Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Mar 1944, p. 6

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EDUCATION ON WHEELS When Johnny has thrilled to the fast lines of Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn and when Jane has lived through exciting experiences of Anne of Green Gables, all they need do to get more literature is stroll down to the corner, take a street car, return their books and select others as they ride back home. This is the system which has proven such a profitable and popular innovation in the city of Edmonton, Al. berta. Thousands of books are thus circulated weekly among young, and sometimes older, Edmontonians, At left a group of youngsters are seen inside the ambulating library exchanging books. Anothet group at right is boarding the "educated street car." Have You Heard? WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING ference, but a church wedding is preferable when many invitations are issued. 5, A white linen or pique bow tie, to match his shirt Docor: "I'll have to charge you . 1 twenty shillings for improving your ii" and waistcoat, 6. They should be hearing." Plasma Miracles served from the left side and re- Aberdonian: "What?" FU moved from the right, Doctor: "I say your hill is twenty Mood plasma, the foremost life- . -- shillings." saver of wounded men in this war, 'Aberdonian: "A canna hear ye." has been split into a number of Bull's-Eye Or Bond Doctor, "Then 1 won't charge fractions, each of which is as mir- you anything." aculous as plasma itself. Some of The boys who bomb Rabaul have Aberdonian: "Thank ye, doctor." the new developments were de- a rule: ------ scribed to the American Chemical "Irn cost you a War Bond if Mulligan (to grocer)--"If Ol Society at New York a, few weeks you miss." ) i . lave yez security equal to what ago by Dr. Edwin J. Cohn of Har- The only thing wrong with this Oi take away, will yez trust vard University. bond-selling plan, however, said the Mitchell B-25 group sponsor- ing it, is that it doesn't scem to sell many bonds. Practically no- body ever misses. One fraction, albumin, does all the work of plasma and only one- fifth the volume is required. A second, one of the globulins which protect man from many dis- me till next wake?" Grocer--"Certainly." Mulligan -- "Well, thin, sell me two o' them hams an' kape wan o' them till Oi call agin." --_--0-- cases, is the best preventive and t] Ole Olson came into a Min- treatment for measles yet found Don't Blame Your nesota village one day and inquired and Nop n el Wg production DRUGGIST! I» for the armed forces, at a drug stor» if they had any ' i toquirrel" whiskey y 3 A third, made of two of the TiNo said the clerk, "but T can | Dlood's clotting clements, is a new plastic, which looks like a cross be- tween nylon and 'rubber, and is in use in surgery where sheets of ijt have been substituted for lost lay- ers of lining over the brain. Two others are new substances slip you a little 'Old Crow"."" "Aye don't vant to fly)" said the Swede, "Aye just wan to yump around a little" lars The Old Bromide, "All work INCREASED DEMAND that quickly stop bleeding in and no play makes Jack a dull wounds. for Any Shortage of boy" was amended by one of A sixth is the substance which ' the contributors to F.P.A's defines the diiferent types of blood, BUCKLEY S REMEDIES column in the New York and is in use in military blood typ- World to: "All work and no ing. When you ask for a Buckley Pemedy play makes Jack." And these are only some of the and your druggist says, "Sorry, I'm temporarily out of stock", don't blame re i discoveries made. him. The ingredients that have made He was one of those drill ser- Buckley's Sous and cold remedies geants who make basic trainees fiaodi const gall onel themes, a gy sometimes quake in their GI brogans. One Modern E Etiquette their arrival, so thatyou cannot always % day be bellowed to his flight: "Eyes get the Buckley remedy you want just By Roberta Lee «® -- 1. What should one say if it is necessary to be excused from the table before the others have fin- ished eating? 