Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Oct 1943, p. 6

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EE gs wre SN oY . Ndi an * MAN" vo. nr A Sab Be ie lsd Pa Ar Cg ge 8 ETE Ad h} 5 "\ v oh RAL IT Er Be NYA a than Ag FER BY A eG BE ye Abbr ed feb del i Abie A de Ee Sms ot Pai Pig py Lo fr TP Here are the jubilant New York Yankees in their old familiar pose--cheering themselves after the 2-1 victory over Detroit that clinched American League pennant for the eighth time in the last 11 years--symbolized by Bill Dickey's No. 8, to which grinning Manager McCarthy is pointing. In foreground, "left to right, are: Jim Turner, Bill -Johnson, Dickey, McCarthy, Spud Chandler and Bill Zuber. In back, between Johnson and Dickey, are Tommy Byrne, Bud Metheny and Oscar Grimes. Yes, He Had Been 1 Around--A Bit! In a Boston-bound plane, a civil- fan was sealéd next to a young Army flier. "Been around much?" the civilian asked, "Yeah," flier casually answered. "I was over Rome. day before yesterday." the "Rome? Day before yesterday 1" the clvilian gasped and started to edge away, cautiously. where were you yesterday?" . . . "Oh, yesterday," the flier shrug- ged, "I was in Iceland." The flier was Lt. Kennedy, the Boston hero, who was going home.--New York Post, : PLASTIC INNERTUBE we He madd of' Marvinol, a new rubber substitute developed by the Glenn I3«Martin Company; have been made the first plastic inner tubes, Tor use's war machines and tomorrow's family cars, The elasto-plastic material is made of the ingredients shown above. By Galbraith SIDE GLANCES (67 ws of 078.193) tay "After your second. child,' Ls "the n pt NEA SEAVICE, NG. 1. M. BEG. you give -up trying to protect niture!" "And 'WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Red Blood Tests Since the Red Cross began to bank blood thousands of gallo] of red blood corpuscles have been thrown down the drain--only the blood plasnia is used, says Time Magazine. Dr. Warren Coocksey, technical supervisor of Detroit's blood bank, 'thought there .ought to be something these discarded red cells, which constitute 46% of the whole blood, would be good - for. Last winter he began sup- plying Delroit hospitals with batches of specially processed red corpuscles for experimental trans- fusions. = Last- week Philadelphia Naval Hospital doctors, who had the same idea. reported that red- cell transfusions had proved spec- tacularly successful in treating anemia. CE i The Navy doctors administered 72 red-cell transfusions to 48 ane- mic patients. All but four showed definite improvement. Only two had bad reactions . (they became feverish), One patient, apparently dying of pernicious anemia, was given five red-cell transfusions; his red-cell blood count improved trom 650,000 to 3,130,000, his hemo- globin from 2 to 11 gm. per 100 c.c, in a month he was able to go home. . ..Repbriing these results In the American Medlcal Association Journal, the Navy doctors noted that fully haif of the hospitals pa- tients requiring transfusions need red cells only. Modern Etiquette : By: Roberta Lke _ 1. When one accidentally brushes against a person, which Is the better expression to use, "Pardon me", or, "I heg your pardon"? 2. Is it proper for one to com- pletely unfold a napkin when seat- ing himself at the table? 3. What is the proper' way to introduce a married woman to an unmarried one? 4. How close to the table should one sit? net 6. Is It permissible to close a' letter with one word such as "Sincerely," "Cordially, "Respect- fully"? 7 6. When a "woman '18 the hearer of a letter of Introduction, how soon should she make a call? Answers 1; "I beg your~pardon." 2. No; unfold the napkin until it fs halt its. full size, with the crease in the center. woman fs always presented to the- marrled woman, as, "Mrs. Jones, - may I present Miss Smith"? 4, Sit close enough so that you can reach the plate without leaning forward awkwardly, and far enough away 80 that the elbows will not be cramped. 6. No. When an adverb ending in ly Is used, the possessive pronoun yours should be added. 