. * # 5 4 RCA Sa AST ely STL Pt | } : A za : - . Fy FOS EES Ma Ie i ~ JF rm All 6K A 300A Rvs, My y ) N \ ERS 4 ' A LAE ARNE DE RTE TEA CREAMS a Basle Mm int LAA bb bad dah Shes diagie dis har bviodlh + nd delat i tc ie lige fos hn hh fo nt LL nee nd pi he gt hat fat a og ~G- > THE POPULAR HOSTESS | serves Maxwell House... | the superbly flavored coffee-blend with all the stimulating goodness of fine Latin-American cof- fees. When you buy coffee, say "Maxwell House", JUMBO WAR EFEORT pa i : % WL TRA AA VOICE OF THE PRESS a ----, CALL FOR ROSIE That Canadian Federation Of Agriculture Urges A Food Price Policy Be Announced As Soon As Possible J . Support the CANADIAN The Canadian Federation of Ag- riculture representing 350,000 far- mers in virtually all branches of primary food and feed production, presented its ninth annfial brief to the Prime Minister and cabinet on February 23. Federation repre- sentatives from all the provinces were in. the delegation headed 'by the president, H, H., Hannam of Ottawa. Stainless steel stockings are a postwar pessibility, says a steel in- dustry spokesman. Phone the rivet- er -- Mom has a runner! -- Kitchener Record. [SR | 3 LOW-PRICED STOCKS With Excellent Profit-Making Possibilities YOUNG DAVIDSON Mines (Hollinger Controlled) STADACONA 1944 Mines (Ventures Management) rn LOCHLAND --PERSHING MINES WRONG LOCATION (J. P. Norrle Supervision) "Let right prevail, Let party hat- WESLEY T. DAVIDSON reds die. Let there be unity," said & COMPANY Prime Minister Churchill in Ath- 350 BAY Sr TORONTO Er, ens. One might almost imagine he migh '-- ELgln 7662 -- was speaking in Canada, Detalled Information om request -- Windsor Star, RAILWAY TRAVEL Speaking of railroad travel -- the more you go the more you stop the war effort, Compliments of "EXPORT" Cigarettes * * * Formulation and announcement of a national food price policy at the earliest possible date was urged in the belief that the price scale of foods and other agricultural pro- ducts would hold a key position in determining the country's fiscal policy in post-war years, The federation, which is repre- -- Guelph Mercury. Facts Are Answers To Wild Falsehoods We admire the spunk of the POPULAR STAR Even elephants do their bit in the war effort and a big bit it is, as i dil 5: og one of the animals can do the work of five dozen native coolies in loading giant C-46 .Commandos, which fly supplies from India to China over Himalayan "Hump." Above, elephant helps load gasoline drums on one of the giant transports . Grey & Bruce Trust & Savings sented on 17 advisory committees . : ci Company of Owen Sound in some , of the government, and which now swift, hard punching in the North takes a great part in agricultural ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS BABY CHICKS . FOR SALE No prrcotoRloNAL AT Grey by-election fray. oo planning in Canada, also included INCOME TAX REPORTS COM. WRITE FOR OUR NEW 1915 PRICE REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND mn Dg PR Ln UAL LL This modest community institu- it. its requests the abolition of war- plete Bookkeeping Services. Small list on Barred Rock, Redrock, Commercial Grain and Grass "stamped envelope for Information, : 19 ofits $57,000) set bd : laylight-savin time: im or Large Businesses, Travel any- Leghorn and Legrock chicks. Seed. Price List now ready. Write, 8S. Brodie, Vilna, Alta, . tion ( 944 nct profits $57, 5 time daylight-saving ' where. Albert Brett '& Co., Liberal discount on early orders. phone or wire for copy Newfield - all business a good example when mediate inauguration of a general 8 Wellington St. E.. Toronto, Ont. C. 8. Deebank, Moulinette, Ont. Seed and Nursery Farms, Nipawin, RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE AND Saskatchewan. peace. God will establish them soon! Write for free copy. "The Kingdom of God, What fs it?" Christadelphian Gospel Proclame ation, 319 North Linsmore Cres., Toronto 6, it spoke up and demolished some unthruths hurled into the campaign by C.C.F.