OTTAWA REPORTS On The Marketing of Poultry And Feeding of Dairy Cows The demand for dressed poultry ~= is greater now than ever, accord- J \ ow glo the Dominion Department af Agriculture, In making this statement the Department warns that the successful marketing of birds this fall depends on better quality and on not overloading the poultry-killing plants at any 'one time. {foo many low grade birds have been coming on the market, 'but the farmers can prevent this, Top grade birds just don't happen and even when they come from good stock they will not be top grade without special feeding. . . . Greater success in marketing will be had: by poultry producers if they work more closely with . Processors. Many killing plants * have a shortage of skilled labour and may be unable to accept all unexpected deliveries of. live birds. Bome processers are now handling three times 'as much poultry as they did a year ago and will probably; be able to process the entire fall crop it it 1s not un- loaded on them all at once, It ia suggested - that farmers sell their poultry to the processing plant or dealer with whom they ordin- arily deal. It this dealer should refuse to take their bids then an- other should be tried. LJ . . The birds should be offered to a dealer seeral days in advance of the proposed shipping date so that he may fit them into his kill- ing schedule. Should all dealeis refuse accommodation, and this Is unlikely, then farmers should join with thelr neighbours in killing and dressing thelr poultry on the rR -tarm, Best results will be obtained ARMY'SWOMAN - LAWYER Major Fatrich Curtis, C.W. A.C, of NeW Westminster, B. C., is. the only woman barrister in Canadian Army. Prior to on Hpi she practised law for several years, and is now serv. ing in the office of the Judge Advocate General, National De- fence Headquarters, Ottawa. when every bird is crate-fattened or pen-fed and the marketing spread over as long a time as pos- sible. . od . One of the trickiest- jobs on a dairysfarm is to raise dairy cows ° 80 that they will attain thelr growth properly and be nelfther _ stunted nor too fat. The thrifty herd owner will endeavour to cb- tain this objective at the lowest possible cost. A common feeding practice among_successful dairymen fs to feed the calf whole milk for the first three or four weeks of Its life. According to a Dominion De- partment of Agriculture livestock official, the rate of feeding Is generally a pound of milk for ev- ery ten pounds of calf. For a 76- pound calf this would be about three-quarters of a, gallon a day. After the calf is a' few days old it should be encouraged. to_nibble at whole oats and Olea, well- cured Mey: 3 L . When he calf is three or four weeks old, skim milk may grad- ually be substituted for the whole milk over a perlod of from two weeks to a month. When calves are from six to eight weeks old "they should be getting only skim milk. The amount of skim milk * Increases with the growth of the. calf but should never exceed 25 pounds or 21; gallons a day, To make tp for the lack of fat previously supplied in the whole ~ milk, ground flaxseed" or oll eake' will give beneficial results. After #ix weeks on the skim milk diet guantity may be reduced, with grain taking its place. With a good start the calf will' then con- tinue without loss in weight. AdLb Spelling mes, Ben defended ' a8 a natural and perfectly understa able way © weling yite : ] = ~~ la pln PN "QT A (0, o 2 JESUS BEGINS HIS MINISTRY January 2nd Mark 1 : 1.22, PRINTED TEXT, Mark 1 : 9-22, GOLDEN TEXT--Repent ye, and believe In the Gospel. Mark 1: 15 MEMORY VERSE---| love thee, 0 Jehovah, Psalm 18 : 1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.~The ministry of John the Baptist occurred, for the most part, In the summer of A.D. 26. The baptism of our Lord occurred in January, A.D, 27, and His temp- tation, in January and February of that year, The events recorded in this lesson following His temp- tation, did not occur until a year: later, in April, AD. 28. Place,--The ministry of John the Baptist, and our Lord's temp- tation, both occurred in the wild. erness of Judaea. The Paptism of * Christ took place at the Jordan River, the exact spot, however, being unknown to us. The first disciples and the first teaching of our Lord took place In and near Capernaum, on the sea of Galilee, = 'The Final Preparation "And it came to pass in those days that Jesus.came from Nagz- areth of Qalilee, and was baptized of John In the Jordan, and slraightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens rent asunder, and the Spirit as a dove descending upon him: and a voice came out of the heavens, Thou art my beloved Son, in thee I am well pleased. And straightway the Spirit driveth him forth into the wilderness. And he was In the wilderness forly days tempted of Satan; and he was! with the wild beasts; and the angels minister- ed unto him." Everyone asks the question, Why was Jesus baptized? It is true Jesus had no sins to he forgiven but He submitted to baptism for a number 'of reasons. 