LEA Nene Base aA RAL NY y WAAR ASANER IAD AL = for BETTER SLEEP... © BETTER DIGESTION. Dr. Chases Nerve Food CERTRAINS VITAMIN B, "WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Corn Borer More than 40,000 wasps and flies, released by the Department of Agriculture are battling in Illi- nois cornfields against the dread- ed European corn borers attacking the crop, Another 5,000 insects-will - be turned loose in a few days. The wasps and flies, gatlicred in New Jerscy, are natural enemies of the borer and we being' re- leased in an effort to check the borer increase which 'already has reached alarming proportions, The winged fighters turn the tables on the borers by doing a little boring themselves. The wasps penctrate the body of the borer an lay eggs in it. The fly deposits eggs on the outside of-the borer. Both parasites crawl into the tun- nel made by the borer in the corn stalk to reach their prey. The eggs of the wasps and flies live on the body of the borer and continue to feast on it even when the borer enters the pupa stage. . Then, instead of a new generation of borers emerging from the pupa, out comes a new batch of wasps and flies to continue their work. Two different types of wasps are being used and a fly which resembles the common house fly. These parasites have been used with moderate success in the East. Towa also is using them this y¢ar as borers are show- ing up. in appreciable numbers for the first time in Iowa corn fields, small British Planes Drop Surgeons The Royal Army Medical Corps "has parachute siirgical feams that have already been in action" with great success, ' The Lancet describes one unit that established itself in a farm building, which had been seized *by paratroops. It ran the ibuilding 'as a hospital for two days, while a bat- tle raged around it. During that period the unit performed 35 oper- ations. Thirty-one of the patients "Tater reached base hospitals in good condition, Each team consists of six men, all of whom have been trained' to be able to do everyone else's job in the event of casualtics among the team during landing. Equipment is designed especial- ly for lightnéss, compactness and portability, so that the "unit can move swiftly through rough coun- try, possibly under fire. The unit carries a light operating table with tressels, all presumably. collapsible. They also "drop with anaesthetics, plaster, dressings, fuel, plasma, pri- mus stGves. Paraffifi pressure lamps and electrical hehdlamps supply the surgeons with' light for * their work, Modern Etiquette By Robérta Leo . -- 1. If one has received an Invi- tation from a home, should the re- ply be sent to the member of the family Who is the best known to the recipient? 2. Is there any way by which a , person can overcome the guttural aud nasal ton@ of voice that are so unpleasant to hear? 8. If one is giving money as a wedding" gift, what would be the © best way to give it? 4. Is it all right when a group of friends, of both sexes, are. at a table in a nightclub, for one of the men to dance with a girl who is sitting at another table? © 6. Is it permissible to use office or businéds stationery for correspondence? 6. How full should the wineglass be when serving wine? ANSWERS 1. Not unless that person sent the invitation. The reply should al- ways be addressed to the one who issued the invitation. 2. Deep breathihg exercises is an excellent remedy, by which many people have overcome this fault entirely, 8. It may be enclosed with a wed- ding cohgratulations . card, 4, Not if he leaves a girl of his group alone at the table. 5. No; the per- son of good taste will not do so. 6. Half full. 600 Nazis Taken By Loudspeaker How more than 600 German of- ficers and soldiers in Cherbourg surrendered on June 26 and 27 to a British sergeant major, a lance corporal and their driver, armed only with a loudspeaker, was re- vealed in London recently, The men. succumbed to the argument, but their colonel said he could not sur- render honorably unless weapons with which he had no means of coping were used against him. Six phosphorous grenades were tossed at his position, then he gave up. "RAF KIDDY-CAR Because they are light, portable and easily delivered in large num- bers by air, "kiddy-cars" like that pictured "above are being increa- singly used by air force -personnel in getting around airfields. Photo shows