Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1944, p. 3

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LRA ; : A : £17 ARERR RE - KSA - ion - IR ERR . ' ar yy SL INVCRPRRN- WH vst Yd CR aR 30H on ; ~ 27 a ' ; ~ i 4 The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canady . offers for sale $1, 200, ,000, 00.0 | Dated and bearing interest from lst May 1944, and offered in two pF, maturities, the choice of which is optional with the purchaser, as follows: i". 16 years and 1 month 3 years and 10 months 3% BONDS DUE 1st JUNE 1960 134% NDS DUE Ist MARCH 1948 \ . Callable in or after 1957 Non-callable to maturity Interest payable 1st June and December Interest payable 1st March and September * Denominations, Denominations, $50, $100, Eo om, $10,000, $1,000, $5,000, $18.00, $25,000, L 5 2 2 ISSUE PRICE: 1009], ISSUE PRICE: 1009, The proceeds of this loan will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes. all The lists will open on 24th April 1944, and will close on or about 13th May 1944. Ys APPLICATIONS FOR THESE BONDS MAY BE MADE THROUGH ANY VICTORY LOAN SALESMAN, ANY BRANCH IN CANADA OF ANY CHARTERED BANK OR ANY AUTHORIZED SAVINGS B ANK, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY, FROM WHOM COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS AND APPLICATION FORM MAY % BE OBTAINED. . bi DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ) APRIL 1934 i 1 ; gs ) £Y - rr mm me ---- a ETE £4 , : 0 RECORDS U.K. Mr. and Mrs. Ii, Fines on Friday. | ployed at Heath Farms, Oshawa, spent : fet REINFORCEMENT Brenda is staying over for a week| the week-end at his home here. 08 UNIT U.K. while Murs. Grigg and Dorothy spend Irene Usher spent the Easter vaca- : 1%, REINFORCEMENT hy gy 2 Mout pul where Mrs. | (jon at her home in Toronto. | DEPOT NORTH AFRICA Griggs husband is stationed. Mrs. Henry Doble and Miss Flo- 1 REINFORCEMENT Miss Kay Prentice spent last week | pope Doble spent the week-end in 3 with her friends, Eleanor and Carrol] pronto and Hamilton, HY MAIL TO REI NFORC EMENT UN ITS. , SAYIsLION : Sweetman in Port Perry, George and | 73 OF 000 Fh Ge 38 C.M.F ITALY David Jackson with their grand-| bs. ing a ek" hs | hit Ys th A c H A L L ? parents, Mr.and Mrs. George Jackson, Spel M { ay 5 ey at Loo pa- ) Lz EN GE TO u S A LL. 3% a in Port Perry. Yvonne Milner with rehis,; a:b. ane, airs, jorden Isher, R . her aunt, Mrs. Cecil Fralick, Lina The monthly meeting of the Red 1S Pearce with her cousin, Maiy Lou | Cross and Ladies" Guild will be held 53 HIS is a war of movement. Never before l'earce. 3 inthe basement of the Church on h b } . . 3 Gunner Russell Fines has returned |. Pulday, Api Siss, w 2 pa ave troops been moved such incredible dis- ADVANCED to his training at Petawawa after a' Mrs. Wes. Routley and Helen spent tances, in so many theatres of war, so quickly. a REINFORCEMENT few week's leave, "thi latter part of the week at the i BATTALION C.M.F. Douglas Maundrell, who is in train. | home of Mr. dnd Mrs. John Hamill, Night and day, thousands of men are in motion, » ki ing at London, spent his week-end Manilla, . by sea _transport, motor truck and air... edging it wile oi thy hers of her 1 Demin Sg of win, Dot go , Mr. . ast week with drier cousin, Doris Mae into enemy territory, shifting 1 keep the element _ Pte.eOwen and "Mrs. Reader and | Heron, "friends, Pte. and Mrs. Tomilso d { of surprise. Did you ever stop to think what it tw Ble Girt sere vistors of has | Spntny 4 he Comming in means, under these trying conditions, to find 3 iy Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader, on yo loss of her nother, Mrs. Jas, Dick- : po, : in : : ds ; LS ; _ your friend'or relative, and put your letter into Mr. C. Pogue walked across the ie oo I. i ing of tie ily 7 : to Valentin to visit bis brother J 1¢ regular monthly meeting of the . his hands? } - Monday. 0 isit ls Deother Jolt Penman Missionury Seiny Wor held : AL the home of Mrs, Wes. Routley on Yet in spite of die tremendous task involved, J Bev, ) G. and Mrs. Joblin and Mes: "Vyegday, April 1th, at 2.0 pm. In h f ohn Joblin are busy getting se ed! the- absence of the president, Mrs. { « tracing men who are moving from reinforce- in their new home in Picker Rob Hergn, Mrs. Russell Lunne . Fe Funland all hope they will be very 5 k churgeef the meeting. The. y ment units in England to group depots in Italy NE: Cori, Breda, Be toot lok. ooh CIEE themes ng. The neo : i ¢ l'reeman, spent last ing opened with the séryvice of dedi- .osor from one location to another... or through week with friends in Torohto. Jcation of a village home as is the N : Robert, Oliver and Charles Reader, custom in British Guiana. Hymn, 4: hospitalization or while on leave... in the face. ) Mr, and Mrs. S. Rodman, \Mr. and, "Happy the home when God is there", . , of every sort of war hazard... 