a ALE LAY BEAR 3 FERRARI AY SHAS) SR TEAST Deli Ag 1 He found one at the other end of'\the street, with a teapot on the swinging sign. It was down a few steps. below the sidewalk, and, as he descended, he was surprised to find the two young clubmen at his heels. He took a seat near the door and ordered tea and muffins, But he. felt resentment when he found the two young men had seized up- on the table next to hig and, with- out mugh pretense of eating, them- selves, were unquestiopably watch- JAP SPITE DID THIS TABLE TALKS Yule Good ies Orange Cake Do | Enjoy My Meals A Few Drops Up Each Nostril Quickly Relieve Stuffiness of Catarrh 4 eggs fo) V4 cup sugar : © ¥ cup light corn syrup ©» Grated rind of 1 orange 4 cup orange juice 1% cups sifted cake flour | : " : : his : o Je TTT % teaspoons baking powder ipg him drink his tea and eat 4 ar Specialized Medication Works Fast Ti Lo mata. er [ Orange filling Right Where Trouble Is! Boiled frosting They were both young, one big, of a = Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh 7 orange sections about his own build, the other | : comes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose, reduces Beats eggs until frothy and al- small and fat with red checks, and swollen membranes--soothes irritation, relieves yuu QQ most white. Add sugar and corn they 'were both fashionably and - 1 congestion, helps flush out cold-clogged nasal syen Seedually, beating eansigas expehsively dressed) Shey 'had a or' passages, Makes breathing easier-- J n y. Add orange dpe. anc rind, air of idle wealth. They were evi (ol > en) i i i i g only en- dently disputing something be- | ISG 5 try it! Follow directions in package. VA TRO NOL ji a My NAR agi Mill: rs D) =: Sift flour, baking the impression that he was their KIDNEY and PILLS @ powder and salt, chet interest. It nettled him; he LIVER fr ILA - Bl Fold into first hurried his food down, drank his H mixture, Line tea and paid his bill, It left him : : CHRONICLES Gwendois un --_ bottom of ps twenty cents, As he counted his . os wendoline ®. Clarke (12 by 8 by 2 change and thrust it back into his ' \ of GINGER FARM ° ° © ° ° with waxed pa- pocket he laughed bitterly to hime SUNDAY SCHOOL J per. Pour in ¢ f. How would Fosdick like to : a a cake mixture and face his night in the city, with 'LESSON ' Just recently a young girl said humblest home -- or absent la bake in a moderate (350-degree) twenty cents? He was just rising to me -- "Mrs. Clarke, do you the wealthiest. } oven 35 minutes, Let cake remain from the table when his, two young, 3 think it silly of me -- I want to LLY» i In pan until cool. Remove from neighbors suddenly rose, came ak GROUND OF have a tree, and the house de- Many families this year will be pan and cut into 8 equal parts. over, and pulling out the two. em- UNIVERSAL JOY corated and -- oh, just everything incomplete -- there may be sons Put layers together with orange pty chairs opposite, sat down, un- 'Luke 8:8-13; Hebrews 1:1-4;. 1 John 1:1-4, in France, Holland, Italy, England |. -- and you may say, "Oh, we don't filling. Frost with boiled icing to which has been added grated rind for Christmas, But yet there are only the two of us . , . maybe it invited, at his table, bg 1 N - would seem foolish." feel like holding Christmas with of 1 orange. Decorate top with : Se £4 Ah Meow Bi Bg Ha aise GOLDEN TEST ~~Belols, x Foolish? -- well, it didn't strike our boys awayl" Has it ever orange sections, g ; : : 1d Filipi hild cheeks growing redder. ping you go) 4 ngs pi RA nie that way. How better could a occurred to you that to write and Orange Iilling: Mix 3 table- Mecheal ir iueh SIgnE Shout go AS Nous Ja grein "p rdon me," h : id Courteous: joy which s all be to all the couple start out in life than by tell your boys just that is to des- spoons butter with 4 cup pro suilered face wounds from the bayonet of a Jap, arco » TIE Sald courtcoup people. Luke 2:10, before American forces in the Philippines. The battlegrime Yanks vie with each other to feed the child from an oversized