-er Noseworthy. When that angry and ill-intorm- ed socialist declared that monopoly - prices support program for all -agricultural products; continuation of present subsidies on dairy pro- ducts throughout the summer with increases next fall; also inaugur- R.O.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, BEACHES MODEL HOME Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat- . -- tery"s Poultry Farm, Altona Rd. OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO. R.R. 2, PICKERING, ONT. "You may win this $10,000 model home for .$1.00. Write for your BROODER STOVES -- USE FURL oil or kerosene--no wicks, J. 8. Reading, 650 Dougall Ave. Wind- sor, Ont, . PI . Lo, " shares today. $1.00 each to THE PROOF OF QUALITY MER- . % i PATENTS tpi lk Ful ns MID! Dalities wikkih wos ies Hone Bustiesy: Mores Aasocta: Soa Feb: ge hd Oaths NE ver an FETHERSTONT AUCH & COMPAN Grey with workers and farmers vent losses to producers of live tion, Toronto 8. YouW receipt will nineteen years Tweddle Govern- in good condition, completa with Patent Solicitors, Establishe tend ] + be mailed promptly. Draw to be ment Approved chicks have been g on, Book! of Informat the victims, the Grey & Bruce stock through congestion of de- made May Pion Proceeds for war the PA of old customers year 60 Sections of Screens. R. Cramm, oltlet WAtion on. ro Trust bought space in the Owen Sound Sun-Times and declared that this was casting a reflection on the citizens of Grey county. "In view of the fact that a large proportion of our customers are farmers and workers we believe the Greer Garson, British-born film liveries at main livestock market- ing centres. * * * The federation said it was de- sirious' of seeing the widest pos- sible application of the National Housing Act to rural areas. It also Charities, BABY CHICKS = 81.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW, and - not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed. test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better, Barred Rocks mixed ¢ $12.00 per 100, White Leghorns after year, It will pay to start your chicks early, You ,will not only make extra money with early chicks but you will save money if you take them in March, Send for March pricelist today, - We are. mailing our 1946 catal: ogues now, if you havén't re- ceived your copy drop us a line, we will gladly send you one, Ask Pinkerton, Ont, LUMBERMEN -- LOG SCALES, handy calculator, 25 cents post- patd. The Outlook, Middleton, Nova Scotia. . REGISTERED NO. 1 KING GOLD SEAL. HYBRID SEED CORN 85 TO 120 DAY MATURITIES, VAR- quest. - PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films pronsIly [developed and printe 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 360 REPRINTS 8 tor 28 : v A! p ila] . 280 public should %&now the fact. star, who is up for an Academy suggested that the new Improve- Rxey She 08%, a FE J0e Epseil, PLoS (on, Navy JeeS erdane i Wu y ZEST ENA RGING SERVICE These it set forth, Award for the fifth time, has been ment Loans Act be extended to white Leghorn Puilets $22.00 per radio programme over CKNX Dats, "Write for Siize Jat, id Jou aa LoL Sot 8 1ihe flim you i In 1944, Grey county citizens given a gold medal as "the most include buildings for co-operative 100, tote Dosks reyes paifa0 Wingham every Monday morning Cont otal od To, Pain. 1 he quality) and wares wu ESL bought over $0 millions in Victory popular star in the United States, associations. Extension of bene- pe at 9:30 and every. Wednesday : by sending your films to" $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 1009 live delivery, balance paid C.0.