where the best) -- wishes of their friends will follow them. At the shower, the first part of the evening was spent in dancing then 'My, and Mrs. Rusnell were invited to the platform where Miss Marie Sweetman read an address and.many pretty and useful gifts were given them, includ- ing lovely blankets, pieces of red Yrim- med enamelware. The bride and groom replied happily. , The Pot Luck Supper held in the hall on Tuesday evening was a grand success, and the supper was all that could be desired. Kay Prentice and Eileen Cherrie favoured with humor- ous recitations, Miss Lackin conducted a witty contest on vegetables which created many a laugh. The rest of the tim$ was spent as a congregation- al meeting regarding the new church. Rev. 'H. W. Foley acted' as chairman. Proceeds $13.45. "Birthday greetings to Pte. Norman Sweetman for October 9th, who jis spending his second birthday in B. C.; and for his sister Rena for the 10th; Spr. Leonard Hope for the 11th, his second birthday overseas; Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, Ora Dowson for the 12th; Margaret Bratley for the 13th, Mr. George Sweetman and Roy Hope for the 14th; Roy Dodsley, :Mrs. Russell Pogue for the 15th; Jimmie Chamber- lain and George Dodsley for the 16th. Migs. A. Leighton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bailey and son Allan, of Cartwright, were visitors of the former's brother, Mr. E. Fines and Mrs. Fines, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Collins and children visited their daughter Mrs. Cuss in Toronto, on Sunday. Monday, October 11th, is Thanks- giving Day, and' we-should-all- bowery thankful for living in a country such as Canada. The schools will be closed, Sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs, J. ®carce. We all wish for ba a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, C. Reader visited his brother Mr. Robert Reader on Sun- day. Mrs. S. Reynolds of Seagrave, is] visiting her daughters Mrs, Cherrie and Mrs, G. Hood, Myrtle Station CRASSA 1131 'LAWRENCE'S DRUG STORE NEWS 'Ostogen A You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store This is the time of year whi everyone becomes more Vitamin-congtious; so for this reason we are listing the more popular vitamin preparations which we. carry in stock. If you do not see your favorite vitamin preparation listed here, ask us. Perhaps we have it and if not we shal be glad to procure it for you. AYERST"S-- I Alphamettes .......... ...$1.00, $1.85, $3.50 Alphamin Capsules ........coune, $3.7 Beminal Granules .. $1.00 Beminal Tablets ......... $3.75 Calcium A Capsules ......coccviivinns $2.00 Cod Liver Oil, plain, ........40c. and $1.25 Cod Liver Oil, 10D .. .67c. and $1.69 Glucose D..convcinnnnninennnind I .65 FROSST'S-- "\ Beforte Tablets ............... $1.35 and $3.50 Neo Chemical Food; Capsules... Liquid . $1.25, $2.25, $5.00 $1.15, $2.45, 34.45 $1. 00 and £1 a Ostoforte, Capsules ... - Irradol A PURETEST-- | PARKE-DAVIS-- * Abdol with. Vitamin C 'Capsules ........ ....$1.50, $2.75, $5.00 Combex Capsules .........ceorennninen $5.00 Natola Capsules, 75c., BL. 25, $2 25, $4.76 Natola Liquid , $2.26 Haliver Capsules .. 90c. Se $1.66 Haliver Liquid .. ...B80c. and $175 Fenton irises rrie res $1.50 and $3.46 Cod Liver Oil ...... .75¢, and $1.25 Cod "Liver Tablets ............ A8e, std $1.35 Cod Liver Oil, 10A & D .. i Halibut Capsules ALLEN Melo-Malt . Multiple Vitamin Capsules $e 50, 74 . Tutamate Capsules ........ and $3.75 Perco Cod Capsules .......... eetrseiryin . 5 MEAD"S-- " Plenamin Capsules ....... Cod Liver Oil plain, ......45¢. and fa Wheat Germ Capsules... Cod Liver Oil, 10D ..&. ....b0c. and $1. " Oleum* Percomorphum ....75c. and $3.00 UPJOHN'S-- ~ Viosterol ......... SE 65 Cerelixin- Tablets ............ $1.25 and $5.40 Super D Cod Liver Oil ....90c. and '$1.40 MILES LABORATORIES-- Super D Perles ..............ii $1.25 and $3.00 One A Day A & D Tablets Unicaps Atenas trian Brarised $3.50 and $6.00 45¢c., $1. 00, $1. 80 One A Day B Comp, Tablets MISCELLANEOUS-- : .. . $1.85 and $3.25 Betamin Tablets .....:.. $1.00, $1. 5; $3.00 SQUIBRS-- } ~ Adex Yeast Tablets Cod Liver Oil .. Yorn sreistssse $100 2d $1.69 Scott's- Emulsion Viophate D oiiinnennen $1.60 sien $1.00 and $2.39 Kepler Cod National Cod Liver & Malt: 49c., and 89c. Rexall Cod Liver and Creosote, in Wampole's Cod Liver Extract ie I 00 They now re-, amg RS --------------------------------" Liver and Malt, "The. $1.25 $1.00 PIE Neh 59¢. and 98c. PORT PERRY Picture Show PRESENTS JACK LONDON"S Adventures of + with Glenn Ford, Claire Trevor, Evelyn Keyes, Stuart Erwin TOWN HALL, Port Perry i At7.00 and 9.00 p.m. on Wed, OCT. 13th ALSO COLOURED 'CARTOON Sat. Oct. 9th 7.00 and 9.00 p.m, i PENNY SINGLETON, in" "Blondie for Victory" pos PLUS TAX: O'Boyle were isiioes in Whitby on Thursday last. on-Saturday.