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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Dec 1944, p. 8

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H Sut \ OAR What 108) ATA ; 3 EN TMLRNSR AL GANRARe vata de Mr NINN shih PAL ERRSOLARY Oneal dd ves HEH i X Nora PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEO DECEMBER 21st, 1944 [ » BLACKSTOCK (Snowed out last week) A joint meeting of Victorian W.L and Red Cross quilting was held in the hall on Thursday, Dec, 7th. ty-three ladies were present and 6 Mrs. Bailey volun- teered to look after the books of the circulating library and will keep them Mrs, M. Byers gave a report of Area convention which she quilts completed. in her home. 'In spite of snow and wind a number gathered in the hall, Thursday evening Dec. 7th, to honor Mr. and Mrs, Clif- ford Robinson with a miscellaneous A programme was given and fe The orchestra which ° was to have 'supplied music for the dance was unable to be there because * lunch served. of the weather. Miss Verna Gibson, Purple Hill, the best wishes of the community a "extended to the young couple who will Jjside gn the groom's rid his Y.P.A. presented their | lay "Tempest and Sunshine" to a full ouse, Nov, 20th, It was a good clean ' play and well given, Simpson acted as chairman and music between acts was provided by Charles, Oliver and Jack Smith. We are proud of Dalton Dérrell and Jack Green, who have been prominent armer judging competition in the Dominion-wide contests and re- had trips to Toronto, Guelph, Ham] Jo, Ningara Falls and Ottawa, night, Dee, 4th, the L. on no 133 had their annual meeting * "with a good attendance. ficers were elected: WM PET firs = \ Ls Ling vit oe bd 60° . to # pr War came. The manufacture of most civilian goods had to be cut down or stopped to make way for war production. That caused shortages of civilian goods -- that was the RED LIGHT a port ump the YELLOW light -- ee ---- Some restrictions are now being lifted, but it does not niean lots of goods right away. War's' demands are still huge and must come first. We can't neglect them "just _so that some of us here at home can get a little more. Don't confuse the signals -- (This i is hr YELLOW LIGHT ONLY). It means a little more of some things and it helps business men get ready for the time when there will be more materials and workers available. It does not mean the end of shortages! 'Getting back to peacetime production will neets- sarily be piecemeal and gradual, "Patience" is the word. "Only after Victory over both enemies can the Green Light be switched on, and the road cleared for enough production to meet all our 'civilian needs. b 'THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD | Devitt; D.M.--Edmond, Harris; Chap. --Rev. Harrison; pn y--Ralph Larmer; Fin. Sec'y--Royal Whitfield: Treas. -- Herb. Swain; Lect.--Ernie Swain; Dep. Lect. -- Dalton Dorrell; Marshall--Francis Staniland; Commit. tee--Dorrell, Thompson, Hill, Van- { Camp and 'Hooey; Sick Com.--Rev. | Harrison, Dorrell, Byers, R. Ferguson; Aduitors--<S. Jeffrey, Roy Ferguson. Rt. Wor, C. P. Devitt, G.M, of Ontario East occupied the chair for the election «and installation. Mrs, Archer reports that the follow- ing articles were shipped to Réd Cross Headquarters recently. Refugee clo-! thing--7 quilts, 8 children's scarves, 2 girls' pullover sweaters; Seamen's! comforts----2 prs. heavy mitts, 4 prs. heavy socks, 3 V-neck pullover sweat- ers; Army and Air Force comforts--' neck sweater, W:M.S. annual meeting was at the! elected: son; 1st Vice--Mrs, Roy Ferguson; 'Sec'y--Mra, Roy Taylor; Treas --Mrs, Jabez Wright; Supply Sec'y--Mrs, J. A. Johnston; Stewardship and Finance ~~Mvrs, Roy Ferguson; Literature Sec'y--Mrs, Frank Stinson; Mission Band--Mrs, Cecil Hill; Missionary Monthly Sec'y -- Mrs. KE. .Dorrell; Friendship Sec'y--Mrs, J, A. John: ston; Baby Band---Mrs, Carl Wright and Mrs, Jabez Wright; Press Sec'y-- b Mrs, Earl Dorrell, The new study F book, "West of the Date Line," was introduced by Mrs. Jabez Wright, L.-8. Leslie B, Langfeld, son of Mr, nd Mrs. Langfeld estleton, is re- ported missing. His was one of the Toronto homes to receive the tragic "x i news when H.M.C.S, Shawidigan, R.C. school wrote the ass N. corvette was lost in the North At- lified for certificates, lantic with her entire company of 7 officers and 83 dead or HUgsing. L. tendance of 46. This inérease of ats B, Langfeld was married 3 months tendance shows the keen inte .ago while on leave.' His wife lives at in the school, 53 Moberley Ave, He joined the Navy two years ago, serving on H.M.C.S. from the class discussions ahd study Morden before joining Shawinigan. His brother Philip is' with the R.C.A.F. Lee, Greenbank; Dean--Rev. overseas, Sincere sympathy of this Little Britain, community