Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1943, p. 5

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¢ | Nt 3 ---- 2h ; wn Fae 3 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1943 "J mT Ed A . ' 5 pI NG CES 4 i S4 A . . $ v { 7g 2! . £43 EE hee a = 3 [ETA a STEER 1 Sake Hak Ld} ideale i de pes aons BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 7-8-9 | Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 CHARLES LAUGHTON and MAUREEN O'HARA in "This-Land Is Mine" with George Sanders, Kent Smith. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, OCTOBER 11-12-13, Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m, Holiday Matinee, Monday at 2 o'clock , JACK BENNY and PRISCILLA LANE, in "The Meanest Man in the World' > with ROCHESTER, Cyd UK so an ADDED Attraction: "Time To Kill" with Lloyd NOLAN, Heather ANGEL. - Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, OCTOBER 14-15-16, "CHINA" starring.Alan LADD, Loretta YOUNG Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on - Saturdays only. 'McLean Radio Service When in Toronto, call on J. W. DAVIS, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Palmer Graduate Room 206, 7 Adelaide St. West ; Toronto, Ontario W. J. KING . CHIROPRACTOR In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, King and Cédar Streets Phone 64 r 13 PENTISTS i DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON - _ office equipped for X-RAY WORK - Over Bell Telephone Office, Queen™8t., Port Perry Office 68w; Residenge -68J Phones: W. A. Sangster - DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleeps Insurance Office. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leohard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. Phone 287, Res. 216, SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $l. 00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on North Street, FOR SALE 100 acre farm, Lot 20, Con. 9, Cart- wright Township, Durham County; 85 acres working land, balance pasture with 2 springs. Situated on County Road, % mile fromy Lake Scugog. Red brick house; 2 barns, one 'with steel roof; also implement shed. Ap- ply by letter or in person to Grant Campbell, Nestleton, Ontario. WANTED . "We are.anxious to secure ten copies of the edition of the Port Perry Star or September 16, 1943. Will anyone having a copy available, please leave oN _ Star Office. : * FOR SALE Black Peroheron Filly, rising three "years; a light wagon; Fall and Winter " Apples. Apply to Ray Medd, R. R. 1, Port Perry, Phone 118 r 22. oct 7 7 THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister -- Rev. J. A. McMillan 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class, to which everyone is invited. . 7 p.m.--Evening Service, PORT PERRY "UNITED, CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. Sunday, October 10th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School - , 11 a.m.--Thanksgiving service-- What shall I render unto'Jehovah for all His benefits t rd me? 7 p.m.--The new Theology--The de- bate between the orthodox and the liberal thinker. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks. Sunday, October 10th-- "Children and Youth Day. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 a.m.--Matins and sermon, : The Rector. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: P. Taylor 10 a.m.--Bible School 11 a.m,--Morning Worship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic 'Service. '| Wednesday at 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8 p.m.-- Young Peoples' meeting--Come and enjoy this get-together, Meetings are bright and inspiring. NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW' TAKE NOTICE that at the regular meeting of the Council of the Village -tof Port Perry to be held at the Coun- «cil Chambers on Monday the eighth day of November 1943 at 8 p.m., a by- law will be proposed and submitted to the Council for the purpose of stop- ping'up and conveying to John Pod- pollock, all those streets or parts of streets laid out on Crandell's plan of Boyrelia and Fairbank's "plan of part of lot nineteen in the fifth concession of the Township of Reach, which are at present enclosed in and surrounded by the fences of the Orchard property of the said John Podpollock. ANY PERSON who claims his lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to be heard, will be heard by the said Coun- cil at "the time and place of the meet- ing aforesaid. The streets or party of streets to be so stopped up may be more particular- ly described as follows: (a) Bruce Street from the south limit of Queen Street to the South limit of lot thirty-five, Crandell's plan. (b) Lorne Street from the eas# limit of Ontario Street east to the west limit of the Railway rightsof-way. (c) May Street east e east limit of Ontario street. "'(d) Alva Street between the east limit of Ontario Street and the- Rail- way right-of-way. «.(e) High Street south of the pro- duction easterly of the south limit of lot fourteen Fairbanks Plan. -(f) Edgar «street from the- south limit of May street to the North limit of Alva Street. Dated at Port Perry, 28th day of September 1943: H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk ntario,. this ect2l ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNS The Assessment Roll of the Cor ation of the Village of Port Perry for 1943, upon which the taxes for 1944 will be' lévied, has been returned to Port, Perry [me, and any-appeals against the as- sessment thereon must be made to me in writing on or before-Ot¢tober 14th, 43. 3 TH.G. He iliose ot bo e of Port Perry. Port Perry, Sik io 1943, TY. AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th--At Lot 19, Con. 4, Cartwright Township, the property of Clarence J. Parr, Horses, Cattle, Swine, Implements, Harness, Grain, Furniture... Terms Cash. Sale at 12.30, pt © Ted Jackson, Auctioneer o£ « SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9.