~ earn "Arthur" vations of the Veterans' spent a few days. recently with Mrs. Manderson and George, and 'Maberley relatives vver ens, L, Sam Burkett visited on and home "in erborough, her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. L. W. Mr. S. Saywell of Oshawa, had charge of the church service on Sun- Mitchell. Mrs. D. Luery was in Toronto on day afternoon, He spoke in the inter- I Saturday attending the funeral: of THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, est of the Sunday School and made ai { Mrs. E. Fulton Brown, former Woman, strong appeal for more workers to as- sist. on the teaching staff, = Sunday school will open at 2 p.m, sharp next Sunday. Church service will be at the usual hour of 7.30, : Mrs. L. Nattress of Delavan, Ill, U.S.A, who has been with her sister; Mrs, E. Redman and Mr, Redman for the summer months, left on Thursday morning for Woodbridge and Stouff- ville where she. will spend the next two weeks with relatives before leav- ing for her home across the border. A cablegram received last week by his wife stated that Lance- Corporal seas, | Mrs. A. Parrinder and Miss Lillian Bailiff of Ontario. Nature has been very lavish. with "her paint brush this fall. Once again' we are given the. privilege of enjoy- ing the vividly colorful tree foliage which is now at its'best. The maples vary in color from a lemon shade to the yellow and scarlet mixed and to a deep cri The sumacs are a gor- geous red and the glossy oak leaves and beech leaves are just as beautiful but in the darker autumnal colours of chestnut, rust and brown. This riot of beauty is all around us, a perfect blending of colors, with here and there Merle Ross had arrived safely 'over. ! the. dark evergreen forming a striking = contrast, MARTIN EDEN | ¢ Adults 28c. Children 15c.| A number from this sly at- tended the Both Anis] Marklian Pale Home Guard, stationed at a prisoners of war camp in Northern Ontario, Mrs. Jack Kirkham was with Perth a ursd ay with his family at ji a BILTMORE THEATRE OSHAWA Mrs. Ben Hitchens and children ik Oshawa are Visiting this week with NT Se HAROLD W. Phone 41 IN DAYS OF Cini atone RELIABLE Insurance i is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE .NEEDS. hay BE, Consult' Sie Spec Su EMMERSON Port Perry [Saeco - Be es a I TE I TIT) ~ Mr." moved to Lindsay. Their furniture and other hotisehold effects were taken ' by truck on Saturday. Our best wishes go with Mr, and Mrs. Perrin as they commence life in a new. centre. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black of Oshawa, | were visitors on Thursday 'last with Allen and Mrs. Downey. Mr. and Mrs, David Duchemin spent | Tuesday with Toronto relatives. *Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooper were Sun- "day guests of Frank and Mrs. Harti- son of 'Indian River. Clarence Harrison, with his thresh- ing outfit, is making the rounds among the farmers this week threshing buck- wheat and filling a silo or two. - Mrs. E. M. Chisholm made a busi- ness trip to 'Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Leonard Dalby moved into her house on Summerhill Ave., Oshawa, the first part of this week. . Mrs. Cecil Walsh, her sister, Mrs. Ade, of Chicago, and brother, Mr. i Braakey, of Norwood, Manitoba, are at the Walsh home this week, A Mrs. 'A Johnson, Donald and. Elmer 1 were guests of Toronto relatives on | Sunday. | Beverley Scott of Sedgrave spent Sunday with his cousin, Gordon Harri- son, { Mr, and Mrs, Bert Moran and son Jim," of Belleville, were Sunday visit: ors with Mr. and Mrs: L;W. Mitchell. 'and Mrs. Jesse Perrin have Mr. John Biases of Oshawa, and his . ~-. , daughter, Mrs. Wallace, of Toronto, were callers on Monday at the home of his brother, Harry and Mrs, Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. William Glover of , Oshawa, and Mrs. George Hope, of Tos / ronto, were visitors last week with - i Mrs. Francis Briggs. Pig A motor mishap occurred on Satur- * ' day on the county road a few rods east of the village, when a car going west got out of the control of the driver. A particle of flying dust or some other foreign body got into one of the eyes of the motorist. The car ran into the ditch, struck a telephone pole and snapped it off in two pieces. Fortunately the occupants of the ca were not injured and the car was slightly. damaged, Cook's wrec necessary repair was made.. The phbne company replaced the pol Monday. + 2 Mr. and Mrs. Willian King of Onk- tis wagd, were Sunday visitors with their % cousin, Mrs,. Will Cook, Sh PAIR SR AY: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hughson ads : Danny, of.Toronto, were with Mr, and i Norman Hughson over the week- ; en 7 Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson are with their daughter, Mrs. C. Holman _- and "Mr. Holman of Dagmar, where Mr. Dickson Is helping with the apple erop. = = October 7-8-9 L SUNDAY MIDNITR ~~ - also MONDAY and TUESDAY - HUMPHREY BOGART, 3 SIDNEY GREENSTREET MARY ASTOR; in 'Across the Pacific' ~-- 2nd Hit -- Here's Comedy that's"got Evérything! "Brooklyn Orchid" with WILLIAM BENDIX MARJORIE WOODWORTH TOM SAWYER. FRANK SINATA = Va . plus Ye y GREAT BANDS -- 4 : BOB CROSBY -- FREDDIE SLACK \ : * DUKE ELLINGTON . COUNT BASIE, in Reveille with Beverly with ANN SLLER. ; -- 2nd H : QEOROE SANERS, Ton CONWAY, of in 2! "The Faloon's Brother!" : |. CONTINUOUS SHOW DAILY~-- Attend Our Matinees

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