bottle. FVIII, ly, smiling across at Mark; "It's a . \ Message of Joy wager -- my speaking to you, I In. the Christmas story is re mean. If you've ever made a wa- vealed the fact that God's ways troy their faith? Christmas at home -- Christmas as they knew it -- is something they hang on to. Xt sugar, 2 beaten eggs, 1 tablespoon grated orange rind, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and % cup orange building up' a Christmas tradition in their own home. A tradition that will grow with the years, * x is one of the things they are | juice. Cook over low heat, stirring : ; Seis you knew how 3 fellow feels, are not man's ways. For centuries 'Of all the seasons of the year fighting to save. And maybe in constantly unitl thickened, about . k a jini you Ut oi a the promis x a il and 3 Christmas is the most loved, and some distant land, perhaps in a 10 minutes, Chill well before using, T 2 J da @ 0 lp J rl indy ordi Gelivenes ob re was tepuaigs: i probably the most significant, be- bomb-damaged home, they may Brownies : pH i N e With my Noh do Ps SA Boveri n ii) cause without that first Christmas get a fleeting glimpse of a tree, 1 cup shortening . v ere, . the ief Priest in the ple ; there certainly would have been no topped by a star. That glimpse 2 squares bitter chocolate By '1 Seg" ge Mark still studied the go 2 ewan Sons, 4 i hr aren, Mot ows | yn te ong orth | SS MARY IMLAY TAYLOR § REE RI because it is a scason so readily folks back home, yet they will like 2 eggs Ee : : A ! SiG understood and appreciated by wo to remember that over there will 1 _- flour OPTION IIIT "Oh, it's a thousand dollars, *oing of their Saviour vo. In tha the common people, because it be the same Christmas dinner -- 14 teaspoon salt i Yoid that 3x had I~ i ey ele , he canes : 1h typifies the love, the difficulties Mom will manage somehow, sugar 1 cup nutmeats CHAPTER I again; it Yas Dla 4 2 9 EC ig i] 1e nig " * Js ing hoi and the close union of humble or no sugar and there will be folks V4 teaspoon vanilla "So you've come back, Mark been dmong tad riends-who ad- "Shut up!" Archie broke in sud- their flocks. i) 1e sage of Log family life. And so, home-loving | coming . . . and the same excite Melt shortening and chocolate to- Grant?" The old lawyer | swung vised against it Hy 1 tenth denly, "you're only babbling, Ted. ie Soon ¢ iy ph a ko people throughout the ages have ment over gaily wrapped parcels, gether, Remove from heat; add around in his swivel-chair and Is not Sach id bys M % Let's get to busness." He turned a oa iano 9 i 10 this same = tried to create an ideal of goodwill Gee, it sure would be great to be sugar and unbeaten eggs, one at a | looked the young man up and about twenty thousand. ar little haughtily and faced Mark. eh), aha _ ing sight was that of natural sine ful man when he comes in cone tact with the glory of a righteous God. Under similar circumstances : Isaiah was spellbound in 'the o temple, Paul fell to the ground of . the Damascus down with an eye as cold as a liz- smiled amusedly. ard's, | "Come around tomorrow morn- Mark laughed. Liberty was send- | ing and I'll have the papers ready. ing golden bubbles through his The money's In deposit at the bank yeins; it was easy to laugh. "here, 'waiting. "I behaved well, Mr. Fosdick," AW Rk, and fellowship in their own famify there . . circles. How well they succeeded is reflected in the attitude which each succeeding generation has toward Christmas at home. OE "It's this way, My pal here has been getting into trouble with a lady, an elderly and exclusive la- -dy, one of the smartest of the smart set; she won't have a man In ° her house who drinks too much, time then flour, salt.and nuts, Beat in vanilla. Bake 20 minutes in a greased pan in a moderate oven, When cool, cut in squares. Almond Jam Bars cup shortening .maybe next year , 5 ox x : Unfortunately there are also homes where only memories of fighting sons remain. It is not for me to say how Christmas shall be 3 Mothers of little children, think no time wasted that you spend on