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE T evening at 9 p.m, Tweddle Chicic The medal was presented by Dr. Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, George Gallup, who conducted a nationwide poll for a movie maga- zine to determine America's screen favorites. Miss Garson was nomine. ated for an Academy "Oscar" for her starring role in "Mrs. Parke ington." Specialized Staff TWELVE EXHIBITION DAHL $2.0 delivered. American an European varieties. List ready. Harley "McCombs, Fonthill, Ont, IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE ~ bonds; a total of $26 millions in Station J, Toronto 1042-3-4, Deposits with this trust company in 1932 wear $1.1 million: in 1938, $2.6 million; in 1044, $5.1 million, an increase of 369 per cent. "We are proud i J standard of living in Grey county and the ex- cellent financial condition of the county itself," declared the Grey fits of the Prairie Farm Rehabili- tation Act to other provinces was urged. NEED WE REMIND YOU MARCH is here? What that means to the poultrykeeper -- you know. All PLAN ont 8 Pay be good Biohibs of BOOK YOUR 1945. CHICKS NOW You want to catch the best and get your chicks when you ariel Motiths, order chicks now. Marie, Ont want. them. Orders are pouring ost breeds and crosses. Bray from Satin Patches, colors Pink, » < In. Breeder Hatcheries are always Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton White, Blue. Wool Remnants ro TRY CANADA'S LARGEST sold out early, Don't take chances Ontario. suitable for Boys' knee pants, La- PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO * : : PHOTOGRAPHY » FILM DEVELOPED, 8 PRINT QUILTING PATCHES one 6 x 7" enlargement, 8c, Ror COTTONS OR SILKS BY POUND, fints, including 116, 3¢ each, Make fancy silk petal Cushions Pa Photo Service, Sault Ste Churchill Street Stadium Street has been renamed Churchill Street, in Athens. It Is the city's busiest thoroughfare. - on ordinary chicks. Pla your - dies' handbags, children's skirts ~ order NOW, Pure Bred Susse ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW etc. Also unbleached cotton. Pub- Lafge Type Leghorns, Sussex AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED lex Sales, 377 Parllament Street &---Bruce. . "As usual the facts are the best Ready To Handle New Hamps, Sussex X Leghorns, Rock X Leghorns, Rock X New your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock . Toronto. Get better pictures at lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film . . 3 . ns, | 3; lls. You can't take "snaps" over re . TISM Hampo,, Barred -Rocks. Send far mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg- ps answer to the wild and bitter false- Repatriation Job RUFVA $ , large {llustrated Catalogue and horns, mixed 311,00 ber -100, Bar. MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE cea hoods of the socialist revolution ) el Are Nhoney Shea by sy Drive Lash, Lalieviey Bg red ok Pullete 319.64 Poo 100, PEA A a A PROMI mL shRvicE ods [ alist re - i oa in : v "arm, eln ros., xeter, n 'white leghorn pullets $22.00 per = ny Size Roll -- 6 or 8 Exposures aries. Grey & Bruce Trust & Sav- The first of 2,000 specialized one dollar for formula and full In 100. Heavy Breed ARETE 4 1000 HORSES 1000 DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25 structions to: ALEX WILKIE, 766 Exhibition Barns, Reginh, Sask, Dufferin St., Toronto, Canada. April 11, 12, 13, 1945 All farm raised, well broken and in fine condition. Some fine saddle 'horses and drivers, plan now to MONKTON POULTRY FARM 100, Leghorn Ckls. $2.00, per 100. CHICKS OR SUCCESS--When All chicks hatched from 26 oz. buying chicks for success you eggs or better and from special must buy chicks with breeding, mated flocks, Guaranteed 100% livability, and with