So Ls ol > Tog Ca¥ AA aa by Yap Aree a Nek Ea SE i 3. STA ie 500 Million Persons Under Japan's Rule Empire of Japan Spread Over 3,000,000 Square Miles Japan has one of the world's greatest empires today. ' If the terms' of the North African con ference are fulfilled it will be wined out. Instead of 8,000,000 square miles Japan would have 148, 000 square miles, Instead of ruling over £500,000, 000 persons it would rule over 76, 000,000--all Japanese. Japan started on {ts empire building in 1894-95 when It at. tacked China. This resulted in the "independence" of Korea, and Jananese ecquisition of Formosa, the Pescadores Islands, and South ern Manchuria. It was blocked by European .powers, however, . from taking possessions on the Aslatic mainland, In 1905, Japan §oropted Russia ~ and under the Portsmouth Treaty its Interest in Korea was recog- * nized, it re-acquired the southern half of Sakhalm Island, control of Manchurian rallways down the Kwantung Penninsula to Port Arthur and Dairen. , In 1910, Koret was annexed, In 1914, Japan grabbed all Ger- man island possessions in the North Pacific: the Marshall, Caroline, and Marianna group. In 1931, Japan began its Man. churian Invasion, the puppet state of Manshukuo was created and pressure on China continued. On July 7, 1937, the present war with China began, now in its seventh year. Japan has seized large sections of China, particularly the coast. In 1940-41, Japan virtually took over French Indo-China. ..__., After Pearl Harbor, Japan got the Philippines, Burma, Malaya, the Netherlands Indies and the Melanesian Islands. BRITON WITH GEN Wres - YUGOSLAVS ap » ol B32 Brigadier F. H. R. MacClean lett, is the head of the British mis- sion aiding Marshal Josip "Tito" Broz and hsi Yugoslav Partisans who are battling the Nazis, Yugo. slay 'guerrillas recently reported elimination of 10,000 Germans in 20 days. The Winter Care Of House Plants 60 to 65 Degrees Best Tem perature For Plants-- Direct Sunlight For Flowering Plants One common cause of tailure with house plants in the winter time is that they are kept In rooms that are far too warm. Sixty to sixty-five degrees F. is the ideal temperature for house plants. . A 'good rule to follow is to try to keep the room as cool as fis consistent with personal comfort. As a general rile, flowering plants 'need all the sunlight they can get, especially during the winter months. Ferns should be placed where there will be an abundance of light, but not direct sunlight. Follage plants are more tolerant of insufficient light, but 'In winter time they may be placed in direct stnlight. Windows should be tight to Saprevent direct draughts on the Plants, A dry atmosphere Is to "be avolded because it not only =. stunts the plants but favours the Increase of certain pests, such as red spider and thrips. Moisture in the alr around the plants may be increased by standing the pots An shallow trays filled with peb- | bles, gravel, or moss and keeping fs material moist. A mixture of two parts' good rden loam soll, one part vetted inure and one part sand, will nerally fulfil the soil require ents for potted plants. = This \ ow. both alr and water to 8 rot the 'Holl reasonably. 7 Dovision for ey "be made 'hy placin stall ston or is THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA General Statement, 30th November, 1943 LIABILITIES Capital stock pald UP. ues iviiaiiiinranerreanennns 35,000,000, Reserve fund P: 1 20,000,00000 * " ; Balance of profits carried forward ay per Profit and Loss Ac: miata d diel 3,815,487.77 + : § 23,815,482.77 Dividends unclalmed. , 0. uiiiiiinrcirasensnnnsed 48,391.38 Dividend No. 218 at 6% nnum), payable is December, 1943.....000vauaian. Ars angat XEIIIT: 525,000.00 24,388,879.18 $59,388,879. Pepoalta by and balances due to Dominion Govern- 358,879.14 BA unas assieernns $211,399,141.17 Provincial Govern~ nts , 18,927,734.21 Devosits by the public' no e ing inte fret ding 650,405,984.64 posits by the public bearing interest, inc! interest accrued to date of statement, ..,....,.. 600,036,292.49 Deposits by and balances due to other chartered banks In Canada. .....cviiiiiiiinirinnreriess 2,973.04 Deposits by and balances due to banks and banking correspondents in the United Kingdom and * foreign countries,.......... A TI TERT TO) wens 19,119.072.51 1,399,891,198.06 Notes of the bank in circulation. ,,............ 