2. Who should be asked to give the bride away if she has no par- ents ar near relatives? 3. How can children be taught to be socially at case? 4. Wouldn't it be better to have a home wedding if the invtiations are to be sent gnly to the immediate families and closest friends? 5. What is the correct kind of tle when you wantit. So, don'twaituatil abronchialcough,chestcold or grippe steikes ou. Get your Buckley's Ae ture, White Rub, Cinnamated. Cap- sules, Throat Aids or Cough Drops at the first opportunity and have the; on hand to nip oncoming coughs iv colds in the bud. See your druggist at once! Skin Itch Stopped In7 Minufes Your skin has nearly 60 mill : and pores where erms hide lion tay cause oo Tick: right"! From the rear ranks came an unidentified drawl, "Yo sho is sul; you're a sergeant." First Cannibal (running into camp): "Is I late fo' dinna'?" * Second Cannibal: "You is; everybody's eaten." "About Half Soviet Workers Are Women The Soviet press, marking in- ternational women's day, reported that by October, 1941, 45 percent, of all Russian industrial workers . : Cracking, alike Ras ba for a man to wear with evening Butning F BXir Blotency, Blao: Kin, ball were women. Special tributes were clothes? Poot Itch and other sk! Yin blemimes 3 treatment Nixoderm stops the { minutes and goes right OD wok ite . germs and should qui! help ial ke your gkin {leatpr, Softer smoother and more at- paid to a girl pilot who shot down 12 'planes, to a girl ambulance dri- ver who evacuated 348 wounded 6. What is the correct way to serve and remove dishes from the H ? ractive--in fi od from Stalingrad and to a 16-year table? Sompleiet Ja ou Nixa kyu man must patisty you old girl who with friends made Answers from yout sfc age. ¢. Get Ni et Nicadar "enough tommy guns to arm a whole division." Paraguay and Bolivia, South American republics, have no outlet to the sea. 1. "Will you excuse me, please?" 2. She may ask an old 'friend of the family,"3. It can can be done by allowing them to mingl&-with-- adult guests whenever possible, 4. This is a matter of personal pre- s and how much read you look. The 3 Toney back trial offer protects you. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED It you are troublid with (lching plles or rectal sorenesw, du not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching ur soreness or painful pasns age of stool 13 nature's warning an proper. treatment should be secured rove re Bl ? Radio-controlled through trailing |/ aerial on) {Germany's Flying Bomb Ml Tons aor "this purpose get 2 ackege ot Hem-Roid from any gist and use as directed: This formula which {s used Internaldy is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the Itching and sorcness and ald In healing the sore tender spots, Hem-Rold 1s pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It seems the helght of folly for any one to risk a batnfu ul and chronic pile . condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. you try Hem-Rold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money If You Gef Up Nights Help Your Kidneys bln, pi These sketches, from witnesses' reports, show radio-controlled glider bombs which Germans use against Allied warships and merchant con~ | FEAT oF ti voys. - The bomb forms the "fuse- Bi i" fa vac alth and tha tases AH lage" of the glider. Behind h in in bh Nid ad » the tail, Is radio-receiving Ie A oa Sh or ough which t, e Bo. ; whi | th tne" Lio id h it flight ¥ 1 urn of empty, seen beneath bomb, A A leh atex "in bomb's tail Sletcl at left), en. your ables pilot to follow bomb's Hight," Heys hens Hin 24 i i 2 3 weeks old BABY CHICKS Baer re] biti ib i Jy sti ld Patty and Shelly, prize-winning Boston terriers of Mrs. A. Maul of Clayton, N. J., were all set for St. Patrick's Day with Kelly green shamrock toppers. The 'danger of ice forming on an airplane is not in the extra weight but in the changes that the ice makes in the shape of the wings, thus decreasing their lifting power even to the point where they are no longer able to keep the plane in the air.