AS SRY a is % iN} 4 15 ris ARS Ken HAL CF 2 Sa FA SA CES SY "4% . SL aRs I Ca os a WY aa eh 5 i . pa | 5 $4 i : PA SLT % es ab A Xl UA NA PRCIE Nor Led LT ¥ 2540 ET ' . of" \ PRRALY i Poly : ded iia Eile tl eS R RR Ne es ER 1 a I east: Se St Sea eat fy . EC kt : a JE a es : BY ol iv, ', NN PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1945 Rf Ee er ------ ® MORE MILK -- LOWER COSTS THE SHUR-GAIN WAY , Is your herd of Dairy Cattle producing as well as it should? A dairy ~cow will produce more milk if her food is properly balanced, and contains the correct amount of proteins, minerals, and vitamins. SHUR-GAIN 82% Dairy Concentrate contains the right amounts of proteins, minerals. and vitamins needed by heavily producing cows. Farm grains and roughage alone do not contain enough of these important mater- : ials, nor do they contain them in correct proportions to be efficiently used ' by the milking cow. For more milk, and at reduced feeding costs, mix SHUR-GAIN 82% Dairy Concentrate with your farm grains. ' You'll get more milk--you'll get it at lower production costs, and « you'll keep your cows in the best of health at the same time, for SHUR- GAIN Dairy Concentrate is extra fortified with health producing vitamin and mineral ingredients intended to help hard working cows maintain their condition under the strain of full production. : : Salida SHUR-GAIN 329% Dairy Concentrate | PRICE--$2.75 PER BAG = - PR ------ ar f--Y -- ~---- _---- I a 0 | 0 (0 | Y0) U : SOLD BY | HOGG & LYTLE ~~ H.H. GOODE~ \ PORT PERRY, GRAIN ELEVATOR HA k | | Telephone No. 1 . MYRTLE STATION, ONT. 3 | . « . : 5 Phone 120 r 5, Port Perry 5 = ie hg I EE 20k x @® You have reason for just pride if you have done all you could do, on "the home front, to support the gallant effort of our men in active service. 'The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for sale $1,350,000,000 Sigel Eighth | ge VICTORY LOAN Dated and bearing interest from 1st May 1945, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the purchaser, as follows: 4 years and 6 months i . Ye 1%% BONDS ee 8 | - If you have denied yourself pleasures and comforts to buy Victory Bonds . . . you, too, have played a part in helping your country's war effort. You have worked and saved and lent your savings to your country. With- out this help from you . : ; and from millions of her citizens, your country could not have maintained the promi- nent place she now occupies among the freedom-loving nations. 18 years and 5 months - . 3% BONDS DUE 1st OCTOBER 1963 DUE 1st NOVEMBER 1949 Canada has.the use of your savings to Callable in or after 1959 Non-callable to maturity : help to win victory. (You will have Interest payable 1st April and October o Interest payable 1st May and November : 5 Denominations Denominations : ; Ww this money to use for: your own $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $100,000 needs later.) $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $100,000 ISSUE PRICE: 100% ISSUE"PRICE: 100% ft Perhaps you wish you could have hp done more. Well, you will be asked to do more. Men who have come back will tell you that there is lots to do yet. Canadians are on active sli 4 service, on the fighting fronts: More : money is needed to support their ri ill effort. * The proceeds of this loan will be used by the Government to f 1 a 6 ce expenditures for war purposes, The lists will open on 23rd April, 1945, and will clode'on or about 12th May, 1945, ~ \ 0 Applications for these bonds may be made through any Victory Loan Salesman, any . Branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, any authorized Savings Bank, Trust or Loan Company, from whom copies of the official prospectus and You are asked to keep on working . application form may be obtained.' : and saving and you will be asked to ; put more savings into Victory Bonds. They are the best investment any Canadian can make; an investment that every Canadian should make. Department of Finance 3 April 1945 also will be Mr. and Mrs. Rose, who have_moved to their new home at Seagrave. ; Mr. C. Brown who had made his home with Mr. and Mrs. R., Jackson for several years, has moved to one of Mr. R. Prentice's cottages at Lake- shore. Mr, and Mrs. Angus Wilkinson, and Mrs. R. Graham, were Sunday guests of the latter's brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reader. . Mr, David Hops is helping Mr, H. Hilts, on Seven Mile Island, Miss Joy Hood and Miss Grace De- mara were at their homes over the week-end. Miss Margaret Bratley spent the . week-end at Mr. Roy Hope's, in Reach. - : Miss Phyllis Tetlow was a Sunday X guest of Miss Kay Prentice. x MYRTLE STATION Mr. Walter Bratley, of Bowmanville, (continued from front page) ONE SHOWING ONLY fi ~ At the TOWN HALL, Port Perry, | "CRAZY KNIGHTS, and | | SONG of the RANGE" 'Starring JIMMY WAKELEY Get neady to buy VICTORY BONDS 8thVictory Loan Opens April 23rd NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE 8.28 ~~ Doors Open 8.00 p.m. The ceremon Rev. E. A. Slack. 