RAF. flyer at Bengal, India, air base, - ; Daily Paper Gives French War News French civilians in Nosmandy now receive news of the fighting there as well as on other fronts of the world through a daily news- paper published at Isigny by an officer in the Allied psychological warfare division. The publication, a one-page daily called "The Liberator," began June 16. Seven hundred copies priiited daily sell at one franc cach with 'profit going: to the French Red Créss. This Canadian soldier, REAL SMOKES AFTER FOUR YEARS direct from the battle front cigarettes with French clviliane in a liberated village of shares his Normandy. social HIS FIRST » BASTILLE DAY CELEBRATION en This fair-haired little French boy, standing between two members of the, Guard of Honor, watches the Canadian Bastille Day cele- bration in a village in Normandy. France's Day of Freedom, It .was hig first celebration of THE WAR . WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events An Outline Of Lord Vansittart's Twelve Points To Win The Peace The "Win the Peace" Movement, of which Lord Vansittart has ac- cepted the presidency, has planned a number of meetings to bring to the notice of the public the 12-point "peace charter", says the = Man- chéster Guardian, 1. The unconditional surrender of Germany and of the other Axis and their satellite Powers. 2. The effective occupation of Germany by an Allied Afmy and Air Force and the establishment of an inter-Allied Council of Control, to be maintained until it is decided by the Governments concerned to be no longer necessary. 8. The arrest and trial of per- sons believed guilty of war crimes in the countries where they wére committed. Neutral countries to be requested not to give sanctuary to any war criminals, 4° The complete demobilization and disarmament of all German armed forces, including the surren- der of the German fleet and Luft- waffe; the same procedure to be applied to the other Axis Powers. 5. The police forces in Germany to be regional and free from cen- tral control and to be demilitarized. 6. The abolition in Germany of all military or semi-military train- ing at any age in'any form what- ever, including the abolition of the officer's cdrps and training corps. 7. The evacuation of al territo- ries invaded by the Axis Powers. 8. The restoration of, or compen- sation for, loot, machinery, and equipment removed or destroyed, Also the restoration of, or conipen- How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I stain or matting? . A. If it is stained or faded give it two coats of high grade floor paint, first washing with strong soda water to remove the grease and let it dry thoroughly, A similar paint method can be used on grass and fibre rugs, washing with soapsuds and a very little ammonia instead of soda. Stretch the rug and tack it firmly to the floor before painting. Q. How long should tea be left in the water? A. The strength of tea is not re- gulated by the time the water and leaves stand for strengthening, but by the amount of leaves used. The leaves will give up all flavor in about three minutes, Q. How can I remove paper that has stuck to a polished wood sur- face? : A. Pour a few drops of sweet oil on the paper and then rib, with a soft cloth." Finish with a good fur- niture polish, Q. How should sweaters be laundered to prevent stiffness? A. Dissolve two tablespoonfulls of 'white soap flakes in a cup of boiling water and then stir into a gallon of warm water," Dip the gar- ment up and 'down in this, squeez- ing instead of rubbing. Rinse in several waters of the same temper- ature. ' a. Q. How can 1 destroy germs on the telephone? ; A. The mouthpiece of the tele- phone Shotild be washed every few days with a mild disinfectant, It will destroy the germs and halito- sis, | > sation for, commercial and indus- trial interests forcibly acquired or seized. 9. The effective control and where required, the closing dowh' of Germany's war potentials, in- cluding aviation 'in all its forms. 10. No financial loans or assist ance to be permitted to Germany or to any of the other Axis Powers without the approval of the Allied Nations. . 