a ®- y - electricity; 'cistern, * Price. ° Bros., Phone 199 r 8, rR A SHRP us WRT EAS! | NS a ra in } PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1944 f } FARM FOR SALE week at the home of her aunt Mrs, L. - BROCK THEATRE Phene 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, AUGUST 3-4-5 ° "Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30. "Lady in the Dark" starring GINGER ROGERS, RAY MILLAND, JON HALL, WARNER BAXTER. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, AUGUST 7-8-9 Two Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Holiday Matinee, Monday at 2 o'clock "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" * IN TECHNICOLOR Starring MARIA MONTEZ, JON HALL, TURHAN BEY, ANDY DEVINE. Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday, AUGUST 10-11-12 "Hit the Ice" starring BUD ABBOT and LOU COSTELLO DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG ~ DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's : © Shep. Phone 237, Res. 2156 Barbe: Port Perry DR, J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON office equipped for X-RAY WORK Over Bell. Telephone Office, Queen 8t., Pert Perry . Office 68w; Residence 68J W. A. Sangster DENTAL BURGEON ~ Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 pm. Office Upatairs, over C. Sleop's W. J. KING Chirepractor and Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario, "King and Cedar Streets Phone 188 Phones: HOUSE FOR SALE 7 room solid brick house on Scugog street, Port Perry. All conveniences; hardwood floors; large About 1 acre of ground; double garage; chicken house. Easy terms. Apply to Chas, N. Howsam, R.R.4, Port Perry. Phone 90 r11. tf HEMLOCK and WHITE PINE Cut and sawn to order in special sizes, Mill Valley Lumber Co. Ltd. Claremont, Phone 2020, Mr. Webster. aug, 10 Second Cut Hay 'WANTED Second cut hay--alfalfa or red - clover; standing, or in coil,-- Write Elmeroft Farm, Oshawa, giving acreage, location and FOR SALE Twelve foot ladder and scythe. Apply BTAN. CAUSLEY, Port Perry PART TIME MAN OR WOMAN WANTED : For established Watkins route of steady customers, Must be honest and reliable, have travel outfit or means of. getting one, No capital or experience required. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-P-b, 2177 Masson Street, Montreal. july20-27 STRAYED . Holstein Cow strayed to the pre- mises of the undersigned July 16th. Owner can have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. Spencer augl0 ; FOR BALE 460 Plymouth Rock. Pullets, four months old (Peel's best stock) $1.50 each. Apply fo Jack Holtby, Man- chester, Phone Port Perry 119 r 14. Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Tipp Residence on Nerth Street. SUITS 'SPONGED AND PRESBED Expert RADIO Service . PHONE 234 on SATURDAYS» Mclean Radio Service (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24Y; Simcoe Street 'North, Oshawa. Phene 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office oa Tuesday, and Thureday afterncon of each week or by appolatment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS County of Ontario On Saturday, the 12th day of Aug- ust, A.D, 1944, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, I will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, all the right, title and inter- est of the Plaintiff, in the undermen- tioned lands and tenements seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, and to me directed in which JAMES W. HOOPER is the Plaintiff and SAMUEL CAWKER is the Defendant. The said lands and tenements being, all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, and being' composed of part of lot 19 in the 6th concession of described as follows: Commencing on the North limit of the said Town- ship lot two chains and ninety (90) links from the North East angle thereof being the North West corner of land owned by one Bailey; thence south sixteen(16) degrees East twelve chains fifty (60) links along the West limit of Bailey's lands to the South West corner of Bailey's lands; thence South seventy-four (74) degrees West two chains forty (40) links; thence North sixteen (16) degrees West twelve (12) chains fifty (60) links to the North limit of the lot; thence East along the North limit of the lot two (2) chains and forty :(40) links to the place of beginning, tontaining three 3) acres, - H, BASCOM, Sheriff, County of Ontario Sherift's Office, Whitby, May 3rd,' 1944. SUITS CLEANED] the said Township more particularly | 110 acres, lot 10, con, 14, Reach Tp.; clay loam; good house and barn, well shingled; hog and driveshed; plenty