making a happy Christmas in your Home. Children will remember the gaily trimmed tree long after pre- sents around it are forgotten. Make your Christinas tree tradit- ional. What do I mean by "trad- itional"? I mean to build up Chris- tmas memories for your family that are essentially personal. Don't make drastic changes. Take care ot the Christmas tree decorations and _ bring them out, year after year, 1t you once have a star to top your tree, always have a star. Let your your children grow up with it -- to them it will' symbolise THEIR observed in such homes -- I can otily hope that to them will come some measure of healing and come fort during the season of peace and goodwill, But to the thousands of other homes let me send along this mes- sage with my kindest regards and good wishes , , , Keep Christmas --whatever you do keep Christmas, Put your heart into it and the way will. be clear, for where there is Christmas in the heart there will surely be Christmas in the home, Good-bye and everyone", "God Bless us - 4 teaspoon almond extract Yi teaspoon vanilla %4 cup corn syrup or honey cups sifted enriched flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Y4 teaspoon salt : Y4 teaspoon cinnamon Y4 teaspoon. cloves 1 egg ¥% cup jam Mix together shortening and ex- tracts. Add syrup, mixing well. Sitt together flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cloves. Add to short- ening and mix until crumbly. Beat egg and add, blending well. Spread half of batter in bottom of a greased Mark said, his tone defying criti- - cism, challenging; "they let me out a few months ahead of time." "Humph!". . Fosdick grunted, "I've no use for new-fangled no- tions in prisons," he remarked dry- ly; "hot air, that's all; a man should serve his time," et "You've nevér been in prison, Mr. Fosdick," he said. "When you've tried it you'll be quite fa- vorable to new-fangled notions. I've had fifteen years' experience. I know!" x & % Fosdick's gray face twisted Into a grim smile. "I don't think I'll try it -- not in your way. Let me see; Mark rose, but stopped with his hand on the back of his chair. "It's early yet, Mr. Fosdick, and I'd be glad to draw some of that money, I'm short." . : The little lawyer whipped around in his chair and stared at him, then away. "The fellow's a giant!" he thought uneasily, re- membéring old Grant Barton's end. Money in that; too! "I can't help it," he said testily, "there'll be formalities. Come to- morrow. The bank closes at three; we "couldn't get through in time. I'm busy; goodday!" ; Mark stood a moment longer, or gambles, or--" he shrugged -- f" was a prime favorite, c got stewed, two of the _ sins, She's forbidden him the house, a a a a with me that she's all hunk about her rules, that t reall * know what her fellow -- the first man we met in the street -- given a clean shirt could pass muster. I've taken the b you know the usual things! Teddy but ashe and then he cardinal aught him gambling, nd he's sore. There's going to be n exclusive afternoon today, a big ffair. Ted has no, card, He's raw bout it, and he's laid a wager she doesn't really guests do," that any et. "I don't believe she'll receive "Road, and John would have worshipped the heav- enly messenger, : The angel quieted the shepherds with the assuring words that they were bearers of Good News of Great Joy, not only for them but for all people, The glad tidings the angels brought was that a Saye ious had been born in the city .of David. . In early bible days God spoke to the people in many ways, Sones. times "it was in words at other times it was through: visions, dreams, etc. "However, in -these last. days he has spoken through his son the Lord Jesus Christ, anyone without credentials, she'll | find a-way.to freeze the newcomer out, even if a fellow took him in, 7 by 12-inch pan. Spread jam over batter. Cover jam with remaining batter. Bake in a moderately hot looking down at-him, He saw the little man's hand shake as- he grasped his pen and pretended to Being the oply -songhe is heir of Christmas