--Collier's. bo AUCTION BALE AUCTION SALE 76 HEAD OF REG. Holsteins supervised and blood tested on April 5 at one o'clock at John W. Brisco, Renfrew, Ont, HOILER FOR SALE FOR SALE BOILER, ONE H.RA. 100 h.p. Complete. Borachie and Borschke, First Concession, Leam- ington, BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS BARRED ROCK- BLOOD TESTED Chicks, 1-4 day unsexed $17.00 hundred, Pullets $26.00. No walt. ing. E. J, Masse, 226 Bridge Ave, Windsor, Ont. How Can I ?? By Anne Ashley . Q. How can I store an iron so that it will not rust? A. Rub it with a little fat that dos not contain salt, wrap it in brown paper, and it will not rust. (Q. How can I cut hot cakes and shortcakes without crumbling? A. Make a slight start across the top--with a sharp knife; then fin- ish the cut by working a thread back and forth in a see-saw man- ner, Q. How can I remove the odor from a wedicine bottle? 3 A. Fill it half full of cold water and add one tablespoon of dry mustard. Shake thoroughly, let stand for half a day, and then rinse carefully in cold water, QQ. How can I remove scorch stains? A. Onion juice is very effective in removing scorch stains from white materials, Q. How can I remove white spots on furniture caused by heat? A. By applying wood alcohol on a soft cloth and then rubbing the spots with furniture polish, How- ever, if the spots are deep the only cure for them is refinishing, COMUI'LETE DISPERSAL SALR 40 HEAD SELLING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1944. Accredite Herd Scotch Shorthorns; Headed by Blythwood Master Model. The of- fering includes 11 top qualty fe- males and 7 really cholce young Bulls, sired by the International Grand Champion Campbells Com- mand Imported; and Bilythwood Master Model. 4 Grand-daughters Milhill's Ransom and 2 Grande daughters Collynie Royal Bar- rage' Sale at Emeline Farm situated between Chesley and Desboro. For a catalogue write . tg H. S. Emel, Desboro, Ontarlo, Proprietor. Auctioneers: Robert T. Amos, J. E. Kuhl. Red Cross selling lunches at Farm. "Easy to roll, delightful -- to smoke gden's FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Gets $2,000 Bath Every 20 Years Nelson and: his famous Column in Trafalgar Square get a good bath and overhaul normally about every 20 years, at a cost of be- tween £400 and £500, There are usually some repairs to be done. On one of these occasions huge cracks in Nelson's arm, as long as HORSES FOR SALB eight inches and. four inches deep, had to be fied in with a special cement. The increase of heavy traffic and vibration from the tubes were not supposed, by the office of forks experts, tosbe doing the column any good, and during the air raids of three years ago it must have had a further shaking, More than 10,000 training air- craft are in use by the British Commonwealth: Air Training - Plan; PETS WANTED: REG, PALOMINO QUARTER HORS- es and reg. Palomino Tennessee Walking horses. of grand cham- pion blood lines, Stalllons from weanling colts to serviceable ages; mares ¥ from weanling to brood mares In foal to our out- standing stallions; 8 good Pal- omino stock horses of quarter horse breeding; 6 rég. Palomino geldings, real pleasure horses, very gentle, safe for ladies, chil- dren or inexperienced riders; several reg. enessee Walking show horses. Let me know your requirements. Send for our Iat- est descriptive price list, World's largest breeders of Paloming horses. FISHER PALOM NO FARMS, Souderton, Pa. WANTED CANARIES, PUPPIES, Persian Kittens, Pigeons, other Pela. fang Jescrintions. rice: to Seeds & Birds Co. 1230 St. Cath- erine W.. Montreal. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUUH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established $0; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re- quest. PERSONAL GAIN WISDOM--ENCLOSE BIRTH date. Stamps accepted. Voluntary donations, P.O. Box 801, Ottawa, Canada, S80 MUCH DEPENDS ON start. Make sure you're Start wlth Top Notch Top Notch chicks are hatched from flocks carefully selected for high production and high vigor, carefully culled, care- fully blondtested. The demand for Top Notch chicks is greater than ever before. We foresaw + this demand and prepared our- selves to take care of the demand. We can give prompt delivery on all the popular purebreeds and hybrid crosses In non-sexed, pul- lets: or cockerel chicks. Alse thousands available for later de- livery, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. THH 1944's BEST CASH CROP WILL BE poultry and eggs, Neither drouth nor flood can bring disaster to the man who successfully raises poultry and produces eggs to meet this year's world-wide de- mand. Your main responsibility of course, Is to start with the right stock. Tweddle has been supplying the right stock for nincteen yearg. All chicks are Government' Approved from bloodtested breeders. Join the thousands of succdssful chicken raisers who start with Tweddle Chicks year after year. We can give you immediate delivery on day old and started chicks. We will also have thousands of day olds available for April, May and June delivery. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Iimit- NYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOUU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information.. We are glad to answer your queations. epart- ment H, Parker's Dye orks Liisa 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto = EGGS WANTED HIGHEST I'RICES 1I'AID FOR EGGS, LIVE AND DRESSED poultry. Payments made prompt ly. Eastern Farm Products 423 St. Paul East, Montreal, Que. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold: rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric ompany Ltd. 2326 Dufferin 8t., ; Toronto FOUT BALM BAUMEEKA FUUT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, d4bc bottle. Ultawa agent. Denman Drug. Store. (tlawa. FARM. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE USED THRESHERS AND TRAC- tors of various sizes and makes for sale, wholesale For particulars write Huggards' Sales and Service, Wilson Avenue, Essex, Ontario. ed, Fergus, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE HIGH GRADE BLOOD TESTBED FRUIT AND POULTRY FARMS Barred and White Rocks. Red for sale, 6 to 60 acres in Niagara and Leghorn Chicks {mmediate district. Easily financed. R. delivery. Eleven other breeds for later deliveries. Order at. once. Dufferin Hatcheries, 2048 Duffer- in, Toronto 10. PLENTY OF BRAY don't hold back, -and we'll fill CHICKS, 80 send your orders them with breed and delivery to the best of our ability. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. . POULTRY-KEEPERS. BE SURE of a good healthy bunch of haby chicks: this ocming season. Good chicks mean good hens and more ezs, Tmmedinte delivery on day- old chicks, Write for 19{4 cat- alogue and prices on our Gove ernment 'Annroaved chicks, MONK- TON POULTRY FARMS, Monk. ton. Ontario. 15 FREE CHICKS BUY SU ranion QUAL LOAN CHICKS "EXTRA PROFIT All from inspected approved or certified blood tested breeders. Barred Rock Price per 100 Mixed- 909: Cockerels Pullets Day old 14.00 24.00 6.00 1 week old 17.00 27.00 eno weeks old 22.00 32.00 12.00 glve them 1 » Send order with depot. will ship C.0.D. by Expres Ask for our Price List for 20 other breeds, 'WILFRED LEFEBVRE 2025 Amherst Street - Montrenl ra. LICHTI'S 1944 CHICKS FIRST HATCH FEB. 1. PRICE LIST supplied. All birds for our 1944 hatching season have the inter- esting O.B.S. Government Band. Culled and blood Seated by De- partment inspec SOLOMON rent 1 . Milverton, RR: 1. Phone 00-24 rd AND POULTS, Barred Rock and White Leghorns rom Government approved and bloodtested stock, all eggs set rom our own stock, Also White follapd and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Ponlis, Send for price list. The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. A CANADIAN APPROVED 1 SHICKS or immediate delivery, Leghorns, Barred Tock 'Hampshire, 155eX