of water; one-milg from school and high- way. Apply C. Pearson, Blackwater. t FARM FOR SALE 100 acres workable and 1% miles from Port Perry. will rent house separately. Apply at Star' Office. A24 & "Wanted MUNICIPAL CLERK-TREASURER also HYDRO and WATERWORKS ENGINEER. Village of 1200 -- 45 miles from Toronto. Apply to nearest Employ- ment and Selective Service Office. Duties Municipal Clerk-Treasurer-- Collect Taxes and get out Tax Roll. Collect Hydro Accounts. Collect Waterworks Accounts, General Office work for the Muni- cipality. Salary--=Salary up to $1600,according to experience. Hydro and Waterworks KEngineer-- Duties--Maintenance of local Hydro System, such as line work, installing services, reading meters, ete.; Over- seeing Waterworks System, instal- lation of services and maintenance of pressure water pumps at power- house. Salary Sain up to $1600. --_y PIGS FOR SALE Seven-good pigs, 6 wecks old; also four young brood sows, due lst of September. Apply to Chas. N. How- sam, R.R.4, Port Perry. Phone 90 r 11 FARM FOR SALE 160 acres clay loam, 2% miles west of Blackstock, Good huildings, fences, water supply, hydro available, school on farm. Might consider renting; fall pdssession. Apply to Herman Hooey, Blackstock. augl? ASHBURN Continued from Page Four ° . Mrs. H. Doble and daughter Flor- ence, spent a few days last week in Buffalo, also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Slack, in Beamsville, Mrs. J. Jones, of Toronto, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Parrott. Gardhouse, of Malton, Mrs. Mary Fisher spent a couple of weeks with her daughter Miss Emma Fisher at a cottage near Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moles and their daughter Bella, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Dobson for a few days last week. Mrs. Wm, Cassidy and son Frank, Mr. Robt. Robson, Mr, and Mrs. C. Bryant and family were among those who attended the Bryant re-union at J. C. Bryant's of Pickering, on Satur- day. Mr, Jas. Tarvis, of Freeman, spent the week-end at the home of his sister Mrs. Rose Crumb, In the absence of Rev. J. A, MacMil- lan, who is spending his holidays with his family at their cottage at Col- borne, the pulpit will be occupied by Rev, Mr. Hare, of Beaverton. Mr. H. Costello, of New Toronto, spent the week-end with his sister Mrs, I. Ashton. TREASURE-HUNTERS, BEWARE! Souvenirs from the battle-fields of Furope are already finding their way into the Royal Ontario Museum. The other day a returned soldier brought in a huge coin which he had found in Sicily. A house-wall had blown up in front of him, scattering big and little coins in his path. The largest was 2 9/16 inches in diameter, made of cast brass. On one side it showed a sow suckling seven little pigs, As it certainly appeared to be an old coin, we at the Museum promised to ident- ify it. But we were rash. Apparent- ly: Museum staffs and Museum books don't "know" everything, for we could not find anything like it high or low. Finally we got the American Numis- matic Society on the trail. And what did they say ?---that it was a fake, put over on the innocent soldier by the wall. Had he stumbled on the house of a forger? We shall never know , but it's a warning to souvenir- hunters that all that glitters isn't even ancient brass. BIRDS TAKE THEIR HOLIDAYS IN AUGUST This is vacation time for most birds according to ornithologists of the Royal Ontario Museum. Their family responsibilities are over for the year and the hard work of food-hunting is made casy by the annual peak of the crop of insects, sceds and berries. [sven the business of singing is largely Miss Joan Duff was Bolidaging last suspended. Although most birds are NOTICE TO CREDITORS -AND OTHERS in the Estate of Julia Frances Mac- Brien, late of the Township of Reach in the Province of Ontario, Spinster, deceased. the Estate of Julia Frances MacBrien, late of the Township of Reach in the Province of Ontario; Spinster, who died on or about the 24th day of May, 1944, are hereby notified to send par- ticulars of same to the undersigned nn or before the 8th day of August, 1944, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. - Dated at Toronto this 12th"day of July, 1944, W. A. H. MacBrien and Elizabeth Spurr, Executors of the Estate of Julia Frances MacBrien, by their Solicitors, FENNELL, PORTER, Me- LEAN '& DAVIS, 367 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. Attention Farmers WE WHOLESALE Tires Gasoline Tubes 'Kerosene Batteries Distillate Cables: Cutting Oil Fan Belts Machine Oil Spark Plugs Bearing Oil - Polish