'First, no doubt, it gave divine approval to the baptizing ministry of John the Baptist. Secondly, it testified to the reality of the need of man- kind in general, of a turning from sin and a washing away of sin, In: the third place, He was bap- __ilzed as a part of His humiliation, as a part of His identification with humankind, and His participation in all the needs, the limitations and acts of men, sin apart. The dove speaks of peace, and gentleness, and purity, character- istics surely of our Lord during His years of labor among men. Satan is' here revealed, as else- where in the Bible, not as an in- fluence but as a person, an in- dividual, of supernatural power, though not omnipotent. He hates God. He tries in every way to lead men into sin, to prevent God from saving men, to spoil the lives of men, and to thwart the purposes of Cod. If Satan at this hour could have led Christ in any way to sin, then the gospel story would 'be over before it had hardly be- gun. No doubt the ministry of the angels took place at the end of the temptation, Probably they brought Him food, after Satan had left, and strengthened Him in other ways whon the tempta- tions had been resisted. The temp- tatlons were real, Satan was real, the victory was real. , First Preaching of Jesus "Now after John was delivered up, Jesus came Into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and belleve 'in the gos- pel" Christ now asked men to turn to God, to belleve He had come from God, to repent of their sins, to live godly lives. Wherever \ Z . mE ---- es RADIO REPORTER i Sli rosy AID TO DEFENSE | Sounds of laughter, the rdstle | radlo, stage and screen, who win HORIZONTAL Answer fo Previous Puzzle 19 Exist, of paper, ecstatic sighs of joy, | be on hand to welcome you and 1,6 Pictured U. < 22 Upon, happy exchange of greetings . . . help make this radlo party one S. defense aid. 24 Hypothetical yes, these are the familiar sounds of the happlest you have ever en- 10 Beverage, structural unit "which herald Christmas Day, The Joyed. 14-Perish 27 Brink, very alr is laden with happy LI 12 Also, 28 Met 1. friendliness. And this year the air 'Why, isn't that a hockey stick 13 Over (poet) 29 oO 3 will veritably sparkle with special aild puck lylng under the tree 15 Value. 48 30 Either, bi ly bright sounds, for while every- among the tinsel? Sure it {s--sym- 17 Gem carvéd Satisfy one else has been busy buying and bol of a special sports highlieht in relief, 33 Receptacles, wrapping gifts, radlo artists, pre- this Christmas Day. In addition 19 Portend, 36 Lengthy. ducers, writers and musiclans to all other festivities 9.05 p.m, 20 Whether, 0 37 Metal tip of have been bedecking radio's December 25th will signal another 21 Garden tool, BOUDREAU a scabbard, 4 Christmas Tree with an unusually coabt to coast thfilling hockey 23 Cravat, | 38 Reabsorb, tine selection of original Christ- broadcast, 25 District ats 39 Sequence, mas Day programmes . , . radio's AR TR torney (abbr.) 48 Music note, 3 Editor (abbr.) 40 Signs, Christmas Tree really sparkles For late Friday night Msteners, 26 Insect, 49 Author of 4 Refined, 45 Demigod. this year. Let's just take a preview the new series of draflatic pro- 28 Writing fluid. a poem. 5 Body of water 46 Nickname for peck at Ii, promising ourselves | gqyuctions, "Mrs. Miniver, fs now 30 Aged. 51 Ridge of sand, 6 Black sub- Augustus, that on Christmas Day we'll gath. being heard 11.30 to midnight 31 Finishes, 62 Within, stance formed 47 Slave. er around it for a long and happy over the Columbia Broadcasting 33 Bear. 63 Messages. by combustion 50 Brown. visit. ¥ System, and CFRB. The: new 84 Plunder, 65 Russian coins, 7 Toward, 51 Doctor of SEW weekly drama programme begins 35 Fype of 60 These stamps ~~ 8 Low. Dental Sur * The goodwill fairy on top of the where the movie, and the novel sailing vessel can be used 0 Sell house gery (abbr.). tree is the Empire programme to of the same name ends. It brings (pl). to buy U. to house, 54 North Dakota be broadcast between 9 and 10.15 to America the stalwart English 87 Printed cotton S. Defense 10 Clan. (abbr), ¢ Christmas morning. With real couple who became endeared to fabric (pl.). --_-- 12 Symbol for 56 From, ¥ fairy doll magic, from our place millions on both continents. Jud- 39 Therefore, 61 They are sold tellurium, 57 University of Washington State Apple Grow- beside the tree, we visit every ith Evelyn, well known to Canad- 41 Him, at U.S. 14 Prepared. Idaho (abbr.). ers' Association looked at film part" ot the British Empire, paus- jan radio audiences Interprets the 42 Half' ems, post ----, 16 Exclamation. 58 British actress Irene Manning, above, fing in each sister Dominion to role of Mrs, Miniver. 43 Type measure, VERTICAL 18 This stamp Columbia and decided she was just the' type listen to a typlcal message, Our . 44 Tree. 1 To make deaf. depicts a (abbr.), to cast in the role of "Pippin Girl," Above, she poses, picking another Pippin. God rules in men's hearts there is a part of God's kingdom, "And passing along by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and An- drew the brother of Simon cast- 'Ing a net In the sea; for they were fishers. And Jesus sald unto them, come ye after me, and [ will make you to become fishers of men. And straightway they left the nets and followed him." What now happens is that Christ asks them actually to leave their work and to literally go with Him, later devoting their lives to the proclamation of the gospel which He came fo establish. Christ's First Teaching "And they go to Capernaum; and straightway. on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue and taught. And they were aston- | 1shed at his teaching: for: he