Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Oct 1943, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1943 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY 2 Healthfully Air 'Conditioned Thursday, Friday, Saturday i < OGTOBER 21-22-23 P i AL if ha Two Shows at 7 ard 9 p.m. - H r mer 5 f ) © ama Saturday Matinee at 1.30 g ERROL FLYNN ANN SHERIDAN Edge of Darkness with Walter Huston, Nancy Coleman HEE ELLE EERE EERE EL EL LLEEEELELLLLLLELEILILINNE | Page from a SUITS - OVERCOATS | Wallpapers OUR STOCK IS MEN or "WOMEN BIGGER and BETTER Mae fo MEASURE | FOR 1944 GUARANTEED All in Now. Ask to see them $29.50, $35.00, $39.50 12c. per Roll and up. DISH SETS | Groceries IN SEVERAL PATTERNS Mixed Fruit Peel - 49c. lb. 'English Made--97 piece, 57 A piece, 38 piece, 32 piece Medium Cheese - 40c: Ib. _ VARIOUS PRICES McIntosh Red Apples, 11 qt. b. Quaker xxxx Bread Flour, 98's Parasols, Umbrellas 85% | 8 Quaker Flour, First Patent - ! Q.--What is the Fifth Victory Loan? A.--It is another opportunity for Canadians to put their money into the fight for Victory. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, OCTOBER 25-26-27 _ Last Complete Show at 8.20 "| Married a Wilch" starring FREDRIC MARCH ~and VERONICA LAKE ALSO An ADDED Attraction-- "Affairs of Jimmy Valentine" with Dennis O'Keefe and Ruth Terry Q.--How will my money help to win Victory? A.--lt will supply the vital weapons of war needed by our troops overseas. Q.--How will I benefit personally? A.--You will be saving your money (with interest) | for the post-war period when you may need it more. : -- 0 0 i Neil. Thofdes. Kelley, Sitter, Q.--How much sh uld I spend on bonds this OCTOBER 28-29-30 time? CARY GRANT "MR. LUCKY" A.--At least " much as last dine: Every cent you : 'can possibly spare--and a little more. with LARAINE pay" GET YOUR OLD ONE REPAIRED - 98's $2.98 23 - AT REASONABLE CHARGE oo. VA Te THE CHURCHES IE J As metal ribs are scarce, our Company Pure Lard, 20 Ib. Pail : $3.80 i 1s advertisement contribute oilnell 1ctory Loan ' ie es doly ao Campaign by Dominion Textile Co., Ltd., Montreal. will Gover oes and repair very Mixed Honey =. 15Y5c¢. 1b. { SD Mua There are very few parasols on the mar- : 30 pm. I : 14 ket. Get your old io made as good ible Class, to which everyone is) NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW DR. J. B. LUNDY y as New. y Frozen Cod Fillets - 33c. Ib. -- ing 'Worship. TAKR NOTICE that at the regular DENTAL SURGEON 2 Dm =Eyening Worship . meeting of the fon of the Village office equipped for ; Maple Leaf Sausage, 32c¢c Ib PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH |of Port Perry to be held at the Coun- .- X-RAY WORK BIG STOCK ' . Kode -- Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. oil Chambers on Monday, the eighth! Over 'Bell Telephone Office, SH S "B 1k C : l v ay of November at 8 p.m, a by- Queen 8t., Port Perry HIGH U ] u ocoa hod 15c. b. Stnday, October 24th-- law will be proposed and submitted to Pl . Office 68w: Resid 68J A 4 ALITY : 10 am Sunday Sehool; thé "Council for the: purpose of stop-|'1ones: fo blw) ~Hesilence : . F h G d C ff 42 Ib 11 a.m--At the moring servic the) BIE EP MS UNE TRG WL A. Sangster Growing Girls'--$1.98 to $4.50 resh 'aroun Loilee,. 400, rite of infant baptism will be ad- [streets laid out on Crandell's plan of . . 