Cylinder Oil Wax Motor Oil Boots Fuel Oil Patches Harness Oil Wipers Floor Oil Antifreeze Friction Tape Grease Linseed Soap write : HARRY 0. PERRY Cities Service Distributor OSHAWA, ONT, = All persons having claims against} claims of which the undersigned shall | list. BRITAIN'S CENTAUR TANK Britain's latest tank, the Centaur, has been taken from the deeret The Centaur is a cruiser tank mounting a six-pounder gun, It is described as having a three-man turret. released, No other details are yet SUBMARINE STOKER WITH Picture shows: F.W. BROCK & SON MEN'S and LADIES' SUIT or OVERCOAT MADE TO MEASURE JOHNSON'S APPROVED CLOTHES $29.50 - = $35.00 : MEN'S WINTER OVERCOAT--$29.50 NEW FALL SAMPLES ARE HERE Order Now for Early Fall Delivery. LADIES' SUMMER DRESSES $4.50 $6.95 $8.50 GLASSWARE--Cups and Saucers - 15c. Glasses 5c. Egg Cups 12c. English Dinnerware several nice Sets in Stock Men's Suits in stock $28.50. Men's Sports Shirts, $2 FELTOL, sq. vd., 50c. In a Large Assortment. [4] REXFELT, sq. yd., 30c. GROCERIES ~ JARS--Medium $1.19 dozen. Large $1.49 dozen Jar. Rubbers 7c. box. Metal Rings 29c. dozen Certo 25c. Vinegar 45c. Gallon Heinz Pickling Vinegar 69c. Gallon Campbell's Tomato Soup 10c. Tomato Juice 6, 11, 21c Tomatoes, large tins, 2 for 27c. Pears, 105 oz. tins - $1.00 Oranges, 35c. and. 48c. per dozen. 'Tomatoes will be plentiful this week. obliged to grow a new suit of feathers in August, this can be accomplished while loafing. By autumn they will be dressed in fresh new attire and forti- fied for the long trek southward by a reserve layer of fat beneath the skin, Shingles NOW" is THE TIME TO REPAIR THAT ROOF before the Spring rains. We have a large sdpply of 'B. C. Shingles, Toronto Asphalt Shingles, ADOBE FROM ANCIENT EGYPT The word adobe--a name for un-, burnt bricks dried in the sun--is gen- erally associated with the semi-desert regions of the south-western United States. . In Egypt, another dry country many Sedar and rolled roofing. Rol-Bric Siding will be available about thousand miles away, exactly the same April 15t1 kind of brick is made today, and has pri loth. : as ' been made without interruption for H,000 years. The Egyptian collection - of the Royal Ontario Museum has LAKE scucoc LUMBER & COAL Co. several examples of ancient bricks, Phone 240w JL IMI" TED Their label is illustrated with a brick- making scene from a tomb painting of the 16th century before Christ. The modern adobe of the New World derives its name from these ancient|yg bricks of the Old World, The word|$ passed into English from the Spanish. It came to the Spaniards from the Arabic-speaking conquerors of Spain, | Does your home suffer Som chills and fevers? BRITAIN'S EASTERN FLEET in the engine room of one of H. M. Submarines gerving with Eastern Fleet, Leading Stoker Joe Henley of Cardiff, makes adjustments to the engines at the conclusion of a successful patrol. who in their turn inherited it from i Insulate against summer heat and winter's cold. the Cobts hd gpl. The language | Gyproe Wool Insulation is Inexpensive, Fuel of the Copts was a direct descendant # Saving, Fireproof, Vermin Proof, and BASY TO INSTALL. of the Ancient Egyptian, whose word || REESOK'S FUEL & LUMBER for brick was pronounced approxi- 4 "4 i F. E. Reesor Phone 73w F. GC. Reesor 4 mately dobet, . ISCAS ES FL Pe Fe NFS FUR JR RS HOMES So long as we have homes to which men turn . At close of day, So long as we have homes where children are, And women stay, If love and loyalty and faith be found Across those sills, A stricken nation can recover from Its gravest ills. PORT PERRY FAIR Labor Day, Monday, September 4th The PRIZE LISTS are out. received one, and wish to make an exhibit at the Fair, write to R. D. WOON, Port Perry, or call at the Port Perry Star. So long as we have homes where fires burn, And there is bread; So long as we have homes where lamps are lit And prayers are said, "Although -a people falter through the dark, And nations grope, 'With God, Himgelf, back of these little Saturday, Sept. 2, Preparation Day It is specially requested that all exhibits for the Main homes We have sure hope. Building be brought in on Saturday, to allow time for CL --Grace Noll Crowell. proper arrangement. Send your entries in EARLY. / 7 5) x 12 | bo 5 ] 5 05 § 13 § 2 2 £8 by s, 0 23 % ve 8 ? 5 i 5 £ po $, po ol 4 t TS NT A A RR RRR ER AR SR ARAB LARRY If you have not RA AR $7 Duy ars Ne wr ali PER wi - or a -- Ci I fr TAT po RR EY Siege 2 PRN Ro 2st Gr gi nT Pl Loving SI, Ta ha ---- - ea a Se \ x we 3s IT "RAS eg x Ot A mr P oe i - = PLP 3, AIA 7, > - rs era wb