31,500,000 leteers "Mrs. A. Wilkinson and Johil Refder was then sung, followed by the read- re attemled the funeral of the late Iiph- ing of the scripture lesson, Deuteron- (i in addition to parcels. and other items, reached - raim Redder in Peterboro gh Friday, omy 6, verses 1-13. Prayer was of- 1) . when the nephews acted ras pall fered. Mrs. lddgar Heron sang a Fa our men in 1943. - hearers. beautiful solo, "Christ Arose", after 49 Mrs. Pere Jeffrey and little Bonnie | which Mrs. James Duff read a poem, $1 Nr . ' : "He here for He is risen" The i ; & *e returned home after spending a couple | He is not here for He is risen." The a i: e * of weeks me i ps a nf minutes of the last meeting were read 3 ~ Prince Albert, We.are glad to hear | 4nd the collection received. Muys. Lun- ig Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove is regaining her [MCV then gave an interesting discus- ; health and will soon be able to return | Sion on the fourth chapter of the , Cano? to her home again. study book. This chapter~dealt with 3 Sunda 5 hool 1 b oll. the country and people of British Ad CANADA POST OFFICE at rns an aston SE SE ont 2 i yy gan ed to take the fifth chapter of the . Lk very Hioresiing, study book and Mrs. Russell Lunney + dy 2 Issued by the authority of Birthday greetings to Mrs. George kindly offered her home for the May FA HON. W. P. MULOCK, K.C., M.P., POSTMASTER GENERAL Skerratt, the 20th; Terry Chandler, | piceting, The meeting closed with |' { 4 years on the 21st; Howard Carno- the singing of hymn 214, "Chri "the . --- Shon, He go Mrs. R. Roady, the Lord is risen to-day", and the repeat . R AYE SEAR ERTIES Rs 1; Mrs. George burnett and Iud- |, of the benediction. ward lines, the 27th, : LI .. : ; Congratulations to Rev. F, II. and 4 . 4 Mrs, Joblin on the birth of a little I ; ls : , N : . * en . . - son (Douglas) on April 11th at Bow- 0 ax SHIRLEY Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Bai- afternoon to visit with relatives, Mrs. manville, ' The World's News Seen Through 1 1 15 June Sutcliffe | J Mbpiell and baby remained for this '- THE CHRISTIAN SCIE NCI MONITOR i . . tires ow liss June Sutcliffe has 'secured af week. - FE . 4 The April meeting of the Shirley position in General Motors, Oshawa. Spr. Bill. McCartney, R.C. B.,. Tor- 7 An International Daily Newspaper 3! Women's Institute was. held at the Miss M. Woods returned to her t te onto, was dowiy over the week! 'end is Is TeniistilamConsicuetivomUiibiased=Tice from Sensational- LN <« home of Mrs, Joe T Tripp on Wednesday Qusion EW foncliel Fine spending the |i) ig family, ism -- Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Ly last when an enjoyable afternoon was ister holidays in Pinedale, Mrs, David Luery is in Baieville LE Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make 'x spent quilting for the Red Cross, this week attending a meeting of the Sunday School and Church services the Mositor 4n ieal Newspaper for the blame, = ~~ - iy The following is a report of the Juli Vorenpiie Wy he boy NL iia were conducted as usual at Burns' The Christian Science Publishing Seely i ted Cross work done by our Institute " : > ? , Church on Sunday, April ¥6th, at 10 ® One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts ' Aaring the past vont: Myrtle Station Hosiery of the United Church of Can- wi 1 no. Rey : LA 3. MacMillan Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. ; 4) } ! es } v 'hose for his text, St. John, chapter 10 I : Section, $2.60 : 21 quilts, 60 pairs socks, 8 scarves, Using for hi Heat, Brekial Zit] = Mr, ang Mrs, David Vucheiin were verse 9, "I am the door: by me if any | A Di Ltn Mn foes 5 Cont a - 16 pairs mitts, b prs. children's mitts, | . "Son i MAK" oid Sih osc feat'-- | 1 Toronto on Sunday, the guests of -man enter in, he shall be saved, and N : JY G pairs heavy socks. Mr. S. Saywell, of Oshawa bicaght relatives, shall go in and out, and find pasture." i - Proceeds from bazaar, $7. 