12,851,348.37 Acceptances and letters of credit outstandin, ng 35,135,037.13 Liabilities to the public not included un foregoIng heads, oy. ivvurrerennsessransnns 1,831,108.93 $1,509,097,571.64 Raa ed ASSETS Gold held in Canada.... Subsidiary coin held |; Gold held elsewhere. . .s Subsidiary coin held e h Notes of Bank of Canada. ,,.. Deposits with Bank of Canada. , Notes of other chartered banks Government and bank notes other than $ 91.51 1,686,538,43 28,503.42 1,304,002.47 33,824:111.25 87,977,394.64 54, Fit) HARE § 179,630,775.59 $ 53,535,963.61 4,641.01 90,054,607.39 Chequeson other banks. ......cviverniinenaiiin, Deppsity with and ba' ences due by other chartered banksin Canada. .........c0iieienianncnrinnan Due by banks and banking corres; dents elsewhere thanin Canada.............0. PERT RPT PPP . 143,595,212.01 Dominion and Provinclal Government direct and guaranteed securities haturing within two | years, not exceeding market value, .......... Other Dominion and Provincial Government direct end i gusiaitied securities, hot exceeding market / 415,240,179.87 226,658,440.40 © 10,446,954.63 69,013,288.08 23,426,379.78 market value............... Call and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans in nada on bonds, debentures, stocks and.other Securit of a sufficient marketable value to Callan and sh (not exceeding 30 days) loans else- where than in Canada on bonds, debentures, stocks and other securities of a sufficient mar~ ketable yatus to avery. renames terest ienas 8,759,088.12 37,933,121.08 C 1 d di In Canada, not other. 110), 700400.89 urrent and discounts In Canada, not ot ise included, estimated loss provided for...... - $277, 921, 137.00 Loam to Provincial Governments, FIR, 1 2,479)517.83 ns to cities, towns, municipa! ties and 'school districts... Nini tell Cairn ihe, ree 13,472,816.54 rrent loans and discounts elsewhere than in Canada, not Cotherwise included, estimated dose ProviEd fOr. . vo vv nsverringersiissios sonsss 85,215,770.78 Non-current loans, estimated loss provided for.uinn '794, 368. #3 349,893,M20.57 Bank premises, at not more than cost, los amounts writtenoff,,, nas Real estate other than bank premises. cera erstenssenenronas »224,534. Mortgages oa real estate soidby the BANK, ous sensirsen sini 724,089.66 Liabi! it es of s under P and letters of credit'a PH per contr 35,135,037.13 Shares of and Joan 1995,461.60 Deposit with the A Minister of eam for the NE ae AS 900,000.00 Other asicts not included under the foregoing heads, 1 ue rarrvrsves 758,846.90 SRN $1,509,097,571.64 ---L LD SA 8. G. DO! . W. BSON M. ¥. {I : General Manager, LSON, President and Managing Director. AUDITORS' REPORT SHAREHOLDERS, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA To ahora examined the aboye Statement of Liabilities and fete asat 30th November, 104: with the books and accoupts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Head Office and with the reine returns from the branches. W e have checked the cash and the securities representing the Bank's investments held at the Head Office at the close of the fiscal year, and at various dates during the year have also checked the cash andinvestment securities at severalof the important branches. We have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required, and in our opinion the hiapsaciions of fhe Bank, which Jase La un Our fioiem, hay ¢ Li iin the rs of the Ba; e¢ above statement is in our opinion rawn up so the true condition of the Bank as at 30th November, 1 1945, and A as shown by the books of he Bas A Ppa Niarick. Mite 11 Co. Of al ATW Che + M. OGDEN HASKELL, C.A Auditors. ' of Hesketh Elderkin & Co," Montreal, Canada, December 24, 1943. PR FLT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, Profits for, thie year ended 30th November, 1943, after Govern- providing '$2,281,952.60 for Dominion ment taxes and after making grpropriations | to $3, 259,198.23 Contingency Reserves, out of which Res covision, for all bad 'and doubtful debts es 3.426,289.54 en made. uu iviiaiiiiaaiian tesiesninasree - <3,406,260.04 6,685,487.77 ; ------------ APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS) id No. 222 at 6% per 8NDUM, 4 ius uvsrsreses L} Dividend No. 223 at 6% per annum... Divid: No. 214 at 6% per annum... Dividend No. 215 at 67 per anNUM. avis iaiesines A § 2,100,000.00 Contribution to the Pension Fund Soclety, i eienee 370,000.00 FERRE BEE Balance of Profit an: ss carried forwi EAL I dia said AA 6,685.487.77 - -- A --.