goes out to his parents 'and their family afid to his wife. | Sunday school convention at Little __! Britain the latter part of October, SUCCESSFUL RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL WAS Nov. 22, 23, 27, 29 and Dec. 4 "sented from Seagrave Britain, Greenbank, Manilla, Eden, Peniel Cresswell an Valentia, Each even) ng was opened can hel with a fine worship perio one of the above Sunday sc the course, "How Jesus Taugh Morris of Seagrave, led in the course, Boys' Parliame "Young People's Intereata", About twenty-five members of this|lem. Rev. Gosde, the guest speaker, HELD AT OAKWOOD was introduced by the President. He spoke--on -the -topie--of Home as- an agency of Christian Education. "The|" convention' closed with the National Anthem. 8, Myrtle Station. ion (Snowed out last Week) 'Mr, Saywell brought a good mes- sage to his congregation on Sunday afternoon, ~ It was from St. John - 16: 10-17 -- "I have called you friends," Mr. W. C. Mitchell of Bowbells, North Dakota, U.S.A, has returned home after visiting for several weeks with his brother Luther and other relatives in the county, : Congratulations to Mr. and™ Mrs, Stewart Alls on the recent arrival in Oshawa Hospital of their baby boy. After spending the past two months with relatives here and in Stirling, "| Mrs. Spencer Simmons and her daugh- ter Mrs. W. I. Brunker, left on I'ri- day for their home in Vancouver, B.C. rte, Mildred Harrison, C.W.A,C. and Pte. Grace Ward, C.W.A.C., Niagara- on-the-lake, spent the week-end with the Clarence Harrisons, Mr, and Mrs. W. Dawe were in Orillia - the latter part of the week when they attended the funeral of Mr, Dawe's mother, who passed away after an illness of some weeks, The community extends sympathy to them in their bereavement, Bud and Kathryn Hamilton were in Oshawa over the week-end where they were guests of some little friends, Mr, and Mrs, James Edgar, of To- ronto, were down for the week-end with Hs, David Luerys. One of the worst snow storms'in years is raging over the country to- day (Tuesday). We've no doubt that the majority of the people are on the inside looking out. And what a sight! The air is so full of snow that visi- bility is almost nil; snowbanks every- where and streets drifted full until it would seem that we'll not get our- selves dug out for days. "There is absolutely no highway traffic. The mailman drove down from Port Perry to-day with his team and sleighs, stabled his team and waited at the station for the 10,30 a.m. mail train and we wonder if this letter will go out this evening for Thursday's issue. years. ago under the same weather conditions; but with the news coming in every hour we hear that Hamilton is-in danger of a milk shortage (we already have, for our milkman from Whitby was unable to get through); Eaton's and Simpson's in Toronto are closed to-day'and city bus service can- celled; Gray Coach Line buses are stalled but passengers safe, ete, ete. It is indeed a pleasure to have the radio to-day and we say thank you to the engineers, announcers and others necessary to put across the news and programmes, who so courageously braved the elements this morning. ~ Regardless of the blizzard to-day, | wedding bells are ringing merrily and loudly -and we hope. to be able to tell The regular monthly meeting of the 'Women's ASIScIation was held on 8% the home Nok -The Scripture -| reading was taken by is Harper. an prayer was offered by Mrs. W. C. Smith, The reports of the secretary & and treasurer were read and approved. 'The December meeting is to be held "|at the home of Mrs, McCrea on. the 20th. All are to help with the Christ- mas program,-. Some "thank you" let- ters were read from friends, one being program, readings were given by Mrs, M. Clark, Mrs, Perry and Mrs, Smith, Mrs, Smith and Mrs, S. Farmer told of the talk by Mrs, Mullet, the guest speaker at the W.M.S. Banquet at Port Perry. The hostess provided a lovely supper consisting of delicious chicken pie and other good things. ignments and qua- Last year there was an average at- Much help and benefit ard derived of the Text books. This organization held a successful ' This has been the 48th convention held . by this organization. people registered during afternoon and Little Britain led in a fine Worship period based on the theme "Building" given by Mp», Lin- This school was held under the au- ton. An address of welcome was given i5 prs. socks, 1 scarf, 8 prs. gloves, 1 spices of the West Victoria Religious Mrs. Robingon was | high neck pullover sweater, 1 turtle- Iiducational Council and certain di- ricts of North and South Ontario, This school 'was well attended with Parsonage when these officers were an average attendance of 66 each President--Mrs. R. B, Harri- night, There were: 74 'evening sessions, by Rev. Scott