6." This call should be made within three or four days, "© WHY HAVE YALL: + AB0.0 -Hem-Rold from 3. The unmarried . Have You Heard? A Frenchman was relating his experience in studying the Eng- lish language:---He sald: "When I first discovered that if I was quick, I was fast; that if I was tied, I was fast; if I spent too free- ly, I was fast; and that not to eat was to fast; I was discour- aged. But when came atross the sentence, 'The first one won one-dollar prize', I gavq up try- tng." . kK --0-- Judge: "Have you anything to offer the court before sentence Is passed?" = Defendent: "Nothing, your honor. My lawyer has taken my last cent." ' --0-- Full of zeal, the Boy Scout was going from house to house selling tickets for a Warships' Week con- cort. "How much are they?' asked one' woman, grimly, "Two shillings, elghtpence, and a shilling." was the hopeful reply. "Have you any at sixpence?"' The Boy Scout replled coldly: "It's a warship we want, ma'am, not a canoe." Spy She--"Why don't we get a taxi?" He--"Darling, you're beautl- ful. In a taxl no one would see you, but on the street car | can show you off to every- one." bali Ei Lady: Are you children twins?" ~ Children: "No." Lady: "But you are the sama size and look allke. How old--are you?" Children: "Nine." Lady: "There, What did I tell you? You're twins." : Children: "Oh, no, we aren't. Wer're two-thirds of triplets." Sy Father: "The man who mar- -ries my daughter will get a prize." ' Ardent Sultor: "May | see It?" vo --o-- - Boss: "You want a raise? Why don't you live within your means?" Employe: "I. do} sir, but you don't realize how I am crowded for space." Pupil: "What did | make In that test?" : Teacher: "Mistakes." b Royal Marines First On Sicily's Shores The famous Royal Marines were the first assault troops to land when the Allies invaded Sicily. The "Jollies" as they are called, were raised in 1664, on an Order in "Council sealed by Charles 11 and were described as the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot. They were given- the privilege of "beating the drum" within the precincts of the City of London for the purpose of recruiting. Since then they have . been engaged in 400 sea fights and more ashore. than 100 major battles \ 3 iow RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED : It you are troublid with (tching plles ur rectal svreness, dv not delay treatment und run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any Itching uf soreness or painful pasys proper treatment should be secured at 'once. z For this purpose get a package of any druggist and use as directed. This - formula which [s used Internally 1s a small, easy to take tablet, will. quickly relieve the Iiching and soreness and ald in healing the sore tender Hem:Roid condition when auch may be had at such a small cost. 1f you try Hem-Rold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist Swill gladly return your money. ' protruding PILES ::'-.: know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat Sufferers of bleeding and . the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy, Buy from your druggist, 'MIDDLE-AGE; HEED THIS ADVICE! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS-- suffer hot flashes, used by this period In a woman's lite-- 14 Lydia RB. Pinkham's Yefeia Compound, Made 8 eofa for pect issih Canada, \ tons. do J WOMEN G3 | stool Is nature's -warning-and:- How Can l 7? By: Anne Ashley Q. How can I remoye mildew from garments and linen? A. For mildew clothes mix equal parts of soft soap with powdered starch, halt as much salt and the juice of half a lemon. Spread over the spots and lay the article in the sun until stains come out, For mildewed linen use a solution of four tablespoons peroxide to one quart of water. See that the water covers the garment, then boil gently until the stains are re- moved. Q. How can [I keep patent leather shoes from cracking? A. Rub them -over occasionally with a little vaseline. Glycerin, olive oil, or sweet oll are also tine for this purpose. Q. How can I kill crickets? A. Put cucumber peelings, cut into- thin strips, on the floor at BALLOON JACK ¥ _ Fixing up a Flying Fortress in England, an American mechani¢ _ inflates the British "lifting bag" that acts as a jack and raises the wing of the plane. GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO night near their haunts, Q. How can I make medicine palatable? : -- A. When difficulty. 1s exper fenced in taking a dose of medicine, try placing a bit of ice in the mouth for a moment before taking the medicine, and it will usually overcome any unpleasant. ness. : Q. How can I bleach dish towels that are badly stained? A. It bolling them In water with ammonia and washing soda does- n't remove the stains, try any of the commercial bleaching solu-. tions. Princess To Serve On State Council The House of Commons agreed last week that in future when the King is absent from' the realm, Princess Elizabeth may serve as one of his councillors of state. The" King made the request for Parliament's agreement ln a mes- sage read to the House. This 'carries forward one more step the preparation of the Prin." cess for Queenship and