-H- . W. WILSON, 8. G. DOBSON. MW. President and Managing Director. General Manager. Montreal, December 24, 1943. WHAT SCIENCE IS DGING Altitude Efficiency For War Planes In the race for ever higher altitude efficlencles for bombers and fighters more emphasis neces. sarily has been' placed on the study of conditions in the upper atmosphere, states The New York Times, If battles are to be fought and bombing raids successf lly completed at levels of 25000, 30,000 and 40,000 feet, we must learn more of _ the effects. of oxygen deficiency, reduced pres- sures and extremes of low temper. tureznot only on the pilot:and his crew but on the pilot-airplane- instrument team which goes to make up the efficient combat weapon, At the great service technical centres, such as Wright Field, and in the plants of engine and alrcraft manufacturers, apparatus is being multiplied for the study of high:altitude phenomena. In' the remarkable laboratory at Great Neck, I.I, conditions encountered in the stratosphere up to an alti tude of 60,000 feet can be simulated Temperatures can he lowered to minus 100 degrees Fahrenhelt, Long before these extremes ara reached as man climbs above the empire of the eagle, the blood bubbles, all reflexes slow down, even life can only be sustained by breathing pure oxygen. To tight a 400-mile-an-hour airplane at any altitude calls for the high. est skills and co-ordination, To tight 1t at 30,000 fet 'and upward imposes additional handicaps upon the pllot, engine, Instruments and airplane which can only be overcome by the patlent research of the sclentlst and the physiolo- glist In the pressure chamber and the refrigerated cell. Here they are helping not only to win the war but to blaze new trails- for the safety of sky commerce in. the days to come. How Canl?? By Anne Ashley Q. Hw can I make windows stay. clean for a longer time?- A, Add a little vinegar to the water when cleaning the win dows and they willl remain clean much longer. And a litle bluing added to the water will produce more brilliancy, Q. How can I make a good cleanser for oilcloth? A. By dissolving five ounces of melted paraffin in one pint "of turpentine. Use a sponge and rub the oilcloth with this solu- tion, i Q. How can I make a salve for chapped hands? A. A remedy can be made by mixing ten drops of carbolic acid in one ounce of glycerine. Rub a small quantity into the hands and allow to dry. Q. How can I make black putty, A. Mix. whiting and antimony sulphide (the latter finely pow- dered)- with soluble glass, It is claimed that after hardening, this putty can be polished with a burnishing agate. -Q. How can I remove scratches from furniture? * AJ Unless too. deep, they can be removed by rubbing sweet ofl into the scratches with a finger. tip, then polishing with a soft cloth, Q. How can I remove a cork "that Jae been pushed down into a. bottle? A. Put enough ammonia in the bottle to float the cork and' put away for a few days. The am- monia will eat or destroy the cork enough to permit its removal, LANDING BOATS DODGE BOMBS IN NEW BRITAIN INVASION Aco Ts visible crept ahe ) ot and Sito are Hi wiping ot ; Yi SE two: Sd "Ip Gd Hien, i - placed on the tab! Modern E tiguette | By Roberta Lee 1, Is it good form for a man to refer to his wife as 'the missus" ? 2:7 Should wedding invitations be sent to friends of the bride- | groom, who #re unknown to the bride? 3. What kinds of food may be 'béfore the guests are seated? . 4, Is it correct to say, "I haven't had time to write to you beca se 1 have been so. busy" when answering a letter after a long delay? b. Does the family of the bride or that of the bridegrooif, send out the wedding invitatlo ..Bnd announcements? hy 6. Is it all right to break bread . or crackers into the bowl when partaking of soup? Answers 1. No; to acquaintances he should refer to her as "my wife" or as "Mrs, Blank"! and to friends he should call her by her Christian name, "2, : Yes; invita tions should be sent to them even though the -bride doesn't know them, 3, Olives, radishes, salted almonds, or any other similar relishes. 