tree. Worldly goods have all things. By Chr€t, God made how old 'were you when you went little relation to Christmas tra-_ FT : up?" -- The Bookshelf... "that's the whole . I ; a" » a : )" FR | ld ifyi the "fact 'th dition -- it can' be present inthe oven (400.degrees) 25 to 30 min- Seventeen." ¥ wiite. Mark knew he was afraid |. Unless she knows he's all 'right, | ine world, verifying the fact that - : g "« ; " The | Ted's b Jesus was present during creation, utes. Cut in bars, vSeventeen? Gosh " The AWYET | of the ex-convict; he threw back 22308 et nie 3 thousand dollars 'The greatness and power of - FI VE ACRE S . ; sid sd ol a a ote or his head and laughed again, his jit he Pri) pick op Je est man Christ is revealed in the bright= i . 2 « credulously. orgotten. Y J laugh startling Fosdick as much. ¢ meets outside the club, give Fea of Lito wat fry o 0) And Independence Milk Heals Wounds -- and convicted of killing that old "| oa blow; it was so hearty, so him the clothes and get him in -- ou His ad pestoct image i -- man, your uncle -- to get his mo- carefree, a boy's laugh, if I'll take him past the door and i he Hands Lb "all things 4s By M. G. Kains . Soviet scientists have developed ne in he 24a pei, "You seem to. find it amusing, simply say: 'This is Mr, -- oh, upheld 'by his. word, Fon came p \ Ik a paste of pressed milk which is fark's face sobered. His eyes ir," he said tartly. any old name! Now, do you gee?" EEL aid ve : h This book tells how to select, effective in curing wounds, In a darkened. "Convicted?" You call 5 "I dol" Fri toed, picked up L x ¥ into the world with Hi One Flite pi 3 finance, stock and develop a small | -Novesibrisk hospital were several | that travesty a fair trial?" . = | his hat, a riew one, the warden had Mark nodded. "I seel" he 0d, ] poze 1 Wn) 2 ay. ova his jis 4 ] farm. It points out mistakes to men whose wound. healed very The old man recoiled slightly, fitted him out; and went to the door. and laughed, There was vigor in in HE 1 a Ha A - A i 4866 avoid as well as methods that slowly, novocaine blocking, ultra but he steadied himself to face the "Good-day, Mr. Fosdick," he said, his laughter, a jubilant ring of Je adil this ta k he reins Mid \ i SIZES assure success; it emphasizes the violet "ray treatment, antiseptics, young fury in Mark's glance, It still smiling, and went out, freedom, Ag col ? Yoho boas fo 1 14.20 importance of good water, sani- and permanganate baths not was a fair trial; 1 always said. so; ra "I met you first outside the i 2 ae es seated. on 2 N 2.48 tation, drainage and irrigation; tells proving of much value, The special you appealed, too," he 'maintained Mark threaded his way through club," he said, g » 2 A pA A 7 - how to enhance crop yield while milk paste was applied and the his point dryly; then he put: Mark's the crowded streets with the awk of it. It's a wager--" he made a During be Sitistraas Pic i i improving soil conditions; explains wounded were soon well again~| anger aside with a gesture. "I've ward feeling of a recluse sudden- boyish grimace -- "I don's want may we not fail to worship 'the J how to treat neglected orchards | During the 'Leningrad blockade," | Do time Bushs Jind 4p, I dare say ly thrust out into the world, | to lose my thousand dollars, Ar- Great et Jor Sud £3 loved oe ly i " f ou've suffered for it, ; ; : p ' y 7 A irtady e the place, how to start this paste a ed in all the Len- y "What d'you want, Mark?" He had turned the corner into oe Agee, Bs a hi stiff-necked . gotten son that whosoever believ- Ah ' vy re ror new ones, It discusses. | ingrad hospitals. The young man put his hand fn. | ©"¢ Of the more sedate streets leaned. bagk He | Wonder--* he |" ou in him should not perish but A f erry patches, vineyards, fruit and his pocket and drew out an old let- and was passing the entrance of a eaned back, t rusting his hands have - everlasting life. i 20 i vegetable crops, dairy cows, hogs, AIR WORKER He An I the a fashionable clubhouse -- the name | into his pockets and jingling his bo! H