will give . her an opportunity to try her hand | - at statecraft. On the King's last forelgn trip, to visit the troops in Nort Africa, she wag excluded form the Council of State, headed by the Queen, be- cause she was a\ minor. She will attain 'legal majority on her 18 birthday, next April 21. The King's action suggested that he may contemplate another trip some day to visit hls forces abroad. Oatmeal Porridge Plus Trimminngs You remember perhaps how Dr. Samuel Johnson defined the word "oats" in his dictionary: "A grain which in England is gen- erally. given to horses but in"Seot- land supports the people." And you will remember the wonderful retort of Boswell, worthy of John. son himself: "Where will you see. such horses as in England or such men as in Scotland?' : the legend of the Scots. oatmeal porridge is more the dish, Any of with rice pudding, if you ough sugar and butter and and what not, and not rice, you can finish up uite tolerable rice pud- ding, so |doubtless, if you think it's wortlf while, you can do some- - thing abput oatmeal porridge too. SAFES Protéct your BOOKS and CASH from. . FIRE and THIEVES, We have » slie and type of Safe, or Cahinet, for -nny purpose, Visit us, or write for prices, ete. to Dept. W. J.6cJ. TAYLOR uMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front St. BE. Toromte Established 1855 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUTUMUBILES--USED USED CARS WITH GUUD TIRES. . Sce us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ..ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. + BABY CHICKS ORDER CHICKS "NOW FOR IM- mediate or future delivery--book ahcad: Take stock of your laying birds, fill up the gaps. We are setting fall hatches to order. Bray Chicks should come along when earlier hatched stock may be slackening off. Keep up wit the markets. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. DARRELS FOR SALE APPLE BARRELS, USED, IN GOOD : Bar- ber & Sons, 4000 Dyndas Street West, Toronto. condition, 30c each F.0.B, 8. nuLas LARGE BULBS FOR FALL PLANT. Ruinbow Collection Tllpa 2 . $1.10. Mixed Daffodil Bulbs 2 doz $1.10. Delivered. Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzic, B.C, We grow the best. only. "STOP CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISEMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LIVESTOCK 10 YOUNG MILK COWS AND SEV- eral young horses and colts. Madawaska Farm, Box 359, Arn- prior, Ont. WANTED RELIABLE FARMERS who have ample pasture, feed and stable accommodation to rough winter feed and' pasture number of young cattle for elght® to twelve months for agreed price per pound of Write Post Office Box 578 ronto. To- ir ; MEDICAL ITCHING TORTURES F eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other skin irrita- tions with Elik's Ointment No. 65, prescription of noted skin spec- falist. =~ Itch relieved . promptly, skin healed quickly or money re- funded. $1.00, $2.00. Mall orders filled promptly. Order today from Elik's! Medicine Co., Dept. 26, Box 234, Saskatoon. DON'T WAIT--EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's. Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. ~ OFFER TO INVENTORS CATTLE FOR SALE FOR SALE REGISTERED JERSEY Heifer Bizard Jeda, bred by Jer- scy Health Farms, Isle Bizard, Quebec, born Aug. 41, due Feb. 16, Reg. bull, Price One Hundred and Thirty. A. G. Ramsay, New Pastures I'arm, R.R. Gormley, Ont, near Aurora. : DYEING & CLEANING AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. increased weight. " DEVELOPED AND 335 EIgin, "ALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE . . - That's wnat a customer at Qutre- mont, Que. writes. He adda: "Some of 'my friends asked me where I sent my pictures to be developed and printed. | told them, 'send your rolls to Star Snupshot Service, and they did. They, too, are now rege ular customers of Star Snapshot Service," Any Size Roll--6 or 8 Expoturess PRINTED 235e Boys and gifls on active service enjoy letters 80 much more when "snaps" are enclosed. Mail your next roll to Star Snape shot Service for a trial order. You will get quality prints, with finer detatl--at lowest cost. And you will get the most prompt mail service obtainable In keeping with quality, work. Star Snapshot Service oper. ates Canada's biggest and est equipped photo finishing studio. 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 23a, Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel : Mounts. : You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. 