taught them as having authority,' and not as the scribes." It Is not indicated in this pass. age what our Lord taught, The jmportant thing is the result of his teaching, namely, astonish. ment on the part of the assembled listeners, who here was one who taught with an authority which the scribes did not possess. The scribes, the doc- tors of the Jaw, spent their time in setting before their audience numerous quotations and opinions from the learned rabbis, of their own and preceding days. They did not speak with any authority of their own, but they supported their Interpretations by the auth- ority of recognized scholars, Our Lord spoke out of His heart, out of the fullness of His knowledge, with an' authority born of omnis- clence, an authority arising from a complete and perfect experience: ot Tite, an authority derived from the fact that He had actually, from all eternity, lived with God the Father. Total Casualties Of R.C.AF. 10,025 R.C.A.F. casualties since war's outbreak have totalled 10,025, Air Minister Potver dsiclosed last week. Of theso 8,654 are known dead: Another 3,249 are presumed dead. Prisoners of war count 1,039. Currently « missing are 2,068, And 16 are interned, Those listed as presumed dead are not so reported by R.C.AF. until after they have been miss- ing for six months, TICKER TYPHOON fi) Its emi nit gaudy with Her stripings; this RA. P, A9phosn fighter. ¢ tured as it flashed on its way from E bomber airfields, attack railroad trainsgand down Europe, ; and to strafe azi alreraft In Pavty 9 < recognized that -- Party of fun, merriment, journey ends, as it began in Lon- don, England, the finale to the broadcast being a personal mess- age from His Majesty, the King. All Canadian radio stations will carry it, . J . Among the lower branches of the Tree 18 an intriguing looking package marked "11 am. to 12 noon" . .., what Is it? None other than that now essential part of every Christmas Day, a drama- tised radio adaptation of Charles Dickens' famous "Christmas Car- ol"---the immortal story of Scrooge . .. to be heard over CFRB. » . * On another branch hangs whit looks like a gay music box . . . yes, it's a boxful of Christmas carols in musical form. Gay fig- ures painted on the music hox indicate the carols are those of Britain, America and Russian . . . and will float over thes CFRD air waves between 2.20 and 3.15.pan. L] . > My word, this is a big parcel near the bottom of the tree, it's all aglow with tinsel and bright stars . . . the label on It invites everyone to a bumper Christmas musi¢ and dramatic interludes lasting for a full two hours 'between 4 and 6 p.m. over CBS and CFRB. Such well known stars as Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Jack Benny, Robert Young, Judy Garland and Lena Horne, the new singing sen- sation, will be among the many other top ranking personalities of , Waiting Your 25 Piaditin takes this opportunity of wishing you -all a most enjoyable Christmas. May the Spirit of the Yuletide Season be yours 365 days In the Coming Year. VOICE THE PRESS COULD BE WORSE Winnipeg is complaining about long lines of people for hours, services at the liquor stores and beer warehouses. The thing has become endemic. It is a blessing however, that long lines of people are not being turned away empty handed - from food shops in the country, --8t. Catharines Standard. TALL TAX TALE pp A biologist ventures the opinton that the people of this continent will he seven feet tall by 2043--a natural result, no doubt, of trying to keep one's head above the flood of taxation. --Edmonton Journal. Sd NO SWAN SONG We hear Alberta ducks are now singing "Praise the Lord, they're out of ammunition." --Edmonton Journal. PO BUSY FROM THEN ON . Then there was the tired hus- band who had just settled back these = 46 Aeriform fluid 2 Devour, 59 French article, in his easy chair to read a good murder mystery when his wife asked "Just what does inflation mean?" - --Stratford Beacon-Herald. --0-- COLLAR BUTTON UTOPIA In this post-war dream home, of glasy construction throughout, one slips downstairs to spot the collar button beneath an upstalrs dresser. --=Milwaukee Journal. Threepence A Day For Wearing Beard Corporal Alexander Campbell, a piper oi the Camerons, claims to be the only man in the Eighth Army who wears a beard--and he gets an extra threepence a day for wearing it. Pipers and pioneer sergeants are the only men in Highland Regiments allowed to wear beards. I SERVING THE UNITED NATIONS WITH WAR ALCOHOL be used for mony other essential wor purposes--for plastics, explosives, anti-freeze ond navigational instruments, In the factory, on the field of battle itself, Alcohol Is making a direct contribution #0 Victory, Because it Is 10 urgently needed in such fabulous quantities, ovr plants are operating at peak copacity. GOODERHAM & WORTS, LIMITED RGET ror ro-morr Films Made With War Alcohol ~The last ceric! photograph fits ugly into place -- and there lies the blueprint of another German target due for a pasting by. our fighting airmen, Pictures taken by aerial reconnaissance are vital links in the chain which will lead to the ultimate destruction of the Axis wor machine. Another link is the comera film on which these pictures are recorded. In making this special film alcohol Is used, just os it o xR CY Te TR REY RIN Ne Se "3 = RRR A Se R> a ~~ Re ET RR Se ot a Ae pe 2 3