8 ~ ~ Men's--$3.35 to $8.00 3 : ministered, : Borelia and Fairbank's plan of part DENTAL SURGEON Children's--We have a nice t t ) Fruit Jars, Medium, $1.19 dog. Ri The evening service .is- withdrawn |of lot nineteen in the fifth concession Office Hours: 9 a.m. to § nice assortmen A : x bs of the Township of Reach, which are CEL ours: '¥-a.m. pm. yy in oferanes fo;ths Prince Albert at present ewclosed in and surrounded Office Upstairs, over C. Sleeps services at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. with| py ihe fences of the Orchard property ; Insurance Office, Rev, R, H. Wylie as guest preacher. | of the said John Podpollock. : ANY PERSON who claims his lands DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG. wl be Jrejudinially affected by the CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION by-law and who applies to be DENTIST ma - ANGLICAN . : heard, will be heard by the said Coun Leonurd Block over Prentice's Barber orn | pW. BROCK & SON Rector: Rév: William Stocks cil at the time and place of the meet- : ; Thai a : Shop. STORE PHONE 43 - . PORT PERRY. ONT. unday, Ueto x The streets or parts of streets to be| Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry ' 11 a.m,--Matins and Sermon, 4 Stopped wp may be more particular- The Restor. ycegorined ns solo When _in Toronto, call on Ta (a) Bruce Street from the south]: ' - Po 3p Sia sunday Schon 1 limit of Queen Street to. the South J. W. DAVIS,.D.C. ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER W. J. KING Re AAA AR AAR AR AA A RAR EER ASHRREARAR Uhtay,. Ve aber 81g : limit of lot thirty-five, Crandell's plan, CHIROPRACTOR H : 7 p.m.--Evensong. b) Lorne Street f the east limit [n attendance at my Port Perry office on CHIROPRACTOR : $nsons of 23; Lorne Strect from the east imu Pelee Urpdinie. Wedtuinr moraine, and Felder af In Riga yer iwenty gusta, Buy Victory Bonds to Speed Viclory PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH)/|limit of the Railway right-of-way: Room 206, 7 Adelaide est of each week, or by sppointment. _ ow in Uxbridge, Ontario, i i (c) May Street east of the-east Toronto, Ontario el King and Cedar Streets CHRISTMAS CAKE NOW READY FOR - Pastor: P, Taylor limit of Ontario street. 2 " Blong Block, Port Perry, Phoné:'25|" Phone 64 r 13 OVERSEAS MAILING 10 "a.m.--Bible - School" (d) Alva Street between the east Ex ert RADIO Service . i ! : 8 . 2, . yA "11 a.m.--Morning Worship. limit of Ontario Street and the Rail- p : -- Ik . \ as 7°p.m--Evangelistic Bervice. way right-of-way. ~ PHONE 234 on i Saturday Special: -- Cherry Sponge Cakes iA zi Wednesday at 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting | , (¢) High Biren S53th of fis rot gf : . : amma gr Thursday at 8 pan. duction ecasterly-of the south limit o Saturda 8 onl ; > gi Yot ; p on ting--Co d Cle) Bogan hig hg h y ye. ' Phone 32. G B Port P i oting Peoples' meeting--Come an gar street frem the sout : . Gey enjoy this get-together, Meefings [limit of May street to the North limit McLean Radio Service : : errow bros., ror erry b ' are bright and inspiring. of Alva Street. : : 5 eR) Dated a Sort Perry, Ontario, this 3 FOR SALE " o ANS RANAL AS CARA AAR SOSA ARRRRF RRIF RRARARRA Fe Oo 00000 50 oR } 9) 3 25th dey of September Kitchen Table and four chairs; also ) Osha E 3 d - $y c PAYS PRENTICE'S oudt 2 HS HUTCHUION; Derk hi "Bodie: rocker APPL wa ngineer Ing an LT EE I OE rT er TT rer ree pb -- B ALON -- Fost -- forty . . C «ie -- BEAUTY SALON --|) 1/10 ON SALES er Welding Company, Limited "with or without appointment. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 33rd-- ing. ci Jiri eer br have MOVED to the Trick Rd Farm Stock and Implemengs, the pro-|lambs. Cheviot-Leicester cross; good LET | io x RE RMANENT. {yor the Tate Wesley Campbell, lot i ng Rg Cin i C : rs tio BEST ME ATS the ° Market - . 