Hybrids. Write for i4 Catalog he and price list MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, onkton. Ontarfo. R.O.P. AND R.O.P, SIRED BLACK AUSTRALORPS AND BAR. red Rocks. Donley Poultry Farm, RR, 6, London, Ont. NUACKNERRIES EVERBEARING, BLACKBERRIES, yery Hardy, *Have been success. fully transpl anted on_ Prairles-- acked in moss Heavy TS per fruit Jags, aviest an clusters, Order April' 10th. 4 vines for iY (iH "prepaid. A. Klein, Agassiz, B. ; McGhee, 96 Jackson St. West, Hamilton, Ontarlo. FOR SALE, NINE MILES FROM Galt, one-third mille from 97 highway, Valens. Farm of 112 acres, eighty acres cleared, bal- ance bush and lot of good cedar, + Good buildings, land In high atate of cultivation. Forty acres in hay and wheat, remainder plowed, close to school and store. Old age reason for selling. G. 'W, Lanbier, R.R. 8, Puslinch, Oat, 50-ACRI3 FARM, GOOD BUILD- ings, water in barn, Moinington . Township. Price only: $2,800, H. J. Cotty & Co., 108 Downie root. Stratford, Ont. 100 ACRE FARM, NO. 8 HIGHWAY, close to Seaforth, good vaimingt and' land, 4 wells. Apply to E, C. Chamberlain, Seaforth, on. FARM, 60 ACRES, WELL BUILT with or without stock, one half and retail. ~ . < HAIRDRESSING SUHOOL QUILTING PATCHES LEARN HARDLY THR Robertson method. Information on request fegarding else, Robertson's Hairdressing emy.- 137 Avenue Road. orate. HAIR GOODS QUILTING PATCHES FANCY TOPCOATINGS AND HIGH grade Suitings, some Scotch Tweeds, 6x18, 60 pieces $2.60 postage Included. Louis Rice, 361 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. WI GS, .TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest qudlity Halr Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., LE Bathurst Street, HARRIS TWEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 YARD ENDS AT $2.00 PER yard. High Grade half yard Suit- ings or Gabardines, suitable for children's clothes, 80c each, Post- age extra. Louis Rice, hi Spadina Avenue, Toronto. HANDWRITING DISCOVER YOUR® HIDDEN TAL- ents, Complete handwriting an- alysis, $1, Use Ink, unruled paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline Sims £4C Rurnaby Blvd.. Toronto, RHEUMATIC PAINS: ITS IMPORTANT--EVERY B8UF- ferer of heumatic Pains or Neuritls should try Dizon's Hams edy. Sold Mupro's Drug Stor 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1. 00: SONG POEMS WANTED TO BE SET TO MUSIC, Send poem for immedlate con- sideration. Five Star Music Mast. | ers; p44 Beacon Bldg, Boston, Mass SEED CORN . WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK- eters of the famous Truck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order early and save: money. Belle Rlver Grain & Seed Company, Belle River, Ont. SEEDS FOR SALE HARNESS DRESSING SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 2§c;-up at moat grocery, hardware ' and éhain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab. oratories, Toronto. HORSES FORIt SALE FOR SALE CARLOAD GOOD horses, fourteen to eighteen cwt. Correspondence invited, T. RB. Murphy, Chaplin, Sask. OFERR, TO, INVENTORS, List of 'inventions and' full fafors har ed Patent Alana, glster aten orne: 2780 Bank Street Ottawa, Cana ada: MOTORS FOR: SALE NEW MOTORS FOR IMMEDIATE delivesy, all sizes and: eleatrical specifications. Large stock of. re- built motors, m ment and wood-working. machin- ery. Macy Machinery Eon 109 King Fast, Toronto. Se AN OFFER! TO EVERY INVENTOR ' VEGETABLE & FLOWER THOROUGHLY RECLEANED GOV- graded: Clover Seeds, and Cossacls Alfalfa, Write Tor prices. J. E. Mulr, Cey- lon, Ontario. SEEDS 184¢ FLOWER NOVELTIES THIS YEAR GROW A GARDENFUL of rainbow colours, Hick's 1944 Introductions. -- Petunla_ Cheer- ful, a free-tlowering clear pink beauty; Marigold Mammoth Mum with huge, lemon-yellow blooms; Pinwheel Gailfardia, a picture in colour tints. from intense wine- red to cherry pink. Send 66c to- day for 3 pkts. of these All Am. - erica Winners EAA ue; 200) lo 'Dept. Hick and So Limited, 1 Lindsay," Ontario. "goede 0 SEEDS & STAMPS 3uPB and Plants, price