4, No, if you are embar- rassed about .he delay merely say that you are sorry, b. This is the duty of the bride's family, 6. No; this is not good manners, Have You Heard? The bus was full, and the con. dustress was about to ring the bell, when the usual last man, puffing and blowing, jumped on board and started to climb to the upper deck, "Here, you!" sald the conduo- tress curtly, "You can't go up there!" : "Why not?" retorted the passen. ger. "Isn't the top going?" iii --0-- Jones: "I hear you bought a car cheap the other day. How are you getting on with ie?" c Smith: "I'm just reallzimg how hard It Is to drive a bar- gain." wi Ged Teacher: "Johnny, Anne Boleyn?" % Johnny; "Anne Boleyn was 8 flat iron." Teacher: you mean?" 'Johnny: "Well, it says tn the history book, 'Henry, having dls- posed of Catherine, pressed his suit with Anne Boleyn'" who was "What on earth do --0-- - "I've had all sorts of help this year, 'sighed 'the first farmer. "Good, bad, and Indif- ferent." SAFES Profect your NUUKS and CASA from FIRE and THIEVES, We have » size and type of Safe Cabinet, for any. purpose. Yule pr wits for prices. ete. to J.6¢. TAYLOR LIMITED TorONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front 'S§. BE. Toronto Faiablished 1838 HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE . QUICKLY AND EASILY A A are troubled with itching les ' vos ial soreness, do not de- fay nt and run the risk of isto thi condition become chron. Any 'itching or 'soreness or ni Passage of stool is nature's warning and proper. Jreatinent should be secured at o ot this flirouse Bot Vg I cka, +] . Hem:-Ro TUE ., This toraale which is used Internally [s a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly reileve the Itching and suren¢ss and ald in heulltig the sure tender. spots, Hem-Rold 0 risk u puinful dition when "such mss hid had a Ate Hem-Hold and are not entlidy 'pledsed with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money, . irc Lb) aes, | 'protrud piles shou Know Hutikérs Herbal Pills 'treat eo caude 'at' ita ck it + first | ater oy from ove y stopp fi | or ee ack retrain | om a : iii. © Chnousands oa "out west who bartered -his. wits |' . EIGHTEEN on requ . Gardens, QGalt, Ont Only (ifm In Canada manufacturing Tadies: uhd tl Tents halt. mr ' "Mine's been all one kind" replied the second tiller of the soll. "Different!" # ---- At Northampton, Mass, over- run with the WAVE trainees, a young navy officer went swing: ing down the street. "0, look!" shouted a little girl to her playmates, "A man WAVE!" And was that future admiral peeved! --O-- And there was the Indlan rope trick. performer who was dischirged from the navy be- cause every time he climbed the rigging he disappeared. -- She: "Here's a story of a man for a horse. You wouldn't swop me for a horse, would you, darl ing?" He: "Ot course not (pause); but I'd hate to have anyone tempt me with a good motor car." "ls'Mary your eldest sister?" "Yes." "And who comes after her?" "You and two other fel. More than 16,000 C soldiers will bring English and Scottish girls home with them as wives after the war, Canada's High Commissioner . to Britain, Vincent Massey, said in an ad- il 'dress in London's Guildhall re. v cently. 1 Ld "A true welcome awaits theses new Canadians," he aid. p 2 PIMPLES CURBED Ist DAY Als you eubarrassed by aise Fi Diuples and skin | shes? No matter how long you suffered or what { po: 3 g 3 3 ras Ring: worm, 'and other skin iriithtions with the very first fPplication of a new treatment call xoderm. It jtops | the itching In 7 Rav tos and should help make your skin clearer, softer, smoother" the very first few days--in fact {t must sat- isfy you completely or cost noths Ing. Just get Nixoderm from your druggist fodoy under the moneys back trial offer. See how fast it works and how much better you lows." look, oo --_---- CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED " ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS BABY CHICKS WEEK OLD AND 0 week old pullets at bargain rices while they last Roew older: White Leghosn, Barred Rock and Hybrid pullets. Send plete . pricelist. Also ro old chicks for Immediate delivery, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontarlo. \ ATE Saas LATE 5 NEXT 4b RIN t sald "too late." Send for our Drice list and. order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick. Hatehery, Britan- nla Helghts, Ont. BRAY CHICKS IN BIG DEMAND. ' Fully booked for months ahead in many breeds, We'd recommend ou order now 'what you need: Hatehing limited quantities for January delivery. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. LQOK AT 'THESE PRICES" FOR catalogue and pricelist. 