10, Cartwright, on Saturday, m bu 1d; -- W AVES bin 20rd, Sik Ai ig PR to C. A, Temple, Phan AY p any nding at Aftords, at Lowest Market Prices. -- : -- h. S ters { articulars. "$1.95 and up |" SoA okeon, Auctioneer Hsing AUCTION SALE 25. ALBERT ST, OSH AW A TYLED SETTING, G. L. Smith to sell by public auction ; SHAMPOO. and STYLED NG "rUESDAY, OCT. 20th -- Auction |&; 1 Smith to sell by public auction CAWKER BROS, F amily Butchers, ONLY 50c. Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, day, October 30th, at 1:00 p.m, the ERA the property of Mitchell & Denison, foligwing: 1 Electric Refrigerator, (|: Re LR P HONE 764. Bt ; at North Half of Lot 36 Cons 2, Reach | Biactrie. Rangette, Cook Stove, Radio, - : : : . . Township, Tse Ca Salo at.1 Dishes, and, many other articles. 2 , } . © Phone 223, Port Perry .|o'cloc big Ted Jackson, Auctioneer Terms. of: gals COUMERY, Aue FA AAR AAA ARR RAR A rn AONB ARS ARAARAN, RISING "ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. : TUESDAY, OCT. 36th -- Auction | : ------ - : Sale jin Stock and Implements NOTICE TO CREDITORS i (The frm of Greer & Hompbrers fs Thcived) ihe property of Sidney Lockyear, Lot | In the Estate of Fred A. Bailey, late & ; RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS i a o oN Whitby oraeniD: § miles of tho Township of Cartwright, in the|| ; (ARE 4344 Bimeoe Street North, Oshawa, x 12.30 sharp. Seo Bills, County of Durham, Carpenter, A Arriving this week-- Gi Phone 814 -- x8 . Farmer, Auctioneer All persons having claims against a | . NR in. attendance af Port Perry on J . 5 ASS Tatty sd Thuder Morsnns of 4h | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th -- Farm ne Do ae A a ne i n A & S CAR of B. C. SHINGLES uh ey or by appoin tock, I ents, etc. e property ; ! i 8 Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone, 94 Stocks om Woodruf?, on 'the Geo. Hood | notified to send to the undersigned « . We Ng i Deets Farm, Scugog Island. - See bills, .| on or hiefoge November 16th, full par- . i . No. l--xxxxx. No. 3-- XXXXX. TN of : 'SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED| SATURDAY, OCTOBER 80th -- | ticulars of their claims, 2N LC Farm_Stock, Iinblement, etgy tie| Immediately. after November 15th, BY Ho Place your order immediately for delivery as NR ji ' SUITS CLEANED property of 1 Leinster, foe 5, Can. 0 1943, the assets of the deceased will No. 1...5xxxxx No. 2... SXXXXX 2 will-be the last oa this year y I 3 : na be distributed among the parties en- : 3. a 2 Dry Oleanad 51.00 EE titled thersto, living segatd daly toll No. 3...5xxxxx or Asphalt Shingles and Rolled Roofing on hand. H wo | 7s C. P. ROLPH ""I¥red Holsteins, Implements, ete., the|claims of which the undersigned shall ' : " rai vit eoria ¥ RE 'Tipp Residence on North Street. |Proverty of Mrs. A, Steer, fot 8, Con. then hase matics. Perro ii sie 1s )] Place Your Order Early as Supply is Limited FRESH CEMEN1 S: Ma | 4, A h : : FOR SALE ; MONDAY, OCTOBER Ht Farm of October, 1943, - : REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER bh A Quebee Heater and Quebec Cook | St us omer : 13, on. 8, bart' | HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., Stove, Phone Mrs. Johnson, 19J,| wrigt Townahip, , ust west of Porteous Fort Parrs, Ontario Solicitors for the Phone 240w ' LIMITED F. E. Reesor Phone 73w F. CG. Reesor : RAR RAR ARRARAR FARRAR RAR RRR SSS ores Queen 5d: Bigtlow streets, store. ED JACKSON, Austionce! © ; 4 : .

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