workers -- their number may rise to 10,000 -- are being concentrated on Germany's borders ready to ings is to be congratulated on its forthrightness in doing its part to spike those falsehoods. A customer in Cape Breton says, * have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years. Would not send them anywhere else." or - roper care live delivery. $1.00 books your ( i = = handle the greatest repatriation You Will Enjoy Staying At you will be: certain of production order, balance C.0.D. - Ralnbow Fp CRABB; Sgle M ; SPRCIAL ALsun oveEs _ spanish woollen mills are work- problem in. history, UNRRA of- The ST. REGIS HOTEL for profit, X ton Poultry Porm Hatchery. Chatham, Ontario. ReginG a Box 2 8120s. 16-20-157 Af "paar D adil ing on a German order for $1.- ficials have disclosed. Sgiks : TORONTO DYEING AND CLEANING Uglaxtray iy sent with film roll. The problem is that of return- _ATTENTION FARMERS PRICES ON $ 000,000 worth of blankets, : : a MEE LTRY | HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS : FRAMING AND CO - -- n ing home some 12,000,000 Euro-- ° iL th 6 y SAW ~ FARMS, Monkton, Ontario. "|. dyeing or cleaning? Write to us we CARRY > CRMPLBIE Palit IN 4 x SOLORING : bid pean nationals taken into Germa- @ Single, $2.50 up-- : : for Information. We are glad to A Madu Shaler po tang, ier easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed » oo ny 3 Double, $3.50 up, BRASSARDY ODI ITED La ag Jusstions Doparts Pols. See 28: oer on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", fn . chicks, 6 speclalize n one men . arker's ye orks . ' ' ' 3 Relieve Neuritis.., So great is the task, one UN- ° iy Neeru ni 34 Dias Jros Hollywood, Stan White Limited, 791 Yonge "Street, To- fren Flee, Shafting, Xan gers, Brag Hhons Salone ian TWalnui or eo . . . : ghorns, arge rds an cha ronto, r . ' ' N I i Pai RRA official said, that one train Sherbourne at Carlton white eggs. Pullets $20.00 per 100. Tanks etc. We can 'save you | If enlargement colored, 79c each. ! euraigia rain every hour would be needed to Mixed $10.00 per 100, $1.00 books 3 Patmer uel Bierstock & Bons, | STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Tel. RA. 4135 order. Srassard's Hatchery, Aulta- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 255 Palmer Ave., Kitchener, Ont. ville, Ont. -- Sea BMALL COUNTRY STORE, PRE- FARMS FOR SALE " BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX COX + ferably with Post Office or Gas $8500 BRIMLEY RD. SCARBOR- THOUSANDS AVAILABLE di Station but not essential. Full ough Township, 6 miles from To- PIANOS 5 a 2.5 55 eo a Ope. os particulars first letter. Box 10, ronto, 24 acres, good garden land, IS YOUR PIANO PROBLEM SOLYV- wh Ey Thigh dy Whits 73 Adelalde St. W., Toronto, Ont. modern stable, frame house with ed? If not, write us. Factory, skinned, long rounded. Broasts Bix large rooms, hardwood floors, Mason & ~ Risch, 642 King St. Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name ang Jad7ess Plainly on rders. ! move all the displaced persons within 18 months. That is impos- sible, and it may require two to three years to complete the re- patriation, Assembly areas will be estab- . . : West, Toronto. . c Also New Hamp, cox with fast HAIRDRESSING running water. [n house and | _ West, x lished at certain points in occu- growth and feathering, Sussex X Soon, heavy. aie ng | Do Dally er -- pied Germany, and displaced per- make. Kool ronsters ana" swam | LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE TORONTO CITY REALTY, 2330 | THORUGHLY RECLEANED GOV- sons will be brought to them for i} fast up to 4-5,1bs. You can buy on request regarding classes. Danforth ave. Toronts, ont Snr and aded clover seeds, Tim. these for $4.00 per 100. Also. mix- ed heavy cox $6.00 per 100, All : from our ell-bred, healthy . blood tested breeders, 5000 Breed- ers on ONE plant. Lakeview othy and Cossack alfalfa, Write for prices. J. "E, Muir, Ceylon, Ontario. BAXTER'S SEEDS, BETTER QUAL identification and questioning, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- ES, 2 0} emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. 