poultry and bees. ter with osdick's name in the cor- was onthe. door over a brass money rather obviously -- "1 Wot TY or TTT Se r-- --_-- A i The book is based on the per- ner. He laid it on the desk, Ingcker: = When: two. ros 8 der if you'll help me out? It's only You Will Enjoy Staying At eat : sonal wide experience of the author "That says that Aunt Hurley suddenly emerged Theic 308 Wen | for one afternoon, you know at a The ST. REGIS HOTEL al H and covers virtually every problem left "her money jor. ne lie ; $0 abrupt that they nearly col- | tea, there'll be dancing no end of | TORONTO al that the small farm owner is likely ey ous, Ad. id in arge of lided with Mark, and they both | fun, but the test will be the dinner 0 En en atm, Show- Hi ! 3 to encounter, "Fosdick lanced at the envelope | Stopped short, staring at him with afterwards. She only asks the 4 dings vi ely 7 a Five Acres and Independence . . . ith ut Rly itu p the eagerness. of men secking a elect to. that the -ons of Colo- le Sasgiur. aid Dane' : By M. G. Kains . , . Ambassador ro YoF op: Hurley's mo- |, 100g lost acquaintance. .* al dames, I call "em. I bet she'll hd %4 Nighiny, ga : : = Books Limited . . , Price iii ney brought you 7 here mighty Stewed!" Mark' thought, and A Whe: do: 1 wir ' Sharbolene at. Carlton ; quick!" he remarked grudgingly. pursued his way, looking for a res- to B ed Mark. el. RA. 4135 0 e on : : GO AT DOTA ATT 3 Here's the lew elongated 'waists I The I A He had never forgiven the boy for taurant. (fo A Rue al Lamm, " -- A i n ce ge J 3 ' Tires ) line (very slimming) in Pattern 4866. Trim' button-front is a time- saver in dressing, in ironing. Pdttern 4866° comes in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20; 32, 84, 30, 38, 40, 42, 44, aide St. West, Toronto. Print Do you know that Arctic rein. deer, nfammals. which have become symbols of Christmas, once roamed Mammoth, and musk-ox, along the Grant . Barton's death, OF course 'he'd done it for the uncle's money, The motive was as plain as the nose on your facel "I drew -that will, 'Her friends. adyised against 46, 48. Size 46 takes 334 yards 35- through southern Canada? This it, but she would have her way. nen and Yi yard Wig ml was during the Tce Age ik in She always believed in you." Z TBA, This oD ois glaciers covered Ontario, hey "God bless her!" Mark broke y this pattern to Room 421, 73 Ade. |. ¢Xisted with the mastodon, woolly out, suddenly devouts "The will was proven, of course; you say as much dn this letter," ig plainly size, name, address, style bleak, "barren borders of the great : i 3% fimber, ice sheet, «The lawyer assented grudgingly 7 %i Tat a i173 #3 ! ¥ 4 \ us 3 ' a Christmas Joke =Scholarship or : oh, By VALINE HOBBS : ) 7, PY . A ia Yolpe 750.00 and cash Awardy 44 I hock my stocking up fast night heneath Hie oantel shelf i Be Aint tlonn" Canialana of e ther ex nd then I hung some other ones for more than just myself, The knowledge: that Mosquito under 22 years on March 1, : "1 hung a pudgy woolly one upon a nail alone-- , bombers are eidy plavth a the closing date for entries, That's for my little fuzzy dog who hoped to get a bone, 1 hithg a silky shiny one so it would never fall - That's for my little Persian cat who wanted just a ball, When Tast 1 hung two wee ones for my cunning goldfish fleet--= (1 played a trick on Santa Claus: the honeys have no feet!) This morning every one was full, from top to tippy-toe, And Kitty-cat and Dog But, oh, my little goldfish twins, and I have what we wanted so, whatever shall we do With these two pairs of rubber boots that Santa left for you? vital role in Far Eastern opera- tions and are scheduled to do even more in defeating Japan is a come. fort to Shu Fong Wong, a Chinese girl who works in the plant of de Havilland Aircraft near Toronto, where Mosquitos are assembled, for major prizes, For entry forms and Tul formation apply CANADIAN PERFORMING RIGHT SOCIETY LIMITRD, Royal Bank Building, Junior Divislom open to competl- tors under 16 who do i 1 Toronto, ISSUE 591044 ©