--Farm Stoek and implements, the property of George Gamula, at lot 10, con. 8, Reach Twp. The implements listed have been used only a couple of sea- sons, and are in excellent shape. W. F. Marquis, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12th, sale of Pure-bred and Grade Holstein Cattle, Horses, Swine, Hay, Grain, Roots, Im- plements, Furniture, the property of Wesley Thompson, Lot 6, Con. 8, Scott Township, % mile west of Sandford. Sale at'one. Terms cash, TED JACKSON, Audtioneer. WANTED Would like to rent~ for winter months, part of house, warm, bath- room if possible, 'Quiet adults. Re- forences if required. Apply to Box! 22, Port Pexty, \ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28rd-- Farm Stock and Implements, perty of the late Wesley Campbell, lot 21, con. 10, Cartwright, on Sattirday, October 23rd, at 1 o'clock. Terms 'cash, See posters for particulars. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer 14 years, in good condition. | . BUAUTY PARLOR PRENTICIYS -- BEAUTY SALON -- -------- with or without appointment, PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up ONLY 50c. Phone 223, Port Perry ARI'HUR PRENTICE, Prop (The firm of Greer & H Is dissolved) SHAMPOO and STYLED SETTING, MADE TO MEASURE : are now optional. Johnston's ApProVED Clothes - FOR MEN--OVERCOATS: Fine quality of materials in large range of light and heavy Cloths. "SUITS: Fine tweeds and worsteds in styles to suit everyone. Two pant Suits with cuffs on the trousers Man's Suit or Overcoat--$29. 50, $35. $39. 50 FIT GUARANTEED RUSSELL D. HUMPHREY~ 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office oa Tuesday and Thurvday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, ARTHUR W. 8. GREER (n attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by sppointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS A In the Estate of William Robert Thomas, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Retired Farmer. All persons having clainfs against the estate of the above named who died on September 16, 1942, are here- on or before October 23rd, 1943, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after = October 23rd, 1948, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 21st day .f September, 1943. . . HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the above Estate. ' oc? NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Maria Loulsa (May) Madden, late of the Township of Reachy in, the County of Ontario, School Teacher.. All persons having claims hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before October 23rd, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after October 23rd, 1943, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port, Perry, this 16th day of September, 1943, HARRIS, HARRIS -&: WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above - Estate. oe? FOR SALE: Enamel Kitchen: Range nearly new, also large size Quebec Heater and a Kitchen Table. Phone 178w. FOR SALE "3 pure 'bréd" Siiffolk "Rati" Lambs; also 20 small pigs, six to eight weeks old. Apply to Allan W,. Qrosier, Seagrave, Ontario. _ FOR SALE Boy's Blue Overcoat, fit. boy 12 to Phone 213, Port Perry. A The anniversary services of the United Church will be held on October 17th, afternoon and evening, conducted by Rev. W, H, Burgess, B.A, D.A,, of Mount Albert. Mr, Ralph Wilbur had a very suc- cessful sale on Friday, Oct, 1st, Mrs. Herb. Leighton is in Oshawa hospital. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Jean Crosier, R.N,, Oshawa, was home for the week-efid. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Geer and family visited .at Mr, Carson Watson's re- cently. 2 Congratulations to Melville Lakey, of the R.C.A,F. on being promoted to Pilot Officer, recently. Rués Creighton and his orchestra are coming to Utica on October 19th. Proceeds to go for packing boxes for the boys Overseas. y 633 Han, Port Perry, Phone 94 by notified to send to the undersigned: agajnst > : : the Estate of the above-named fly - 5 died on September 11th, 1943§ are 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE -eight weeks old. [] Wallpapers for 1944 are all in Now. We shall have, with our 1944 papers now all in, even more papers than in previous years. NO CHANGE IN PRICES FEATURING SUNWORTHY , SUNTESTED Ready trimmed, Semi trimmed Now is the time to. brighten up your home for Winter. | Papers from 12c. roll up. LADIES' COATS & SUITS MADE TO MEASURE JOHNSTON Approved CLOTHES FIT GUARANTEED - Be sure to see our materials 'and styles. 21 Suit Styles for Ladies and Girls. 12 Coat Styles for l.adies and Girls. High quality workmanship 'and materials have featured all the garments we have sold. YOU WILL BE SATISFIED LADIES' COAT or SUIT $29.50, $35.00, $39.50 Port Perry | Red & White. STORE J PHONE 43 F. W. BROCK & SON - PORT SA ONT. About thirty young pigs--six and Apply to J. Otten- brite, Lot 17, Con. 6, Reach Township, near the Fair Grounds. Small size Jewel circulating heater, ! ¥ almost new, $25. 00. Apply to A. E. Ramsay, Myrtle Station. ANNOUNCEMENT Oshawa Engineering and 'Welding Company, Limited have MOVED to the Trick Company building at --~ 25 ALBERT ST, OSHAWA - PHONE 764. e fy B. C. CEDAR Shingles 1. HXXXXX 9. BXXXXX No. 3. ay Place Your Order Early as Supply is Limited No. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., Phone 240w " LIMITED i "tnmsn------;;; SAARC AAA FRESH BAKING DAILY BREAD, BUNS, COOKIES, and PIES | saturday Special: -- Cherry Sponge Cake Gerrow Bros., Port Perry Phone 32. A NS LRU RUAN RNS 252 o 3 £8 4 5 H i i H H i > HE ---------------------------- Prom pt Service And ithe BEST MEATS. 'the Market. "Atfords, at Lowest Market Prices. 'CAWKER BROS , Family Butchers FEEL EEE ELLIE ISI EELS RLS SEI IIRL SERIA ALES SIL AL ESE : : SSE RAR AR EASA SAT 'SHINGLES, 'Arriving this week-- CAR of B. C. SHINGLES No. 1--xxxxx. . No. 3--xxxxx. Place nd order imntediately for delivery "ds g this will be the last car this year, . - Asphalt Shingles and. Rolled Roofing on hand. FRESH CEMENT SOR'S FUEL & LUMBER. Phone 78w F. G. Reesor -- oesor 2 mp-- Nm rp 2X i, Por OO ie

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