11. The curricula of school and university studies to be under inter- Allied supervision and: advice until the re-education of the German people-is assured in accordance with the principles of international good-will, 12. The German radio-and all propaganda to be under inter-Allied supervision for such time as may be necessary. * * * At the opening meeting in Man- chester Lord Vansittart said it was conceivable that the end of the war might come at any time withif 12 months from thie coming winter, and we had thérefore got to be pre- pared. "Whom are you going to be- lieve," he asked -- "those who know the truth about Germany or those who don't? If this country for the third time refuses to face the facts you will have a third Ger- man war-upon you in 10 years." Mary 'Churchill Up Nearer To Enemy Mary Churchill, youngest daugh- . ter of the Prime Minister, is mak- ing her father happy by doing her fighting with the Germans at clos- er quarters, Lieut. M.. Churchill of the Aux- iliary Territorial Service, has just arrived on the south coast with an anti-aircraft gun battery. A few days ago the Prime Min- ister visited her battery at an in- land site and when told his daugh- ter was moving shortly, said "near-- er fhe eriemy, I hope." Mary is now as near to the ene- my as she can be without crossing the English Channel, protr ding PILES :7%: know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back If the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. Sufferers or bleeding und Worm Trouble CHILDREN REALLY NEED MULVENEY'S - Mother's Friend theme chnnge- able days! It helpna protect them from worm trouble, a m 4 other children's ie, K eepan them regular, Se smoothing too! Now fry It, na Jiffy ITCH For quick relief from Itching caused b ma, [1 'a foot, scabies, ons Ade y Ite Te B10, b. PRECORI CHECKED Sepia: medicated, Tiowid Gh 'Safety First' Good Slogan For Farm Too Many Farm Accidents, Says Collingwood Enterprise- 3 ews The cold truth is that the ratio of preventable accidents in agricul- "ture is higher than in any. other in- dustry. Many hundreds of farmers, members of their families and workers on farms are killed and ~ many thousands injured every year in Canada as the *result of acci- dents, most of which could have been prevented, With the farm labor "shortage just now so acute and when all our production of food is" §6+ essential to the war effort, the accident toll is particularly serious. A survey has disclosed that ma- chinery is the chief source of farm work accidents; that live stock runs a close second and that falls are in third place. The wise farmer is he who learning the cause of accidents on his farm takes steps to eliminate such causes and all possible hazards. For example, the fact that loose clothing causes one- ' third of all farm accidents 'nvolving machinery should make anyone plague, i And the ever-present threat of fire, which annually destroys mil- lions of dollars' worth of rural pro- perty ought to be enough for-a farmer to justify devoting at east a part of one morning per month to looking round the farm for fire hazards, too, Prevention of accidents means avoiding making an acute farm la- bor shortage more acute and also means an even bigger contribution to food production. Safety first is a good slogan for any farm, - Spring Make-Do One hillbilly's wife is visiting another's and the hostess calls the visitor's attention to some goss- amer hangings across' the empty window space, i ""New curtain, ch," sniffs the visitor, "Gittin' a. mite high-toried, ain't ye?" . "Naw," says the hostess, "Just got us a new spider." avoid that particular hazard like a , More men smoke Picabac than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada SAIPAN BOSS With Saipan under complete U. S. Army control, Maj.-Gen, Sander- ford Jarman, above, has been given command of this former Jap strong- hold, Hulking; 6-foot, 4 inch 'Gen. Jarman 'is an artillery veteran of World War I, since then has specialized in~ anti-aircraft work, is considered one of the Army's top men in this field. The International Limited of the Canadian National Railways has been in - continuous op: ration over the C.N.R.s" double track between Montreal and Chicago since July 1, 1900. Have You Heard? As the party of men left the club after a particularly convivial eves ning, one remarked gaily: "I've got a good wife, When I come home late she doesn't mind & scrap." "Neither does mine," said an. other, less cheerfully, "In fact, she waits up for it!" © --0-- Boarder: "This steak is like a cold day in June -- very rare." g Landlady: "Well, your bill is like a day in March -- very unsettled." --0-- Mother: "Alfie tells me they told him in school today as how Col- umbus travelled 3,000 miles on a gallion," ' Father: "Go on, the boy didn't ought to believe all these motor salesmen's yarns." --0-- "What would you do if you were in my shoes?" "Polish 'em!" Humified Shredded Moss for fine Lawns, Shrubbery, Trank- planting, Germinating Seeds, Mulching, etc. Bag $1, about 75. Ibs, - PEEL PEAT PRODUCTS (Reg.) Caledon East, Ont, BABY CHICKS BARGAINS IN TWO, THREE AND ' four week old started chicks, Pullets two week old White Leg- horns 20.95 per hundred, Barred Rocks 18.956. Four week old Bar- red Rocks 25.95. Shipped C.0.D. Also elght week old up to laying free. range pullets. Top Notch Chickeéries, Guelph, Ontario. STARTED CHICKS STILL AVAIL-"- able In limited quantitles--Leg- horn pullets, heavy cockerels, heavy * non-sexed. If {Interested, let's have your order now. Bray I mhery, 130 John N., Hamilton, nt. STARTED CHICK BARGAINS. Pullets Barréd Rocks four weeks old 26.90, three weeks old 23.90, two weeks old 19.90, also non- sexed pullets in White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Assorted heavy, light and medium breeds at rock bottom prices. Also free range pullefs elght weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NE®DY dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart. ment HH, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- ronto. = HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and ; MIDDLE AGE : 'women, learn hairdressing at Can- do's finest and largest schools. fined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 388 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 4% King Street, Hamilton, and Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEARN HAVRDHRESIING THR Robertson method. Information on request regarding clagsees. Robertron"s Halrdressing Acad- emy, 187 Avenne Road. 'Toronto, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGIH & COMIPANY Patent 8ollcitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Infortinfion on re- quest MEDICAL BTOUOMACH AND THREAD WUIRMH 'often are the cause of Hi-health in humans all ages. No one im. mune! Why not find out {if this ~ is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulurs-<Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specinlista Toronto 8. NATURE'S HELP---DIXON'S REM- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands praising it, Mun- ro's Drug "Store, 335 Bigin, Ot- tawa., Postpaid $1.00, BAUMELKA FOOT BALM flatreys f offensive odor Instantly, 4b¢ bottle. Ottawa agent, enman Drug Store, Ottawa. GOOD RESOLUTION--EVERY SUP. ferer , of Rheumatte Pains or Neuritis should fry Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Il- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, f » CHOTOGRAPVTY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your filma properly developed and printed 86 OR 8 EXPOSURE RULLS 25¢ REPRINTS 8 for 25¢ FINEST ENLARGING BERVICE You may 'not get mt the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and. service you dekire by sending your flims to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICER Station J, Toronto, ¥ PHOTOGRAIHY DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T BI; TAKEN AGAIN Get finer "snaps" at dower cost -- Prompt Mail Service:. Bend your film rolls. to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. This is Canada's largest finishing stu- dio, serving customers all over Canada. You'll like our work. too. Any Size Roll--6 or DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25¢ Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ont. writes: "I suppose it's hard to glve your usual quick, service with help so hard to get, but as long. as you turn out such fine pi ures, I'l] walt--if 1 have to walt." 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" in Beautiful Ease! Mounts - Enlargements 4x6" on ivory ted, r- mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Silver, cassiin Walnut or lack Ehony finish frames, 59¢ each. If enlarge- ment colored, 79¢ each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 128. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly 'on All Orders. - DOUBLE SIZE Super Prin 6 or 8 Exposure Rolls ( Developed and Printed 49c Double Size Only REGULAR SIZE Wl Yo ey "Printed 39c FILMS FILMS FILMS Sent To You Ny Return Mall No. 127--ibcj No. Noi 116 or 016--45c These Prices Include Five Cents Kor Wrapping and Malling SUPERIOR FILM SERVICE Box 401 Hamllton, Ont, Expert Photo Finishers for 25 yenrn ve FOR SALE ATTENTION LADIES! BE THE center of attraction at next bridge party. Tell your own and friends fortunes. 'Wonderful amusement, Pack of Madam Signa Fortune Cards = with instructions, $1.00 postpaid, Novelty Dept. Box 191, ftchener, Ontarlo, REMEMBER--WEDNESDAY, AUG, 16th, id the day. One P.M. is the time, Bylvan Farms, Ont,, is the place, Auction Sale of Registered Yorkshire Hogs is the reason. 10 Boars and 30 Bred Sows or more is the quantity, We have 300 head ahd herd has been closely culled, Geo. Robson, Mgr, of Shure-Galn Farm, and Mr, Graham, of the Live Stock*Branch of the Department of Agricul- ture, have recently inspected the herd and we are pleased to refer you to them. Wo have always purchased the best and, 'there- fore, believe we will be selling the best. Visit the fa¥m and see our herd of Scotch Short. horms too. HAROLD ELSOM, Farm Manager; 8. C. HADLEY, Owner; BYLVAN FARM 8, WHEATLEY, ONTARIO, 1001 DREAMS WITH MEANINGS explained. Tacky and unlucky days, Ocult meaning of num- bers, 120 pages, well-bound, 60c¢ postpala, Novelty Dept. Box 191, itshener, Ontarlo. } p "FARMALL F-11 ON RUBBER, Al~ lis Chalmers B, with mower at - tachment, three-furrow. . low, two-furrow © plow; _two-furrow plow, tractor disc, (Massey-Har- rig), Ford two-ton truck (good- condition), Model A, Tudor, large power cider press, two large steam cookers, George Smith Durham, 1 . as hi a Bo had sink 8 Exposures. : 120 or 620--40¢ | NEWLY Wheatley, any time; . FOR SALE ' > SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness pre. servative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 2c up at mosf- grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lah- oratories, Toronto. : 25/40 RUMLEY TRACTOR AND 34/46 Mildmay Separafor with grain< thrower, Ebersol Feedel and Shredder. Richard Ingram, Rothsay, Ontario. - . ADVANCED REGISTRY YORK. shire Boars, bred and open sows, + Accredited Hereford Cows an yourlg bulls, Herd Sire imported, 'Gardiner Morrison Mount Forest, PUPPIES, GREAT DANE BEAU.' ©- tles, Crossbred .. Newfoundland + ahd: Dane, Pekineese, all Males $15.00, © Females 5 Beautiful "English Collfe.- Sahl Female. 6" months«$15.00, for reply. Mount View Kennels, Box 783, Collingwood, Ontario, NEW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK par Riverside Auto Parts, 51 Queen Street East, Foronto, a 3 5 Wheel. B.B. Bronze weighin an to 33 Ibs. at six | outa DE ~ Btock personally "selected from -. special matings in U.S, by ex. perts, Thousands of _ guarantee range birds to select from, raise without loss, 'The secret .of suc- cess lies in reliable "foundation - stock. Your selection now from our stock should pay big divie dends. Whaling Turkey. Ranch,. Moorefield, Ont, ARMY BOOTS Y RECONDITIONED BOOTS , of our armed forces, perfect cone dition, $3.25 delivered. Ladies' army _ shoes, perfectly rebuilt, $2.26 delivered. Money-back guar= antee. State size, send money, order. Ruskin & Co., Peterbore ough, Ont, P) ELECTRIC MUTOURS, NEW," USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes, Allen 'Electric Company Ltd, 2326 Dufferin 8t., Toronto, - PROPERTIES WANTED TO BUY WE HAVE for chicken BUYERS WAITING farms, market gar- dens, and town or village houses in all parts of province, 8énd full particulary in confidence at once, ¢ make no charge unless we "Bell, Powell and Compan t. Clair East, Toronto, PANS, 3h WANTED SLABS AND 'EDGINGS, = 4' 80FT and hardwood. State kind, quan- tity, when eut and lowest prices on cars. Walter Schiess, 19 Me- linda Street; Toronto. WANTED TO TNUY A DOUBLE edger for portabla sawmill, Phone or write J. Harrls, Uxbridge, Ontarfo. : i Hage, Farmhand--Single WANTED, EXPERIENCED WORK- er for dalry farm, permanent position, good wages; give refs Srnees, Box 146, Richmond Hill, TEACHER WANTED CARLETON COUNTY --ASSISTANT, 1st class certificate for Grade 1 continuation school. Subjects re- quired -- Mathematics, Selence Ensian, Déténce training an other necessary ualifigations; good diseiplinarinn, Enlary $1,600; duties to commence In Fall term of 1044, Apply to Irn Owens, See- retary, Fitzroy Harbour, Ont, BREEDING TURKEYS, 'WAGON Pl ~ Ce