for i007 hele swap for used:stamps $00, feh. Plant Co., Kalamazoo 54, hing shop eauip-- _FOR SALE ' AMERICAN. CREAM: SEPARATOR i Sales and Service new and re- mile school, village two miles. FR _Box 126,73 Adelaide W., Toronto, |- MEPICATI hut! Hhiee Goderich, Ont : Sep- rie WESTERN LAND | ¥ GOOD ADVICE! EVERY: SUFFER- YETI 4 of Pispnatic Ping or Neur- For SALE 160 ACRES IN NOR - i 8 .shou ry xon's. Remedy. | atchewan, all- under good cultlva- Munro's Drug Stdre, 335 Elgin, KNITTING, - WEAVING woouL tion, good mixed farming district, Ottawa, Postpaid . $1.00. yarn, two ply, white; biue, red 3 miles from town with ele- vators, on good highway; price $25 per acre, $18 per acre cash balance arranged. Box 101, [ Adelnlde \V.. Toronto. FARM HELI WANTED RESPECTABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, men without children to operate 10 acres 3sparagus, raspberries, orchard. On main highway, [] miles west of Toronto. Separate house. This would sult active re- tired farmer. Write fully stating lowest wage wanted. Box 122, 78 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. FARMHAND, SINGLE, EXPER- fenced mixed farming, milkin machine, good with stock: 3 job for right man. A. O. Halst, Ridgeville. MARRIED MAN FOR FRUIT farm, = separate house, hydro, yearly engagement. State number of family and wages. J. R. Stork, R.R. 8 St. Catharines, FARM MACHINERY WANTED WANTED, JOHN DEERE POTATO Seed Cutter, WII pay same price 2 néw one. Also two row Potato Planter, fertilizer attachment. Donald Cameron, R. 2, Barrle, Ont. HOME KINDERGARTEN MOTHERS! YOU CAN AID THR early education of your pre. school child, with. our vita ive handwork" idplave Bow aval able or Jame well They. inc lide out-0 orders, window out, Hou ~inatructions for with, coloured Pane ete; These are Inspir: neat! nis lie) 9, tee in t HTT ©! Ponth A oon ple ote "Single un- its Thc ol ih Teacher ors Service, FH Seott St, Toronto. { ichaki, black, green, brown, $1.58. Shrubs; Perennials: Shade Trees; = . er ppund., Guaranteed. Refund. NURSERY STOCK . Goodz, St. Jerome, 'Que. "Bogue CURT, NHERY TH > eo u ine o Fru I Trees: Evergreens: . Flowering SUMMER RESORT WANTED WANTED TO RUY GOOD PAYING ON COLORED AND' FRAMED: ENLARGEMENTS ; ality Ehiargemeuts Feld eau. tiful Sasel, Thou % 3 for 250 Eas od Sivers Ebon, frames, on {vory mats each. It coloured 79¢c each. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26¢ Get prompt mall service on 'quality work at low cost. Satisfied custom. _ ers all over Canada wlll tell you that Star: Snapshot Service does the best work, DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH ' YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken agaln. Send your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print. Your Name and Address Plainly. on All Orders, ° ' MAIL YOUR' FILMS 'TO IMPERIAL FOR QUALITY, service and satisfaction, 6 or exposure (lima 25¢: reprints 8 for 2 ie Imperial Photo Service, Sta. finish x9", 69 nm J, Toronto, Circassian 0 8 e 8: Brookdnle-Kingsway Summer Resort or Hotel i good i Nurseries, Rowmnnpville fniaris cath payment. Robert McGee, 9 PHOTOGIAL HY Ontario. Sirest est, uRanatfton, i 4 TRACTORS FOR SALE SPECIAL PRICES MeCQRMICH DEERING, TRACTOR ti thirty, new rings, wrist radiator. Excellent condi. . $500; half-horse electric motors; 3 phase 220 volt each 3, in Al shape. Fred Robinson, orbyville, Ont; TRACTOR WANTED WANTED--LATE MODEL 4:PLOW Tractor on rubber for cash, Box 1 10, Bremen, Bask. 3 RLY CY mArEwORM STOMACH AND THREAD WURME ofien- are. the cause of ill-h in humans all agen No one YN mune! Why not find out if: this, is your Ae aun? velo ealing DAT. ticulars-=Freel Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists Toronto 8, - ATTENTION! WOOL GROWERS MR. WOOL. GROWER {8° under new manage- Ly We: operate: a. Registered Government Wool arsh nd are: prepared to pur 18. this olf ment Grading PLA A ' Government. 2 Ti TR A Thyated, Soe n MILLS TANT ED, STRAY Y, ONTARIO, i

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