'was performed by ; Mr. K. J. Bowden to see as many or more out next Sun- day. ANS So RE NR DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON Uxbridge and Port Perry Phone 127, Uxbridge Reverse charges on all phone calls. wis at the organ, : Given in marriage by her brother, [.0..E. Vollick, the bridé wore lime green suit, matching head -veil held in place with white flowers, her bou- quet was sweetheart-red roses. Miss Audrey Vollick, her sister's attendant she will soon be improved in health and able to be around again, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leask and son, of Uxbridge, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Leask, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Briggs were visitors in Toronto on Sunday. spent the week-end with his brother, George. é You are invited to attend the Red ; vd Auer ® fe Mr. Grigg, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Grigg, Cross 'meeting on Wednesday after- noon, April 25th. Pay ati Jr., and Miss Dorothy Fines, Oshawa, The W.A. meeting was held on April | Foss Tuncay visitors of Mr. and Mrs. 10th, in the Tawnship Hall, The meet-' ™ 5.1% ing: was opened by Mrs, C. L. Fralick' Pte. Grace Bowman. CWA, of SATURDAY, APRIL 21st Admission 40c. Children 25c. - 3K to me. was attired in a cocoa brown suit and ] with the singing of a hymn and prayer Oakville, Pte. Jean acDonald, of 1 Pe ; > Mr, Frank Downey, agent for the y VOX Kitchener, w week-end guests of : i 3 en motehing hus Ja hola I hee ly 2 Canada Life Insurance Co, moved to by Bey. 8, B, Con + Mss, Fred Croafer fe ter, I Diy 3! : i . ih No. 1 Potatoes, also 100, 1 year old on Bo Mh Hors i Oshawa, of Tuesday, Where he will was sung by Gloria Fralick 230 Dor - : --_ G : | B ild ' S lie a Leghorn Hens, Apply to F. W.| Mr. Harold Tilley of Toronto was|MAKe his headquarters. 0 © | Samells, with Mrs. Geo. Samells at enera undaers ouppiies ih Bradley, Phone 75R Port Perry, apr19 | best man.. . al | the piano. Miss Marjorie Milner read : : 1 7 At the reception held at Southgate ot EAR LR a number of eurrent events which fis . : : : : i Ii USES AND FARMS FOR SALE | Lodge, the bride's mother received 4 Rie were very interesting. e program ; ; ; f "SQ a A any uick posses- | wearing a printed silk jersey dress, Saturday evening when she slipped committee for next meeting are Mrs,! Sunday School and Church service Planing Mill, Wood and Asphalt ii. i oy hig down -- Ae yellow and brown predominating, her wd fall on 3 Jughly Ryjisiied Hoos a | Elmer Lee and Mrs, Cecil Fralick, The were conducted as usual at, Burn's . esd nd 5 7h terms. Also other houses, quick pos- | corsage was Talisman roses. The Mev. Hiovold Copbine Mr and: Peal meeting was closed with the singing Ohuteh, = funda ) April 15th, he Shingles, Hardwood Flooring, we session, and several small and large | gropm's mother wore a two piece) nob ooo 1 Mr, and Mrs, A. E.| of 8 hymn and the benediction by Rev, minister, Rev. J. A. Mac lan, c se y § Jr farms, quick possession. Home even- | printed suit of grey and maroon, cor-| pi noite' all of Oshawa, were Sunday Mr, Cook. Mrs, Don Crozier and Miss for his text, Exodus 20, "And God ings. pply LINES REAL ESTATE, 286 St. Juliens, Oshawa. apr26 MATTHEWS-VOLLICK Spring flowers in pastel shades decorated St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hamilton, Saturday, March 17th, when Marjorie Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell C, Vollick, of Ham- ilton, became the bride of Flying Of. ficer Harvey (Bud) Matthews, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Matthews, of To- ronto. sage of mixed sweet peas, ? Out-of-town guests included--Mr. and Mrs, E, H. Matthews, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tilley, Toronto; 1,0. and Mrs, E. Vollick, Trenton; and Miss Betty E. Matthews, stewardess with T. C. A., Winnipeg, who flew down for the wedding. : 'For the wedding trip the bride changed to a powder blue dress, with sweetheart neckline, dark mugkrat coat and black accessories, The couple left for a short honey- moon in Buffalo and Rochester, callers at the Harry Stacey home, Miss Rose Brent, of Toronto, is holidaying this week with her sister, Mrs. Norman Hughson. Mr. Gordon Hodgson, of Toronto, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Hughson, pe eet CUGCOG The Communion Services were well attended on Sunday and the message for all was well received. We hope Marjorie Milner were asked to be spake all these words saying", and salesladies of the Palmolive products, brought to our attention the true which again sold very readily, making meaning of The Ten Commandments, $6.00. A hot supper was served at 2, Miss Mary Hopkins is visiting for a lang tables by Group 4--Mrs, Gordon | few days with relatives in Toronto. Cherrie, Mrs. Carl Graham, Mrs, Nor-{ Mr. and Mrs." Donald Purdy and man Crozier, Mrs. Cecil Fralick and|Mrs, L. Graham spent the week-end Mrs. Elmer Lee, Proceeds ig with Miss A. Dowson. Mrs. Robert Jackson will be missed| Mrs. Howard Stiver visited at the from this community, for she always | home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. was a willing worker at the W.A. Walter Kerr last week. . Mr. and Mrs, Norman Kerry, who| Young People met at the home of have moved to Port Perry, will also be | Miss Catharine Fisher on Wednesday " Sash and Doors, Coal, Ice. WE ESTIMATES GIVEN i. v LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., "Phone 240w ped LIMITED a missed in the Head Community, as evening last, Se .