200 ARES, 2% MILES EASY OF Dundalk, on county 'road, 18% acres under cultivation, over 50 acres ready for crop, good bulld- St. Lawrence Shipping Poultry Farm, Weln Bros., Exeter, FOR SALE ings, cement stabling, water in ity and value. Send for Catalogue _. Ontario. ' : barn, good house with 'furnace, "We sell everything that grows." More than 9,000,000 tons of ship- A TT IAS TR PUP PIE S farm well fenced, possession any wv 3359 Yonge Street, Toronto. time, WILBERT GREEN, DUN- DALK, .» or Geo. Duncan, Auctioneer, Dundalk, 190 ACRES MORE OR LESS WITH or without stock and farm {m- plements, dwelling house, ete. Township of Longueuil Prescott County--1 mile from Town, School, Church, electricity, running water, - Apply John B. Woods, Solicitor, 3 Hawkesbury, Ont. os MEDICAL : S8TUMACH AND THREAD wWOLMS ping annually move to the upper St. Lawrence River between the Great Lakes and Montreal, horn day-old chicks from a breed- er hatchery. Stock blood tested and banded by O. B. 8. WIlf A. Glazier, Clinton, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY ORUER CF 100 PUL- let chicks, we give 100 f:ee chicks « (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per. 100, barred Rock pul- lets $1995 ner 100 White Rock Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock, $1.00 books your order, PEEL SEEDS : ALFALFA, ALSIKE, RED CLOVE Sweet Clover, Mixed seeds, Tim- othy and grasses. Wholesale and retail, Write for prices. Peel Seed Growers ' Co-Operative Limited, Box 1100, Brampton, Ont, GIANT MARIGOLDS! VARIETIES - OF OUSTANDING MERIT Marigold Mammoth Mum, 1944 ALL AMERICA WIN- NER, large incurved yellow flow- ers that rival the popular CHRY§8- INTBRRATIONAL CHAMPION " PEDIGREED * REGISTERED WESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST REGISTERED COCKER KENNELS CEE HAZE KENNELS (REGISTERED) 209 Praedo Place, Riverside ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; beits, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- W727, EAT-SLEEP - LOOK and HARNESS & COLLARS ZFEEL BETTER/ Farmers Attention -- Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through Aspirin Eases Pain Almost Immediately Why Aspirin works so fast Instantly! Yes, the VITAMIN B-COMPLEX integrate. And that same quick action takes place in your stomach. Thus, You get relief almost instantly, Aspirin has proved itself through generations to be quick, effective, above all, dependable. That's why Canadians have come to rely on this - We manufacture in our fae tories -- Harness, Horse Col. lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. kets, and - Leather Travellin Goods. Insist on Staco Bran Trade Marked Goods, and you ret satisfaction. Made only by: STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold threaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathing Jasagee come clear. Relief is instant. 0s OUR FOUNDATION 25 FREE CHICKS STUCK 18 registered and pedigreed - birds. Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar. * red Rocks, $1200 rer hundred; White $11.00: White Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leg horne, $13. prices: 3arred spaniel puppies, red and black. Choice champion registered stock, 763 Giles East, Windsor, Ont. AT STUD: SPRINGER SPANIEL, imported England, Beagle hound, Field Trial Winner. Registered, Trent Valley Kennels. R. 3, Peter- boro, Ontario. : ticulars--Free! Write Muiveney's Remedies, Specialists Toronto 8 GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- "tls should try Dixon's Remedy. "Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. moment you drop an your local Staco Leather Liquid & Tablet Form Jaianes £.0.D. [Guaranteed 1009 phys Ltd. 2326 Dufferin St, To- often are the cause of (ll-health AEN M, Marling, patned aft. Pa . ve elivery, en atchery . n humans, all ages. No one {m- r Madame aing Kal-Shek, [n- Aspirin Tablet in a glass jorde dealer, The Rods are Chatham, Ontario. ! . -- - mune! Why not find' out {t this curved petals of rich golden prim- of water it begins to dis. ght, and so are our prices. -- DURNFORD KENNELS, COCKER fs your trouble? [nterest:ng par- rose colour; MISSION GIANT GOLDSMITH, rich golden orange blooms 4 to '5 inches across. One package of each, three .in all (regular 60c) for 26c. Dept. w., ih Hick & Son Ltd, Lindsay, nt. ? WANTED - LINOTYPE WANTED, NO. § OR 8 8.00. "Pullet . BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- Model, give full particulars to A famous analgesic for relief from pain SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD, ai OLIN. ease Lead; op Poekas Hie i GE Se eas Sirars Sllensive odor (nstantly, Bien Pubiishing Co.. 73 Ade- ; i ischarge, , . .00; © 00; , : y y . Ottaw alde St. Ww. : duc to headache, neuralgia or neuritis, WRITE 'FOR CATALOGUE venient, Pleasant, Adults and Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free set, priced right. Apply A. K, Brin ee! a Agen, San Drones oF So protect yourself from needless ni s T children. 50c--all druggists, chicks, our choice, wlll be given Nokes, Manilla, Ont, - SMALL BUSINESS WANTED, WITH Xo : z mise st get box of genuin 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto for each 200 mixed chicks'order- : ' fi IT'S IMPORTANT -- EVERY SUF- living accommodation, anywhere ry. Just get a g ] ) ' ONTAR > 8 Asian ot ¥ ist's tod w ed and 25 free chicks for each BTA Io GROWN 2 PURITY 1 ferer of Rheumatic Pains or in Ontario, about $800. Box 12, iss pirin at your druggist's today and "~ oe J, ois pullers FpTder th. 13pot Y Se rmination Px. _Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. i follow simple directions, CLIFTON, BRISTOL, ENGLAND oddar hie atchery, ' : ga free. edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- - : -- mew 1 RHEUMATIC ' . tannin Heights Ontarlo. Sold In unbroken 120 Ib. bags gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00 BALD HEAD TUMBLERS, STATH NEW REDUCED PRICES . a \ v Sit y -- goly, Lash with order. Roy Cramm, Et i price, color, sex. Shamrock Lofts, Pocks! Box of 12.4 esess ss now 10a . A-1 BABY CHICKS FROM RBLOOD- ced Merchant, Pinkerton. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 9 Wiley Ave. Toronto 6. Tested flocks, Barred Rocks, large type White TDieghbrns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Sussex X New Hampshire, Red X Rocks. Write for price list to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont. Economy Bottle of 24.4 44e4 wnow 29 Family size of 100.444 44e0sinow 79 EPASPIRIN "SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Offer! Any drug store will return your money, If one bottle of Ru-Ma does ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGUS BULLS of service- able age. Bred Heifers for Herd foundation, D:- E. McEwen, R.R. 4, London, FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, ALL KINDS OF POULTRY WANT- sells, exchanges musical instru- ¢d, live or dressed. Write M, P. ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. Mallon. 