of Little Britain, meeting was fhen opened dent, Lloyd Lee gave a rath Tessar i Publie School course Grade I of Re. Sunday schools were repre- ligious Education in Public Schools, Oakwood, Little Rev. R. E. Gosse of Toronto was the | %alem. Cambray, guest speaker and spoke on the subject ome Problenis-in hich the Church Whiteside of Manilla gave two d put on byi Rev. ls. This fine musical numbers. a followed by the tiwo lesson periods Th evening session opened with Sa- fifty minutes each with Recreation Jom leadin g in the Worship Period, on rion between. the tiieme "Home", There were three classes conducted - The president welcomed all the new- the following instructors: Mr. A, comers to the evening session, und. of Oakwood, was leader 24 Yallase gave a summa the subject, "For the Land's Sake" Vanderburgh of Oakwood led in evening session were the reports given t"; Rev. by the two boys who were sent to Wilmot Phair, of arvey Rodd, of Sa- noon session, | ghlights of fA Greenbank and There was a good attendance of mem- bers and visitors, Mrs. Snelgrove was thanked for opening her home and for |' her kindness in providing the supper. |- Collection $7.80, Neighbours and friends were sad- dened when they learned that on Wed- wesday night, December. 18th, one of our little villa e girls had passed to ¢ higher service. Ruby Bonnell, daughter f of Mr. Bonnell (overseas) "and Mrs. ! Bonnell, in her'12th year passed 'away in Port Perry Hospital after a short illness. The funeral service was held at Prince Albert Church on Saturday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. E. B. Cooke in the absence of Rev, W. C. Smith. He spoke comforting words to the mother and funily, saying "God | - wanted 'to care for her, . lower bearers were Lorraine Smith, Mrs, W Taylor, Celia. Hope and: HAH Dou The pallbearers were -- W. {Taylo or, H. Jeffrey, W. Heayn, Ross | - ¢ Murphy, M.. Heayn, P, Martyn. In-} terment took place at Pine Grove fir : e in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast,"- Eddie Foley, Song-writer, Visits Port Perry Eddie Foley, of Toronto, a notable | song-writer, was in Port Perry on Monday introducing - his latest hit, "When the Boys Come Marching | "Home," This is a peppy tune and has | | won favorable comment from General : Eisenhow T, on Earth: CHRISTMAS GREETINGS 'R. B. SMALLMAN Blacksmith and' Welder Hila : ' Phone 209, Port Perry.. THE SEBERT HOUSE. WISHES ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR JOHN WEIR, Proprietor Good Will to Men" MY CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO ALL Port "Perry PORT PERRY DRYGOODS STORE Extends BEST WISHES for A MERRY CHRISTMAS, and A HAPPY NEW YEAR We thank You for Your patronage. Note our New Location. . MR, AND MRS. S. LEVINSON WHITE KITCHEN RESTAURANT We extend to our many Customers the wish that they may enjoy A Merry Christmas, and A Happy New Year MR. AND MRS. WALTER COOK PORT PERRY DAIRY. TO OUR CUSTOMERS GREETINGS: With Sincere Appreciation of our ple asant business relations, we wish You A Merry Christmas atid] A Happy New Year Glenn Owen, Proprietor ' CARNEGIE HARDWARE COMPANY WISHES ALL ITS CUSTOMERS A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year from Toronto. It is not in yet, 2 p.m, | If it were not for the radio we would | be as isolated to-day as we were a few|-- JEFFREY & TAYLOR "Extend to the People of Port Perry District the: Wash that All' may Enjoy - A Merry C Christmas and A Peaceful New Year ARGUE'S GROCERY. , WISHES ONE AND ALL 'A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR you all about it in next week's issue. PALMER' S GROCETERIA EXENDS TO YOU The Season's Happiest Gieotings And thanks to our Customers for their continued patronage. Thank You! AND WISH THEM A Merry Christmas, and A Happy New Year 5 PORT PERRY CLARENCE COOK i PORT PERRY DOMINION STORES WISHES ALL ITS CUSTOMERS A Merry Christmas, and A Happy and Prosperous New Year. for the filling of Ditty Bags. For the |. gives the opportunity for wishing you-- A Merry Christmas, and A Happy Nem ror Ww. L. PARRISH, HARDWARE STORE HOOEY' S BARBER SHOP EXTENDS HAPPY SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS PERCY and CECIL HOOBY GEORGE STEPHENS WISHES HIS CUSTOMERS A Yeareful @hristuas, ant A Happy Nem Pour With Best Wishes for a Joyful Christmas and a New Year of Success and Happiness. ~The Venture Restaurant Wishes You All a Mer TED IACRSON _and a Happy New Year 7 "MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE | Extends to the People of this Con HAPPIEST SEASON'S GREET Phone 91 11 wish to thank my Customers for their continued Business, Cos Tel TV Ga EY E. Bottrell, Manager GREETINGS TO OUR CUSTOMERS-- Christmas reminds us of pléasant business relations, ¢ y Lp

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