300 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Hox 120, Postn} Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly, on all orders, * a STORE FOR SALE LEARN SHORTHAND SHORTHAND WRITERS ALWAYS in demand. LEARN GREGG HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to_us for information. e are glad to answer your questions. art. ment H. Parker's. Dye orks Limited, 79] Yonge Btveet, To- ronto. PATENTS TA FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY ' Solicitors. Established 1 et King West, of Information on ELE re. -------- ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ; THe; MOTORS, NEW, USED," bought, sold, rebullt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allén Electric Company Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St. Toronto. FARM FOR SALE HUNDRED ACRE FARM FOR sale, one acre grapes, some frult. Modern 'residence, and tenant house, cold and hot water, bath- room, hydro, near Hamilton on = No. 20 Highway. Eighty-Five * Hundred. With stock, machinery, crop, Eleven Thousand. Martin Kovacs, Smithville, Ontarlo. PHOTOHRAPHY "DONT TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, Rain. or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 6 or '8 exposure film perfectly developed, and printed for 'only 26c. Supreme quality 'and' fast service & guaranteed. ' IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE |. . JStation J. Toronto < PERSONAL 100 ACRES IN MORRISON TOWN- ° ship, Muskoka District, 60 acres under cultivation, 40 acres bush and pasture. 2 miles west No, 11 Highway. Box 41, 78 Adelaide W,, Toronto, v AMAZING PREDICTIONS, ecles, Philosophies prevents in. sanity, hate, crime, accidents, broken marriages, worry, (Price- 1égs); Order Tow, send one dollar to 'P.0.. Box 801, Ottawa, Canada. PROPH- FARM FON SALE 200 ACRES, good buildings with hydro, 30 acres. bush, running water, mile west Belgrave. John. . Callum, Belgrave, . \ O0T BAL! = BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 450 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug 8tore, Ottawa, HAIRDRESSING 30HOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THR bertson method." Information n request regarding classes. obertson's Hal exafig Acad+ my, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto, HORSES FOR: SALE FOR SALBR---85 REGISTERED OR eligible to register Palomino and Tennesse alking rand champion blood or our Fall price lis Just off the DLean FISHER P. OMINO FARMS, Souderton, Penn« sylvania, E. Meo- ANYONE KNOWING THE WHERE- abouts of FKréd J. Kemp, last known of In Toronto, Ontarlo, Apply to Box 3, Sprucedale, Ont, - RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED--EVERY aulferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- unro's Drug Store, 336 El- Podtpald $1.00. PHOTOGRAPHY MODERNE SNAPSHOTS YOUR FILMS RECEIVE CAREFUL attention. Our up-to-the-minute equipment enablex us to give you! the best possible print from each negative. Fifteen years of making satisfied customers has taught us there Is no substitute for good, careful work, Any roll developed, or 8 reprints, bc, Large size rints. 80c. Three enlargenients' n_ folders 25¢, Your (iims dre safe HY us. Modérne Snapshots, Box 340, Hamilton, Ont NN. Toronto. a FOR SALE, COUNTRY STORE AND gas filling station on No. 98 High- way in prosperous farming dfs. trict. Chatham vicinity. Store and living quarters combined. Reason . for selling, ill health. Apply to Mrs. J. Grant, R.R. 1, Merlin, Ont. . SACKS ATTENTION FARMERS: WE CAN , supply you with real good potato sacks, onlon sacks, grain sacks, ete. We also pay highest cash prices for any feed. sacks, fer- tilizer. sacks, mash' sacks, you have for sale. \Write Immediately. BL REESE. "TT London Bag Co. London: * STAMPS . (2) CASH FOR STAMP ANU ACCUM- ulations old'.documents from: at- tic and shed. Send samples, don't remove stamps 'from envelopes. Fred Jarrett, 30 Dloor West, To- ronto SOUTHDOWNS FOR SALE, SOUTHDUWN RAMS, Fwes: C, Ll. Coleman, 16 Main Ht. 8, \Veston. _ -- TAPEWORM! STUMACH AND THREAD WUKMS often ure the cuuse (of (Hihenlth in humuus all sges. No one Im mune! Why not find out if this Is your trouble? Interesting. pars ticulars--=Freel Write Mulveney's Somedjea, Specialists; Toronté 8, n DT. THRESHER FOR SALW: 20 X 28 CASE ALL STEEL THR er with self feeder, wi stacker and grain elevator. arket "Street, Hamilton. Phone 7.3163. TREES WANTED He "WANTED QUANTITY' OF LARGE willow trees. Hanger Compan, 85 King St, W. Toronto,- Aad --_------------aeee ree The "total of British' and: Al. lied vessels convoyed up to July, 1948, was well over 140,000, Losses in. these convoys have av- eraged about one-half of one ber cent, by z

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