33 Jarvis, Toronto, OPPORTUNITIES - FOR WOMEN Feieisy HELP WANTED $60. PER MONTH FOR GENERAL OINTMENT \ not give you relief from 'rheumatic BABY CHICKS AND POULTS, Ontario . ) Domesti pi Bt, yd Bn rt Te trea Rie Nie ERLE el EN a a fe The Bayer eross on each tablet Is painful Joints, No matte R a BEERS 0 2 Cy. rom Government dapproved an STRAWBERRY PLANTS, 'ASPAR- 0 Lath Ing give full particulars. Waters vou have suffered, you must get re «® Burns. Sores, Gufs. Fi bloodtested stock, all egga set agus, raspberries, peach trees, Great Opportunity, Learn ford Hospi 3 ¥ your guarantees that It's Aspirin lief or "no pay." Try Ru-Ma and FR 9 from our own 'stoék. Also White ry Dore. Plurhg hurries, Hair aresing ford, ont tal, Haw 40g: Water + ; \ - : be eonyiioed; Accept this generous -- - on Hoang, Rd road Breasted ' grapes, RuIrants, shrubs, hedging, Pleasant dignified profession, good Nou oo offer now, ronze Turkey Poults, end for shade trees, wire tree guards. : . NG WOMAN FOR GENERA > ° price Jit oad Wright Farm, Norfolk Nursery, Simcoe, Ontario, Rath unas dugeess ul. Marve) housework, good wages, Hib - ; \ : rockville, Ont, - tem. Illustrated atalogue free. sent out, evenings, two half-days N Do you suffer ; ORDER YOUR PACKAGE BEES, OR Write or call € J off. Small adult family, Doctors {7 : 3 THIS WILL, BE ANOTHER BIG nuclel, now for May delivery, Ros MARVEL HAIRDRESSING residence. References, Apply Ad- : | m MONTHLY han Sontiaorea oe ia tan Rosevl Aber os, Haw fiors: SCHOOLS vertiser, 264 Sherbourne St. To- " ' ' : as contracted or 6 sam oseview, .Apiaries, awkestone, 2 4 ronto, ! MAINBREAK GOLD MINES| | {up Fp ain EI | Sn ra fd L . at home ere's no reason to ex- ranches: + King a amlilton, -CHORE MAN A ! J LIMITED NERVOUS TENSION pect a drop in consumption of NEW POULTRY PICKING MA- & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, ong able Yo "ROUND mi RY i 3 either eggs or poultry Meat, so chine, electric motor, 60 cycles, - good homge, single man; separate . » "ye L] Located on the main break northeast with 1 we, Hrd folie? ofedr ior! RAREST YAR WE [Hicks chickens turkeys, 'complete, | es ane Dn, aed: Donald" Ari: Kerr-Addi Chesterville Mi If functional periodic disturbances make Light Breed cockerels 1.00 per Que, ! ' strong, Brampton, Route 6. of Kerr ison and Chesterville Mines. net ' reed cockere p e " - ] ) YS ns eel nervous, tired, restless --at such hundred, heavy breed cockerels 4 ABC SHORTHAND. PURCHASE COOK GENERAL, SMALL FAMILY Map showing location and mes --try Lydia E.' Pinkham's Vege- 3.75 per hundred, hon-sexed heavy 2 BEAGLE FOX HOUND PUPS, the books and train yourself in 'pleasant surroundings, good information, upon reqfrest table fompotind to relieve such symp- breeds 11.45, light and medium § months old, 18" high, good 18, Meeks, Fee folder JHustrates wages. References required, Mra, toms. Pinkham's Compound is one of the breeds 10.45, Send fqr catalogue, strain, $15.00 each. 8. Young, Toronray system. Cassan Systems, Stanley Thomson, 406 Russell Hill M b k G 1d Mi Li i Po aT ckiye medicines for this pu 7 Top Hoteh Chickerles, Guelph, Duke St, Bowmanville, Ont, oronto, a Road, Toronto. : ollow la i t K v ntario, 2 v ain rea 0 mes Limi ed ; rections, Buy a AE BAY MARE "ANNE HANOVER" 10 OFFER TO INVENTORS $05.00 REG. NURSE, GENERAL (No Personnl Liability) lydia &. Pinkham ne BLOOD TESTED HYBRID. COCK- . yenrs. Sire Koenigs, Mark 2nd. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR duty, live In, Room "and Board, : TORONTO : P erels, Rock-Hampcrgss, "8c each Flat & Jump racer, Sound c¢ondl- List of Inventions and full Infor. duties to commence at once. When during March. 10 live dellvery tion $250, Wm, H, Chamandy, 958 mation sent free. The Ramsay applyin ive full particul guaranteed, Phone (502 Stormont Carlaw Ave. Toronto, GiLadstone Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 4 he *alars ang "|| 330 Bay Street, Suite 209 ADH Ther : ; : experience, Waterford = M Sieh el. 7063 ISSUE 10-1045 Poultry "Farm, Finch, Ont, 8585, .|© 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. Hospital, Box 102, Waterford, on : a : j : 6 : ATi !