'Also day old chicks. Top Notch Chicketles, Guelph, Ont. MAKE NO' MISTAKE ABOUT IT Great Britain is still going to need every bit of food that we can send her. Some of these days we are going to have an: ever- increasing argount of the cons tinent of Europe to feed. They are going to be hungry--more hungry than you and have ever been or:we hope ever will be. And in our own country we are eating. more poultry. 'and eggs than ever before. We can |- get ready to supply eggs and' more eggs--and at prices that will be- attractive. Plan now to take advantage of thls unlimited 'market. 'Send for catalogue and ricelist. Also ready-to-lay and aying pullets. for immediate de- livery, Tweddle Chick Hatcher- les Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo. : ~ DAHLIAS BE' SUCCESSFUL IN - GROWING exhibition dahlias. Our catalogue and Instructions 'on 'Dahlia 1- tur will be malled frees to you quest. 'Lovegrove = Dahlia _--. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU' 'ANYTHINU NEEDS dyelng or Sieaning? Write to us for Information. We are giad. to answer your questions, art. ment H, Parker's Dye orks Limited, 81 Yonge Strat, To- ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, ~ sold, rebuilt; Seite pulleys, brushes. Allen CHA Company Ltd, 2326 Dufferin Bt. Toront to. ; E FUR SALE ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE p- rural businessés today he FEED, 1 D CRilDING Business, We have séveral good -mills offered for sale In differs ' ént sections of the province, No agents fee char JEed If you, can, t Into this Sap! 1 'growing bus. I now. Box 78 Adelaide St WC Toronto. oq == ee] = Font BALM BAUMEBKA FOL BALM destroys 18K nslve - odor Instantl bottle Olea agent, enman SULA: _8lore, ( ittawa. i] y TT FARM FOR "BALE 42:ACRE FRUIT FARM, 30 ACRES ~bearin at My mostly. -apples, 2 acres flae Tobac- | pac Kingshed, barn, PL ; ait oar § Te 6, RAS Faring HAIR GUUDS 47 bartico. Eentiemena rite for request r ih o's Halrd re TTOR HAL Drug Postpald THEY CAN'T BE TAKEN AGAIN REALL BL MEN AND LEARN _METASCIENCE AND make money. Remarkable drug- less hgaling, Unbellevable sim- plieity "and "results. Inexpensive correspondence course. Write tot Metascience of Canada, Drawer 5, ; _Fortierville, Que. bt 'OFFER "TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TU EVERY INVENTUR List of inventions and full mfor- Gallen polit. free ge The Hi Ramsay. eglstered Paten orn! 278 Baie Street. Ottawa, Cana a, PHUTOGRAVHY DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS". Get finer "snaps" at lower cost -- Prompt Mall Service. Send your ) film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and 'printed. is is Canada's largest finishing. stu= ? dio, - serving customers all over Canada. You'll like our work, too, ' Any Size Roll--§ or. 8 Exposures, | DEVELOPED AND. PRINTED 2b¢ Prafsing Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ont. writes: "I suppose 'It's hard' to glve. your usual quick getvide with' help ' Jo hard to Bet, but as long as. y turn out' such fine plotures, (i walt=--it I have to walt." _ 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 426" in Beautiful Easel Mounts 2 Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory. tinted mounts; 7x8" in. Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony, finish frames, 59¢ each, If enlarge: ment colored, 79¢ each. "STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto ie AAR Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL A FOR QUALITY, , service and sat(sfactions 6 or § 'exposure flims_26c, reprints 8 for 25c. Imperial Photo cSetvies, Stas tion J, LToronto, of POULTRY GRIT FE ; : POULTRY GRIT: WHITE LIMB- . stone in 100 Ib. bags. Immediate dellvery in carloads. or smaller quantities, write for samples Lh) EEB SUP, a Ee --------] _--= prices. FanNsoN Co, Limitea, Ave, Montreal, PRACTIOAL 1 NURSE i _ PRACTICAL NURSE. WOULD CARE for 'elderly woman for rent of farm, best care Assured; husband would work farm. Mrs. F. . lor, Hyde Park,' 'Ontario, PATENTS elor! er FETHERSTUNHAUGH * data VAR Tovar 14° See! West Toronto Booklet of Ee 1nfermal fon on re 5 FT ; "BLIJAK Co % vo varie Sook Fh < Hteglido Miaston, 'Rochester 1, i Raw Jury WANTED SE rad sopera Hla Yorivlils? Breet, ied ¥ ih RHBUMATIC' PAINS _BYERY Rheuma tic. uritis Shotily try Dixon's Rem+ Munro's oripald Loo dl _Bifin, Ottawa, ft Po