4b; tickets a very worth while Message to the: Mrs. A.V. Swail, of Oshawa, was in Miss Audrey Kerry, of Utica, spent AEE eee te sold on quilt $7.95; euchre parties | Myrtle congregation on Sunday after- the village on Sunday calling on for- last week with her sister, Mrs. Alfred ) SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST : Al $17.40, ) noon. As are all his sermons, it was | Mer neighbours, Fisher. bs aid inspiring and helpful and we deeply Mr. Gordon Barton, of Toronto, and Mr. Joe Richardson, who 'ig 'em- I - ) : appreciate Mr. Saywell's interest in us his daughter Marlene of Gorrie, were bi . which brings him cach Sunday after- tig with dd friends on' Thurs- TT EE TT I : ) n t iniste . » absence | 1Y ol last wee ' {4 UTICA [ih mis srisbi l SACED an, ANDY CLARKE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE ) \ , Gault, who is stationed at Camp Bor- 4 Brad of Ru called on {h "The sympathy of this community |1¢0: Remember the hour of Sunday | 74 7 re una Syeang. | g ; A goes Me por family in the he Dio, 4nd chee Service od i gl baw Ligh Ly A couple of weeks ago we conigratulated the Raymes Twins (Johnny and LY " Ph am, : a 1k-end. . on . ' . bs : ; : A death of Mrs. Richard Harper and Me John Smith and Tite son, of |; 10: and drs. Win, Lymer, of Maple Geordie) upon attaining their ninety-second birthday. That was the week of Good ! § Be $0 y * r : ' wove and Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Nor- : : : : : : 7 } 2 Wd Capt. A. McCorquodale, of Ux- podipea, pie Visiting with Mr. | they. of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Friday, and the list of *'Over Nineties" was admittedly incomplete. We believe hh } y | Smith on Wediiesday evening. 3 Stre ' : : 0! anh : @ | ig [8 Ue, Blois fn Wg Jini Manderson, of HMC. St do Mus. Stredwick on Sunday. that the Raymes brothers are the only twins in Ontario reaching this advanced i & } under the auspices of the W,A., Wei- | cona, Halifax," was home on a short age They are in good health, iF Rt ners will be served, 5 Jurlough last veeek. ' : g by Mr. and Mrs. A. Swoswan, of Brant-| Mrs. Oliver Lane spent. lst week SCUGOG Another fact proves that Port Perry has a '"'place in the sun." Mrs, Eddie 3, ford, Mr, and Mrs. E. Henry and son, | In Toronto, the guest of her sister, | : 3 : ; nN of Oshawa, and Mrs, A. MacDonald, | Mrs. W. Lantz. Michell has a lovely patch of violets in full bloom at the south side of her house. \! of Kirkland Lake, were recent visitors Dave Currie returved on Saturda Avervone is invite - i n that roke ro at the end of Iebruar i with Mr, John Henry and family, after a pres week in Toronto with a Row Ww a oe Bog " They are flanked by hyaci hs ht 8 CAN Hy ( Driver Harold Harper. and Private | his relatives. afternoon at p.m. Sunday School EE TT i Merle MacGregor home on leave, Johnnie Kirkham is home again, He] will be at 2 p.m. instead of 11 a.m, Sorry to report Jack Claughton of | spent part of the Easter holidays The Gree nmbank Young People are NO" | ES RE WASTE PAPER I Por t . P the C.A.I', very sick in Toronto Hog- wi eiuives in'Maberley and Perth, looking" forward, to a full house for n or orry pital, Mr. Murray Greentree, of Oshawa, | their play "Ma Simpkins of, Simphitis. "Misses Thelma and Donna Crosier | was in the village on Sunday after-| ville", which they ard; giving in the At present there i8 avery large amount of waste newspaper in Port Perry. The at their home here qn Sunday. noon calling on relatives, Hall on Friday night, April 21st. They : . . i m : Murs. Minty, of Toronto, spent some] Mrs, L. Hill, of Orillia, arrived on| will also entertain between the acts. shortage of this much needed material is very great. The problem of collection P time with Mr. and Mrs, H, Harper. | Saturday' evening to spend this week | Greenbank ave giving the proceeds in : { fe ; ila 3 1 Sympathy goes out to Mrs, Wm. [with relatives here and in Raglan. [aid of our New Church. Thank you. and storage is being solved. Watch for details of plan in our next issue. Ross in the death of her mother, Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell and Miss Dorothy Fines and friend Mrs, . Dickson, of Myrtle Station, baby Gary and Mr. and Mrs, A, Den-| Grigg and little daughter Brenda, of , Mr, and Mrs, Ray Medd visited on | nison motored to Toronto on Sunday | Oshawa, visited the former's parents, 4

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